
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected friendships and shared passionsFriendship can form in unexpected ways and with those who seem different, through common interests and experiences.

      Friendship comes in various forms and can be found in unexpected places, even with those who seem quite different from us. The speaker shared a strange encounter with a woman, but later became friends with someone they initially perceived as mean. They also bonded over their love for animals by taking care of foster puppies together. The importance of friendship was further emphasized when they joked about borrowing cats and letting their pets take over their homes. Additionally, the episode showcased the unique sense of style and creativity of each friend, with one dressing up like a Fortnite skin and the other preferring practical clothing. Despite their differences, they found common ground and enjoyed each other's company.

    • Unexpected sources of inspirationCreativity can come from unlikely places, such as memes based on one's own products or shared experiences with coffee and scary movies.

      Creativity and inspiration can come from unexpected places, even if it involves someone borrowing ideas from others. This was evident in the conversation when it was revealed that Lisa Frank had taken a meme from one of the speakers, but the meme had been based on their products in the first place. The speakers also discussed their favorite merchandise, including coffee, and shared some amusing anecdotes. Additionally, they talked about their experiences with scary movies, with some expressing a love for them while others found them unsettling. Despite the different reactions, they all agreed that the scary movies they watched could be quite intense and that the fear often continued long after the jump scares. Overall, the conversation showcased the unique and sometimes unpredictable nature of creativity and entertainment.

    • Fear of Real-Life Horrors in True Crime PodcastsThe speaker's sensitivity to true crime podcasts stems from their reality and potential connection to everyday life, despite past experiences with less disturbing fictional horror.

      While some fictional horror elements, like monsters in movies, may not truly scare the speaker, real-life horrors such as violence against women in true crime podcasts can be deeply disturbing. The speaker's sensitivity to true crime content stems from its reality and the knowledge that such events have actually occurred. Additionally, the speaker's past experiences with horror movies, particularly those involving technology like "The Ring," have left lasting impressions. The line between fiction and reality in horror media is an interesting one, as the speaker's belief in the supernatural is not required for these elements to evoke fear. Instead, the fear comes from the potential connection to everyday life. This speaks to the power of horror media to tap into our deepest fears and anxieties, whether they are rooted in reality or not.

    • Exploring the Unknown: Skepticism and Fascination with the ParanormalOur speaker holds a nuanced view on the paranormal, acknowledging the possibility of spirits or energy lingering after death while remaining skeptical and open to rational explanations.

      Our speaker believes in the possibility of the existence of spirits or energy from human life lingering after death, but is skeptical of jumping to conclusions when encountering unexplained phenomena. They suggest that our perception of reality may not always align with what is actually present and that there could be rational explanations for seemingly supernatural occurrences. The speaker also expresses a fascination with the idea of the paranormal but does not fully commit to believing in it as fact. They believe that everything is possible, but do not adamantly hold onto any specific belief. Ultimately, they acknowledge that their personal beliefs do not significantly impact their everyday life.

    • Encounters with the UnexplainedThe world is full of unexplained phenomena that challenge our understanding and leave us in awe.

      The speaker shares a series of unexplained experiences in her apartment, which included encounters with birds flying into her window, a hummingbird flying unusually close, and a coin being flipped and falling at her feet. She found these incidents strange and unexplainable, as there was no logical reason for the birds to fly into her window or for the coin to appear out of nowhere. While some may dismiss these occurrences as coincidence or normal occurrences, the speaker found them to be unusual and worthy of sharing. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the mysterious and unexplainable nature of the world around us.

    • Impact of Unexplained Noises on Emotions and SafetyUnexpected noises, without explanation, can evoke fear and anxiety, potentially affecting mental well-being for prolonged periods. Previous experiences may heighten sensitivity to such occurrences.

      Unexpected and unexplained noises can have a profound impact on our emotions and sense of safety, potentially leading to fear and anxiety. The speaker's experience of hearing a loud, angry yell in the middle of the night, despite having no explanation for its origin, left her feeling scared and unsure for months. Her previous experiences with strange occurrences in the same apartment may have made her more susceptible to this intense reaction. However, she acknowledges that the human brain is capable of producing strange sounds and wonders if that could be the explanation for what she heard. Ultimately, the experience served as a reminder of the power of the unknown and the impact it can have on our mental well-being.

