
    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    enMay 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Mother's Day Shopping Deals at Whole Foods and MintmobileSave on body care and candles, get discounted flowers, and enjoy festive treats at Whole Foods. Plus, Mintmobile offers six months of Paramount Plus Essential Plan for free.

      Whole Foods Market is an excellent destination for Mother's Day shopping, offering unbeatable savings on premium gifts, beautiful flowers, and delicious desserts. Prime members can save 33% on body care and candles, get a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $0.99 each, and enjoy festive treats for mom's menu. Additionally, Mintmobile is offering six months of Paramount Plus Essential Plan for free with a new plan. However, it's important to remember that we're not experts, and if anyone needs professional help, they should seek it out. A bizarre spider story was shared, but the main focus is on the special deals for Mother's Day at Whole Foods Market and the free Paramount Plus offer from Mintmobile.

    • A woman's determination to get pregnant despite medical oddsDespite medical assessments, hope and determination can lead to pregnancy. Educate yourself and consider supplements to improve chances.

      Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, it's important to never give up hope. A woman was told she had no egg reserve and had a low chance of getting pregnant naturally. After undergoing IVF and freezing embryos, she got married and decided to try naturally. Against all expectations, she got pregnant. This serves as a reminder that medical professionals' assessments are not always accurate, and miracles can happen. Additionally, it's crucial to educate oneself about fertility and take supplements to improve chances. The woman's story is a testament to the power of hope and determination, and she will be sharing her journey on the podcast soon.

    • Personal Boundaries at a Sexually Explicit Cabaret ShowPersonal boundaries matter in relationships. Attending sexually explicit performances with your significant other may challenge those boundaries and impact your relationship.

      The speaker and her friend had made a pact not to bring their boyfriends to a particular cabaret show due to the sexual nature of the performance. However, when the group planned to attend the show during a recent gathering, the speaker felt uncomfortable with the idea of her boyfriend being there, despite her belief that they were not jealous people. She expressed her discomfort and shared her past experiences at the show with her friend, but ultimately decided to cancel their plans to attend. The speaker's description of the show and her reactions highlight the importance of personal boundaries and the impact of sexualized performances on relationships.

    • Expression of frustration and discomfort in relationshipsOpen and honest communication about boundaries and desires is crucial in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

      Communication and consent are essential in relationships. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration and discomfort towards her partner's behavior, which included watching music videos of artists he found attractive without discussing it with her. She felt objectified and disrespected by his actions, leading to a lack of trust and intimacy in their relationship. It's important to have open and honest conversations about boundaries and desires to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Additionally, the speaker's reaction to her partner's behavior became a running joke between them, but it's crucial to remember that jokes can sometimes mask deeper issues that need to be addressed. Ultimately, respect and understanding are key components of a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Staying present in relationshipsFocus on current relationships and not dwell on past ones, stay present, and practice self-care. Use PlushCare for weight loss assistance and avoid major cons in communication.

      It's important to focus on your current relationships and not dwell on past ones. In the discussion, there were several mentions of individuals being drawn back to their exes, even considering moving back to be closer to them. However, the advice given was to stay focused on the present and the relationships that are currently important. Additionally, there were some entertaining moments in the conversation, such as the excitement over celebrity sightings and the discovery of mutual crushes. But overall, the conversation touched on the importance of staying present and not letting past relationships negatively impact current ones. Furthermore, there were some practical tips given, such as never replying to a story or sending a major con, and the recommendation of PlushCare for weight loss assistance. The conversation also highlighted the importance of self-care and taking care of loved ones, especially during special occasions like Mother's Day. In conclusion, the discussion provided some valuable insights and advice on relationships, self-care, and staying present, as well as some entertaining moments and celebrity gossip.

    • Feeling homesick in London? Consider exploring new opportunities instead of returning to old relationships.Don't let past relationships define your present in London. Instead, explore new opportunities for personal growth and socializing.

      If you're feeling homesick and considering going back to an old relationship, it might be a sign that you're not fully satisfied with your current situation in London. You might be holding on to old ties due to unhappiness with your job or lack of friends. While it's understandable to feel the need to return to a familiar environment, it's essential not to make hasty decisions. Instead, try to explore new opportunities, such as joining social clubs or looking for a new job. The ex-boyfriend might not be the issue; it could be a matter of comfort and familiarity. However, if you're genuinely unhappy with your current relationship, it's best to leave it in the past. Remember, London can be challenging, especially during the long winters, but the summer months can bring new opportunities for socializing and personal growth. Give yourself time to adjust to a new place, and don't let the past define your present.

    • Building friendships outside of relationshipsFinding common ground with colleagues and family members can improve self-confidence, but be aware of potential romantic feelings and prioritize values, relationships, and commitments.

