
    #35 - The Technical Challenges of Measuring Gravitational Waves - Rana Adhikari of LIGO

    en-usSeptember 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Detecting Ripples in Space with LIGOLIGO is a groundbreaking project that uses laser interferometry to detect gravitational waves, ripples in space caused by the curvature of space-time. Despite challenges, scientists have made significant progress and discoveries, opening up new avenues for understanding the universe. Join the team or apply to Y Combinator for opportunities to get involved.

      LIGO is a groundbreaking project aimed at detecting and measuring gravitational waves, which are ripples in space caused by the curvature of space-time. This concept was proposed by Einstein over a century ago, but it wasn't until recently that scientists were able to develop the technology to detect these waves. LIGO uses laser interferometry to measure the minute changes in space caused by gravitational waves. The project is a massive undertaking, requiring billions of dollars in funding and advanced scientific knowledge. Despite the challenges, scientists have made significant progress in detecting these waves, and the discovery has opened up new avenues for understanding the universe. If you're interested in getting involved, Rana Adakari from the LIGO team is looking for help and can be reached on Twitter. Additionally, Y Combinator is currently accepting applications for the Winter 2018 batch and will be holding office hours and Q&A sessions during their fall tour.

    • Detecting Gravitational Waves through Laser InterferenceGravitational waves can be detected through the interference pattern of laser beams, revealing differences in travel time and creating an electrical signal within the human audio band.

      Gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime caused by massive accelerating objects, can be detected through the interference pattern of laser beams. This process involves sending out laser beams in two separate directions, which then interfere with each other upon their return, revealing the difference in travel time between the two beams. This measurement, which can be turned into an electrical signal, falls within the human audio band and can be detected using speakers. The creation of new mirrors to focus on different wavelengths or types of gravitational waves is an ongoing effort in the field of gravitational wave detection. Despite initial skepticism, this technology has proven to be a valuable tool in understanding the universe.

    • Detecting Gravitational Waves from Merging Black HolesGravitational waves from merging black holes stretch space, causing Earth to stretch by a tiny amount, and can be detected using advanced tools like the Fabry-Perot interferometer.

      Gravitational waves, caused by merging black holes billions of light-years away, can be detected on Earth due to their ability to stretch space. This stretching, or gravitational wave, propagates to us and causes the Earth to stretch by an incredibly tiny amount, much smaller than a micron. The Fabry-Perot interferometer, a tool used to detect these gravitational waves, effectively makes the laser beam travel a longer distance by bouncing it between two mirrors. Despite the vast distances involved, the detected gravitational waves only cause a minuscule stretching of Earth, making their detection possible with current technology.

    • Enhancing sensitivity with high-power, unstable lasersScientists use unstable, high-power lasers to increase sensitivity in precise measurements, but must balance the benefits of increased power against the added noise. The build-up of power from leaked light leads to significant sensitivity gains, but quantum mechanical fluctuations limit the maximum power.

      Scientists use lasers with high power and instability to enhance sensitivity in precise measurements, despite the added noise. The principle behind this method is that a small amount of laser light leaks out and bounces back, accumulating constructively with each round trip. This builds up the power in the system, leading to a significant increase in sensitivity. However, there is a limit to how much power can be added before the quantum mechanical fluctuations of the system become problematic. Instead of dealing with the limitations of mirror motion, most precise measurements are limited by the noise caused by the finite number of photons in the laser. By increasing the laser power, the signal is also increased, but the noise only goes up as the square root of the power. Therefore, the benefits of increased power outweigh the added noise in most cases. Despite the challenges of building and maintaining such high-power, unstable lasers, they serve as essential tools in scientific research.

    • Solving the challenges of precise measurements for gravitational wavesNew generation of bright engineers played a crucial role in solving technical issues and improving the system for detecting gravitational waves in the Advanced LIGO project

      Making precise measurements, like those required for detecting gravitational waves, is a complex process that involves not only having a highly stable and powerful laser, but also a team of brilliant young scientists who can solve the unique challenges that arise when trying to put all the pieces together. The interaction between the laser beam and the mirrors is a particularly tough problem, as the immense laser power can actually move the mirrors, which are heavy and must be suspended from thin glass fibers. The success of the Advanced LIGO project was due in large part to the arrival of a new generation of bright engineers at the right time, who were able to solve the technical issues and make the necessary improvements to the system.

    • Optimizing feedback controls for large-scale physics projectsExploring advanced control techniques to minimize interference and optimize feedback controls for large-scale physics projects, such as gravitational wave detection.

