
    #31 - Spotting Ecommerce Trends in Shipping Data – Laura Behrens Wu

    en-usSeptember 01, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying the need for a tech-focused shipping solutionShippo connects e-commerce stores to a network of shipping providers, offering a seamless and efficient shipping experience, filling the technology gap in the industry.

      Shipping plays a crucial role in e-commerce conversions, and providing a seamless shipping experience is essential for businesses looking to compete with industry giants like Amazon. Laura Barons-Woo, CEO and co-founder of Shippo, shared her experience of identifying the need for a tech-focused shipping solution while building an e-commerce store. Prior to Shippo, she had no background in logistics, but the frustrating experience of integrating with various shipping providers inspired her to create a multi-carrier shipping API. Shippo connects e-commerce stores, platforms, and marketplaces to a network of shipping providers, helping businesses determine the best option for their packages. The platform offers both an API and a dashboard solution, catering to businesses of all sizes. A typical Shippo customer is an e-commerce store with a unique brand, selling differentiated products and desiring to maintain their own brand experience. The shipping industry was lagging behind in technology compared to other sectors, with subpar API documentation and a lack of intuitive technology experiences. Realizing this gap, Shippo aimed to provide a solution comparable to tech-focused companies like Twilio and Stripe. As Laura shared, the shipping component of e-commerce was the last piece of the puzzle to be solved, and Shippo has since filled that gap, making shipping a seamless and efficient process for e-commerce businesses.

    • Approaching solutions from a customer perspectiveUnderstanding customer needs and industry differences leads to innovative solutions. Effective marketing and inside sales approaches can help capture potential customers.

      When building a solution, approaching it from a customer perspective can lead to innovative ideas and solutions that aren't influenced by industry restrictions. However, underestimating the differences between various shipping providers and their technologies can make the process more challenging than anticipated. EasyPost, being a main competitor, faces the challenge of selling a shipping solution to small businesses and platforms that may not be actively looking for one. The sales process is typically an inside sales approach, focusing on capturing potential customers at their intent through effective marketing and providing them with exactly what they're looking for. Traveling and gaining new perspectives can also help in understanding the needs of a larger population and building solutions that cater to them.

    • Creating emotional connections through storytelling, personalized experiences, and unique brandingE-commerce businesses can differentiate themselves by focusing on emotional connections with customers through storytelling, personalized experiences, unique branding, and a memorable unboxing experience using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

      E-commerce has evolved to a point where individuals can easily build an online store without the need for extensive infrastructure or development skills. The focus has shifted towards creating emotional connections with customers through storytelling, personalized experiences, and unique branding. Companies like Allbirds and Glossier have successfully implemented these strategies, using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to reach their audiences and build a loyal following. The unboxing experience, from shipping to receiving, is also crucial in creating a memorable and engaging customer experience. By leveraging these channels and techniques, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a strong brand identity.

    • Creating a unique brand experience beyond AmazonFocus on personal connection, exclusive content, and incentivizing referrals to build a loyal community and keep customers coming back to your own website instead of competitors on Amazon. Control brand experience and analytics on your own site for better understanding of customer needs.

      Building a successful brand in the e-commerce space goes beyond just being easily discoverable on marketplaces like Amazon. While Amazon can drive sales for generic products due to its convenience and large customer base, creating a unique brand experience and engaging with customers on social media platforms can help build loyalty and differentiate from competitors. Brands that focus on creating a personal connection with their audience, providing exclusive content, and incentivizing referrals can create a sense of community and keep customers coming back to their own websites instead of being drawn to competitors on Amazon. Additionally, having control over the brand experience and analytics on their own sites can help businesses better understand their customer base and tailor their offerings to meet their needs. Ultimately, while Amazon may be a powerful sales channel, building a successful brand requires a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond just being easily discoverable on the platform.

    • Evolving Consumer Preferences in E-commerce: Peer-to-Peer Selling, Subscription-Based ServicesBrands that cater to diverse consumer preferences and provide unique experiences will succeed in e-commerce. Peer-to-peer selling is growing in popularity for its convenience and personal touch, while subscription-based services offer surprise and convenience. However, brands must address concerns around subscription cancellation and recurring payments.

