
    #348 - Steven Rinella, Bryan Callen, Cam Edwards

    en-usApril 15, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating unique experiences and shared memoriesHistorically, men conformed to blend in, but unique experiences bring people closer and create lasting memories. Daredevil stunts showcase fitness and potential advantages in attracting mates.

      Unique experiences bring people closer together and create lasting memories. Mr. Rinella shared his appreciation for their past adventure and how it brought them closer as friends. He also discussed the idea that men, historically, have conformed to certain looks to blend in and not draw attention while hunting or in groups. However, he contested the theory that men adorn themselves to attract mates based on their ability to take risks, using examples of modern hunting practices and human evolution theories. The conversation then shifted to the topic of daredevil stunts and the potential selective advantages they may offer. Despite the risks involved, the men who engage in such activities showcase their fitness and ability to survive, potentially attracting mates. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of shared experiences, conformity, and the appeal of taking risks.

    • The advantage of blending in and avoiding attentionEvolutionarily, there's an advantage to blending in and not drawing unnecessary attention to oneself. Examples include magicians and individuals who can fly under the radar.

      There's an evolutionary advantage to being able to blend in and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to oneself. This was discussed in relation to Red Bull's high-risk stunts and the selective advantage it demonstrates, as well as the disdain for flashy, attention-seeking individuals. An example was given of magicians, who have an evolutionary advantage in tricking people into thinking they're mysterious. Another example was shared of a magician, David Blaine, who attempted to fight Mike Tyson, but was outmatched due to his lack of fighting experience. The discussion also touched on the idea that there's a natural instinct to be wary of those who stand out too much and cause disturbances. Overall, the conversation suggested that there's a benefit to being able to fly under the radar and not attract unwanted attention.

    • The Reality of Getting Hit in BoxingBoxing demands endurance, determination, and mental fortitude. Each fight is a valuable sacrifice, with pros having a limited number of fights and punches. Amateurs underestimate the toll getting hit takes. Calmness under pressure and a strong build help fighters endure.

      The world of boxing requires a unique level of endurance, determination, and mental fortitude. Fighters like Mike Tyson have a limited number of fights and punches they can throw in their careers, making each bout a valuable sacrifice. Amateurs, who have not experienced being hit by a professional boxer, often underestimate the reality of getting hit and the toll it takes on the body and mind. Boxers like Nick Diaz have mastered the art of staying calm under pressure and continuing to fight despite being hit. The physical build of a fighter's face, including the width of their jaw and neck, can also impact their ability to withstand punches. Ultimately, the sacrifice and dedication required to be a professional boxer should be respected, as it is a physically demanding and mentally challenging pursuit.

    • Improve physical endurance and adaptability through squatting practiceRegular squatting practice enhances leg strength and overall fitness, enabling better performance in challenging outdoor activities and improved adaptability.

      Regular squatting practice can significantly improve physical endurance and adaptability, especially when it comes to challenging outdoor activities like hunting or hiking. The anecdote about the trainer putting excessive weight on someone without proper instruction may seem reckless, but the importance of mastering the squat movement lies in its ability to strengthen the legs and improve overall fitness. The speaker's personal experience of hiking in Michigan and adapting to the rigors of hiking in the western United States highlights the human body's remarkable ability to adapt to new challenges. Despite the initial struggles, the body eventually becomes accustomed to the demands, making future hikes less taxing. Ultimately, consistent practice and dedication to physical fitness can lead to impressive results.

    • The Importance of Physical Activity and Learning New Skills for Overall HealthTeaching children physical skills, managing bodies, and understanding releases are crucial for their health. Acclimation to different environments and physical adaptations also play a role.

      Physical activity and learning new skills from a young age are essential for overall health and well-being. The speaker shares his experience of training his young sons in wrestling positions and emphasizes the importance of teaching children to manage their bodies and understand physical release. He also discusses how acclimation to different environments and physical adaptations can occur. The Bergman Principle is mentioned as an example of how size and surface area impact heat retention and shedding in animals, which can also apply to humans. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of physical activity and adaptability for optimal health.

    • Adapting to Climates: Animals and HumansAnimals and humans adapt to their environments through physical attributes, enabling them to cope with varying climates and thrive. Individuals who can endure discomfort and push past their limits are more likely to succeed.

