
    Podcast Summary

    • The Opioid Crisis in Florida: A Major Issue Hijacking the Legal SystemThe opioid crisis in Florida is causing widespread addiction and deaths, with more people dying from prescription pill overdoses than heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy combined. The ease of obtaining multiple prescriptions and the high resale value of these pills have created a racket that exploits addicts and fuels the epidemic.

      The opioid crisis in Florida, particularly in pain clinics, is a major issue that has been hijacking the legal system and causing widespread addiction and deaths. Darren Foster and Mariana von Zeller, who shared their investigation on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, were shocked to discover that more people in the US are dying from prescription pill overdoses than heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy combined. They found long lines of people waiting for prescriptions, and even out-of-state cars parked outside clinics. When they tried to film outside a clinic, they were chased away by intimidating men. The ease of obtaining multiple prescriptions from different doctors and the high resale value of these pills have created a racket that exploits addicts and fuels the opioid epidemic. This issue deserves more attention and action from authorities and media.

    • Opioid Crisis: Pain Clinics as Drug FrontsThe unregulated operation of pain clinics as drug fronts in some states contributes to the opioid crisis, resulting in addiction, overdoses, and violent crimes, despite efforts to address this issue through prescription monitoring programs and stricter regulations.

      The opioid crisis in America, particularly in states like Florida, has led to dangerous and illegal activities, including the operation of pain clinics as fronts for drug trafficking. These clinics, which were once unregulated, have resulted in the production of vast amounts of illegal prescription drugs, leading to addiction, overdoses, and even violent crimes. The lack of a mandatory prescription monitoring program in some states has made it easier for drug dealers to doctor shop and distribute pills, contributing to the epidemic. Despite efforts to address this issue through prescription monitoring programs and stricter regulations, the problem persists, with some dealers even shifting to selling heroin as a more profitable alternative. The opioid crisis is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach, including education, regulation, and law enforcement.

    • The Human Cost of the War on DrugsThe War on Drugs disproportionately targets low-level dealers while ignoring pharmaceutical companies and lawmakers, resulting in significant human costs and questionable effectiveness.

      The War on Drugs, particularly the focus on prescription drugs, is a complex issue with significant human costs and questionable effectiveness. The war is compared to a game of cowboys and Indians, with resources being disproportionately directed towards low-level dealers rather than pharmaceutical companies or lawmakers. Florida, specifically, is highlighted as a hotbed for prescription drug abuse and related issues. The documentary "The OxyContin Express" showcases the devastating impact of addiction on individuals and their families, with some users taking shockingly high doses and experiencing severe health consequences. The documentary has had a profound impact on viewers, with many reaching out to share their personal experiences and loss. It's a reminder of the human cost of the War on Drugs and the need for a more nuanced approach to addressing substance abuse.

    • The Dangerous Impact of Painkiller Over-PrescriptionThe easy accessibility and financial gains from painkillers contribute to addiction and worsen issues for vulnerable populations, despite the pharmaceutical industry's disregard for addictive potential.

      The easy accessibility and over-prescription of painkillers in the US, driven by financial gains, can lead to addiction and even exacerbate existing issues for vulnerable populations. The speaker's personal experience and observations highlight the alarming trend of people becoming addicted after injuries or workplace accidents, particularly those in lower income or manual labor jobs. The pharmaceutical industry's aggressive marketing and disregard for the addictive potential of these drugs have resulted in billions of dollars in settlements for fraudulent practices. This systemic issue leaves many people feeling trapped and powerless, struggling to break free from the grip of addiction.

    • Pharmaceutical industry's influence on healthcare professionals leading to overprescription of addictive painkillersThe pharmaceutical industry's influence on doctors and nurses leads to overprescription of addictive painkillers, prioritizing profits over patient health, contributing to the opioid crisis. Exposure through local reporting and investigative journalism is crucial, but national media attention is lacking.

