
    305: Financial Independence in Your 30s Through Just 5 Investment Properties with Brad Dantonio

    enNovember 22, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Financial Freedom through Real Estate InvestmentsReal estate investments offer financial freedom to pursue retirement gigs and travel. Tools like DealMachine and opportunities like Rent to Retirement help maximize returns.

      Having financial freedom through real estate investments allows individuals to pursue retirement gigs and travel, which may not be possible while climbing the corporate ladder. Brandon Turner, a podcast host, shares his experience of turning a travel hobby into a business by showing people around Central and Eastern Europe. David Green, another podcast host, talks about his recent property purchase and the excitement of managing a rehab to turn it into a cash cow. They also discuss the importance of efficient lead generation through DealMachine, which provides unlimited access to contact information for no extra cost. Additionally, they mention the opportunity to invest in new construction rental properties with no money down through Rent to Retirement. Overall, these discussions emphasize the importance of financial freedom and the various ways real estate investments can provide it.

    • Connect with like-minded individuals and learn new strategies at local real estate meetupsAttend local real estate meetups to meet investors, learn new tactics, and potentially travel the world while achieving financial freedom

      Attending local real estate meetups, like Bigger Pockets meetups, can be a simple yet effective way to connect with like-minded individuals, learn new strategies, and grow personally and financially. As shared in the podcast episode, these events are often free and can take place at local bars, restaurants, or other venues. By attending, you can meet people who are also investing in real estate, get inspired, and potentially learn new tactics to save money and make more money. The podcast interview featured a guest who was able to travel to 54 countries in the last 3 years while achieving financial freedom with just five real estate properties. His story highlights the potential benefits of investing in real estate and the importance of connecting with others in the industry. So, if you're looking to take action and make the new year a new you, consider finding and attending a local real estate meetup in your area.

    • Finding financial peace of mind through homeownershipPaying off a house can simplify finances and provide peace of mind, even if it means sacrificing potential investment returns.

      Paying off a house can provide financial peace of mind and simplify one's finances, even if it means missing out on potential higher returns from investments. The speaker shared his experience of paying off his house by age 26 by increasing his income and keeping expenses low, and explained his preference for owning properties outright due to the ease of management and lack of documentation required compared to securing funding. While some may argue for leveraging investments for higher returns, the speaker emphasized that everyone's financial goals and strategies are unique, and paying off a house can be an important step for those seeking financial security and simplicity.

    • Focusing on financial independence through paying off properties and living below meansSetting clear financial goals, living below your means, and purchasing properties with high ROI can lead to financial independence and better asset care

      Focusing on financial independence through paying off your properties and living within your means can lead to better care of your assets and tenants. Comparing yourself to others and getting discouraged by their progress is a common pitfall, but learning to play by their rules and help them achieve their goals can ultimately benefit you. Setting clear financial goals and living below your means can lead to financial independence, which comes with its own wisdom and long-term perspective. An example of this is purchasing properties with a high return on investment and strict criteria, allowing for financial growth and independence.

    • Successful real estate investing through careful planning and persistenceA well-thought-out strategy, quick action, and persistence can lead to successful real estate investing by identifying desired property types and securing deals before competition

      Successful real estate investing involves careful planning and persistence. The speaker shared his experience of purchasing properties based on a specific criteria, including a cash on cash return of 12-30%. He emphasized the importance of knowing your numbers, such as gross rent, taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and repairs. He also highlighted the competitive nature of the market and the importance of being persistent and consistent in making offers. The speaker's success came from his ability to identify his desired property type and set up email alerts to be notified as soon as a match became available. By being quick to view properties and make offers, he increased his chances of getting accepted and securing the deal. Overall, the key takeaway is that a well-thought-out strategy, combined with persistence and quick action, can lead to successful real estate investing.

    • Achieving Financial Freedom through Income and ExpensesImplement offensive and defensive techniques to increase income and decrease expenses for financial freedom. Offensive: investing, house hacking. Defensive: living below means, cooking at home. Mindset: view appreciation as a bonus.

