
    #30 - Artist Lauren McCarthy Will Be Your Home's Brain

    en-usAugust 29, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring human interactions and technology's role in shaping identitiesArtist Lauren McCarthy challenges social norms and pushes boundaries through her technology-driven art projects, inviting us to question the impact of technology on our identities and societal roles.

      Artist Lauren McCarthy explores the complexities of human interactions and the role of technology in shaping our identities. Through her art projects, she pushes boundaries and challenges expectations, often using technology to explore the limits of self and social norms. For instance, in her project "Social Turkers," she experimented with receiving instructions during a blind date to broaden her perspective and loosen up her identity. Her latest project, "Lauren," takes this a step further by having her act as an operating system for smart home devices, anticipating users' needs and adapting to their routines. Through her art, McCarthy invites us to question the roles we play in society and the impact of technology on our lives.

    • Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Control, Freedom, and Social InteractionsCreating inclusive spaces in tech and open source communities can help individuals feel welcome and address larger societal issues, while recognizing the need for both control and freedom in different aspects of life.

      Giving up control in certain situations can lead to a sense of freedom and looseness, but it can also create uncertainty and a need for structure in other areas of life. This was explored through various art and programming projects, where individuals had clear roles and preferences. The speaker recognized early on that they struggled with social interactions, particularly after attending MIT where they felt they lacked social skills. This led them to create projects focused on building inclusive spaces in tech and open source communities, with the goal of making people feel welcome regardless of their background or expertise. The speaker's experiences highlight the complex relationship between control, freedom, and social interactions, and the potential for art and technology to address larger societal issues.

    • Making tools inclusive and accessible goes beyond designClear documentation, commenting, and simplifying complex concepts help make codebases welcoming for contributors, leading to a more diverse user base and wider range of applications. Reaching out to underrepresented communities and adapting tools to their specific contexts also plays a crucial role.

      Creating inclusive and accessible tools goes beyond just the design of the interface. It also involves making the codebase welcoming for contributors, regardless of their expertise level. This is achieved through clear documentation, commenting, and simplifying complex concepts. The result is a more diverse user base and a wider range of applications for the tool. Another important aspect is actively reaching out to underrepresented communities and adapting the tool to their specific contexts. This can involve translating documentation, changing metaphors, and highlighting relevant examples. The tool, which was mainly used for art projects in the past, is now being used in various contexts such as data visualization, news, and blog posts. One intriguing project that the speaker was involved in was the Facebook Mood Manipulator, which was created in response to the controversy surrounding Facebook's mood manipulation study in 2014. The add-on allowed users to select the mood they wanted to feel for the day and filtered their posts accordingly using linguistic inquiry word count (LIWC) method. However, due to Facebook's frequent infrastructure changes, the manipulator is no longer functional. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of making tools accessible to a wider audience and the potential impact of such tools on various aspects of our lives.

    • Exploring tools to optimize conversationsExtensions and projects like Us Plus and the Conversing Cube use technology to analyze speech and facial expressions to enhance conversations, but their effectiveness is subject to limitations and human desire for belief in technology's capabilities.

      Technology, especially social media platforms like Facebook, can manipulate our experiences and interactions in subtle ways, often without us realizing it. This was highlighted in a discussion about various extensions and projects designed to optimize conversations or provide cues for users. One such extension, Us Plus, analyzed speech and facial expressions to give feedback and maintain a balanced conversation. Another project, the Conversing Cube, detected who was talking and provided single-word cues to facilitate conversation. Despite the sensitivity and empathy shown by the speaker in creating these tools, they acknowledged the limitations and the human desire to believe in the technology's capabilities. There was a reminder that these moments of effectiveness are often remembered, while the instances of failure are easily forgotten. The discussion also touched upon the potential effectiveness of physical objects versus digital tools in facilitating conversations. Overall, the conversation underscored the power of technology to shape our interactions and the importance of being aware of its influence.

    • Exploring the Advantages of Physical and Digital ExperiencesPhysical objects can spark new experiences and encourage interaction, while apps offer wider reach and freedom for users. The future of digital art and media consumption and purchasing raises questions about ownership and maintenance.

      Physical objects and digital apps both have unique advantages when it comes to engaging users and encouraging interaction. The speaker, who has created various physical and digital projects, believes that physical objects can provide an instant excuse for people to act differently and explore new experiences. However, apps offer wider reach and the freedom to choose for the user. The speaker also expressed curiosity about the future of digital art and media consumption and purchasing, acknowledging that there is no ideal model yet and raising questions about ownership and maintenance. The speaker's personal experience with unexpected success and revenue from an app demonstrates the potential of digital products. Overall, the conversation highlights the ongoing challenges and opportunities in creating and monetizing both physical and digital experiences.

    • Challenges for digital artists and potential of home automationDigital artists face hurdles in gaining recognition and monetizing work due to traditional art market's conservatism and lack of established models for digital art ownership and verification. Home automation tech like Alexa shows promise as a central hub for controlling various aspects of life, potentially driving its success.

