
    315. The World is Not Ending | Bjørn Lomborg

    enDecember 19, 2022
    What religious metaphor influences young people's environmental perceptions?
    How does the speaker critique the view of human beings?
    What approach does the text propose for environmental solutions?
    Why is finding meaning in life important according to the text?
    What are the drawbacks of the de-growth strategy mentioned?

    • Religious Metaphor of Planet as Fragile and VirginalYoung people's perception of human-environment relationship is influenced by a religious metaphor that portrays the planet as fragile and human beings as destructive predators and parasites, overlooking positive aspects of culture and the individual.

      The way young people perceive the role of human beings in relationship to the environment is influenced by a religious metaphor that portrays the planet as fragile and virginal, with human beings as destructive predators and parasites. This metaphor, as explained by the speaker during his conversation with Dr. Bjorn Lomberg, is rooted in the fundamental cognitive categories of chaos and order, and is represented metaphorically with female and masculine symbols, respectively. While this story covers all domains of existence, it only presents half of the picture, as it overlooks the positive aspects of culture and the individual. This metaphor functions as a religion, focusing on the worship of nature, the derogation of culture, and the damnation of the individual. It's important to recognize and challenge this limiting perspective in order to promote a more balanced and nuanced understanding of the relationship between humans and the environment.

    • The power of stories and metaphors in shaping our perceptionRecognize progress, focus on improvements, and maintain a balanced perspective with data and objective information.

      Our perception of the world's state and the role of individual effort can be significantly influenced by the stories and metaphors we hold. While it's important to acknowledge the challenges we face, such as climate change and natural disasters, it's equally crucial to recognize the progress we've made. For instance, our ability to handle and mitigate disasters has led to a dramatic decrease in related deaths. Instead of viewing the world as despoiled, we should focus on the improvements and strive for further progress. The power of data and objective information can help us maintain a balanced perspective and make informed decisions. It's essential to remember that the world is not perfect but significantly better than it was in the past. By acknowledging this, we can approach problems with a more optimistic mindset and work towards sustainable solutions.

    • Acknowledging the good in nature and humanityDespite the threats and negatives, it's important to recognize the progress and positivity in nature and humanity. We should strive to address challenges in a thoughtful manner, recognizing the potential for good as well as bad.

      While it's important to acknowledge the threatening aspects of nature and the potential negatives in human culture and individuals, it's also crucial to recognize the progress and positivity we've made. Nature is both benevolent and malevolent, and culture and individuals have the capacity for good and bad. The apocalyptic view of the world is not necessarily accurate or productive. Instead, we should acknowledge the challenges we face and strive to address them in a thoughtful and non-panicked manner. The world has improved significantly over time, and we've made progress in making it safer for us. This perspective, which can be seen as a blend of Hobbes and Rousseau, offers a more balanced and nuanced view of the world.

    • Perspective of nature and our role in itTechnological advancements make nature seem less destructive and social pressures fuel apocalyptic narratives, but it's crucial to acknowledge progress and continue solving challenges

      The current perspective of viewing nature as a benevolent force and our place in it as saviors is a result of both technological progress and social pressures. Technological advancements have allowed us to tackle issues like smallpox and hunger more effectively, making nature seem less destructive. Social pressures, such as the intense competition for attention online, make apocalyptic narratives more appealing as they are attention-grabbing. Furthermore, the incredible progress made in lifting people out of poverty over the last 25 years, which has impacted billions of lives, often goes unnoticed due to its lack of novelty. Instead of focusing solely on the apocalyptic aspects of the world, it's essential to recognize the progress made and continue working towards solving the remaining challenges.

    • The negative impact of negative messaging on young peopleYoung people are drawn to simplistic, apocalyptic messages about climate change, but focusing solely on the end-of-the-world narrative can lead to poor decision-making. Encourage meaningful action, but also ensure a balanced perspective.

