
    4/9/24: Trump Attacked On Abortion Stance, The Rock Refuses Biden Endorsement, RFK Staffer Says Goal Is Help Trump, Young Billionaires All Nepo Babies, Blackstone Housing Takeover, Amazon Fake AI Grocery Store, Jesse Watters Hates $20 Fast Food Wage, Bibi Vows Rafah Invasion, Bibi Begs For WW3 With Iran Strike

    enApril 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal stories and current events through two unique podcastsDiscover diverse perspectives on personal stories and gain in-depth analysis of current events through 'Mini Questions' and 'Breaking Points' on iHeartRadio

      The podcast "Mini Questions" invites listeners to explore deep and personal stories from various guests, while "Breaking Points" covers current events and political news with in-depth analysis. The ferryman from the opening metaphor of the first podcast guides listeners to unique perspectives, while "Breaking Points" navigates the complexities of current issues. Additionally, the iHeartRadio app is a platform for discovering both podcasts. The "Mini Questions" podcast, hosted by Mini Driver, presents the same seven questions to different guests, resulting in diverse answers. Meanwhile, "Breaking Points" tackles topics such as Trump's abortion comments, the Rock's regret over endorsing Biden, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, among others.

    • The political landscape of abortion in the US is complex, with Trump's stance leaving Republicans searching for a messageRepublicans grapple with how to address abortion, as Democrats hold a clear advantage and Trump's evolving stance confuses the issue

      The political landscape surrounding abortion in the United States is complex and contentious, with various stakeholders advocating for different positions. President Trump's recent statement on the issue, which emphasized leaving the decision to the states, drew criticism from some pro-life groups who want a national ban on abortion. Trump's evolving stance on the issue, which has been all over the place since he entered the public eye, has left Republicans searching for a message that resonates with voters. The issue of abortion is particularly challenging for Republicans as Democrats have a clear advantage on the topic. Some Republicans, like Lindsey Graham, disagree with Trump's stance that abortion is a states' rights issue. The pro-life movement, traditionally focused on the well-being of the unborn child, is now pushing for a national ban despite the unpopularity of the position. The best strategy for Trump and Republicans might be to try to sideline the issue and talk about it as little as possible to avoid defining the political landscape on abortion.

    • The Abortion Issue: A Motivating Factor for DemocratsRepublicans' stance on abortion leaves them at a disadvantage, with inconsistency fueling voter mistrust and motivation for Democrats, who effectively use emotional stories to highlight potential consequences of bans.

      The abortion issue is a powerful and emotional one for voters, particularly for Democrats, and the Republican Party is at a disadvantage due to their stance on leaving it up to the states. This issue has been highlighted in recent ads, such as the one against Trump with a $30 million budget, which depicts real-life stories of women denied medical procedures and the potential consequences. The Republican Party's inconsistency on the issue, with some advocating for states' rights while others support strict bans, creates confusion and mistrust among voters. The Biden campaign is effectively using this issue to motivate voters and paint the Republican Party as anti-women's rights. The potential consequences of these bans, such as denying medical procedures and risking women's lives, make this a highly emotional and motivating issue for Democrats.

    • Biden Administration's Stance on Overturning Roe v. Wade and Emotional Stories Resonating with VotersThe Biden administration is determined to protect abortion rights, while emotional stories surrounding the issue resonate with voters in conservative states. Extreme pro-life voices have achieved their goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, but their ultimate objectives include banning IVF and other restrictive measures.

      The Biden administration is unapologetic about their stance on overturning Roe v. Wade, and emotional stories surrounding abortion seem to resonate strongly with voters, even in traditionally conservative states. Additionally, the most extreme voices within the pro-life movement have been proven correct about their ultimate goals, which extend beyond just overturning Roe v. Wade and include banning IVF and other restrictive measures. Trump's shifting positions on abortion throughout his political career highlight the evolving nature of the issue and the influence of influential voices within the movement. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought the issue back to the state level, and the future implications of this decision remain to be seen.

    • Trump's Inconsistent Stance on AbortionDespite Trump's actions to restrict abortion, a majority of Americans support its legality, making his pro-life stance potentially damaging in future elections.