      The pharmaceutical industry's influence on healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, can lead to overprescription of addictive painkillers like OxyContin. This is facilitated through various means such as lavish dinners, vacations, and other forms of incentives. The result is a system that prioritizes profits over patient health, creating a cycle of addiction and contributing to the opioid crisis. Local reporting and investigative journalism have played a crucial role in exposing this issue, but it's concerning that national media outlets have not given it the attention it deserves. The use of pain management centers connected to pharmacies further perpetuates this problem, with patients being prescribed opioids and able to obtain them on the spot. It's essential to question the motivations behind the medical industry's actions and demand transparency and accountability to address this public health crisis. To learn more about this issue, watch the documentary "OxyContin Express" available on muck.tv.

    • Prescription Drug Addiction in AmericaThe legal system's paradoxical approach to prescription drugs, ease of manipulation, and lack of extensive testing contribute to addiction and trafficking.

      The easy access to prescription painkillers in certain areas of the United States, particularly Florida, has led to a significant issue with addiction and trafficking. This is highlighted in the documentary "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia." The paradoxical nature of the legal system, where those with back pain can easily obtain large quantities of opiates while those caught with small amounts of marijuana face harsh penalties, contributes to the problem. The ease with which these pills can be manipulated and the lack of extensive testing for their approval add to the issue. An extreme example of this is the case of a man who was awarded $600,000 after being turned into a gambling and gay sex addict by a Parkinson's drug called Requip. The drug was eventually pulled from the market. Despite efforts to create less manipulable pills, addicts have found ways around them. The complexities of this issue are exposed in the discussion and serve as a reminder of the importance of addressing prescription drug addiction.

    • Prescription Opioid Misuse in FloridaThe misuse and addiction to prescription opioids, particularly Oxycodone, have led to an increase in prescriptions and doctors involved in their distribution, raising complex questions about personal freedom, addiction, and community involvement in addressing public health crises.

      The misuse and addiction to prescription opioids, particularly Oxycodone, have reached alarming levels, especially in Florida, leading to a significant increase in prescriptions and doctors involved in their distribution. This issue raises complex questions about personal freedom, addiction, and the role of the community in addressing public health crises. The initial intention of these drugs as time-release formulas has been bypassed through methods like crushing and snorting, leading to an immediate release of the active ingredient and increased risk of addiction. The discussion also touched upon the discovery of potential new medicines from the rainforest and the ethical dilemma of balancing the potential benefits of pharmaceuticals with their addictive properties and potential harm to individuals and communities.

    • Portugal's Decriminalization Approach to Drug UsePortugal's decriminalization of drug use has led to fewer people using drugs and fewer overdoses, challenging the criminalization approach to addiction in the US.

      The war on drugs, particularly the prescription drug epidemic, has led to a crisis in which many people are unknowingly becoming addicted to dangerous substances. Portugal offers a potential solution through its decriminalization approach, which treats drug use as a health issue rather than a criminal one. This has resulted in fewer people using drugs and fewer overdoses. Additionally, it's important to note that the current system, including doctors, can inadvertently contribute to the problem due to financial pressures and the ease of prescribing addictive substances. Ultimately, a more informed and preventative approach is necessary to stop the cycle of addiction.

    • The Issue of Prescription and Synthetic DrugsDoctors should prescribe less and be more informed, companies profiting from these drugs contribute to a disturbing culture, and the consequences of these drugs can be devastating, leading to addiction, mental health issues, and even death.

      The issue of prescription drugs and synthetic drugs, such as bath salts and spice, is a major problem in America that requires more attention and action. The consequences of these drugs can be devastating, leading to addiction, mental health issues, and even death. There are individuals and organizations working to raise awareness and pass legislation, but more needs to be done. Doctors should prescribe less and be more informed about the addictiveness of these drugs. Companies profiting from these drugs are contributing to a culture that can be described as "disturbing" and even "crazy." The first episode of the new show "Inside Secret America" on Nat Geo, which starts this Wednesday at 10 p.m., explores this issue further by infiltrating the subcultures surrounding synthetic drugs. The John McAfee case, where he was making and marketing his own drugs, is an example of the lengths some will go to profit from this issue. However, it's important to note that McAfee claimed it was all a prank. Regardless, the impact of these drugs on individuals and communities is a serious concern.