      The negative has a greater impact on us psychologically than the positive, making it challenging to emphasize the positive in the face of negative issues. Young people, particularly those between the ages of 16 and 21, are in a developmental stage where they seek to establish their identity and find a broader social mission. Radical leftists on the environmental side have effectively capitalized on this urge by offering a simplistic, apocalyptic message that can be attractive but also has a destructive anti-human element. It's crucial to recognize that while it's essential for young people to want to do good, focusing solely on the end-of-the-world narrative can lead to poor decision-making. Climate change is a problem that requires our attention and action, but it's not the end of the world. We should encourage young people to help in meaningful ways, but also ensure they have a balanced perspective.

    • Recognizing the complexity of issues and solutionsAcknowledging the complexity of issues and solutions is crucial for effective decision-making and impactful actions, rather than focusing solely on one problem or appealing to moral superiority.

      Focusing on a single issue, such as climate change, as the only problem can lead to poor decision-making and inefficient solutions. Instead, it's essential to understand the complexity of the challenges we face and recognize that most proposed solutions are only a small fraction of what's needed. Moreover, the appeal to young people to become climate change activists as a shortcut to moral superiority can be misleading, as it doesn't require the real effort and responsibility needed to make a significant impact. Instead, we should acknowledge the complexity of the issues and work towards practical, effective solutions.

    • The simplistic view of environmental issuesFocusing on economic security and education leads to effective environmental solutions, rather than oversimplifying issues as solely caused by human villainy or an intrinsically valuable untouched nature.

      The simplistic view of environmental issues as solely caused by human villainy and the belief in an intrinsically valuable untouched nature can be dangerous and counterproductive. Instead, focusing on making people economically secure and educating them about the environment can lead to more effective solutions. The complexities of environmental issues require hard work and dedication, rather than instant virtue signaling. The history of the Green Revolution demonstrates that technological advancements and scientific research can increase food production and alleviate poverty, ultimately leading to environmental awareness and sustainability.

    • The power of scientific innovation to solve global issuesScientific innovation and progress can prevent mass starvation and create a sustainable future, rather than accepting population growth and resource scarcity as insurmountable problems.

      The solution to global issues, such as population growth and food production, lies in scientific innovation and progress, rather than accepting the notion that certain groups should suffer or die for the greater good. The story of Norman Borlaug, a Nobel Prize-winning agricultural scientist, illustrates this point. Borlaug's work in developing high-yielding wheat varieties helped prevent mass starvation and turned India into the world's leading rice exporter. This approach is more effective and meaningful than the Malthusian perspective, which suggests population growth and resource scarcity are insurmountable problems. Instead, we should focus on making food production more efficient and accessible to all, allowing for a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone. This requires dedication and hard work, but the rewards are significant. As Borlaug himself said, "Don't you want to devote your life to the solution of some genuinely difficult problem? That's where you're going to find meaning."

    • Historically, technology has solved complex environmental problemsTechnological advancements and innovations are more effective than personal restrictions or limitations in addressing environmental challenges

      Technology, not good intentions or restrictions, has historically been the key to solving complex problems, such as climate change and over-reliance on resources like whale oil. The discovery of oil as a substitute, for example, led to the decline of whale hunting. Similarly, the invention of the automobile helped address the issue of urban congestion and manure. While some may suggest limiting personal needs or behaviors to reduce environmental impact, determining needs and who gets to have them can be problematic and potentially divisive. Instead, focusing on technological advancements and innovations is a more effective approach to addressing environmental challenges.

    • True wealth goes beyond material possessionsFocus on providing essentials like temperature regulation, clean water, food, education, and health for everyone, rather than enforcing degrowth or limiting consumption.

      True wealth goes beyond material possessions and includes essentials like temperature regulation, access to clean water and food, and opportunities for education and health for children. The focus should be on providing these basics to everyone in the world, rather than attempting to make everyone poor or limiting consumption. Instead, innovation and the development of sustainable technologies are key to addressing global issues like carbon emissions. The idea of enforcing degrowth, which involves limiting consumption and population growth, is not a practical or desirable solution due to its potential for totalitarianism and lack of political support. Instead, a more effective approach is to offer alternatives that are both cheaper and more sustainable.