      During a discussion about former President Donald Trump's inconsistent stance on abortion, it was revealed that he praised Planned Parenthood for providing crucial healthcare services to women, while also expressing his pro-life beliefs and wanting to defund the organization. Trump's lack of understanding of the political debate surrounding abortion led him to stumble on the question of punishment for women seeking abortions. Despite his actions, such as overturning Roe v. Wade, the pro-choice stance is increasingly popular among voters, particularly independent voters, making it a potentially damaging issue for Trump in future elections. According to recent polling data from Fox News, a clear majority of Americans (almost 60%) either believe in always legal or legal most of the time abortion, compared to 40% who support stricter regulations. The political landscape is shifting towards pro-choice legislation, and attempts to label Democrats as the extremists on the issue are unlikely to resonate with voters.

    • Abortion rights issue shifts political landscapeSince Dobbs decision, pro-choice side gained 'super majority' in terms of numbers and voter motivation, leading to numerous election victories.

      The issue of abortion rights has become a significant and central voting matter for many Americans, leading to a shift in the political landscape. Prior to the Dobbs decision, the pro-life side was more motivated and organized around this issue. However, since the decision, the pro-choice side has gained a "super majority" in terms of both numbers and voter motivation. This shift has resulted in numerous election victories for pro-choice candidates and initiatives. This trend is not the only factor influencing elections, but it underscores the importance of this issue to voters and their political choices. Additionally, there have been developments regarding Joe Biden's popularity, with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson expressing regret for his 2020 endorsement of the President. Despite this, Johnson remains optimistic about America's future.

    • Dwayne Johnson's Change in Political EndorsementThe Rock's decision to withdraw his endorsement of Joe Biden may be driven by personal brand and business interests, reflecting shifting consumer sentiment and perceived risks.

      Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's decision not to endorse Joe Biden for the 2024 presidential election may be more about his personal brand and business interests than any political stance. Johnson had previously endorsed Biden, but now feels that the Biden brand is harmful to his image and sales. He has been criticized for embracing "cancel culture" and associating with controversial figures like Jeff Bezos. The Rock's change in stance may reflect the shifting consumer sentiment and the perceived risks of publicly supporting Biden. However, it's important to note that older voters continue to show strong support for Biden, which may not be reflected in national trends or conversations about the overall American population. Ultimately, The Rock's decision may be a reminder that celebrity endorsements should not be the sole basis for voting decisions.

    • NY midterm elections: RFK Jr.'s campaign stirs Trump sentimentsSome Kennedy supporters may lean towards Trump, but New York is expected to vote blue, and RFK Jr. has not publicly stated he aims to help Trump.

      The 2022 midterm elections could see an interesting dynamic in the New York state race between Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with some Kennedy supporters expressing their disdain for Biden and suggesting voting for RFK Jr. instead. This situation has led to accusations from Democrats that the RFK Jr. campaign is a "plant" to help elect Donald Trump. However, the evidence supporting this claim is not definitive, and it's important to note that RFK Jr. himself has not publicly stated that he aims to help Trump. And, even if some Kennedy supporters may lean towards Trump, New York is expected to vote blue, so their votes might not significantly impact the outcome of the election. Instead, the focus should be on the underlying sentiment among some voters that they are not Biden supporters and are looking for alternatives.

    • RFK Jr's campaign consultant's comments fuel speculation of spoiler roleRFK Jr's positioning and approval ratings among Republicans suggest he's more likely to take votes from Biden than Trump, but his impact on the election outcome remains uncertain.

      RFK Jr's campaign consultant's anti-Biden comments have fueled speculation that RFK Jr is a spoiler trying to help Trump get re-elected. However, the analysis suggests that RFK Jr's positioning and approval ratings among Republicans indicate that he is more likely to take votes away from Biden than Trump. While some polls show a tie between Trump and Biden with RFK Jr in the mix, Democrats argue that other third-party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornell West also pose a significant threat to Biden. The RFK Jr campaign denies that the consultant's statements reflect their strategy and emphasizes their goal of winning votes from both former Trump and Biden supporters. Ultimately, the impact of RFK Jr on the election outcome remains uncertain, but it is clear that his presence adds complexity to an already volatile race.

    • Focusing on Winning VotersPresidential candidates should prioritize winning over voters instead of worrying about third-party threats. Offer compelling agendas to attract voters, rather than trying to undercut opponents.

      Winning over voters is the most important focus for presidential candidates, rather than worrying about third-party candidates or being labeled as a spoiler. The Biden administration recognizes the issue of third-party votes, especially with young voters, and has hired operatives to undercut third-party candidates. RFK Junior's political identity is a source of confusion, but his stance on Israel may impact Biden's support among young voters. Instead of focusing on third-party threats, candidates should offer compelling agendas to win over voters. Additionally, there are various resources available to help parents make bedtime a breeze, such as the Koala Moon podcast, and there are intriguing podcasts like "The Passage" that explore fascinating tales from American history. Ultimately, it's essential for individuals to focus on their goals, whether it's winning elections or creating engaging content, and not get sidetracked by external distractions.

