
    376: Ouija Board Contact, Ceiling Entity, Ghost on the Patio & Spirit Visitations

    enApril 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Childhood experiences and their lasting impactChildhood experiences, no matter how strange or unexplainable, can leave a lasting impact on individuals. Selena's bedroom scares, despite being dismissed as dreams, felt real to her and left her with a fear of the unknown and feeling powerless.

      Childhood experiences, no matter how strange or unexplainable, can leave a lasting impact on individuals. Selena's experiences of bedroom scares, which she had when she was five years old, still resonate with her ten years later. Her stories include encounters with mysterious figures and creatures that disappeared when she tried to confront them. Despite being dismissed as dreams by others, Selena believes that these experiences felt real in the moment. Her inability to communicate effectively during these encounters added to her fear, making it difficult for her to convince others of what she had seen. The fear of the unknown and the feeling of being powerless in the face of the supernatural are common themes in Selena's experiences. While these experiences have not recurred, they have left a deep impression on Selena and serve as a reminder of the power of the unknown.

    • A child's intuition and paranormal experiences bring comfort after a lossListening to our intuition and unexplained experiences can provide comfort and closure during difficult times.

      The speaker's experience of losing her father and encountering paranormal activity in her childhood home left a profound impact on her belief in the afterlife. After her father's sudden and unexpected death in 2020, the speaker felt an urgent call to be with him before it was too late. When she arrived at her parents' home in the mountains, she and her husband experienced strange occurrences, including hearing footsteps in the kitchen and seeing a boy apparition in their bedroom. Despite their initial shock and confusion, they eventually came to terms with these experiences and spent valuable time with the dying father. The speaker's story underscores the importance of listening to our intuition and the unexplained experiences that can bring comfort and closure during difficult times.

    • Experiences of the AfterlifeFamily bonds can extend beyond physical life, providing comfort and closure through unexplained experiences and shared memories.

      The bond between family members can extend beyond physical life, with loved ones seemingly communicating from the afterlife. The story shared involves a man who held on until his daughter arrived, and later, family members reported seeing a boy who may have been a guardian or companion to the deceased. These experiences provided comfort to the grieving family, as they felt their loved one was not alone in his final moments. Additionally, the family continued to experience strange occurrences, such as seeing a boy in their house and finding the deceased father's image in a photograph. These experiences added to their belief that their loved one was still present with them. The story also highlights the importance of family support during times of grief and the power of shared memories and experiences in providing comfort and closure.

    • Encounters with Unidentified EntitiesRespectful curiosity towards unexplained phenomena can lead to intriguing personal experiences and open-mindedness towards the coexistence of the living and the unseen.

      Both Macie and Erica shared personal experiences of encountering unidentified entities in their environments. Macie heard an unfamiliar voice in her home and later discovered it was her son. Erica captured a photograph of a child on a ghost tour that wasn't present during the tour. Both women believe these incidents are evidence of the existence of entities beyond our everyday awareness. Macie expresses her respect for this being and her ongoing curiosity about the situation. Erica shares her amazement at the captured image and the confirmation of her belief in the coexistence of the living and the unseen. These stories serve as reminders of the unexplained phenomena that surround us and the importance of open-mindedness and respect for the unknown.

    • Unexplained experiences can be more than they seemConsider unusual experiences seriously, they might hold more meaning than initially thought. Listen and support each other in the exploration of the unknown.

      Sometimes, experiences that may initially be dismissed as mere imagination or pranks can turn out to be something more unexplainable. In the shared story, C and her friend Jay saw what they believed to be a ghost standing by their front door, but their friends didn't take them seriously. However, not long after, C pulled Zinnia aside to show her that someone was indeed sitting on their patio swing, but all they could see was the back of a small head. Although it's unclear if this was a paranormal occurrence or just a prank, the experience left a lasting impression on those involved. The story serves as a reminder that we should take the time to listen and consider unusual experiences, even if they seem far-fetched at first. Additionally, the podcast's community aspect was highlighted, with listeners sharing their own experiences and supporting each other. The podcast provides a platform for people to connect and share their stories, making it an invaluable resource for those interested in the paranormal. Overall, the podcast offers a space for open-minded exploration and encourages listeners to question the unknown.

