
    About this Episode

    In our conversation, "Discovering the Evolutionary Purpose of our Shadow" Astrologer and Transformational Guide Adam Gainsburg shares that the shadow is the antithesis of who we are. This antithesis is so deeply imbedded in our experience in life that we don’t see it. It simply informs an entire subconscious layer of our thoughts and feelings. The shadow gets revealed to us through mirrors in others. The triggers that life brings us that show us where we are uncomfortable, contracted, or in denial are ushering us into the opportunity to more directly meet our own darkness within. Through meeting ourselves more humbly in our limitations, we become empowered into a fullness of all that we authentically are. This profound and loving interview casts a clear and accessible light on shadow work, and the courage necessary to embark on this necessary journey into our humanity. May this episode give you even more permission to welcome your own darkness as the initiatory into your light.


    For more upcoming events, podcasts and Katherine's work: www.techoflove.com

    To access Adam’s Shadow Webinars click: https://www.soulsign.com/product/human-shadow/
    And to join his upcoming webinar, The Dark Cross of 2023:
    A live, immersive experience into one of the most catalyzing astrological alignments of the year and how to utilize its gifts in your life, click here:https://www.soulsign.com/product/2023darkcross/
    More about Adam’s work here: https://www.soulsign.com/

    Recent Episodes from Living Tantra Podcast

    Making Peace with Your Past: Empowered Mothering with Lavinia Brown

    Making Peace with Your Past: Empowered Mothering with Lavinia Brown

    Do you sometimes feel inadequate as a mother? Do you have unexpected reactions and out-of-control emotions triggered by your children? Believe it or not, parenting can be the most direct path to our radical wholeness. Our children will expose all aspects of our inner child still waiting to be brought into love. With the right tools and perspective, we can embrace our role as mothers as the means to our wholeness.

    In this honest, inspiring, and deeply human conversation with trauma specialist Lavinia Brown, we explore both the challenge and the blessing of meeting our trauma through the role of being a mother. Lavinia gives tangible ways of recognizing when we are triggered by past trauma and ways to reconnect and embrace our fragmented inner child. She shares a deep perspective on what our children are asking of us, and why they are inherently in service to our most authentic selves. Through humor and honesty in sharing her own experience, she reveals just how we can become more conscious and gentle in our parenting, both for our children's benefit and the quality of our own lives. 

    This is a must-listen for any mother, any stage and phase of motherhood. It grants permission and a grounded means to become more whole in ourselves and more collaborative in raising resilient humans in a quickly changing world. 

    For more information on Lavinia's upcoming course: Making Peace with Your Past visit: https://www.laviniabrown.com/making-peace-with-your-past

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.innerchild.healing.expert

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtFSVu5DC5O2-f25L0U8rAw

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the.innerchild.healing.expert/

    Discovery Call with Lavinia: https://calendly.com/laviniabrown/q-a-support-session-on-making-peace-with-your-past

    For more info on Katherine's embodiment work, visit www.beingkatherinez.com


    Passion and Purpose as the Path

    Passion and Purpose as the Path

    This is a short but sweet share about the incredible innate technology in our bodies that holds the key to our manifested purpose in the world. It reminds us that our healing and our whole-ing are an effect of living our gifts into the world. I am deeply invested in engaging women beyond the healing path, into expressing their unique paths and paradigms. This IS the mandate for each of us called to take our seat in service to Humanity’s Great Shift. For more information on my Leadership Emergence, the profound journey for those ready to birth their purpose into the world please visit this link.



    Shakti As The Guiding Principle of the Feminine

    Shakti As The Guiding Principle of the Feminine

    This podcast is an exploration of Shakti, the root of the word’s meaning, how she manifests through the three axioms of love, power, and wisdom, and examples of her appearance in our lives. There is a brief and powerful meditation to take you into your direct experience of Shakti. 

    Shakti is the unyielding force of Creation in service to Love. She is the guiding principle of the feminine. She is the illuminating force in a path to embodiment and realization without dogma, hierarchy, or agenda. Our relationship to her, as our guide is our most direct means of knowing the Divine Feminine as and through our experience. To deepen your exploration of Shakti please check out my self study course 5 Initiations of Shakti.



