
    #39 - Joey Diaz, Eddie Bravo (Part 1)

    en-usSeptember 02, 2010

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of engaging contentEngaging content, whether through a podcast or in-person, can reach and captivate large audiences, leaving a lasting impression.

      Creating engaging content, no matter the medium, can reach and captivate a large audience. Eddie Bravo, a guest on the podcast, emphasized this during their Boston event when a large percentage of attendees acknowledged listening to the podcast. Bravo's teaching style, which was described as entertaining and effective, further illustrates this concept. Additionally, the power of radio as a medium, with its ability to reach vast audiences and provide straight-up, unfiltered communication, was highlighted. The last two weeks, the speaker discovered a new form of entertainment in watching Bravo teach, and this experience left a lasting impression. Overall, the key takeaway is that creating and consuming interesting content, whether it's through a podcast or in-person, can have a profound impact.

    • Discussing Joey Karate's Unique UFC PerspectiveJoey Karate offers a refreshing, entertaining perspective on UFC with his honesty, humor, and unique insights.

      Joey, a Cuban black belt and UFC reviewer known as Joey Karate, provides some of the most entertaining and insightful UFC previews and reviews. The speakers in this conversation were discussing an episode featuring Joey on 10th Planet Kush, which had just been released. They praised Joey's unique perspective and ability to make the content engaging, even for those not particularly interested in UFC. They also appreciated his honesty and humor, which sets him apart from other commentators. The speakers also noted that Joey's reviews are a refreshing alternative to more serious analysis found in articles or commentary shows. Overall, Joey's approach to UFC coverage offers a unique and entertaining perspective that is worth checking out.

    • Appreciating unique perspectives from diverse sourcesThe speaker values insights from various sources, including the underground fighting community, for their unique perspectives and ability to read opponents' weaknesses.

      Credibility comes from diverse sources and personal experiences, not just official media outlets. The speaker values insights from the underground fighting community as much as from mainstream sources like ESPN.com. He appreciates the unique perspective fighters have on the sport and their ability to read opponents' weaknesses. The speaker also admires the intensity and competitive drive of fighters and their commentators, preferring their raw and passionate commentary over analytical discussions. The speaker's admiration for Boss, a former MMA fighter and current commentator, is a testament to this preference. Boss's reputation as a premier striker and his unapologetic and intense commentary style make him a beloved figure in the MMA community.

    • Japanese martial arts events in the late 90s and early 2000s had predetermined outcomes in some fights.Despite some fixed fights, genuine competition also occurred in Japanese martial arts events during this era.

      The Pancreas fights, which were a part of Japanese martial arts events in the late 90s and early 2000s, may have involved some level of predetermined outcomes. Fighters like Bas Rutten shared stories of working for the Japanese promoters, who would control the fights in certain situations, particularly when Japanese fighters faced foreign opponents. However, not all fights were fixed, and some, like Frank Shamrock versus Alan Goes, were considered real. The line between scripted entertainment and real competition was blurred in these events. Additionally, Bas shared personal anecdotes of his experiences with Rutten both in and out of the ring, emphasizing the importance of memories and their emotional significance.

    • The Complexities of Being a FighterBeing a fighter involves more than just the physical aspect of competing. Identity, self-worth, intense training, and financial gains all play a role in the experience.

      The experience of being a professional fighter goes beyond just the physical aspect of competing. For many fighters, their identity and self-worth are deeply tied to their ability to fight and win. Retirement can be a difficult transition, as they may feel lost without the intense training and competition that has defined their lives. Frank Shamrock's retirement, while surprising, may not be permanent as the allure of the fight and the potential financial gains continue to be enticing. Ultimately, the complexities of being a fighter extend far beyond the glory of winning and losing.

    • Chuck Liddell's Reaction to Trash TalkBe mindful of your words around respect-valuing individuals to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

      Chuck Liddell, a former UFC champion, is known for his intense reactions when provoked, particularly when someone talks trash to him. A story was shared about an incident where a rapper at a party made a comment to Liddell, leading to a heated confrontation. Despite being the nicest guy in normal circumstances, Liddell couldn't resist responding when disrespected. The altercation resulted in the rapper being escorted out of the event by security. This demonstrates the importance of minding one's words around individuals who value respect and have a reputation for standing up for themselves.