    • The Unexplained: A Source of Intrigue and WonderUnexpected occurrences can be explained by natural causes or remain a mystery, it's important to consider all possibilities before jumping to conclusions, personal experiences with the unexplained can leave a lasting impact and fuel further exploration.

      Unexpected occurrences in our lives, such as hearing strange noises or receiving mysterious phone calls, can often be explained by natural causes, but they may also leave us wondering about the unexplained. For instance, hearing a coin flip that sounds like it's right next to you could be a coincidence or it could be something more. Similarly, receiving a phone call from someone claiming to be a loved one who has already passed away can be a confusing experience. In both cases, it's important to consider all possible explanations before jumping to conclusions. Moreover, personal experiences with the unexplained, such as encountering ghosts or other paranormal phenomena, can be intriguing and leave a lasting impact. For example, growing up, the speaker had experiences in an old theater that they believed were paranormal in nature. They and their friends attempted to communicate with the spirits using a makeshift Ouija board. While some experiences may be explained by natural causes, others may remain a mystery. In summary, the unexplained can be a source of intrigue and wonder, but it's important to consider all possible explanations before jumping to conclusions. Personal experiences with the unexplained can leave a lasting impact and may even lead us to explore the unknown further.

    • Impossible tasks and ghostly encountersExperiencing the impossible leaves a lasting impression and creates intriguing stories, whether it's spinning cups or supposed ghost interactions.

      Experiencing the impossible, whether it's a spinning cup or supposed ghost interactions, can leave a lasting impression and create intriguing stories. The speaker shared an experience of trying to keep a finger on a rapidly spinning cup while it was also rotating, finding it an impossible task. They also recalled an awkward situation involving a Ouija board and ghostly encounters. While the validity of these experiences is debatable, they served as interesting anecdotes. The speaker mused that if ghosts exist, they might be more playful and less harmful, and even offered a humorous idea of a ghost makeover using a Ouija board for fashion advice. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of storytelling and the human tendency to seek out the unexplained.

    • The Importance of Open-Mindedness and Respect in SkepticismEmbrace unexplained events and coincidences, respect others' beliefs, and engage in meaningful conversations without jumping to conclusions.

      While it's important to question and debate, it's also crucial to respect others' beliefs and engage in meaningful conversations. The speaker shares her skepticism towards absolute truths and the fallibility of memory. She reflects on her own experience of a potentially paranormal event that saved her life and acknowledges the irony of her skepticism. The speaker encourages us to accept the unexplained and embrace the coincidences in life, as long as they don't harm others. She also warns against jumping to conclusions and reminds us that Ouija boards, for instance, may not be as sinister as we assume without concrete evidence. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of open-mindedness, respect, and healthy skepticism.

    • Exploring the Meaning and Impact of ExperiencesExperiences, whether from the physical world or dreams, can challenge perceptions, leave lasting impacts, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe.

      Our experiences, whether they're from the physical world or the realm of dreams, can be deeply meaningful and even spiritual in nature. Whether it's a handmade Ouija board from a voodoo shop or a lucid dream where we have control, these experiences can challenge our perceptions and leave a lasting impact. For some, these experiences may involve encounters with the unknown, such as ghosts or otherworldly dimensions. For others, they may involve facing fears or confronting uncomfortable truths. Regardless of the specifics, these experiences can help us explore the mysteries of the universe and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. The speaker also shared some personal experiences, including nightmares from their childhood and a lucid dream where they encountered zombies. These experiences were vivid and emotional, leaving a lasting impression on the speaker and offering insights into their thoughts and fears. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of experiences, both mundane and extraordinary, to shape our perspectives and deepen our connection to the world.

    • The Mysterious Nature of DreamsDreams can be intriguing and sometimes come true, but their origins and meanings remain a mystery. Sharing dream experiences can connect people.

      Dreams can be intriguing and sometimes seem to hold a prophetic quality. The speaker shared an experience where a dream came true the next day. However, not everyone believes in the metaphysical aspects of dreams, acknowledging the randomness and illogical nature of dreaming. The speaker also shared a fear of dolls and nightmares that can cause anxiety upon waking up. Despite the varying experiences and beliefs, dreams remain a fascinating topic of conversation. The speaker concluded by suggesting that accepting the illogical nature of dreams and sharing the experience can help connect people on a deeper level. The speaker also poked fun at the idea of wearing socks to bed to induce dreaming, finding it an absurd concept. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique and often mysterious nature of dreams.