      Financial freedom can be achieved through a combination of increasing income and decreasing expenses. The speaker, Brad, accomplished this by implementing offensive techniques like investing in real estate for cash flow and tax benefits, and defensive techniques such as house hacking, living with roommates until age 31, cooking at home, and avoiding restaurants and partying. These practices enabled him to live below his means and retire in his thirties. Additionally, Brad emphasized the importance of having the right mindset, viewing appreciation as a bonus rather than a primary goal. He also suggested setting up automatic emails with real estate agents to start analyzing potential investment properties, regardless of readiness to buy. Overall, Brad's story illustrates the importance of both increasing income and decreasing expenses to achieve financial freedom.

    • Tracking expenses and habits for better controlRecording and monitoring expenses and habits leads to better financial decisions, improved lifestyle, and overall better outcomes

      Actively tracking your expenses and habits can significantly reduce your spending and improve various aspects of your life. By keeping a record of your expenses, you gain better control over your money, enabling you to make more informed decisions and live below your means. This concept applies to various areas, including business deals and caloric intake. The simple act of recording and monitoring your actions can put you in the driver's seat, making you more conscious of your choices and ultimately leading to better outcomes. Easy-to-use apps like Toshl can help simplify the process, providing an effortless way to track and manage your finances. Additionally, being deliberate about increasing your lifestyle only when necessary, while maximizing savings and investments, is crucial for achieving financial independence.

    • Learning new skills and being financially savvyThrough dedicated learning and hard work, individuals can improve their financial situation and reach their goals by investing in themselves, keeping expenses low, and seeking knowledge from experts.

      Being financially savvy and continuously learning new skills are key to living a fulfilling lifestyle and increasing income. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting out in real estate with limited experience and income, but through dedicated learning and hard work, he was able to succeed. He emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself by reading books and seeking knowledge from experts in one's field. He also highlights the importance of keeping expenses low and being mindful of spending. By doing so, individuals can separate themselves from others and reach their goals, which may seem out of reach at first. The speaker's passion for self-improvement and learning is evident, and he encourages others to do the same by standing on the books they read and reaching for the rewards on the top shelf.

    • Overcoming insecurities and learning new skillsDedication, intentional learning, focusing on improvement, making the most of time, networking, and becoming a person of value can help anyone succeed in their chosen field.

      Dedication and intentional learning can help anyone excel in areas they may initially feel insecure about or lack experience in. The speaker shared his personal experience of becoming the top agent in his brokerage despite initial insecurities and lack of sales skills. He emphasized that those who are willing to learn, focus on improving, and make the most of their time will separate themselves from their peers. Brad, who increased his income every year for 13 years, also emphasized the importance of networking and becoming a person of value to others. The speaker suggested keeping a journal as a fundamental habit to help with goal-setting, remembering names, and reflecting on learning experiences. Overall, the message is that with dedication and intentional learning, anyone can develop skills and succeed in their chosen field.

    • Simple daily practices for personal growthIncorporating gratitude journaling, reading, setting goals, and reflection into daily life can significantly improve mood and contribute to personal growth

      Incorporating simple practices into your daily routine, such as maintaining a gratitude journal and reading books, can significantly improve your mood and contribute to personal growth. Additionally, setting and reflecting on goals is an essential part of the process, ensuring continuous learning and development. The impact of these habits can be seen over time, allowing for personal reflection and growth. Investing in books and journaling are affordable yet powerful tools for self-improvement, providing knowledge and insights that can last a lifetime.

    • Personal struggles leading to valuable lessonsDifficult experiences can foster skills like delayed gratification and money management, leading to greater success in the future.

      Difficult experiences can lead to valuable lessons and skills that serve us well in various aspects of life. The speaker, Brad, shares his personal story of how his father's departure when he was young forced him to learn money management and delayed gratification at a young age by selling basketball cards in school. This experience shaped his character and set him up for future success. The concept of delayed gratification is supported by studies like the marshmallow test, which shows that the ability to wait for a bigger reward instead of taking a smaller one immediately can lead to greater success in the long run. While going through tough times may feel like a curse at the moment, it can ultimately lead to growth and resilience.

    • Embracing Pain for Personal GrowthEnduring rejection and losses can lead to resilience and personal growth in real estate investing. Prioritize time wealth and pursue interests outside of traditional career hierarchy.

      Developing resilience and embracing pain can lead to significant personal growth and success in various aspects of life, including real estate investing. The speaker shares his personal experience of being able to bounce back from rejection and losses, which helped him become more bold and robust. He also mentions how he has used his financial freedom to prioritize time wealth and pursue interests outside of the traditional career hierarchy. His friend's story of loss and resilience further emphasizes the importance of enduring hardships and maintaining a strong relationship with pain. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of embracing challenges and using them as opportunities for growth.