    • Economy Rewarding Financialization Over EntrepreneurshipThe economy is shifting towards rewarding financialization and hedge fund traders, rather than fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, leading to a lack of competition and corporate failures.

      The current state of the economy is showing signs of being sclerotic, as indicated by the lack of self-made young billionaires and the increasing number of those with inherited wealth. The economy is now rewarding financialization and hedge fund traders, rather than entrepreneurship and innovation. This trend has been ongoing for some time, as evidenced by the fact that many young billionaires are inheriting wealth from their grandparents. The focus on financialization and cutting costs, rather than offering the best product or fostering innovation, is reflected in corporate failures and the lack of competition in the marketplace. The Biden administration's efforts to roll back anti-competitive practices and force a more competitive marketplace are a step in the right direction, but the overall trend is concerning.

    • Historically high wealth inequality in AmericaYounger generations struggle to build wealth due to inflation and high living costs, while billionaires continue to amass fortunes, widening the wealth gap

      Wealth inequality in America, fueled by low taxation and generational wealth, has led to historically high levels of inequality and a struggle for millennials and Gen Z to build wealth. Younger generations are spending more on necessities like groceries due to inflation, and are criticized for it, while billionaires continue to amass wealth. The struggle for essentials like housing has led some to sacrifice necessities like meals and medical care. These trends highlight the widening gap between those who inherit wealth and those who must earn it, and the challenges faced by the latter group in maintaining a decent standard of living.

    • Struggling to Afford Housing: Impact on Lifestyle and Basic NeedsThe high cost of housing is preventing many from maintaining basic living standards, forcing them to work multiple jobs, skip meals, and even sell belongings to make ends meet, impacting their ability to upgrade lifestyles or achieve financial stability.

      Many homeowners and renters are struggling to afford their monthly housing payments, leading to a reduction in lifestyle and an inability to save or even maintain basic living standards. This issue is particularly significant as housing costs continue to rise with no signs of abating. As a result, people are forced to work additional jobs, skip meals, and even sell belongings or borrow money just to make ends meet. This situation is preventing people from upgrading their lifestyles or even achieving financial stability. The situation is so severe that it's impacting people's ability to eat regularly, take vacations, and even access healthcare. This is a major concern as housing is a central determinant of a stable lifestyle, and the high cost of housing is denying entire generations the ability to enjoy even basic living standards.

    • Institutional investors dominate real estate market, making it harder for individuals to buy homesInstitutional investors, led by Blackstone, acquire large rental property portfolios, outpacing individual buyers and making it harder for them to build wealth. These investors pay all cash and are unaffected by mortgage rate increases.

      Large institutional investors, such as Blackstone, are increasingly dominating the real estate market by acquiring large portfolios of rental properties, making it more challenging for individuals to become homeowners and build wealth. This trend, driven by the search for consistent rental income and economies of scale, has reached unprecedented levels, with investors purchasing a record high percentage of homes, particularly in affordable markets like Florida and California. These institutional investors, unlike individual buyers, have the advantage of being able to pay all cash and are not significantly impacted by rising mortgage rates. Additionally, there are concerns about potential collusion and the use of algorithms to artificially increase rent prices. This shift in the housing market could have significant consequences for American society, exacerbating the divide between haves and have-nots.

    • Housing Market Divide: Renters vs HomeownersInstitutional landlords buying up rental properties affect younger voters' affordability and wealth building, while older homeowners are less concerned due to rising home values, and the housing crisis calls for national attention and regulation.

      The housing market divide between renters and homeowners is influencing political voting behavior in unexpected ways. Large institutional landlords, like Blackstone, are buying up vast amounts of rental properties, leaving many younger voters struggling to afford housing and build wealth. Older voters, on the other hand, who have benefited from rising home values, are less concerned about high interest rates and are more likely to support candidates like Joe Biden. The housing crisis requires national attention and regulation to prevent large institutional investors from dominating the single-family housing market. The failure of Amazon's "just walk out" grocery stores to function without human oversight highlights the limitations of AI and the importance of human intervention in complex systems.

    • Challenges of Implementing 'Just Walk Out' Technology in RetailDespite the hype, implementing cashierless technology in retail faced numerous challenges including design issues, tech glitches, and high human error rates. The use of overseas workers to operate these systems raises ethical concerns and questions about the future of labor standards in the service sector.