    • Understanding the Meaning of DreamsDreams can have personal and cultural significance, and interpreting them involves recognizing symbols and personal experiences. Belief in dream's reality can also impact interpretation.

      Dreams can hold significant meaning based on personal experiences and cultural symbolism. The speaker shared a dream about a father figure and how understanding the symbolism helped them interpret it. They also mentioned using a dream dictionary and believing in the symbolism of dreams as a way of organizing thoughts. The speaker also shared an experience where a dream came true in real life, adding to the belief that dreams hold meaning. However, the interpretation of dreams can vary greatly depending on personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. The speaker also mentioned having dreams that made them feel angry or hurt, even if the dream wasn't a reflection of reality. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing the potential significance of dreams and the role of personal experiences and cultural symbolism in their interpretation.

    • Fears and perceptions vary greatlyPeople's fears are influenced by cultural associations and personal experiences, and what seems scary to one might not be to another.

      People have different fears and perceptions, and what seems scary to one person might not be scary to another. For instance, while some find clowns terrifying due to cultural associations with crime or horror stories, others view them as harmless and even amusing creatures meant to bring joy. The fear of clowns, or coulrophobia, is a common phobia, but not everyone shares it. Some people might be scared of mimes due to their silent and mysterious nature, but in reality, they are performers who use body language and facial expressions to communicate. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that our fears are often shaped by cultural influences and personal experiences, and it's essential to challenge them and broaden our perspectives.

    • Damien's abilities explained: psychic powers or unique friendship with ghosts?Despite popular beliefs, Damien's abilities are not factually proven to be due to psychic powers or him being an alien. His experiences should be appreciated for entertainment value only.

      Damien's ability to seemingly predict events or communicate with the deceased is not due to psychic powers, but rather a result of his unique friendship with ghosts. This theory, as entertaining as it may be, is not based on factual evidence and should be taken with a grain of salt. The idea that Damien is an alien is also a popular belief, but it is important to remember that these claims are not substantiated and should be treated as speculation. The attention Damien has received, with numerous compilation videos and messages from people seeking advice, has led to concerns about the potential dangers of misusing or exploiting his perceived abilities. Ultimately, Damien is not a psychic or an alien, and his experiences should be appreciated for their entertainment value rather than taken as a source of truth or guidance.

    • Exploring the Power and Impact of FearFear is a universal emotion that can manifest in various ways, from irrational fears to deeper fears. It's important to stay calm and rational during fearful situations to minimize harm.

      Fear is a powerful emotion that can manifest in various ways, from irrational fears like tornadoes or earthquakes to deeper fears like causing harm to others. The speaker shared her personal experiences with these fears, from her childhood fear of tornadoes to her adult fear of causing emotional harm. She also discussed how some natural disasters, like earthquakes, can evoke fear due to their unpredictability and potential for harm. Despite these fears, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying calm and rational during these events, as seen in her decision to stay seated during an earthquake while watching a Marvel movie. Overall, the discussion highlights the universality of fear and the various ways it can impact our lives.

    • Octopuses surprise with their intelligenceOctopuses and other animals, like crows, demonstrate surprising intelligence by learning routines, problem-solving, and even bringing gifts.

      Animals, particularly octopuses, are smarter than we give them credit for. A story from an aquarium in Dallas illustrates this well. Octopuses were found to be sneaking out of their tanks to eat sharks, demonstrating their ability to learn routines and problem-solve. Animals like crows also exhibit intelligent behavior, such as bringing gifts to those who feed them. These observations can be unsettling, as they challenge our perception of the animal kingdom and highlight the potential consequences of human actions. Additionally, the vastness and mystery of the ocean, with its unknown depths and creatures, can be both fascinating and frightening.

    • Smosh Predicts Reaching 25 Million SubscribersSmosh aims to reveal a major project once reaching 25 million subscribers, with Shane doing push-ups as a commitment to their audience.

      The Smosh team is eagerly anticipating reaching 25,000,000 subscribers on their channel and have made a bold prediction for when it will happen. To achieve this goal, they are encouraging their audience to subscribe and spread the word. They have even made a personal commitment, with Shane doing push-ups, leading up to the milestone. This announcement is significant and not just for show, as they have a major project they plan to reveal once they reach this subscriber count. The team is so invested in this prediction that they have tied it to a conditional, and if they don't reach the goal in time, they may scrap the project altogether.

    Recent Episodes from Smosh Mouth

    #51 - We Were Told to Talk About This

    #51 - We Were Told to Talk About This
    It’s Kiana’s birthday and she has a list of things that she wants to talk about! 0:00-1:17 Intro 1:18-16:38 Co-Star daily readings 16:39-23:58 Veneer Tech TikTok  23:59-32:59 Put respect on Glee’s name 33:00-35:55 Three tickets to Challengers, please 35:56-45:25 Read more “head empty” book 45:26-59:25 Top 5 Beyoncé songs 59:26-1:17:16 Internet things Amanda should know SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com  WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Smosh Mouth
    enJune 24, 2024

    #50 - Our Dads' 1 Year Anniversary

    #50 - Our Dads' 1 Year Anniversary
    Shayne and Amanda bring on Smosh dads Ian and Anthony to reminiscence on the last year since they bought Smosh! Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/SMOSHMOUTH 0:00-2:37 Intro 2:38-14:26 It’s been a year! 14:27-23:57 Anthony’s return 23:58-45:58 Looking back at sketches 45:59-1:01:08 Ian and Anthony’s favorite Smosh series 1:01:09-1:11:28 Owning Smosh again SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Ian Hecox // https://www.instagram.com/ianhecox/ Anthony Padilla // https://www.instagram.com/anthonypadilla/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Smosh Mouth
    enJune 17, 2024

    #49 - Explaining Five Nights At Freddy's Lore To Amanda

    #49 - Explaining Five Nights At Freddy's Lore To Amanda
    Shayne, Spencer, and Courtney explain the deep lore of FNAF...but it's just a theory.Get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping, at https://meundies.com/smoshmouth! Listeners can save on the perfect gift by visiting https://AuraFrames.com/SMOSH to get $30-off plus free shipping on their best-selling frame! 0:00-3:49 Intro 3:50-6:25 Shayne’s accident 6:26-8:26 Amanda’s SparkNotes of Five Nights at Freddy’s 8:27-48:33 Breaking down the entire FNAF timeline 48:34-1:05:52 FNAF theories SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Spencer Agnew // https://www.instagram.com/spennser/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Smosh Mouth
    enJune 10, 2024

    #48 - Are These People For Real?

    #48 - Are These People For Real?
    Shayne, Amanda, and Tommy chat about some of their favorite reality TV/internet/real life people who are simply iconic characters. 0:00 Intro 3:00 The best places for people study 6:26 Real life characters we love to watch 1:04:37 Shayne loves Chappell Roan (as he should) SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Tommy Bowe // https://www.instagram.com/tomeybones/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Production Designer: Cassie Vance Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Manager: Alexcina Figueroa Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Smosh Mouth
    enJune 03, 2024

    #47 - Try Not To Laugh: The Podcast w/ Spencer Agnew

    #47 - Try Not To Laugh: The Podcast w/ Spencer Agnew
    Amanda, Shayne, and Spencer have a very normal and adult conversation. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Spencer Agnew // https://www.instagram.com/spennser/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia, Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Selina Garcia, Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director: Selina Garcia Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Smosh Mouth
    enMay 20, 2024

    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems

    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems
    Amanda and Shayne are going to solve the cast and crew's problems, 100% guaranteed.  0:00-4:32 Intro 04:33-10:16 I just started to snore, how do I not inconvenience my partner? 10:17-16:35 How do I stop being dumb? 16:36-22:29 I’m afraid of confrontation! 22:30-28:40 Can you help me create a DnD baddie? 28:41-34:23 My voice sounds AI-generated 34:24-40:36 Peter is bullying me 40:37-47:06 Can you help me with my dating profile? 47:07-53:48 Help me with this baby! 53:49-59:27 My dad is dead 59:28-01:06:26 Stuck in a cycle of feeling the need to “succeed” 01:06:27-01:12:40 I’m addicted to Fortnite 01:12:41-01:19:30 How do you make friends as an adult? SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com  WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Marcus Munguia // https://www.instagram.com/marcus.munguia/ Erin Dougal // https://www.instagram.com/erindougal/ Lizzy Jones // https://www.instagram.com/soundproofliz/ Andre Gardere // https://www.instagram.com/onwithdre/ Nicole // https://www.instagram.com/nicole.normal/ Josh Fleury // https://www.instagram.com/josh.fleury/ Emily Rose Jacobson // https://www.instagram.com/frankly_emily_/ Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/ Matt Duran // https://www.instagram.com/durrrrran/ Rock Coleman // https://www.instagram.com/rockycole_pictureshow/ Trevor Evarts // https://www.instagram.com/trevorevarts/ Selina Garcia // https://www.instagram.com/maraselina/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director: Selina Garcia Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh
    Smosh Mouth
    enMay 13, 2024

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia
    Shayne & Amanda talk with Syd & Olivia about their comedy dynamic and writing Smosh The Sitcom Live! (https://live.smosh.com/) Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. 0:00-01:47 Intro 01:48-4:57 How Smosh the Sitcom came to be 4:57-22:19 Syd and Olivia’s origin story 22:20-29:15 Boundaries and approachability 29:16-30:24 Sponsors! 30:25-46:09 Smosh the Sitcom characters 46:10-55:25 Premise of the live show "episode" 55:26-01:00:27 Favorite experience of the show SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Syd & Olivia ( @SydOliviaTube ) // https://www.instagram.com/sydandolivia/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Editorial Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #44 - We're Married

    #44 - We're Married
    Amanda, Shayne, and Courtney discuss the events of April 1, 2024. Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker and Kortney Luby Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories
    Sarah Christ, The Chosen, Courtney Freaking Miller, Karen...where do they come from? Amanda and Shayne discuss their character creation process and what inspires them. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #42 - Reading The Weirdest Subreddits

    #42 - Reading The Weirdest Subreddits
    Shayne and Amanda are joined by Olivia to ponder everyone’s favorite Internet forum and all its…different communities. 0:00-01:32 Intro 01:33-11:09 Harambe revisited 11:10-19:15 An overview of Reddit 19:16-01:09:36 Every Subreddit ever! SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Olivia Sui // https://www.instagram.com/oliviasui/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Kortney Luby & Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Camera Operator: Eric Wann Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

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    1. Origins and History:
      • The North East Cartel has its roots in a group of former Mexican military personnel who became enforcers for the Gulf Cartel in the late 1990s. These enforcers eventually split from the Gulf Cartel and formed their own criminal organization, originally known as Los Zetas.
    2. Leadership:
      • The leadership structure of the North East Cartel has been fluid and has undergone changes due to infighting, law enforcement actions, and rival cartel conflicts. Key leaders often remain elusive to authorities.
    3. Activities:
      • Drug Trafficking: The cartel primarily engages in drug trafficking, smuggling narcotics such as cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin into the United States.
      • Extortion and Kidnapping: The North East Cartel is involved in extortion schemes, targeting local businesses and individuals for protection money. They are also known for kidnapping for ransom.
      • Violence: The cartel is notorious for its extreme violence, often engaging in brutal tactics, including beheadings and mass killings, to intimidate rivals and maintain control over its territories.
      • Organized Crime: In addition to drug-related activities, the North East Cartel is involved in various forms of organized crime, including human trafficking, fuel theft, and money laundering.
    4. Territorial Control:
      • The North East Cartel primarily operates in the northeastern states of Mexico, particularly Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, and Coahuila. These regions are key transit routes for drug trafficking into the United States.
    5. Rivalries:
      • The cartel has faced intense competition and conflicts with other criminal organizations, including the Gulf Cartel, the Sinaloa Cartel, and rival factions within its own ranks. These rivalries have often resulted in violent confrontations.
    6. Government Responses:
      • The Mexican government, in coordination with the military and law enforcement agencies, has initiated various operations to combat the North East Cartel. However, these efforts have often resulted in increased violence and instability in the region.
    7. Evolution:
      • The North East Cartel has evolved over the years, adapting to law enforcement strategies and rival threats. It has undergone splits and mergers, making it difficult to pinpoint a single, stable organizational structure.
    8. Impact:
      • The cartel's activities have contributed to the overall violence and instability in northeastern Mexico, posing significant challenges to local authorities and causing harm to civilians caught in the crossfire.
    In summary, the North East Cartel, also known as Cartel del Noreste or Los Zetas, is a powerful criminal organization operating in northeastern Mexico. It is involved in drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, and various forms of organized crime. The group is known for its extreme violence and has been a significant contributor to the ongoing drug cartel-related violence in the region.

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