    • Living life on your terms with financial freedomFinancial freedom allows for living life on your terms, not requiring hundreds of properties, prioritizing what matters through therapy, and building generational wealth with trusted partners.

      Financial freedom is not about having material wealth and not working, but rather having the ability to live life on your own terms. This means doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want. This concept has only been possible for a small percentage of humans throughout history, so it's important to take advantage of it if you can. The path to financial freedom doesn't require hundreds of properties, as demonstrated by someone who achieved it with just 5. The ability to have more time and control over your life is the true goal. Additionally, therapy can help you make the most of your time by discovering what truly matters to you and prioritizing it. And for those considering investing in a vacation home, Vacasa offers a solution to make the experience easy and profitable. Finally, partnering with a trusted company like BAM Capital can help navigate the challenges of investing in a constantly changing market and build generational wealth.

    • Finding, negotiating, and funding the right propertyEffectively navigate the real estate market by finding the right property, negotiating with a short option period, and securing funding for long-term investment strategies like buying and holding, while utilizing technology for remote property management.

      Successful real estate investing involves finding the right property within your target market, negotiating effectively, and securing funding. Brandon shared his experience of purchasing a single family house in the Houston area through the Multiple Listing Service, negotiating with a short option period, and using cash for funding. He also emphasized the importance of having a long-term investment strategy, such as buying and holding, as opposed to frequent flipping. Additionally, technology plays a significant role in managing properties remotely, allowing for efficient communication with tenants from anywhere in the world.

    • Real Estate vs. Stock Investing: Different Purposes and AdvantagesBoth stocks and real estate offer unique advantages for investors. Stocks provide potential for passive income and consistent returns, while real estate provides more control and the potential for larger returns. Understanding local markets and taking calculated risks are key to success in both areas.

      Real estate investing and stock investing serve different purposes and have unique advantages. While stocks offer potential for passive income and consistent returns, real estate provides more control and the potential for larger returns. However, both require knowledge and careful consideration. David shared that he has a diversified portfolio, including stocks and real estate, and that he has learned valuable lessons from his experiences in real estate investing. He emphasized the importance of understanding the local market and being willing to take calculated risks. Ultimately, the best investment strategy depends on individual circumstances and goals.

    • Investing in popular trends and behaviorsStaying informed about consumer trends and behaviors can lead to profitable investments in stocks or real estate. Education and valuable skills are crucial for success in the job market, but automation may impact certain jobs.

      Paying attention to consumer trends and behaviors can be a valuable strategy for investing in stocks or real estate. The speaker suggests that investing in companies or assets that are widely used or popular can potentially yield good returns. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of education but also acknowledges the availability of free resources online. They also caution that as technology advances, certain jobs may become automated, making the importance of acquiring valuable skills even more crucial. Overall, the speaker encourages taking calculated risks and staying informed about market trends and technological advancements.

    • Continuous learning and adaptability are crucialEducate yourself, become a lifelong learner, and adapt to change in real estate investing. Thoroughly vet deals and trust your judgment, but be open to second chances and calculated risks.

      Continuous learning and adaptability are crucial in life and real estate investing. David emphasized the importance of educating oneself and becoming a lifelong learner to navigate change and new environments. In real estate, thorough vetting and analysis are essential, but exceptions can be made if one has confidence in their ability to judge character and has done their due diligence. Personal experiences and second chances can shape who we are, and sometimes, taking calculated risks can lead to great rewards. Regarding books, Brad recommended "The Richest Man in Babylon" for real estate and "Titan" by Ron Chernow for business. Brad enjoys hobbies such as travel, staying fit, reading, journaling, meditating, and going for walks. Croatia is one of Scott's favorite places he's visited, known for its beauty, history, and unique rock beaches.

    • Take action and physically visit properties to fuel your real estate investing addictionConsistent action is key to financial freedom through real estate investing, not a large number of properties. Visit properties to fuel your motivation and connect with agents for support.

