
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Dice Clay's new stand-up special: An 'ultimate rock and roll' show filled with excitement and humorComedian Andrew Dice Clay is releasing a new uncensored, animated stand-up special filled with excitement and humor, emphasizing the importance of performance art and staying true to his edgy style.

      Comedian Andrew Dice Clay is releasing a new stand-up special on Showtime, which he describes as an "ultimate rock and roll stand-up show" filled with excitement and humor. He emphasizes the importance of performance art and staying animated on stage, as well as delivering an edgy, uncensored performance. Clay expresses his frustration with political correctness in comedy and wants to ensure his special contains nothing politically correct. He also mentions that the special was prepared for in Vegas and that he aims to make audiences laugh, especially during the New Year's Eve celebration when many people may be staying home due to a hurricane. Overall, Clay wants to deliver a raw, exciting, and funny performance for viewers.

    • Shifts in societal norms and individual desiresHonesty, communication, and finding the right partners are crucial for successful and fulfilling relationships as societal norms and individual desires evolve.

      Societal norms and individual desires have shifted over the years, leading to more openness and acceptance of sexual exploration in relationships. The speaker reflects on his own experiences and how women have changed in their approach to sexuality. He emphasizes the importance of honesty and communication in relationships, and how starting out on the same page can prevent problems down the line. However, he also acknowledges that people can grow in different directions and that finding the right combination of partners is essential for a successful and fulfilling relationship. The speaker's comedic performances on stage serve as an outlet for expressing these themes and connecting with audiences.

    • Observing life's unique moments can lead to valuable insightsOpening ourselves to new experiences and observations can reveal hidden meanings and significance in our personal relationships and the world around us

      Our experiences and observations in life, whether it's observing couples or working with contortionists, can provide valuable insights and research for us. Sometimes, we may not realize the significance of what we observe until we delve deeper. For instance, we might notice that contortionists often have their faces on their chins during their performances, which might seem insignificant at first. However, upon further observation and reflection, we might realize that this is a unique aspect of their craft that requires a great deal of flexibility and endurance. Similarly, in our personal relationships, we might observe behaviors or patterns that we don't fully understand until we explore them further. Ultimately, being open to new experiences and observations, and being curious about the world around us, can lead to valuable insights and discoveries.

    • Dice's Unique Dating Situation and Comedy Special for ShowtimeDice balances a complex dating situation with a serious comedy special for Showtime, prioritizing longer engagements in Vegas to focus on his craft.

      Dice, a comedian, is in a unique and complex dating situation that he is guarded about discussing publicly. He is currently performing a comedy special for Showtime, which he has high standards for and is taking seriously, despite the challenges it presents. Dice has a history of performing in Vegas, where he feels most at home and enjoys a steady work schedule. He has chosen to focus on longer engagements in Vegas rather than shorter runs in other cities. The conversation also touches upon Dice's dedication to perfecting his craft and his excitement about comedy once again.

    • The Importance of Authenticity and Connection in Iconic Performance VenuesPerformers value authentic audiences and historical venues, emphasizing the importance of connecting with fans and delivering high-quality performances. Vegas, as a hub for live entertainment, offers both economic opportunities and a rich cultural experience.

      Performers value authentic and engaged audiences, as well as the historical significance and energy of iconic performance venues. The speaker, who has performed in various legendary venues like the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, emphasizes the importance of connecting with fans and delivering a high-quality performance. Vegas has become a hub for live entertainment due to the economic downturn and the desire for fans to see their favorite performers in person. The speaker also mentions the influence of younger comedians and the importance of preparation and dedication in the industry. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, audience connection, and the history and energy of iconic performance spaces.

    • Dice's comedy style: Angrily targeting hecklers for dominance and reactionComedian Dice uses anger towards hecklers for entertainment and dominance, even if it means targeting vulnerable individuals.

      Dice's comedy style involves getting angry at hecklers not just for the entertainment of the audience, but also to mentally hurt them. He finds it enjoyable to provoke a reaction, even if it means throwing someone out of the comedy show. An incident involving a blind heckler who fought his way back into the room after being thrown out was particularly entertaining for Dice, but he acknowledges the ethical dilemma of targeting a vulnerable person. Dice's approach to heckling is about asserting dominance and getting a reaction, often using provocative language.

    • The Long-Lasting Impact of Words and ActionsChoose words and actions carefully as they can have lasting consequences. Positive labels can build trust and relationships.

