
    Podcast Summary

    • Inspired by Opie and Anthony's authenticity, the speaker started his own podcast with a conversational approach.Start a podcast with a conversational approach, prioritize listening to guests, and allow conversations to flow naturally for authentic content.

      The podcast "Opie and Anthony" stood out to the speaker because of its authenticity and conversational nature. Unlike other radio shows, it felt like a hangout where they could have real conversations without an agenda. This inspired the speaker to start his own podcast with the same approach, focusing on listening to guests and allowing them to shine rather than trying to be the funniest or most interesting person in the room. The speaker criticized the radio industry for prioritizing egos and adhering to strict schedules, which stifled creativity and authenticity. Instead, he advocated for a more relaxed approach, allowing conversations to flow naturally and trusting that the audience will appreciate the content.

    • Embracing Creative Freedom and AutonomyIndividuals value their creative freedom and autonomy, even when faced with personal challenges or potential backlash, to produce genuine content that resonates with their audience on social media platforms.

      The individuals in this conversation value their creative freedom and autonomy in their work, even if it means dealing with personal challenges like strep throat or potential backlash from sponsors or higher-ups. They express a preference for genuine conversations and connections over scripted "bits," and they appreciate the unique perspective and reach that social media platforms like Twitter provide. Despite the occasional obstacles, they remain committed to producing content that resonates with their audience and reflects their unique perspectives.

    • The Universe's Infinite Possibilities and the Realization of MortalityThe universe's vastness may harbor infinite life combinations, and realizing mortality can lead individuals to explore beliefs and meaning of life

      The universe, with its infinite expanse, may not be unique in harboring life as we know it. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explained that if the universe is large enough, every possible combination of atoms in the same state exists somewhere, even if it's an unimaginable distance away. This concept of infinity can be overwhelming and raises questions about the nature of life beyond Earth. Another thought-provoking topic discussed was the realization of mortality, often happening around age eight, which can lead individuals to question the meaning of life and explore beliefs, including religion.

    • The Speaker Questions the Simplification and Distortion of Religious TextsThe speaker suggests that religious texts may contain valuable lessons, despite contradictions and nonsensical elements, and encourages open-mindedness towards the origins and meanings of religious beliefs.

      The speaker believes organized religion, as it has been presented and recorded in texts like the Bible, has been simplified and distorted over time, leading many to dismiss the idea of a higher power altogether. However, the speaker also acknowledges the possibility of a God and suggests that people may have learned valuable lessons from religious texts, even if they contain contradictory and nonsensical elements. The speaker also speculates that some religious beliefs may have originated from psychedelic experiences, and that the inflexibility and resistance to change in religious institutions makes it difficult for them to evolve and adapt to new ways of thinking. Ultimately, the speaker encourages open-mindedness and a willingness to question and explore the origins and meanings of religious beliefs.

    • Reflections on Hunter S. Thompson and Pool HallsThe speaker shares his appreciation for pool halls as places of authentic masculinity, his preference for pool over alcohol, and his admiration for skilled pool players.

      Hunter S. Thompson, despite his struggles with alcoholism, is still regarded as a genius in literature. The speaker, who is a fan, reflects on Thompson's life and shares his own experiences with pool halls, which he sees as a place where men can be themselves. He also discusses his preference for pool over alcohol, finding the game to be a form of control and competition. The speaker also shares his past experiences with chess and his appreciation for the artistry of skilled pool players. He concludes by acknowledging the benefits of alcohol, but expressing his personal preference for avoiding the negative consequences that come with excessive drinking.

    • The power of staying true to oneself and having support during controversiesFriends can provide valuable support during controversies, and staying true to oneself is crucial for overcoming negative impacts.

