
    Podcast Summary

    • Tim Ferriss endorses Athletic Greens for optimal healthTim Ferriss recommends Athletic Greens for convenient and comprehensive nutrition, with added benefits of free vitamin D and travel packs.

      Tim Ferriss, the host of The Tim Ferriss Show, emphasizes the importance of good nutrition and shares his personal endorsement of Athletic Greens as a comprehensive and convenient supplement to ensure optimal health. He highlights the supplement's extensive list of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients, and the added benefits of a free vitamin D supplement and travel packs with a first subscription purchase. Additionally, Ferriss promotes his own email newsletter, Five Bullet Friday, as a simple and effective way to discover new and interesting things each week, and mentions that many of his podcast guests have been discovered through this newsletter. Overall, Ferriss emphasizes the importance of staying informed, healthy, and curious.

    • Joe's early entrepreneurial experiencesJoe's love for art and business began in childhood, fueled by selling drawings and inspired by his entrepreneurial parents.

      Joe's entrepreneurial spirit was evident from a young age. His first memory of causing trouble involved selling drawings to his classmates for extra money, an experience that not only fueled his love for art but also showcased his business acumen. Growing up in a household where both parents were entrepreneurs further inspired him to explore new opportunities. His father, in particular, tried various ventures, including early internet businesses and eventually working in the health food industry. Joe's experiences with his parents' entrepreneurial pursuits instilled in him a strong work ethic and the belief that success comes from ambition and hard work.

    • Childhood experiences with parents shaped my valuesObserving parents' dedication and attention to detail fostered a commitment to exceptional customer service and personal growth

      My childhood experiences with my parents, particularly their dedication to serving others and their attention to detail, significantly influenced my perspective on customer service and personal growth. I remember observing their interactions with store owners and going the extra mile to create connections. An instance from Tennessee stands out, where we stayed late to stock shelves and create a perfect display of our food supplies. This seeded in me the importance of going above and beyond for those I serve. Another influential experience was the support my parents provided for my various interests, from tennis to music and art. They learned from an early violin lesson experience that it was essential to back my intrinsic passions, and this practice instilled in me a deep appreciation for their unwavering commitment. Overall, these experiences shaped my values and continue to guide me in my personal and professional life.

    • From violin to business: Exploring passions and opportunitiesIdentifying passions and opportunities can lead to new skills and successful ventures, even at a young age.

      Passion and determination can lead individuals to explore various creative outlets and entrepreneurial ventures, even at a young age. The speaker shared how her love for music led her from violin lessons to piano, and how she took the initiative to redesign her high school's senior t-shirt, turning a graphic design project into a successful business. Throughout her elementary, middle, and high school years, she invested in art classes and eventually attended the Governor's Honors Program for art, where she discovered a potential path towards pursuing art after graduation. These experiences showcased her ability to identify opportunities, learn new skills, and turn her passions into tangible projects.

    • Exposure to diverse art mediums and like-minded individuals at RISD fueled speaker's passion for artAttending RISD ignited speaker's passion for art through exposure to various mediums and a creative atmosphere, inspiring her to pursue higher education there.

      The environment and being surrounded by like-minded individuals played a significant role in fueling the speaker's passion for art. During her time at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), she was exposed to various mediums and materials but fell in love with the challenging and creative atmosphere. This experience inspired her to attend RISD again for their high school program and eventually pursue her education there. Additionally, the speaker's determination to outdo a senior prank at her high school showcased her innovative spirit and drive to create something original. The combination of these experiences helped shape her love for art and creativity.

    • Hacking a High School Intercom SystemSecuring phone lines and intercom systems in schools and large institutions is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and potential pranks or more serious incidents.

      With access to a phone line and some creativity, an intercom system in a large high school could be compromised. The speaker, Joey, was able to gain access to the intercom system by finding a way to tap into the phone line and use a cordless phone to make announcements. He went to great lengths, including recruiting friends and sneaking into the school after hours, to achieve his goal. Once he had access, he used it to make a tape mix of songs to play over the intercom system as a prank. This story highlights the importance of securing phone lines and intercom systems in schools and other large institutions to prevent unauthorized access.

    • Prank call disrupts entire schoolA prank call can escalate quickly, causing chaos and disrupting normal activities. Always consider the potential consequences before acting.

      The speaker's prank call at school turned into a chaotic situation when the announcement system broadcasted the call to the entire school. The speaker, trying to remain calm and collected, signed in at the check-in desk and walked through the offices to shut off the system, all while the school was in confusion. The experience taught the speaker the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and the potential consequences that come with them. Despite the initial excitement of pulling off a prank, the situation quickly escalated and caused disruption to the school day.

    • Pranks can have unexpected and severe consequencesActions have consequences, consider potential outcomes before engaging in mischievous behavior

      Pranks can have unexpected and severe consequences. The speaker, Joey, thought he was pulling off a harmless prank by taping over the school intercom system. However, when he was caught, he faced harsh consequences, including being expelled and threatened with the loss of their scholarships. The situation escalated quickly, and Joey found himself surrounded by administrators and facing serious repercussions. This experience served as a reminder that actions have consequences, and it's important to consider the potential outcomes before engaging in mischievous behavior.

    • Unexpected high school prank leads to college opportunityAn original idea, even if it involves a prank, can lead to unexpected opportunities in life

      An unexpected prank in high school led to an unexpected opportunity in college. The prank, which involved supergluing school locks, was captured on MTV's High School Stories, Pranks, and Controversies. The speaker, who was involved in the prank, reached out to the show's producer and shared the full story. Impressed, the producer and executive producer wanted to include the story in the show. The speaker and his friend were invited back to Georgia to reenact the prank for the TV show. Despite the incident happening only two years prior, the same administration was still in place and held a grudge. However, the experience showcased the power of original ideas and the unexpected opportunities that can arise from them.

    • Unexpected opportunities from mischiefEmbracing mischief and taking risks can lead to unique experiences and unexpected opportunities, even if they initially seem embarrassing or unfavorable.

