
    #315 - Melody Wilding - Succeed If You're Empathetic & Driven

    enMay 01, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the unique traits of sensitive striversSensitive strivers possess both high sensitivity and strong drive for achievement, leading to unique advantages and challenges. They can learn to channel emotions, trust their gut, let go of perfectionism, and embrace empathy as a competitive edge.

      Being empathetic and driven are not mutually exclusive traits, and in fact, their combination can lead to unique advantages and challenges in personal and professional success. Sensitive strivers, individuals who possess both high sensitivity and a strong drive for achievement, make up around 20% of the population. They are deeply attuned to their emotions and those of others, highly caring, and process information more deeply than the average person. While their sensitivity can be a superpower, it can also lead to challenges such as overthinking, perfectionism, and difficulty letting go of negative emotions. To navigate these challenges, sensitive strivers can learn to channel their emotions into an advantage, trust their gut as a valuable decision-making tool, let go of perfectionism, and embrace empathy as a competitive edge. By understanding the unique strengths and challenges of sensitive strivers, we can reframe our understanding of success and embrace a more compassionate, reflective, and effective approach to achieving our goals.

    • Understanding the Strengths and Challenges of Sensitive StriversSensitive strivers have unique qualities, but can face challenges such as overstimulation, overthinking, people pleasing, perfectionism, and information overload. The STRIVE framework helps prioritize personal growth and find balance.

      Sensitive strivers, while possessing valuable qualities such as sensitivity, thoughtfulness, responsibility, inner drive, and vigilance, can also face challenges such as overstimulation, overthinking, people pleasing, perfectionism, and information overload. Understanding these strengths and weaknesses through the STRIVE framework can help sensitive strivers prioritize their personal growth and find balance. Sensitivity brings heightened awareness, but can lead to overstimulation and stress. Thoughtfulness fosters creativity and introspection, but can result in overthinking and self-doubt. Responsibility leads to reliability and dedication, but can cause overfunctioning and neglecting one's own needs. Inner drive fuels the desire to exceed expectations, but can result in setting unrealistic goals and falling into perfectionism. Vigilance allows for strong emotional intelligence and attunement to the environment, but can lead to information overload and reading into situations unnecessarily. By recognizing these upsides and downsides, sensitive strivers can develop effective coping strategies and maintain a healthy balance in their personal and professional lives.

    • Understanding the Power of SensitivityBeing sensitive is a biological trait linked to heightened perception, strong emotions, and unique brain patterns. It's a strength when recognized and utilized, not a weakness.

      Being a sensitive striver means having a heightened perception of danger, strong emotions, and unique brain patterns. This trait, which has biological and evolutionary origins, can be perceived as a weakness but is actually a superpower when recognized and utilized. High sensitivity exists in various species and is linked to distinct brain activation in areas related to attention, concentration, action planning, decision making, and empathy. It's essential to understand that sensitivity is a spectrum and not limited to one gender. Socialization plays a role in how sensitivity manifests, particularly for women, who are often conditioned to suppress emotions and strive for perfection. Embracing sensitivity as a strength can lead to increased self-awareness, resilience, and the ability to inspire positive emotions in others.

    • Understanding and Utilizing SensitivityEmbrace your sensitivity as a valuable asset, rather than a weakness. Sensitivity provides unique insights and competitive advantages, such as understanding people and situations on a deeper level.

      Trying to force people into pre-defined boxes or archetypes based on their emotions or gender can be detrimental. The speaker discusses the concept of the "sensitive striver," a person who is both empathetic and driven, and how this trait can be both a blessing and a curse. For those who identify as sensitive strivers, they may have felt that their empathy was a weakness, but it can actually provide unique insights and competitive advantages, such as understanding people and situations on a deeper level. On the other hand, those who lack sensitivity may excel in high-pressure environments or in making quick decisions. The speaker encourages embracing one's internal state and utilizing it to one's advantage, rather than trying to conform to external expectations. As Glenn and Doyle put it, "I understand now that I'm not a mess, but a deeply feeling person in a messy world." Attention and paying attention to emotions and nuances can lead to valuable insights, making sensitivity a valuable asset.