      The power to make an impact lies with the performer, not the crowd. During a conversation about their experiences in the comedy industry, Opie and his friend discussed how they were once involved in a controversy that cost Opie two and a half years of his career. They joked about how the controversy only seemed to affect him because it took place in a church, which was perceived as a "magic house." Opie expressed gratitude to his friend for standing by him during that time, and for writing an article defending them. He also noted that back then, their fan base was passionate but disorganized, and couldn't effectively rally to their defense due to the lack of social media. The friend agreed that the controversy was ridiculous, and pointed out that if they had done the same thing in a toy store instead, it wouldn't have caused such a stir. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to oneself and having the support of friends during difficult times.

    • Company's financial gain led to missed opportunity for radio hostsCompanies may prioritize financial stability over talent development, leading to missed opportunities for individuals.

      The speakers in this conversation experienced a missed opportunity when their radio show was abruptly ended, and the company that owned them paid them to sit idle for two and a half years instead of risking competition with their main radio personality, Howard Stern. This decision was likely driven by the significant revenue generated from advertisers during that era, making it a financially sound choice for the company, despite the speakers' frustration and career setback. The radio industry has drastically changed since then, with the rise of the internet and podcasting, and personality-driven talk shows becoming less common. The speakers expressed their belief that they could have potentially competed with Howard Stern and taken a significant portion of his audience, but the company opted to pay them off instead. This incident left a lasting impact on their careers, as they never fully recovered from the hiatus and the world had moved on by the time they returned.

    • Radio vs Podcasts: The Battle for Listeners' AttentionRadio stations may struggle to compete with podcasts due to their free-form, conversational nature and the popularity of controversial or unique personalities like Alex Jones.

      Traditional radio is facing challenges due to the ease and accessibility of podcasts. Radio stations that rely on wacky DJ voices and forced inclusion of women in their lineup may struggle to compete, as the dynamic of free-form, conversational shows can change significantly when women are in the mix. Listeners appreciate the unfiltered conversations between men, which they may not get in their everyday lives. Some radio personalities, like Alex Jones, may be controversial or considered crazy by some, but they remain popular due to their unique perspectives and entertaining style. Ultimately, the future of radio may lie in adapting to the changing landscape and finding ways to offer unique content that cannot be easily replicated by podcasts.

    • Alex Jones's conspiracy theories: Separating truth from speculationAlex Jones's theories contain valid points but should be critically evaluated due to potential false flags and confirmation bias. Historical evidence shows that false flags have occurred for profit and geopolitical gain.

      Alex Jones's conspiracy theories, while containing some valid points, should be viewed with a critical lens due to confirmation bias and potential false flags. Jones's early predictions about September 11th and the Iraq War demonstrated his ability to bring up important issues before they became mainstream. However, his belief in government orchestration of attacks is not widely accepted. The idea of false flags, or government-planned fake attacks, is a contentious issue. While many dismiss it as impossible, historical evidence shows that it has occurred. The motivation behind such actions is often profit and geopolitical gain. The Northwoods document from the 1960s is an example of this, as the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to blame Cuba for attacks they intended to stage. Ultimately, it's crucial to separate truth from speculation and consider the potential profit motives behind major geopolitical events.

    • Skepticism towards official narratives of historical eventsSpeakers questioned the evidence behind officially reported versions of historical events, expressing skepticism and fascination with potential conspiracies.

      The discussion revolved around the belief that certain historical events, such as the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and the Sandy Hook shooting, may involve conspiracies that go beyond the officially reported versions. The speakers expressed skepticism towards the official narratives and questioned the evidence presented, citing inconsistencies and potential cover-ups. They also shared their fascination with unexplained phenomena like Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster, and the idea that there might be undiscovered primates or other hidden truths. The conversation highlighted the enduring human curiosity and tendency to question established narratives, even if the evidence is not definitive or easily accessible. The speakers also touched upon the idea of profiteering from such theories and the persistent presence of conspiracy theorists in places like Deli Plaza in Dallas.

