
    392. The Black Rifle Coffee Company Story Ft. Jarred "JT" Taylor

    enOctober 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • 8 words: Overcoming challenges and rekindling passionBuilding a successful business requires perseverance, acknowledging the price paid for success, and the importance of a supportive team. Creating a strong company culture can positively impact business growth.

      Building a successful business involves overcoming challenges and enduring hardships. Andy Priscilla, the podcast host, shared his experience of feeling drained and uninspired, but a conversation with JT Taylor from Black Rifle Coffee rekindled his passion. JT talked about the last few years of building his company, acknowledging the price paid for success and the importance of a supportive team. Both entrepreneurs emphasized the importance of perseverance and the impact of the social, political, and economic climate on their businesses. The admiration and respect they have for each other's achievements highlight the significance of creating a strong company culture and the positive impact it can have on business growth.

    • From Skate Videos to Military DocumentationPassion for video production started with skateboarding and early filming, leading to professional editing skills and innovative military documentation.

      The speaker's early experiences with skateboarding and filming led him to develop a passion for video production. Starting at a young age, he used a handheld Sony camera and a wide-angle lens to create skate videos, which eventually led him to learn editing using an Avid system in high school. This passion followed him into the military, where he used his skills to document his unique experiences as a Tactical Air Control Party member, pushing the boundaries of technology with helmet cams and carrying videos on thumb drives before the internet was widely used. His dedication and innovation earned him a significant re-enlistment bonus when he was up for renewing his military contract.

    • Determination and networking were key to building a successful video production businessThrough hard work, resilience, and valuable connections, anyone can turn their passion into a successful business, even amidst financial struggles and long hours.

      Determination and networking played a crucial role in the speaker's journey to building a successful video production business. Despite facing financial struggles and long hours, the speaker persisted and made valuable connections in the photography and music industries. He also emphasized the importance of remembering those who helped him along the way and the value of starting small and offering services for free to build a network. The availability of new technology, such as HD cameras and editing computers, also played a significant role in his ability to produce high-quality work. Through hard work, resilience, and networking, the speaker was able to turn his passion into a successful business.

    • A coffee brand with a community and entertainment platformBlack Rifle Coffee is more than just a coffee brand, it's a community and a source of inspiration and education through unique designs and collaborations in various industries.

      Black Rifle Coffee Company is not just a coffee brand, but a community and a platform for entertainment, education, and inspiration. The founders' shared values and sense of humor have led to successful collaborations and partnerships, such as their upcoming project in the motor sports world. Evan Hafer and Gary Stevens, the creative minds behind Black Rifle Coffee, have built a strong brand through their unique and visually striking designs. The company's commitment to creating meaningful connections and standing for uncommon values has led to a dedicated fanbase, with their branding appearing in various places, from hats to coffee bags. The three pillars of Black Rifle Coffee - inform, entertain, and inspire - are not just words, but a way of life for the company and its community.

    • Starting from scratch and building a successful businessDetermination and creativity can lead to opportunities and success, even when starting from scratch or working for free.

      Creativity and hard work can lead to success, even when starting from scratch. The speakers shared their experience of starting a business, Botstick Collective, in the tactical industry, where they produced photo, video, and ad content. They were quick and effective, which made them a popular choice for companies. They honed their skills by working for free and creating fake projects to showcase their capabilities. Their determination and creativity paid off, and they gained many notable clients, including Tactical Tailor, Grey Ghost Gear, and Index Fasteners. This story illustrates that building skills and putting in the effort, even if it means starting small or working for free, can lead to significant opportunities and success.

    • Creatively networking in a new cityPersistently using unconventional methods to make connections and establish a presence in a new city can lead to valuable relationships and opportunities.

      Building a network and establishing a presence in a new city can be challenging, but with creativity and persistence, it's possible to make connections and stand out. In the story shared, the speaker and his team started a news team, Channel 2, 7, 5 Action News, to network in El Paso. They bought a van, took professional headshots, and harassed the existing news team until they were invited in. They then collaborated with the radio station, K-Fox, and gained popularity through social media and arm wrestling challenges. The unconventional approach paid off, and they were able to establish a presence and meet key people in the city, including Erica Castillo, who went on to appear in the movie "Range 15." The experience taught the speaker the importance of being persistent, creative, and authentic in building a network.

    • A collaboration between Matt and the team in El Paso led to the creation of Article 15, a clothing brand that revolutionized the gun community.The power of social media and authentic content can significantly impact and change an industry. Humor and relatability led to the success of Article 15 in the gun community.