    • Unregulated production and sale of synthetic drugsSynthetic drugs like bath salts and synthetic marijuana, produced in garages and sold as novelty items, have unpredictable potency and dangerous side effects due to lack of regulation.

      The rise of synthetic drugs like bath salts and synthetic marijuana was a result of unregulated chemicals produced in garages and sold as novelty items. These drugs, which have effects similar to cocaine or meth, are not technically illegal but are difficult to regulate due to their constant evolution. The production process is often haphazard, leading to unknown potency and dangerous side effects. One example given was a lawyer who, believing his hands were attacking him, burned his arms without feeling pain. These drugs have been known to cause aggression, paranoia, and even hallucinations, leading to dangerous and sometimes fatal consequences. The ease of production and sale, combined with the lack of regulation, makes these substances a significant public health concern.

    • Bath salts: Unpredictable and Dangerous Synthetic DrugsBath salts, with unpredictable effects due to varying chemical compositions, pose a significant risk to users. Their popularity in communities with mandatory drug testing and ease of production/distribution make them a pressing concern.

      Bath salts, a class of synthetic drugs, are unpredictable and dangerous due to their varying chemical compositions. Users cannot rely on consistent effects or experiences, making them a significant risk. The lack of reliable testing methods and their popularity in communities where drug testing is mandatory further exacerbates the issue. Tragic incidents, such as the infamous cannibalism case in Florida, have raised concerns about the potential for bath salts to contribute to violent behavior. The ease with which these drugs can be produced and distributed, often from overseas, adds to their prevalence and danger. The unpredictability and potential harm associated with bath salts underscore the importance of raising awareness and implementing effective strategies to combat their use.

    • Learning from others' mistakesAvoiding drugs is crucial for living well in Vegas, and fighting against addiction and overprescription is important. Learn from others' experiences to make a difference.

      Learning from others' mistakes is an effective way to avoid making the same mistakes ourselves. A conversation with a driver in Vegas led to this insight, as he shared how avoiding drugs is crucial for living well in the city. The speaker also highlighted the importance of organizations and individuals fighting against issues like drug addiction and overprescription. The discussion also touched upon the challenges and potential blowback of investigative journalism, but the goal is to shed light on important issues and make a difference. The conversation also covered other topics, including guns and the ease of obtaining them. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of awareness, action, and learning from others' experiences.

    • Easy access to guns in the U.S. and potential link to pharmaceuticalsThe U.S. makes it alarmingly easy to buy guns, and there may be a connection between gun violence and pharmaceuticals, particularly antidepressants.

      It's alarmingly easy to buy guns in the U.S., as demonstrated by the speakers' experience of purchasing an AK-47 within 45 minutes on Backpage.com. This issue is connected to the pharmaceutical problem, as a significant number of school shooters have been found to be on antidepressants or recovering from them at the time of their attacks. The gun space is a complex issue with deep-rooted connections, and it's essential to focus on the larger problem rather than criminalizing individuals. The Sandy Hook shooting is an example of this, as the perpetrator was initially reported to have used an AR-15, but later findings revealed he used pistols instead. The ease of access to guns and the potential connection to pharmaceuticals are critical areas for further discussion and debate.

    • Mental health, not guns, is the real issueMental health should be the focus of the gun control debate as mass shootings are rare given the prevalence of guns in the US, and the root cause is often the shooter's mental state.