      It's important to try and get along with people, even if they're not our first choice, such as work colleagues or family members. Finding common ground and building friendships outside of these relationships can help us feel more independent and improve our self-confidence. However, it's important to be aware of potential romantic feelings towards people outside of our current relationships. These feelings might not be reciprocated or might not be as intense as we believe, so it's crucial to take a step back and reassess the situation. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize our values, relationships, and commitments to make the best decision for ourselves and those around us.

    • Considering Infidelity FeelingsBe cautious of feelings driven by lust rather than love, and consider the potential consequences and feelings of all parties involved before acting.

      The feelings the speaker is experiencing towards this man are likely driven by lust rather than love. The speaker believes that it's impossible to completely fall in love with someone else when you already have the love of your life. She also suspects that the man in question may have a history of making women feel special before moving on to the next. The speaker advises against acting on these feelings and instead suggests focusing on completing her diploma and enjoying any harmless flirtations from a distance. She also emphasizes the importance of considering how we would feel if the situation were reversed and our partners were in a similar situation. The context and timing of our interactions with people can greatly impact our perceptions of them, and it's important to have a reality check and keep things in perspective.

    • The Power of Eye Contact in CommunicationEye contact conveys focus, interest, and can create instant chemistry, but prolonged eye contact can also be uncomfortable or misinterpreted. Use it thoughtfully.

      Eye contact plays a significant role in communication and can convey various intentions. While prolonged eye contact can be seen as intimate or even sexual, normal eye contact can simply indicate focus and interest. The speaker also mentioned that people often make assumptions based on prolonged eye contact, and it's essential to be aware of the context and intent behind it. Additionally, the speaker shared that they personally experienced instant chemistry with someone through prolonged eye contact, but it can also be uncomfortable if not reciprocated or if taken too far. Overall, eye contact is a powerful nonverbal cue that can convey various messages and should be used thoughtfully.

    • Sharing experiences of unintentional hurt and disrespectCommunication and setting boundaries are crucial to prevent unintentional hurt and ensure positive experiences for all.

      People's actions and words can unintentionally or intentionally hurt others, leaving them feeling disrespected and upset. In the first part of the discussion, the speakers shared their experiences of receiving backhanded compliments, which left them feeling confused and embarrassed. In the second part, one speaker shared her struggle with her mother-in-law's reaction to her wedding plans, feeling disrespected and worried about how she would be perceived by her future family. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of communication and setting boundaries to protect one's feelings and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

    • Consider tone and delivery during sensitive conversationsRemember, laughter can have different meanings and intentions in serious situations. Trust your judgment and make decisions based on what feels right for you as a couple, and involve others only when necessary.

      Communication is key, but it's important to consider the tone and delivery when sharing opinions, especially during sensitive conversations. The speaker shared an experience where a comment from a family member felt insulting and embarrassing, and it's important to remember that laughter can have different meanings and intentions. In serious situations, it may be best to have private conversations with your partner and involve others only when necessary. Ultimately, it's important to trust your judgment and make decisions based on what feels right for you as a couple. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone goes through challenging relationships, and sometimes leaving them can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Listening to your gut and leaving toxic relationshipsTrust your instincts to leave toxic relationships and find happiness. It's important to prioritize your own well-being, even if it means making difficult decisions.

      Trusting your instincts and leaving toxic relationships can lead to new beginnings and happiness. The speaker shared her personal experience of discovering her ex-partner had a secret child, which left her feeling guilty, angry, and at rock bottom. However, she found the strength to leave and eventually met her current partner on Tinder. She encourages listeners to listen to their gut if they sense something is wrong and to remember that time does heal. The speaker's story is a reminder that it's important to prioritize our own happiness and well-being, even if it means making difficult decisions. Additionally, this episode also featured sponsor messages from Whole Foods Market and 1-800-Flowers, encouraging listeners to celebrate Mother's Day by showing appreciation to the special moms in their lives.

    Recent Episodes from Wednesdays

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    Heyy Tinies,

    Melissa and Sophie are back from their friend's wedding and ready to dive into all things bridesmaids as wedding season kicks off. They share tips on choosing bridesmaids' dresses and keeping makeup from melting in the sun. Plus, it's Euros season and the return of the WAGs —discover which famous footballer their close friend used to date! 👀

    On the dilemma front, one Tiny is in a tizzy as her boyfriend is on Grindr. What should she do? Sophie and Melissa discuss this tricky situation, balancing supporting him vs. looking out for herself.

    Summer is finally here, and the sun is out! The girls share their silly summer stories, from Melissa's adventures in Magaluf to Sophie's antics in Marbella. But more importantly, they want to hear about your summer adventures....

