
    11/28/23: Bibi Rejects Two State Solution, Man Arrested For Shooting Palestinians, WH Blames Social Media For Economic Worry, Home Sales Drop, AI Breakthrough And Altman Ouster, Ireland Censorship After Riots, AIPAC Bribes Tlaib Challengers, RNC Funding Plummets, And Santos Spills On Colleagues

    enNovember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal Growth and SavingsPurdue Global offers education opportunities for advancement, Kroger brand products save money, good sleep with Leesa's natural hybrid mattress boosts well-being, Netanyahu faces calls for resignation, Rashida Tlaib potential challengers, OpenAI and APAC make industry strides, holiday discounts support independent news coverage

      Individuals have the opportunity for personal growth and advancement through education with Purdue Global, while also saving money with Kroger brand products. Additionally, prioritizing good sleep with the natural hybrid mattress from Leesa can lead to improved overall well-being. In the news sphere, there is intense competition and pressure, with notable figures like Netanyahu facing calls for resignation and Rashida Tlaib facing potential challengers. Meanwhile, companies like OpenAI and APAC are making significant moves in their respective industries. Lastly, the holiday season brings discounts on merchandise and memberships, allowing supporters to contribute to independent news coverage and expansion efforts.

    • Netanyahu admits to blocking Palestinian state, defying US policyIsraeli PM Netanyahu contradicts US two-state solution by preventing Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, despite US pressure and opposition to US interests.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted to his fellow Likud party members that he is preventing a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, and is the only one who can withstand US pressure. This goes against Biden's long-standing commitment to a two-state solution and shows Netanyahu's opposition to US policy and interests. Despite this, Netanyahu continues to receive full support from the US, creating a tense situation. The fundamental goal of US policy, as well as many pro-Israel groups, is a two-state solution. However, Netanyahu's actions directly oppose this goal, leading to security concerns for both Israelis and Palestinians. This situation highlights the growing divergence between Israeli and US interests and raises questions about the long-term implications for the region.

    • Israeli and Palestinian actions obstruct peace effortsIsraeli expansion of settlements and Palestinian violence prevent progress towards Palestinian statehood, complicating the geopolitical situation

      Both Israeli and Palestinian sides have been obstructing peace efforts through their actions. The Israeli side, led by Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition, has continued to expand settlements in the West Bank, making a Palestinian state increasingly impossible. The Palestinian side, represented by groups like Hamas, has resorted to violence to derail the peace process and inflame tensions. These small factions on both sides have wielded significant power to prevent progress towards Palestinian statehood. The geopolitical reality of the situation is complex, with Israel being a Jewish state, a sovereign state, an economic miracle, and a security nightmare. The Abraham Accords and normalization of relations between Israel and Gulf Arab States posed an existential threat to Palestinian statehood, leading Hamas to carry out attacks that made normalization politically impossible. Ultimately, both sides must reconsider their approaches to the conflict if they hope to achieve peace.

    • The Israel-Palestine conflict's resolution goes beyond military forceInternational community's response, nonviolent resistance, and domestic politics shape the Israel-Palestine conflict, with ongoing violence and governance challenges post-war

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine cannot be resolved through military force alone, and the international community's response has a significant impact on the situation. The attempt to lock people in Gaza, described as an open-air prison or even a concentration camp, has led to attempts at nonviolent resistance, which have been met with violence. The recent ceasefire extension is due to domestic political pressure and the efforts of families of hostages, not US intervention. The US has provided unconditional support, lifting restrictions on weapons stockpiles, leading to civilian casualties. The Israeli military plans to expand its bombing campaign, indicating no end in sight. The Palestinian Authority's political legitimacy is at an all-time low, making governance after the war a significant challenge.

    • External forces shaping Palestinian politics, disillusionment with PADespite problematic governance and violent methods, Hamas seen as foremost Palestinian representative due to PA's failure to effectively govern and protect interests, lack of viable alternatives, and growing acceptance of armed resistance.