      Working on a large-scale physics project, such as detecting gravitational waves, involves dealing with complex interactions between various components. These interactions, which can include mirror movement due to laser power and radiation pressure, require intricate feedback control systems to mitigate their effects. However, optimizing these controls to minimize interference with the gravitational wave signal is a challenging task. The team is currently exploring advanced techniques from the control systems community to improve their feedback controls and reduce masking of the signal. They have been trying various linear subtraction methods for over a decade and have removed significant noise sources in hardware. Despite their progress, they are still seeking expertise to help them further optimize their approach.

    • Improving the Detection of Gravitational Waves with Nonlinear RegressionNonlinear regression is the next step in analyzing gravitational wave data to improve detection of signals from merging black holes, despite the complexity of the mathematics and large data sets.

      The search for gravitational waves involves dealing with a large amount of data from thousands of sensors, some of which combine in nonlinear ways to create signals that mask the low-frequency waves from the biggest black holes. Linear methods have reached their limit, and nonlinear regression is the next step to improve data analysis. The mathematics behind this are complex, but the physics of a black hole are relatively simple. The challenge lies in the large data set and the nonlinear combinations of signals. With better techniques, it's believed that a significant number of undetected signals could be found, potentially doubling the current number. The detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes results in a larger, resonating frequency, making the detection of larger black holes more difficult.

    • Detecting Gravitational Waves from Black Holes: A Complex ProcessScientists use catalogs of waveforms and advanced algorithms to search for gravitational waves from merging black holes, but the process is complex due to unmodeled data, evolving frequencies, and fundamental limits of measurement.

      Scientists are currently working on removing background noise from data collected by various sensors to detect gravitational waves from black holes. The data is unmodeled and comes from various sources, including standard sensors and gravitational wave detectors. The signals from black holes are characterized by several parameters, and scientists use a catalog of waveforms to search for them. The frequency of the signals evolves as the black holes get closer to each other before merging. Despite advancements, there's still a limit to how precisely we can measure motion due to the thermodynamic properties of materials. Scientists are continually searching for ways to improve the sensitivity of their instruments to reach the fundamental limits of measurement. The discovery of gravitational waves from merging black holes was not a simple matter of looking for a specific pattern but rather a complex process involving multiple variables and parameters. The future may hold hardware innovations that could lead to more precise measurements and a better understanding of the universe.

    • Filtering out unwanted signals to detect gravitational wavesScientists meticulously filter out unwanted vibrations and frequencies to detect gravitational waves, constantly on the lookout for potential false positives.

      Detecting gravitational waves involves filtering out unwanted vibrations and frequencies, similar to how a hum filter removes unwanted electrical noise. Gravitational waves have specific frequencies, and detecting them requires removing thermal vibrations and other unwanted signals. The scientists are meticulous in their work, always on the lookout for potential sources of false positives, as they don't want to be seen as crying wolf. The process of detecting gravitational waves is a constant effort of finding and removing any unwanted signals, with the most challenging problems arising from the most obscure mechanisms. Despite the challenges, scientists remain dedicated to the pursuit of discovering new knowledge in the field of gravitational waves.

    • Discovering unexpected phenomena in scientific environmentsUnexpected phenomena, such as stray light interference, can occur even in controlled scientific environments. Researchers are working to find solutions by testing various materials to absorb the stray light and prevent interference.

      Even in the most carefully controlled scientific environments, unexpected phenomena can occur. In the discussion, the comparison was made to the 80s movie "They Live," where wearing special glasses reveals hidden truths. Similarly, scientists discovered that a small percentage of light in their system was bouncing off in unintended directions and interfering with the main system, causing unwanted vibrations. This was compared to a disco ball, where light beams go in all directions, and even the darkest materials, when tested with sensitive equipment, were found to not be as black as they appeared to the naked eye. To solve this issue, the team has been researching and testing various materials to absorb the stray light and prevent interference. The process involves opening the vacuum system, wearing clean room suits, and carefully placing the materials in the affected areas. The search for the best materials has been extensive, with engineers testing various options and discarding many that did not meet the requirements. The ultimate goal is to create a perfectly sealed system free of interference, but the discovery of this issue highlights the importance of ongoing research and problem-solving in scientific endeavors.

    • Materials' properties crucial for advanced instruments like interferometersSelecting appropriate materials for interferometers is vital for effectively filtering and absorbing specific wavelengths of light, enabling detection of significant signals and insights into the universe's properties

      The properties of materials, such as glass and special nanotubes, play a crucial role in filtering specific wavelengths of light for various applications, including in the context of advanced scientific instruments like interferometers. The longer the size of these instruments, the more significant the signals they can detect, potentially providing insights into the universe's origins and properties. For instance, using a 40-kilometer interferometer could help us explore questions about the evolution of space-time, the number of spatial dimensions, and the nature of gravity. The materials used in these instruments must be carefully selected to effectively filter and absorb specific wavelengths of light, making their development an essential aspect of scientific progress.