    • Large, intelligent primates like Bigfoot may have existed and buried their deadSome believe large, intelligent primates, such as Bigfoot, have existed and exhibited advanced behaviors like burying their dead

      There is compelling evidence suggesting that large, intelligent primates like Bigfoot have existed in the past, with some accounts describing encounters with these creatures as recently as present day. These beings, believed to be highly intelligent, are thought to have buried their dead, indicating a deeper understanding of life and death. Sightings of such creatures, particularly in areas like Alaska, continue to intrigue researchers and adventurers alike. While the search for definitive proof remains elusive, the allure of discovering such a creature continues to captivate many. However, entering natural habitats comes with inherent risks, as one becomes a part of the food chain. Despite the potential dangers, the experience of connecting with nature can be both beautiful and exhilarating.

    • Reflections on the Ethics and Emotions of Hunting a Mountain LionHunting can be a complex and ethical way to acquire meat, involving respect for nature and consideration of animal welfare. It can provide a deeper connection to the food source and the natural world.

      Hunting can be a complex and deeply personal experience, involving ethical considerations, respect for nature, and the reality of the food chain. The speaker shares his experience of hunting a mountain lion and reflects on the ethical dilemmas and emotional responses that come with taking a life. He acknowledges the potential discomfort and disagreement with those who oppose hunting, but argues that it can be a humane and necessary way to acquire meat in certain contexts, such as managing wildlife populations and ensuring a healthy and nutritious food source. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a sense of reverence for the animal and the natural world, and a recognition of the role humans play within it.

    • Impact of daily choices on health illustrated through deer behaviorChoose high-quality, toxin-free coffee to avoid health issues caused by mold and fungus in large percentage of store-bought coffee

      Our daily choices, such as the coffee we drink, can have significant impacts on our health. The speaker shared an experience about deer behavior and their adaptation to human presence. He also emphasized the importance of consuming clean, mycotoxin-free coffee to avoid health issues. The speaker mentioned that a large percentage of coffee sold in stores may contain mold and fungus, which can lead to liver toxicity and other health problems. By choosing high-quality, toxin-free coffee, one can enjoy the benefits of coffee without the negative side effects.

    • The Resilience of Extreme OrganismsExtreme organisms like spores and prions have the ability to survive in harsh conditions and may have contributed to life on Earth. Their resilience challenges our understanding of the natural world.

      Certain organisms, like spores and prions, have the ability to survive in extreme conditions and may have played a role in bringing life to Earth. These organisms are incredibly resilient and can survive in space, radiation, and high temperatures. This knowledge, while fascinating, may not keep us awake at night but serves as a reminder of the wonders and complexities of the natural world. Additionally, there have been instances where punishment in some parts of the world has been as extreme as paralyzing or even killing the offender. While such practices may seem barbaric, they highlight the vast differences and complexities of various legal systems and societal norms.

    • Mass Shootings and Honor Killings: Different Issues, Same ComplexitiesSpeakers urged immediate action to prevent mass shootings while emphasizing the importance of studying psychological and chemical factors. They criticized a narrow focus on gun control and dismissed honor killings in America.

      While honor killings and school shootings are two distinct issues, the mental health aspect of mass shootings should not be overlooked. The speakers agreed that immediate action should be taken to prevent such tragedies, but also emphasized the importance of studying the psychological and chemical factors that contribute to such incidents. They criticized the tendency to focus solely on gun control and dismissed the idea of honor killings in America. The speakers also reflected on their experiences with comedians on their radio show and shared their preference for a more conversational and unscripted approach. They noted that some radio stations still requested comics to set up their bits, which they found unnecessary and frustrating. Overall, the conversation touched upon the complexities of dealing with mass shootings and the importance of approaching the issue from various angles.

    • Alex Jones's Controversial Style and Impact on MediaAlex Jones's intense and provocative style captivates audiences, but his inconsistent use of government research can confuse. His influence on media and public discourse is significant.

      Alex Jones, despite his controversial and often provocative style, is a figure who commands attention and engagement. His ability to research and bring up controversial topics, combined with his passionate and sometimes erratic delivery, makes for compelling television or radio. However, his tendency to use government research while criticizing it can be inconsistent and confusing. The interview with Piers Morgan showcased Jones's intensity and ability to dominate the conversation, leaving Morgan appearing weak in comparison. Despite the controversy surrounding him, Jones's influence and impact on media and public discourse are undeniable.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Martial ArtsAppreciating martial arts goes beyond physical abilities, understanding techniques enhances excitement.