    • De-growth strategy: A flawed approach to addressing climate changeThe de-growth strategy, which aims to make people poor and rely on unreliable renewable energy, leads to economic losses, higher energy prices, and a reliance on less sustainable energy sources. Instead, focus on smart technologies and innovations to effectively address climate change and other environmental concerns.

      The de-growth strategy, which involves making people poor and relying heavily on unreliable renewable energy sources, is not a sustainable solution for addressing climate change or improving environmental conditions. This approach, as seen in Germany's experience, can lead to increased industrial productivity losses, higher energy prices, and a reliance on less sustainable energy sources like coal. Moreover, it's important to distinguish between climate change and other environmental issues, as de-growth may help with the former but worsen the latter. Instead, the focus should be on developing smart technologies and innovations that can effectively address both climate change and other environmental concerns without causing widespread economic hardship or tyrannical centralized decision-making.

    • The idea of a population crisis leading to an apocalyptic end is not scientifically provenEconomists' perspective emphasizes human ingenuity and potential for continuous improvement, offering a more promising outlook for the future

      The idea of a population crisis leading to an apocalyptic end is not supported by scientific evidence. The world is not a closed petri dish, and human beings are not single-celled organisms. Instead, humans have the ability to think, react, and modify their environment and themselves. Economists have consistently proven this through their predictions, contrasting with the Malthusian views of biologists. The economists' perspective, which emphasizes human ingenuity and the potential for continuous improvement, is more accurate and offers a more promising outlook for the future. It's essential to remember that the work towards a better world is not limited to a select few, but requires the involvement of everyone. The conversation is an opportunity to encourage and inspire people to contribute to this long-term battle for a more benevolent planet. And, as a reminder, no one is 100% wrong, but the evidence supports the economic perspective.

    • Learning from natural systems but recognizing human uniquenessHumans can control populations and progress as a species through abstract thinking and open dialogue, making biological population control models less applicable.

      While we can learn from natural systems and the behaviors of organisms like foxes and rabbits, humans are unique in our ability to think ahead, plan, and engage in critical dialogue. This cognitive transformation allows us to test ideas, refine them, and implement only the productive ones, effectively substituting real deaths with virtual ones. This capacity for abstract thinking and open dialogue enables us to control our populations and progress as a species, making the biological model of population control less applicable to humans. The biological metaphors of mold, cancer, or viruses do not accurately represent us. Instead, we should embrace our unique human abilities and continue to engage in thoughtful conversations and critical thinking to shape our future.

    • Historically, environmental problems increase then decrease with economic growthFocusing on lifting people out of poverty leads to addressing environmental concerns, shown in the inverse Kuznets curve

      Economic growth and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive. Historically, as countries become wealthier, they initially experience an increase in environmental problems. However, once basic needs are met, people begin to prioritize environmental concerns. The solution is to focus on lifting as many people out of poverty as possible by providing them with access to cheap energy, food, security, and opportunities. This will lead to more individuals taking a longer-term view and addressing environmental issues. The inverse Kuznets curve illustrates this trend, showing that environmental problems increase during the early stages of industrialization but decrease as countries become wealthier. It's crucial to remember that developing countries will not accept being kept poor for the sake of the environment. Additionally, indoor air pollution from cooking with low-quality fuels is a significant issue for billions of people, causing health problems equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes every day. Therefore, addressing poverty and providing access to clean energy are essential steps towards both economic growth and environmental sustainability.

    • Focusing on 'low-hanging fruit' issues can significantly improve economic and environmental conditionsSolving simple, cost-effective problems like improving education for 80% of enrolled children can bring immense benefits and move us towards a more equitable world.

      There are numerous issues plaguing the world, but focusing on the "low-hanging fruit" - problems with relatively simple, cost-effective solutions - can significantly improve economic and environmental conditions for billions of people. Education, for instance, is a crucial area where progress can be made. Despite more than 650 million children in the lower income and lower middle income countries being enrolled in school, 80% of them cannot read or do basic math. Solving this issue, which is essential for economic development, would bring immense benefits to these populations and move us closer to a more equitable and prosperous world.