      Animals and humans have adapted to their environments through physical attributes that help them cope with varying climates. For instance, smaller animals in colder climates have a larger service area per unit of mass to help shed heat. Similarly, humans from equatorial and Arctic regions have distinct physiological differences, with the former being more compact and the latter having larger body parts to help dissipate heat. Acquiring such adaptations is a crucial aspect of survival, whether for animals or humans. Individuals who can endure discomfort and push past their limits are more likely to thrive. The MMA world and hunting share commonalities in this regard, as both require mental fortitude and the ability to adapt to challenging situations. Ultimately, growth and character development come from testing one's limits and experiencing discomfort.

    • Embracing discomfort for growthSuccess often comes from pushing through challenges and discomfort, as seen in Ronarasi's journey as a UFC champion and former Olympian in judo.

      Growth and development in any area of life, whether it's learning an instrument, playing a sport, or raising a child, require embracing discomfort and pushing through challenges. This was more naturally a part of life in the past when people had to work hard just to survive. Now, we often manufacture these experiences for ourselves and our children to build resilience and grit. Ronarasi, a UFC champion and former Olympian in judo, is an excellent example of someone who has thrived through intense training and adversity. By discussing her experiences, we can gain valuable insights into the mindset and practices of successful individuals.

    • Rhonda Rousey's Tough Mindset: Finding Good in AdversityRhonda Rousey's success in UFC is attributed to her mother's teachings, which instilled a positive mindset. She focuses on finding good in adversity, inspiring us to react positively to challenges.

      Rhonda Rousey, a UFC champion, credits her mother for instilling a tough mindset in her. When faced with adversity, she focuses on finding the good that can come out of it, rather than dwelling on the negative. Her ability to react positively in challenging situations has been a key factor in her success. However, even the toughest individuals can be surprised by unexpected turns in life. Some celebrities, who appear to have it all on the surface, may disappoint when their true selves are revealed. It's important to remember that people are complex and may not always live up to our expectations. Rhonda's approach to adversity and her focus on finding the good can serve as an inspiration for us all.

    • Shared experiences build camaraderieExperiencing hardships together fosters a strong bond and appreciation for competent individuals.

      Shared experiences, particularly those that involve hardships and reliance on one another, can foster a strong sense of camaraderie and appreciation for competent individuals. The speaker recalls a camping trip where they experienced this bond, and how it reminded him of the importance of being around people who can handle challenges. He also reflects on his time in the military, where the ethos of putting others before oneself created a unique sense of community. These experiences have stayed with him and influenced his perspective on the value of being around confident, capable individuals.

    • Authentic friendship: Taking risks and being thereFriendship involves standing by each other, even in extreme circumstances, but actions have consequences and being prepared is crucial.

      Authentic friendship involves taking risks and being there for each other, no matter what. The story of the two friends, one who kills a man and asks the other for help in getting rid of the body, illustrates this point. While the situation is extreme, it highlights the importance of having a solid plan and being prepared. Friendship is about standing by each other, even in the most challenging circumstances. However, it's crucial to remember that actions have consequences, and one should be mindful of the potential risks and repercussions. Ultimately, the story underscores the importance of loyalty, trust, and preparedness in friendship.

    • Coping with Discomfort: Lessons from the Old WestDespite extreme conditions, human resilience allows us to find comfort and even enjoyment, as seen in the legend of Liver Eating Johnson. Our bodies adapt to discomfort, releasing energy in bursts before conserving it, leading to paradoxical behavior.

      Enduring discomfort and adversity, whether it be extreme cold or other challenges, requires a certain mindset and the ability to keep moving. As we discussed, stories from the old west illustrate this concept well. For instance, the legend of Liver Eating Johnson, a serial killer turned sheriff, demonstrates how one can find comfort and even enjoyment in the face of hardship. Additionally, the paradoxical nature of being uncomfortable, where we are most comfortable when we are moving, was also highlighted. It's important to note that our bodies respond to extreme cold by conserving energy and constricting blood flow to extremities, but as we tire, this gives way and a rush of heat is released. This can lead to erratic behavior, such as paradoxical undressing. Overall, the stories and science behind coping with discomfort offer valuable insights into human resilience.

