
    Podcast Summary

    • From Wall Street to MindBodyGreen: Building a life of passionJason Walker's journey from lucrative salary trader to successful health entrepreneur highlights the importance of company culture, brand trust, and working with a partner in business. Passion and purpose drive success beyond resume-building.

      The importance of passion and building a life, not just focusing on money and resume-building. Jason Walker, the founder and CEO of MindBodyGreen.com, shared his journey from earning a lucrative salary as a trader on Wall Street to starting his own business in the health and wellness space. He emphasized the significance of company culture, building a trustworthy brand, and working with a partner or spouse in business. Walker's inspiration for writing his book, "Wealth: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Resume," came from a viral blog post he wrote on his 39th birthday. This episode offers valuable insights for anyone looking to build a successful business and life based on passion and purpose.

    • Lessons from unexpected opportunitiesUnexpected encounters can lead to valuable insights and personal growth. Embrace setbacks and learn from them to succeed in entrepreneurship and life.

      Unexpected opportunities can arise from seemingly insignificant encounters. The speaker initially dismissed a blog post and the subsequent book recommendation, but after reading the book, he was inspired to write his own. The lessons he learned from playing basketball at Columbia, particularly the importance of work ethic, handling losses, and dealing with diversity, influenced his approach to entrepreneurship. Observing how Conor McGregor handled his loss in the UFC fight reinforced the importance of resilience and learning from setbacks. Ultimately, these experiences shaped the speaker's perspective on success and growth.

    • Learning from failures and mother's optimismEmbrace failures, be accountable, learn, and grow. Cherish optimism and gratitude, even during challenges.

      It's essential to learn from failures and move on, rather than making excuses or dwelling on them. This was emphasized during a discussion about a loss in a competition, where the importance of accountability and growth was highlighted. Another influential figure in the speaker's life was their mother, who instilled a strong sense of optimism and gratitude. They shared a powerful lesson from her about being grateful for what one has, even when striving for goals and success. Balancing passion and gratitude is a continuous struggle, but an essential aspect of personal growth. The speaker also mentioned the impact of various coaches, both good and bad, and how effective communication and understanding individual needs are crucial for leadership.

    • Misery despite wealth: The importance of gratitude and finding fulfillmentWealth and success don't guarantee happiness; practicing gratitude daily and finding fulfillment beyond material possessions are essential.

      Money and material success do not guarantee happiness. The speaker, a former trader, shared his experience of making substantial wealth in his twenties but found himself miserable due to a falling relationship. He emphasized the importance of gratitude as an attitude and practicing it daily, even before starting the workday. The speaker also reflected on his past, sharing how he went from being a trader to pursuing a more meaningful and passionate career. He learned the hard way that wealth and success do not automatically lead to happiness and that it's essential to find fulfillment beyond material possessions.

    • Journey to True Wealth: Mind, Body, and GreenTrue wealth goes beyond financial success, encompassing mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being. Prioritize personal growth through self-discovery and practices like yoga, proper nutrition, and stress management.

      True wealth encompasses mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being. These aspects are interconnected and require an individualized approach to improvement. The speaker, having experienced this firsthand through her own struggles with business and health, emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and prioritizing areas of personal growth. Her journey led her to create Mind, Body, Green as a resource for those seeking to enhance their overall wellness. Despite the challenges she faced, including a debilitating back injury, she ultimately found relief through practices like yoga, proper nutrition, and stress management. In essence, wealth is not just about financial success, but also about becoming the best version of oneself in all aspects of life.

    • From steak and martinis to plant-based diet and spiritual practicesShifting focus to well-being beyond physical appearance led to personal growth, business success, and community impact. Balance is key to maintaining personal and professional fulfillment.

      Health and wellness go beyond physical appearance and vanity. The speaker discovered this transformation in her own life when she shifted her focus from steak and martinis to a plant-based diet and spiritual practices. She also learned about the interconnectedness of various aspects of well-being, including money, environment, and personal growth. This realization led her to launch a blog and later a business, which grew into a thriving community with thousands of contributors and employees. Through this journey, she found immense inspiration and fulfillment from the people she met and the positive impact they were making in the world. However, she also recognized the importance of taking care of herself and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, even as she continued to grow her business.