      The political landscape in Palestine has been shaped significantly by the actions of external forces, particularly the United States and Israel, leading to a lack of legitimate political representation for the Palestinian people. This has resulted in a growing perception among the population that they are either puppets or props of the West, or docile companions of Israel. The failure of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to effectively govern and represent the interests of the people has further fueled disillusionment and frustration. The PA's cooperation with Israeli security and inability to protect Palestinians from settler incursions and violence has only added to this sentiment. In the absence of viable alternatives, many Palestinians have turned to Hamas as the foremost representative of their interests, despite the group's problematic governance and violent methods. The ongoing conflict and lack of negotiated peace have also contributed to the growing acceptance of armed resistance as a viable alternative. Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding a political solution that is acceptable to both the Palestinian people and the international community, and that can effectively address their wants, needs, and desires.

    • Palestinian Leadership Crisis and the Complex Path to PeaceThe Palestinian leadership crisis involves widespread dissatisfaction with Mahmoud Abbas and the PA, potential partnership with Hamas, and rising support for Marwan Barghouti. Achieving peace through a two-state solution remains elusive due to deep divisions and mistrust, and external factors like internal US disagreements add complexity.

      The political situation in the Palestinian territories is complex and fraught with deep divisions and mistrust between different factions. The current leadership, including Mahmoud Abbas and the PA, faces widespread dissatisfaction and calls for resignation. Hamas, despite being a controversial and militant group, is seen as a potential partner in a more legitimate governing coalition if they disarm. Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian leader currently imprisoned in Israel, is another potential leader with widespread support among the Palestinian people. However, reaching a peaceful resolution to the conflict will likely require significant effort, possibly involving the United States and Israel suffering substantial losses before they can entertain the idea of sitting down with their historical adversaries. The current state of tension and distrust makes a two-state solution seem like an impossible dream, but some believe it is the only way to ensure long-term security and peace for both Israelis and Palestinians. The internal dissent within the White House regarding the unconditional support for Israel adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Administration's Gaza strategy criticized by alliesAllies expressed concerns about US strategy for reducing civilian deaths, messaging, and postwar vision during a private meeting. The administration's stance was criticized for being insensitive and outdated, contributing to America's negative global reputation.

      The private meeting between administration officials and international allies regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza revealed concerns about the administration's strategy for reducing civilian deaths, messaging on the conflict, and postwar vision for the region. Participants felt that the administration fell back on familiar talking points and did little to address their concerns. Biden's nostalgic view of his 1973 visit to Israel and his long-time aids' influence are contributing factors to the administration's stance. Even top advisers acknowledge the conflict's negative impact on America's global standing. Biden himself has expressed skepticism about Palestinian death tolls and later met with Muslim American protesters, admitting his insensitivity and promising to do better. Despite continued insistence on unconditional support, even those most supportive acknowledge the disaster it has caused for America's reputation.

    • Securing financial stability, saving on vacations, and choosing effective supplementsGameBridge promotes retirement savings, Undercover Tourist offers discounted theme park tickets, Symbionica provides natural supplements, Vermont shooting suspect's online behavior raises mental health concerns, be aware of conspiracy theories.

      Financial security and flexibility are important for everyone, especially during retirement. GameBridge encourages saving for retirement income to prevent outliving it. Meanwhile, Undercover Tourist offers adult theme park tickets at child prices, making Walt Disney World vacations more affordable. Symbionica provides effective, all-natural supplements free from fillers and toxins. A suspect was arrested in Vermont for shooting three men of Palestinian descent, which is being investigated as a hate crime. The suspect, Jason Eaton, had a history of mental health issues and expressed radical views online. His social media accounts contained anti-vaccine and conspiracy theories. While it's unclear what motivated the shooting, his behavior aligns with symptoms of schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder. In summary, securing financial stability, saving on vacation costs, and choosing effective supplements are important. The shooting in Vermont serves as a reminder to be aware of potential signs of mental health issues and the dangers of conspiracy theories.

    • Attack on college students raises concerns of hate crime and economic strugglesThe economy's impact on individuals' lives is a major concern, with rising prices and potential hate crimes adding to stress. The administration is addressing these issues through countering misinformation and positive messaging.

      The economy and its impact on individuals' lives remains a significant concern for many Americans. During a Thanksgiving weekend, an unprovoked attack on three college students raised questions of a potential hate crime due to their race and religion. Meanwhile, the administration's response to economic issues includes collaborating with social media platforms to counter misinformation. However, the concern over rising prices, such as for groceries and housing, is a real issue for many Americans, as exemplified by a viral TikTok video of a nurse sharing her financial struggles despite having two full-time jobs. The administration's efforts to address these concerns through positive messaging and countering misinformation are crucial in shaping public opinion, especially as the midterm elections approach.