    • Exploring the Possibility of a Fourth DimensionThe universe may hold dimensions and phenomena beyond our current understanding. Keep an open mind and test new ideas, even if they seem far-fetched, as scientific discoveries often defy initial expectations.

      Our understanding of the universe is constantly evolving, and there may be dimensions and phenomena beyond our current comprehension. The speaker discusses the possibility of a fourth dimension, where gravity could travel faster than the speed of light. He also reflects on the history of scientific discovery and how ideas that were once considered crazy have since been proven true. The limitations of measuring vibrations on Earth and the need to go to space for more accurate measurements are also touched upon. The speaker mentions the LISA project, which aims to launch a space interferometer to study these phenomena further. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and testing new ideas, even if they seem far-fetched at first.

    • Advanced gravitational wave detectors for deeper understanding of the universeScientists strive to improve gravitational wave detection technology to reveal new insights into physics, extra dimensions, and the universe's structure and composition.

      Scientists are working on developing advanced gravitational wave detectors to better understand the universe and answer fundamental questions about its structure and composition. Using the analogy of high-fidelity music systems, they aim to capture the intricacies and subtleties of gravitational wave signals, which could reveal new insights into physics, extra dimensions, and the nature of space and time itself. This quest for knowledge is driven by a desire to understand the universe's underlying mysteries, such as why gravity behaves the way it does, what the universe is made of, and why it has the specific structure that it does. Ultimately, these advancements could lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of reality itself.

    • The practical implications of deep space researchBasic research, though expensive, has led to significant advancements in technology, wealth creation, and improved living standards. Potential effects of black hole mergers on Earth depend on their distance.

      While the deep structure of the universe and its underlying mysteries may be fascinating areas of research, it's essential to consider the practical implications and potential benefits of such investigations. Basic research, though expensive and seemingly abstract, has led to significant advancements in technology, wealth creation, and improved standards of living over the past century. Therefore, despite the seemingly endless curiosity-driven quest for knowledge, it's crucial to remember that these investments often yield substantial long-term returns. Regarding a specific question from Twitter, if a black hole merger were to occur closer to Earth, such as near the Alpha Centauri star system, it could potentially have more noticeable effects on our planet. However, if the merger were too close, the Earth would be consumed, which is not an ideal outcome. Instead, there is a range of distances where other effects could occur, and scientists can compute the potential consequences based on the detected black hole mergers that have occurred at much greater distances.

    • Gravitational waves with extreme strength could cause earthquakes and tsunamisExtremely strong gravitational waves could lead to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis through excitation of Earth's acoustic modes, while advancements in detection technology could provide new insights but face practical limitations

      While a gravitational wave event with a strength 100 million times stronger than what LIGO detected would not cause catastrophic damage to the Earth, it could still pose significant risks. Such an event could potentially excite the Earth's acoustic modes, leading to earthquakes and tsunamis of unprecedented scale. Additionally, the current method for detecting gravitational waves, using lasers and interferometers, is not the only idea out there. Other methods, such as making detectors longer, could potentially offer greater sensitivity and new insights into the universe. However, these methods are currently impractical due to technological limitations.

    • Exploring a more sensitive method for detecting gravitational wavesCoherent quantum feedback could enhance our current gravitational wave detection technology, improving sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and efficiency.

      Our current technology for detecting and measuring gravitational waves using lasers and interferometers may have limitations, and there's a significant amount of signal loss during the conversion from space-time curvature to an electrical signal. A more promising approach could be coherent quantum feedback, which turns the mechanical-optical instability into an advantage, making the system more sensitive to gravitational waves and optimized for detecting them. This method could potentially improve the signal-to-noise ratio and lead to more accurate and efficient detection of gravitational waves.

    • Optimizing a laser interferometer system for a sensitive detectorThe team is making progress towards building a sensitive detector for their laser interferometer project, inspired by larger systems like LIGO, despite only solving 95% of the problem. They plan to continue testing with small mirrors and lasers and have shared a video of black holes colliding on their blog.

      The team is working on optimizing a wide band unstable system for their laser interferometer project, with the goal of building a sensitive detector this year. They've made significant progress and are inspired by larger systems like the 40-meter size LIGO detector at Caltech. Although they've only solved 95% of the problem, they plan to continue building and testing their model with small mirrors and lasers. They've also shared a video of two black holes colliding, even though it's not an actual recording, at their blog for viewers to enjoy. Remember to rate and subscribe to their show for more updates.

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