    • Balancing Personal Growth and Business Structure in Health and WellnessFind the right people for your team to ensure business success, prioritize personal well-being for productivity, and offer holistic tools for self-improvement.

      Building a successful business centered around health and wellness requires a balance between personal growth and organizational structure. The founder of the site spoke about the inspiring people they've met who have healed themselves and changed their lives, but also acknowledged the challenges of hiring, scaling, and managing a team. He emphasized the importance of finding the right people to ensure success, even if it means refining the interview process and looking for specific qualities. Despite the focus on personal well-being, the business still needs to generate revenue, so leading a team to be productive and live healthy lives is crucial. Ultimately, the mission is to help people live their best lives through a holistic approach that includes mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being. The business offers content, online courses, events, and potentially products to give people the tools they need to improve themselves. Building a culture that prioritizes both business growth and personal well-being is essential, and the founder acknowledged that this balance can be challenging but rewarding.

    • The importance of passion and work ethic in building a successful teamPassion and work ethic are crucial for team success. Finding passionate individuals with a strong work ethic is more valuable than hiring skilled but unmotivated workers. Building a community of like-minded individuals can lead to valuable collaborations and mutual growth.

      Passion and work ethic are essential qualities in building a successful team. You can't teach these traits, and they are crucial in achieving business goals. Finding individuals who are passionate about the work and dedicated to putting in the effort is more valuable than hiring someone with an impressive skill set but a lackluster attitude. The success of a business relies heavily on its team and the larger community, and shining a light on those doing great things and creating revenue opportunities for them is important. Building a community authentically, by asking questions and meeting people, can lead to valuable collaborations and mutual growth. Ultimately, a team of passionate and hardworking individuals is the foundation for a successful business.

    • Scaling a business while preserving authenticity, trust, and cultureMaintaining authenticity, trust, and culture is crucial for business success. Transparency, alignment of passion and values, and hiring the right people are essential. Authenticity and vulnerability inspire growth, not perfection.

      Building and growing a successful business while maintaining authenticity, trust, and culture is a significant challenge. Passion, values, and work must remain aligned, and trust is essential to protect and cultivate. Maintaining the DNA of a company as it scales and ensuring every employee shares the same vision is crucial. Transparency and authenticity, even in the face of social media's pressure to project perfection, are vital. The biggest fear for many entrepreneurs is losing the trust, culture, and relationships that make their businesses unique. To build a strong foundation, infrastructure must be set up, and the right people must be found and plugged in. The biggest lesson learned from writing the book was the importance of being authentic and recognizing that no one is perfect. Sharing vulnerabilities and imperfections can help others understand that they are not alone in their struggles and can inspire them to strive for growth rather than perfection.

    • Exploring Balance in Health and WellnessMind Body Green aims to support health journey with content, classes, courses, and products over the next few years

      While maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, it's also okay to indulge in treats like donuts from time to time. The key is to find a balance that works for you and to continue learning and evolving in your health journey. Over the next five to six years, Mind Body Green plans to create more content, offer classes and courses, and become a platform to support community. They also hope to develop products to provide additional tools for their audience. In the ever-changing media landscape, having a strong brand and massive scale are crucial for success.

    • Focus on your unique niche and execute effectivelySuccess comes from staying true to your niche and executing your plan authentically, rather than trying to please everyone or aiming for massive scale. Be authentic, surround yourself with great people, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

      Focusing on your unique niche and executing your plan effectively is key to success, rather than trying to please everyone or aiming for massive scale. The CEO of a media company driving the health and wellness revolution emphasized the importance of balance and finding a lifestyle that works for you, rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach. He also highlighted the importance of being authentic and not being afraid to show your imperfections. The CEO expressed gratitude for having great people around him and working hard to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

    • The importance of belief, passion, self-love, and gratitude in achieving successBelief and passion lead to success, loving yourself first leads to true love, and feeling grateful and being the best version of yourself in every moment defines greatness

      The combination of belief and passion is the key to success, true love only comes when you love yourself first, and greatness lies in feeling grateful and being the best version of yourself in every moment. Jason Walker, a podcast guest on Lewis Howes' show, shared these truths as if it were the last day he could write them down. He emphasized the importance of self-awareness, dedication, and serving others, which led him to leave a successful financial job and create a platform that has impacted millions. By focusing on the smaller moments and striving to be the best person possible, one can define greatness as a continuous journey of feeling grateful and growing.