    • The cost of living is putting pressure on Americans despite high unemployment ratesDespite low unemployment rates, many Americans are struggling with the cost of living, relying on credit cards to maintain spending levels due to high expenses in education, housing, and healthcare, and the erosion of safety net programs.

      The cost of living, particularly in regards to education, housing, and healthcare, is putting immense pressure on many Americans, even those with two incomes. This issue was highlighted in a recent viral post about a woman in Pennsylvania feeling overwhelmed by expenses despite living in a state with a shortage of high-paying jobs like nursing. The situation is further exacerbated by inflation and the erosion of social safety net programs implemented during the COVID period. The result is that many people are struggling to make ends meet and are relying heavily on credit cards to maintain their spending levels. This trend, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, raises concerns about the sustainability of American spending habits. Ultimately, the question remains: Are Americans being misled about the economy, or is there a real issue that warrants attention and action?

    • Desperate financial decisions and their long-term consequencesUnderstand the implications of debt and prioritize long-term financial security over short-term gains.

      When individuals approach their financial limits, they may make desperate decisions that can have significant, long-term consequences. This is particularly relevant to student debt, which many people enter into without fully understanding the implications. The current economic climate, with high prices and interest rates, exacerbates this issue, as people may feel pressured to spend beyond their means. The housing market, specifically, presents a significant challenge. Despite the White House's claims that Americans are doing better than ever, many are struggling to make ends meet, and the trauma of the past couple of years has added to the financial stress. The solution, according to the speaker, is to focus on financial flexibility and security, such as the parity flex annuity designed for women's unique retirement needs. It's essential to be aware of the potential consequences of maxing out and to prioritize long-term financial wellbeing over short-term gains.

    • Housing Market Challenges and Their Impact on the American DreamThe housing market's current challenges, including high interest rates and prices, have led to a supply, rent, and housing crunch, causing inflation and making it difficult for many to afford housing, and decreasing belief in the American dream for 64% of voters.

      The current housing market is causing significant challenges for many individuals and families, particularly for those trying to buy a home with high interest rates and prices. This situation has led to a supply crunch, a rent crunch, and a housing crunch, all contributing to inflation and making it difficult for people to afford housing. The situation has resulted in a decrease in the belief that the American dream is attainable, with only 36% of voters in a recent poll stating that they believe it still holds true. This is a significant shift, particularly for younger adults and women, and a transformative change in just a decade. The housing market is a major determinant of people's lives, affecting their ability to get a job, get married, and plan for the future. It's a pressing issue that deserves more attention than it's currently receiving.

    • The American Dream and its limitationsBelief in the American Dream can be detrimental if it leads to self-blame. Systemic failures and external factors also impact individuals' lives and prospects. New narrative needed acknowledging both personal agency and external factors.

      The belief in the American dream, while once a powerful motivator, can now be detrimental if it leads individuals to blame themselves for their struggles instead of recognizing systemic failures. The discussion also touched upon the economic and political impacts of nihilism and the importance of collective action to bring about change. The speakers expressed frustration with political establishments that have failed to address the needs of younger generations, leading to the rise of populist figures like Trump and Bernie Sanders. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the need for a new narrative that acknowledges both personal agency and the role of external factors in shaping people's lives and prospects.

    • The importance of recognizing and addressing worker rights and needsHistorically, societies that failed to address worker rights and needs experienced societal collapse. Today, many struggle with financial insecurity, particularly women. Companies like Gainbridge offer solutions, and the recent turmoil at OpenAI highlights the tension between pushing AI boundaries and considering potential consequences.

      The historical struggle between capitalists and labor unions, as depicted in shows like "The Gilded Age," highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the rights and needs of workers. Societies that failed to do so, like Russia and Germany, experienced societal collapse and revolution. Conversely, those that did, such as the United States under FDR, thrived. Today, we seem to have forgotten this lesson, and the financial insecurity of many, particularly women, is a result. Companies like Gainbridge offer solutions, such as the parity flex annuity, to help address these issues. Additionally, the recent turmoil at OpenAI may be linked to a potential discovery of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which some believe could pose a threat to humanity. The divide within the AI community reflects the tension between those who want to push the boundaries of AI development and those who are more cautious about its potential consequences. The unreported letter from OpenAI staffers to the board of directors warning of this discovery may have played a role in Sam Altman's ouster and subsequent return. However, the details of this alleged breakthrough and its accuracy are still unclear.

