
    #307 — Twitter, Elon, & Free Speech

    enDecember 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Deleting Twitter: A Significant Experience for Sam HarrisSam Harris deleted his Twitter account, expressing uncertainty about commenting on Elon Musk's actions due to their past friendship, but felt compelled to due to Musk's cultural influence. The challenges of online relationships and public discourse led to this decision.

      The end of Sam Harris's year was marked by deleting his Twitter account, which he describes as a significant and psychologically interesting experience. Twitter, in particular, is a major contributor to societal dysfunction due to its role in politics and journalism. Harris expresses uncertainty about commenting on Elon Musk's actions at Twitter, as they were once friends, but feels compelled to do so due to Musk's cultural influence. The underlying politics of the moment require careful navigation to maintain political honesty and ethical sanity, a feat few have managed. Harris's decision to delete his Twitter account is a reflection of the challenges posed by social media and the need for individuals to navigate the complexities of online relationships and public discourse.

    • Understanding the complexities of the political landscapeRecognizing the mistakes of both sides is crucial to addressing the current state of affairs, rather than focusing on only half the story and perpetuating the problems.

      Both the right and the left made significant mistakes during the Trump presidency. On the one hand, recognizing the severity of Trump's actions and their impact on democracy was crucial, but ignoring the identitarian moral panic and woke nonsense on the left also had dire consequences. Many people focused on only half the story, carrying water for the liars and grifters on the other side. Social media and Twitter played a significant role in this confusion, with people getting radicalized by their own audiences. It's essential to acknowledge the complexities of the political landscape and understand how both sides contributed to the current state of affairs. Failure to do so risks perpetuating the very problems we aim to address.

    • Twitter's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop storyThe speaker acknowledges Twitter's suspension of the New York Post's account was problematic, but believes ignoring the Hunter Biden laptop story was a cautious approach due to its murky origins and potential for disinformation, not an ethical lie.

      The decision to ignore the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election was not an ethical choice to lie, but rather a cautious approach due to its murky origins and the context of an already disputed election. The speaker believes that Twitter's suspension of the New York Post's account was problematic, but the laptop story has since been fully aired, and its contents have not proven any terrible level of corruption on Joe Biden's part. The speaker also clarifies that they never suggested it was ethical to lie to resist Trump, but rather understood the impulse to ignore the story due to its suspicious timing and potential for disinformation. The speaker remains uncertain about the propriety of ignoring the story and is critical of Twitter's handling of it at the time.

    • Twitter Files reveal government requests to block tweetsThe release of internal Twitter documents, called the Twitter files, sparked debate about free speech and gov interference. They showed requests from DNC, FBI to block tweets, not ultimatums, and no censorship occurred as Biden wasn't president. The need for transparency and clear communication between gov and social media is crucial.

      The release of internal Twitter documents, known as the Twitter files, has sparked a debate about free speech and government interference on social media platforms. The documents reveal that political entities, including the Democratic National Committee, requested Twitter to block certain tweets, including material related to Hunter Biden. However, it's important to note that these were requests, not ultimatums, and Biden was not president at the time. Additionally, the FBI also contacted Twitter and other social media platforms about potential Russian disinformation related to Hunter Biden. While some see this as evidence of government suppression of free speech, others argue that it was a legitimate effort to prevent foreign interference in the election. The picture is complex, and it's crucial to remember that requests for removal of tweets do not equate to government censorship. The Twitter files also revealed that the Trump administration made similar requests, further muddying the waters. Overall, the Twitter files highlight the need for transparency and clear communication between social media companies and the government to ensure that free speech is protected while also addressing potential threats to election integrity.