    • Inspiring content fuels personal growth and fitnessListening to inspiring podcasts can motivate longer, harder workouts and inspire personal growth

      Listening to inspiring content, like this podcast, can have a positive impact on both personal growth and physical fitness. The speaker expressed gratitude for the audience's engagement and shared how they have been motivated to work out longer and harder while listening. He emphasized the importance of striving to be the best version of oneself and inspiring others to do the same. The interview ended with a call to action, encouraging listeners to go out and do something great. Overall, the message conveyed is that personal growth and physical health can go hand in hand, and inspiring content can serve as a catalyst for positive change.

    Recent Episodes from The School of Greatness

    World’s TOP Productivity Experts: 3 HABIT HACKS to Crush Anxiety & Reach Your Full Potential

    World’s TOP Productivity Experts: 3 HABIT HACKS to Crush Anxiety & Reach Your Full Potential

    Today, we dive deep into the secrets of peak performance and productivity with three of the world’s leading experts - Dr. Michael Gervais, James Clear, and Robin Sharma. They uncover the psychological and practical steps to achieve high performance, form powerful habits, and integrate personal philosophies into daily life. Dr. Gervais shares the importance of being present and conquering anxiety and fatigue, while James Clear breaks down the stages of habit formation and the role of identity in sustaining those habits. Robin Sharma offers heartfelt insights on finding joy in personal growth and the beauty of living authentically and spiritually aligned. Now, let’s dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • how to embrace the present moment and make every moment count for peak performance.
    • effective strategies to combat anxiety and fatigue, removing barriers to your potential.
    • the importance of starting small and staying consistent when forming new habits.
    • how to integrate habits into your identity to ensure they become a natural part of your life.
    • the value of regular reflection and review to stay focused on what truly matters.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1634

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Michael Gervais – https://lewishowes.com/podcast/high-performance-mindset-training-dr-michael-gervais/

    James Clear – https://link.chtbl.com/1542-pod

    Robin Sharma – https://link.chtbl.com/1223-pod

    Dr Joe Dispenza: Access The Secret Healing Vibration of The Universe (This Frequency Unlocks Abundance!)

    Dr Joe Dispenza: Access The Secret Healing Vibration of The Universe (This Frequency Unlocks Abundance!)

    BIG NEWS! Dr Joe is speaking LIVE at Summit of Greatness 2024! Buy your tickets TODAY at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Hey everyone, it’s Lewis! I'm thrilled to have the inspiring Dr Joe Dispenza in the house once again. Dr Joe is one of our biggest guests of all time, with over 55 million views on our videos together over the last five years. He's a long-time fan favorite here at The School of Greatness, and I'm excited to share that he will be a keynote speaker at The Summit of Greatness 2024 in Los Angeles this September. Make sure to get your tickets to see Dr Joe live!

    Today, Dr Joe shares insights on the mind-body connection and personal transformation, diving into the illusion of separation created by our senses in the 3D world. He recounts overcoming a severe spinal injury through the power of his mind, illustrating how to collapse time and space to manifest outcomes. We discuss how to shift from the 3D world to the 5D realm, characterized by interconnectedness, energy, and frequency. Dr Joe emphasizes the importance of brain and heart coherence in accessing the quantum field for true healing. He shares personal stories and scientific evidence, and demonstrates the possibility of reprogramming our minds and bodies, sharing new research findings that validate these transformative practices. Now, let’s dive in!