      Even seemingly embarrassing or mischievous experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and adventures. The speaker shares a story about pranking his old high school and then getting a job as a ball boy for the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA due to a late application. This experience not only fueled his love for basketball but also provided him with a unique perspective and access to the NBA world. The speaker also mentions how he used to work as a ball boy for the Atlanta Hawks during his high school years. He shares that there are different tiers of responsibilities for ball boys, starting from wiping the sweat on the floor to assisting the trainer. The highest level was working for the visiting team, where he set up and broke down their locker room before and after the game. This experience gave him a behind-the-scenes look at the NBA and allowed him to be a part of the action. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate how taking risks and embracing mischief can lead to exciting opportunities and new adventures. It also highlights the importance of persistence and being open to new experiences, even if they initially seem embarrassing or unfavorable.

    • Learning from uncomfortable situationsEmbracing uncomfortable experiences can lead to personal growth and valuable lessons, even when they involve mistakes or setbacks.

      Expanding your comfort zone and being exposed to uncomfortable situations can lead to valuable experiences and personal growth. The speaker shares an anecdote from his time as an NBA ball boy, where he accidentally spilled a drink on Michael Jordan during a heated moment in a game. Despite the initial terror and backlash, he learned to handle the situation with composure and even earned Jordan's respect. This experience, along with others, helped him develop resilience and adaptability, which proved beneficial in his future entrepreneurial pursuits. It's important to remember that our lives are made up of a series of experiences, and each one contributes to our growth and development in unique ways.

    • RISD's unconventional teaching methods challenge students and inspire passionRISD's rigorous approach to learning pushes students out of their comfort zones, inspiring determination and creativity to pursue passions.

      RISD's challenging and unconventional approach to learning, as exemplified by the chess set project, can push students out of their comfort zones and inspire them to pursue their passions with determination and creativity. During his freshman year at RISD, the speaker initially wanted to be a painter but was introduced to the world of three-dimensional design through a class taught by the opinionated and demanding professor, Gareth Jones. The professor's bold claim that half of his students would fail the chess set project sparked fear and determination in the speaker. The chess set project required students to choose a three-dimensional artist and recreate their work in the format of a chess set. The speaker became fascinated with furniture design and chose Garrett Reitfeld, a Dutch architect and designer. He was determined to create full-sized functional chairs instead of the required 12-inch chess set pieces. However, when he shared his idea with Gareth Jones, the professor expressed skepticism and advised him to focus on the smallest scale. Undeterred, the speaker persevered and proved Jones wrong by creating functional full-sized chairs. This experience instilled in him a sense of determination and the belief that he could accomplish anything he set his mind to. This anecdote illustrates how RISD's rigorous and unconventional teaching methods can challenge students and inspire them to push beyond their limits and pursue their passions with unwavering determination.

    • Overcoming challenges through determination and helpWith determination and the right resources, seemingly impossible goals can be achieved. Seeking help from experts and mentors can provide valuable guidance and skills.

      Determination and asking for help can lead to achieving seemingly impossible goals. The speaker, Joe, was challenged by his friend Gareth to make eight chairs identical to one he admired. With no prior experience in woodworking or using power tools, Joe committed himself to the project and sought guidance from upperclassmen and the head of the furniture department. He worked tirelessly, even hiding his progress from Gareth. With the help of the school's resources and craftsmen, Joe managed to create 16 functional chairs by the end of the semester, surprising everyone with the reveal at his final critique. This experience showed Joe that he was capable of more than he thought, and it instilled in him a newfound confidence and determination to tackle challenges.

    • Embracing challenges and proving ourselves wrongDetermination and a growth mindset can lead to personal growth and the creation of meaningful outcomes. Embrace challenges, set high goals, and use past experiences as motivation to push beyond perceived limitations.

      Our ability to respond to challenges and prove ourselves wrong can lead to significant personal growth and the creation of meaningful outcomes. The story of Joe, who built functional chairs despite initial doubts, illustrates this concept. Joe's determination, fueled by a desire to prove himself wrong and a legacy of sports, led him to create a product that lasted for years and inspired future generations. The professor's recognition of Joe's achievement further reinforced this growth mindset, creating a powerful moment of validation. This experience highlights the importance of embracing challenges, setting high goals, and using past experiences as motivation to push beyond perceived limitations. The story of Joe also reminds us that everyone has the potential to create something impactful, no matter the initial doubts or obstacles.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growthSeeking out challenges and learning from failures leads to personal growth. Surround yourself with better people and never give up on opportunities for expansion.

      Pushing beyond your limits and learning from failures, whether in sports or other areas of life, is essential for personal growth. Surrounding yourself with people who are better than you and facing challenges that seem impossible can lead to breakthroughs and a greater sense of capability. The speaker's experience of starting a basketball team at RISD after being told there wasn't one serves as a powerful example of this principle in action. It's never too late to seek out opportunities for growth and expansion, even if they initially seem daunting or unattainable. Embrace the discomfort and learn from the experience.

    • Starting a team from scratch: A journey of persistence and creativityStarting something new requires determination, creativity, and the ability to overcome rejections. It's a process of building, fundraising, branding, and bringing people together.

      Starting something from scratch requires persistence and creativity. Joe Gabby, a student at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), shared his experience of starting the school's basketball team from nothing. Initially, they just practiced amongst themselves without any competition or formal season. The next year, Joe's goal was to make a season and play against other teams. He faced rejections from several colleges but finally got a response from Clark University in Massachusetts. The first game was informal, with RISD students wearing basic reversible jerseys and practicing in a high school gym. The opposing team had experienced coaches and players, leaving RISD's team feeling outmatched. However, Joe saw this as a win, as they had established a team and played their first game. Over the next few years, growing the team involved putting it together, raising funds, creating a brand, and marketing it. The basketball games became a unique moment for the campus community to come together, bringing students, faculty, administration, and alumni under one roof. RISD's basketball team, named "the balls," followed the tradition of creative team names on campus, inspired by self-expression and humor. The experience of starting the team taught Joe valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and bringing people together.

    • From art school discomfort to successful productHold onto ideas and don't give up, even when faced with challenges and setbacks, can lead to successful product creation.

      Perseverance and creativity can turn a simple observation into a successful product. The speaker, a design student, was inspired by the discomfort and mess experienced during critiques at art school. She sketched out a solution, but it wasn't until years later, after gaining the necessary skills and resources, that she was able to bring her idea to life. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, she ultimately won a competition that allowed her to manufacture and distribute her product, crit buns, to her graduating class. This story highlights the importance of holding onto ideas and not giving up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

    • Overcoming impossible challenges with persistence and creativityPersistence and creativity can help overcome seemingly impossible challenges, leading to unexpected opportunities and success.

