
    324. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden's Voicemail To Hunter, Hutchinson's Jan 6th Testimony & Serious Adverse Events

    enJuly 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • CTI podcast: Uncovering the truth behind misconceptions and delusionsThe CTI podcast explores various topics and reveals the truth behind societal misconceptions and delusions, inspiring listeners to become their best selves and set an example for others.

      The hosts of the CTI (Cruise the Internet) podcast, Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, discuss various topics and issues with a focus on revealing the truth behind misconceptions and delusions in society. They have different formats for their episodes, including Q and AF, real talk, and full length, where they bring on successful guests to share their experiences and provide insights. The ultimate goal of the show is to inspire listeners to become the best versions of themselves and set an example for others. The podcast covers a range of topics, including political news, business deals, and personal development. One recent topic was the revelation that President Joe Biden left a voicemail for his son Hunter about a business deal with a Chinese energy company, contradicting Biden's previous statement. The hosts dissect the truth behind this news and discuss the implications of this and other similar situations. Overall, the CTI podcast aims to provide a reality check and offer insights and solutions for listeners.

    • Joe Biden's Family Business Dealings Raise Concerns of CorruptionEvidence suggests Biden's involvement in family business dealings despite denials. Concerns of corruption and influence selling at the highest levels of government persist.

      Despite repeated claims by Joe Biden and his team that he had no involvement with his family's business dealings, evidence, including a voicemail, suggests otherwise. This issue, along with allegations of Hunter Biden's involvement with Russian linked individuals, has been a topic of discussion for several years. The larger concern is the potential for corruption and selling of influence at the highest levels of government, which undermines the national interests of the country. The onus is on the public to demand accountability and not stay quiet about such issues. The corruption extends beyond the Biden family, with various powerful groups and individuals leveraging their influence for their own gain. The January 6th hearing and other similar events should be viewed in this context, as part of a larger narrative aimed at shaping history in favor of those in power. Ultimately, the question is what the powerful elites plan to do with those who refuse to be silenced.

    • Depopulation concerns and influential figuresIndividuals should focus on significant issues like economic struggles and border security, rather than being distracted by lesser matters, as history repeats itself and those in control of media create an enslavement system.

      There are concerns about depopulation agendas and the role of influential figures like Bill Gates. These concerns intersect with debates over population growth and reproduction. The speaker argues that individuals must take a stand against issues that affect their lives, such as economic struggles and border security, rather than being distracted by lesser matters. History repeats itself, and the speaker believes that current global events echo those of past conflicts. The media and those who control it are seen as creating an enslavement system, and the public needs to become informed and break free. The Hunter Biden scandal is mentioned as an example of larger, unaddressed issues, including sex trafficking and the lack of accountability for those involved. The overturning of Roe v. Wade is also seen as connected to these issues.

    • Manipulation and Division in SocietyRecognize our fundamental sameness and challenge those in power who use our differences to maintain control, beware of media manipulation and false narratives.

      We are being manipulated into divisions that benefit those in power. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of society, where people are being pitted against each other based on superficial differences. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing our fundamental sameness and coming together to challenge those in power who use our differences to maintain control. The speaker also criticizes the media for spreading misinformation and manipulating public opinion. In the second part of the discussion, he exposes how CNN manipulates people, either by paying them or threatening them with exposure of their private information, to spread false narratives. The overall message is a call for unity and awareness of manipulation tactics used by those in power.

    • Testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson reveals disturbing accounts of Trump's behavior before Capitol riotFormer President Trump's behavior before the Capitol riot, as testified by Cassidy Hutchinson, included attempts to go to the Capitol despite being told no, expressions of desire for Pence to be hung, and a physical altercation with his Secret Service agent.

      The testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, a 26-year-old White House aide, has provided some of the most disturbing accounts yet of former President Trump's behavior leading up to the Capitol riot. She testified that Trump had lunged for his Secret Service agent when told he couldn't be taken to the Capitol and had expressed desire for Pence to be hung. Additionally, he allegedly threw a fit when told he couldn't go to the Capitol and tried to take the steering wheel of the vehicle. Some have questioned the validity of her testimony, but Secret Service agents have reportedly corroborated her story. The incident is a rare example of truth in a year filled with violence, lies, and deception. It highlights the importance of holding those who lie and collude accountable for their actions.

    • Individual Action and AccountabilityPeople must stand up for what's right, challenge the status quo, and engage in their communities to promote accountability and address societal issues.

      Accountability and addressing societal issues require collective action from individuals. The speaker expresses frustration with the inconsistency in how society deals with lies and criminal actions, using examples of public figures who have lied yet face no significant consequences. He emphasizes the importance of people standing up for what's right, refusing to be intimidated, and engaging in their communities to challenge the status quo. Additionally, the speaker touches on the need for a cultural realignment regarding accountability and the importance of addressing systemic issues. While the conversation also touches on other topics, the core message revolves around the power of individual action in creating change.

    • Study shows serious adverse reactions from mRNA vaccines outnumber hospitalizations preventedA study found that Moderna's vaccine caused 15.1 serious adverse events for every 6.4 hospitalizations prevented, while Pfizer's vaccine had 10 serious adverse reactions per every 2.3 prevented hospitalizations. The serious complications include myocarditis, pulmonary embolisms, blood clots, immune system failures, and sudden adult death syndrome.