      While guns are a contentious issue in the wake of mass shootings, the root cause of such tragedies is not the tool itself but the person using it. The speaker believes that mental health should be the focus of the debate, as it's a rarity for mass shootings to occur given the large population and prevalence of guns in the country. The gun control debate is often simplified into a black-and-white issue, but it's more complex, especially when considering the ease of access to guns for those who shouldn't have them. The speaker acknowledges the importance of background checks and safety measures, but ultimately sees the gun issue as a distraction from the larger mental health problem. The debate is further complicated by extreme reactions on both sides, making productive conversation difficult.

    • Understanding the Responsibility of Gun OwnershipGun ownership requires education, safety measures, and consideration of the complex gun control debate, including potential technology concerns, to minimize harm and promote safety.

      Owning a gun comes with a responsibility to ensure safety and proper usage. Education through classes like those offered by the NRA is crucial. The debate around gun control is complex, with valid arguments on both sides. While guns can save lives, they also pose significant danger and can be used for harm. Additionally, technology advancements have introduced new concerns, such as the potential for hacking and remote control of cars. It's essential to consider all aspects of these issues and strive for increased awareness and education to minimize violence and potential harm.

    • Transparency in the Information EraTechnology enhances transparency, balancing out wrongdoings, but navigating the current information landscape can be challenging for individuals and organizations.

      We live in an age of extreme transparency where it's increasingly difficult for individuals or organizations to cover up wrongdoings. Technological optimist, Orson Welles' quote about history being a race between education and catastrophe, and the concept of karma were discussed as reasons why this is the case. The speaker expressed optimism that technology will ultimately bring about greater transparency and balance out the actions of a few, despite the challenges and confusion of the current information era. The speaker also acknowledged the difficulties of being human and raising children in this complex and information-saturated world.

    • The Future of Human-Machine ConvergenceTechnology is advancing towards human-machine convergence, raising concerns about privacy and responsible use while offering potential for enhanced connections.

      Technology is increasingly becoming a part of our lives, blurring the lines between humans and machines. This was highlighted in a conversation about constant phone usage and the potential future of human-machine convergence, as discussed with Ray Kurzweil. The use of devices like Google Glass is seen as a step towards more advanced technology that could eventually be implanted in our bodies. While some find the idea exciting, concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of information remain. Ultimately, it's up to individuals to use technology responsibly and ensure that it enhances our lives rather than detracting from them. The conversation also touched upon the potential for technology to bring people closer together, despite the apparent distraction it can cause in social situations.

    • Using technology to foster empathy and connectionTechnology can encourage empathy and connection, but concerns about privacy and government control must be addressed

      The use of technology to encourage empathy, connection, and accountability can lead to a more compassionate society. The internet and social media have already shown the power of this phenomenon, with instances of cyberbullying and other harmful behaviors being quickly exposed and met with strong backlash. However, there are concerns about privacy and the potential for government control. Despite these challenges, the trend towards increased transparency and instant communication is likely to continue, bringing both benefits and challenges. Ultimately, it's important to strike a balance between the potential for technology to bring people closer together and the need to protect individual privacy and autonomy.

    • Use of technology in undercover sex trafficking investigationTechnology advances faster than our ability to address its ethical implications in sex trafficking, with victims often falling prey to pimps and authorities failing to help

      Voice recognition technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society, making it harder to maintain privacy. This was highlighted in a podcast episode about sex trafficking in the United States. During an undercover investigation, the use of technology such as iPhones and recording glasses was essential, but it also raised concerns about being discovered. The issue of sex trafficking is a sad reality, with American citizens being ten times more likely to be trafficked than foreigners. Many victims are lured in by promises of a better life, only to fall into the hands of pimps who use coercion, drugs, and violence to keep them under control. The authorities sometimes fail to believe or help the victims, leaving them vulnerable to further exploitation. It's a harsh reminder of the challenges we face in a world where technology advances faster than our ability to address its ethical implications.