      Martial arts is a complex skill that requires dedication and appreciation. Some individuals may struggle with certain aspects, such as striking, despite their athletic abilities. The speaker acknowledges that not everyone can develop the explosive power needed for effective striking and wonders if it's an age or timing issue. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating the techniques involved in martial arts, which heightens excitement when witnessing their application. The speaker takes his role in commentating fights seriously, feeling a responsibility to both the fighters and the fans. He may feel pressure during live performances but considers it a good kind of pressure. The speaker shared his experience doing TV, which he finds more challenging than radio due to the live audience, but he's open to stepping out of his comfort zone for new experiences.

    • Impact of Intimidating Actors on PerformanceAn intimidating actor like Ray Liotta can elevate a production by challenging and inspiring fellow cast members to give their best performance.

      The presence of a talented and intimidating actor like Ray Liotta can significantly impact the performance of a supporting cast member, making the overall production better. The speaker's experience of being intimidated by Liotta during an interview and the impact it had on his own performance highlights the importance of an actor's ability to fully embody a character and bring a production to life. Additionally, the speaker expresses admiration for actors who are true craftsmen, such as Daniel Day-Lewis and Russell Crowe, and acknowledges the challenges and demands of being a movie star. Ultimately, while some may find the process of making movies exciting, the speaker prefers the more immediate and less time-consuming nature of podcasting and stand-up comedy.

    • Discovering the Hidden Underground Community in New York City's Amtrak TunnelA self-sufficient community of hundreds, if not thousands, of residents lived in the Amtrak tunnel under New York City's Upper West Side for decades, creating a unique way of life with electricity, cable, and pets before being evicted in the mid-90s, leaving behind artwork as a testament to their existence.

      There exists a hidden community of people living in the old Amtrak tunnel under New York City's Upper West Side. This community, which has been in existence for decades, was only recently discovered and explored by a few individuals. Despite the challenging conditions, these people managed to create a self-sufficient living arrangement with electricity, cable, and even pets. The tunnel was home to hundreds, if not thousands, of residents, many of whom were drug addicts. The community was eventually evicted in the mid-90s, and the area was cleaned up. However, the artwork left behind by the residents, including murals and graffiti, remains a testament to their unique way of life. Exploring this hidden underground city is a creepy yet fascinating experience that offers a glimpse into a world that exists beneath the bustling streets of New York City.

    • People find happiness in unexpected places, like NYC tunnelsDespite societal norms and challenges, individuals adapted and thrived in NYC tunnels, forming a community with rats, showcasing human and animal resilience

      People, no matter the circumstances, can adapt and find happiness in the most unexpected places. The documentary "Dark Days" showcases individuals who chose to live in the tunnels beneath New York City for decades, despite societal norms and challenges. Many of these individuals were former addicts, but they managed to create a community and even thrive in their underground homes. However, these hidden dwellers weren't alone – rats were also a prevalent part of their environment. The rats in New York City are highly intelligent and adaptable, just like the people living in the tunnels. The existence of these rats and their complex tunnel systems highlights the interconnectedness of the city's ecosystem. This fascinating exploration of human adaptation and urban wildlife demonstrates the resilience and resourcefulness of both people and animals in unexpected environments.

    • Radio hosts cook and broadcast eating rats live on airHosts used creativity to generate buzz and engagement, resulting in a memorable experience for all involved.

      During a radio show, the hosts decided to cook and broadcast eating rats live on air. This event took place in a small park infested with rats, and they managed to get listeners to come in and try the dish. Two cooks were brought in, one a French chef and the other a barbecue-type guy. The French chef presented the rat dish elegantly, while the other one prepared it in a more brutal way. Despite the unusual nature of the event, the listeners enjoyed it, especially the one prepared by the French chef. This radio stunt was the first time the speakers worked together on the show and was a memorable experience for all involved. The rat-eating show is available on YouTube under the name "open at the full show, rat eating show." This unconventional radio segment shows the hosts' creativity and their ability to generate buzz and engagement from their audience.