      Persistence and creativity can lead to overcoming seemingly impossible challenges. The speaker recounted his experience during his graduation project at RISD, where he faced numerous rejections and setbacks in manufacturing 600 krypton cushions with a custom silk screen design. However, he refused to give up and managed to find help from unexpected sources, ultimately delivering the project on time and even starting his own company with the leftover metal mold. This story illustrates the importance of not giving up, thinking outside the box, and believing in the power of enthusiasm and determination.

    • Embrace rejection and move onStay focused on the end goal and don't let initial rejection discourage you. Keep approaching potential buyers and remember that some will love your idea, while others won't. Move on and continue to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

      Perseverance and resilience are key to entrepreneurial success. The speaker faced numerous rejections when trying to sell her product, CripBuns, but didn't let that deter her. She remembered a sales equation she had learned at an entrepreneur event, "SW squared plus WC equals MO," which stands for "some will love your idea, some won't, who cares, equals move on." With this mindset, she continued to approach potential buyers until she finally made a sale. Even when faced with initial rejection, she didn't give up and instead used it as motivation to keep going. This story illustrates the importance of staying focused on the end goal and not getting discouraged by setbacks.

    • Designer's journey to sell CripbunsDetermination and persistence led a designer to sell his product to a local store, and after two years, to the MoMA store in NYC, despite initial obstacles and long-term effort.

      Determination and persistence can lead to great achievements. The speaker, a designer, shares his experience of creating a product called Cripbuns and trying to sell it to various stores. Initially, he faced many obstacles, but after finding success with a local store, he gained confidence and continued to pursue bigger opportunities. He set his sights on getting his product into the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) store in New York City, and after two years of perseverance, he finally received an order. Throughout the process, he honed his pitching skills and developed relationships with buyers. The experience taught him the full ecosystem of running a business and gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his goals. The speaker's story illustrates that even seemingly impossible goals can be achieved with hard work and a positive attitude.

    • The Power of Storytelling in Design SalesDuring sales, sharing the background of a product helps consumers connect and often leads to a purchase. Design is about both the product and the story behind it.

      Storytelling is a crucial element in selling a product, especially for independent designers. During design week events, the RISD organization provided opportunities for designers to sell their creations directly to consumers. Through hundreds of interactions, the speaker identified five stages in the sales process: the initial curiosity, the touch and feel phase, the story phase, the try and intro, and the sale. At the story phase, the speaker shared the background of the product, which helped consumers connect with it and often led them to make a purchase. Surprisingly, some consumers even became salespeople themselves, sharing the product's story with others. This experience demonstrated that design is not just about the product but also about the story behind it. The speaker's cushion, which was 50% foam and 50% story, became a valuable lesson in the power of storytelling in design.

    • Navigating language and cultural barriers in new marketsEffective communication and adaptation are essential for success in new markets. Building relationships and collaborating with locals can help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and make valuable connections.

      Effective communication and adaptation are crucial for success, especially when expanding a business into new markets. The speaker learned this lesson firsthand when attempting to sell his product, Cripbuns, at a design fair in Tokyo. Navigating the crowded subway system with large, unwieldy boxes proved challenging, and language barriers made it difficult to connect with potential customers. However, through friendship and collaboration, the speaker was able to translate his message and ultimately make sales. This experience not only resulted in financial success but also led to valuable connections and opportunities, including meetings with influential figures in the industry and even a pitch session with Billy Mays. The ability to adapt and communicate effectively in unfamiliar environments is a vital skill for entrepreneurs and a valuable lesson for anyone looking to expand their reach.

    • From painting to industrial design inspired by Eames and sustainabilityUnexpected experiences and influences can lead to new career paths, and sustainability is increasingly important in design

      The speaker's experience on a reality TV show and his admiration for the Eames' design philosophy led him to switch from painting to industrial design, with a focus on making environmentally-considered products. After encountering difficulties finding an eco-friendly foam for his product, Kripbuns, he was inspired to create a website called e-collect, which aimed to be a "Google for sustainable materials," helping designers access various eco-friendly materials for their projects. This experience demonstrates the power of unexpected events and influences in shaping one's career path and the growing importance of sustainability in design.

    • From small beginnings come great ideasStarting small and facing challenges doesn't hinder success if you're passionate and innovative. Persistence and hard work can lead to growth and valuable experiences.

      Passion and innovation can lead to successful businesses, even if they start small and face challenges. The speaker, Colin, shared his experience starting Crippons, a company selling seat cushions designed for art students during critiques. He found manufacturers worldwide, gained press, and shipped orders from his garage. Later, he moved to San Francisco and got into major catalogs. Though Crippons has slowed down, Colin still gets occasional orders and cherishes the reminder of the early days. He then discussed eCollect, a free service that didn't make money but innovated with a physical magazine, the "green box," which did generate some revenue. Colin also worked at Chronicle Books, where he learned the importance of detail and craft. Despite challenges, including the shift from revenue being uncool during Web 2.0, these experiences taught him valuable lessons about bringing ideas to life and the importance of hard work and persistence.

    • Following passions, taking risks, and finding a co-founderPassionately pursue your dreams, take calculated risks, and find a co-founder who complements your skills for entrepreneurial success.

      Starting a business often requires making tough decisions and taking risks. The speaker shares his experience of working as a fellowship designer while building his startup, e-collect, on the side. He eventually had to make a choice between a comfortable full-time job and pursuing his entrepreneurial dream. This decision led him to San Francisco, where he met his future co-founder Brian Chesky. Their shared aspirations and creative collaboration eventually led to the founding of Airbnb. This story illustrates the importance of following one's passions, taking risks, and being open to new opportunities. It also highlights the value of finding a co-founder who shares similar goals and complementary skills.

    • Friendship and opportunity lead to business successWith determination, creativity, and the right connections, friends can turn a difficult situation into a thriving business

      The power of friendship and opportunity can lead to unexpected business success. The speaker, Joe, convinced his friend Brian to move from Los Angeles to San Francisco to start a business together. However, they soon faced financial struggles and had to get creative to make ends meet. They came up with the idea of an "air bed and breakfast" for designers attending a conference, and through emailing design blogs, they gained international attention and success. This experience shows that with determination, creativity, and the right connections, one can turn a difficult situation into a thriving business.