    • Personal experiences with the paranormal leave lasting impactsPeople's encounters with the unexplained can create profound memories and shape their lives

      People's experiences with the paranormal can be deeply personal and have lasting impacts on their lives. Zinnia's story of witnessing an unidentified figure on Cee's patio swing and Morgan's tale of encountering his grandparents in the hospital recovery room, despite being told that no family was allowed, illustrate this concept. These experiences, though different in nature, left indelible marks on the individuals involved. The stories serve as reminders that the unexplained can sometimes be right in front of us, and the memories of such encounters can stay with us for a lifetime.

    • Personal experiences can challenge deeply held beliefsExperiences with the paranormal left the speaker questioning her disbelief, leading to a new understanding and acceptance.

      Personal experiences can challenge deeply held beliefs. The speaker grew up as a devout Christian and didn't believe in the paranormal. However, her friends, who were into the paranormal, introduced her to new experiences that challenged her disbelief. During a session with a Ouija board, they contacted an entity named Magda, who claimed to have passed through the Holocaust. The speaker remained skeptical, but when they asked for a sign, a Sprite can on a dresser began to vibrate and rolled towards them. The experience left the speaker feeling unexplained and shaken, leading her to question her disbelief in the paranormal. Later, they contacted an entity named Robert, who was the name of the speaker's deceased cousin. The fan turned on by itself and a warm gust of air washed over the speaker, providing a comforting sign. The experience left the speaker crying and deeply impacted her, leading her to never doubt the paranormal again. This story highlights how personal experiences can challenge and change our beliefs, even if they go against what we have previously held to be true.

    • Unexpected paranormal experiences in modern environmentsParanormal occurrences can happen in seemingly normal and modern homes, often unexpectedly, and may be emotionally charged when connected to a loss or significant event.

      Even in seemingly normal and modern environments, paranormal experiences can occur. The speaker, who grew up with a fascination for the paranormal, had her most significant experience in a friend's 1960s house. Despite the house being warm and welcoming, the speaker was woken up in the night by the sound of the living room door opening and closing on its own, along with shuffling noises. She didn't feel afraid but rather confused. The next morning, she shared her experience with her friends, who also reported strange occurrences. The friend's mom then revealed that it was her father's birthday and that they had lost him the previous year, adding an emotional layer to the unexplained events. This experience shows that paranormal phenomena can happen unexpectedly and in the most ordinary places.

    • The power of unexplained phenomena to bring comfort and connectionBelief in the unexplained can provide comfort and connection, as seen in a story about a woman who felt reassured by her late husband's supposed visit and in the shared experience of listening to a paranormal podcast.

      Even the most unsettling experiences can bring comfort and connection to those involved. Kaye shared a story from her past about her friend's mother who believed her late husband had visited them on his birthday, only to find a room full of women instead. Although the encounter was initially alarming, Kaye felt that the mother found solace in the belief that her husband had made a surprise appearance. This memory came back to Kaye after listening to the podcast, reminding her of the power of the unknown and the importance of embracing it. The podcast itself was also highlighted as a special and meaningful experience for listeners, as Kaye expressed her gratitude and encouraged others to submit their own paranormal stories. Overall, the episode underscored the idea that even the most unexplained phenomena can bring people together and provide a sense of comfort and connection.

    Recent Episodes from Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

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    Summer Camp Creature - Midweek Mysteries

    Summer Camp Creature - Midweek Mysteries
    In 2020, I began a series called Midweek Mysteries, where I would feature a couple of experiences every Wednesday. These episodes were usually shorter than my typical shows, which allowed me to offer you more than two shows a week, and also gave you the opportunity to hear some of my hand-picked experiences that I came across.

    Tonight, I’d like to resume that tradition, and add Midweek Mysteries back into my weekly schedule, and I have a couple of reports that are quite fitting.

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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    380: Metallic Sphere, Witch’s Torso, Alien Exam & Burning Man | Paranormal Mysteries

    379: Romantic Spirit, Levitation & The Closet | Paranormal Mysteries

    378: Bizarre Beasts - Chapter 3 | Paranormal Mysteries

    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom

    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom
    Over the last few weeks I’ve been moving my family from northern Michigan to eastern Tennessee, and it’s been quite a journey. And although I’ve been busy getting settled in our new home, I’ve been counting the days until I could once again step foot back into the world of the unexplained. And that day is finally here.

