
    391. Andy, Jarred "JT" Taylor, BJ Baldwin & DJ CTI: Uvalde Cop Rehired, No Voting No Vucking & Biden Invokes Possibility of 'Armageddon'

    enOctober 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing societal concerns and criticizing leadersThe speakers expressed frustration with political leaders and the current state of affairs, joking about preparing for nuclear apocalypse and criticizing the presidency for defiling history. They emphasized the importance of common sense and addressed the spoiled nature of the American audience.

      The speakers on this podcast, including Andy Priscilla, DJ, JT Taylor, and BJ Baldwin, discussed their concerns about the state of society and the world, expressing their frustration with political leaders and the current state of affairs. They joked about preparing for nuclear apocalypse with radioactive fish and criticized the presidency for its perceived defiling of history. They also touched on the importance of common sense and the spoiled nature of the American audience. Overall, the conversation reflected a sense of unease and disillusionment with modern society and its leaders.

    • The Unintended Consequences of Modern ConveniencesModern society's ease has led to a lack of purpose, potential negative effects on gene histories, and a need for emotional consideration in decision-making.

      Modern society has made life too comfortable for many people, leading to boredom, depression, and a disconnection from our natural human instincts. The speaker argues that throughout history, humans have had to fight to survive and have a clear purpose, but now, with easy access to food, security, and intercontinental travel, people are left feeling aimless. This ease has also led to a lack of consideration for the potential negative effects of relocating and disrupting our gene histories. The speaker believes that society should use data to inform emotional decisions and consider the implications of our modern conveniences on our mental and emotional wellbeing. In essence, we need to recognize that our current way of life is unique in human history and may have unintended consequences.

    • Tools for population control and opinion manipulationPoliticians and corporations have historically used alcohol and social media to maintain power and influence, but have reacted defensively as their reach and impact expanded, giving more voices and influence to individuals.

      Alcohol and social media are tools used for population control and opinion manipulation, with a history of being exploited for financial gain. Politicians and corporations have historically used these tools to maintain power and influence, but have reacted defensively as the reach and impact of these platforms have expanded, giving more voices and influence to individuals. In the case of alcohol, it was used to control populations through prohibition and the creation of large retail establishments to limit people's sphere of influence. With social media, it was initially underestimated, but as its power to influence opinions and narratives became clear, there was a reactionary attempt to regulate and control its impact. The speaker's personal experience with the rise of social media and its impact on politics and culture illustrates this trend.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Communication and RelationshipsSocial media's focus on engagement and filters in communication has led to a culture of division and conflict, where people prioritize being abrasive and argumentative over understanding each other's perspectives. Constant exposure to others' seemingly perfect lives can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of connection.

      The way we communicate through social media, particularly on platforms like Instagram, has significantly changed the nature of human interactions and made it more difficult to have meaningful discussions. According to the speaker, this shift started with the removal of filters in communication, such as with the rise of social media, and the focus on engagement and attention-grabbing content. This change has led to a culture of division and conflict, where people are more interested in being abrasive and argumentative than in understanding each other's perspectives. Additionally, the constant exposure to others' seemingly perfect lives on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a belief that the grass is always greener on the other side, further contributing to relationship failures and a lack of connection.

    • The Impact of Technology on Relationships and LifeTechnology can lead to loss of privacy, freedom, and presence, but creating tech-free spaces and prioritizing presence can help reconnect with ourselves and others.

      Technology has significantly changed the way we interact with each other and experience life. Before the internet, conflicts in relationships could lead to permanent separation, making us value face-to-face communication more. Now, constant connectivity through phones and social media can lead to a loss of privacy, freedom, and presence in the moment. The need for validation through likes and shares can also impact our mental health and human connection. To counteract this, creating technology-free spaces and experiences can help us reconnect with ourselves and others. The key is to find a balance and prioritize being present in our daily lives.