    • Creating Meaningful ConnectionsAirbnb goes beyond just providing a place to stay, it's about creating unforgettable experiences and friendships between hosts and guests.

      The Airbnb experience goes beyond just providing a place to stay. It's about creating meaningful connections between hosts and guests. The hosts in this story became friends with their guests, showing them the local experiences and creating unforgettable memories. This not only added value to the guests' trip but also brought excitement and fulfillment to the hosts. The unexpected friendships and shared experiences were a game-changer, leading the hosts to consider the potential of expanding this concept into a business. The story illustrates how the Airbnb experience transcends the mundane hotel stay, offering a unique and personalized travel experience.

    • Recognizing the potential of internet to connect people and pivot to travel website with online paymentsAirbnb founders identified internet's power to connect people, pivoted to travel website, and implemented online payments for successful business model

      The founders of Airbnb, Nate, Brian, and Joe, recognized the potential of using the internet to connect people and bring them back into the real world by offering a platform for travelers to book accommodations directly from homeowners. However, their initial launch at South by Southwest in 2008 was unsuccessful due to the awkwardness of in-person payments and a limited market. They realized that this was more than just a conference website and pivoted to a travel website with online payments. This not only removed the awkwardness from the customer experience but also allowed them to take a small transaction fee, creating a business model. To gain awareness for their next iteration, they decided to target the Democratic National Convention in Denver, where there was a housing crisis due to the large number of attendees. By riding the coattails of the convention's press, they were able to rebuild the site and successfully launch it with online payments and the ability to travel anywhere at any time. This perfect balance of dreaming and practicality between the founders ultimately led to the success of Airbnb.

    • Leveraging local bloggers and press for early successEffective grassroots marketing and media coverage can transform a small, local business into an international phenomenon within weeks

      Word-of-mouth marketing and media coverage played a crucial role in the early success of Airbnb. The founders, with limited resources, leveraged local bloggers and press to create awareness in Denver, leading to regional and international media attention. This strategy transformed a small, local story into an international phenomenon within a few weeks. Seth Godin's concept of creating something distinct and worth talking about was instrumental in the company's early days. The team's dedication and division of responsibilities during their first major event allowed them to provide a functional service and manage customer service from their phones. This first successful milestone marked the beginning of Airbnb's journey and demonstrated the power of grassroots marketing and media coverage.

    • Seeing rejection as an opportunityView rejection as an invitation to keep going, learn from failures, and focus on spotting opportunities and bringing ideas to life.

      Rejection is an inevitable part of trying something new, but it's important to reframe it as an opportunity to keep going and persevere. Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, encourages entrepreneurs to view rejection as an invitation to continue moving forward. Throughout his experiences, from the senior prank to Airbnb, Chesky learned to seek out discomfort and not avoid it. It's essential to remember that successful companies like Airbnb don't just appear out of thin air; they are the result of years of trying, failing, and learning. Entrepreneurship requires perseverance, and it's important not to be discouraged by rejection or the belief that success will come easily. Instead, focus on the simple act of spotting opportunities, coming up with original solutions, and putting your ideas into practice. The more you do this, the better you become at identifying new opportunities and bringing them to life.

    • Embrace your idea and find supporters, protect your dreams legally, and maintain good health with supplementsKeep going with your idea despite opposition, use LegalZoom for legal needs, and take Athletic Greens for nutritional support

      When introducing a new idea to the world, not everyone will embrace it. Some will love it, some won't. The key is to keep going and find the people who do love your idea. Joe Gebes, the founder of Airbeamy and Crip Buns, shared this advice during an interview on The Tim Ferriss Show. He also encouraged listeners to check out his company and connect with him online. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a reliable resource to help protect your dreams and legal responsibilities. LegalZoom, a long-time sponsor of the show, was mentioned as a reliable option for taking care of legal needs for businesses and personal matters. Lastly, for those looking to improve their health and wellness, Athletic Greens was recommended as an all-in-one nutritional insurance supplement to ensure basic nutritional needs are met, especially during times when diet and exercise may be disrupted. Listeners can sign up for Tim Ferriss' Five Bullet Fridays email for a weekly dose of interesting finds and ponderings, and can visit the show notes at Tim.blog.com for links to all resources mentioned in the episode.

    Recent Episodes from The Tim Ferriss Show

    #736: A Strategic Deep Dive on TikTok, The Boiling Moat of Taiwan, and China’s Next-Gen Statecraft — Matt Pottinger, Former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor

    #736: A Strategic Deep Dive on TikTok, The Boiling Moat of Taiwan, and China’s Next-Gen Statecraft — Matt Pottinger, Former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor

    Matt Pottinger is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and chairman of the China Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Matt served as U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor from 2019 to 2021. Before his White House service, Matt spent the late 1990s and early 2000s in China as a reporter for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal. He then fought in Iraq and Afghanistan as a U.S. Marine during three combat deployments between 2007 and 2010. Matt’s new book is The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan.


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    [05:55] Bao Tong’s calligraphy.

    [08:20] Matt’s decision to study East Asian languages.

    [10:13] Studying with Perry Link and the challenges of learning Chinese.

    [12:19] Tips for learning Chinese and other languages.

    [17:17] How TikTok has been weaponized by the Chinese Communist Party.

    [20:58] The origins of TikTok and its obfuscatory ownership structure.

    [26:30] How sowing chaos in the West serves the CCP’s aims.

    [31:37] “Politics stops at the water’s edge.”

    [33:11] How should the US rein in TikTok’s influence over its population?

    [40:23] The significance of Taiwan geographically, ideologically, and economically.

    [49:59] The semiconductor industry in Taiwan and its global importance.

    [52:07] Deterring China from attacking or coercing Taiwan.

    [58:51] Cultivating social depth in Taiwan.

    [1:01:09] Guessing at Xi Jinping’s timeline.

    [1:05:33] Demonstrating the will to match the capacity of following through.

    [1:07:47] Matt’s top priorities for stemming Chinese ambitions.

    [1:10:15] Architects of chaos.

    [1:14:21] Staying alert against informational warfare and united front activity.