    • The allure of uncertainty and the unpredictability of conversationUncertainty and the excitement of not getting what we want can make for appealing and relatable content. Conversations can cover a range of topics, from the mundane to the surprising.

      Uncertainty and the challenge of not always getting what we want can be appealing and relatable to viewers. This was evident in the discussion about hunting shows, where the excitement comes from the uncertainty of whether or not the hunter will be successful. Additionally, privacy and anonymity were topics of interest, as shown by the conversation about domain name privacy and the joke about "dickpartymymouth.com." The importance of deep tissue massages and the preference for male masseuses was another unexpected topic that emerged. Overall, the conversation touched on a range of topics, from the mundane to the surprising, demonstrating the unpredictability and engaging nature of conversation.

    • The appeal of authentic hunting showsViewers value real, unscripted hunting experiences for the camaraderie, shared struggles, and authenticity, distinguishing them from scripted reality TV.

      Authenticity and reality are becoming increasingly valued forms of entertainment. People are drawn to unscripted experiences, especially in the realm of hunting shows. The appeal goes beyond just the hunt itself; it's about the camaraderie and the shared experience. Failure and struggle are also part of the package, adding to the drama and authenticity. It's important for viewers to know that what they're watching is real, even if it doesn't always result in a successful hunt. This trend is driven in part by the growing disillusionment with scripted reality TV. Additionally, there is a wide range of hunting regulations and management strategies across different states, which can be surprising to those unfamiliar with hunting.

    • A complex debate on hunting regulations and the use of dogs in CaliforniaThe debate over hunting regulations in California involves balancing wildlife conservation, public safety, and individual liberties, with some advocating for the use of dogs and others opposing it for various reasons.

      The debate around hunting regulations, particularly the use of dogs for hunting, in California is a complex issue with various perspectives. While some argue that hunting with dogs poses a threat to wildlife populations and public safety, others believe it is an essential part of managing wildlife populations and maintaining funding for conservation efforts. The conversation also touches on the role of personal liberty and the potential erosion of hunting rights. Notably, a significant portion of the revenue for maintaining public lands comes from hunting licenses and fees. The controversy surrounding hunting with dogs is a symptom of a larger debate on hunting practices and the need to balance conservation, public safety, and individual liberties.

    • Impact of wolf reintroduction on Yellowstone ecosystemReintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park had a profound effect on the ecosystem, reducing prey populations to sustainable levels, but controversy surrounds wolf hunts and misunderstandings about population control.

      The concept of overpopulation in wildlife ecosystems is complex and can lead to unintended consequences. Using the example of wolves in Yellowstone National Park, the absence of predators like wolves for over a century led to an inflated population of prey species, such as elk and moose. When wolves were reintroduced, they had a profound effect on the ecosystem, reducing the populations of prey species to more sustainable levels. However, this localized impact can be hard for people to understand and visualize, leading to controversy over wolf hunts in some areas. Additionally, the idea that killing wolves is an effective solution to population control is a misconception, as there are arguments for both ecological and human risks associated with wolf populations. Overall, the ecosystem's delicate balance requires careful consideration and management to ensure the long-term sustainability of all species involved.

    • Wolves and Wildlife Management: Balancing PerspectivesUrban expectations vs. rural realities in wildlife management, the importance of understanding food chains and predator roles, and the need for balanced approaches to wildlife management.

      The current imbalance in wildlife populations, particularly in areas where wolves have gained an advantage, is causing concern among those who live in rural areas and rely on hunting for wildlife management. The speaker argues that urban people, who often have unrealistic expectations of animals, are driving efforts to put wolves back on the endangered species list, despite the fact that they are no longer endangered in these areas. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the realities of the food chain and the role of predators in maintaining ecosystems. Additionally, the speaker shares their personal experience of farming and the importance of respecting the natural behaviors of animals, including their role as food sources. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for a balanced approach to wildlife management that considers the perspectives and experiences of both urban and rural communities.

    • The Importance of Self-Sustainability and Producing One's Own FoodConsider raising animals for food, grow your own produce, and have a backup plan for essentials to ensure security and independence.

      Self-sustainability and producing one's own food can be a valuable and important aspect of life. The speaker emphasizes the fragility of relying on supermarkets and external sources for essentials like food and water. He shares personal experiences of the scarcity during Hurricane Sandy and the importance of having a backup plan. The speaker also highlights the benefits of raising animals for food and the satisfaction of knowing exactly what goes into producing it. He encourages growing one's own food and considering alternative sources like chickens or even hunting for meat. Overall, the message is to be prepared and take control of one's own resources to ensure security and independence.