      Words and actions, especially in the heat of the moment, can have long-lasting consequences. A seemingly harmless comment or action can turn into a label that sticks, potentially causing embarrassment or conflict years later. This was exemplified in the story of a comedian who, in a moment of anger, labeled a heckler as "asshole face." This label followed the heckler, even years later, and became a source of regret for the comedian. Another important lesson from the discussion was the value of choosing the right name for someone. The comedian shared how he gave the name "Happy Face" to a security guard because of his quick reflexes and non-violent approach to handling conflicts. This name not only reflected the guard's demeanor but also made it easier for the comedian to remember him and trust him. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of considering the long-term implications of our words and actions, as well as the power of positive labels and relationships.

    • The Comedy Store's chaotic pastThe Comedy Store in LA was known for its lack of crowd control, leading to heckling and disruptions. Harris Wittels, an infamous figure, used harsh criticism and physical altercations to maintain order.

      The comedy scene in the past had its unique challenges, particularly at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles. The lack of crowd control often led to heckling and disruptions, making it difficult for comedians to shine. Harris Wittels, a well-known figure in the comedy world, was infamous for his anger and his role as a bouncer at the Comedy Store. His harsh criticism and physical altercations with hecklers were legendary, but getting his approval meant a lot to comedians. Despite the chaos, the Comedy Store was still a place of significance for aspiring comedians, as it was where many famous comedians performed. Today, while the scene may be more managed, the free-for-all nature of the Comedy Store in its early days continues to make it an iconic part of comedy history.

    • A Place of Energy and Unpredictability: The Comedy StoreThe Comedy Store brought memorable experiences, including conflict and banter between performers, and despite past disagreements, holds a deep affection for the establishment.

      The comedy store was a place full of energy and unpredictability, where some nights were incredible and others were unbearable. The speaker had a complicated history with the establishment, having been banned multiple times, once for a joke about an elderly man and another time for bringing his kids to the club against Paulie's wishes. Despite the falling outs, the speaker still holds a deep affection for the comedy store and the memories he made there, including performing back-to-back with Kennison and the infamous "bow and jump" fights between them on stage. Overall, the comedy store was a unique and memorable experience, filled with both laughter and conflict.

    • Pranks and Unpredictability in their Professional PartnershipUnderstanding and adapting to individual performers' strengths and weaknesses is crucial for a successful partnership, despite challenges like pranks, unexpected reactions, and emotional responses.

      The relationship between the speaker and Don Barris was marked by constant pranks and humor, even during their professional engagements. The speaker often put Don in awkward situations, such as making him perform unexpectedly in front of crowds or playing practical jokes on him. These incidents led to unintended consequences, like Don's injury in Mexico and his disruptive behavior on a plane. Despite the challenges, the speaker and Don shared a deep bond and continued to work together, creating memorable moments and experiences for their audiences. Moreover, Don's emotional response to the crowd's reception and his desire for instant gratification led to conflicts during their performances. The speaker had to manage Don's expectations and help him navigate the audience's response, ensuring a successful show. Overall, the speaker's stories illustrate the unique dynamics of their professional partnership and the importance of understanding and adapting to individual performers' strengths and weaknesses.

    • Working on a low-budget film: intense challengesActing on a B-movie set requires perseverance and adaptability to financial uncertainty, long hours, and creative disagreements.

      Working on a low-budget film, known as "The Good Life," was an intense and challenging experience for the actor. He faced financial uncertainty, food scarcity, and creative disagreements. The actor recounted being paid in cash and having it taped to his body to avoid detection at the airport. The production was fraught with difficulties, including long hours, limited food options, and a change in directors. Despite the drama on set, the actor believed the movie had comedic potential. Unfortunately, the film was never released, and the only record of it is on IMDb. The experience taught him about the realities of working on a B-movie set and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

    • Power Struggle Between Comedian and DirectorClear communication and respect for creative autonomy are crucial in film production to avoid power struggles and chaos.

      During the production of a movie, there was a power struggle between a comedian and the director over creative control. The comedian, Dice, refused to follow the director's orders to include a monologue in every scene, as he considered it his own material. The director, Frank Stallone, insisted and even threatened to replace Dice if he didn't comply. Dice, in response, decided to take matters into his own hands and started directing parts of the movie himself. The situation escalated with Dice and Frank having disagreements over the tone of the movie, with Dice wanting it to be a comedy and Frank preferring a more serious approach. Eventually, they had a physical altercation involving golf carts. Despite the chaos, Dice's impression of Frank in the movie was well-received, and he was allowed to continue directing. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and respect for creative autonomy in a film production.