      The power of social media and authentic content can significantly impact and change an industry. In this case, the collaboration between Matt and the team in El Paso led to the creation of Article 15, a clothing brand that revolutionized the gun community with its humor and relatability. Matt's videos, which poked fun at the community and himself, were a departure from the serious tone that dominated the industry. With the help of their network, they launched the brand and quickly gained a massive following, accounting for 33 million likes. The team's backgrounds in the military and humor created a unique selling point, and their first shirts were all jokes, reflecting their lighthearted approach. The success of Article 15 marked a turning point in the gun community, where humor and authenticity became valued and respected.

    • From extra income to a million-dollar businessDetermination, creativity, and a little luck can help small beginnings grow into successful businesses.

      Starting a business, no matter the size or industry, requires strategic planning and a clear goal. In the case of this group, their initial goal was to make an extra $2,000 a month for helicopter rentals and cool gadgets. But as their sales grew, their goals and aspirations also expanded. They built their company from the ground up, even before the internet era, and reached a million dollars in sales within eight months. Their success came from creating viral videos and selling merchandise related to those videos. Even during deployments, they continued to produce content and grow their business. An unexpected opportunity arose when they met Evan Hafer, who shared their same entrepreneurial spirit and had an idea for a crowdfunding platform for tactical equipment. Their experiences demonstrate that with determination, creativity, and a little luck, small beginnings can lead to great success.

    • Two friends turn unconventional idea into successful businessBelieving in an idea, taking risks, and embracing passion can lead to a successful business. Initial skepticism and overthinking can be put aside when potential and excitement are seen in the audience.

      The excitement and passion behind starting a business, even with seemingly unconventional ideas, can lead to great success. The story shares an experience of two friends, who after encountering a unique t-shirt design idea, decided to pursue it and eventually expanded their business to include a coffee brand. The initial skepticism and overthinking were put aside when they saw the potential in the idea and the excitement it brought to their audience. The success of their first product, a t-shirt with a unique design, encouraged them to explore other opportunities and led to the creation of Dark Roasted Freedom coffee. The feedback from their customers, who were initially drawn to the design but ended up loving the product's quality, further fueled their motivation. The story highlights the importance of believing in an idea, taking risks, and embracing the excitement and passion that comes with starting a business.

    • Unconventional marketing builds a loyal fanbaseResponding to trolls and creating humorous content helped Black Rifle Coffee Company distinguish themselves and gain a large following.

      Black Rifle Coffee Company's unconventional marketing strategy, which included responding to trolls and creating humorous videos, helped them gain a large following and distinguish themselves from competitors. The founder, Tyler Putterball, or "Butch Rogers," used his unique personality and tough image to connect with customers and create a loyal fanbase. Despite facing challenges, such as an NC-17 rating for their movie due to explicit content, they continued to push boundaries and engage with their audience. The unexpected premiere of their movie trailer at Sundance, right next door to a veterans event where the founders were speaking, added to the surreal experience of their rapid rise to success.

    • Collaboration leads to successCollaborating with competitors can lead to cost savings and high-quality outcomes. Flexibility and adaptability are essential for business success.

      Collaboration and partnerships, rather than competition, can lead to great success. In the discussion, the speakers shared their experience of producing a movie, "Milk Chicken," where they initially saw their direct competitor, Ranger Up, as a threat. However, they eventually realized the benefits of joining forces. By collaborating, they were able to cut costs in half and produce a high-quality comedy film. This experience taught them that harboring a competitive attitude can be detrimental and that working together can lead to mutual growth and success. The speakers also emphasized the importance of flexibility and adaptability in business, as they initially had modest plans for the movie but ended up partnering with a larger company.

    • Overcoming discomfort to ask for help in crowdfundingAuthenticity and effective communication in asking for donations can lead to overwhelming support and exceeding fundraising goals. Clear collaboration and communication are essential for managing multiple creative entities.

      Successful crowdfunding requires vulnerability and effective communication. The speaker initially felt uncomfortable asking for donations, assuming the community would assume they were already making a profit due to their growth. However, when they finally asked for help, they were met with overwhelming support and exceeded their fundraising goal. The experience taught them that people want to be a part of something meaningful and will respond positively when approached with authenticity. Additionally, managing multiple creative entities can be a challenging team exercise, but with clear communication and collaboration, a shared vision can be achieved in a relatively short amount of time. The success of their project, RANGE 15, serves as a testament to the power of community engagement and effective collaboration.

