
    3 Pieces of Marketing Advice for Every Business Owner

    enJune 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media Content Creation & AI ToolsSmall businesses should focus on organic social media content creation on platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube shorts, and Facebook reels, explore AI tools, and establish a core platform to attract growth.

      Small business owners should focus on organic social media content creation, especially on platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube shorts, and Facebook reels. They should also begin exploring the use of AI tools, even if they don't become experts. Lastly, every business needs to establish a core platform, such as a podcast or social media series, to act as a media company and attract growth. These strategies will help businesses stay competitive and adapt to the changing marketing landscape. The use of AI is no longer a futuristic concept but a necessary tool, and not engaging in social media content creation could leave businesses behind. While traditional methods like Google Ads and sales teams still have their place, they should not be relied upon exclusively. Embracing these strategies will help small businesses thrive in today's digital marketplace.

    • Real Estate Agents and TechnologyAgents who ignore social media and AI risk losing market dominance, essential steps include content creation, utilizing AI, and starting a show, multi-faceted marketing strategy recommended over relying solely on programmatic ads

      Real estate agents who neglect social media and AI technology risk losing their market dominance to newer, tech-savvy competitors. Agents who once dismissed these tools as irrelevant are now scrambling to catch up. Social media content creation, utilizing AI, and starting a show (radio, video, or written) are essential steps to compete in today's digital market. Regarding programmatic ad buying, while the concept is appealing due to its cost-effectiveness, its implementation can be problematic. The inventory may appear poorly as a banner ad or pre-roll, and it's crucial to determine if the ad was actually consumed by the target audience. Instead of relying solely on programmatic ads, agents should consider a multi-faceted marketing strategy that includes social media, AI, and content creation to effectively build their brand and reach potential clients.

    • Ad placement qualityWhile cheap CPMs may seem attractive, the quality of impressions on low-quality sites can harm a brand's reputation. Expensive CPMs for premium sites may lead to higher-value impressions and more consumed information.

      While it may be tempting to go for the cheapest advertising options, such as $3 CPMs, the quality of those impressions can be questionable. The quality of an ad's placement is crucial, as being placed on a low-quality or inappropriate site can harm a brand's reputation. The speaker argues that fear of appearing on such sites is overblown, but the real concern should be whether the money spent is resulting in the desired outcome. For instance, expensive CPMs for premium sites may lead to higher-value impressions and more consumed information. The speaker values social media ads because they are integrated into the consumption flow and often go unnoticed as ads. Traditional internet and television ads, on the other hand, are easily identifiable and disrupt the viewing experience. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of using common sense and data analysis to make informed decisions about ad spending.

    • Branding and SalesA strong brand can drive sales and growth through emotional connections, even without heavy advertising or marketing efforts, but a balanced approach incorporating both branding and performance marketing can be effective for maximizing reach and sales.

      A strong brand can drive sales and growth for a business even without a heavy focus on traditional advertising and marketing efforts. The speaker shares his belief that people are more likely to be drawn to and make purchases based on emotional connections with brands, rather than through direct sales pitches. He cites examples of successful brands like Off-White and Dollar Shave Club, which built their businesses primarily on strong branding and viral content. However, he also acknowledges that a balanced approach, incorporating both branding and performance marketing, can be effective for maximizing reach and sales. In essence, while branding may not require a sales team in the long term, it's still important to be adaptable and consider all marketing channels to build a financially stable business.

    • Organic and Paid Marketing StrategiesCreating unlimited content across multiple social media platforms for organic reach and turning overperforming content into paid ads helps maximize brand building and performance.

      Both organic and paid marketing strategies are essential for business growth in today's algorithm-driven world. While brand building is the ultimate goal for businesses, organic content can reach a large audience, and when it goes viral or overperforms, it should be turned into paid ads to maximize reach and impact. Gary Vaynerchuk, in a hypothetical scenario where he had to start from scratch in 2023, would focus on creating unlimited content across ten social media platforms for different aspects of his business. This strategic approach to organic content and targeted paid ads would help build a strong brand and drive performance. Ultimately, the key is to understand the unique strengths of each platform and use them to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

    • Social media attentionSocial media offers free attention to individuals and businesses, but creating high-quality content is crucial to reach vast audiences and capitalize on this opportunity.

      Social media platforms offer unlimited free attention, which is the most valuable commodity in today's world. This means that individuals and businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to reach vast audiences without incurring significant advertising costs. However, fully committing time and effort to creating high-quality content is essential to capitalize on this opportunity. Think about it. In the past, getting your message out to the masses required paying for advertising space in traditional media outlets. But social media platforms have changed the game. You don't need a budget or connections to reach people. All you need is great content. So, instead of complaining about the platforms, embrace them. Use them to your advantage. Put in the work to create content that resonates with your audience, and watch as your reach grows organically. In essence, social media platforms provide a level playing field where anyone can grab the world's most valuable commodity – attention – for free. Don't waste this opportunity. Commit the time and effort to create content that stands out and connects with your audience.

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