    • The Complexity of Comedian Relationships: A Case of Andrew Dice Clay and IraMisunderstandings and past issues can lead to disagreements between people, but recognizing the value of friendships and practicing communication and forgiveness can help mend relationships.

      People and their relationships can be complex, with past experiences and misunderstandings leading to conflicts. In the case discussed, a comedian named Andrew Dice Clay recounted an incident where he and another comedian, Ira, had a disagreement during a movie outing. Clay made an impression of Ira, which Ira found disrespectful, leading to a falling out. However, they eventually made up and acknowledged their friendship was more valuable than the disagreement. Clay also shared that he and Ira had a history of professional competition and personal differences, which may have contributed to the conflict. Despite their past issues, Clay expressed admiration for Ira's comedic abilities, highlighting the complexity of their relationship. Overall, the conversation illustrates the importance of communication, forgiveness, and recognizing the value of friendships.

    • John Travolta's struggles with stand-up comedy and off-stage experiencesDespite discomfort and missed opportunities, John Travolta's unique experiences and resilience have contributed to his enduring appeal as a performer.

      John Travolta's struggles with stand-up comedy and his unique experiences off-stage have contributed to his intrigue and enduring appeal as a performer. The speaker expresses admiration for Travolta's acting abilities but also acknowledges his discomfort with physical touch, which may have led him to seek out male companionship. Despite this, the speaker does not hold any ill will towards Travolta and even shares anecdotes about how he missed out on performing in large arenas due to circumstances beyond his control. Additionally, the speaker shares personal experiences and advice from comedians like Lenny Clark, who played a significant role in his own comedy career. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and unpredictability of the entertainment industry and the resilience of those who persist in the face of challenges.

    • The importance of preparation and dedication in comedyRehearsing regularly and taking performances seriously can lead to success in comedy, as shown by the experiences of Lenny Clark and Barry Sobel.

      Preparation and dedication are key to success in comedy, as evidenced by the experiences shared about working on Rodney Dangerfield's comedy specials. Lenny Clark, Barry Sobel, and others learned the importance of being prepared and taking their performances seriously. Lenny Clark shared how he rehearsed every night at the comedy store, even with small crowds, to ensure he was ready for the special. Meanwhile, Barry Sobel was criticized for not taking the opportunity seriously and wearing the wrong jacket on the show. The anecdote illustrates the importance of being fully committed and prepared to seize opportunities when they arise. Additionally, the speaker expressed his desire to introduce new comedians to America through comedy specials, emphasizing the significance of hard work and dedication in achieving one's goals.

    • Learning from mistakes and gaining experiencePreparation and experience are crucial for delivering a successful comedy performance. Mistakes can be learned from and used to improve future shows. Experience from other performances, like podcasts, can also help ease anxiety on stage.

      Preparation and experience are key to delivering a successful comedy performance. The speaker, who had some issues during the first taping of his comedy special, learned from his mistakes and became more angry and focused for the second show. He also credits his experience from doing a podcast for helping him feel more at ease on stage. The speaker is happy that there are still comedians pushing boundaries and making controversial jokes, emphasizing that people should have the freedom to choose what they listen to and not be offended by every joke. He also defends his use of certain words in his comedy, explaining that they are used in the context of a larger bit and ultimately support a positive message. Overall, the speaker's experience and confidence, honed through preparation and experience, allowed him to deliver a successful comedy special despite some initial challenges.

    • Adapting to Changing Comedy LandscapeStay relevant by adapting to new contexts while staying true to artistic vision. Incorporate new material and high-energy delivery to keep audiences engaged. Support and respect fellow performers.

      Comedy and performance have evolved significantly over the years, with comedians updating their acts and adapting to changing societal norms and audience expectations. The speaker shares his experience of continuing to perform classic bits while incorporating new material and high-energy delivery. He also reflects on the shift in attitudes towards physicality and effort in comedy, and the importance of supporting and respecting fellow performers. The speaker's passion and dedication to his craft, as well as his ability to connect with audiences through his performances, are key to his enduring success. The conversation highlights the importance of staying relevant and adapting to new contexts while staying true to one's artistic vision.