    • Breaking Free from the Honor Roll HangoverIdentify goals that aren't truly yours, focus on inner motivation, and practice self-awareness to avoid burnout from perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overfunctioning.

      Being sensitive and aware is a valuable trait, but it's essential to avoid getting stuck in autopilot modes like perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overfunctioning, which can lead to burnout. The Honor Roll Hangover is a term for this intersection of behaviors, characterized by self-criticism, putting others before oneself, and taking on too much responsibility. To break free from this pattern, it's crucial to identify goals that aren't truly yours and make space in your life for what truly motivates and benefits you. Focus on inner longing and desire, rather than fear or obligation. Additionally, be aware of when a goal brings more distress than benefit and when you're more focused on the results than the process. By developing self-awareness and inner discernment, you can avoid the negative effects of the Honor Roll Hangover and live a more balanced, fulfilling life.

    • The dangers of focusing solely on external goalsFocusing solely on external goals can lead to self-deception, imposter syndrome, and bypassing personal growth. Embrace uncertainty, address insecurities, and strive for an accurate self-view to foster genuine growth.

      Focusing solely on external goals, such as gaining a title or a large following, without considering the internal aspects of achieving those goals, like managing a team or creating more content, may lead to dissatisfaction. The idea of "fake it till you make it" can potentially lead to self-deception and imposter syndrome, causing individuals to bypass addressing the root causes of their insecurities. Instead, it's essential to strive for an accurate self-view and embrace the uncertainty and doubt that come with new experiences. Imposter syndrome is a natural response to unfamiliar situations, but it should only survive being disproven in the real world. By acknowledging and addressing our doubts and insecurities, we can grow and develop, rather than hiding behind a mask of confidence.

    • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Over-preparation for Sensitive StriversRecognize past resilience, give yourself permission to succeed, start before you're ready, and focus on taking action instead of overthinking to overcome imposter syndrome and over-preparation.

      Imposter syndrome and over-preparation can hinder sensitive strivers from giving themselves permission to succeed. Imposter syndrome, the feeling of being a fraud despite proven success, can create a self-imposed barrier between individuals and their achievements. Over-preparation, such as excessive research or planning, can also serve as a diversion tactic to avoid taking action. To overcome these obstacles, it's essential to recognize past resilience and give yourself permission to succeed. This means starting before you feel ready and trusting your abilities. Techniques to help include identifying and stopping procrastination habits, reminding yourself of past successes, and focusing on taking action instead of overthinking. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, sensitive strivers can break free from the cycle of imposter syndrome and take steps towards achieving their goals.

    • Effective use of emotions in businessEmotional intelligence helps foster trust, innovation, and a positive work environment. Sensitive leaders can harness emotions for success.

      Emotions, when channeled effectively, can be a significant advantage in the business world. Emotional intelligence, which includes emotional regulation and attunement, is crucial for understanding people's motivations, influencing others, and creating successful collaborations. A sensitive leader or manager who is attuned to emotions can foster trust, innovation, and a positive work environment. However, it's essential to balance emotional intelligence with the ability to regulate emotions to avoid potential challenges. The sensitive striver, a playmaker with strong emotional intelligence, can be an effective leader due to their people-oriented and forward-facing nature. Emotions, when harnessed, can be a powerful tool for success in business.

    • Overcoming Overthinking in BusinessEmpathetic individuals can overthink, leading to inaction. Personify inner critic, practice mindfulness, trust gut, and create psychological distance to overcome overthinking.

      Developing empathy and courage are key to success in business, but overthinking can hinder progress. Empathetic individuals have the ability to understand complex situations and foresee potential issues, but they may also overthink and complicate matters, leading to inaction. To overcome overthinking, it's essential to recognize when it's happening and create psychological distance from negative thoughts. Personifying the inner critic, such as calling it "Darth Vader," can help lighten the mood and make it easier to assess the situation objectively. Practicing mindfulness and noting unhelpful thoughts as "not useful" can also help create a gap between automatic thoughts and conscious choices. Trusting your gut and developing the skill of listening to your instincts can be particularly beneficial for sensitive strivers, who may be conditioned to prioritize others' opinions over their own. Overall, recognizing and addressing both the empathetic and overthinking aspects of our thinking can lead to more effective and confident decision-making.