    [1:21:00] Countering China’s influence on its Western-based citizens.

    [1:25:05] Checkers vs. Go.

    [1:26:56] How can the US reassert its position as a beacon of democracy?

    [1:33:05] What prompted Matt to join the Marine Corps at age 32?

    [1:38:50] Getting in shape for the occasion.

    [1:40:45] Leadership lessons learned.

    [1:46:59] The Boiling Moat, the importance of public service, and parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    #735: Craig Foster of My Octopus Teacher — How to Find the Wild in a Tame World

    #735: Craig Foster of My Octopus Teacher — How to Find the Wild in a Tame World

    Craig Foster is an Oscar- and BAFTA-winning filmmaker, naturalist, author, and ocean explorer. He is the co-founder of the Sea Change Project, an NGO dedicated to the long-term conservation and regeneration of the Great African Seaforest. His film My Octopus Teacher has led to making the Great African Seaforest a global icon. His new book is Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World


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    [08:39] A morning ray.

    [11:01] Connecting with the sea is a family tradition.

    [13:24] Making The Great Dance.

    [15:28] Unnatural powers granted by natural attunement.

    [22:40] Observing the secret lives of animals.

    [26:44] What makes Kalahari trackers so impressive?

    [29:37] Connecting with nature in the big city.

    [32:43] Breath holding and cold exposure.

    [37:25] Land lessons via underwater tracking.

    [42:55] Connecting with a Cape clawless otter.

    [46:20] Interspecies alliances.

    [49:39] What compelled Craig to write Amphibious Soul?

    [52:58] Why pristine nature comforts and inspires us.

    [1:00:03] Is ancestral memory real?

    [1:04:16] Nature as a mirror.

    [1:07:48] The pros and cons of discovering new species.

    [1:10:03] Song catching.

    [1:16:30] The meaning of “home.”

    [1:19:03] Parenting lessons.

    [1:23:41] The psychic cost of sudden fame.

    [1:31:18] For whom was Amphibious Soul written?

    [1:33:58] Sea Change Project.

    [1:35:53] The short-sightedness of current climate policy.

    [1:41:52] Changing entrenched minds.

    [1:52:37] A camera-stealing octopus.

    [1:55:25] Hope for a shift in human perspective.

    [1:58:21] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

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    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #734: In Case You Missed It: March 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    #734: In Case You Missed It: March 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter.

    Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out the routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. 

    This is a special inbetweenisode, which serves as a recap of the episodes from last month. It features a short clip from each conversation in one place so you can easily jump around to get a feel for the episode and guest.

    Based on your feedback, this format has been tweaked and improved since the first recap episode. For instance, listeners suggested that the bios for each guest can slow the momentum, so we moved all the bios to the end. 

    See it as a teaser. Something to whet your appetite. If you like what you hear, you can of course find the full episodes at tim.blog/podcast

    Please enjoy! 


    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter that every Friday features five bullet points highlighting cool things I’ve found that week, including apps, books, documentaries, gadgets, albums, articles, TV shows, new hacks or tricks, and—of course—all sorts of weird stuff I’ve dug up from around the world.

    It’s free, it’s always going to be free, and you can subscribe now at tim.blog/friday.



    Scott Glenn: 00:03:20

    Barbara Corcoran: 00:05:10

    Seth Godin: 00:08:11

    Hugh Howey: 00:15:44

    Full episode titles:

    Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More (#729)

    Barbara Corcoran — How She Turned $1,000 into a $5B+ Empire: PR Stunts, Sales Techniques, Critical Early Wins, Fighting Trump, and Becoming a Real Estate Mogul (#725)

    Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More (#728)

    Hugh Howey, Author of Silo and Wool — A Masterclass on Writing, Unorthodox Self-Publishing, and Living in The AI Age (#726)


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #733: Live 10th Anniversary Random Show with Kevin Rose — Exploring What’s Next, Testing Ozempic, Modern Dating, New Breakthrough Treatments for Anxiety, Bitcoin ETFs, Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul, and Engineering More Awe in Your Life

    #733: Live 10th Anniversary Random Show with Kevin Rose —  Exploring What’s Next, Testing Ozempic, Modern Dating, New Breakthrough Treatments for Anxiety, Bitcoin ETFs, Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul, and Engineering More Awe in Your Life

    This week is officially the podcast’s 10-year anniversary, and there is no better way to commemorate such a wild milestone than with Kevin Rose and a little tequila. As many listeners know, Kevin was my very first guest for episode 1, way back in April 2014. Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    Nordic Naturals, the #1-selling fish-oil and algae-oil brand in the U.S.: https://www.nordic.com/tim (20% off)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:20] First live Random Show?

    [07:50] Reasons to celebrate.

    [08:30] How long can this go on?

    [10:15] Mmm…Mmm.

    [11:53] Inflection points.

    [13:00] Interesting over impulse.

    [14:46] Bitcoin ETFs.

    [17:22] PROOF news.

    [18:41] What’s Kevin’s next project?

    [21:15] Don’t DIY your TMS.

    [22:57] The SAINT protocol and accelerated TMS.

    [23:42] Kevin wonders how magnets work.

    [24:27] How accelerated TMS has helped me.

    [28:02] Consumer access to accelerated TMS.

    [31:50] How TMS feels, and other possible uses.

    [32:49] Potential downsides.

    [35:10] How to find out more about accelerated TMS.

    [38:18] How to appear human in social situations.

    [45:20] Jinjer and Sohn.

    [46:24] Android and Gemini.

    [48:41] Content production and future fame.

    [49:58] Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson.

    [52:02] Kevin’s deflated balls.

    [55:49] My single life.

    [59:39] Extending experiential lifespan.

    [1:06:12] This is (Henry Shukman’s) The Way.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #732: Martha Beck — The Amazing and Brutal Results of Zero Lies for 365 Days, How to Do a Beginner “Integrity Cleanse,” Lessons from Lion Trackers, and Novel Tactics for Reducing Anxiety

    #732: Martha Beck — The Amazing and Brutal Results of Zero Lies for 365 Days, How to Do a Beginner “Integrity Cleanse,” Lessons from Lion Trackers, and Novel Tactics for Reducing Anxiety

    Dr. Martha Beck has been called “the best-known life coach in America” by NPR and USA Today. She holds three Harvard degrees in social science and has published nine non-fiction books, one novel, and more than 200 magazine articles. Her recent book, The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self, was an instant New York Times Best Seller.