    • Entertaining Stories from the Entertainment IndustryMisunderstandings and pranks can lead to memorable moments and public feuds in the entertainment industry. Maintaining a good sense of humor and being able to laugh at oneself is essential.

      The podcast discussion revolved around various entertaining anecdotes from their experiences in the entertainment industry. One story involved an alleged misunderstanding with a poker player, leading to a public feud. Another story involved a prank gone wrong during a radio show, resulting in a shocking and memorable moment. The podcast hosts also shared a story about an uncomfortable encounter with Ed Asner, which led to a playful nickname. Throughout the conversation, they emphasized the importance of having a good sense of humor and being able to laugh at themselves and their experiences. Despite any misunderstandings or disagreements, they maintained a positive and lighthearted attitude towards their interactions with others in the industry.

    • Pat Tuffie's Eggnog-Drinking Challenge: A Spectacle to RememberPat Tuffie gained notoriety for consuming a large amount of eggnog in a challenge, leaving onlookers in awe and dividing opinion among viewers.

      Pat Tuffie, a man of massive size, famously participated in an eggnog-drinking challenge, resulting in an astonishing display of fluid consumption. The event was so extraordinary that it gained notoriety, with numerous videos circulating online despite attempts to remove them. Pat, with his calm and professional demeanor, managed to consume an impressive number of shots, leaving onlookers in awe. The size and volume of his eggnog intake were compared to rivers flowing from his mouth, making it an unforgettable spectacle. The event garnered a lot of attention, with people from all over America tuning in, and the reaction was a mix of admiration and disgust. Despite the controversy, Pat's fans remained loyal, and the incident became a part of his comedic legacy.

    • Boston comics' legendary stand-up performance in Philadelphia and the birth of 'Desquat'Bill Burr's bold and aggressive style turned a hostile crowd around, marking the start of a podcast era and leaving lasting impacts on audiences, despite challenges in New York due to unique laws and union influence.

      Bill Burr's infamous stand-up performance in Philadelphia, where he turned a hostile crowd around with his bold and aggressive style, is a legendary moment in comedy history. This event took place at a time when Boston comics, including Bill and the speaker, were facing tough crowds and learning to deal with hostility. The name "Desquat" for their show came from this experience, and it marked the beginning of the podcast era. The speaker also touched upon the challenges of performing in New York due to its unique laws and the influence of unions. Despite these obstacles, comedians continue to push boundaries and leave lasting impacts on their audiences.

    • Culinary Union's Opposition to MMA in NYC for Financial GainsThe Culinary Union's attempts to block MMA in NYC, allegedly through lobbying and politics, stems from their goal to unionize Station Casinos and potential financial benefits.

      The Culinary Union's efforts to keep MMA out of New York, and their alleged use of lobbyists and politicians to do so, stems from their desire to unionize Station Casinos and the potential financial benefits that would bring. This dispute, which some view as typical union strong-arm tactics, has delayed the introduction of MMA events in New York City, despite widespread public interest. While unions can provide important benefits, actions like this can undermine their credibility and detract from the positive impact they can have. The conflict between the Culinary Union and Station Casinos highlights the complexities and potential conflicts of interest that can arise in labor disputes.

    • On-demand listening vs traditional broadcast schedulesOn-demand listening offers convenience and control, allowing access to content at any time, while traditional broadcast schedules limit availability.

      The discussion revolved around the topic of listening to podcasts and radio shows, specifically the Friends of the Show, and the convenience of on-demand listening versus traditional broadcast schedules. The speaker expressed frustration with not being able to hear the Friends of the Show during morning drive time and the benefits of having access to an archive of episodes. They also touched on the topic of various beverages, including bulletproof coffee and expensive coffee, and their preferences. Additionally, they mentioned the importance of having a reliable internet connection for on-demand content and the challenges of finding high-quality coffee. Overall, the conversation highlighted the advantages of having control over the content and scheduling of media consumption.