    • A man's bravery in protecting a woman and the myths surrounding black beltsA man named Roger Huerta was praised for using martial arts to protect a woman from an assault. The conversation touched on the unlikely myth of black belts registering their hands as deadly weapons and the importance of standing up for others against bullying.

      The discussion revolves around a story of a man named Roger Huerta, who intervened in a situation where a larger man assaulted a woman. Huerta's actions were praised for his use of martial arts to protect the woman. However, the conversation also touched on the topic of exaggerated stories and myths, particularly within the context of black individuals and martial arts. It was mentioned that there were rumors of black belts registering their hands as deadly weapons, but this was deemed unlikely. The conversation also touched on the topic of bullying and the desire to protect others. The longest the speaker had gone without a phone and internet connection was a topic of discussion, with the speaker expressing frustration with AT&T's service at home but amazement when it worked while traveling. Overall, the conversation was a mix of storytelling, myth-busting, and everyday experiences.

    • Discovering the joys of disconnectingDisconnecting from technology can bring peace and quiet, but initial resistance may lead to boredom. Finding joy in simple things is important.

      Disconnecting from technology and modern conveniences can be challenging but also rewarding. The speaker shares his experience of staying at a resort in Mexico with no internet, television, or telephone, and how he initially found it terrible but eventually grew to appreciate the peace and quiet. He also recalls a road trip up the California coast where he and his girlfriend tried to reconnect, but found themselves bored and longing for entertainment. These experiences highlight the importance of finding enjoyment in simple things and the potential drawbacks of constant connectivity. Despite the speaker's initial resistance, he ultimately recognizes the value of taking a break from technology and being present in the moment.

    • Entertainment keeps relationships together but can also hinder deeper connectionsShared entertainment can strengthen relationships, but excessive reliance on it can lead to neglecting deeper connections and potential loss of important relationships.

      Entertainment, such as watching movies or TV shows, can play a significant role in keeping relationships together. The speaker in this conversation recounts how his relationship with his girlfriend was sustained by their shared enjoyment of TV. However, he also acknowledges that their reliance on this form of entertainment led them to neglect deeper connections and eventually led to their breakup. Nowadays, couples seem to be continuing this trend, with many watching movies or shows together while engaged in their own individual activities. While this can provide a sense of companionship, it's important to remember that true connection often requires more than just shared entertainment. The speaker also expresses his concern about the overreliance on technology and the potential loss of important connections as a result.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Technology and Human BeingsAs technology advances, we become increasingly reliant on it, but we must also be mindful of its potential dangers and remember the value of traditional methods.

      Our reliance on technology, specifically smartphones, has become so ingrained in our daily lives that the thought of being without it can make us feel vulnerable and disconnected. The discussion also touches on the idea that as technology advances, we may forget traditional methods of storing information, such as memorizing phone numbers. The speakers also reflect on the nostalgia for the past and the potential for technology to help human beings evolve. However, they also caution against becoming too reliant on it and the potential dangers that come with it. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex relationship between technology and human beings, and how it's changing the way we live and interact with the world.

    • Hunting Misidentifications and Ethical DilemmasExperienced hunters can mistake humans for animals, leading to tragic outcomes. New hunters may not fully understand the risks and responsibilities, also causing accidents. Ethical debates surround hunting and factory farming.

      The experience and mindset of hunters can lead to misidentifications and unfortunate accidents. Experienced hunters, who are constantly on the lookout for opportunities, can mistake humans for animals due to their heightened senses and instincts. This can result in tragic outcomes. On the other hand, those who are new to hunting may not fully understand the risks and responsibilities, leading to accidents as well. The discussion also touched upon the ethical implications of hunting and eating meat. Some people argue that hunting is a natural part of being human, while others believe that factory farming raises ethical concerns. Ultimately, it comes down to personal beliefs and values. The conversation ended with a reflection on the normalization of killing animals for food and the potential for changing the way we produce and consume meat.

    • Joey Diaz reflects on the ethics of eating pigs after seeing them slaughteredJoey Diaz shares his unease about consuming pigs after witnessing their intelligence and the ethical implications of eating them. He now prefers to eat fish and game instead.

      The speaker, Joey Diaz, shares his personal experiences and thoughts about consuming meat, particularly pigs, after witnessing their slaughter in a documentary. He expresses unease about the intelligence of pigs and the ethical implications of eating them. He also reflects on his previous dismissive attitude towards cows and prefers to eat fish and game instead. The conversation also touches on their experiences with local food, such as Mexican ice cream and a new jalapeno chicken sandwich. Overall, the conversation highlights Joey Diaz's evolving perspective on food consumption and the impact of personal experiences on shaping one's beliefs.

    • Childhood Memories and Community Connection through Ice Cream TrucksIce cream trucks evoke fond memories and foster community connections in underprivileged neighborhoods, despite licensing and safety challenges limiting their presence in wealthier areas.

      The ice cream truck is a beloved symbol of childhood memories and community connection, particularly in underprivileged neighborhoods. The truck's distinctive bell brings people out, creating a sense of joy and camaraderie. However, the business faces challenges, including licensing and safety concerns, which limit its presence in wealthier areas. The speaker shares fond memories of growing up in a poor neighborhood where children spent their days playing in the streets, and the ice cream truck was a regular part of their lives. Despite the difficulties, the ice cream truck remains an iconic and cherished part of many communities.

    • Growing up with limited parental guidanceUnconventional upbringings can lead to unique perspectives and skepticism towards authority

      Our upbringing and environment significantly shape who we become. The speakers in this conversation grew up with limited parental guidance, leading them to be resourceful and independent. They attribute their wild childhoods to shaping their unique perspectives on life. The absence of traditional influences, such as a Christian Republican father, may have led them to question societal norms and develop a skepticism towards authority. The speakers' experiences highlight how the lack of a conventional upbringing can result in a distinct worldview and sense of self.

    • Lessons from unpredictable life experiencesDespite hardships, find opportunities for growth, respect rules and authority, and maintain a positive outlook on life.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of challenges, as the speaker learned during his experiences with crime, prison, and even a simple traffic ticket. Despite the hardships, he found ways to cope and even turn negative situations into opportunities for growth, such as developing a stand-up comedy routine in prison. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and perspectives are unique, and it's essential to understand that people are more than their mistakes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the rules and respecting authority, even when it seems unfair or inconvenient. Ultimately, he encourages us to find the humor and positivity in life, no matter what challenges come our way.

    • Overcoming Challenges in PrisonPrison life presented numerous challenges, but the interviewee found ways to adapt and even thrive, learning valuable skills and gaining confidence.

      Despite the challenges and temptations of prison life, including limited meals, the opportunity to smuggle in drugs, and the pressure to pay rent, the interviewee managed to stay strong and even turn situations to his advantage. He found creative ways to obtain food and supplies, and even became a key player in a pool card scam. The experience taught him valuable skills and boosted his confidence. However, it's important to note that engaging in illegal activities and participating in the prison subculture comes with significant risks and consequences.

    • The Unfairness of the Criminal Justice SystemWealth and high-priced attorneys don't guarantee fair treatment in the criminal justice system.

      The criminal justice system can be unfair and unpredictable, as demonstrated by the story of Spencer Antoine, a man who served eight years for involuntary manslaughter despite having a wealthy background and a high-priced attorney. The conversation also touched on the cultural significance of gold teeth in the hip-hop community and the lengths some individuals may go to adopt certain aspects of other cultures. A surprising moment came when a library worker, who was a fan of the speaker's comedy, confronted him about not writing down his jokes and urged him to pursue his gift more seriously.

    • Prison ignited Brian's comedy careerPrison awakened Brian's inner strength and determination, giving him the confidence to pursue comedy professionally and providing him with unique material and a new perspective on life.

      Prison served as a catalyst for Brian's comedy career. Before his incarceration, Brian had a natural talent for storytelling but didn't consider pursuing stand-up comedy seriously. However, during his time in prison, he discovered an inner strength and determination that awakened his comedic abilities. The intense psychological evaluation he underwent during his stay made him realize that he could achieve anything he desired in life. This revelation gave him the confidence to pursue comedy professionally. Brian's experiences in prison, including the diverse range of people he encountered, provided him with unique material and a new perspective on life that set him apart from other comedians. Ultimately, prison transformed Brian from a aspiring comic into a successful one.

    • The power of resistance and disorder in shaping a comedian's journeyExperiencing resistance and disorder in life can help develop unique perspectives and opinions essential for successful stand-up comedy, regardless of age.

      The experiences of resistance and disorder in life can be crucial in shaping someone into a successful stand-up comedian. The speaker's own journey, as shared in the conversation, highlights this idea. He recounted how he was always the class clown, but no one suggested he should become a comedian. Instead, it was only after experiencing various forms of resistance and living a life full of Taekwondo training that he discovered his comedic talents. This experience of resistance and disorder forced him to develop his unique perspective and opinions, which are essential elements of stand-up comedy. The speaker also emphasized that age is not a limiting factor for becoming a comedian, but having a wide range of experiences and opinions can make a significant difference in one's comedic performance.

    • Dave Chappelle's Early Comedy Focused on Sex and FightingDave Chappelle discovered his comedic voice through stand-up and was inspired by Richard Pryor. Timeless comedy exists despite some dated material.

      Comedian Dave Chappelle's early comedy was primarily focused on sex and fighting due to his limited life experiences at the time. He didn't consider himself funny until he started performing stand-up comedy and competing in tournaments, where he used humor to relieve tension. A pivotal moment in his comedy career was discovering Richard Pryor's stand-up routine, which he found hilarious and inspiring. Despite some comedy not holding up over time, Chappelle believes there are timeless moments in comedy, such as early Lenny Bruce, which still resonate today.

    • Lenny Bruce: Pioneering Comedian who Pushed BoundariesLenny Bruce's groundbreaking comedy, which tackled taboo topics like race, religion, and sexuality, paved the way for future comedians and sparked important conversations.

      Lenny Bruce, a comedian from the 1950s, was groundbreaking and influential in his use of controversial and taboo topics in his comedy. He pushed boundaries with his raw and uncensored performances, using humor to challenge societal norms and spark conversations. Bruce's comedy, which included jokes about race, religion, and sexuality, was considered shocking at the time but is now seen as a precursor to the comedic styles of later artists like Bill Hicks. Bruce's impact on comedy can still be felt today, as comedians continue to use humor to tackle controversial topics and push the envelope. Bruce's legacy serves as a reminder that comedy has the power to challenge and provoke, and that sometimes the most uncomfortable jokes can lead to the most important conversations.

    • Sorting high-value packages at UPSDiscovering fraudulent claims and facing demanding work conditions led the speaker to feel pressured and anxious, but his determination and hard work eventually paid off.

      The speaker worked at UPS, initially believing it to be a promotion, but found himself in a challenging role sorting packages. He discovered that some individuals would damage boxes containing high-value items, such as Rolexes and diamonds, and claim damage to receive replacements. Despite the hard work and long hours, the speaker saw potential for a career with UPS. However, he found the job demanding, with tight deadlines and constant monitoring, leading him to feel pressured and anxious. Despite his struggles, he continued to work hard and eventually saw some success in his role.

    • Mistakes and communication in the workplaceMistakes happen in complex work environments, effective communication is crucial for resolving issues, and sometimes it's necessary to leave a job to pursue new opportunities

      Even in complex work environments, mistakes can happen and communication is key. The speaker shared his experience working in a warehouse where sorting mistakes led to confusion and frustration. He also mentioned the challenges of working with difficult coworkers and the eventual decision to quit. Despite the difficulties, the speaker's departure allowed him to pursue other opportunities and ultimately find success. The conversation also touched on various topics such as music and upcoming events, showcasing the importance of maintaining connections and looking forward to new experiences.

    • Facebook is the most effective social media platform for the speakerThe speaker finds Facebook to be the most effective social media platform for connecting with his audience and promoting his events. He advises against smoking weed in cars due to potential risks.

      While the speaker has been active on various social media platforms over the years, he's found Facebook to be the most effective for connecting with his audience and promoting his events. He mentions the difficulties of transferring content from Myspace to other platforms and expresses frustration with the decline of Myspace's popularity. The speaker also shares an anecdote about a friend getting pulled over for smoking weed and having cocaine found in her car. He advises against smoking weed in cars due to the potential risks. The conversation also touches on the importance of having a website for sharing techniques and promoting events, with the speaker mentioning that all content on his new website is now free until October 1st.

    • The speaker's disdain for Nancy Grace and Dr. PhilThe speaker shares his amusement towards potential scandals involving Nancy Grace and Dr. Phil, recalling a past fake Dr. Phil sketch and expressing disappointment about his own past experiences with limited creative freedom on a show.