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    Note from the editor: Timestamps will be available shortly.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #731: Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford U. — Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, The Neurobiology of Trance, and More

    #731: Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford U. — Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, The Neurobiology of Trance, and More

    Dr. David Spiegel is Willson Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Director of the Center on Stress and Health, and Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, where he has been a member of the academic faculty since 1975. He is the founder of Reveri, the world's first interactive self-hypnosis app.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below. Links to everything discussed: https://tim.blog/2024/04/10/dr-david-spiegel-hypnosis/


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    Helix Sleep premium mattresses: https://helixsleep.com/tim (20% off all mattress orders and two free pillows)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:00] How Herbert Spiegel was exposed to hypnosis.

    [10:14] Using hypnosis to cure non-epileptic seizures.

    [11:53] What is a forensic psychiatrist?

    [14:43] How hypnosis works.

    [17:54] Hypnosis and the flow state.

    [21:03] How hypnosis differs from meditation.

    [22:38] Determining one’s susceptibility to hypnosis.

    [27:21] I take the eye-roll test.

    [29:33] Thoughts on EMDR.

    [36:29] Therapeutic psychedelics and ego dissolution.

    [41:05] Potential adverse effects of hypnosis?

    [42:34] Accelerated TMS improves response to hypnosis.

    [44:25] Hypnosis as a tool for stress and pain relief.

    [48:56] David treats my back pain with hypnosis.

    [57:09] Replicating this effect with self-hypnosis.

    [57:57] Understanding the science of pain relief.

    [1:03:18] Filtering the hurt from the pain.

    [1:06:37] For us, not against us.

    [1:09:12] Hypnosis vs. other addiction interventions.

    [1:11:41] A mesmerizing tale of hypnotic history.

    [1:16:10] Most surprising patient outcomes.

    [1:24:53] Finding connection to treat the agitated.

    [1:28:40] Who is Reveri designed for?

    [1:31:15] Hypnosis as a first rather than last resort.

    [1:35:02] Further resources and final thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #730: Reed Hastings, Co-Founder of Netflix — How to Cultivate High Performance, The Art of Farming for Dissent, Favorite Failures, and More

    #730: Reed Hastings, Co-Founder of Netflix — How to Cultivate High Performance, The Art of Farming for Dissent, Favorite Failures, and More

    Reed Hastings became executive chairman of Netflix in 2023, after 25 years as CEO. He co-founded Netflix in 1997. Reed is also a majority owner of Powder Mountain. He is currently on the board of several educational organizations including KIPP and Pahara.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)

    Wealthfront high-yield savings account: https://wealthfront.com/tim (Start earning 5% interest on your savings. And when you open an account today, you’ll get an extra fifty-dollar bonus with a deposit of five hundred dollars or more.)

    Shopify global commerce platform, providing tools to start, grow, market, and manage a retail business: https://shopify.com/tim (one-dollar-per-month trial period)


    [06:34] Alfred Lee Loomis and Tuxedo Park.

    [07:53] Risk tolerance: nature or nurture?

    [10:56] Cultivating culture that “eats strategy for lunch.”

    [15:41] The logic behind generous severance.

    [17:02] Adapting to Pure chaos.

    [18:44] Reference checking potential hires.

    [20:29] Context vs. control.

    [22:35] Radical candor.

    [24:15] Guardrails for maintaining work/life balance.

    [27:04] Farming for dissent.

    [28:39] Believing in the green crystals.

    [30:54] High-performance team, not family.

    [31:59] The keeper test.

    [32:49] Fire and replace, or replace and fire?

    [33:59] Beyond Entrepreneurship and other recommended reading/viewing.

    [37:46] A favorite failure.

    [40:32] Outstanding leaders.

    [41:10] Reed’s two “religions.”

    [42:19] Powder Mountain.

    [44:44] How Powder Mountain differs from Reed’s other projects.

    [46:24] Powder Mountain’s biggest challenges ahead.

    [47:02] Could Reed ever really retire?

    [47:19] Best investments of time, energy, or money.

    [48:49] How can we improve education in the US?

    [52:48] What class would Reed teach?

    [53:59] Juggling projects without losing focus.

    [55:04] Philanthropy: Why Africa?

    [55:32] Being “big-hearted champions who pick up the trash.”

    [56:28] Reed’s billboard.

    [58:01] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #729: Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More

    #729: Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More

    Scott Glenn’s acting career spans nearly 60 years. His impressive film resume includes performances in Apocalypse Now, Urban Cowboy, The Right Stuff, Silverado, The Hunt for Red October, The Silence of the Lambs, Backdraft, The Virgin Suicides, and The Bourne Ultimatum. This year, Scott will return to HBO to join season 3 of The White Lotus.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below. Links to everything discussed: https://tim.blog/2024/03/27/scott-glenn/


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    LMNT electrolyte supplement: https://drinklmnt.com/tim (FREE sample pack with any purchase)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:10] Idaho vs. Los Angeles.

    [13:26] Apocalypse Now, self-confidence soon after.

    [17:26] Burt Lancaster’s movie star lessons.

    [23:06] The birth and death of Wes Hightower.

    [32:22] Catching the attention of James Bridges.

    [35:42] Scarlet fever.

    [37:29] From Marine to police reporter.

    [42:12] Berghof Studios and parental advice.

    [50:44] Converting to Judaism.

    [53:36] Lao Tzu: the ultimate mystic?

    [58:16] Letting go with Killer Joe.

    [1:02:53] “Crazy Whitefella Thinking.”

    [1:08:31] Getting out of the way and Erwan Le Corre.

    [1:11:51] Lessons from the “morally phenomenal” Marlon Brando.

    [1:16:26] How Scott’s childhood bout with scarlet fever informed his life’s course.

    [1:19:05] Daily routines and exercises of an in-shape 85-year-old.

    [1:35:12] Securing a serendipitous skill set.

    [1:42:13] Thailand talk.

    [1:46:18] Increasing surface luck.

    [1:47:04] How Scott met and fell in love with his wife.

    [1:53:04] “Just dance.”

    [1:53:46] Mistakenly calling Rudolf Nureyev Russian.