    • The journey of unexpected discoveries in food and beveragesFrom coffee beans excreted by animals to extinct species brought back to life, curiosity and experimentation lead to delicious discoveries and ongoing knowledge expansion.

      Many delicious foods and beverages, like coffee, come from unexpected sources and require experimentation and discovery. The speaker shares the example of coffee beans, which are excreted by animals and then roasted for our consumption. This process results in the smooth and delicious taste we all know and love. Similarly, humans have tried and discovered various other foods throughout history, some of which were initially considered unpleasant or even dangerous. The speaker also touches on the vastness of the natural world and the ongoing discovery of new species and plants. The conversation also touches on the idea of extinction and the possibility of bringing extinct species back to life through scientific means. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of curiosity, experimentation, and the ongoing discovery of new knowledge.

    • Evidence of ancient cosmic event discoveredAncient civilizations may have faced a catastrophic reset due to a large-scale cosmic event, and recent discoveries of melt glass could support this theory. However, it's crucial to keep children engaged in learning to prevent it from becoming a chore.

      The impact of a large-scale cosmic event, such as a meteorite strike, could have had a catastrophic effect on early civilizations, potentially resetting human progress. This theory is supported by the discovery of melt glass, formed at extreme temperatures, on two continents, which researchers believe may be evidence of such an event around 12,000 years ago. This discovery could help explain the lack of historical records and the existence of cataclysmic stories in ancient texts. However, the importance of maintaining a child's excitement and interest in learning was also emphasized, as learning becomes a burden for many students due to the rigid structure of traditional education and the introduction of homework.

    • Encouraging children's passionsSupport kids in their interests, even if unconventional, as personal growth comes from taking risks and making things happen.

      Parents should encourage their children to explore their passions and interests, rather than forcing them into a predetermined career path. The speaker shares his experience of having a supportive father who encouraged him to pursue his dream of becoming a radio DJ, despite the low success rate of the industry. He emphasizes that taking risks and learning to make things happen is an essential part of personal growth, which is often missed when one takes the "safe route" in life. The speaker also acknowledges that parents' fears of their children becoming "losers" or burdens in the real world are valid but encourages them to trust their children's abilities and support their dreams. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the thrill of carving out a unique and fulfilling life is worth the risk, and that success, in any field, is a personal achievement that cannot be taken away.

    • Growing up with a mentally ill parentDespite the challenges of growing up with a mentally ill parent and historical misunderstandings, understanding and compassion are crucial for those dealing with mental health issues. Advancements in medical technology offer hope for future breakthroughs.

      Growing up with a mentally ill parent can be a challenging experience, and the stigma and lack of understanding around mental health issues during certain time periods made things even more difficult. The speaker shared stories of his mother's OCD and her time spent in mental hospitals, where she received electric shock treatment. He also mentioned the historical misunderstandings and misconceptions about mental health, such as the belief in lobotomies as a solution. Despite these challenges, the speaker found strength and resilience, and he emphasized the importance of understanding and compassion for those dealing with mental health issues. He also highlighted the advancements in medical technology and the hope for future breakthroughs.

    • Navigating unexpected incidents and emotional situations with childrenStay calm and don't overreact when children have conflicts, as constant conflict is unnecessary. Create a peaceful and supportive environment for children.

      Raising children involves dealing with unexpected incidents and navigating emotional situations. The speaker shared an experience where a girl pushed his young son into a pole, causing him to cry and leaving the speaker feeling upset and protective. He acknowledged that children can be passive-aggressive and rough with each other, but emphasized the importance of staying calm and not overreacting. The speaker also discussed the challenges of dealing with other parents and the potential for conflict in public settings. Ultimately, he expressed a desire to create a peaceful and supportive environment for children, and a belief that constant conflict is unnecessary. The conversation touched on the broader context of the world's challenges and the importance of finding joy and beauty in life despite the difficulties.