      The implementation of "just walk out" technology in retail stores, such as Amazon Go, faced numerous challenges including design issues, tech glitches, and high human error rates. This experience ties in with the trend of companies prioritizing financialization over innovation. Despite the hype, the technology felt dystopian and less advanced than promised, with cashierless transactions involving human reviewers in other countries. The closing of Amazon Go stores has led to discounted prices on items, but the use of overseas workers to operate these systems raises ethical concerns and questions about the future of the service sector and labor standards.

    • California's $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers doesn't ensure a comfortable livingDespite the $20 hourly wage for fast food workers in California, they still struggle to afford basic needs due to high cost of living.

      The $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers in California, while it may seem like a high wage, does not guarantee a comfortable living for workers, especially given the high cost of living in the state. The math shows that even with this wage, workers would struggle to make ends meet after paying for rent, taxes, and other essentials. The sectoral bargaining that led to this wage increase is significant, but it does not fully address the affordability issues in California. The conversation also highlighted the disparity between the perceived value of different types of work and the compensation that comes with it.

    • Minimum wage increase for fast food workers not enough for decent livingDespite the increase in minimum wage for fast food workers in California, they may still struggle to afford basic necessities in high-cost areas. The speaker criticized a carve-out in the legislation and expressed concern about corporations' ability to absorb labor costs.

      The increase in minimum wage for fast food workers in California to $20 an hour, while significant, may not be enough for these workers to afford a decent living, especially in high-cost areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco. The speaker also criticized a carve-out in the legislation that benefits Panera Bread and expressed concern about the financial ability of corporations like McDonald's to absorb the increased labor costs. The speaker advocated for adults working full-time to be able to afford basic necessities and criticized the condescending attitude towards workers in the fast food industry. The speaker also shared a solution for parents struggling with bedtime battles, introducing Koala Moon, a podcast that makes bedtime a dream for children.

    • Ferrymen transport American spirits to the afterlife, while tensions escalate in the Middle EastCognitive scientist Scott Barry Kaufman explores human potential through interviews on The Psychology Podcast, while political tensions persist in the Middle East, with Israel and Palestine at odds over Rafah

      The afterlife is guided by ferrymen who transport influential American spirits to their eternal rest. These spirits share tales that shaped the nation, and the cost is a story. Scott Barry Kaufman, a cognitive scientist and podcast host, is fascinated by human potential and interviews extraordinary individuals on his show, The Psychology Podcast. Meanwhile, in the real world, political tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East. Despite the IDF's withdrawal from southern Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is determined to invade Rafah, a city housing over a million displaced Palestinians. The invasion is a priority for his coalition, and his political future depends on it. However, Egypt and the US have expressed concerns, and conflicting reports indicate that a ceasefire may be in the works. Hamas has rejected certain terms of the deal, including the number of hostages to be released and the temporary nature of the ceasefire. The situation remains uncertain.

    • Predictable deaths of hostages in Palestine conflictThe Palestine conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths, including hostages, due to annihilation, destruction, starvation, and lack of medical facilities. US response criticized, Israel's blocking of aid exposed, and moral dilemma for supporters of humanitarian causes.

      The ongoing conflict in Palestine has resulted in the deaths of hostages, among the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed during the war. The situation has been marked by annihilation, destruction, starvation, and lack of medical facilities. The deaths of hostages were predictable given the chaotic situation and the fact that many were killed outright or bombed. The US State Department's response to the situation has been criticized for being overdue, and the US's denial of Israel's blocking of humanitarian aid has been exposed as a lie. Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren, have been criticized for their inconsistent stance on Israel's human rights abuses and their continued support despite the atrocities committed. Warren herself acknowledged that Israel is committing genocide, but stopped short of using the term in her official statements. The situation highlights the moral dilemma faced by those who want to support humanitarian causes while maintaining diplomatic and political relationships with Israel.

    • Senator Warren's stance on Gaza labeled as genocideSenator Warren believes genocide in Gaza warrants ICJ investigation but is cautious about using label personally. Her inconsistent voting record raises questions about commitment to humanitarian causes.

      Senator Elizabeth Warren expressed her belief that there is ample evidence for the ongoing situation in Gaza to be classified as genocide at the International Court of Justice. However, she has been uncomfortable with using the label herself and has tried to distance herself from the statement by stating that she was not sharing her personal view but rather evaluating the legal process. Warren has also voted in favor of defunding aid organizations in Gaza and continuing military aid to Israel, raising questions about her consistency and commitment to humanitarian causes. The discomfort and ambiguity in Warren's stance highlight the complexity and sensitivity of the issue, as well as the challenges of navigating political and diplomatic considerations. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of clear and unequivocal statements on human rights violations and the role of the US in supporting or condemning such actions.

