
    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie

    en-usMay 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Encountering Netflix CEO and Seinfeld's Controversial PastTim Dillon emphasizes the importance of humor and perspective, sharing his experience of meeting Netflix CEO and discussing Seinfeld's controversial past. Despite protests, Seinfeld's speech was not offensive, and Tim urges us to maintain a balanced perspective on sensitive issues.

      The power of humor and perspective was a recurring theme in the recent events discussed on The Tim Dillon Show. At the Netflix Is A Joke festival, Tim had a chance encounter with the CEO of Netflix and shared a friendly interaction. However, the focus shifted to the upcoming Seinfeld film, which Tim expressed reluctance to discuss due to his respect for those involved. The conversation then touched on Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech at Duke, where a few students protested his appearance due to his Jewish background. Tim emphasized that Seinfeld was not making offensive remarks and that the media exaggerated the situation. The discussion then took a serious turn as Tim shared his experience of witnessing disturbing images from Gaza and comparing it to the perceived insensitivity of the Pop Tart scene in the Seinfeld film. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and perspective in the face of adversity and controversy.

    • The impact of constant exposure to disturbing events and mundane thingsFeeling conflicted and unable to look away from suffering, even while going about daily life and consuming mundane things, can be overwhelming. Human cost of consumption habits includes stories of tragedy and loss.

      The constant exposure to disturbing events and information, whether it's from a war or a Pop-Tart commercial, can be overwhelming and difficult to process. In the given discussion, the speaker expresses feeling conflicted and unable to look away from the suffering, even as they go about their daily lives and consume mundane things like deli meat and salads. They also share an anecdote about a young man who died after working long hours at a Wall Street firm, highlighting the human cost of our consumption habits. The speaker's wife, Nellie Ballz, wrote a book about surviving for 30 days on a piece of scrap metal in the Indian Ocean by eating her own pussy, which adds an unexpected and bizarre element to the conversation. Despite its strangeness, the speaker finds the book compelling and worth reading. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of consumption, conflict, and survival.

    • The Debate Over Extreme Work Culture in FinanceThe finance industry's demanding culture, marked by long hours and high stress, is a topic of ongoing debate. Some argue it's a rite of passage for success, while others call for change due to recent intern deaths. The speaker defends the culture but criticizes societal attitudes towards success and wealth.

      The culture of extreme work in finance, as exemplified by long hours and high stress, has been a part of the industry for a long time. The debate around whether it's acceptable or not is not new. However, the recent incidents of intern deaths have led to calls for change. The speaker argues that finance is a demanding field with significant rewards, and those who can't handle it should consider other careers. He believes that the all-nighter is a rite of passage and that those who make it through will reap great wealth. The speaker also criticizes the current societal attitude towards success and wealth, suggesting that it caters to weakness and failure. Ultimately, he argues that people have the freedom to choose their paths in life, and those who choose finance should be prepared for the risks involved.

    • The price of extreme dedication and sacrificeElite athletes and wealthy individuals often sacrifice personal relationships and health for success, but the responsibility to choose this path lies with the individual.

      Both elite athletes and those pursuing significant wealth, particularly on Wall Street, require extreme dedication and sacrifice, which can come at the cost of physical and emotional well-being. This is a common theme in various fields, such as finance and comedy, where individuals often devote years to their craft or career, sacrificing personal relationships and health in the pursuit of success. The speaker expresses empathy for those who fail or suffer as a result, but ultimately emphasizes the individual's responsibility to choose their path and the inherent risks involved. Finance, in particular, is likened to a religion, with its all-consuming nature and the belief in the power and value of wealth. However, not everyone can or wants to reach these heights, and it's essential to consider the personal and societal consequences of such relentless pursuit.

    • Netflix Documentary on Pop Tart's InventionDespite its $1 billion movie, the Pop Tart's invention was questioned for relevance during a time of conflict and skepticism was expressed about its significance.

      The creation and marketing of the Pop Tart, a toaster pastry invented in 1964, was the subject of a Netflix documentary narrated by Jerry Seinfeld. The speaker found the timing of the documentary's release unfortunate, as it aired during a time of conflict and suffering in Gaza, raising questions about the importance and relatability of the topic to children in such circumstances. The speaker also expressed skepticism about the significance of the Pop Tart's invention, questioning if it was worthy of a $1 billion movie and comparing it to other potential subjects like the invention of the yodel or Shake Shack. Ultimately, the speaker found the premise of the movie and its jokes insufficient, but did not intend to be negative towards the comedians involved.

