
    I'm Speaking Now

    I'm an expert in communications, professionally and personally, and I love to discuss the art of communication itself! So whether it's communication relative to work, texting, intimacy, awkward conversations, email, or even encounters with strangers I'm interested in reflecting on the value, or lack thereof, that these exchanges bring to our lives.
    enAyesha Gallion78 Episodes

    Episodes (78)

    76: Are They Being Shady or Holding You Accountable?

    76: Are They Being Shady or Holding You Accountable?

    It's not always easy to listen when people are giving us constructive criticsm. Also, some of us may still be learning how to make suggestions or hold people accountable while imparting grace and empathy. I even use some examples of shade and accountability, thanks to the mishaps of Nuri Martinez and NORE of Drink Champs (the Kayne West fiasco). Most of all, this episode supports you in upholding standards for yourself and others in any circumstance -- from private and informal scenarios to corporate or organizational situations. 

    Ep. 75: Did They Use & Devalue You? Beware Pickpockets Who Ask to 'Pick Your Brain' for Free

    Ep. 75:  Did They Use & Devalue You? Beware Pickpockets Who Ask to 'Pick Your Brain' for Free

    Are they picking your brain or picking your pockets? Some people want your services or consultation and have no intention of paying you for it -- even if they will profit FROM it! In this episode we explore boundaries that professionals and business owners need to consider so that they will not be used and exploited for their industry secrets, time, or resources. Learn how to redirect them and their narcissistic agendas so that you are not sacrificing your brand, dignity, sanity, or profits. 

    74: Do You Need Too Much Reassurance and Validation? Self-esteem Plays a BIG Part!

    74: Do You Need Too Much Reassurance and Validation? Self-esteem Plays a BIG Part!

    How many times do you need someone to tell you that you're on the right track, or that they like what you're doing or how you look? Do you seek constant validation from your co-workers, peers, or even significant other? In this episode, I discuss the pros and cons of how reassurance is used in our lives and why it's important to have checkpoints and assessments to monitor your own progress. 

    Ep. 73: Why are you talking like that? Stop the upward inflection!

    Ep. 73: Why are you talking like that? Stop the upward inflection!

    If you're not asking a question, why do your statements sound as if you are? Upward inflection is a habit that affects how people assess your communicatin and leadership capabilities.

    If you're guilty of this pattern -- this episode will be a great resource for 'saying it like you mean it' and eliminating that unsure element that upward inflection imparts to your listeners. 

    EP. 71: How to Deal with Defensive People

    EP. 71: How to Deal with Defensive People

    Some people really can't take criticism and it can be awfully exausting to navigate if you're the person trying to instill change or make a suggestion. On this episode, you'll learn some coping mechanisms to deal with folks who simply can't handle the truth. 

    I'm Speaking Now
    enFebruary 28, 2022

    Ep. 69: Think Twice Before Video-Calling Folks on Instagram & Facebook

    Ep. 69: Think Twice Before Video-Calling Folks on Instagram & Facebook

    Yes, social media gives us digital access to people via video-calling technology. However, is it appropriate for you to cold video call a person via Instagram or Facebook, especially if they haven't given you the green light? On this episode I share why you should be cautious about soliciting face-to-face time via these platforms. On another note, we also talk briefly about the term, "Break yo'self" because does anyone know what it really means?

    I'm Speaking Now
    enJanuary 10, 2022

    68: Got Good Customer Service? Then You've Got Staying Power

    68: Got Good Customer Service? Then You've Got Staying Power

    Husband and wife team Jalil and Starr Roberts share with us how Kuumba Coffee @kuumbacoffee created a customer service-centric brand that not only garners rave reviews but pushed through the pandemic with a satisfied staff and customer base. They share with us why brands must have planned methods for resolution and solutions delivery and how businesses can create staying power by curating experiences anchored in consideration and clarity. 

    Ep. 67 Cuffing without KISSING? Poor physical communication and connection is a dealbreaker!

    Ep. 67 Cuffing without KISSING? Poor physical communication and connection is a dealbreaker!

    Did someone say it's Cuffing Season?! Whether you are newly infatuated or 20-year-veteran in marital blass, we all use our lips to talk, it's true. BUT we also communicate through body langauage and KISSING is a key skillset when it comes to intimacy lingo. Let's look into why kissing -- or lack of it -- can lead to resentment and dysfunction in adult romantic relationships. Plese be aware this episode contains language and scenarios unsuitable for minors. 