    • Growing food for livestock and self-sufficiencyGrowing your own food for livestock and personal consumption is economically viable. Provide animals with a diverse diet to prevent health issues. Urban communal farming can ensure a local and transparent food source.

      Having a small piece of land and growing your own food for livestock and personal consumption is economically manageable and can be self-sufficient. Alfalfa, for instance, can be used to grow animals, but it's essential to provide them with a diverse diet to prevent overeating and potential health issues. With the right resources and community support, even in urban areas, it's possible to grow food and raise livestock communally, ensuring a local and transparent food source. This concept was exemplified by the co-op farm the speaker described from their childhood, where everyone contributed and benefited from the collective effort.

    • Innovative urban farming methods combine city development and food productionChina builds cities with rooftop gardens, U.S. transforms warehouses into indoor farms, but unconventional food production at home can lead to misunderstandings and unwanted intrusions, like former CIA agents being raided for hydroponic setup or hunting and farming collaborations in Florida to control wild pig populations.

      There are innovative ways to combine farming and urban development. For instance, in China, entire cities are being built with rooftops used as planters for food production. Meanwhile, in the U.S., old warehouses are being transformed into indoor farms. However, growing food at home, even in unconventional ways, can lead to misunderstandings and unwanted intrusions. For example, former CIA agents in Kansas were mistakenly raided by the DEA due to heat signatures from their hydroponic vegetable setup. Another example is the cohesion of hunting and farming in Florida, where a cattle rancher and nature preserve work together to control wild pig populations. This collaboration showcases the potential for unique partnerships between agriculture and conservation efforts.

    • Discussing Castration of Wild Boars for Population Control and FoodCastrated wild boars, or 'barrel hogs', develop excessive fat for better eating and are released back into the wild to control population and reduce crop damage.

      During a hunting trip, the hunters discussed the practice of castrating wild boars for both population control and future food purposes. They shared that castrated boars, which are often referred to as "barrel hogs," develop a significant layer of fat within 90 days and make for excellent eating. The hunters explained that they release the castrated boars back into the wild, as they no longer reproduce and focus more on foraging, reducing damage to crops and vegetation. Despite the hunters' insistence that an intact boar wouldn't make for good eating, the speaker expressed interest in trying it. The group was adamant about providing only the best for the speaker, leading them to deny his request for the intact boar. This practice, while controversial, is a common occurrence for these hunters in managing wild boar populations.

    • Animal diet affects meat quality and tasteThe taste of meat is influenced by the animal's diet, with fat being a significant indicator. Eating unusual meats can broaden one's culinary experiences.

      The quality and taste of meat can greatly depend on what the animal has eaten. Animal fat is an indicator of the animal's diet and can significantly impact the taste of the meat. For example, a bear that feeds on blueberries will have fat that tastes good and can be consumed directly, while a bear that has eaten a rotten cow may produce meat that is nearly inedible. Some hunters choose to respect the animal and consume it regardless of its taste, while others may take extra steps to make the meat more palatable. A coyote, for instance, may not taste good, but some hunters may still choose to eat it out of respect for the animal they have killed. The experience of eating unusual meats can be a professional development for hunters and adventurous eaters.

    • Understanding animal diet and environment matters for taste and nutritionAnimal diet and living conditions significantly influence the taste and nutritional value of their meat

      The quality of food, whether it's from animals or plants, is greatly influenced by their diet and the environment they live in. The expression of an overcooked diver duck may seem strange to some, but it highlights the importance of understanding the diet and conditions of the animal to appreciate its taste. Ducks, for instance, can have vastly different flavors depending on what they eat. Similarly, the debate between corn-fed and grass-fed animals is not just a marketing ploy, but a significant factor in the taste and nutritional value of the meat. The way animals are raised and fed can have a profound impact on their health and the quality of the food they produce.

    • Hunting vs Animal Rights: A Complex DebateThe speaker critiques both hunting and PETA for their controversial practices, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced conversation about animal welfare and ethical consumption.