    • Accountability and bravery in law enforcementLack of accountability and bravery in individuals, especially in law enforcement, can put children and communities at risk. Better training and courage are needed to protect and serve.

      Accountability and bravery are essential in individuals, especially those in positions of authority, such as law enforcement officers. In the discussed incident, a cop named Elizondo resigned after being criticized for not intervening during a school shooting and was later rehired to protect the survivors. Her lack of action raised questions about the hiring process and the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, particularly when they involve the safety of children. The incident also highlights the need for better training and courage among law enforcement officers and the public at large. America's collective response to challenges, such as the pandemic, has shown a lack of resilience and unwillingness to stand up for what is right. We need individuals to step up and be the Americans known for their bravery and accountability.

    • Lack of accountability in law enforcementThe public should demand accountability and action in response to instances of injustice and harm, rather than accepting complacency and inaction from those in power.

      The American public should be concerned about the lack of accountability and action in response to instances of injustice and harm, particularly within law enforcement. The speaker expresses frustration with the complacency and unwillingness to resist or challenge those in power, using the example of the Uvalde school shooting and the inaction of law enforcement officers. He emphasizes the importance of standing up for what's right and demanding change, rather than turning the other cheek and waiting for problems to escalate. The bigger issue, according to the speaker, is the lack of public pressure and demand for accountability, which allows these issues to persist.

    • Speaker praises Missouri police, emphasizes accountabilityThe speaker commends Missouri police for their patriotism, respect for freedom, and dedication, but insists on accountability for those who fail to protect and serve.

      The speaker expresses a strong positive opinion towards the police in Missouri, praising their patriotism, respect for freedom, and dedication to their work. He believes that the majority of officers are hardworking and caring individuals, but acknowledges that there may be exceptions. The speaker also expresses anger and disbelief towards those who would stand down in the face of danger or allow harm to come to others. He emphasizes the importance of accountability and a standard of behavior for those in positions of authority. The conversation also touches on the speaker's strong emotions towards family and the fear and terror that children experience in dangerous situations. The speaker expresses frustration with the physical conditioning of some law enforcement officers and the lack of action they take in certain situations. The conversation ends with a mention of a controversial rap video released by a dating app partnered with Michelle Obama's "When We All Vote" initiative.

    • Using unconventional methods to encourage votingAuthentic and genuine discussions about real issues are more effective in encouraging voter participation than controversial or out-of-touch methods.

      Some organizations are using unconventional methods, such as partnering with rappers and releasing sexually suggestive songs, to encourage young people, particularly the Black community, to register to vote and lean Democratic in the midterm elections. However, this approach has been criticized for being out of touch with the actual concerns and perspectives of the community, potentially insulting rather than engaging voters. Instead, authentic and genuine discussions about real issues affecting the community could be more effective in encouraging voter participation. The success of controversial episodes addressing similar topics on certain podcasts highlights the importance of speaking truthfully and authentically to audiences.

    • Political Debates and ControversiesConfusion and debate exist over voting rights and perceived election manipulation, with concerns about hypocrisy and inconsistency among political figures.

      There is confusion and debate surrounding certain political issues, including voting rights for non-citizens and perceived attempts to dilute certain voter groups. Some individuals express frustration with what they perceive as attempts to manipulate elections and undermine the power of certain voter demographics. Additionally, there are criticisms of certain political figures and their perceived hypocrisy or inconsistency in their statements and actions. It's important to note that these are complex issues with various perspectives and nuances, and it's essential to approach them with an open mind and a commitment to accurate information.

    • The Importance of Values and Beliefs in a Changing SocietyIn a society influenced by popular culture and trends, it's crucial to stand firm in one's beliefs and values, even if it means going against the flow. The future implications of technology also raise concerns, emphasizing the need to consider potential consequences and not be easily manipulated.

      There is a ongoing debate about freedom of speech and expression, as seen in the case of a Colorado baker who refuses to bake cakes for certain events or identities based on his religious beliefs. The discussion also touched on the idea of people being easily influenced by popular culture and trends, even if it means going against their values or beliefs. Another topic was the potential future implications of technology, such as downloading consciousness into robots. The speaker expressed concern over the potential consequences of these advancements and the possibility of being manipulated by societal pressures. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs and values, even in the face of opposition or societal pressure.

    • Balancing religious freedom and anti-discrimination lawsThe ongoing debate about a baker refusing to make a gender transition cake highlights the need for dialogue and understanding between different communities to balance religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws.

      The ongoing legal dispute between a baker and a transgender woman over a gender transition cake order highlights the ongoing debate about the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws. Jack Phillips, a baker who previously refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple on religious grounds, is now challenging a ruling that fined him for refusing to make a gender transition cake. The case has sparked heated discussions about the limits of free speech, the role of the government in enforcing anti-discrimination laws, and the importance of respecting diverse perspectives in a free country. While some argue that individuals should have the right to refuse service based on their beliefs, others believe that businesses should be required to serve all customers equally. Ultimately, the case underscores the need for ongoing dialogue and understanding between different communities to find common ground and build a more inclusive and accepting society.

    • Individual rights vs. discriminationBusinesses can uphold personal beliefs without discrimination, but clear communication and respect for individual rights are crucial.

      Individuals have the right to run their businesses according to their beliefs, even if those beliefs may be controversial or unpopular with certain groups. However, there is a line where discrimination becomes an issue. In this case, a baker's refusal to make certain cakes based on personal beliefs should not be considered discrimination if it does not affect the overall availability of the product to the public. It's essential to understand the nuances of language and the importance of taking action when necessary to protect individual rights. The ongoing debate around these issues highlights the need for clear communication and a willingness to stand up for personal beliefs. The free market will ultimately decide the success or failure of businesses, but it's crucial to ensure that individual rights are respected throughout the process.

    • Beliefs and emotions surrounding individual rights and freedomsDisagreements over individual rights and freedoms, especially regarding religion and government intervention, can lead to escalating tensions and unpredictable consequences. Unity and effective communication are crucial for navigating these complex issues, while concerns about nuclear war and its impact on infrastructure and major cities persist.

      There are deeply held beliefs and emotions surrounding individual rights and freedoms, particularly in relation to religion and government intervention. The discussion also touched on the potential for escalating tensions and the unpredictable consequences of such actions. Additionally, there is a growing concern about the potential for nuclear war and its devastating impact on infrastructure and major cities. The cultural shift towards self-sufficiency is seen as a misguided response to these challenges, with the belief that unity and effective communication are key to navigating these complex issues.

    • Geopolitical instability and election outcomes could lead to serious consequences for the USRussia and China could exploit US vulnerabilities, leading to economic instability, civil unrest, and even war if the wrong people win the election

      The current geopolitical situation and potential election outcomes could have serious consequences for the United States, including economic instability, civil unrest, and even war. The speaker expresses concern that Russia and China could take advantage of vulnerabilities in the US, such as a weakened economy and energy infrastructure. If the wrong people win the election, the situation could escalate quickly, leading to power outages, mass unemployment, and potential violence. The speaker urges people to take this threat seriously and focus on finding solutions together. The potential consequences are dire, and complacency could lead to devastating outcomes.

    • The Importance of Financial LiteracyUnderstanding finances is essential for personal well-being and societal progress. Prioritize financial literacy education to avoid debt and oppression.

      Financial literacy is crucial in understanding the current economic situation and potential currency failure. Many people lack this fundamental understanding due to intentional withholding of education, leading to indebtedness and oppression. The speaker encourages everyone to stand up against these issues and prioritize financial literacy. The speaker also expresses frustration with the state of politics and societal issues, using strong language. On a lighter note, the speaker shares a historical headline about a lopsided college football game between Georgia Tech and Cumberland in 1916.