    • Appreciating the Art of Stand-Up Comedy and Its Various StylesStand-up comedy encompasses diverse styles, from clean to observational, and the camaraderie among comics is invaluable. Seinfeld and Larry Miller influenced the clean comedy scene, and delivery and audience reactions are crucial.

      The art of stand-up comedy holds great significance for the speaker, with its various styles and the camaraderie among comics being key aspects. The speaker admires both the cleaner and observational styles, citing Seinfeld and Larry Miller as influences. Seinfeld's unique style led many clean comedians to imitate it, creating a distinct group. The speaker also shares a story about performing at a private party with Larry Miller, highlighting the importance of delivery and the unique reactions from different types of audiences. Ultimately, the speaker values the diversity in comedy and challenges the notion that there's a "right" or "wrong" way to do comedy, as different styles can resonate with different people.

    • Comedian Clay on Appreciating Dirty Jokes and Staying True to HerselfClay believes intelligence and success in comedy lie in the ability to appreciate and perform dirty jokes, staying true to oneself, and ignoring criticism.

      Comedian Andrew Dice Clay believes that being able to appreciate and perform dirty jokes is a sign of intelligence and a mark of a successful comedian. He shares his experiences of selling out arenas in the 90s and how the industry has changed since then. Clay also expresses his disdain for comedy critics and the backlash he faced in his career, but now he doesn't care about it. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to himself and delivering what his fans want to see. Despite his non-traditional education and unconventional comedy style, Clay believes he has earned respect in the industry and continues to push boundaries with his performances.

    • Comedian's Unique Style: Making Fun of Everyday LifeComedian creates humor from ordinary situations, avoids hurtful topics, connects with audiences, and pushes boundaries for engaging performances.

      The comedian in this conversation has a unique style of comedy that revolves around breaking down processes and making fun of everyday situations. He doesn't do research for his material and has strong rules about what he finds funny, such as avoiding topics that involve people getting hurt or killed. He also uses humor to connect with audiences, particularly women, and has had memorable experiences with hecklers throughout his career. Despite the controversy surrounding some of his jokes, he believes that his intention is to make people laugh and allow them to join in the humor. Ultimately, his comedy is about finding the funny in the ordinary and pushing boundaries to create an engaging live performance.

    • Challenges of Performing at the Comedy Store in HollywoodThe Comedy Store in Hollywood offers a tough crowd and intense competition, but it's a crucial venue for honing skills and building a comedy career. Performers must adapt and deliver their best to succeed.

      Performing at the Comedy Store in Hollywood can be a challenging experience due to the unimpressed and sometimes heckling crowd. The environment is filled with aspiring artists who are often struggling, leading to a lot of bitterness and negativity. There are also hackers who disrupt the show and make it difficult for performers to showcase their material. Additionally, some performers may have checked out and deliver subpar performances, making it even harder for those who follow to succeed. Despite these challenges, the Comedy Store remains an important venue for honing one's skills and building a career in stand-up comedy. The experience of performing there can be intense and rewarding, pushing comedians to be at their best and adapt to any situation.

    • Learning from Established ComediansPerforming after well-known comedians pushes newcomers to quickly engage audiences and hone their skills, ultimately leading to growth and appreciation for raw, engaging performances.

      Performing after well-known comedians early in your career can be a challenging but valuable experience. Mitzi, a comedy club owner, would often put new comedians on after established acts, forcing them to quickly engage and impress the audience. This exercise helped comedians like the speaker develop their skills and learn to cut straight to the funny stuff. The speaker shared stories of following Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy, both of whom had strong primes and large followings. While intimidating, these experiences helped the speaker grow as a comedian and appreciate the raw, engaging performances of his idols.

    • The Decline of Effective Communication and Interpersonal SkillsThe over-reliance on technology for communication and the emphasis on self-control in education are contributing to the decline of effective communication and interpersonal skills. It's crucial to recognize their importance and make an effort to develop them.

      Effective communication and interpersonal skills are becoming increasingly rare in today's society, particularly among younger generations. This can be attributed to various factors, including the encouragement of self-control and conformity in educational environments, as well as the increasing reliance on technology for communication. As a result, many individuals struggle to engage in face-to-face conversations and may prefer to communicate through text or email. This trend is further exacerbated by the availability of technology in educational settings, which can be a distraction and hinder the learning experience. The future of technology may bring even more distractions, such as Google glasses with no-touch interfaces, which could further diminish the importance of effective communication and interpersonal skills. It's essential to recognize the importance of these skills and make an effort to develop them in ourselves and in future generations.