    • Prostitution and Sex TraffickingIllegal prostitution can lead to sex trafficking and exploitation, but legalization may offer more safety and control for sex workers, requiring thoughtful policies to balance personal freedom and protection.

      The illegal nature of prostitution creates an environment where sex trafficking and exploitation can thrive. The speaker's personal experience in North Carolina illustrates this, as they encountered a group of pimps who became aggressive when they tried to help a woman out of a potentially dangerous situation. The speaker also notes that in countries where prostitution is legalized, such as Amsterdam and parts of Nevada, there may be fewer instances of sex slavery due to increased safety and control for sex workers. However, the debate around prostitution raises questions about personal freedom and empowerment, adding complexity to the issue. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for careful consideration and effective policies to address the complex and often harmful realities of the sex industry.

    • Undercover filming: adapting to gain informationUndercover filming requires flexibility and ethical dilemmas, as seen in investigative journalism and activism. From animal rights to sex trafficking, filmmakers must navigate uncomfortable situations to uncover the truth.

      Undercover filming, whether it's for investigative journalism or activism, requires adaptability and the ability to manipulate situations to gather information. The speaker shared his experience filming an episode of a show about undercover animal rights activists, where they encountered a pimp trying to recruit his wife. He also discussed his nervousness about applying for a job in a massage parlor to gain access to the underworld of sex trafficking. The episode also featured an animal rights activist who goes undercover in factory farms to expose animal abuse. Despite his strong beliefs against consuming animal meat, he continues to do so to gather evidence. The activist gave the speaker training on undercover filming, which included making people feel comfortable or uncomfortable to obtain information. The speaker highlighted the challenges of this work, including the ethical dilemmas and the increasing legislation against undercover filming.

    • Animal abuse in agriculture exposed through undercover filmingUndercover footage reveals widespread animal abuse in agriculture, highlighting the disconnect between consumers and the reality of food production, and encouraging people to consider the ethical implications of their food choices.

      Undercover filming by animal rights activists in the agriculture industry reveals widespread animal abuse, despite the industry's argument that such incidents are anomalies. Activists aim to expose these practices to encourage people to go vegan, but they also sympathize with the workers and understand the stressful conditions they face. Factory farms are the primary targets, but even organic, free-range farms can have issues. The slaughterhouse visit was an eye-opening experience, revealing the disconnect between consumers and the reality of food production. The least humane methods, such as Kosher slaughter, involve cutting the animal's neck without stunning them first. Standard farming practices, while legal, can be violent and difficult to witness. The real issue is the human cruelty towards animals, as they do not live forever, and many people remain disconnected from the reality of their food sources.

    • Managing Animal Populations if Everyone Went VeganIf everyone went vegan, managing animal populations would require solutions like castration, sterilization, or reintroducing predators, which could pose risks to human safety. The morality of animals consuming other animals versus human hunting is complex.

      If every person in the world became vegan and animals were no longer raised for food, managing the animal population would be a significant challenge. Animals would continue to reproduce, leading to overpopulation. Solutions such as castration, sterilization, or reintroducing predators could pose risks to human safety. Additionally, animals consume other animals in the natural world, and debating the morality of this versus human hunting is a complex issue. Ultimately, the conversation around veganism and animal rights comes down to understanding the root causes of human actions towards animals and focusing on humanity's role in creating a more compassionate world.

    • Treating animals humanely in agricultureThe ethical treatment of animals is essential in agriculture, from their upbringing to their eventual harvest. Technology may change farming methods, but consumer preferences for natural, free-range, or humanely raised animals will likely remain.

      Treating animals humanely, even before they become food, is an essential philosophy for those involved in the agricultural industry. This approach ensures ethical practices and respect for the animals' lives. The connection between farmers and the food they produce is strengthened when they are directly involved in the process, from growing the food to raising and humanely killing the animals. As technology advances, the development of lab-grown meat may become a reality, potentially reducing the need for traditional farming methods. However, the ethical considerations and consumer preferences for natural, free-range, or humanely raised animals are unlikely to disappear entirely. It's important to remember that the experience of being alive and feeling pain is a significant part of the ethical debate surrounding animal agriculture. As our understanding of animal behavior and their lives continues to evolve, so too will our ethical considerations and the agricultural practices that uphold them.