    The Opportunity of Emotion

    The Opportunity of Emotion

    As women, we can be highly emotional beings. So often we feel our emotions as a hindrance to ‘being who we are.’ In truth our emotions, when we learn how to embrace them, become our deepest allies in embodying our creativity, transmuting our negativity, and allowing higher states of consciousness. This is a short and sweet exploration into the opportunity of our emotions, how they are recognized on multiple spiritual paths, and real-life examples of how we can be empowered in our relationship with them. To further unleash your profound power through your emotions consider joining the upcoming Venus Portals Course.  


    #35 Archetypes in Service to Our Full Spectrum Embodiment with Matt Sturm

    #35 Archetypes in Service to Our Full Spectrum Embodiment with Matt Sturm

    Archetypes are often used in myths and storytelling across different cultures. They represent a symbol or pattern inherent in our human experience. When we bring conscious relationship to archetypes they become a means for us to more fully inhabit the fuller spectrum of lives from and through an authentic expression. In this stimulating conversation, return guest Matt Sturm and I explore the role of four archetypes in psyche and sexuality. The feminine archetypes of Priestess and Queen and the more male archetypes of Pilgrim and King offer profound understanding and attunement inhabiting more of our sacred and service oriented feminine and masculine qualities. We explore each of these archetypes through the lens of their light and their shadow, and we articulate how they translate through our sexual expression, our relationship with other, and our service in the world. Conversations with Matt are always enlightening, engaging, and enriching and this one is a precursor to a collaborated virtual initiation we will be hosting later this year.


    If you are feeling called to the next layer of unearthing these archetypes in your sexuality, your psyche, and your life join us for a month-long journey into the shadow and light. We will be holding space for teachings, sharing, and embodiment practices in two different circles: for women in connection with the Priestess and the Queen, and for men in relation to the Pilgrim and the King. We will also delve deep into the interfaces of these aspects in relation to the opposite gender role. 


    For more information and registration for this powerful journey visit us here: 

    Men: https://realizinghuman.com/register/pilgrim-and-king/

    Women: https://realizinghuman.com/register/priestess-queen/


    For more information and offerings from Matt: https://livingkosmos.com/

    For upcoming courses with Katherine: https://www.techoflove.com/courses

    #34: The Evolutionary Purpose of our Shadow with Adam Gainsburg

    #34: The Evolutionary Purpose of our Shadow with Adam Gainsburg

    In our conversation, "Discovering the Evolutionary Purpose of our Shadow" Astrologer and Transformational Guide Adam Gainsburg shares that the shadow is the antithesis of who we are. This antithesis is so deeply imbedded in our experience in life that we don’t see it. It simply informs an entire subconscious layer of our thoughts and feelings. The shadow gets revealed to us through mirrors in others. The triggers that life brings us that show us where we are uncomfortable, contracted, or in denial are ushering us into the opportunity to more directly meet our own darkness within. Through meeting ourselves more humbly in our limitations, we become empowered into a fullness of all that we authentically are. This profound and loving interview casts a clear and accessible light on shadow work, and the courage necessary to embark on this necessary journey into our humanity. May this episode give you even more permission to welcome your own darkness as the initiatory into your light.


    For more upcoming events, podcasts and Katherine's work: www.techoflove.com

    To access Adam’s Shadow Webinars click: https://www.soulsign.com/product/human-shadow/
    And to join his upcoming webinar, The Dark Cross of 2023:
    A live, immersive experience into one of the most catalyzing astrological alignments of the year and how to utilize its gifts in your life, click here:https://www.soulsign.com/product/2023darkcross/
    More about Adam’s work here: https://www.soulsign.com/

    #33 Devotion Expressed Above and Below with Andrea Michelle Haeckel

    #33 Devotion Expressed Above and Below with Andrea Michelle Haeckel

    Astrologer Andrea Michelle is back on the Living Tantra Podcast by popular demand. In this conversation we weave through the expression of Devotion as one of the faces of Shakti (below) and how it presents in the wisdom streams of the asteroid goddess (above). Devotion is a natural expression of and toward what we most deeply desire on a soul level. The more deeply we embody devotion, the more we live a life navigated from the love in our heart and the wisdom of our soul. In this compelling conversation we explore the experience and purpose of devotion in our inner experience and our archetypal reflections. This interview is information, profoundly transmissive, and a deeper invitation into your innate feminine (yes for men too) quality of devotion.