    Be sure to check out Dr Joe’s new film, Source

    In this episode you will learn

    • Dr Joe Dispenza’s method for using the mind to heal severe physical injuries.
    • How to transition from the 3D world of separation to the 5D realm of interconnectedness.
    • The role of consciousness in overcoming physical and emotional challenges.
    • Practical steps to achieve brain and heart coherence to construct your new reality full of abundance.
    • Daily techniques to shorten the distance between thoughts and desired outcomes.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1633

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    #1 Memory Expert: The No. 1 Thing That Weakens Your Brain

    #1 Memory Expert: The No. 1 Thing That Weakens Your Brain

    In this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis interviews Dr. Charan Ranganath, a renowned expert in neuroscience and author of "Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory's Power to Hold On to What Matters." They delve into the fascinating world of memory, discussing how memories shape our identity, guide our choices, and enrich our experiences. Dr. Ranganath shares insights on enhancing memory retention, the impact of emotions on what we remember, and practical tips for keeping our minds sharp throughout life. The conversation also touches on the power of moods to affect memory, the importance of context in recalling memories, and how to use mental time travel to transform negative memories into meaningful ones.

    Buy his book for yourself and a friend! Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory's Power to Hold on to What Matters

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to enhance memory retention and keep your mind sharp throughout life.
    • The impact of emotions on what we remember and how to use this to your advantage.
    • Practical tips for transforming negative memories into empowering ones.
    • The importance of context and perspective in recalling memories.
    • Strategies for using curiosity and imagination to improve memory and learning.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1632

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Rick Rubin – https://link.chtbl.com/1536-pod

    Brene Brown – https://link.chtbl.com/1518-pod

    3 Brain Hacks Mashup – 


    Ultimate Guide to Holistic Health: 3 KEYS to Controlling the Mind & RESETTING Your Nervous System

    Ultimate Guide to Holistic Health: 3 KEYS to Controlling the Mind & RESETTING Your Nervous System

    Guests featured today: Andrew Huberman, Dr. Mark Hyman & Rich Roll. How much does the body control the mind, and the mind control the body? Today, we have 3 SOG favorites giving their own take on the mind-body connection and how they approach holistic health in their own lives. Andrew Huberman dives into the profound connection between the brain and body, revealing how our nervous system shapes our mental states. Dr. Mark Hyman shares his transformative journey of healing trauma to find true happiness and love. And Rich Roll inspires with his incredible story of overcoming addiction and embracing a life of continuous growth. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you transform your life – now, let’s dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • The brain and body are deeply interconnected, influencing each other continuously.
    • Emotions and states of mind involve both brain activity and bodily responses.
    • Depression and anxiety can be mitigated by understanding and leveraging the brain-body connection.
    • Breath control is a powerful tool for managing stress and altering mental states.
    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1631

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full length episodes featured today:

    Andrew Huberman – https://link.chtbl.com/1073-guest

    Dr. Mark Hyman – https://link.chtbl.com/1560-pod

    Rich Roll – https://link.chtbl.com/1061-guest

    Goldie Hawn: “I Had to See a Psychologist” Her 8-Year Journey in Combating Anxiety & Panic Attacks

    Goldie Hawn: “I Had to See a Psychologist” Her 8-Year Journey in Combating Anxiety & Panic Attacks

    In this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis sits down with the legendary Goldie Hawn. Goldie shares her wisdom on maintaining a successful career in Hollywood while nurturing long-lasting relationships and raising healthy children. She emphasizes the importance of family as her greatest legacy, the significance of self-love, and the necessity of being present and connected with loved ones. Goldie also delves into her passion for mental health and mindfulness, discussing the creation of her MindUP foundation aimed at helping children develop emotional regulation and resilience. Her stories of perseverance, love, and finding joy in the simple things inspire listeners to embrace happiness and authenticity in their own lives.

    Check out The Goldie Hawn Foundation | MindUP

    In this episode you will learn

    • How Goldie Hawn balanced a successful Hollywood career with raising a loving family.
    • The importance of self-love and how to project it onto your children.
    • Strategies Goldie used to stay present and connected with her kids despite a hectic schedule.
    • Goldie Hawn's MindUP foundation and its impact on children's emotional regulation and resilience.
    • The significance of finding joy in simple things and building happiness from within.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1630

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    "We Attract People Based on Psychological Wounds" #1 Neuroscientist Explains How to Manifest Love!