      The debate around hunting versus animal rights raises complex questions about ethics and hypocrisy. The speaker shares an entertaining anecdote about Ted Nugent and Pigman hunting wild hogs from a helicopter in Texas, emphasizing the spectacle and efficiency of the hunt. However, they also criticize PETA for their own questionable practices, such as euthanizing a large percentage of the animals they take in. The speaker argues that it's hypocritical for PETA to condemn hunting while they kill animals themselves. The speaker also acknowledges the real issue of animal overpopulation on farms and ranches, and the need for farmers to manage their land effectively. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a more nuanced and honest conversation about animal welfare and ethical consumption.

    • Misconceptions in Animal Rights MovementsAnthropomorphic thinking and disregard for human growth can lead to problematic animal rights policies, negatively impacting effective population control and management.

      Having a distorted perception of the relationship between humans and animals, prioritizing animals over people, and advocating for illogical policies in animal rights movements can be problematic. This perspective often leads to anthropomorphic thinking and disregard for the importance of human growth and connection. The issue becomes particularly concerning when individuals with this mindset hold positions in wildlife management councils or similar organizations, as their decisions can negatively impact effective population control and management. It's crucial to maintain a balanced understanding of the role and importance of both humans and animals in our world.

    • Hunter-based wildlife management in the USThe North American wildlife conservation model, which prioritizes creating wildlife abundance for sustainable harvests, has proven successful through hunter-funded taxes and license fees, and effective enforcement by state agencies.

      Effective wildlife management, particularly in the United States, relies on a hunter-based system that prioritizes creating wildlife abundance for sustainable harvests. This model, known as the North American wildlife conservation model, has proven to be the most successful and is not up for debate. Contrary to popular belief, hunting and related activities, such as firearms and ammunition sales, contribute significantly to wildlife conservation through self-imposed taxes and license fees. Additionally, state fishing and game agencies play a crucial role in enforcing laws and managing wildlife populations, ensuring their long-term survival. The success of this model is evident in the abundance of wildlife in the United States, which is unparalleled by countries in similar situations.

    • The Role of Hunting Licenses and Animal Rights OrganizationsHunting licenses fund wildlife research and management, while some animal rights groups advocate for an end to hunting and meat production. The debate centers around personal beliefs towards animals and our food system.

      Hunting licenses help fund state fishing and game agencies, which conduct wildlife research without relying on taxpayer funding. PETA, on the other hand, is often seen as a distraction from more serious animal rights organizations like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). HSUS focuses on lobbying politicians and raising funds, while local animal shelters receive little support. Some animal rights activists, including HSUS leaders, advocate for an end to hunting and the eventual replacement of meat production with lab-grown alternatives. While some find this idealistic, others argue that animals don't live forever and humans have a primal need to acquire food. Ultimately, the debate comes down to personal beliefs about the role of animals in our food system and the balance between idealism and reality.

    • Every choice matters, even in sportsBeing informed and making conscious choices is crucial in all aspects of life, from sports to animal rights and beyond.

      Every choice we make, no matter how small, can have significant consequences. This was discussed in the context of competitive sports and the importance of making the right decisions to ensure victory. The same concept applies to larger issues, such as animal rights and the impact of human actions on the natural world. The speaker raised questions about what animal rights activists would propose if humans were able to eliminate the need to consume animals. He also highlighted the influence of corporations on government agencies and the food industry, which can lead to harmful practices going unchecked. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of being informed and making conscious choices, whether in sports or in larger societal contexts.

    • Innovations in agriculture: Positive impacts and ethical concernsRobot bees and other ag tech offer solutions, but require caution and transparency due to potential dangers and ethical implications

      Technological advancements in agriculture, such as Monsanto's robot bees, can have both positive and negative impacts. While these innovations may offer solutions to issues like pollination and increased productivity, they also raise concerns about potential dangers and ethical implications. For instance, the Boston explosion incident involving ball bearings and the fear of Monsanto's robot bees causing harm to people highlights the need for caution and transparency in the development and implementation of such technologies. Additionally, the historical context of honeybees being introduced to the American continent and their current status as a non-native species that plays a crucial role in agriculture emphasizes the importance of understanding the ecological and economic implications of introducing non-native species into ecosystems. Overall, it's essential to consider the potential consequences of technological advancements in agriculture and strive for a balance between innovation and sustainability.