      The speaker expresses strong disdain for Nancy Grace and Dr. Phil, and relishes the idea of potential scandals involving them. He also shares a past experience of a fake Dr. Phil sketch on a comedy show, which he found hilarious. The speaker believes that if Dr. Phil gets divorced, he could face public scrutiny and potential set-ups by women trying to gain attention. The speaker's perspective on these public figures is filled with contempt and amusement. Furthermore, the speaker shares that during his time on the Man Show, he wished for more creative freedom, but faced challenges with Fear Factor and the restrictive nature of the show. He expresses disappointment that the show didn't turn out as he had hoped, but remains optimistic about the potential for interesting material.

    • Creative control conflicts in TV productionDisagreements over creative freedom can lead to heated debates and even departures from shows, underscoring the importance of mutual understanding and compromise in balancing creative vision and network expectations.

      Creative freedom and control in television production can lead to significant conflicts between creators and executives. The speaker in this conversation recounted a experience where he and his team wanted to include a comedic intro with Joey Diaz appearing naked, but the executives disagreed, leading to heated debates and eventual compromise. This issue of creative control was a common theme in the entertainment industry, with figures like Dave Chappelle, Adam Corolla, and Jimmy Kimmel all having left shows due to similar disputes. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding each other's perspectives and finding a balance between creative vision and network expectations.

    • Power dynamics in entertainment industryExecutives and sponsors can have significant influence over content, potentially causing panic and financial losses when boundaries are pushed.

      The entertainment industry can be overly reactive and risk-averse when it comes to potentially controversial content. A simple prank or joke can spark panic and lead to significant changes, causing financial losses and creative restrictions. The incident described involved a planned sketch with explicit content, which led to a panic among executives and sponsors, resulting in the removal of approved material and even physical altercations. This incident highlights the power dynamics and the potential consequences of pushing boundaries in the entertainment industry.

    • Misunderstandings and lack of control in taking over someone else's showTaking on someone else's project without proper preparation and understanding can lead to disappointing results, and it's important to focus on creating your own content instead.

      The speaker's experience on a particular show was marked by misunderstandings, creative differences, and a lack of control over the project. He felt that he and his partner were ill-prepared and ill-equipped to take over someone else's show, and that they should have focused on creating their own content instead. The environment was not conducive to creativity, and the speaker ultimately decided to work from home to produce the required material. However, the experience was a valuable lesson for him, as he realized that taking on someone else's project without proper understanding and preparation could lead to disappointing results. The situation was further complicated by the fact that the original creators of the show did not want it to continue, and the speaker did not fully appreciate the implications of that at the time. The experience was also characterized by long hours, creative blocks, and a lack of support from the production team.

    • UFC Fight: Frankie Edgar's Impressive PerformanceFrankie Edgar's speed, endurance, wrestling skills, mental toughness, and Randy Couture-like mentality led to a victory against BJ Penn, leaving some questioning BJ's game plan and strategy. BJ may benefit from a change in training camps or fighting style to better counter Frankie's strengths.

      The UFC fight between BJ Penn and Frankie Edgar showcased Frankie's impressive speed, endurance, and wrestling skills, leaving many questioning BJ's game plan and strategy. While BJ tried his best, the lack of leg kicks and clear advice from his corner left him struggling against Frankie's relentless pace. Frankie's mental toughness and Randy Couture-like mentality also played a significant role in his victory. Moving forward, some believe BJ may benefit from a change in training camps or a switch in fighting style to better counter Frankie's speed and wrestling abilities. Ultimately, Frankie's impressive performance solidified his place as a formidable opponent in the lightweight division.

    • Ricky's exceptional fighting skillsRicky's strength, technical prowess, power, and mental resilience make him a formidable force in martial arts, overcoming challenges from opponents like Josh Berkman and BJ Penn.

      Ricky's story and fighting skills are exceptionally strong, even surpassing the challenges posed by formidable opponents like Josh Berkman and BJ Penn. Ricky's technical prowess, power, and mental resilience are notable, as evidenced by his ability to recover effectively from adversity. BJ Penn, despite his renowned Jiu Jitsu skills, had difficulty finishing opponents from his back position. This was a recurring issue in several of his fights, including against Frankie Edgar. However, BJ's guard recovery and control were impressive, showcasing his flexibility and ability to adapt. Ultimately, Ricky's story and fighting abilities are noteworthy for their strength and tenacity, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with in the world of martial arts.

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