      Consumers' preferences in e-commerce continue to evolve, with trends like peer-to-peer selling, personal connections, and subscription-based services gaining popularity. Some consumers appreciate the convenience and surprise factor of subscription boxes, while others prefer the personal touch and sustainability of peer-to-peer marketplaces. Brands that can cater to these diverse preferences and provide unique experiences will likely succeed in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the growing trend of peer-to-peer selling, particularly in the second-hand market, where young women and mothers are selling used items and forming personal connections with buyers. This trend is becoming more popular due to the convenience and personal touch it offers, with platforms like Poshmark, Vinted, and Facebook Marketplace leading the way. Subscription-based services, such as Blue Apron and Loot Crate, also continue to be popular due to the convenience and surprise factor they offer. However, some consumers have expressed concerns about the difficulty of canceling subscriptions and automatic recurring payments. Overall, e-commerce is constantly evolving, and brands that can adapt to consumers' changing preferences and provide unique experiences will likely succeed in this competitive landscape.

    • Unexpected surges in e-commerce demand during pandemic led to shipping of various itemsCompany provided technology for creating shipping labels, not responsible for package contents, ensured compliance with legal bounds, and facilitated delivery of items like hoverboards, vape products, medical marijuana, and fidget spinners.

      During the pandemic, there were numerous trends in e-commerce, with some products experiencing unexpected surges in demand. Shipping companies saw a rise in the popularity of certain items, such as hoverboards, vape products, joke items with unexpected contents like glitter or poop, and even potentially illegal items like alligators. As a shipping label provider, the company played a role in facilitating the delivery of these items, as long as they were within legal bounds. Other trends included the rise of on-demand delivery for medical marijuana and the continued popularity of fidget spinners. Despite the variety of items being shipped, the company's role remained consistent: providing the technology for creating shipping labels based on size, weight, and origin and destination addresses. The company was not responsible for the contents of the packages and had clear agreements with shipping providers to ensure customers were aware of their terms and services.

    • Partnering with specialized shipping providers for niche solutionsEffective communication, transparency, and proactive tracking help maintain customer engagement and reduce abandonment rates. Streamlined returns processes are essential for operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

      Specialized shipping providers play a crucial role in e-commerce by offering niche solutions for specific regions and product types. By partnering with these providers, e-commerce platforms can offer their customers a wider range of options, streamline the shipping process, and enhance the overall customer experience. Moreover, effective communication and transparency throughout the shipping process are essential for maintaining customer engagement and reducing abandonment rates. Proactive tracking notifications and targeted suggestions for additional purchases can help keep customers engaged with the brand and encourage repeat business. Another important aspect is the handling of returns. While some companies may strive to innovate in this area, it's essential to strike a balance between offering convenient return policies and maintaining operational efficiency. Clear communication, streamlined processes, and effective use of technology can help make the returns process as seamless as possible for both the customer and the retailer.

    • Balancing customer-friendly returns and minimizing abuseProvide hassle-free returns to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also implement measures to minimize potential abuse.

      E-commerce businesses need to strike a balance between making the return process customer-friendly and minimizing potential abuse. From the customer perspective, providing a hassle-free return process with a pre-printed label can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, from the merchant perspective, making the return process slightly more difficult can help reduce the number of abusive returns. It's essential to identify and target the right audience to minimize the risk of abuse. Amazon's generous return policy is admired, but businesses need to ensure they're not inadvertently attracting customers who may exploit the system. For e-commerce businesses that are still growing, finding the right balance between innovation, hiring the right team, and securing the right investment is crucial for success. Personally, the interviewee is focused on improving their management skills and learning how to effectively communicate with their team to build a strong and motivated workforce.

    • Understanding Communication Styles in LeadershipEffective communication and authenticity are crucial in leadership. Adapt to team members' communication styles for better team dynamics and overall success. Set clear expectations, be open to feedback, and recognize personal flaws to create a positive work environment.

      Effective communication and authenticity are key components of successful leadership. However, the way communication is delivered can vary depending on the individual. Some people respond well to straightforward and direct communication, while others require a more empathetic approach. It's essential to understand your personal communication style and be comfortable with it, while also being aware of how it may impact others. When hiring team members, it's important to consider their communication styles as well and ensure that they complement each other. Setting clear expectations and being open to feedback are also crucial for growth and improvement. Lastly, recognizing and addressing personal flaws, such as a lack of praise or criticism, can help create a more positive and productive work environment. Encouraging open dialogue and ensuring that feedback is heard and acknowledged can lead to better team dynamics and overall success.

    • Authentic leadership and balancing strengthsAuthenticity in leadership is essential for effective communication, strong principles, and building a successful team. Hire team members with complementary strengths to focus on your authentic leadership style.