      Successful real estate investors take action and keep going. According to Brad, once you've done your research and preparation, it's important to take the next step and physically visit properties. The experience of taking action can lead to addiction and a desire to continue investing. Brad shared his experiences and insights on his blog, manoverseas.com, and encouraged listeners to explore his retirement side gig tours of Central and Eastern Europe. To connect with Brad, follow him on social media @man_overseas. The key to financial freedom through real estate investing isn't about having a large number of properties, but rather taking consistent action. As Brad put it, "It's not about timing the market, it's about time in the market." To find an investor-friendly agent to help navigate the process, visit biggerpockets.com/deals. Remember, investing involves risk, so be sure to consult with qualified advisors before making any investment decisions.

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    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
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    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell

    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell
    Want to retire early? Real estate investing might be your best bet. Looking to boost your cash flow and expand your real estate portfolio, too? In today’s show, we’re sharing how to use home equity to build wealth the RIGHT way, plus the “portfolio architecture” secrets that enable you to retire earlier than you thought. Whether you’ve got one rental or a hundred or are just starting to dig into real estate investing, we’ve got the investing information you need on this Seeing Greene to reach true financial freedom. First, an investor sitting on $300,000 of equity asks what he should do: sell his current rental property and buy more OR convert the single-family home into a multifamily investment. The answer isn’t as clear-cut as you’d think. Next, we discuss whether ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages) vs. fixed-rate mortgages are your best bet for a lower mortgage rate. Plus, we'll share the five BIG mistakes new real estate investors can make. Finally, David describes “portfolio architecture” to an investor who wants to retire by age fifty. He CAN get it done, and you can, too, IF you follow David’s massive passive income plan!  Want to ask David and Rob a question? If so, submit your question here so they can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene, or hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take! In This Episode We Cover How to retire earlier with rental properties by strategizing your “portfolio architecture” Using home equity to invest and whether you should renovate a property or sell it and buy more rentals  Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) vs. fixed-rate mortgages and the “rate roulette” you could be playing Five real estate investing beginner mistakes you should avoid when using the BiggerPockets Forums  How to explode your cash flow by converting your long-term rental into a short or medium-term rental  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:31) Buy More Rentals or Convert Current One? (07:33) ARM vs. Fixed- Rate Mortgages (16:43) 5 Mistakes New Investors Make (21:08) Portfolio Architecture (Retire Early!) (32:05) Moving “Lazy” Equity (42:09) Note Investing 101 (51:12) Starting a Business (53:50) Ask Us Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-973 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market
    What sets apart the wealthy from the wannabes when investing? Knowing how to find real estate deals! You’ll be ahead of ninety-nine percent of investors if you know how to find off-market real estate deals and discounted on-market properties. Today, we’re giving you everything you need to know to find real estate deals in your market, no matter your budget, and even if you have zero real estate investing experience. Henry Washington, co-host of On the Market and author of Real Estate Deal Maker, is on to condense his seven years of investing into simple steps YOU can follow to find undervalued real estate. You’ll learn what a great real estate deal is, how to spot one even if you’ve never invested, why buying right is what REALLY makes you rich, three steps to start finding deals today, and the beginner mistake that’ll stop the deals from coming your way. Plus, Henry even shares the hidden on-market deals ANYONE can find (if they’re up to it). If you follow these steps, you’ll have a steady stream of real estate deals flowing your way. But if you don’t, you could waste years of building wealth waiting for the right deal to fall into your lap. So, are you going to take action or make excuses?  In This Episode We Cover How anyone in any real estate market can find undervalued real estate deals The three steps to finding discounted deals and why most people give up too soon Hidden on-market deals that anyone with a real estate agent can find  The biggest beginner mistake you can’t afford to make (it’ll could cost you…) Why you DON’T need a ton of time and money to start finding off-market real estate And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:08) What Makes a Great Deal? (06:34) How You Really Make Money (08:10) 3 Steps to Find Deals  (16:21) Biggest Beginner Mistake  (20:37) Learning From the Best  (23:29) Hidden On-Market Deals (29:09) Most People Won’t Do This  (33:02) Beginner Steps to Take (35:26) Grab Henry’s Book Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-972 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    971: BiggerNews: Mid-Year Housing Market Update + Mortgage Rate Forecast w/Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather

    971: BiggerNews: Mid-Year Housing Market Update + Mortgage Rate Forecast w/Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather
    We’re almost halfway through 2024, and the housing market is at a standstill. Mortgage rates are high, inventory is low, buyers have fewer choices, and many homeowners refuse to put their properties up for sale. But could things change in the second half of this year if interest rates fall and inventory improves, even if ever so slightly? We brought Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather on this BiggerNews episode to get her team’s latest 2024 housing market predictions. First, Daryl explains how our stubbornly strong economy put the Federal Reserve in a challenging position and whether or not we could hit the magic two-percent inflation rate goal. Will buyers ever get a break in this tough housing market, and could lower interest rates improve things? Daryl shares what she thinks will happen once the Fed finally cuts rates, how low rates could go, and whether or not this will heat home prices up yet again. Some “unusual demand” may come late this year for housing, but will agents, brokers, and sellers see the traditionally hot summer season they’ve been waiting for? We’re answering all these questions and more with this housing market data leader on this BiggerNews episode!  Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover 2024 housing market and mortgage rate predictions from Redfin’s Chief Economist  How our economy has stayed so stubbornly strong EVEN with rate hikes  Homeowner control and why buyers may be in an even worse position AFTER rates fall Improving housing inventory and what’s contributing the most to more homes on the market Why inflation may NOT need to hit the two-percent target for the Fed to lower rates The “lock-in effect” explained and why more homeowners with low rates could start selling And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:38) A Stubbornly Strong Economy (07:03) Housing Is STILL Hot? (13:23) Mortgage Rate Prediction ((18:29) Will Inflation Fall? (20:56) 2024 Predictions (23:53) An Opportunity for Investors Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-971 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    518: The Biggest Takeaways from BPCon 2021 | Live Host Panel from NOLA
    Marching along Bourbon Street last week was a parade with some of the best real estate investors in the world, celebrating another successful BPCon, ready to take on the world. Throughout the past week, attendees of the conference heard from world-class business leaders, investors, and authors, learning about everything from running a business to short-term rental markets, to self-storage, and more. On this live episode, your hosts, Brandon and David, are joined by Scott Trench, host of the BiggerPockets Money Podcast, Ashley Kehr and Tony Robinson, hosts of the Real Estate Rookie Podcast, and Liz Faircloth and Andresa Guidelli, hosts of The Real Estate InvestHER Podcast, plus special guest Esther, who has a widely impressive portfolio herself. You’ll hear the hosts talk about topics like how to connect with fellow investors, future trends influencing the real estate market, what’s working today (and what isn’t), plus a live version of the Famous Four and Fire Round. If you weren’t able to make it to this year's BPCon, plug into this episode and get on the waiting list for next year! In This Episode We Cover: What’s ‘firing up’ the hosts of the BiggerPockets Podcast Network? What investors can do in today’s market to ensure wealth tomorrow Future trends that allow investors to profitably pivot How BPCon helps connect investors, reshape ideas, and build wealth How to vet partners before you go in on a deal with them The top characteristics that contribute to your success as an investor  Why you should definitely be at BPCon 2022  And So Much More! Links from the Show: NPR (National Public Radio) Kevin Leahy's BiggerPockets Profile Mark Ferguson's InvestFourMore Wendy Papasan's LinkedIn Profile Noah Evans's LinkedIn Profile Rickey Rodriguez's BiggerPockets Profile Your First Real Estate Investment Podcast: How to Recover from the Great Recession and Leverage Creative Financing to Fund Your First Deal Joe Asamoah's BiggerPockets Author Profile AJ Osborne's Personal Website Steve Rozenberg's BiggerPockets Profile InvestHer's Partnership Question Guide Meetup Hal Elrod's Personal Website Dave Ramsey's Personal Website Cashflow The Board Game Matt Faircloth's BiggerPockets Author Profile BiggerPockets Calculators The Real Estate InvestHER Community Check the full show notes here: https://biggerpockets.com/show518 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    405: Investing in the Only True Recession-Proof Asset: Yourself! with Lewis Howes
    Do you have fears and insecurities that hold you back from the life you envision? No? OK, well we'll see you next week... But really: this topic gets to the heart of why so many real estate investors quit, fail, or never even get started at all. Today's guest, Lewis Howes, has been studying these concepts for the past 13 years as host of the hit podcast School of Greatness. It all started as an effort to climb out of a major low point in Lewis' life, when he was broke and sleeping on his sister's couch... having crashed out of a brief arena football career. In this episode, you'll learn how Lewis learned to hack his self-limiting beliefs by systematically putting himself in situations (Toastmasters, salsa dancing, public speaking) that utterly terrified him. And he shares some practical exercises you can do to achieve greater confidence and self-mastery. Plus -- as a LinkedIn expert with a far-reaching network of connections, Lewis also opens up about how to effectively network on social media and elsewhere. Don't miss this weekend episode of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, and give Lewis a shout on social media you take him up on his challenge to write a mission statement for your life! As always: if you're enjoying these shows, the best way to show your appreciation is to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts. It really helps us out! In This Episode We Cover: Climbing out of a hole when he had no money and no marketable skills Overcoming fear of public speaking Two practical exercises to confront your biggest fears The clarifying power of writing a personal mission statement The LinkedIn message formula Lewis used when reaching out to powerful people Choosing a niche, then a sub-niche The 3 magic words that multiply your chances of getting a deal or upgrade The one common trait shared by all the top performers he's interviewed And SO much more! Links from the Show BiggerPockets Forums BiggerPockets Podcast USA Men’s National Team Ellen’s Show The Today’s Show LinkedIn Rookie of the Year Lewis's Interview on Jay Shetty's Show On Purpose Dave Ramsey Grant Cardone on Multifamily Investing and Why You Should Never Buy a House! BiggerPockets Podcast 403: Developing a Millionaire’s Mindset and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs with Performance Coach Jason Drees Sweet Martha's Cookie Jar Kevin Hart on His Secrets to Success and Building an Empire Monday.com Rob Bell Real Estate in Your Twenties BiggerPockets Podcast 365: Ret. Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Embracing Discomfort and Leading Through Extreme Ownership (+ His Real Estate Investing Tips!) BiggerPockets Podcast 157: A Simple Morning Ritual to Help You Dominate Every Area of Your Life with Hal Elrod BiggerPockets Podcast 254: Tim Ferriss on Real Estate, Becoming a Top Performer and His Tribe of Mentors Gary Vaynerchuk on Finding Deals Through Social Media & Crushing It as an Entrepreneur Click here to check the full show notes: https://www.biggerpockets.com/show405 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Today’s Lending Landscape with Anton Mattli