    Have a silly summer story or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 25, 2024

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK: Welcome to The Follow-Up

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK:  Welcome to The Follow-Up


    Hey Tinies,

    We've been SO excited to finally bring out our subscription channel 'Wednesdays: The Follow-Up' that we wanted to give all Wednesdays listeners a special taste of our very first episode so you can see what we're getting up to!

    As one of our V.I.Ts (Very Important Tinies), each fortnight Thursday you'll receive an exclusive bonus episode like this, and of course you'll get your regular dose of 'Wednesdays' COMPLETELY ad-free.

    In The Follow-Up, we dive even further into the dilemmas, and fill you in on the follow-up sent in from our Tinies. We also want to give you extra special curated advice + recommendations on all things beauty, lifestyle, holidays... you name it, we're here to help!

    In this episode, we go back to Episode 26 'My boyfriend had SIX secret girlfriends' and buckle your seatbelts because the follow-up is JUICY!!!!

    We love you!!!

    Sophie and Melissa x

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 20, 2024

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    Sophie and Melissa have a BIG debrief on their weekends from partying in Ibiza to how TikTok ruining their fave spots!

    As for the dilemma's it's a juicy week, Sophie and Melissa decide if it's a just a bad joke or a bad boyfriend as one Tiny's boyfriend offer to get her a b**b job, some BIG family drama from a sister’s new fiancé who has a secret other girlfriend, and hear about a story from a Tiny who moved to Australia for her boyfriend, and then I found out he was a CHEAT...

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 18, 2024

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    This week Melissa and Sophie are catching up on their fave TV shows…including all things BRIDGERTON. 

    Also what is the optimum size for a boy’s hands and feet?! The girls really deep dive into what they like and don’t like…

    AND we have one of our most SHOCKING dilemma’s yet…even Melissa and Sophie can’t believe this one! A Tiny has written in confessing she has cheated with her best friends boyfriend… what advice will Sophie and Melissa give? Tell the friend or keep it a secret? 

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 11, 2024

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Tinies, Melissa is back!!!!!

    And her and Sophie are wasting no times in getting into your dilemmas on this week's ep.

    They're tackling a potential real-life 'Bride Wars' situation. Two sisters getting married in the same year, and ONE is being a bit of a drama queen, and one dream wedding is at stake...

    The girls are also getting to grips with a boyfriend who could potentially be covering up his cheating tracks, and giving their advice to one Tiny whose seven-year relationships looks to be on the rocks.

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 04, 2024

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    We've got an amazing special guest today, the one, the only, Ruby Adler is coming to help with your dilemmas!

    Ruby, aka Tim, gives an insight into 'Made In Chelsea' going to Australia, and why she's considering making a move Down Under...

    On the dilemma front, Sophie and Ruby decide whether fighting for a seven year-long relationship is worth it, give their top tips for where to find certain types of London boys, and hear about a story from one Tiny whose "Deliveroo driver" turned out to be a girl he CHEATED on her with...

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 28, 2024

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    Melissa is still on holiday, but we've got a guest you Tinies adore! Georgia Habboo is back, joining Sophie to share everything as she prepares to be a mum.

    She opens up about her fertility struggles and her journey through pregnancy, which we really hope with help some Tinies listening 💖

    We also have some SHOCKING dilemma's this week! Sophie and Georgia offer some top tier advice as they have a proper sister catch up this episode!

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    AD: Text-to-switch to Sky Mobile, simply text PAC to 65075 to join https://www.sky.com/shop/mobile/why-sky-mobile?dcmp=snt-in-ig-weds

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 21, 2024

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    Melissa is off holiday but don’t worry Tinies we have an extra special guest to keep Sophie company! Sophie's got a fab stand-in—her hair stylist Willis Galbraith! Willis tells his journey of how he got into the world of hair, through to becoming Sophie's hair stylist and gives some of his advice to your dilemmas.

    As well as learning how to get Sophie's ICONIC blowout over on our TikTok, Willis answers all your burning hair questions from saving bleached locks to his fave hair care products. 

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 14, 2024

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    Sophie and Melissa are back, serving up a heaps of advice for all you Tinies out there - from crushing on a married lecturer to leaving a ten year relationship with someone who was leading a double!

    The girls dish on their latest adventures, from Sophie becoming an aunty to Melissa's unexpected Parisian escapades AND the juicy reveal of which Netflix celeb Sophie slid into DMs of?! You would never guess who...👀

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer: @ben_johns

    Editor: @kat.milsom

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    Are you ready for what could be our WILDEST dilemma yet on ‘Wednesdays’? If your partner is off on a stag do, make sure he doesn’t misbehave like this Tiny’s did...

    Wedding season is on the horizon, so Sophie and Melissa give their top tips on how to nail the perfect fake tan, and advise one Tiny on how they can turn their dating experiences from stale to spicy.

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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