    • Corporate Control of AI DevelopmentThe dominance of corporations in AI development raises concerns about potential misallocation of resources and the automation of jobs, rather than creating technology for the greater good.

      The development of AI technology is currently being dominated by corporations like Microsoft, with figures like Sam Altman and effective altruists playing a supporting role. This dynamic raises concerns about the potential misallocation of resources, as corporations prioritize profit over humanitarian applications of AI. The fear is that this corporate control could lead to the automation of jobs and the concentration of wealth, rather than the creation of technology that benefits the most people. The recent replacement of OpenAI's board with figures like Larry Summers and a former Dropbox executive highlights this trend. While some argue that corporations are incentivized to develop profitable applications of AI, critics worry that this focus may come at the expense of less profitable but potentially more impactful uses of the technology.

    • AI's Profitable and Terrifying ImplicationsCorporations profit from AI that eliminates jobs, military profits from lethal autonomous weapons, and fear lies in AI making life-altering decisions without human oversight. Regulation and democratic input are crucial for accountability.

      The development of AI carries both terrifying and profitable implications. Corporations are incentivized to create AI that eliminates jobs, while the military industrial complex profits from lethal autonomous weapons. The fear lies in the potential for AI to make decisions about human life without human oversight or accountability. The speaker expresses skepticism towards AI safety advocates and the government's ability to regulate AI. The speaker's primary concern is the concentration of AI in enterprise technology, which could lead to a future where software rules our lives. However, they find comfort in the fact that AI is not yet advanced enough to replace human journalists or fully master complex tasks like self-driving cars. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential misuse of AI in military applications, particularly in situations where there is a lack of concern for civilian lives. Ultimately, the speaker believes that democratic input is necessary for regulating AI and ensuring accountability.

    • Political determination and human discretion in technology useDespite advancements in technology reducing human decision-making, the ultimate use and targeting still rely on human discretion and political determination. Housing crises and mass immigration can lead to social unrest and anti-immigrant sentiment, making it crucial to consider the full context rather than relying on sensationalized media reports.

      While technology like guided precision bombs may reduce the need for immediate human decision-making, the ultimate use and targeting of such technology still rely on human discretion and political determination. In the case of Ireland, a housing crisis and mass immigration, particularly of Ukrainian refugees, have led to social unrest and anti-immigrant sentiment. The housing crisis, exacerbated by the influx of immigrants, has left many Irish citizens homeless, making it easier for politicians and influencers to scapegoat immigrants for the country's problems. The situation is complex, with various factors contributing to the unrest, and it's essential to consider the full context rather than relying on sensationalized media reports.

    • Political climate in Ireland focuses on hate speech regulationThe Irish government's response to social unrest is to regulate hate speech and misinformation online, but some argue this does not address underlying issues like economic inequality and lack of affordable housing.

      The current political climate in Ireland, and potentially other Western European countries, is characterized by a focus on cracking down on hate speech and misinformation in response to social issues, rather than addressing the root causes of those issues. This was evident in the recent riots in Dublin, which were sparked by misinformation about a refugee situation, and the government's response was to increase regulation on hate speech and incitement to violence online. However, some argue that this approach does not address the underlying issues, such as economic inequality and lack of affordable housing, which contribute to frustration and unrest. The debate raises questions about the balance between freedom of speech and the common good, and the role of legislation in regulating online content. The conversation also touched upon the investigation of Conor McGregor for his tweets regarding the riots, which highlighted the complexity of the issue and the need for nuanced discussions and solutions.

    • Impact of Immigration on Europe and AmericaEurope's larger foreign-born population and generous welfare states create tensions, while America's unique understanding of immigration shapes the nation. However, concerns arise over money's influence in politics and the importance of financial security and flexibility.

      The issue of immigration and its impact on society is a complex one, with significant differences between countries like Europe and America. Europe, with its historical roots, has a larger foreign-born population and more generous welfare states, which can lead to tensions when economic conditions are not favorable. In contrast, America, built on an idea, has a unique understanding of immigration and its role in shaping the nation. However, the discussion also touched upon an alarming development in American politics, with two Democratic senate candidates in Michigan being offered large sums of money to drop out and primary a fellow Democrat, Rashida Tlaib, known for her advocacy for Palestinian causes. This raises concerns about the influence of money in politics and the need for transparency and accountability. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of financial security and flexibility, particularly for women, through products like Cambridge's parity flex annuity.