    • Balancing Writing and Performance for Comedy SuccessComedians need both writing and performing to create effective and engaging comedy. Balance private refinement with live spontaneity, and seek support from a partner for success.

      Both writing and performing are essential for comedians to produce their best work. The conversation highlights how the speaker, who is a comedian, has found success by balancing both aspects. They enjoy writing and refining their material in private, but also value the spontaneity and creativity that comes from performing live. The support and feedback from their partner, who is not in the limelight, plays a crucial role in their success. The speaker acknowledges that it's not an either-or situation, but rather a combination of both that leads to the most effective and engaging comedy.

    • The power of collaboration in comedyComedians value originality but also benefit from collaboration and trusting the input of those who understand their style. Partnerships based on deep understanding can lead to successful bits, but pushing boundaries can have consequences.

      Successful comedians value originality and creativity in their material, often preferring to write and perform their own jokes. However, there is also value in collaboration and trusting the input of those who know and understand them well. Comedian Nick DiPaulo shares how his friend and fellow comedian, Will, has provided him with successful bits, despite not being on stage himself. This partnership is based on their deep understanding of each other's unique comedic style and the organic way their ideas complement each other. However, it's important to note that there can be consequences, like getting banned from shows, when pushing boundaries with material. Ultimately, it's about finding the balance between staying true to one's own comedic voice and trusting the creative process with trusted collaborators.

    • Reflecting on Controversial Jokes and the Complexities of ComedyComedian Andrew Dice Clay acknowledges the impact of his words, expresses regret for past offensive jokes, and highlights the importance of respecting audiences, friendships, factual journalism, and social media in shaping public discourse.

      Comedian Andrew Dice Clay reflects on past interviews and jokes that sparked controversy, acknowledging that some were intended to be humorous but were perceived as offensive. He expresses regret for not being more mindful of the impact of his words and recognizes the importance of respecting the sensitivities of audiences. He also highlights the value of friendships and collaborations in his career, such as his admiration for Tom Green and their shared experiences in the entertainment industry. Additionally, Clay emphasizes the importance of facts and accuracy in journalism, as well as the power of social media in shaping public discourse. Overall, his reflections underscore the complexities and consequences of comedy and the importance of being aware of one's impact on others.

    • Freedom of Speech on Cable vs ConsequencesEven on cable networks, using derogatory comments or controversial opinions can lead to fines and backlash from advertisers.

      While there are certain restrictions on what can be said on broadcast television, cable networks like CNN have more freedom to allow for explicit language and controversial opinions. However, even on cable, there can still be consequences for crossing certain lines, as one comedian learned the hard way when he made derogatory comments about another person during a live interview. Despite the comedian's belief that he could get away with it due to the lack of FCC regulations on cable, he still faced potential fines and backlash from advertisers. It's important to be mindful of the potential consequences of one's words, even in a seemingly more relaxed environment like a cable news interview.

    • Brian Regan's Happy Family on Stage with Eleanor ReissaBrian Regan values ensuring fun shows at Mandalay Bay despite large audiences, recently performed with Honey Honey, and considers bringing Eleanor Reissa to Vegas for a new gig.

      Comedian Brian Regan and his team have created a successful touring act that feels like a happy family, with Eleanor Reissa joining them on stage. Regan shared his experience of performing in Las Vegas, expressing that it offers a fresh audience every week due to various conventions and tourist crowds. He will be performing at Mandalay Bay in February, and despite the large audience size, he values ensuring the shows are fun. Alan Chernoff, a career advisor for Brown University, was mentioned, and Doug Stanhope's friendship with Jake Lamanna was discussed. The group recently performed together with a country-ish band, Honey Honey, and Diaz is considering joining Regan in Vegas for a potential new gig. The group's frequent drives to Vegas make the long journey feel manageable.

    • Discovering Venues and Recommendations in Las VegasThe interviewee shares their experiences with attending events at the Tropicana in Las Vegas, recommends the Laugh Factory comedy club, and expresses interest in using the Hard Rock Hotel's room for an event. They also suggest exploring opportunities in comedy club ownership like Steve Schirripa.