    • Innovative solutions like personalized learning through tablets can improve learning outcomesPersonalized learning through tablets can help students learn three times as much in one hour a day by targeting their individual zone of proximal development, making education more effective and inclusive.

      Traditional methods of education, such as building more schools and hiring more teachers, may not significantly improve learning outcomes for large classes of students with varying abilities in developing countries. Instead, innovative solutions like personalized learning through tablets can help students learn three times as much in just one hour a day by targeting their individual zone of proximal development. This approach is crucial as literacy and basic numeracy are essential for economic growth and opportunity. The use of technology in education can be an efficient and cost-effective way to address this challenge. The concept of the zone of proximal development, first introduced by psychologist Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes that learning occurs best when material is presented at a level slightly beyond a student's current comprehension. By finding and addressing each student's unique learning needs, we can create a more effective and inclusive educational environment.

    • Investing in education and nutrition for pregnant women and infantsEvery dollar invested generates $54 in long-term benefits, improving human flourishing and environmental sustainability in developing countries

      Investing in affordable and effective education and nutrition for pregnant women and infants in developing countries can lead to significant long-term benefits, both for individual human flourishing and environmental sustainability. This includes providing tablets for education, ensuring their safety through secure storage and solar charging, and expanding nutritional aid through micronutrient pills for pregnant women. While there are costs involved, the potential social good returned is substantial, with every dollar invested generating approximately $54 in long-term benefits. This is a simple yet effective solution to address pressing issues, and it's crucial to focus on these solutions before tackling more complex problems. The impact on these countries will be transformative, making them better off in the long run.

    • Focusing on practical solutions for children's education and nutrition$140 million can help 50 million children have better opportunities, leading to improved education, longer schooling, and increased productivity, benefiting both individuals and their economies.

      Instead of focusing on apocalyptic views of the world and individual moral virtue through climate change, we should focus on practical solutions to real problems. One such area is improving the lives of poor children through education and nutrition. For around $140 million, we could help 50 million children have better chances in life, leading to improved school performance, longer education, and increased productivity. This investment would not only benefit the individuals but also their countries economically. It's a simple, effective, and well-documented way to create positive change. We should shift our focus from fear and despair to action and impact.

    • Embracing a Mature and Integrated VisionBy focusing on generating and testing new ideas, we can lift people out of poverty and create a more sustainable world, while finding meaning and purpose in life is essential for productivity and social responsibility.

      Despite the challenges we face as a society, including poverty and environmental issues, we have the intelligence and resources to find solutions. The long-term approach involves hard work and continuous learning, as demonstrated by figures like Norman Borlaug. Instead of giving in to fear and apocalyptic pessimism, we should encourage young people to participate in creating a better world for people and nature. The biological model of human existence, which focuses on generating and testing new ideas, has proven effective in many parts of the world with freedom of expression and thought. By shedding pessimism and embracing a mature and integrated vision of the economy and the environment, we can lift people out of poverty and create a more sustainable world. Additionally, finding meaning and purpose in life is essential for productivity and social responsibility. Engaging in something meaningful can motivate individuals to get out of bed in the morning and contribute to society in a positive way.

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    John Vervaeke is an associate professor of psychology and cognitive science at the University of Toronto. John researches and publishes on the nature of intelligence, rationality, wisdom, and meaning in life, emphasizing relevance realization, non-propositional kinds of knowing, and 4E cognitive science.


    This episode was filmed on September 5th, 2024.