    • The Influence of Pro-Israel Groups on Democratic PoliticsPro-Israel groups like AIPAC and Democratic Majority for Israel wield significant power in shaping Democratic stances on Israel and Palestine, targeting vocal advocates like Rashida Tlaib for criticism and shaping the party's uniform views.

      The political influence of organizations like AIPAC and the Democratic Majority for Israel extends far beyond lobbying, reaching into the heart of Democratic politics and shaping the party's stance on Israel and Palestine. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American congresswoman, has been a vocal advocate for a ceasefire and the protection of Palestinian civilians, but her outspokenness has made her a target for these groups. Some critics argue that her actions have done more harm than good to the Palestinian cause. However, others see her as a courageous leader. Regardless, the influence of these organizations is so pervasive that they have been able to shape the Democratic caucus and mold uniform views on Israel and Palestine. This is evident in the cases of Rashida Tlaib, John Fetterman, and others. The tactics used by these groups, including potentially illegal spending and coordination with candidates, demonstrate a deep-rooted fear of dissent on the issue.

    • Political Polarization and Challenges to Established OrganizationsPolitical polarization in the US has led to increased scrutiny and challenges to organizations like APAC and RNC, accused of buying democratic primaries and distorting campaign finance laws. Younger politicians like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have fueled this trend, leading to a more transparent political discourse and heightened political environment.

      The intense political polarization in the US has led some politicians to openly challenge established organizations like the Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC), whom they accuse of buying democratic primaries and distorting campaign finance laws. This trend, fueled by the growing influence of younger politicians like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, has resulted in a more transparent political discourse where the masks are off, and people feel more comfortable calling out the manipulative tactics used by these organizations. For instance, Mark Pocan, a Democratic congressman, publicly criticized APAC for being a conservative organization that raises money from rich Republicans and tries to buy democratic primaries. Similarly, Thomas Massie, a libertarian congressman, has been openly opposing foreign aid, including aid to Israel, leading to significant spending against him by these organizations. The increasing aggression from these groups to maintain their influence has led to a heightened political environment, with members who support a ceasefire facing a target on their back. This trend is likely to continue as more politicians feel emboldened to challenge the status quo and call out the manipulative tactics used by these organizations.

    • RNC Faces Financial Struggles and Leadership ConcernsThe RNC is currently experiencing financial struggles, with the least amount of cash on hand since 2015, hindering their ability to support candidates and invest in infrastructure. Leadership concerns, particularly regarding Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel's fundraising abilities, have also led to dissatisfaction among party members.

      The Republican National Committee (RNC) is facing significant financial struggles and accountability issues, which have contributed to recent electoral losses. The RNC currently has the lowest amount of cash on hand since 2015, with less than half of what they had during the 2016 election cycle. This lack of funding and resources has hindered the party's ability to invest in infrastructure and support candidates, particularly in smaller races. Additionally, there are concerns about the RNC's leadership, with some arguing that Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been unable to raise funds effectively and manage relationships with key figures like former President Trump. These issues have led to dissatisfaction among party members, consultants, and donors, and have contributed to the GOP's inability to mount a successful challenge to the Democratic Party.

    • Republican Party's Fundraising Dip: Donors Focus on Candidates Over PartyThe Republican Party's identity being tied to Trump has led donors to focus on individual candidates, causing a drop in grassroots fundraising for the RNC.

      The Republican National Committee (RNC) has been experiencing a significant drop in grassroots fundraising, with many donors focusing their resources directly on supporting specific candidates rather than the party itself. The reason for this shift is largely due to the polarizing figure of Donald Trump, who has effectively become the Republican Party for both pro and anti supporters. The chaos and inability to pass legislation in the House further diminishes confidence in the organization of the Republican Party. However, it's important to note that the focus on Ronna McDaniel as a scapgoat for the party's fundraising woes may be a dodge to avoid dealing with the real central problems, such as addressing uncomfortable issues like abortion or dealing directly with Trump. Ultimately, the Republican Party's identity being tied to Trump has led to a lack of focus on a message beyond "Biden bad," and many donors are looking for leadership and a clearer vision beyond the current state of the party.