      Being authentic and true to oneself is crucial in both personal and professional life. The speaker shares her experience of hiring team members with complementary strengths to balance out her own, allowing her to focus on her authentic leadership style. She draws inspiration from figures like Phil Knight, who founded Nike in a pre-internet era, and Angela Merkel, a tough and principled leader who defies stereotypes. The speaker emphasizes that being a good founder, regardless of gender, is what ultimately matters in the market. Authenticity in leadership allows for effective communication, strong principles, and the ability to build a successful team.

    • Celebrating Women's Accomplishments in TechFocus on solving real-world problems, persist in pitching to investors, prioritize customer feedback, and build a successful company, not just a startup.

      While it's important to acknowledge and address the challenges women face in the tech industry, it's equally important to highlight their accomplishments and encourage new entrants. For those starting out, focusing on solving real-world problems with a strong value proposition is key. Persistence and flexibility in pitching to investors are essential, even when faced with rejection. Early on, customer feedback should guide your vision, and a strong pain point should be the foundation of your business. Remember, not every business needs to be a startup, and the importance of raising money is secondary to building a successful company.

    • Discussing the importance of shipping in e-commerce and raising fundsTo secure funding, highlight the market's size and growth, address a customer problem, and show potential for future expansion.

      When pitching to investors, it's essential to provide context and tell a compelling story about the size and growth of the market, especially if you're operating in a fast-growing space. The speaker in this conversation shared how they successfully raised funds for their e-commerce business by discussing the importance of shipping in the e-commerce context, the market's size and growth, and their company's growth rate. Additionally, they emphasized the significance of addressing a problem that customers care about and presenting the opportunity for future growth. Lastly, the speaker shared a personal anecdote about running in San Francisco as a way to unwind and emphasized that they don't compete in races to keep it as a fun activity.

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    Where to find Brian Chesky:

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    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianchesky/

    Where to find Lenny:

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    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Brian’s background

    (05:18) The current structure of product management at Airbnb

    (09:21) How fast-moving companies become slow-moving bureaucracies

    (12:20) Brian’s thoughts on performance marketing

    (13:50) Airbnb’s rolling two-year roadmap

    (15:30) Brian’s journey as CEO in a growing company

    (18:34) Best practices for A/B testing 

    (20:30) Who inspired Airbnb’s new direction

    (23:18) The first changes Brian implemented at the onset of the pandemic

    (24:51) Why founders should be “in the details” 

    (30:15) Airbnb’s marketing, communication, and creative functions

    (31:38) Advice for founders on how to lead

    (34:15) Tips for implementing Airbnb’s business methodology 

    (38:48) Airbnb’s winter release

    (41:47) Why Airbnb no longer has separate guest and host teams 

    (42:38) Brian’s thoughts on design trends 

    (45:36) The importance of empowering hosts with great tools

    (45:57) How setting ambitious goals improves team performance 

    (50:05) Tips for preventing burnout

    (56:02) Tips for personal and professional growth 

    (58:19) Why Brian says he still has a lot to prove

    (1:02:58) Paying it forward

    (1:05:03) A fun fact about Brian

    (1:09:26) Airbnb’s origin story


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    • Config 2023 in review: https://www.figma.com/blog/config-2023-recap/

    • Why Founders Fail: The Product CEO Paradox: https://techcrunch.com/2013/08/10/why-founders-fail-the-product-ceo-paradox/

    • Hiroki Asai on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hiroki-asai-a44137110/

    • Jony Ive on Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jonathan-ive

    • Charles Eames: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Eames

    • Airbnb 2023 Winter Release: https://news.airbnb.com/en-in/airbnb-2023-winter-release-introducing-guest-favorites-a-collection-of-the-2-million-most-loved-homes-on-airbnb/

    • Airbnb 2023 winter release reel: https://x.com/bchesky/status/1722243847751970861?s=20

    • John Wooden’s website: https://coachwooden.com/

    • An 85-year Harvard study found the No. 1 thing that makes us happy in life: It helps us ‘live longer’: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/10/85-year-harvard-study-found-the-secret-to-a-long-happy-and-successful-life.html

    • Sam Altman on X: https://twitter.com/sama

    • Alfred P. Sloan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_P._Sloan

    • Bob Dylan quote: https://quotefancy.com/quote/950807/Bob-Dylan-An-artist-has-got-to-be-careful-never-really-to-arrive-at-a-place-where-he

    • OpenAI: https://openai.com/

    • Michael Seibel’s website: https://www.michaelseibel.com/

    • Y Combinator: https://www.ycombinator.com/

    • The Norman Rockwell Museum: https://www.nrm.org/

    • Rhode Island School of Design: https://www.risd.edu/

    • Joe Gebbia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jgebbia/

    • Nathan Blecharczyk on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blecharczyk/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

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