      The available data suggests that the experimental mRNA vaccines may cause more serious adverse reactions than prevent COVID-19 hospitalizations. According to a recent study, Moderna's vaccine caused 15.1 serious adverse events for every 6.4 people it kept out of the hospital, while Pfizer's vaccine was even worse, with 10 serious adverse reactions per every 2.3 prevented hospitalizations. These serious complications include myocarditis, pulmonary embolisms, blood clots, immune system failures, and sudden adult death syndrome, among others. Despite this, medical experts in the Biden regime continue to advocate for the vaccines' safety and effectiveness, even as the US government's own vaccine adverse events reporting system shows nearly 30,000 deaths and over 50,000 permanent disabilities related to the vaccine. The study's findings raise serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, especially given that COVID-19 is only moderately more dangerous than the flu. It's important for individuals to make informed decisions about their health and consider the potential risks and benefits of the vaccine.

    • COVID-19 Response: A Campaign of Manipulation and StigmaThe COVID-19 response led to mass manipulation, misinformation, mandates, and stigmatization, causing severe mental and emotional harm and unnecessary deaths.

      The COVID-19 pandemic response has resulted in widespread fear, division, and misunderstanding, with many individuals being pressured, coerced, and even mentally abused into complying with certain measures. These individuals, who were often criticized and labeled as "anti-vaxxers" or "conspiracy theorists," were in fact, victims of a mass manipulation campaign orchestrated by a small group of powerful individuals. The consequences of this campaign, which included misinformation, mandates, and stigmatization, have had severe and long-lasting impacts on people's mental and emotional wellbeing, and in some cases, even led to unnecessary deaths. It's essential to recognize the humanity and suffering of those who were affected by these events and to acknowledge the truth behind the narrative of crimes against humanity perpetrated during the pandemic response.

    • Power struggle and impact of midterm electionsRecognize shared experiences, find solutions, and promote unity to protect individual freedoms amidst ongoing power struggles and divisive events.

      The ongoing global health situation and political landscape indicate that there is a power struggle at play, and the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections in the United States could significantly impact the direction of events. The fact that governments and organizations are continuing to push for vaccines and control measures despite some setbacks suggests that they are not yet in full control and are concerned about potential opposition. It's crucial for individuals to come together, acknowledge the shared experiences of being manipulated and divided, and focus on finding solutions and promoting unity. The future of our freedoms depends on it. The black, Hispanic, white, and LGBTQ+ communities, among others, have all been impacted by these events, and it's essential to recognize that we are all in this together. Our country's foundation is built on freedom and respect for diverse beliefs, and it's important to remember that.

    • Technology's Ethical Implications: Replicating Human VoicesThe advancement of technology, such as Amazon's Alexa mimicking human voices, raises ethical concerns and potential privacy issues. It's crucial to consider the societal impact and unintended consequences.

      As technology advances, ethical considerations and potential consequences are often overlooked. The discussion revolves around the development of Amazon's Alexa feature that can mimic a specific person's voice, even if they're deceased. The speaker expresses empathy for those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic and the potential emotional impact of this technology. However, they also raise concerns about the ethical implications and privacy issues, questioning the lack of regulations governing such advancements. The speaker reflects on past conversations about technology replacing human jobs and the missed opportunity to address the ethical concerns then. Now, with the capability to replicate human voices, it's crucial to consider the broader societal impact and potential unintended consequences.

    • Technology Threatens Our Privacy and FreedomGovernments and corporations can monitor our every move, read texts, and save audio recordings without consent, violating ethical boundaries and threatening privacy. Regulations are needed to protect our privacy and freedom.

      Our privacy and freedom are under threat due to the widespread use of technology with hidden microphones and cameras. Governments and corporations have the ability to monitor our every move, read our texts, and save our audio recordings without our consent. This is a violation of our ethical boundaries and a threat to our privacy. The decision-makers among these wealthy entities have chosen to exploit this power rather than regulating it or protecting our privacy. This realization has significantly impacted the speaker's perspective on life and raises concerns about the potential for a dystopian future where people are dependent on technology for their basic needs. This trend started post-9/11 with the Patriot Act, and the use of technology for surveillance has only grown since then. It's crucial that we acknowledge this reality and demand regulations to protect our privacy and freedom.

    • Manipulated media and privacy concerns in the digital ageTechnology's misuse of personal information leads to manipulated media, false information, and privacy invasions, highlighting the need for greater regulations to protect individuals.

      Technology and the misuse of personal information have become major concerns in today's society. The discussion highlights the issue of manipulated media and the potential for false information to spread, making it difficult to trust what we see on our screens. The speaker also shares personal experiences of targeted ads based on private conversations, raising concerns about privacy and data security. The complexity of legal agreements and the ease with which companies can collect and use our information without consent add to the problem. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a sense of helplessness in the face of these issues and a desire for greater regulations to protect individuals from the negative consequences of technology.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    About this conversation: Ivor Cummins is a smart guy. During the Covid years, his calm melodic videos would inject glimmers of sanity in the face of unrelenting mainstream media propaganda.

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