    Today’s Lending Landscape with Anton Mattli

    To access a FREE collection of resources, go to www.TheMaverickVault.com 


    Amidst the dynamic evolution of the commercial real estate market, Anton Mattli sheds light on crucial insights about the current lending landscape. His perspective offers invaluable guidance for both borrowers and lenders, steering them towards a successful navigation of the future in commercial real estate.



    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • Changes in the commercial real estate market over the past few years
    • The complexities of the current commercial real estate market
    • Expert insights to thrive in the commercial real estate industry 
    • Key questions to ask when seeking commercial real estate financing
    • Why networking and familiarizing with your chosen asset class is essential



    References/Links Mentioned



    About Anton Mattli

    Anton Mattli is the co-founder & CEO of Peak Financing. He has decades of experience in commercial and investment banking, private equity, and commercial real estate. After graduating from Zurich Business School in banking and finance, he held senior management positions at major financial institutions in New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Zurich. During that time, Anton was in charge of UBS' commercial bank subsidiary in Japan, managed a business division for Standard Chartered Bank with offices spread across Asia, financed and restructured commercial real estate worth several billion U.S. Dollars, and oversaw loan portfolios consisting of aircraft, ocean vessels, and infrastructure assets. Anton also directed the structuring of complex cross-border commodity and trade finance transactions for Fortune 500 companies.



    Connect with Anton


    Are you a passive real estate investor seeking financial freedom? Almost daily, new headlines break on the latest financial market upset. Now is the time to get educated on how to strategically invest in commercial real estate for long-term financial freedom. Grab your copy of “How to Passively Invest in a Changing Economic Environment” Go to…www.MavericksInvest.com 


    Want to keep up to date on the commercial real estate market, trends, investing tips and know what Neil is buying right now? Connect with him at https://AgentOptional.com, and be sure to register for his newsletter. 


    Connect with Neil Timmins on LinkedIn. If there is a topic you want to know more about or a guest that you would like to see on the show, shoot Neil a message on LinkedIn. 



    About Neil Timmins

    Neil is a commercial real estate syndicator, published author, and podcast host.