    [1:55:57] Poetry.

    [2:00:01] What Laurence Olivier knew about the value of tenacity.

    [2:01:41] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #728: Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More

    #728: Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More

    Seth Godin is the author of 21 international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about work. Seth’s books include Tribes, Purple Cow, Linchpin, The Dip, and This Is Marketing. Seth writes one of the most popular marketing blogs in the world, and two of his TED talks are among the most popular of all time. His latest book is The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams

    Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    1Password easy-to-use and secure password manager for individuals, families, and businesses: https://1password.com/tim (14-day free trial)

    LinkedIn Jobs recruitment platform with 1B+ users: https://linkedin.com/tim (post your job for free)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)


    [06:14] Writing a provocation rather than a prescription.

    [13:08] Divvying up concepts.

    [16:25] Comprehension over complication.

    [18:58] How Seth fulfills a blog post’s purpose.

    [22:28] Claude AI vs. ChatGPT.

    [23:41] How Seth Godin as a Service (SGaaS) maintains consistency.

    [27:23] Simplification over exaggeration.

    [31:56] Working with Isaac Asimov and getting a Clue.

    [36:53] How Seth moves life’s story forward (even when he loves the current chapter).

    [43:28] Why does Seth write?

    [44:59] Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of sinecure?

    [45:15] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #727: In Case You Missed It: February 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    #727: In Case You Missed It: February 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter.

    Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out the routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. 

    This is a special inbetweenisode, which serves as a recap of the episodes from last month. It features a short clip from each conversation in one place so you can easily jump around to get a feel for the episode and guest.

    Based on your feedback, this format has been tweaked and improved since the first recap episode. For instance, listeners suggested that the bios for each guest can slow the momentum, so we moved all the bios to the end. 

    See it as a teaser. Something to whet your appetite. If you like what you hear, you can of course find the full episodes at tim.blog/podcast

    Please enjoy! 


    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter that every Friday features five bullet points highlighting cool things I’ve found that week, including apps, books, documentaries, gadgets, albums, articles, TV shows, new hacks or tricks, and—of course—all sorts of weird stuff I’ve dug up from around the world.

    It’s free, it’s always going to be free, and you can subscribe now at tim.blog/friday.



    Cal Newport: 00:03:17

    Claire Hughes Johnson: 00:07:56

    William Ury: 00:15:52

    Soman Chainani: 00:23:38

    Full episode titles:

    Cal Newport — How to Embrace Slow Productivity, Build a Deep Life, Achieve Mastery, and Defend Your Time (#722)

    Claire Hughes Johnson, Building Stripe from 160 to 6,000+ Employees — How to Take Radical Ownership of Your Life and Career (#724)

    Master Negotiator William Ury — Proven Strategies and Amazing Stories from Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, Kim Jong Un, Hugo Chávez, and More (#721)

    Life Lessons from Taylor Swift, Conquering Anxiety, Coaching Teens, Career Reinvention, Supposedly Gay Bulls, Your Shadow Side, and More — Soman Chainani (#720)


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Related Episodes

    #272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire

    #272: Sir Richard Branson — The Billionaire Maverick of the Virgin Empire

    Sir Richard Branson (@richardbranson), founder and chairman of The Virgin Group, is a world-famous entrepreneur, adventurer, activist, and business icon. He has launched a dozen billion-dollar businesses and hundreds of other companies.

    His new autobiography, Finding My Virginity, shares the candid details of a lifetime of triumphs and failures and provides an intimate look at his never-ending quest to push boundaries, break rules, and seek new frontiers.

    I loved our conversation, and we covered a lot, including:

    • Richard's thoughts on "clean meat," block chain, and cryptocurrency
    • How he's coped with dyslexia, and how his parents helped make him resilient
    • Behind-the-scenes stories of deal-making, PR stunts, big wins, and big losses
    • The habits (and life decisions) he's used to maintain high energy levels for decades
    • How Richard masterfully caps/limits downside risk, even though he's perceived as a risk taker
    • How and why he takes regular 1-2-month (sometimes longer) breaks from alcohol
    • Favorite books
    • Lessons learned from Nelson Mandela and other mentors
    • And much more...


    This podcast is brought to you by Ascent Protein, the best protein I've ever tried. Ascent is the only US-based company that offers native proteins -- both whey and micellar casein -- directly to the consumer for improved muscle health and performance. Because the product is sourced from Ascent's parent company, Leprino Foods -- the largest producer of mozzarella cheese in the world -- it's entirely free of artificial ingredients and completely bypasses the bleaching process common to most other whey products on the market.

    If you want cleaner, less processed protein, which I certainly do, go to ascentprotein.com/tim for 20 percent off your entire order.

    This podcast is also brought to you by WordPress.com, my go-to platform for 24/7-supported, zero downtime blogging, writing online, creating websites -- everything! I love it to bits, and the lead developer, Matt Mullenweg, has appeared on this podcast many times.

    Whether for personal use or business, you're in good company with WordPress.com — used by The New Yorker, Jay Z, Beyonce, FiveThirtyEight, TechCrunch, TED, CNN, and Time, just to name a few. A source at Google told me that WordPress offers "the best out-of-the-box SEO imaginable," which is probably why it runs nearly 30% of the Internet. Go to WordPress.com/Tim to get 15% off your website today!


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Visit tim.blog/sponsor and fill out the form.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #341: Nick Kokonas — How to Apply World-Class Creativity to Business, Art, and Life

    #341: Nick Kokonas — How to Apply World-Class Creativity to Business, Art, and Life

    Nick Kokonas (IG: @nkokonas, TW: @NickKokonas) is the co-owner and co-founder of The Alinea Group of restaurants, which includes Alinea, Next, The Aviary, Roister, and The Aviary NYC. He is also the founder and CEO of Tock, Inc, a reservations and CRM system for restaurants with more than 2.5M diners and clients in more than 20 countries.

    Alinea has been named the Best Restaurant in America and Best Restaurant in The World by organizations and lists as diverse as The James Beard Foundation, World's 50 Best, TripAdvisor, Yelp, Gourmet Magazine, and Elite Traveler. His restaurants have won nearly every accolade afforded to them.