    • The making of 'Range 15' was a challenging experience for the teamDespite long hours and tight budgets, the team behind 'Range 15' and Black Rifle Coffee Company overcame obstacles to create a successful movie and business.

      The production of the movie "Range 15" was a challenging experience filled with long hours, tight budgets, and unexpected obstacles. The team, led by the actors themselves, worked tirelessly for 13 days to complete the film, often working through the night and dealing with unexpected issues. Despite the difficulties, they managed to create a successful movie that resonated with audiences and even led to new relationships and even marriages. After the release of the film, the team behind Black Rifle Coffee Company, which was featured in the movie, saw a surge in popularity. Starting in a small apartment and rented office space, they went from making just a few thousand dollars a day to fifteen to twenty times that amount in a matter of weeks. The success came from a series of viral videos and the release of the song "Safety Brief." The team quickly outgrew their space and moved into a larger building, where they continued to brainstorm new ideas and grow the business.

    • From Podcast to Multi-Purpose SpaceStarting a business from scratch requires determination, hard work, and a positive attitude. With the help of friends and colleagues, a podcast company in El Paso transformed into a multi-purpose space, attracting investors and expanding to San Antonio.

      Determination and hard work can lead to remarkable success in unexpected ways. The speaker shares a story of starting a podcast company in El Paso, where he lived at the office and transformed it into a multi-purpose space with studios and a coffee shop. With the help of friends and colleagues, they worked tirelessly to make it a success, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. The company eventually attracted investors and moved to San Antonio, where they continued to grow and expand. The speaker's persistence and commitment to his vision paid off, resulting in a thriving business and a sense of accomplishment. It's a reminder that with dedication and a positive attitude, even the most ambitious goals can be achieved.

    • Expanding Business and Supporting VeteransDrinking Rose Studio has grown through retail stores and initiatives like the BRCC fund, while staying true to their brand and mission. They value education, entertainment, and impact to engage their audience and plan to help veteran entrepreneurs through a Shark Tank-style initiative.

      The team behind Drinking Rose Studio has gone through various phases of growth and chaos, but they've managed to stay true to their brand and mission. They've expanded their business through retail stores and initiatives like the BRCC fund, which supports veteran charities. The team values education, entertainment, and impact to create engagement with their audience. They're also planning to help veteran entrepreneurs through a Shark Tank-style initiative. The current climate is ripe for small businesses to thrive, as people are looking for authentic connections and support. The team's experiences demonstrate the importance of staying committed to your mission, even in the face of challenges and change.

    • Creating authentic relationships vs. corporate cultureIndividuals and small businesses can make a difference by staying true to themselves, solving problems, and building meaningful connections, rather than relying on transactional relationships and pushing unhealthy habits.

      Large corporations are creating a culture of consumption, pushing unhealthy habits and relying on transactional relationships. However, there's an opportunity for individuals and small businesses to make a difference by being authentic, solving problems, and building meaningful connections. As people become more aware of this, there's a growing demand for alternatives. The speakers expressed their respect for each other's achievements and the potential for positive change. They emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on solving problems for others, rather than just seeking transactions. Ultimately, building genuine relationships and making a positive impact can lead to success and fulfillment.

    • Communication and Transparency in Modern BusinessAuthentic communication builds trust, but mistakes are inevitable in large organizations. Focus on fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and transparency to navigate complexities.

      In today's digital age, transparency and authenticity are key in building and maintaining a brand or business. Authentic communication, without pretense or ulterior motives, helps build trust and understanding between individuals. However, managing a company with thousands of people involved can lead to mistakes and public scrutiny, making it essential to understand that there's always more to the story than what meets the eye. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that criticism, rather than being constructive, can hinder progress and create an unrealistic expectation of perfection. Instead, focus on fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and transparency to navigate the complexities of modern business and society.

    • Focus on abilities instead of past mistakesStop canceling individuals based on past mistakes and evaluate their abilities for current roles.

      The culture of bullying and canceling individuals based on their past mistakes is driving away capable individuals from stepping forward to solve problems, whether in politics or other areas. Instead of focusing on personal indiscretions, it's essential to evaluate whether someone can do the job at hand. We need to create an environment where people are encouraged and supported, rather than attacked and canceled. This not only benefits individuals but also the community as a whole. Let's start appreciating people for their abilities and potential, rather than their past mistakes.

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    Episode Resources:

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