    "We Attract People Based on Psychological Wounds" #1 Neuroscientist Explains How to Manifest Love!

    Today, I'm thrilled to have the brilliant Dr. Tara Swart with us once again. As a neuroscientist and expert in manifestation, Dr. Swart brings a unique blend of science and spirituality to the table. In this episode, we'll dive into the science of manifestation, exploring how neuroplasticity allows us to rewire our brains to achieve our dreams. Dr. Swart will break down the practical steps you can take to manifest your goals, discuss the critical role of belief and self-worth, and reveal how gratitude can transform your brain's chemistry. Plus, we'll uncover the fascinating connections between our sense of smell, emotional memory, and cognitive function. Get ready for an enlightening conversation that bridges the gap between the mysteries of the universe and the science of the brain.

    Buy her book for yourself and a friend! THE SOURCE - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

    In this episode you will learn

    • The practical steps to apply the science of manifestation in your life.
    • How belief and self-worth influence your ability to manifest.
    • The importance of gratitude in shifting your brain's chemistry from stress to trust.
    • The impact of smell on emotional memory and cognitive function.
    • Techniques for olfactory enrichment to improve memory and cognition.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1629

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

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    Achieve 70% MORE SUCCESS: 3 Visualization HACKS to Boost Your CONFIDENCE

    Achieve 70% MORE SUCCESS: 3 Visualization HACKS to Boost Your CONFIDENCE

    Have you ever wondered what truly makes someone confident, even in the face of insecurities and challenges? Welcome back to The School of Greatness, in today's masterclass episode, we're diving deep into the essence of true inner strength with some of the world's top experts.

    Ed Mylett shares his journey from insecurity to self-assuredness, emphasizing intention and purpose. Mel Robbins reveals how to harness the power of visualization and celebrate small wins. Matthew McConaughey explores shedding external identities to find true inner light. Get ready for an inspiring journey as we explore how faith, purpose, and the right mindset can transform your life and help you achieve greatness. Let's dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to build self-confidence through intention rather than achievements.
    • The importance of living with purpose and serving others to enhance confidence.
    • Techniques to overcome imposter syndrome and insecurities.
    • The impact of childhood experiences on adult self-perception.
    • The role of faith and intention in maintaining confidence and humility.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1628

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Mel Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1405-pod

    Ed Mylett – https://link.chtbl.com/1274-pod

    Matthew McConaughey – https://link.chtbl.com/1422-pod

    “I’m a Bad*ss” How Dany Garcia Became A Business Trailblazer & Built a Multi-Billion Dollar Empire

    “I’m a Bad*ss” How Dany Garcia Became A Business Trailblazer & Built a Multi-Billion Dollar Empire

    Welcome back to The School of Greatness! Today, we have the pleasure of hosting the incredibly inspiring and multifaceted Dany Garcia. Dany is the Founder, CEO, and Chairwoman of The Garcia Companies, a portfolio of brands at the intersection of sports, entertainment, and lifestyle.

    She oversees a vast portfolio including Seven Bucks Productions, ZOA, Teremana Tequila, the Project Rock line at Under Armour, Acorns, Atom Tickets, and Salt & Straw. Dany shares her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in multiple industries. She discusses her early aspirations, pivotal moments that shaped her career, and her unique approach to success. Dany opens up about personal challenges, including her early divorce from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and how this experience ultimately strengthened their relationship and fueled their growth as business partners today.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The significance of aligning your actions with your ultimate purpose.
    • How to create and protect your unique path to success.
    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Gary Vee – https://link.chtbl.com/1618-pod

    Sarah Jakes Roberts – https://link.chtbl.com/1606-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    Are you ready to transform your business from local to global? Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best!

    In today’s episode, we have the incredibly insightful Scott Donnell joining us. Scott has spent over a decade studying more than a hundred multi-generational high net worth families, uncovering the secrets to building and maintaining wealth that lasts. In our conversation, he shares powerful lessons on why focusing on heritage over inheritance is crucial, how to instill the right financial values in our children, and the impact of money on our mental health and relationships. Get ready to learn practical strategies that will transform the way you and your family approach money.