    • The Entertainment Industry's Focus on Trivial ProjectsThe speaker argues that the entertainment industry's focus on trivial projects, like a film about Pop-Tarts, detracts from addressing serious issues like obesity and sugar addiction. A more impactful documentary could explore the health consequences of sugar consumption or promote eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bottles.

      The entertainment industry's focus on trivial projects, such as a film about the creation of Pop-Tarts, came at the expense of addressing serious issues like obesity and sugar addiction. The speaker believes that a documentary-style film about the health consequences of sugar consumption would have been more impactful. They suggest Jerry Seinfeld interviewing morbidly obese individuals whose lives have been ruined by sugar. The speaker also touches upon the environmental impact of plastic bottles and the promotion of a healthier alternative, "liquid death," which is marketed as a refreshing and eco-friendly beverage. Despite the potential for meaningful projects, the speaker notes that the entertainment industry was more inclined to say "yes" to trivial ideas.

    • Exploring unique solutions and supporting creatorsFrom mountain water beverages to intimate moment supplements, and even supporting creators in Gaza, this podcast highlights the importance of finding innovative solutions and offering support in challenging circumstances.

      It's important to find unique solutions to everyday problems and support those who are making a difference, even in challenging circumstances. During the podcast, the topic ranged from the coolest way to start the day with Liquid Death's mountain water sparkling beverages, to being prepared for intimate moments with BlueTune's chewable supplements. A surprising segment involved supporting creators in Gaza, despite the difficulties they face, including limited resources and connectivity. It's a reminder that everyone deserves support and understanding, especially in times of hardship. Additionally, the convenience and discreetness of online services like BlueTune make addressing personal needs more accessible and less stigmatized.

    • Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: Displaced Civilians and Denied Access to Basic NeedsThe ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza is causing a humanitarian crisis, displacing civilians, and denying access to clean water, medical care, and food. This situation risks creating more recruits for terrorism and perpetuating the cycle of violence, making it crucial to find a way to rebuild Gaza and provide restitution to its people.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza is leading to a massive humanitarian crisis. The Biden administration has expressed concern over the disregard for human life and the lack of a plan for post-Hamas Gaza. Civilians, many of whom are not affiliated with Hamas, are being displaced, starved, and denied access to clean water and medical care. This situation risks creating more recruits for terrorism and perpetuating the cycle of violence. As a pragmatist, finding a way to rebuild Gaza and provide restitution to its people is crucial to prevent further disaster. The images of the conflict are becoming a recruitment tool for terrorists, and it's essential to address the root causes of the conflict to bring about peace.

    • Controversial Eurovision Contest: Political Tensions and Extravagant PerformancesPolitical tensions and exclusions have led to controversy in the Eurovision music contest, with contestants expressing strong opinions and extravagant performances, including the discovery of a nonbinary identity and broken trophies.

      Eurovision, a European music contest, has been embroiled in controversy due to political tensions and exclusions. Last year, Russia was banned for invading Ukraine, and this year, Israel's participation sparked anger. Israeli singer Eden Galan, who won the contest, faced intense security due to the tensions. The contest, held in Sweden with a large Muslim population, featured extravagant costumes, with some contestants dressing up as mythical creatures. Nemo, the Swiss winner, sang a rock opera about discovering his nonbinary identity. Controversy arose when Nemo broke the trophy, and past contestant Juiced Klein was kicked out for rapping about Europe. The Irish contestant Bambi Thug, an outspoken critic of Israel, cried during the competition when Israel advanced to the finals. The Eurovision contest has been a source of controversy due to political tensions and exclusions, with contestants expressing strong opinions and extravagant performances.

    • Art and creativity can be provocative and controversialHold individuals accountable for their actions, especially in cases of injuries. Use apps like Ibotta for affordable spring shopping to combat inflation.

      Art and creativity can be provocative and controversial, as demonstrated by Eden Galan's entry to the Eurovision contest with her song "hurricane." While some may find the lyrics violent and suggestive, others view it as an expression of art. Meanwhile, it's important to hold individuals accountable for their actions, particularly in situations involving injuries, whether from car accidents, backyard pools, or other negligence. Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm, emphasizes this right and offers their services for free unless they win. Additionally, spring cleaning and shopping can be made more affordable with the use of apps like Ibotta, which provides real cash back on various purchases to help combat inflation.

    • Save money shopping with Ibotta, secure online activities with ExpressVPNIbotta is a cashback app that lets users earn real cash by adding offers, uploading receipts, and shopping from various brands and retailers. ExpressVPN encrypts internet traffic and masks IP addresses, securing online activities and protecting personal data.

      Ibotta and ExpressVPN offer solutions to help individuals save money and protect their online security respectively. Ibotta, a cashback app, allows users to earn real cash by adding offers in the app, uploading receipts, and shopping from over 270,000 brands and retailers. ExpressVPN, on the other hand, provides online security by encrypting users' internet traffic and masking their IP addresses, ensuring their banking information and personal data remain safe from hackers and other threats. With Ibotta, users can save money on their everyday shopping, while ExpressVPN offers peace of mind by securing their online activities. These tools can be particularly valuable during economically challenging times, helping families and individuals manage their finances and protect their digital security.

    • Media's glamorized portrayal of jobs can be misleadingMedia can create unrealistic expectations for jobs, but the reality can be much more complex and challenging, especially in fields like real estate and food industry.

      The glamorized portrayal of certain jobs in the media, such as real estate agents or those in the food industry, can lead to an influx of people entering those fields with unrealistic expectations. However, the reality of these jobs can be quite different and challenging. For instance, real estate agents are often seen as bottle service girls, opening doors for clients and describing properties, but the job can be more complex and demanding than it appears on TV. Similarly, the food industry, which has been romanticized in shows like Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen, can be a harsh and unsatisfying experience for many, with long hours, low pay, and demanding customers. Additionally, the shift towards a cashless society and the increasing complexity of customer requests have made these jobs even more challenging. Ultimately, it's important to be aware of the realities of a job before entering it, rather than being swayed by media portrayals alone.

    • Setting boundaries for a curated dining experienceRestaurant owners and managers can create a unique and memorable dining experience by setting clear expectations, enforcing rules, and making decisions without input from customers to retain control and maintain a high-quality dining experience.

      Maintaining authority and control in a restaurant setting is crucial for providing a high-quality dining experience. This means setting clear expectations and enforcing rules, even if it means potentially alienating some customers. The restaurant industry has shifted towards prioritizing customer satisfaction above all else, but this can lead to a loss of control and a subpar dining experience for those who value a more curated, elegant meal. By retaking control and setting boundaries, restaurant owners and managers can create a unique and memorable dining experience that keeps customers coming back. This may involve enforcing a dress code, limiting the use of technology, and making decisions about the menu and service without input from customers. Ultimately, the goal is to create an atmosphere where the restaurant, rather than the customers, is in the driver's seat.

    • Maintaining Control in RestaurantsRestaurants should prioritize their vision over customers' demands to preserve unique dining experiences, while respectfully addressing individual needs.

      Restaurants should maintain control over the dining experience and not compromise their vision for customers' demands. The speaker, who has a personal connection to the industry, shares a story about his father being disrespected by a restaurant for trying to sell wine. He emphasizes that restaurants are not like hotels, where the primary goal is to make customers comfortable. Instead, they are experiences that customers pay for, and if the establishment's vision is disrupted, it can lead to a subpar experience for everyone involved. The speaker also mentions an extreme example of a customer's specific dietary needs and past issues, highlighting the potential challenges of catering to every demand. Overall, the speaker argues that restaurants should not become "nursing homes" or "clinics" and instead focus on providing unique experiences for their customers.

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    American Royalty Tour
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

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    American Royalty Tour
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
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    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


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    Shady Rays
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    393 - Kevin Spacey's Soup & AI Saints

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    Tim talks about Logan Paul’s Prime lawsuit, the multimillionaire middle class, Kevin Spacey’s return to the spotlight, Taiwan, the latest saint and being a Boeing baby.

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


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    Shady Rays
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie

    392 - Eurovision & Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tart Movie
    Tim examines watching atrocities in a grocery store, finance guys being overworked, the Pop-Tart movie, Gaza influencers, Eurovision and the collapse of the restaurant industry. 

    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


    Liquid Death
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    Blue Chew
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    Morgan & Morgan
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

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    American Royalty Tour
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    #TimGivesBack #timdillon #timdillonpodcast

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    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://punchup.live/TimDillon


    Get 20% off your first order plus a free THC pre-roll at
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    Morgan & Morgan
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    Helix Sleep
    Go to HelixSleep.com/TimD for 20% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows with code: HELIXPARTNER20.

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


    388 - Mike Recine & Lizzo Be Quitting

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    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 https://www.timdilloncomedy.com/


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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


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    American Royalty Tour
    🎟 Punchup.live/TimDillon


    Mack Weldon:
    Go to Mack Weldon dot com and get 20% off your first order with promo code TIM.

    Blue Chew
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    Morgan & Morgan:
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.