    • Islamic extremists establish formidable base in Northern Mali's escarpmentsIslamic extremists have burrowed into the earth to create defenses in Northern Mali's escarpments, making it difficult for authorities to gain control and underscoring the ongoing threat of extremist groups in Africa and beyond.

      Islamic extremist fighters in Northern Mali have established a formidable base in the region's escarpments, effectively creating a new territory for Al-Qaeda. The fighters have been burrowing into the earth to erect defenses, making it difficult for authorities to gain control. The description of this situation in the news may seem exaggerated or even fabricated, but it appears to be a genuine development. The use of the term "escapment" and the imagery of fighters living in caves deep in the mountains may seem sensational, but they reflect the reality of the situation. It's a concerning development that underscores the ongoing threat of extremist groups in Africa and beyond.

    • Appreciating the preciousness of lifeDespite life's unpredictability, cherish every moment and live fully, even in the face of adversity.

      Life can be unpredictable and precious. The speaker shared a story about a vibrant and fun young woman he went on a date with, only to find out she was dying of cancer. Despite her illness, she was alive and full of joy during their time together. This experience reminded the speaker of the fragility and unpredictability of life, and how important it is to appreciate every moment. The conversation then shifted to a rumor about the speaker supposedly being involved in an dangerous adventure, but the speaker dismissed it as fiction. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of cherishing life and living in the moment.

    • Abrogated trust and dangerous discoveriesActions can betray trust and put lives at risk, so be cautious and consider the consequences before granting trust or taking risks.

      Trust and promises can be easily broken, even by those we consider friends. The speaker in this discussion recounts a story where a man led him to an abandoned office with a promise to show him something extraordinary, only to betray that trust by climbing on a dangerous, iconic eagle statue without warning. This careless act put both their lives at risk and left the speaker with an anxiety attack. This incident serves as a reminder that actions speak louder than words and that trust should not be given lightly. Additionally, the speaker's fascination with urban exploration and the thrill of discovering hidden gems in abandoned places is a common theme throughout the conversation.

    • The human spirit's ability to adapt and connect in times of adversityIn the aftermath of 9/11, New Yorkers found unity and camaraderie, showcasing the human spirit's ability to adapt and connect despite adversity.

      The human spirit's ability to adapt and connect with each other, even in the face of adversity, was highlighted in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Two extreme individuals, Alex Honnold, a free solo climber, and the French building climber, known as "Spider-Man," showcase the contrasting aspects of fear and resilience. Honnold's successful radio career is attributed to his innovative thinking and lack of safety net, while the French climber's death-defying feats have him hanging off buildings with just a safety line. The tragic events of 9/11 brought New Yorkers closer together, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie in the midst of chaos. Despite the city's reputation for being impersonal and crowded, people found solace in connecting with one another, creating a sense of community that transcended the physical barriers of the metropolis.

    • Finding Meaningful Relationships in the CityThough city life can be isolating, opportunities for meaningful connections exist through simple conversations and expanding work online.

      While living in a densely populated city like New York can have its challenges, such as the lack of personal connections, there are still opportunities to form meaningful relationships, even if they start with a simple conversation in an elevator. The speaker also expressed a longing for the friendlier and less crowded atmosphere of smaller towns, but ultimately decided against leaving New York and their career behind. They also discussed the potential of expanding their work online, as technology advances and more people become connected through the internet. Despite the stress and uncertainty, the speaker remains optimistic and open to new experiences, whether it's through meeting new people or trying new things.

    • Extreme Sports: Pushing Bodies and Minds to the LimitExtreme sports require both physical strength and mental fortitude. Enthusiasts train rigorously to overcome fears and achieve seemingly impossible feats, demonstrating dedication and determination.