    Ep. 66 - Why your sales or collaboration pitch failed via DM, Messenger, or email

    Ep. 66 -  Why your sales or collaboration pitch failed via DM, Messenger, or email

    Often people take an informal, careless, and sometimes unethical approach to pitching partnerships, sales, or collaborations. Chances are, a few of these people have sent you a message via social media or email that was off-putting, confusing, or downright lazy. Here's what they did wrong so that you don't repeat it. I'm Speaking Now wants you to be on the right track when YOU represent YOUR product or brand!

    65: How to Deal with People Who Embellish the Truth

    65: How to Deal with People Who Embellish the Truth

    It's draining when you're listening to someone who always seems to paint a picture of perfection when you know something is amiss. They embroider, bedazzle, and fake the funk to their own detriment. It takes some time to realize that a person simply hasn't mastered telling the truth. This episode explains why people who stretch the truth, gloss over misfortune, and skirt around real answers can be a liability for you personally and professionally. 

    I'm Speaking Now
    enJune 29, 2021

    Ep 64: How to Begin and End Your Presentations for Maximum Impact

    Ep 64: How to Begin and End Your Presentations for Maximum Impact

    OVATION CEO and Founder Kerri Garbis gives us excellent and adaptable tips on how we can get our audience to commit to the content we share. Kerri covers attention grabbers, the art of the "BUTTON," and when you should ask your audience for feedback. This episode will support you in leading your team with crystal clear messaging, whether it's for a Zoom meeting or an in-person conference. Learn more about OVATION and its non-profit program BE READY at www.getovation.com

    I'm Speaking Now
    enJune 07, 2021

    Ep. 62 - Top notch speakers need these four basic elements

    Ep. 62 - Top notch speakers need these four basic elements

    Learn about how control, engagement, pronunciation, and content mastery (CPEC) can be improved upon for your upcoming presentation, training, or speaking projects. Also, you'll be able to get an idea of the consequences of not integrating CPEC when you are invited to lead, speak, or teach a group. By the conclusion of this episode, you'll be more prepared to make an impact upon the most discerning of audiences. 

    I'm Speaking Now
    enMay 03, 2021

    EP. 61 - You're So Thirsty You're Coughing Up Tumbleweeds

    EP. 61 - You're So Thirsty You're Coughing Up Tumbleweeds

    The thirst is real! When a person is desperate they will do anything to get your attention. In this episode we explore when "trying too hard" goes wrong and the reasons that authenticity is always the better route. We'll examine "thirst" in digital spaces, romantic situations, and marketing messaging/content and the consequences that befall people who push the envelope too far due to their desperation. 

    EP. 60 - Toxic Humility: Telling the Truth about Yourself or Your Brand Isn't Bragging

    EP. 60 - Toxic Humility: Telling the Truth about Yourself or Your Brand Isn't Bragging

    Toxic humility is real. Do you know how many people would prefer that you not share how amazing your products, progress, or projects really are? Your ownership of your accomplishments makes some people very uncomfortable. In this episode I walk you through the art of normalizing pride in your contributions and greatness. I also make an interesting metaphor using shea butter, ashy heels, and sandals. Trust me, it'll make sense when you listen. 

    Ep. 59 - NO REGRETS: Why so many find success after changing careers

    Ep. 59 - NO REGRETS: Why so many find success after changing careers

    Thinking about changing careers? You've probably been having quite the internal dialogue. There's no one better to help you through this decision-making process than Mustafa Ammar of The Passion MBA. He's not only a dedicated career coach but having been a pharmacist, Egyptian diplomat to China, and an investment banking pro - he teaches us all a few lessons on why we should follow our passions. Learn more at www.thepassionmba.com and at @thepassionmba on Instagram. 

    Ep. 58 - Why Your Name-Dropping Tactics are Tired

    Ep. 58 - Why Your Name-Dropping Tactics are Tired

    There is a time and a place to share who you know and how you know them. However, most people who name-drop within conversations or presentations never choose the right time or the right reason. In this episode we dissect why name-dropping attempts often falls flat on its face.

    I'm Speaking Now
    enMarch 08, 2021