    • Honeybees' Role in Synchronized PollinationHoneybees, as introduced pollinators, contribute significantly to increased productivity and quality in targeted areas, emphasizing their unique value in contrast to native pollinators.

      Honeybees, an introduced species, play a crucial role in synchronized pollination of plants, particularly in targeted areas, leading to increased productivity and quality. The contrast between honeybees and native pollinators highlights their unique value. The speaker shares an intriguing anecdote about an entomologist who claimed to have been stung by every insect, including the painful tarantula hawk, emphasizing the diverse and sometimes threatening ecosystems we inhabit. The speaker also touches on the complexities of human coexistence with various species, acknowledging the potential dangers while advocating for understanding and collaboration. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that eliminating human conflict could lead to significant progress in addressing various global issues.

    • Identifying and addressing personal issuesIntrospection and self-advice can help individuals improve and reach their full potential, despite psychological challenges

      Being fully enlightened and enjoying life to the fullest is a challenging journey for many people due to various reasons. Some individuals may be psychologically damaged and unable to improve significantly. However, introspection and self-advice can help individuals identify and address their issues. Human beings, despite our complexities and flaws, have the potential to accomplish great things. It's essential to recognize the burden we place on the natural world and strive to be responsible stewards. Despite the negativity and chaos in the world, focusing on the positive and working together can help us move forward.

    • From strangers to tourists: The evolution of human interactionOnce seen as a threat, strangers are now welcomed as tourists, but complex geopolitical issues like North Korea's behavior challenge our progress towards peace and understanding.

      Human history has seen a remarkable shift from a time when strangers arriving on our shores were a threat, to welcoming them as part of the tourism industry. This transformation is evident in the contrast between the past, where people were enslaved or killed, and the present, where we grapple with complex geopolitical issues like North Korea's behavior. North Korea, in particular, presents a unique challenge, with its leader, Kim Jong-un, who is essentially a dictator, ruling with an iron fist and indoctrinating his people. The situation is complicated, with the international community unsure of his motivations and the potential consequences of military intervention. It's a reminder of how much the world has changed, and how much work there is still to do to promote peace and understanding.

    • Joe Rogan challenges wine choices during dinnerUnexpectedly finding value in unconventional methods, the speaker learned to trust experts and embrace new perspectives.

      Joe Rogan, known for his down-to-earth personality, surprised our speaker during a dinner outing by challenging his wine choices and offering his own unconventional methods for selecting wines. The speaker, who admires wine connoisseurs like his friend Matt Lichtenberg, was initially taken aback but later appreciated Rogan's unique approach. The discussion also touched upon the complexity and sometimes pretentious nature of the wine industry, with anecdotes about expensive bottles being fraudulent or misrepresented. Ultimately, the speaker found the experience to be a reminder of the importance of trusting experts and embracing new perspectives.

    • Personal preference and appreciation matter in wine and foodPrice doesn't always determine wine's taste or experience, and personal preference and appreciation for intricacies of taste and experience matter more in both wine and food.

      While there may be differences in the taste and experience of more expensive wines compared to less expensive ones, it's not always about the price tag. For some, the subtle complexities and unique experiences of high-end wines can't be replicated, making them worth the investment. However, when it comes down to it, food holds more importance for some people than wine, as it's a basic necessity for survival and can bring immense joy and satisfaction. Ultimately, it's all about personal preference and appreciation for the intricacies of taste and experience. The speaker acknowledges that not everyone may share the same perspective and that's okay. It's important to enjoy the moments and experiences that bring us joy, no matter how big or small they may seem in the grand scheme of things.

    • Appreciating the Joy of Food and ArtValuing the talents of those who create good food and art, despite the existence of tragedies, and seeking to innovate in the entertainment industry.

      The enjoyment of food and art, such as cooking, should not be overshadowed by the potential suffering of others or the existence of tragedies in the world. Instead, we should appreciate and value the talents of those who dedicate their lives to creating good food and art. The speaker also expresses a desire for a unique reality TV show that combines elements of drama and the supernatural, where the line between reality and fiction is blurred. This show, which he calls "Duck Dynasty meets The Walking Dead," would push boundaries and keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The speaker also mentions his past experiences in the TV industry and his desire to create something innovative and groundbreaking.

