
    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom

    enJune 03, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexplained can leave lasting impactUnexplained can leave lasting impact on us through seemingly insignificant encounters, like hearing a voice or seeing an odd couple in a Batmobile-like car.

      Our experiences with the unexplained can leave a lasting impact on us, no matter how small they may seem. Andrea shared two such experiences - the first was hearing a voice call her name while using the restroom at her grandparents' house in the 1980s, and the second was encountering an odd-looking couple in a Batmobile-like car on the 110 freeway in 2008. While the first experience left her feeling a little spooked but ultimately unexplained, the second encounter left her intrigued and unable to shake the feeling that there was something unusual about the encounter. These experiences serve as a reminder that the unexplained can be a part of our everyday lives, and that even seemingly insignificant encounters can leave a lasting impression on us.

    • Road Trip Encounter with Unusual MenAn encounter with two unusual men during a road trip fifteen years ago left a lasting impression on the speaker, despite her friend not noticing them. The subjective nature of paranormal experiences and the importance of trusting intuition are emphasized.

      The speaker encountered two unusual men in a car on a road trip fifteen years ago. Despite the cold weather and no front license plate, the men appeared unfazed and gave off an otherworldly vibe. The speaker was unable to shake the encounter and still wonders about their identities and intentions to this day. Another interesting takeaway is the contrast between the speaker's and her friend's perceptions of the event. While the speaker was captivated by the men, her friend didn't notice them at all. This highlights the subjective nature of paranormal experiences and the importance of trusting one's intuition. Overall, the encounter left a lasting impression on the speaker and serves as a reminder of the unexplained mysteries that exist in our world.

    • Unexplained experiencesUnexplained experiences such as hearing strange sounds, seeing apparitions, and feeling physical forces can leave a family feeling uneasy and ultimately decide to leave a property.

      The property where the narrator and their family used to stay had several unexplained experiences that left them feeling uneasy. The experiences included hearing strange sounds, seeing apparitions, and feeling physical forces. The most terrifying experience was when the narrator's sister saw a humanoid figure on top of an outbuilding. Despite the uncertainty of what caused these experiences, the family no longer lives on the property. Whether these occurrences were paranormal or not, they left a lasting impression on the family and made them glad they no longer resided there.

    • Paranormal encounters, supernatural worldEncounters with the paranormal can be inexplicable and dangerous, as suggested by Crystal's experience with an old woman who defied physics during Hungry Ghost Month

      Crystal's encounter at the beach five years ago was a paranormal experience involving an old woman who seemed out of place and inhuman. The woman was motionless, expressionless, and dressed in an unusual way, giving Crystal chills. When Crystal's dog reacted aggressively to something behind her, she turned around to find the woman standing extremely close, defying the laws of physics. The strange encounter was further compounded when Crystal discovered that all the beach entrances had been taped off, even though they hadn't been there before, and her ex-boyfriend explained that it was Hungry Ghost Month, a time when the dead are believed to return to Earth. Crystal's experience suggests that the paranormal world may exist alongside our own and that encounters with the supernatural can be both inexplicable and dangerous.

    • Lasting Impact of Unexplained EncountersUnexplained encounters with the unknown can leave a lasting impact on individuals, causing unease, disruptions, and influencing daily life for years to come.

      Unexplained encounters with the unknown can leave a lasting impact. The speaker recounted an experience where they encountered a woman on the beach who seemed to appear out of nowhere, leaving them feeling uneasy and avoiding the area since. Crystal, another individual involved in a paranormal experience, shared her encounter with an entity named Amber through an Ouija board. Amber followed Sabrina for years, causing various disruptions in her life, even after she stopped using the board. Both stories highlight how these encounters, although not inherently frightening, left a lasting impression and influenced their daily lives.

    • Paranormal encountersParanormal experiences can be terrifying and inexplicable, leaving some feeling fear and unease while others encounter no fear despite eerie appearances. These experiences are subjective and cannot be proven scientifically.

      Paranormal experiences can be both terrifying and inexplicable. In the first account, a woman describes encountering a ghostly figure in her home, feeling no fear despite its eerie appearance. In the second account, a college student recounts being followed by an unseen entity after a friend used a Ouija board. Both stories illustrate the unexplainable nature of the paranormal and the fear and unease it can evoke. It's important to note that these experiences are subjective and cannot be proven scientifically. While some people may seek out these experiences, others may choose to avoid them altogether. Ultimately, the paranormal remains a mystery, leaving us to ponder the unknown and the unexplained.

    • Dreams and realityDreams can be prophetic and sometimes reflect reality, despite disturbing or graphic imagery, emphasizing their mysterious and inexplicable nature. Sharing unusual experiences can foster open-mindedness and support in a community.

      Dreams can be unpredictable and sometimes prophetic, even if they involve disturbing or graphic imagery. The speaker shared an experience of having a vivid dream about a person getting hit by cars and killed on a highway. The next day, the news reported an identical incident. Although the meaning behind the dream remains unclear, it left a lasting impact on the speaker. This experience underscores the mysterious and often inexplicable nature of dreams and their potential connection to reality. The speaker's willingness to share her experience in a supportive community highlights the importance of open-mindedness and the value of sharing unusual experiences.

    Recent Episodes from Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

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    Summer Camp Creature - Midweek Mysteries

    Summer Camp Creature - Midweek Mysteries
    In 2020, I began a series called Midweek Mysteries, where I would feature a couple of experiences every Wednesday. These episodes were usually shorter than my typical shows, which allowed me to offer you more than two shows a week, and also gave you the opportunity to hear some of my hand-picked experiences that I came across.

    Tonight, I’d like to resume that tradition, and add Midweek Mysteries back into my weekly schedule, and I have a couple of reports that are quite fitting.

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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    380: Metallic Sphere, Witch’s Torso, Alien Exam & Burning Man | Paranormal Mysteries

    379: Romantic Spirit, Levitation & The Closet | Paranormal Mysteries

    378: Bizarre Beasts - Chapter 3 | Paranormal Mysteries

    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom

    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom
    Over the last few weeks I’ve been moving my family from northern Michigan to eastern Tennessee, and it’s been quite a journey. And although I’ve been busy getting settled in our new home, I’ve been counting the days until I could once again step foot back into the world of the unexplained. And that day is finally here.

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    Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com
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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    376: Ouija Board Contact, Ceiling Entity, Ghost on the Patio & Spirit Visitations

    375: The Ones We Don’t Speak Of - Chapter 1

    375: The Ones We Don’t Speak Of - Chapter 1
    Tonight, I’ll be taking a look at one of the most widely recognized, yet highly misunderstood supernatural entities throughout North America. An entity that pop culture has made famous over the decades, and unfortunately turned into a staple of paranormal media everywhere.

    What follows is a brief introduction to these mysterious creatures, and some possible examples of eyewitness encounters involving them. Creatures most commonly known as, Skinwalkers.

    Navajo Skinwalkers – Witches of the Southwest
    (Legends of America | Kathy Alexander) 

    2. Terrifying Stories Of Skinwalkers, The Legendary Shapeshifters
    (Ranker | Nida Sea) (Tap Tap At The Window | Reddit User Navajo_Joe)
    (Don’t Get Off The Bus | Reddit User Iron_Jesus) 


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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    Big Update - We're Moving

    Big Update - We're Moving
    (For more updates, go to: https://www.patreon.com/paranormalmysteries)

    Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been focusing more of my time on family matters, and because of this, I have only been uploading a new episode every Monday. 

    As you may recall, a couple of years ago my wife and I bought property in northern Michigan, and over the past couple of years, we’ve been enjoying our new location. However, our initial plans to build a cabin in the middle of Dogman country didn’t come to fruition as we had hoped. Now this wasn’t because of any one particular reason, but mainly because life tends to push you in certain directions, and we were presented with other options. 

    Because of this, my family and I began looking at the different options that we had in order to reach our goals, and for many reasons that I won’t get into at this very moment, we decided to make what will hopefully be our last long distance move, and we’re headed to the state of Tennessee. 
    What this means for the immediate future, is that I won’t be able to upload quite as often, but I do have new episodes already scheduled for tomorrow, April 22nd, and Monday, April 29th. After that, my goal is to return at some point during the week of May 13th, but I’ll be posting weekly updates on my Patreon page as I get a better idea of exact dates.

    With that said, moving forward, Patreon is going to be my main location for posting those updates, and this is mainly because Patreon has recently implemented a free member option. This means that if you don’t want to join with a paid membership, now you don’t have to, but you’ll still have access to all of my updates so you can stay in the loop. And of course there’s a link in the show notes. 
    Overall, our move to the volunteer state will bring many more additions and exciting possibilities to the show, and I look forward to getting everything set back up so I can get back to working on the podcast.

    In the meantime, don’t hesitate to keep the paranormal experiences coming, and remember that no matter what kind of experience you’ve had, I’d love to hear about it.

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    Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com
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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    374: Doppelgangers & Shadow People