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    376: Ouija Board Contact, Ceiling Entity, Ghost on the Patio & Spirit Visitations

    375: The Ones We Don’t Speak Of - Chapter 1

    375: The Ones We Don’t Speak Of - Chapter 1
    Tonight, I’ll be taking a look at one of the most widely recognized, yet highly misunderstood supernatural entities throughout North America. An entity that pop culture has made famous over the decades, and unfortunately turned into a staple of paranormal media everywhere.

    What follows is a brief introduction to these mysterious creatures, and some possible examples of eyewitness encounters involving them. Creatures most commonly known as, Skinwalkers.

    Navajo Skinwalkers – Witches of the Southwest
    (Legends of America | Kathy Alexander) 

    2. Terrifying Stories Of Skinwalkers, The Legendary Shapeshifters
    (Ranker | Nida Sea) (Tap Tap At The Window | Reddit User Navajo_Joe)
    (Don’t Get Off The Bus | Reddit User Iron_Jesus) 


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    Big Update - We're Moving

    Big Update - We're Moving
    (For more updates, go to: https://www.patreon.com/paranormalmysteries)

    Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been focusing more of my time on family matters, and because of this, I have only been uploading a new episode every Monday. 

    As you may recall, a couple of years ago my wife and I bought property in northern Michigan, and over the past couple of years, we’ve been enjoying our new location. However, our initial plans to build a cabin in the middle of Dogman country didn’t come to fruition as we had hoped. Now this wasn’t because of any one particular reason, but mainly because life tends to push you in certain directions, and we were presented with other options. 

    Because of this, my family and I began looking at the different options that we had in order to reach our goals, and for many reasons that I won’t get into at this very moment, we decided to make what will hopefully be our last long distance move, and we’re headed to the state of Tennessee. 
    What this means for the immediate future, is that I won’t be able to upload quite as often, but I do have new episodes already scheduled for tomorrow, April 22nd, and Monday, April 29th. After that, my goal is to return at some point during the week of May 13th, but I’ll be posting weekly updates on my Patreon page as I get a better idea of exact dates.

    With that said, moving forward, Patreon is going to be my main location for posting those updates, and this is mainly because Patreon has recently implemented a free member option. This means that if you don’t want to join with a paid membership, now you don’t have to, but you’ll still have access to all of my updates so you can stay in the loop. And of course there’s a link in the show notes. 
    Overall, our move to the volunteer state will bring many more additions and exciting possibilities to the show, and I look forward to getting everything set back up so I can get back to working on the podcast.

    In the meantime, don’t hesitate to keep the paranormal experiences coming, and remember that no matter what kind of experience you’ve had, I’d love to hear about it.

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    374: Doppelgangers & Shadow People

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    {RW} Crawling Humanoid, Possession & Something Under the Bed (ep201)
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    RWD} Strange Creatures, Shadow People In The Woods & Ghosts (ep240)
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    Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)
    Mysterious Universe (mysteriousuniverse.org)

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    RWD} Ouija Board; Origins, History & Phenomena (ep9)

    RWD} Ouija Board; Origins, History & Phenomena (ep9)
    The main topic of today’s show is something that I think just about all of us can relate to. I can remember growing up with board games like Monopoly, The Game of Life and Clue. It seemed like everyone I knew had a specific closet or shelf set aside for just games. It was an important part of the day, when family and friends would get together around a table and enjoy each other’s company. Some of my fondest memories include me and my friends having sleep-overs and playing board games in the early morning hours.

    There was one game in particular however that my family never owned, but many of my friends did. This board game always seemed like it was a little further back in the closet than the other games and buried just a little bit deeper. Just the sight of it sitting in the back of the closet always filled me with a feeling of curiosity. I am of course referring to a game that we now know as The Ouija Board. Most of us are familiar with the name, whether you’ve actually played the game or not. What most people are not familiar with is the long and spiritual history behind The Ouija Board and other board games like it.

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    © 2023 Paranormal Mysteries Podcast - Nic Ryan Media

    272: Reappearing Ouija Board, Mandela Effect & Strange Echos Of Daily Life

    272: Reappearing Ouija Board, Mandela Effect & Strange Echos Of Daily Life
    In tonight’s episode of Paranormal Mysteries, I’ll be talking about a Ouija Board that reappears after being destroyed, the haunted Edinburgh Manor, the Mandela Effect, and bizarre echos that seem to mimic everyday life. These stories and more, coming up on this edition of Paranormal Mysteries.

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