    • Unforgettable hunting trip in Northern CaliforniaDespite challenges, the speaker cherished the heartfelt experience of a hunting trip, formed strong bonds with friends, and plans to write about it, emphasizing the importance of friendship, perseverance, and living life to the fullest.

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience during a hunting trip in Northern California and is committed to doing it again. The trip included cooking deer over a fire, eating satisfying food, and forming strong bonds with friends. However, there were challenges such as shitting into bags during heavy rain. Despite these challenges, the speaker found the experience heartfelt and appreciated the support of his friends. He plans to write a blog about the event and even created a challenge for finding a specific poop bag. The trip also included sponsors like Hover.com, Ting, and Onit.com. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of friendship, perseverance, and living life to the fullest.

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    #39 - Does Sarah Miss Smosh? w/ Sarah Whittle

    #39 - Does Sarah Miss Smosh? w/ Sarah Whittle
    Mom is back! Sarah is visiting to reminisce about the old days and fan girl about the current era of Smosh. Go to http://meundies.com/smoshmouth to get 20% off your first order and free shipping. 0:00-0:34 Intro 0:35-7:15 Sarah's Smosh origins 7:16-15:19 Spelling Bikini Wax 15:20-23:59 New Smosh era 24:00-30:08 Smosh Games evolution & Funeral roasts 30:09-36:11 Being touchy feely people 36:12-37:37 Sponsor! 37:38-54:53 Husband/family talk 54:54-1:03:49 Sarah's life after Smosh 1:03:50-1:08:27 Revisiting 2024 predictions SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Sarah Whittle // https://www.instagram.com/rudeunicorns/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Alyssa Salter Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa, Oliver Wehlander Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli Camera Operator: Eric Wann Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alé Catenese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Production Manager: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Marketing Director: Dani Howe Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    TWiEVO 42: Who's who in your genome

    TWiEVO 42: Who's who in your genome

    Nels and Vincent review the contribution of multiple Denisovan lineages to the modern Papuan genome.

    Hosts: Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello

    Subscribe (free): iTunes, Google PodcastsRSSemail

    Become a patron of TWiEVO

    Science Picks

    NelsSydney Brenner - What Genomes Can Tell Us About the Past
    Vincent- Scientific Communication in a Post-Truth Society

    Music on TWiEVO is performed by Trampled by Turtles

    Send your evolution questions and comments to twievo@microbe.tv

    LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul on What It Takes To Stay On Top

    LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul on What It Takes To Stay On Top

    Today we'll delve into the mind of the man who's helped keep one of the biggest names in the NBA at the top of his game for years. What does it take to consistently outperform the competition? LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul, is here to share his insights on what it takes to stay on top.

    Rich Paul is the CEO and founder of KLUTCH Sports Group, the powerhouse agency representing some of the biggest athletes across major professional sports. Paul founded KLUTCH Sports in 2012 in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, where he forged a unique and personal approach to representing top NBA talent – putting athletes first and empowering them to build careers and brands on and off the court.

    Buy his new book Lucky Me: A Memoir of Changing the Odds

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How vulnerability is a crucial aspect of human connection, even if it's challenging due to societal expectations and norms.
    • The power of understanding and connecting with people on a deep emotional level by observing their body language and emotions.
    • Why effective communication can be especially difficult for young black men who may feel pressured to conform to certain stereotypes.
    • The importance of evolving and adapting to different roles and situations throughout your life.
    • That true success and greatness are achieved through consistent and disciplined habits, regardless of your background or circumstances.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1513

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more inspiration? Listen to these powerful episodes:

    Tony Robbins - https://link.chtbl.com/1107-pod

    Daymond John - https://link.chtbl.com/598-pod

    Sara Blakely - https://link.chtbl.com/893-pod

    MOH Scholarship Recipients - Summer Wilkins & Toni Young

    MOH Scholarship Recipients - Summer Wilkins & Toni Young

    We know two things that can change a life. One is a relationship with Jesus Christ and the other is education. With Jenny are two young ladies whose lives are being significantly impacted through Mission of Hope's Scholarship program, mentorship & outreach. Summer Botts Wilkins and Toni Young share their stories along with our friend and mentor, Shawna Dittrich.  Learn more about this ministry at Mission of Hope's FB page or missionofhope.org.