      Extreme sports enthusiasts, such as wing suit flyers and rock climbers, possess incredible physical strength and mental fortitude. They push their bodies to the limit and train rigorously to overcome their fears and achieve seemingly impossible feats. Their dedication and determination allow them to perform death-defying stunts and live unconventional lives. The wing suit flyer in the video showcased in the conversation demonstrates an impressive level of control and skill as he flies through the air at high speeds, while rock climbers rely on their incredible hand and finger strength to scale vertical walls. The conversation also highlights the importance of mental resilience in facing and overcoming fear. These individuals face the constant risk of injury or death, but their passion and determination keep them pushing forward.

    • Opie and Anthony's Unstructured Radio Show Paves the Way for Successful PodcastsAuthenticity, camaraderie, and a good groove create a successful and entertaining podcast, as demonstrated by Opie and Anthony's unstructured radio show.

      The Opie and Anthony radio show, with its unstructured and comfortable atmosphere, has been instrumental in creating a successful podcast environment where comedians can come and have funny and unfiltered conversations. The hosts, Opie, Anthony, and Joe, have carved out a unique space in the radio world with their chemistry and the addition of guests. The show's lack of structure, which some might see as lazy, is actually what makes it work and sets it apart from other major radio shows. The hosts' appreciation for each other and their guests is evident, and their passion for the podcast is what keeps the audience engaged and coming back for more. The show's sponsors, Ting and Onnit, have also played a role in its success by providing support and allowing the hosts to continue creating content. Overall, the Opie and Anthony radio show is a testament to the power of authenticity, camaraderie, and a good groove in creating a successful and entertaining podcast.

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    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    053 - Preparing for Fatherhood with Ryan Pope

    053 - Preparing for Fatherhood with Ryan Pope

    A few years ago I received a phone call that would change my life forever.

    Nardia was away in Sydney presenting a workshop. I was at home on the Gold Coast with a friend planning for a huge event we were putting on for men. My focus was deep in planning and ideation.


    The phone rang, I saw Nards’ name on the screen and almost didn’t answer because I was so in deep focus mode.

    I answered thinking something must be up seeing as she didn’t just message a little update after her workshop ended.


    She spoke two words: “I’m pregnant”.

    Well, fuck me if that didn’t pull me out of focus mode immediately!

    At that moment things came up and shifted in me - a process of change and evolution started.

    Not only was facing fatherhood but the birth, and before that, all the preparation leading into the day our child came into the world.


    I’m fortunate to have spent time on my own awareness, in growth, and have good people and men around me, so I was able to prepare myself for these moments and experiences and shifts.

    But most men don’t have this, we don’t have support - truly - for becoming a father, for the actual birth experience and supporting our partner, and for the lead up to that day.


    Well, now we do.

    On today’s podcast, I am speaking to a friend of mine Ryan Pope, whose partner, Amber Hawken from Episode ) recently gave birth to their son.

    In this episode:

    Ryan has since gone on to create a program and experience for men to prepare for these three stages: the pregnancy stage, the birth itself, and then stepping into fatherhood.

    I am pumped to talk about his own journey and how this process is formed.

    In this episode, we dive into all of that.

    While everyone’s experiences are different, the stages we men go through and are asked to step into to become fathers have many consistent throughlines. Ryan and I explore that in this episode.


    I hope and trust you’ll gain something from this episode, including - I estimate - a bunch of further questions. If so - good. Questions, when followed with curiosity, allow answers. Answers allow options.

    When it comes to living a better life - options are important. Dive in. share. Rate and review - I appreciate your support in getting this in front of more men.


    Ryan’s Bio

    Ryan Pope is a chiropractor, breathwork instructor and holistic health and lifestyle coach. He is the CEO of Powerhouse Mind Body Chiro, a multidisciplinary wellness centre on the Gold Coast in Australia and Becoming The Mountain, a mentoring and events business focused on preparing men physically, mentally and emotionally for their rite of passage into fatherhood.

    Ryan facilitates mindfulness, and men's work and co-facilitates at Alchemy, a multi-modality healing and transformational retreat for men and women. His focus is on creating balance and harmony in self, life and relationships through nervous system regulation, acceptance and commitment therapy, self-reflection and mastering daily practices.

    Find him here: 

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