      The traditional market for buying and selling physical art is conservative and risk-averse, making it challenging for digital artists to gain recognition and monetize their work. The lack of established models for owning and verifying digital art adds to the difficulty. However, there are emerging platforms and technologies, such as electric objects and blockchain, attempting to address these issues. For instance, electric objects provide a distribution platform for digital images, while blockchain can verify the originality of digital files. Yet, no model has fully caught on. On a different note, the speaker expressed excitement about home automation technology, specifically Alexa, and how it's being introduced to the market in a more accessible way, allowing it to potentially become a central hub for controlling various aspects of our lives. This shift in approach could be a key factor in its success. Overall, the challenges faced by digital artists and the potential of home automation technology highlight the need for innovation and new business models in the art and technology sectors.

    • Exploring the Human-AI RelationshipAs technology advances, it's crucial to consider the emotional labor and human connection that can't be automated in the relationship between users and AI systems.

      As technology advances and we create more intelligent systems like home assistants, the relationship between users and these devices raises intriguing questions. Developers are working to create more human-like experiences, but how do we ensure these systems cater to the vast range of people using them? The concept of a "Lauren" service, which aims to anticipate users' needs and care for their homes, brings up the idea of a human-AI relationship and the role of the human behind the scenes. Services like TaskRabbit and Uber present a different perspective, where the human involvement varies. As technology advances, it's important to consider the emotional labor and human connection that can't be automated. The question remains: will AI be able to replicate these human connections, or will there always be a place for humans in the equation?

    • Artist Creating Personalized Virtual Assistant for Limited Time Interaction with Homes and DevicesArtist creates a virtual assistant, Lauren, to interact with homes and devices, providing a personalized consultation and controlling appliances, limited to a few days for an intense experience, raises questions about privacy invasion compared to other technologies.

      The artist is creating a virtual assistant named Lauren, which will be able to interact with people's homes and electronic devices, acting as an API. The interaction will be personalized based on a consultation, and the artist will be able to control various home appliances and answer queries. The service will be limited to a few days to provide an interesting and intense experience without overwhelming the users. In another project, the artist used social media handles of art supporters to create a sculpture reacting to their content in real-time for a week. The artist mostly observed without interacting, but some supporters watched the artist while he was browsing their content. The artist raises questions about the level of invasion compared to other technologies like Google Dropcam.

    • Finding joy and meaning in uncertaintyEmbrace positivity, question negative media, and maintain balance in a rapidly changing world.

      Creating a space for thoughtful consideration and reflection, especially in the face of uncertainty and fear, is essential. This can be achieved through humor, as it often contains truth and relatability. The speaker, who has a background in comedy and technology, emphasizes the importance of finding the positive aspects in a rapidly changing world and focusing on them. They also question the prevalence of negative and fearful content in media and suggest that it may tap into our fears but also presents possibilities for progress and excitement. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective and finding joy and meaning in the midst of uncertainty.

    • Exploring creative projects can lead to meaningful connectionsCreative projects can lead to unexpected friendships or romantic relationships. Start with accessible tools like Processing, p5.js, OpenFrameworks, or Arduino. Build a community and learn from others. Discover your unique perspective and voice through art.

      Building meaningful connections through creative projects can lead to unexpected outcomes, such as forming lasting friendships or even romantic relationships. These connections can be fostered through various tools and platforms, both online and offline. For those interested in exploring digital art, starting with accessible tools like Processing, p5.js, OpenFrameworks, or Arduino can be a great way to begin experimenting and finding one's unique perspective. Building a community and learning from others in the field is essential, as artists have always been good at making connections and supporting each other. Ultimately, the key to success lies in exploring one's anxieties and anxieties through creating art, and discovering one's unique perspective and voice within the medium.

    • Building relationships and seeking guidance during grad schoolEngage in meaningful interactions with peers and mentors for personal and professional growth. Seek inspiration from art, books, and films to broaden perspective.

      The importance of building relationships and asking questions during graduate school. While it's essential to focus on your academic work, the people you meet and the connections you make can have a significant impact on your future. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek guidance from your peers and mentors, as the value you gain from these interactions can far outweigh any potential embarrassment or discomfort. Additionally, looking up to artists, books, and films for inspiration can broaden your perspective and deepen your understanding of your field. Remember, the experiences and relationships you have during grad school can shape your career and personal growth in ways you may not even realize at the time.

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    Key Takeaways from this Episode:

    1. Self-Advocacy and Confidence: Encourages women to trust themselves, be proud of their achievements, and not succumb to societal expectations that may undermine their confidence.
    2. Cultural Expectations and Guilt: Addresses the cultural expectations that surround successful women, and acknowledges that even successful women may feel unworthy due to societal judgments on their choices
    3. Breaking Generational Patterns: Encourages listeners to break free from the patterns that have been passed down to our generation, and instead, make choices based on their own desires and aspirations.
    4. Celebrating Independence: Women should not feel shame for curating and navigating their lives differently from societal norms.
    5. Embracing Change and Feminine Leadership: Embracing change, integrating new ways of leadership, and shifting the pendulum towards more feminine leadership, where women can thrive and contribute to the success of their companies.

    Why Gen X Female Founders Must Listen: 

    This episode delivers a powerful blend of validation, empowerment, and practical insights tailored for Gen-X women founders. By addressing the unique challenges they face, fostering a sense of community connection, and encouraging self-acceptance, the episode serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement, offering a shared experience that resonates with the entrepreneurial journey of Gen-X women.

    Connect with Kris Plachy 

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    Email: hello@thevisionary.ceo 






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