    Neil’s entry point into the Real Estate industry came after a few short years in banking. Recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a Top 100 team and the #1 REMAX agent in Iowa by the age of 29, Neil had solidified his role as a force in the industry.


    Having completed hundreds of Fix & Flips, Wholesales, Wholetails, Novations, and Owner-Financed deals, Neil longed to quit forfeiting time for dollars. After building a portfolio of single-family rentals to produce passive income, he found the strategy to be anything but passive.


    Neil, however, didn’t go looking for his first commercial deal, he actually stumbled into it. Since then, he has refined the process of analyzing and buying commercial properties that produce stellar cash flow.


    Neil has been involved in over $300,000,000 in real estate transactions. While his holdings in commercial asset classes include apartments, offices, mobile home parks, and self-storage units, his passion is industrial property. Neil now has verticals in residential real estate, multiple commercial asset classes, brokerage, publishing, and this successful podcast.


    Neil and his wife, Emily, are the proud parents of three active teenagers. Those who know Neil say he is a competitor by nature, whether for the biggest fish on a deep-sea fishing trip, the best ribs at a barbeque, or playing football back in his day at his alma mater, the University of Nebraska at Omaha as a Maverick. Neil is always up for travel, spending time on the water, and of course, meeting people interested in learning about and investing in commercial properties.


    Click here to see video of the podcast. 

    787: 5 All-Time Favorite Tips For Financial Independence w/Brandon Turner

    787: 5 All-Time Favorite Tips For Financial Independence w/Brandon Turner
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    329: Financial Freedom Before 30 Through Just 10 Deals With Felipe Mejia
    Financially independent before 30 years old! Today’s guest Felipe Mejiasits down with Brandon and David and shares the incredible story of how he scaled from a $3,000 mobile home to 10 units and financial independence! Felipe has created a unique system that involves multi-unit properties, short-term rentals, and leveraging others to help run his business. The result? He is currently crushing it! You don’t want to miss the insanely powerful “no-why principle” he’s used relentlessly to succeed whenever he’s told no. Felipe also discusses how he leveraged the job of communicating with his Airbnb guests to buy his time back, and how he took advantage of a construction boom in his hometown to service its workers. He also talks about how he lost 30 pounds after realizing he was in the wrong profession, and how he bought a mobile home for $3,000 and then later got paid $30,000 for it! This episode is jam packed with fun, exciting content and practical advice for those looking to exit the rat race and achieve financial independence through creative strategies with real estate. Download it today! In This Episode We Cover: How he took his disappointment from missing out on a police career and turned it into RE investing success His “no-why principle” How he got his wife to buy into his vision How he took advantage of a booming construction industry to rent rooms out to builders His advice for pushing through being told no How he would listen to the BiggerPockets podcast in headphones while working in a construction job Real estate replacing his full time job before age 30 Delegating the work of his various businesses How he lives for free in Nashville How he leverages out communicating with his Airbnb guests and loves it How he got paid $30,000 on a property he paid $3,000 for And SO much more! Links from the Show BiggerPockets Forums BiggerPockets Webinar PNW Real Estate Wealth Expo BiggerPockets Podcast 232: The Four Lead Sources Nathan Brooks is Using to Flip 120 Houses a Year BiggerPockets Podcast 238: Becoming a Real Estate Millionaire on a Teacher’s Salary with Michael “Swanny” Swan BiggerPockets Pro BiggerPockets Podcast 322: 3 Things Every Leader MUST Do to Scale with Ben Kinney BiggerPockets Bookstore PayNearMe BiggerPockets Podcast 170: The Journey From Flipping Houses to Owning 1,470 Units with Andrew Cushman How to Find Overlooked Opportunities in a Hot Market with Andrew Cushman The Founder | Netflix David’s Instagram Brandon’s Instagram Books Mentioned in this Show Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason Lifeonaire by Steve Cook Why the Rich Are Getting Richer by Robert Kiyosaki Tweetable Topics: “Success is the other side of fear.” (Tweet This!) “People stop at no and don’t ask why.” (Tweet This!) “Do whatever works for you.” (Tweet This!) “My rentals feed my life, my flips feed my rentals.” (Tweet This!) Connect with Felipe Felipe’s Company Website Felipe’s Instagram Felipe’s BiggerPockets Profile Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices