
    377 Losing Your Dream and Overcoming Depression with Noah Galloway

    enSeptember 07, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming adversity and finding inner strengthRecognizing and moving past depression, redefining masculinity, and having the support of loved ones can help unlock inner greatness in the face of significant challenges.

      Overcoming adversity and finding inner strength comes from recognizing and moving past depression, redefining masculinity, and having the support of loved ones. Noah Galloway, a former US Army soldier, model, motivational speaker, and author, shared his inspiring story of resilience on the School of Greatness podcast. After losing his left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee during the Iraq war, Galloway went through a long period of depression. He discussed the challenges of supporting loved ones going through similar struggles and the importance of defining masculinity in new ways. Despite the fear of injury, Galloway would not go back to prevent his injuries, and he emphasized the role women can play in helping men move through depression. Galloway's powerful story of perseverance and transformation is a reminder that inner greatness can be unlocked even in the face of significant challenges.

    • Overcoming adversity through resilienceEven in the face of great adversity, it's possible to find new purpose and move forward through resilience and determination.

      Life can change in an instant, leaving you with unexpected challenges. The speaker shares his experience serving in Iraq, where he lost both his leg and arm in a roadside bomb explosion. He was just 24 years old at the time and had found a career he loved. The accident not only took away his limbs but also his career. He went through a long period of depression and self-destructive behavior before finding solace in his family and eventually rebuilding his life through fitness and personal achievements. This story serves as a reminder that even in the face of great adversity, it's possible to move forward and find new purpose. The speaker's resilience and determination ultimately led him to success and recognition, but it was the low points and struggles that shaped his journey.

    • Overcoming Hidden Struggles with DepressionDepression is common, but often hidden. Seek help, remember it's not a weakness, and find new sources of meaning and purpose.

      Depression is a real and often hidden struggle, especially for men. It can take away a person's sense of identity and leave them feeling lost and helpless. It took the speaker five long years to recover from his depression after a tragic accident, but he emphasizes that it's important to be open about emotions and not hide them. He advises anyone going through a similar experience to remember that it's not a weakness and to seek help when needed. Using the example of a veteran losing a cherished career, he introduces the concept of the "Al Bundy effect," suggesting that it's important to move on and find new sources of meaning and purpose in life.

    • Chapters in our lives, not definitionsPast achievements don't define us, seek new passions and goals, consider long-term consequences, and overcome challenges with determination

      No matter what achievements or experiences we have in our past, they are just chapters in our lives. It's important to be proud of them, but not to let them define us. When faced with a loss of identity, such as retirement or injury, it's essential to find new passions and goals. Breaking these down into small, attainable steps can help us move forward. Remember, it's okay to seek excitement and adrenaline, but it's also important to consider the long-term consequences and the impact on our loved ones. The fear of injury or death can be scarier than death itself, but with determination and a clear plan, we can overcome these challenges and start new chapters in our lives.

    • Understanding Masculinity as Authenticity and ConnectionTrue masculinity is about admitting failures, showing emotions, and being real with oneself and others, not just physical strength and fearlessness.

      Masculinity is not about being invincible or hiding vulnerabilities, but rather about authenticity and connection with others. The speaker shared his past experiences of feeling like a "god complex" and enjoying the sense of accomplishment from helping locals, but also struggling with feelings of helplessness and questioning his masculinity after losing an arm. He now believes that true masculinity comes from admitting failures and mistakes, showing emotions, and being real with oneself and others. The speaker's perspective evolved from a focus on physical strength and fearlessness to a more nuanced understanding of emotional vulnerability and connection.

    • Overcoming challenges and finding strength in care and protectionDespite physical injuries and personal setbacks, focusing on caring for others and finding joy in small acts of kindness can help us overcome feelings of helplessness and discover inner strength.

      Despite facing challenges and setbacks, including physical injuries and relationship difficulties, it's important to continue striving to make those around us feel cared for and protected. The speaker, who lost a leg and learned that his father had lost an arm, found solace in their shared experiences and used them as motivation to overcome feelings of helplessness. He learned to focus on the things he could still do, rather than dwelling on what he couldn't, and found joy in small acts of kindness and care. Ultimately, he discovered that his strength and ability to protect and care for others was not defined by his physical abilities, but by his mindset and actions.

    • Embracing challenges builds confidenceAn amputee veteran shares how overcoming adversity and embracing challenges led him to 'Dancing with the Stars,' boosting his confidence and opening new opportunities.

      Overcoming adversity and embracing challenges can help build confidence and pride. The interviewee shares his experience of being an amputee veteran and how people's reactions towards him changed as he got back into shape. He used this to fuel his determination and eventually landed a spot on "Dancing with the Stars," which brought him even more opportunities and recognition. The experience taught him the importance of perseverance and not letting limitations hold him back. Despite initial hesitations due to family commitments, he ultimately decided to take on the challenge and was supported by the show's producers. The process required intense dedication and rehearsals, but the experience was rewarding and allowed him to showcase his abilities to a wider audience.

    • Improved well-being and new opportunitiesDancing with the Stars led to personal growth, inspiring story, speaking engagements, sponsorships, and staying true to family values.

      Participating in Dancing with the Stars not only helped this individual improve their physical and emotional well-being but also opened up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. Despite finishing in third place, they were praised for their inspiring story and resilience. After the show, they were inundated with speaking engagements, sponsorships, and other projects. They prioritized their children above all else and turned down offers that conflicted with their family commitments. Their experience on the show taught them to keep pushing through challenges and to stay true to themselves while embracing new opportunities.

    • The power of genuine relationships during challenging timesForming meaningful connections can bring happiness and personal growth, especially during hardships. Being a good role model for loved ones and finding respectful partners are key to long-lasting relationships.

      Forming genuine relationships, even during challenging times, can bring significant positive impacts to one's personal growth and happiness. The speaker shares how his injury and depression led him to become closer to his kids and realize the importance of being a good role model for them. He also emphasizes the importance of finding people who respect and value him, leading to long-lasting partnerships. Despite past relationship failures, the speaker remains hopeful and continues to strive for a meaningful connection in his personal life. Through it all, he acknowledges the importance of facing and learning from life's difficulties.

    • Values personal relationships and being a good father above allEmphasizes importance of personal relationships, being a good father, and respecting masculinity while seeking mental health support

      Prioritizing personal relationships and being a good father are the most important goals for this individual, despite any success or opportunities that come their way. They value honesty and authenticity in sharing their story, and their biggest fear is something happening to their children. They've learned that going through struggles is a necessary part of growth, and that ultimately, people must want to help themselves before they can truly receive it. When it comes to helping a man who may be feeling depressed or overwhelmed, it's essential to guide them towards getting help while also respecting their masculinity. The individual also emphasizes the importance of mental health support systems, but acknowledges that ultimately, individuals must be willing to seek help and take the steps towards improving their mental wellbeing.

    • Finding connection during difficult timesDuring hardships, seek out those who understand and offer guidance, and hold onto a constant reason to keep going.

      During difficult times, it's essential to find someone who can relate to and understand your experiences. This connection can provide valuable guidance and support. Noah Galloway, an American soldier and author, emphasizes this in his book "Living with no excuses." He shares his personal struggles with depression and encourages readers to find their one constant reason to keep pushing forward. Galloway's book is available online and at Barnes & Noble. Connect with him on social media, including Twitter (@NOAA_Galloway) and Instagram (@NOAA_Galloway_athlete). Galloway is most grateful for his three amazing children.

    • Focusing on personal growth, honesty, and caring for othersDespite challenges, prioritize personal growth, be true to oneself, and value relationships. Learn from inspiring stories like Noah's, who overcame adversity and continued to give and serve.

      Despite facing challenges and adversities, focusing on personal growth, honesty, and caring for others are keys to living a fulfilling life. The speaker emphasized the importance of setting and achieving goals, being true to oneself, and prioritizing relationships. He also highlighted the inspiring story of Noah, who exemplified greatness by overcoming a tragic accident and continuing to give and serve others. The speaker encouraged listeners to share this message with those going through difficult times and to remember that greatness is not limited to traditional definitions of success.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Are you interested in working with me one on one? I work with individuals, couples, and athletes in one on one sessions from all over the world. Head over to www.nicobarraza.com to inquire and book an appointment. 

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    Raul Aparici is a coach, speaker, consultant and facilitator. He is the Faculty Lead at The School of Life where he delivers B2B and B2C workshops on different emotional skills. He is a faculty member on the Postgraduate Coaching and the MSc Coaching Programme at Birkbeck, University of London. With a diverse background which includes a career in the fitness industry, a BA in English Literature and an MA in Critical Theory, he likes to match academic insights with real life wisdom

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    Nico Barraza

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    1:42 - normal childhood until mental health issues started.

    6:48 - coping with depression and bulimia

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    15:11 - alcohol became a problem.

    17:59 - empathising with your kids.

    24:21 - fixing people.

    28:12 - emotions are data points not directives.

    30:28 - what caused Ashley to turn her life around.

    34:48 - how relationships changed after opening up.

    41:40 - change starts with figuring out intentions.

    44:43 - helping someone caught in addiction and mental health problems.

    48:02 - how to support someone without enabling them.

    57:50 - when someone feels like the world would be better off without them.

    1:06:15 - role of humour in mental health.

    1:10:32 - get in touch with Ashley.


    More detailed show notes with links to references can be found at: https://candourpodcast.com/ashley-kesner/