    • Reconnecting with the source of our foodRaising animals humanely and growing own vegetables leads to healthier, more ethical food cycle. Benefits include fresh, locally produced food and potential for self-sustainability.

      Having a connection to the source of our food and ensuring the welfare of the animals involved can lead to a more natural, healthy, and ethical food cycle. The speaker shares his experience of raising chickens and growing vegetables, emphasizing the importance of treating the animals humanely and providing them with a good living condition. He also highlights the benefits of consuming fresh, locally produced food and the potential for self-sustainability. However, challenges such as the need for backup power during grid outages remain. Despite these challenges, the speaker expresses his desire to continue pursuing this lifestyle and even expand it to include a community farm. It's a way of reconnecting with nature, reducing reliance on industrial food production, and promoting a more compassionate and sustainable food system.

    • Creating self-sufficient communitiesBuilding strong neighborhoods is essential for sustainability and self-sufficiency in uncertain times, involving growing own food and forming bonds with neighbors.

      The concept of community and neighborhood has shifted drastically from the past, where families lived in close proximity to each other, to a more modern reality where we move to areas based on personal preference and end up living amongst strangers. The speaker expressed a desire to create a self-sufficient community where neighbors live together, grow their own food, and form strong bonds. This idea was sparked by the realization that food sources are no longer guaranteed, and the importance of community and sustainability in uncertain times. The speaker also shared their experience of spending time with homeless youth in Skid Row, Los Angeles, which opened their eyes to the stark realities and complexities of homelessness. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of building strong communities and the need to address social issues such as homelessness and food insecurity.

    • Spending a night with homeless individuals on Skid RowFilmmakers gained insight into homeless community's struggles, contrasted it with authentic survival show 'Survivor Man'.

      The Skid Row area of Los Angeles is home to a large population of homeless individuals dealing with mental health issues, addiction, and poverty. The age demographic divides the homeless community, with those over 35 typically residing on Skid Row and those under 35 in Hollywood. During their investigation, the filmmakers chose to spend a night with two homeless individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. In contrast to survival shows like "Survivor Man," which are criticized for being staged, the filmmakers found that Les Stroud, the host of "Survivor Man," goes to great lengths to keep his show real, even enduring harsh conditions without the use of hotels or producers' assistance. This dedication to authenticity sets "Survivor Man" apart from other survival shows that have been accused of faking scenes.

    • Debating the Health Benefits of Drinking Urine and Animal SemenThere's no scientific evidence to back up the claim that drinking urine or animal semen provides health benefits, and such practices can have serious consequences.

      People have debated the potential health benefits of drinking urine, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Some have even gone to extremes, like drinking animal semen on TV shows, which raises ethical concerns. These stunts, while approved by certain executives, can have serious consequences and are not recommended. The belief that consuming such substances can provide energy or other health benefits is likely due to the placebo effect. It's essential to be cautious and consider the potential risks before engaging in such practices.

    • Trying New and Unusual Foods: An Experiment with Eating BugsDetermining a reasonable amount and involving multiple participants is important when trying new and unusual foods. Some may find the experience uncomfortable, but others may enjoy it despite appearance.

      Participating in extreme challenges or consuming unusual foods, like eating bugs or exotic meats, can be physically and emotionally challenging. During an experiment involving PA's eating bugs, it was discovered that a reasonable amount should be determined, and multiple participants were needed for comparison. The experience left some participants feeling uncomfortable, and they were compensated for their efforts. Some foods, like armadillo tattoo or tripe, were described as unpleasant, but others, like Menudo, were enjoyed despite their appearance. Survival situations may require consumption of unfamiliar foods, and cultural differences in language and food preferences should be considered. Overall, the experience of trying new and unusual things can be both memorable and challenging.