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    Vervaeke Foundation Website: https://vervaekefoundation.org/


    John Vervaeke's Lectern (Walking the Philosophical Silk Road): https://youtu.be/Foz0VaTUuEw?si=odQyamOGhiOspuyk

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    This episode was filmed on September 5th, 2024



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    For Vivek Ramaswamy:


    Preorder Truths: The Future of America First 

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
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    This episode was recorded on September 4th, 2024



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    Substack https://substack.com/@wkeithcampbell

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    For Matt Walsh:


    “Am I Racist?” Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7PA_kshZh0


    Buy tickets on the website https://www.amiracist.com/ 

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    This episode was recorded on August 4th, 2024



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    For Jack Symes:


    Website www.jacksymes.co.uk


    On X www.x.com/_JackSymes

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    477. Stopping the Socialist Trainwreck in British Columbia | John Rustad

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    Foundations of the West is out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


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    John Rustad is the Conservative MLA for Nechako Lakes - a riding he has held since 2005. John was born and raised in Prince George, married Kim in 1995, and has spent his entire life living in northern British Columbia. In the early 2000s, John was faced with a difficult task. Frustrated with the direction the province was headed, John had to decide between leaving for greener pastures or sticking around. Thankfully, he decided to stick around and, in so doing, decided to fight for BC. For more than 20 years, John has fought for the people of British Columbia. First being elected as a school board trustee to SD-57 and then as an MLA in 2005 to the riding of Prince George–Omineca. Later being re-elected in the riding of Nechako Lakes, after riding redistribution and has served there ever since. John has been a champion of resource development and economic reconciliation, as well as the champion of the common man his entire time in office.


    This episode was recorded on August 15th, 2024


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    For John Rustad:


    Conservative Party of BC website www.conservativebc.ca


    John Rustad on X https://twitter.com/JohnRustad4BC


    Conservative Party of BC Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeBC


    John Rustad on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnrustadbc


    Conservative Party of BC on Instagram


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    This episode was recorded on August 16th, 2024



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    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

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    Axel Kaiser Barents von Hohenhagen is a Chilean-German lawyer, Master in Investments, Commerce, and Arbitration, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He is the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Progress in Chile, one of the most influential free-market think tanks in Latin America. He is an international lecturer and a best-selling author of several works that include his Tolkienian fantasy novel “The Book of Asgalard” (available only in Spanish). His book "The Street Economist" became the most sold economics book in the Spanish-speaking world in the last 20 years, playing an important role in Argentina’s current free-market movement.


    This episode was recorded on August 12th, 2024



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    For Axel Kaiser:


    On X https://x.com/AXELKAISER?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Street-Economist-Economics-Lessons-Everyone/dp/1645720810

    “The Book of Asgalard” (Book)(Spanish only) https://www.amazon.com/El-libro-Asgalard-Axel-Kaiser/dp/8445016393 

    474. Why “Anti-Racism” is the Worst Form of Racism | Coleman Hughes

    474. Why “Anti-Racism” is the Worst Form of Racism | Coleman Hughes

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, podcaster, and opinion columnist Coleman Hughes. They discuss his latest book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America,” why color blindness should be re-implemented as a cultural goal, the Marxist actors who have deliberately moved to repel it, the need for a meritocratic system, and instances when racial discrimination is appropriate.


    Coleman Hughes is an author, podcaster, and opinion columnist who specializes in issues related to race, public policy, and applied ethics. Coleman’s writing has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Quillette, City Journal, the Spectator, and the Washington Examiner. He appeared on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. In 2019, Hughes testified before the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee at a hearing on reparations for slavery. In 2024, Hughes released his first book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America.” He has appeared on prominent TV shows and podcasts including “The View,” “Real Time with Bill Maher,” “The Joe Rogan Experience,” and “Making Sense with Sam Harris.” Hughes is a columnist at the Free Press and a contributor at CNN.


    This episode was recorded on August 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    Foundations of the West, out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    For Coleman Hughes:


    Buy tickets to see Coleman Hughes in conversation with Josh Szeps on August 25th in Sydney and August 28th in Melbourne.


    Sydney link: https://festivalofdangerousideas.com/program/a-colourblind-society-uncomfortable-conversations/#tickets


    Melbourne link: https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/uncomfortable-conversations-live-with-coleman-hughes-and-josh-szeps-melbourne-28-08-2024/event/130060E1D02C314C


    On X https://x.com/coldxman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ColemanHughesOfficial 

    473. The War on Children & the Language of Deception | Logan Lancing

    473. The War on Children & the Language of Deception | Logan Lancing

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, speaker, and founder of ItsNotinSchools.com, Logan Lancing. They discuss the deceptive terminology of the postmodern Left and how the linguistic game hides a severe lack of substance, the true heart of Marxism as a theology, the indoctrination of our children at the institutional level, and the sacrifices it will take to truly right the ship.


    Logan Lancing is an author, speaker, and the founder of ItsNotinSchools dot com. He is best known for his public lectures on critical race theory, culturally relevant pedagogy, and queer theory. Lancing’s website explains what these “woke” theories are, identifies where they come from, and exposes how they show up in children’s classrooms nationwide.


    This episode was recorded on July 30th, 2024



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    For Logan Lancing:


    On X https://x.com/LoganLancing/highlights


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@loganlancing


    Know what you children are being taught https://www.itsnotinschools.com/


    “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Queering-American-Child-Religious-Poisons/dp/B0CSP4L1T9/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/138-3764402-1287437?pd_rd_w=J1eG0&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_p=4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_r=FF9ME2FMJZ7DHXP3T72Z&pd_rd_wg=7dgdC&pd_rd_r=592af638-8ca4-4007-9820-2d0249e0e34c&pd_rd_i=B0CSP4L1T9&psc=1


    “THE WOKE WARPATH: How Marxists Use Race and Gender to Break America” (Book)


    Related Episodes

    305. How Marxism is Disguised as Woke Morality | Dr. Yoram Hazony

    305. How Marxism is Disguised as Woke Morality | Dr. Yoram Hazony

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Yoram Hazony discuss the major problems plaguing today's youths, such as the resurgence of Marxism under the guise of woke morality, the creation of aimless social hierarchies that leave participants devoid of meaning, and the complete lack of respect for adverse thinking that has lead to the deterioration of our foundational principles.


    Dr. Yoram Hazony is an Israeli author,  philosopher, political theorist, and Bible scholar. In 1994, Dr. Hazony founded the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, which became Shalem College in 2013. Being the first liberal arts college in Israel, it attracted widespread attention, followed by much acclaim as many of the country's renowned intellectuals joined its staff. Hazony has also served as director of the John Templeton Foundation's project in Jewish Philosophical Theology, as well as a member of the Israel Council for Higher Education committee. Dr. Hazony has published many books, his 2018 work, The Virtue of Nationalism, being awarded Conservative Book of the Year in 2019. He also maintains a regularly published blog, Jerusalem Letters, that explores the topics of philosophy, politics, Judaism, Israel, and higher education. Other writings by Dr. Hazony have been published in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and American Affairs.




    For Dr. Yoram Hazony:


    Get your copy of “Conservatism: A Rediscovery” on Amazon:



    Yoram Hazony’s website: www.YoramHazony.org


    Learn more about National Conservatism: www.NatCon.org


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    Black Rifle Coffee:

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    — Chapters —


    (0:00) Coming Up

    (0:54) Intro

    (1:51) Rediscovery

    (3:00) Cultural revolution

    (6:33) Stored cultural capital

    (10:00) Sanity and marxism

    (15:43) Meaning and service

    (22:00) Hierarchy, tyranny, and the tribe

    (31:43) Widespread misconceptions on Conservatism

    (37:36) Mutation, genetic/hierarchical stabilization

    (44:20) Constitutional Axioms, British common law

    (50:50) Redefining the fundamentals

    (57:23) Entropy and Iliad

    (1:00:35) The Flood, myth across culture

    (1:05:25) The call to responsibility, utopian schemes

    (1:10:15) Parenting, shedding adolescence

    (1:13:29) The case for faith,

    (1:17:20) Abraham, the call to adventure

    (1:19:55) To honor those around you

    (1:26:00) Integral liberalism, the lack of filter

    (1:29:45) Common respect, breaking down tribalism

    (1:34:20) The act of judgment

    (1:37:30) Why tilt conservative?



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    Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com


    // BOOKS //

    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-...

    Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-m...


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    Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com

    Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events

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    #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus #podcast


    307. Childhood Trauma, Marriage, and Making Friends | Dr. John Delony

    307. Childhood Trauma, Marriage, and Making Friends | Dr. John Delony

    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh


    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. John Delony discuss the destitution of loneliness, the salvation in connection, how to strengthen ties through listening, and why you should stop ignoring your flaws.


    Dr. John Delony is a bestselling author, mental health expert, and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. This caller-driven show offers real people a chance to be heard as they struggle with relationship issues and mental health challenges. John gives practical advice on how to connect with people, how to take the next right step, and how to cut through the depression and anxiety that can feel so overwhelming. Delony has two PhDs and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response, and higher education. In 2020 Delony joined Ramsey Solutions, a powerhouse multi-media company that brings together top minds in topics such as finance, real estate, mental health, and overall well being. Through their platform they produce shows, lectures, events, documentaries, books, and more.




    For Dr. John Delony:


    The Dr. John Delony Show:



    Own Your Past, Change Your Future:



    Redefining Anxiety:




    @johndelony on Instagram




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    Birch Gold: Text "JORDAN" to 989898 for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit


    Elysium Health: Save 25% off Matter monthly subscriptions with code JBP25: https://explorematter.com/Jordan


    Black Rifle Coffee: Get 10% off your first order or Coffee Club subscription with code JORDAN: https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/


    Hallow: Try Hallow for 3 months FREE: https://hallow.com/jordan



    — Chapters —


    (0:00) Coming Up

    (1:19) Intro

    (2:10) Story and the body

    (6:47) Memory, a flawed canon

    (10:04) Detailing anxiety

    (11:59) Loneliness

    (15:00) Sanity is distributed

    (17:16) The need for friendship

    (21:10) Ben Franklin, favors

    (23:10) The Corner Store technique

    (25:29) Teaching generosity

    (28:35) Your life is what you repeat, focus on that

    (30:41) Rebuilding a marriage

    (37:09) Having a daily shared image

    (45:05) Sex in marriage

    (50:00) What do you actually want?

    (55:08) Why you don’t know

    (1:00:49) High ordered goals

    (1:06:00) The greatest lost skill

    (1:07:11) The difference between listening and looking to solve a problem

    (1:16:10) Practical skills for listening

    (1:20:33) Categorizing the problems in your world

    (1:24:50) Seeking out your vulnerabilities

    (1:27:48) the importance of confession

    (1:31:40) Why labels are lackluster

    (1:34:42) The small scale scales exponentially

    (1:36:30) How we spread the movement



    Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup

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    Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality

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    Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com


    // BOOKS //

    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

    Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning


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    Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com

    Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events

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    308. AI: The Beast or Jerusalem? | Jonathan Pageau & Jim Keller

    308. AI: The Beast or Jerusalem? | Jonathan Pageau & Jim Keller

    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh


    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Jonathan Pageau, and Jim Keller dive into the world of artificial intelligence, debating the pros and cons of technological achievement, and ascertaining whether smarter tech is something to fear or encourage.


    Jim Keller is a microprocessor engineer known for his work at Apple and AMD. He has served in the role of architect for numerous game changing processors, has co-authored multiple instruction sets for highly complicated designs, and is credited for being the key player behind AMD’s renewed ability to compete with Intel in the high-end CPU market. In 2016, Keller joined Tesla, becoming Vice President of Autopilot Hardware Engineering. In 2018, he became a Senior Vice President for Intel. In 2020, he resigned due to disagreements over outsourcing production, but quickly found a new position at Tenstorrent, as Chief Technical Officer.


    Jonathan Pageau is a French-Canadian liturgical artist and icon carver, known for his work featured in museums across the world. He carves Eastern Orthodox and other traditional images, and teaches an online carving class. He also runs a YouTube channel dedicated to the exploration of symbolism across history and religion.





    For Jonathan Pageau:


    Icon Carving: http://www.pageaucarvings.com


    Podcast: www.thesymbolicworld.com


    Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JonathanPageau


    For Jim Keller:


    Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/jimkxa

    Jim's Speech, "10 Problems to Solve": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o70yKYWgtVI&t=21s


    Jim's Speech, "Overclocking AI": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L4AgmG8V3LE&t=3s




    Ian Banks References: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_series

    — Chapters —


    (0:00) Coming up

    (1:48) Intro

    (5:00) Conceptualizing artificial intelligence

    (9:10) Language models and story prediction

    (12:20) Deep story and prompt engineering

    (18:10) Friston, error prediction and emotional mapping

    (23:37) Generative models

    (24:36) Does the intelligence in AI come from humans?

    (27:26) Can AI have goals that are not understandable to humans?

    (30:22) When a human records data vs an AI

    (34:00) When will AI become autonomous?

    (37:48) To create what could supplant you

    (47:36) When technology is used to achieve desire, unintended consequences

    (55:14) Abundance and nihilism

    (58:30) High human goals and the weaponization of intelligence

    (1:04:28) AI: Who will hold the keys?

    (1:14:09) Technology through biblical imagery

    (1:17:30) When the term “AI” ceases to make sense

    (1:20:12) What will humans worship in the tech age?



    Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup

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    Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality

    Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com

    Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com


    // BOOKS //

    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

    Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning


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    Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com

    Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events

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    #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus

    294. Eugenics: Flawed Thinking Behind Pushed Science | Alex Story

    294. Eugenics: Flawed Thinking Behind Pushed Science | Alex Story

    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh


    Alex Story and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discuss biology and overpopulation, the misguided thinking behind eugenics, and the tendency of politics to weaponize our totalitarian impulses.


    Alex Story was an Olympic class rower for Great Britain, and attended the University of Cambridge. There he set the rowing course record against Oxford in the 1998 Boat Race, a record held for multiple decades. After suffering a career-ending back injury, Story turned his attention to politics, and quickly became a notable voice in the Conservative party. He stood for parliamentary office three times, representing some of the poorest areas in the country. Today he works in the finance sector as head of sales for a US brokerage firm. He has also become a writer, seeing his articles published weekly in magazines such as the National Inquirer and Express.




    Books Discussed in this episode:


    Fabianism and the Empire: A Manifesto by the Fabian Society



    The Descent of Man



    The Essential Keynes




    For Alex Story:



    Alex Story on Twitter  https://twitter.com/alexpstory





    (0:00) Coming Up

    (1:05) Intro

    (3:36) Fatherhood, Manning Up

    (10:05) Rowing, In Pursuit of Glory

    (17:05) Privilege and Marxism

    (22:51) The Motivation of Power

    (28:00) Love Elevates

    (39:32) The Issue with the Dominance Hierarchy

    (47:36) Stability and Transformation

    (54:06) Predators and Protesters

    (55:43) Eugenics and the Imposition of Power

    (1:15:22) The Connection with Marxism

    (1:19:49) Orwell, Socialist Overpopulation

    (1:28:54) The Four Pillars of England's Educational Framework



    Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup

    Donations: https://jordanbpeterson.com/donate


    // COURSES //

    Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality

    Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com

    Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com


    // BOOKS //

    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

    Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning


    // LINKS //

    Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com

    Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events

    Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog

    Podcast: https://jordanbpeterson.com/podcast


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    All socials: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson


    #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus

    Watershed Writers: TASNEEM JAMAL on the characters in "Where the Air is Sweet" and writing refugee lit

    Watershed Writers: TASNEEM JAMAL on the characters in "Where the Air is Sweet" and writing refugee lit

    In this clip from the Watershed Writers Podcast, host Tanis Macdonald is joined by author Tasneem Jamal. They discuss the creation of characters in Tasneem's debut novel and how she views the writing of refugee literature. Listen to the full catalogue of Watershed Writers episodes on their website: watershedwriters.wordpress.com and hear new episodes Saturdays at 10am on MidtownRadio.ca. 

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