      The interviewee has had several experiences with getting stuck in traffic and attending events at the Tropicana in Las Vegas, specifically the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the Laugh Factory comedy club. The Hard Rock Hotel has a room suitable for new rock bands, which the interviewee is interested in using for an event, and the Laugh Factory, opened by Harry Basel, is a successful comedy club that the interviewee recommends. The Riviera Comedy Club is also mentioned as a potential venue, with a larger capacity. The interviewee expresses admiration for Steve Schirripa, who has transitioned from acting in "The Sopranos" to opening a comedy club, and suggests that the interviewee could explore similar opportunities. The interviewee is unsure of the exact capacity of the Riviera Comedy Club but estimates it to be around 300. The conversation also touches on the changing language and social norms regarding terms like "drag queen" and "twink."

    • Use of Controversial Language by Andy Cohen Sparks DebateLanguage can be subjective and offensive, even when used positively. Be mindful of potential meanings and implications to promote sensitivity and understanding.

      Language and its meaning can be subjective and controversial, even when used by members of the same community. In this discussion, the use of the term "twink" by Andy Cohen, a gay man and the head of Bravo, sparked controversy and backlash on Twitter. The term, which can be seen as derogatory towards certain types of homosexual men, was used by Cohen in a seemingly positive context, but some people took offense. This incident highlights the importance of considering the potential meanings and implications of words, and the need for sensitivity and understanding when using language that may be perceived as offensive. It also underscores the complexity of issues surrounding identity, language, and community.

    • Reality TV survival shows vs. shows about the rich and famousThe speaker finds survival shows more fascinating as they showcase humans fighting for basic necessities, contrasting the trivial behavior in shows about wealth and relationships.

      The speaker finds reality TV shows about survival in harsh environments, such as Alaska, more fascinating than shows about the lives of the rich and famous. He believes that the stakes are higher in survival shows because people are fighting for basic necessities like food and shelter. The speaker finds the behavior of reality TV stars in shows about wealth and relationships to be trivial and unentertaining in comparison. He prefers watching humans in survival situations because it reminds him of the human instinct to survive, regardless of the environment.

    • A heated exchange over a woman's warning against salt consumptionDice finds humor in everyday situations and has a passion for capturing and sharing those moments

      Dice not only has a unique perspective on life but also an affinity for breaking down situations and finding the humor in them. This was evident during a conversation about a woman's warning against salt consumption, which led to a heated exchange. Dice, who saw the absurdity in the situation, expressed his frustration and even received a cigarette thrown at him. Despite this, he appreciated the way Joe Rogan and other hosts broke down complex topics and connected with their audiences. Dice also shared his love for pranking people and filming their reactions, which he believed could make for great content. He expressed disappointment that he never did more with all the footage he had amassed over the years. However, he is now working with a young filmmaker to create a documentary using his archived footage. Overall, Dice's ability to find humor in everyday situations and his passion for capturing and sharing those moments make him a compelling and entertaining figure.

    • Andrew Dice Clay's One-Hour Special on ShowtimeAndrew Dice Clay's one-hour comedy special on Showtime brings his aggressive style back, recorded from recent live performances. Fans should set their DVRs and follow him on Twitter for updates.

      Andrew Dice Clay is excited to present his old-school, aggressive comedy style in a one-hour special airing on New Year's Eve at 10 p.m. on Showtime. Fans who can't be home to watch it live are encouraged to set their DVRs. The special is based on material from his recent live performances, including a show in Vegas that left the audience "howling." Clay expressed gratitude for those who support his comedy and emphasized the importance of discipline and hard work in creating a successful act. He also reminded listeners to follow him on Twitter for updates and encouraged them to visit his official website, AndrewDiceClayOfficial.com, for authentic content. The special promises to be a return to Clay's earlier, aggressive style, and fans can expect intense, pounding humor.

    • Excited to Perform at The Ice House in PasadenaThe speaker is thrilled to perform at The Ice House, a renowned comedy venue with a friendly and fun crowd, and looks forward to upcoming episodes featuring named guests.

      The Ice House in Pasadena is a favorite comedy venue for the speaker, known for its friendly crowd, relaxed atmosphere, and phenomenal turnout. The speaker plans to perform there during some upcoming weekends, having never played there before. The audience is described as being unlike city people, with a loose and fun crowd. The speaker expresses his excitement about performing there and invites listeners to tune in for upcoming episodes featuring named guests. The podcast received positive feedback regarding a recent comedy special, and the speaker expresses gratitude for the support and love received. Overall, the Ice House is a highly regarded comedy venue for the speaker, and he looks forward to performing there.

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