    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

    In this episode you will learn

    • The difference between heritage and inheritance and why heritage is more important.
    • Strategies to teach children about value creation and financial responsibility.
    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1626

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Dr. Becky Kennedy – https://link.chtbl.com/1586-pod

    Robin Sharma – https://link.chtbl.com/1599-pod

    HACK Your BRAIN to Take Immediate Action: 90% of HIGH ACHIEVERS Practice THESE HABITS Daily

    HACK Your BRAIN to Take Immediate Action: 90% of HIGH ACHIEVERS Practice THESE HABITS Daily

    Want more from Tony and Dean? Of course you do! Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi!

    Today, we have a powerhouse episode featuring the legendary Tony Robbins and the brilliant Dean Graziosi. We're diving deep into the secrets of success, from mastering your morning routine to transforming your mindset and creating unstoppable momentum in your life. Get ready to uncover the habits and strategies that have propelled these two icons to greatness.

    As you listen, I want you to think about this: What is one small change you can make in your daily routine that could have a profound impact on your productivity and overall happiness? Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your full potential.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of a disciplined morning routine on productivity and mindset.
    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

    Related Episodes

    Ep. 34: How To Create Awesome Energy

    Ep. 34: How To Create Awesome Energy

    Happy Day, Friend! 

    The No. 1 question I always get asked is, "How do I get your energy?!"

    Seriously. I get it all the time!

    So, I thought I would share with you all how I cultivate the energy that other people love. And, quite frankly, I love the energy too! It helps me live an amazing life and helps me create some extraordinary things.

    I want you to have not only that feeling, but the results.

    Impressions matter. So, you want to create positive impression with people. Why?

    Because not only does it feel good, but it helps you become the person everyone loves including yourself!

    That is key to creating the life you deserve.

    In this episode I give you my 3 go-to tips to help you create awesome energy each day. If you want my complete guide: 6 Life Kicks to Trick Your Mind to Whole, Happy, and Healthy Living, be sure to register for my free challenge!

    Register for the #40dayTGBAchallenge by clicking the link after this => Register Here

    For 40 [approx. 6 weeks] days I will teach you all my secrets to creating focused energy, joy, and purpose. Every. Single. Day. 

    There will be a new theme each week of the challenge and we will practice the theme of the week for 7 days. 

    Each week I will build upon the prior week’s theme and introduce a new theme at the beginning of each challenge week. 

    The #40dayTGBAchallenge is completely FREE and it’s gonna packed with practical, relatable, and tangible tools to help you get the life you deserve!

    Register for the #40dayTGBAchallenge by clicking the link after this => Register Here

    And, after you dive into this episode… 

    I need a favor - please take a quick few to rate and review the show. 

    I love feedback so I can continue to glow and grow and give you valuable content so you can continue to learn from some amazing thought leaders and continue to shine bright in all you do!   

    And, don’t forget to spread the mindful love on social media! 

    Screenshot this episode and post in your IG or FB stories or wherever you like to hang on social media, tag me @atheadavis and @solsenseyoga, and use #mindulivingpodcast. Thank you! 

    Happy listening!

    XO ~ Athea


    Register for the #40dayTGBAchallenge by clicking the link after this => Register Here

    For more information on my live mindfulness trainings, digital courses, and products visit my website at www.solsenseyoga.com. Sign up for my e-mail newsletter and get your free health and wellness guide, 5 Pillars to Peace, today! You can also follow me on IG @atheadavis.  

    Connect with me on IG, FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn: @atheadavis or www.atheadavis.com

    Rekindling relationships and body confidence with Sex & Relationship Expert Annabelle Knight #13

    Rekindling relationships and body confidence with Sex & Relationship Expert Annabelle Knight #13

    For this Christmas special of the Living Life Well podcast I’m thrilled to be joined by TV’s Sex & Relationship expert Annabelle Knight! 

    Annabelle is one of the UK’s most relevant, sex, relationship, dating and body language experts, a bestselling author, sext toy expert and celebrity relationship coach. She has qualifications in life coaching, couples counselling and psychosexual therapy. 