    Connect with Andrea: 

    With a deep connection to the cosmos and a unique approach to astrology, Andrea Michelle supports clients to live courageously from their Soul-steeped Self. She draws inspiration from her embodied connection to Greek mythology, eastern tantra, South American shamanism, and esoteric western wisdom streams. Andrea has a gift for illuminating your personal thread within the tapestry of collective human evolution.

    She’s presented for the Sky Astrology Conference, the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, and was also a teacher for Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle in 2022. Andrea Michelle is a featured astrologer on Astrology Hub’s newly-launched flagship reading platform, Astrologer Connect. 
    Her new Human Rites podcast just launched in early June 2023.

    Andrea has been leading Venus Circles for the last two Venus-Sun cycles. For the upcoming Venus in Leo cycle beginning August 13, 2023, she will hold smaller groups for women to journey together through 5 wisdom facets of feminine devotion: the asteroid/dwarf planets Vesta, Pallas Athena, Juno, Ceres, and Eris. Email info@andreamichellehaeckel.com for the recording of the Devotional Journeys Discovery Call and Q&A that took place on June 30th, 2023.
    Five Initiations of Shakti Course 
    Living Tantra Podcast
    enJuly 04, 2023

    #32 Our Elemental Nature

    #32 Our Elemental Nature

    In this episode I explore our relationship to the elements both inside and out. Everything that we know as life has some form of process having to do with the elements as the substance of life itself. 

    The elements are the constituents the creative mind uses to create and destroy phenomena (or our sensory experience beyond thought or intuition).  Just as they are the shells that hold the density and interplay of our world, they also grant us entry into their unique emanations of luminosity and wisdom. The more nakedly we meet the elemental aspects of ourselves arising in our experience, the more we avail ourselves to aspects of our own essential nature. The elements themselves are not polarized through negative or positive qualities, however they express our karmic affinities through their interrelationship with each other. Refining our connection to our elemental nature can penetrate deeply into the remaining density in the display of our lives. Enjoy this exploration into feeling your elemental nature.


    For a more in-depth meditation into our elemental nature in relationship to localizing our being into our physical world, check this out:




    #31 The Inner (R)Evolution with Cynthia Miller

    #31 The Inner (R)Evolution with Cynthia Miller

    "Why do people hate each other? Why do people kill each other?" These are the questions that a young Cynthia Miller was asking herself. Cynthia is an old mystic crone, a scribe, transmitting ancient secrets in everyday language. She has traversed an incredible expanse of collective trauma in her own body, and built a map that she used to reclaim her voice, her sovereignty, and her multi-dimensional wisdom expressed through her human form. Cynthia’s maps hacks the deep neural programming as held in all 12 dimensions revealing both the depth of our human imprisonment in fear, as well as the way through to living our freedom.

    This interview is filled with background stories (she’s lived a very colored life), a sneak peak at the map that was just released in her latest book The Inner REvolution.  She speaks about the precipice we are standing on determining two fates for humanity. One is inclusive, fully dimensional and new. The other is a descent further into our separation and fear. Feel the possibility of moving beyond hierarchy into a inclusion on all dimensions through this informative and inspiring conversation.


    Connect with Cynthia: 

    Website: https://www.drcynthiamiller.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr_cynthia/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/cynthia.miller.16940

    Medium: https://drcynthia.medium.com

    Book: The Inner (R)Evolution: Trailblaze Your New Luscious Reality 



    #30 Love and Truth with Robert Althuis

    #30 Love and Truth with Robert Althuis

    Robert Althuis is a spiritual coach, a keynote speaker, and the founder of Sacred Wealth Collective, a mindfulness organization dedicated to embedding love and truth as foundational spiritual principles for an awakened humanity rising to its full potential. 


    In our conversation, he unveils his perspective on the masculine and feminine principles and how we can allow them as the natural expression of humanity living a loving and wholesome potential. Robert speaks to the changing paradigm from patriarchy to whole-archy through the lens of alpha males archetypes and sigma male archetypes. 


    This conversation is engaging, provocative, and ultimately uplifting in its simplicity and scope and unique perspective from another visionary living, loving, and sharing his embodied knowing of a fulfilled experience of human potential both individually and collectively.



    Connect with Robert: 

    Web:     www.robertalthuis.com

    FB:          www.facebook.com/ralthuis

    IG:          @robertalthuis

    LI:           (2) Robert Althuis | LinkedIn

    YT:          @robertalthuis