    Nick has been a subversive entrepreneur and angel investor since 1996. He spent a decade as a derivatives trader, has co-written three books, and believes in radical transparency in markets and business. His latest effort is The Aviary Cocktail Book, which is perhaps the most gorgeous book I've ever seen. It is self-published, has already pre-sold nearly $1M in copies, and is being released and shipped in October of 2018.

    We've been trying to get this interview going ever since Nick was of immense help to me for The 4-Hour Chef, so I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. We talk about much more than the restaurant business, including philosophy, derivatives trading, favorite books, and how Nick tends to break every industry he enters in the most productive way possible! Enjoy! 

    This episode is brought to you by 99designs, the global creative platform that makes it easy for designers and clients to work together. From logos to apps and packaging to books, 99designs is the go-to design resource for any budget.

    Right now, my listeners can get 50 dollars off a logo and brand identity package from 99designs, plus a free upgrade that lets you promote your project on the platform (an additional 99 dollar value), by visiting 99designs/Tim50.

    This episode is also brought to you by Charlotte's Web, which makes a CBD oil, a hemp extract, that has become one of my go-to tools. Charlotte's Web won't get you high, but it does have some pretty powerful benefits, and it works with your body's existing endocannabinoid system. Some of the most common uses are for relief from everyday stressors, help in supporting restful sleep, and to bring about a sense of calm and focus.

    Visit cwhemp.com/tim to take a quick quiz, which will determine the best product for your lifestyle. Charlotte's Web is also offering listeners of this podcast 10% off with discount code TIM.


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Visit tim.blog/sponsor and fill out the form.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #294: Best Investments, Bad Advice to Avoid, and Other Life Lessons

    #294: Best Investments, Bad Advice to Avoid, and Other Life Lessons

    This episode sets a new record with five guests -- each considered among the best in their field. It features Adam Robinson (@IAmAdamRobinson), Debbie Millman (@debbiemillman), Neil Strauss (@neilstrauss), Scott Belsky (@scottbelsky), and Veronica Belmont (@Veronica).

    This roundtable discussion covers topics including best investments, favorite failures, and bad advice to avoid. I really enjoyed all of the answers from the guests as there's lots of actionable advice. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

    This podcast is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. While I often praise this company's lion's mane Mushroom Coffee for a minimal caffeine dose wakeup call that lasts, I asked the founders if they could help me -- someone who's struggled with insomnia for decades -- improve my sleep. Their answer: Reishi Mushroom Elixir. They made a special batch for me and my listeners that comes without sweetener; you can try it with a little honey or nut milk, or you can just add hot water to your single-serving packet and embrace its bitterness like I do.

    Try it right now by going to foursigmatic.com/ferriss and using the code Ferriss to receive 20 percent off this rare, limited run of Reishi Mushroom Elixir. If you are in the experimental mindset, I do not think you'll be disappointed.

    This podcast is also brought to you by Athletic Greens. I get asked all the time, “If you could only use one supplement, what would it be?” My answer is, inevitably, Athletic Greens. It is my all-in-one nutritional insurance. I recommended it in The 4-Hour Body and did not get paid to do so. As a listener of The Tim Ferriss Show, you’ll get 30 percent off your first order at AthleticGreens.com/Tim. 


    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Please fill out the form at tim.blog/sponsor.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #326: Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, and How to Scale to 100M+ Users

    #326: Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, and How to Scale to 100M+ Users

    "In order to scale, you have to do things that don't scale." — Reid Hoffman

    This episode is a showcase from Masters of Scale, one of the few podcasts I recommend repeatedly to entrepreneurs. It's a conversation between LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman (@reidhoffman) and Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky (@bchesky), and it focuses on how you can scale your company by, paradoxically, doing things that don't scale.

    This is, in some ways, part two of my conversation with Airbnb's co-founder Joe Gebbia (which you can check out here). I also highly recommend subscribing to Masters of Scale, which just began its third season and features interviews with the founders of Spotify, Instagram, TaskRabbit, Shake Shack, and Glossier, among many others.

    And if you're looking for a companion piece to read with this episode, I can recommend none better than 1,000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly).

    Please enjoy this short conversation between Reid Hoffman and Brian Chesky, with a few cameo appearances in the mix.

    This podcast is brought to you by Audible. I have used Audible for years, and I love audiobooks. 

    I have a few to recommend:

    From now until July 31st, 2018, Amazon Prime members can get Audible for just $4.95 a month for the first three months ($14.95 per month after). To claim this offer, go to Audible.com/Tim or text TIM to 500500 to get started.


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Please fill out the form at tim.blog/sponsor.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #292: Lessons and Warnings from Successful Risk Takers

    #292: Lessons and Warnings from Successful Risk Takers

    This is a special episode of the podcast, which features three guests: author Soman Chainani (@SomanChainani), author Susan Cain (@susancain), and East Rock Capital co-founder and investor Graham Duncan.

    All three are featured in my latest book, Tribe of Mentors, and all three share something in common: they're experts at mitigating risk. I don't view them as a throw-caution-to-the-wind; nonetheless, they've been good at capping downsides and making various career decisions that have paid off in large ways.

    I hope you enjoy this episode with these three brilliant guests!

    This podcast is brought to you by Ascent Protein, the only US-based company that offers native proteins -- both whey and micellar casein -- directly to the consumer for improved muscle health and performance. Because the product is sourced from Ascent's parent company, Leprino Foods -- the largest producer of mozzarella cheese in the world -- it's entirely free of artificial ingredients and completely bypasses the bleaching process common to most other whey products on the market.

    If you want cleaner, more pure, less processed protein -- which I certainly do -- go to ascentprotein.com/tim for 20 percent off your entire orderI'm a big fan of all of their flavors -- the chocolate, vanilla, and even their newest option, cappuccino. Enjoy!

    This podcast is also brought to you by 99Designs, the world's largest marketplace of graphic designers. I have used them for years to create some amazing designs. When your business needs a logo, website design, business card, or anything you can imagine, check out 99Designs.

    I used them to rapid prototype the cover for The Tao of Seneca, and I've also had them help with display advertising and illustrations. If you want a more personalized approach, I recommend their 1-on-1 service. You get original designs from designers around the world. The best part? You provide your feedback, and then you end up with a product that you're happy with or your money back. Click this link and get a free $99 upgrade. Give it a test run...


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Please fill out the form at tim.blog/sponsor.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.