    • Trusting Intuition for Sensitive PeopleCreate space to trust intuition by focusing on existing skills and limiting excessive reading or learning.

      Intuition is a valuable skill for sensitive people, as we have a deeper well of experiences and learnings to draw from. Intuition is a subconscious process that involves pattern matching and making decisions based on past experiences, preferences, and learnings. It's important to trust ourselves and listen to our intuition, even if it feels "woo woo" or spiritual. In the modern era of constant personal growth and acquisition of new skills, it's essential to create space to listen to ourselves and trust our existing knowledge. This could involve periodically focusing on allowing existing skills to permeate our actions, rather than constantly striving to acquire new ones. Additionally, creating space through practices like writing a book or avoiding excessive reading can help amplify our intuition and trust ourselves to synthesize and apply our knowledge effectively.

    • Adapting quickly to speaking engagements can be an advantageQuick adaptation allows holding onto core beliefs and avoiding introspection. Setting boundaries maximizes productivity and communicates clear expectations.

      Having to quickly adapt and prepare for a speaking engagement after a significant delay can be an advantage, as it allows you to hold onto your core beliefs and avoid unnecessary introspection. Another key takeaway is the importance of setting boundaries, particularly in today's blurred lines between work and personal life. Boundaries are not only beneficial for the individual, but also for others, as they help communicate clear expectations and maximize productivity. Emotions, such as resentment, can be used as indicators of where boundaries need to be set.

    • Small commitments build confidenceKeeping small promises builds self-trust, while breaking them harms it. Consistent follow-through creates a chain of small wins, improving confidence and self-perception. Maintain a brag file to record accomplishments and counteract negativity bias.

      Setting and keeping small commitments to yourself is crucial for building confidence. Each time you break a promise, you lose credibility with yourself and hinder your ability to trust yourself. Building a chain of small wins through consistent follow-through helps internalize the belief that you can rely on yourself. Keeping a brag file to record accomplishments, no matter how small, also plays a role in counteracting negativity bias and reinforcing positive self-perception. Confidence is earned, not given, and even when faced with uncertainty, approaching challenges with energy and determination can help shift perspective. Naval Ravikant's quote, "self-esteem is the reputation you have with yourself," highlights the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with your internal monologue. By separating the planning and executing selves, as Steven Kotler suggests, you can improve focus, accountability, and confidence. Remember, decision fatigue can impact your energy levels, so be mindful of how you allocate your energy and consider tracking your daily activities to identify areas for improvement.

    • Communication Trifecta for Sensitive StriversSensitive strivers can use a three-part communication model called the 'communication trifecta' to deliver effective and assertive feedback. It includes being proactive, planning clear messages, and using a calm tone, appropriate body language, and thoughtful context.

      Sensitive strivers, who may find it challenging to assertively deliver feedback, can use a three-part communication model called the "communication trifecta." This model consists of what you do (being proactive and taking initiative), what you say (planning and delivering clear messages), and how you say it (using a calm tone, appropriate body language, and thoughtful context). Sensitive strivers can leverage their natural traits, such as warmth and thoughtfulness, to their advantage in delivering effective and assertive feedback. It's essential to plan the content of the message and consider the context of the conversation, avoiding prefaces and qualifiers that may undermine the message's strength. Additionally, being aware of body language and using grounding exercises can help manage nervous energy during important conversations.

    • Overcoming setbacks as a sensitive personSensitive people face unique challenges in dealing with setbacks, requiring rest, reflection, and recalibration. Creating a supportive environment is also essential.

      Sensitive people, or those who take in more information and feel things more deeply, face unique challenges when dealing with setbacks. These individuals, often referred to as "sensitive shivers," tend to personalize setbacks and let them steal their motivation. To help sensitive shivers overcome setbacks, it's essential to address the internal emotional reaction first by resting, reflecting, and recalibrating. Resting involves acknowledging and addressing the emotions that come with setbacks, reflecting on past successes and consulting intuition, and recalibrating by choosing a new path forward. Additionally, sensitive shivers are highly affected by their environment, so constructing a supportive and positive environment is crucial for success. Overall, the key is to give sensitive individuals the space they need to process their emotions and make their inner world a friendlier place. For more information, visit melodywilding.com.

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    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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