    We have an awesome chat all about body confidence, rebuilding relationships and focusing on a sex-positive environment! This is an episode you don’t want to miss! 

    This episode of Living Life Well covers:

    • The benefits of physical fitness for mental health and confidence
    • Body confidence and power stances
    • Promiscuous gift ideas
    • Micro-cheating
    • Recovering relationships though smaller changes
    • The importance of learning and knowing your body
    • Being raised in a sex-positive environment

    Links and references at: https://simonethomaswellness.com/podcast/

    Pilot: Adulting Isn’t Easy, But We Got You

    Pilot: Adulting Isn’t Easy, But We Got You

    Welcome to season one of Teach Me How To Adult! We’re so excited that you’re joining us on our journey to crush adulthood so we can live our best damn lives. Meet your hosts Cailyn Michaan and Gillian Berner as we share our vision for the podcast and the experiences that led us to making our dream millennial self-help guide a reality.


    Teach Me How To Adult is a weekly podcast that serves up expert interviews, candid experiences and actionable advice on everything you never learned growing up. Follow along as we figure it out together!

    For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.ca

    Follow us on the ‘gram: instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultpodcast

    Follow Gillian: instagram.com/yunggillianaire/

    Follow Cailyn: instagram.com/cailynmichaan/

    PS: If you’ve been dreaming of pivoting into podcasting but aren’t sure where to start or how to grow, check our consulting services at teachmehowtoadult.ca/howtopodcast

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    Episode Notes

    Follow Mitra on instagram & DM her what you thought about this episode! @mitramanesh_ 

    1) We made our app ( innermap ) $0.99 cents a month for INNERMAP PLUS, and you are the beneficiary of this heart-based decision!  

    2) New Pre-recorded workshops are up on our website: Are you ready to be happy?, Mindful Aging, Imagination, Saying Yes to "NO": Setting Mindful Boundaries : Imagination, Creativity, and Mindfulness : Change Your Question, Change Your Life : Resilience at home and at work. New workshops are added every month!

    Live Workshops

    Pre-Recorded Workshops

    3) Rating & Reviewing our app & podcast helps us tremendously to  grow and expand our reach without  going the traditional route of spending a lot on Paid Marketing. This helps us keep our app price down, and allows us to continue producing free content and making mindful living more accessible than ever.


    innermap’s Lights On with Mitra Manesh was born to shed light on the challenges and magic we call life. Innermap is a mindfulness platform with a newly launched app (IOS) that uses transformational stories, meditations, and binaural sounds to stir up change, growth, and stillness. Mitra is a mindfulness expert, storyteller, coach, executive trainer and UCLA teacher at the Semel Institute School of Neuroscience and Human Behavior with 35+ years of experience.  Who is Mitra Manesh

    These sessions are taken live from Mitra’s keynote talks, classes, some studio recordings, as well as monthly guests, and a new format of Focused 1:1 Coaching. They are real questions, real answers, and real challenges people are facing. We hope you find value in the coaching and teachings offered. From today forward let’s move in the direction of lights on, facing what’s in front of us and more importantly inside of us.  

    To contact innermap team with comments, questions, or suggestions, please email info@innermap.me. If this podcast works for you we ask that you please rate/review/share it.

    If you have a mindful story to share we would love to feature yours in our app. Please visit https://innermap.me/yourstories for more details.

    I'm Good, I'm Good, I'm Great

    I'm Good, I'm Good, I'm Great

    Welcome to Season 2 of Live, Laugh, Love Yourself! I'm so happy you're here. I'm Lizzie, a 33 year old fitness instructor who is here to talk to you about my journey through life. This episode is about my goals for the year, my plan on dating, and reflecting on the past two years. In 2020, I made a huge decision to start not hating myself. Through the past year and a half, I found a new love of running, finding food that makes me feel good and learning that affirmations aren't silly, they are the best way to talk yourself through the hard times.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @lizlaughloveyou

    Follow me on Instagram: @lizziednewton

    Follow me on Twitter: @lizziednewton