    • John Heisman's quest for revenge against Cumberland UniversityJohn Heisman's determination led to a historic rout against Cumberland University, showcasing the importance of staying true to values and pursuing goals with unwavering determination.

      John Heisman, the legendary coach of Georgia Tech, sought revenge against Cumberland University in a football game in 1915, following a loss suffered by the Georgia Tech baseball team. Heisman suspected Cumberland of using professional ringers, and despite attempts by Georgia Tech to back out of the game due to suspicious activities, Heisman personally contributed to cover Cumberland's travel expenses to ensure the game's completion. The result was a historic rout, with Georgia Tech scoring an impressive 32 touchdowns and Cumberland finishing with negative 28 total yards. The game is now a part of college football history, with the Heisman Trophy named after Heisman, and serves as an example of determination, grit, and the spirit of competition. Despite the lack of protective gear, the teams played without mercy, and the outcome was a testament to their dedication to the game. This story highlights the importance of staying true to one's values and pursuing goals with unwavering determination, even in the face of adversity.

    • Desert Racer Thrives in Faster Paced Races with Less Equipment MaintenanceSuccessful racer P.J. Baldwin excels in faster races with less maintenance, leads championship, and recently completed a viral film series with Black Rifle. Upcoming projects include store openings and Veterans Day film release.

      P.J. Baldwin, a successful desert racer, thrives in races with a faster pace and less equipment maintenance, such as Laughlin, where he can push his vehicle to its limits. He's currently leading the points in the championship and looking forward to wrapping it up this year. Additionally, Baldwin and his team recently completed a prestigious viral film series with Black Rifle, which received an incredible response despite the challenges they faced during production. Upcoming projects include the opening of Black Rifle stores and the release of "Final Send" on Veterans Day, a film produced in conjunction with Hoonigan Racing.

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    • 24:30 - “And that would be my advice is, you know, whatever you're going to do, just be the best. Be the best. There is no role in this world that is to be ashamed of, every role is part of our ecosystem today. And I th ink you should be proud of it.”
    • 24:53 - “Small business entrepreneurs typically don't know how to price, right? How do I price my service? And there's also a mindset of, well, I'm a small business, I'm not the big guy, or I'm not a big corporate, I don't trade on a stock exchange or anything, so maybe I can't charge as much. Well that's not necessarily true. A majority of jobs and a majority of the GDP that's generated in this world today is from small business. So collectively, you are the biggest in the world collectively.”
    • 33:49 - “Look at Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast is like one of the like totally crazy money, but he's being himself, right? And you know, and it just literally goes back to the advice that you gave. He wasn't trying to be anyone else. And a lot of these creators that that's what they're going out and doing. They're being themselves. They have a very unique angle on what they're saying, whether it's an influencer and I think some people, you know, hate that word or, or they think bad, bad about it. But you even see it from a business standpoint, LinkedIn, there's a ton of people now out there that are growing their brand.”
    • 43:02 - “I wanna share this with you real quick because yeah, I think it's important, at Growth Skills, we believe in using our skills for good and, and building things that allow our team, our employees and staff to do that. So we built spreadlove.org, which is just a tool that allows people to spread hope and inspiration via anonymous email. So let's say, I know I have your email, I heard that, you know, God forbid someone in your family has cancer, I could send you just a little kind note and all it asks, and it's anonymous because when someone receives this type of email, they don't know who it's from.”
    • 34:44 - Lavall: “So let's talk about AI. How is any of this, are you using this to weaving in AI or anything like that to help small businesses within Wave?”.. Zahir: “Yeah, so I think, you know, there's, AI is obviously a hot topic this year. a lot of buzz around it. And I think it will have, it's going to have some positive impact for There's small businesses. It will help them create efficiencies to work smarter and spend more time really doing what they do best. And instead of, you know, some of the, the menial tasks that they don't like doing. Yeah. You know, as a company, we're always listening to our customers and figuring out the best way in which we can add value to what we offer to them.”

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