    • ICJ ruling on Israel's alleged genocide puts pressure on US politiciansThe ICJ's ruling on Israel's alleged genocide has led to increased criticism from US politicians, potentially isolating Israel from one of the major US parties and impacting its relationship with the Biden administration.

      The International Court of Justice's ruling on the allegations of genocide against Israel has significant implications. The ICJ's decision, which was supported by the American judge, has put pressure on progressive US politicians, including Senator Bernie Sanders, to take a stance. This has led to a shift in US public opinion, with even a mainstream senator, AOC, expressing concern. Israel's increasing isolation on the world stage and potential estrangement from one of the major US political parties could have serious consequences. This is a significant development, especially given Israel's history and its close relationship with the US. While it remains to be seen how this will impact the Biden administration's actions, the growing criticism of Israel's actions is a trend that is unlikely to be reversed easily.

    • Iran offers ceasefire in exchange for US intervention in Israeli-Palestinian conflictIran's proposed ceasefire in exchange for US intervention in Israeli-Palestinian conflict highlights the complexity of US-Iran diplomacy, with potential implications for both sides' interests and political capital.

      The ongoing diplomatic efforts between the United States and Iran are complex and multifaceted, with both sides trying to avoid further escalation while maintaining their interests and allies. A recent report suggested that Iran had issued an ultimatum, offering a ceasefire in exchange for the US securing peace between Israel and Palestine, and avoiding retaliation against Israeli embassies or consulates. However, the credibility of this report is uncertain, as both the White House and Iran have given mixed messages. Regardless, the potential implications of such a deal are significant. Iran may see this as an opportunity to save face and avoid direct confrontation with Israel, while potentially gaining political capital. For the Biden administration, agreeing to such a deal could be a politically risky move, as it may be perceived as acting under duress. The attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus is a flagrant violation of international law, and it's unusual for a country to strike an embassy. This pattern of escalation from Israel has been a concern for some time, and it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold. Ultimately, the diplomacy between the US and Iran is a delicate dance, with both sides trying to navigate their interests and avoid further conflict.

    • Israeli attack on Iranian embassy erodes international normsThe Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Baghdad has led to potential escalation and erosion of international norms, with Iran considering a measured response and the US protecting an asylum seeker in Ecuador.

      The attack on the Iranian embassy in Baghdad marks a significant erosion of international norms, particularly in the context of previous Israeli attacks against Iran and Syria. The Israeli government's actions were not condoned by the United States, leading to the takeover of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador to protect an asylum seeker. Iran, which once sought to be unpredictable in its responses, is now considering a rational and proportionate response. However, some hardliners within the regime believe this response weakens Iran's deterrence, potentially leading to unpredictable reactions. Netanyahu, an unpopular Israeli prime minister facing criminal charges, may have an interest in prolonging the conflict to avoid impending legal issues. The Biden administration's linkage of hostage release and ceasefire could perpetuate the conflict, as long as hostages remain captive, justifying continued Israeli military action in Gaza.

    • Exploring the Solar Eclipse with Apple Vision ProThe solar eclipse offers a unique experience, but using technology like Apple Vision Pro for observation comes with potential risks and benefits. Always prioritize safety guidelines.

      During the solar eclipse, Sagar experimented with using the Apple Vision Pro to view the event digitally, sparking curiosity about the potential risks and benefits of such technology. Dr. Parsi added that the eclipse is a unique experience, causing a noticeable dimness in light even without protective glasses, and emphasized the importance of following safety guidelines when observing such phenomena. Additionally, the discussion touched on the iconic image of Donald Trump not wearing glasses during a past solar eclipse and the ongoing debate about the actual danger of looking directly at the sun.

    • The Unique Experience of a Total Solar EclipseA total solar eclipse offers a profound and otherworldly experience unlike any partial or observed darkness.

      Experiencing a total solar eclipse firsthand is a unique and profound experience unlike any other. Although witnessing a partial eclipse or even experiencing the darkness it brings can be impressive, it does not compare to being in the actual totality. The ancient belief that solar eclipses were a result of dark magic is not far-fetched, as the darkness and accompanying phenomena can seem otherworldly. The upcoming AMA on Counterpoints and Mini Questions podcasts offer listeners a chance to delve deeper into various topics, including personal stories and insights.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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