    • Political controversies and Symbionica's commitment to natural supplementsTwo congressmen face expulsion and insider trading allegations, while Symbionica offers all-natural, toxin-free supplements with a discount code

      Symbionica offers all-natural supplements made with premium plant-based ingredients, free from seed oils, fillers, and toxins. Santos, a controversial congressman, is facing expulsion and has accused some colleagues of debaucherous behavior. While his credibility is questionable, the allegations, if true, could be significant. Meanwhile, a high-performing congressman with no real track record in trading is facing accusations of insider trading. The outcome of these situations remains uncertain, but they highlight the complexities and controversies within the political landscape. For those seeking great-tasting, effective supplements, Symbionica's commitment to natural ingredients and transparency sets it apart. Remember, use code iheart for 15% off and free shipping on subscription orders at symbionica.com.

    • George Santos' tenure in Congress may be short-lived due to scandals and lack of local supportStay informed and make the most of opportunities, whether it's through quality sleep, affordable vacations, or reliable news sources.

      George Santos, the controversial new congressman, may face imminent removal from office due to mounting scandals and lack of local support. The speaker's comments, along with the ongoing investigations, suggest that Santos' tenure in Congress could be short-lived. Beyond politics, the discussion touched on various topics, including a promotion for a natural hybrid mattress from Leesa and West Elm, discounted adult theme park tickets from Undercover Tourist for Walt Disney World, and a free trial offer for The Economist's trusted news sources. Despite the diverse range of topics, the underlying theme was the importance of staying informed and making the most of opportunities, whether it's through quality sleep, affordable vacations, or reliable news sources.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Can Starmer Get Back to the Future?
    The Labour Party Conference is over – Keir Starmer glittered, but did he shine? We’ve got reaction from Labour MP Stella Creasy, Rock and Roll Politics host Steve Richards and The Trawl podcast’s Marina Purkiss. The panel also discusses the best political orators from the past and present. And in the extra bit for subscribers – what's the scary new appeal of the occult and the irrational? “It was quite bizarre really to be somewhere so normal.” – Jacob Jarvis. “It was an unremarkable speech and quite dull in places… but you know what – I do have a lot of time for that.” – Seth Thevoz We’re on YouTube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOIkIWUDtu7VrVcFs0OI0A  www.patreon.com/ohgodwhatnow Presented by Ros Taylor with Seth Thevoz, Yasmeen Serhan and managing editor Jacob Jarvis. Producers: Chris Jones and Alex Rees. Social Media Producer: Jess Harpin. Audio production by: Alex Rees. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. OH GOD, WHAT NOW? is a Podmasters production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    4/9/24: Trump Attacked On Abortion Stance, The Rock Refuses Biden Endorsement, RFK Staffer Says Goal Is Help Trump, Young Billionaires All Nepo Babies, Blackstone Housing Takeover, Amazon Fake AI Grocery Store, Jesse Watters Hates $20 Fast Food Wage, Bibi Vows Rafah Invasion, Bibi Begs For WW3 With Iran Strike

    4/9/24: Trump Attacked On Abortion Stance, The Rock Refuses Biden Endorsement, RFK Staffer Says Goal Is Help Trump, Young Billionaires All Nepo Babies, Blackstone Housing Takeover, Amazon Fake AI Grocery Store, Jesse Watters Hates $20 Fast Food Wage, Bibi Vows Rafah Invasion, Bibi Begs For WW3 With Iran Strike

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump attacked by pro-life groups after abortion comments, The Rock refuses to endorse Biden, RFK staffer says goal is to help Trump, every new young billionaire is a nepo baby, Blackstone $10 billion housing takeover, Amazon admits AI grocery store was fake, Jesse Watters furious over $20 wage, Bibi vows Rafah invasion incoming, Elizabeth Warren says Israel committing genocide, Bibi Iran strike is begging for WW3.


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    Violence spreads at US universities over pro-Palestinian protests

    Violence spreads at US universities over pro-Palestinian protests

    US House speaker confronts students, calling the protests anti-Semitic and demanding they stop, while protesters fear loss of free speech. After six months of conflict in Gaza, we look at the impact on the Israeli and West Bank economies. Also: President Zelensky welcomes the long-awaited US aid package to Ukraine. We ask how likely it is to change events on the ground. Portugal's surprise mea culpa as it says it wants to take full responsibility for its involvement in the slave trade, and how easy is it to reconnect with old friends?