    • An Amazon Adventure: Dangers and ExcitementAdventures can bring thrilling experiences and unexpected dangers, like encountering dangerous animals or contracting parasites.

      Adventure and exploration can lead to exhilarating experiences, but also unexpected dangers. The speaker recounted their experience camping in the Amazon, where they encountered various dangerous animals, including a possible jaguar. Despite the thrill of filming a documentary, the cold nights and lack of protection left them vulnerable. The fear of a jaguar attack turned out to be a false alarm, but the speaker's fear of big cats remained. Later, they contracted a flesh-eating parasite called lysmaniuses, which required special treatment. The Amazon adventure brought both excitement and danger, reminding us that the unknown can come with risks.

    • New Nat Geo show 'Inside Secret America' promises insights into OxyContin ExpressTune in to Nat Geo this Wednesday at 10 p.m. for 'Inside Secret America' to learn about OxyContin Express. Set your DVRs and use discount codes from Onnit, Squarespace, and Audible for savings.

      This Wednesday at 10 p.m. on National Geographic (Nat Geo), there will be a new show called "Inside Secret America" that is sure to be intriguing based on the conversation we had today about OxyContin Express. The show promises to open eyes and provide insights into the subject. Nat Geo is airing it on Wednesday at 10 p.m., and viewers are encouraged to set their DVRs. During our conversation, we also had the opportunity to thank our sponsors. Onnit.com offers a 10% discount with the code "Rogan" on all supplements. Squarespace.com offers savings with the code "Joe7" for website creation services. And audible.com provides a free audiobook and 30 days of free service with the code "Joe." We'll be back tomorrow with Joey Coco Diaz and Red Ban, and you can check out Brian's new t-shirt presale on desquadd.tv. Overall, the conversation was enlightening and we encourage everyone to tune in to "Inside Secret America" on Nat Geo this Wednesday at 10 p.m.

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    Guru Singh On Compassion, Discernment & The Primacy of Self-Mastery

    Guru Singh On Compassion, Discernment & The Primacy of Self-Mastery
    This episode marks the first installment of Guru Corner — a spiritual version of my popular Coach's Corner series featuring my favorite teacher on all things mystic, metaphysical and ethereal, Guru Singh. For those new to the show, imagine a modern-day Gandalf who rocks like Hendrix while dropping pearls of wisdom that beautifully fuse Eastern mysticism with Western pragmatism. A celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and musician, for the past 40 years Guru Singh has been studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga. He is the author of several books, a powerful lecturer, and behind-the-scenes guide to many a luminary, including Fortune 500 CEOs, athletes, and artists. A peer of rock legends like Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead, Guru Singh is also a supremely talented musician who began his recording career on Warner Bros’ Reprise label in the 1960s. When he isn’t recording tracks with people like Seal, he’s bringing down the house on the daily at Yoga West, his Los Angeles home base. Today's conversation is intimate exploration into cultivating compassion, developing discernment, embracing our divinity, and ultimately expanding our capacity to do what we are here to do – to love ourselves and love others to the best of our abilities. We discuss the root of psychic and emotional pain and the nature of violence. We imagine new educational modalities for future generations. We dive deep into the power of group consciousness to drive cultural change. And we consider the importance of maturing the social infantilism of our emotional infrastructure as a social imperative. Over the last couple years, I have grown quite close with Guru Singh, a beautiful and highly relatable consciousness I’m proud to call friend, family and mentor. It’s a privilege to share more of his powerful wisdom with you today. My hope is that this conversation will empower you to more deeply invest in the development of your conscious awareness, personal boundaries, and spiritual growth. Because, to quote Guru Singh, life is not about controlling the outside world, it's about mastering perceptions from the inside. Note: If you missed our initial two conversations, you can find them here and here. Another Note: We recorded this episode back in mid-February, so the topical events we discuss are not quite as current as they were on the date of the conversation. Nonetheless, the wisdom remains timeless. Final Final Note: The visually inclined can watch our conversation on YouTube at: http://bit.ly/gurucorner1 (just make sure to subscribe!) Let the master class begin. Peace + Plants, Rich