    • Regulating the Spread of Misinformation on Social Media During the COVID-19 PandemicTwitter and other social media platforms faced immense pressure to regulate misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to controversial decisions and the perception of heavy-handed actions. Despite imperfections and potential errors, regulation was necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation and protect public health.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms like Twitter were under immense pressure to regulate the spread of misinformation. This led to controversial decisions, such as the deboosting or suspension of certain accounts, including those of medical professionals with opposing views. While these actions may have appeared heavy-handed and may have fueled the perception of a "white knight" figure like Elon Musk, the reality was that Twitter and other institutions were grappling with a deluge of false information and a lack of qualified personnel to verify its accuracy. The situation was complex and rapidly changing, making it challenging for institutions to navigate. Despite the imperfections and potential for errors, it's clear that some form of regulation was necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation and protect public health. The Twitter files provide a glimpse into the challenges faced during this time and the difficult decisions that had to be made. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the goal was to mitigate the harm caused by misinformation and protect the public, even if it meant making difficult and unpopular decisions.

    • Elon Musk's Free Speech Controversy on TwitterElon Musk's handling of free speech on Twitter is criticized for inconsistency and selectivity, raising questions about his commitment to absolute free speech and the need for clearer guidelines and regulations in the digital age.

      The recent Twitter controversy surrounding Elon Musk and free speech has revealed a complex situation. Musk's interactions with journalists and his handling of certain accounts have been criticized for lack of transparency and selective application of free speech principles. The notion that Twitter is the public square is questioned, as it's not a legal requirement to be on these platforms. Musk's stance on limiting negative speech and removing certain accounts contradicts his earlier promises and raises questions about his commitment to absolute free speech. The incident with Kanye West's account suspension and the controversy over tracking private jets highlight the inconsistency and potential selectivity in Musk's approach to free speech on the platform. The deeper issue lies in the blurred lines between public and private discourse in the digital age and the need for clear guidelines and regulations.

    • Musk's inconsistent Twitter actions raise concerns about security and hypocrisyElon Musk's unpredictable suspension of accounts and amplification of harmful content on Twitter contradicts his self-proclaimed commitment to free speech and puts individuals in danger.

      Elon Musk's actions on Twitter, despite his self-proclaimed commitment to free speech, have been inconsistent and potentially harmful. He has suspended accounts of individuals, including journalists, who shared real-time information about his plane's location, raising concerns about security and hypocrisy. Musk's ad hoc policy against real-time information seems unenforceable and vague, leading to confusion and potential misinterpretation. Furthermore, Musk has amplified conspiracy theories and irresponsible content, including a false claim about the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband and Kanye West's antisemitic podcast tour. Musk's actions have put individuals in danger, including his former head of trust and safety, Joel Roth. These incidents highlight the need for Musk to be more thoughtful and responsible when using his platform, especially when dealing with sensitive and potentially harmful information.

    • Join Sam Harris's community for exclusive podcast contentSubscribing to samharris.org supports the production of ad-free podcasts and grants access to bonus episodes and live conversations

      By subscribing to Sam Harris's website samharris.org, you'll gain access to the full length episodes of his popular podcast "Making Sense," as well as exclusive subscriber content such as bonus episodes and AMAs (ask me anything sessions). The Making Sense podcast is supported solely by listener donations and is free from advertisements. Subscribing not only ensures you'll continue to receive new episodes but also supports the production and continuation of this thought-provoking podcast. The Waking Up app, where Harris holds live conversations, is another perk of being a subscriber. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from philosophy and neuroscience to politics and culture, and provides unique insights and perspectives that challenge conventional thinking. By subscribing, you'll be part of a community of curious and open-minded individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the world and themselves.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

    Want Olga on your podcast? - https://bit.ly/3gK0c5J

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    Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR | CP36

    Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR | CP36

    This is an episode of The Credder Podcast with host Chase Palmieri and special guest Kaelan Dorr, SVP of Marketing and Global Engagement at GETTR.

    In this conversation, we discuss social media content moderation, running a pro-free speech platform, Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, Hunter Biden's Laptop story being pulled from Facebook and Twitter, GETTR's future crypto-micro tipping revenue model, and so much more!


    Chase Palmieri is CEO and Founder of Credder, the world's leading news and content review platform. Restoring consumer, subscriber, and advertiser trust in the news industry.

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