    Ep 801 | Don’t Fall for Weaponized Empathy

    Ep 801 | Don’t Fall for Weaponized Empathy
    Today we're talking about the atrocious shooting at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, that took place Saturday. We go through the horrifying event, which took the lives of eight people, and explain why the conversation surrounding gun violence needs to be addressed in good faith by both parties, yet the Left doesn't seem to want to do that. We also look at the media response to the shooting, which – surprising no one – was filled with reporters very quickly building a narrative. Many liberal outlets almost immediately claimed from an anonymous source that the shooter had white supremacist roots despite not even being white. While the event is still being investigated, those reports seem to be largely unfounded at the moment. We also discuss big upcoming changes in our immigration system that will see a massive wave of migrants at the border. Then, we take a look at a CNN article that attempts to gain sympathy for a woman who was forced to carry her baby to term due to Florida's abortion restrictions. The woman argues it was even more horrifying to give birth and hold her son for 92 hours than it would have been to abort him, but the question remains – horrifying for whom? While we feel heartbreak for this family's tragedy, we reject the faux empathy that CNN seems to be promoting. --- Timecodes: (00:49) Intro (04:00) Shooting in Allen (13:05) Media response (30:05) Immigration changes (41:57) CNN abortion article --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — get $30 OFF your box today at GoodRanchers.com – make sure to use code 'ALLIE' when you subscribe. You'll also lock in your price for two full years with a subscription to Good Ranchers! My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get $200 of survival gear when you buy a Three-Month Emergency Food Kit when you go to MyPatriotSupply.com. Bambee — You run your business. Let Bambee run your HR. Go to bambee.com and type in "RELATABLE" at checkout. ExpressVPN — have more anonymity online. Go to ExpressVPN.com/ALLIE and get three extra months FREE. --- Links: ABC: "8 killed after car plows into 18 pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas; alleged driver charged" https://abcnews.go.com/US/7-dead-after-car-runs-pedestrians-brownsville-texas/story?id=99152817 CNN: "Because of Florida abortion laws, she carried her baby to term knowing he would die" https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/02/health/florida-abortion-term-pregnancy/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twCNN&utm_term=link&utm_content=2023-05-03T00%3A45%3A00 --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 470 | BlackRock, Bill Gates & the Great Reset | Guest: Justin Haskins https://apple.co/3NOGrtW Ep 678 | Great Reset Update: Farm Shutdowns & Power Rationing | Guest: Justin Haskins https://apple.co/3M7LHHO Ep 578 | Putin vs. the Great Reset? | Guest: Justin Haskins https://apple.co/44HEmGg --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'MOM10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Fentanyl Is Bad. ‘Tranq’ Might Be Worse.

    Fentanyl Is Bad. ‘Tranq’ Might Be Worse.
    The animal tranquilizer xylazine, also known as “tranq,” is finding its way into opioid supplies and wreaking havoc all over the country. It’s rotting people’s flesh, leading to amputations and complicating drug treatment. WSJ’s Julie Wernau takes us to Robeson County, N.C., the new “ground zero” for xylazine addiction. Further Reading: - Flesh-Rotting ‘Tranq’ Undermines Fight Against Fentanyl  - Recovering From Drug Addiction Was Hard. Tranq Made It Worse.  - Nurses Make House Calls to Treat ‘Tranq’ Wounds for Users at Society’s Edge  Further Listening: - Why Some Opioid Victims Are Challenging Purdue’s Settlement  - How a Drug Maker Plans to Cut Off Money for Opioid Victims   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices