
    4/28/22: Elon Twitter Firestorm, Student Debt, Bernie vs Biden, Wall St Fraud, Cawthorn Scandals, Economic Outlook, & More!

    enApril 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Childhood TV Movies, Reevaluating Tech Use, and MorePodcasts like Magical Rewind explore nostalgia while US Cellular promotes digital detox. Disney World offers child prices for adults, and debates rage over student debt cancellation and union practices.

      Magical Rewind, a new podcast hosted by Wilfordel and Sabrina Brian, invites listeners to revisit beloved childhood TV movies and chat with stars and crew. US Cellular encourages people to put down their phones for 5 minutes to reevaluate their relationship with technology. Disney World offers adult tickets at child prices for more affordable vacations. Cable news is losing credibility, and Breaking Points invites viewers to join in building a new, trustworthy media platform. The Biden administration considers student debt cancellation, and Elon Musk's Twitter takeover highlights the importance of free speech. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about financial fraud allegations against Madison Cawthorn and Amazon's union-busting practices. Bernie Sanders pressures Biden to keep campaign promises regarding federal contracts for union-busting companies. Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter has sparked a debate on free speech and the rise of Twitter alternatives.

    • Impact of Elon Musk's Twitter acquisition on smaller platforms and conservative usersElon Musk's acquisition of Twitter could lead to power shifts, financial implications for some users on smaller platforms, and potential manipulation or curation of conservative accounts.

      The acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk has sparked debate on the potential impact on smaller social media platforms and their users, particularly those with conservative viewpoints. Musk's involvement could lead to a shift in power dynamics and potentially neutralize the financial gains of some individuals and companies who have built a following on these alternative platforms. The discussion also touched upon the importance of network effects and the value of having a diverse range of ideologies on social media sites for engagement and interest. Furthermore, there have been reports of significant increases in followers for certain conservative accounts on Twitter following the news of Musk's acquisition, which has led to speculation about potential manipulation or curation by Twitter's engineers. However, the exact cause of these spikes remains unclear.

    • Twitter's Recent Changes Lead to Increase in Followers for Some UsersRecent Twitter changes have led to a surge in followers for certain users, particularly those on the conservative side, possibly due to organic reasons or the abandonment of liberals. However, Twitter's influence on elites and institutions makes it a significant news story, despite its limited reach in comparison to other platforms.

      The recent changes on Twitter, including Elon Musk's involvement and the resulting media attention, have led to an increase in followers for some users, particularly those on the conservative side of the political spectrum. This could be due to organic reasons, such as the return of conservatives to the platform or the abandonment of liberals. However, it's important to note that most people are not on Twitter and that the platform primarily matters because of its influence on elites and institutions. The YouTube, podcast, and social media landscape is vastly different from Twitter, and transparency on the platform could help inform the public about its workings and potentially lead to neutrality. The ongoing debate about Trump's Twitter account is a significant news story due to the platform's impact on public discourse and policy.

    • Free speech vs censorship on social mediaThe Twitter ban of former President Trump sparks a debate about the balance between free speech and censorship on social media, with concerns over potential consequences for marginalized voices and the impact on trust and safety.

      The ongoing situation with former President Trump's Twitter account raises important questions about free speech and censorship in the digital age. Some argue that allowing powerful figures to be banned from the public square sets a dangerous precedent, potentially leading to similar actions against marginalized voices. Meanwhile, Twitter executives express concern over the potential impact on the platform's trust and safety, particularly regarding COVID-19 misinformation. The leaked audio from an all-hands meeting reveals a deep divide within the company, with some advocating for stricter content moderation and others emphasizing the importance of upholding free speech principles. The debate highlights the complex and nuanced issues surrounding online discourse and the role of tech companies in shaping public discourse.

    • YouTube's content prioritization shapes public discourseYouTube's decisions on content prioritization significantly impact what people see and engage with, shaping public discourse. Holding executives accountable for these decisions is crucial for democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

      The design and functioning of social media platforms, including algorithms and censorship policies, significantly shape the nature of public discourse. An interesting example given was how YouTube's decision to prioritize certain content, like mainstream news platforms, over others can impact what people see and engage with. These decisions, made by high-level executives, can create distinct cultures on different platforms. As such, it's crucial to hold these executives accountable for the profound impact their decisions have on our democracy and the free exchange of ideas. A Twitter executive, Vijaya Gatti, who has been a proponent of censorship, expressed concern about the Elon Musk takeover, and this was met with criticism from some commentators. While the discourse around social media regulation can be complex, the fundamental principle of free speech and its application to these platforms should remain a priority.

    • Musk's Twitter suspension of a news org sparks controversySocial media interactions between public figures and media orgs can lead to complex situations, highlighting the importance of clear communication and accurate information.

      The suspension of a major news organization's Twitter account by Elon Musk for publishing a truthful story was widely perceived as inappropriate, leading to a complex series of events involving allegations of targeted harassment and self-hating comments. The Washington Post subsequently wrote an article framing Musk as using his powerful Twitter account to bolster right-wing users, exposing a Twitter executive to online attacks. However, it was revealed that the journalist had emailed the podcast producer, not the host, at an unusual hour for a comment request. This incident highlights the complexities and potential pitfalls of social media interactions, particularly for public figures and media organizations. It also underscores the importance of clear and accurate communication, as well as the potential consequences of hasty actions and assumptions.

    • Powerful figures can deflect criticism using tacticsPowerful figures may use tactics to silence dissenting voices and deflect criticism, while media can be complicit in this process.

      Public figures, like Vijaya Ghade, who hold powerful positions in tech companies and are involved in content moderation policies, can be subjected to criticism on policy matters. This criticism does not make the critic responsible for any harassment or offensive comments directed towards the public figure. Ghade attempted to deflect criticism by accusing the critic of bringing in Elon Musk, but they had no prior connection. The Washington Post's coverage of the situation was biased and dishonest, as they had close relationships with Ghade and presented the situation as a straight news report when it was clearly advocacy. The incident highlights how powerful individuals can use tactics to deflect criticism and silence dissenting voices, and how the media can be complicit in this process.

    • Media Tactics to Silence CriticismMedia can use dishonest labels to shield powerful actors from scrutiny and silence important debates. Recognize and challenge these tactics for a fair and open public discourse.

      The media can use dishonest tactics and labels to silence legitimate debate and criticism, particularly towards those in prominent positions. The use of labels like "right-wing activist" or "conservative YouTuber" can be used to shield powerful actors from scrutiny and shut down important discussions. This was evident in the way Krystal Ball was portrayed in media outlets following an incident with The Watcher, and similarly, how Taylor Lorenz uses her identity to deflect criticism. These tactics ultimately serve to prevent critical examination of the powerful and hinder important debates about policies that govern our public sphere. It's essential to recognize and challenge these tactics to ensure a fair and open public discourse.

    • The Cost of Being an Outsider in Mainstream MediaThe potential consequences of being labeled as an outsider or controversial figure in the media can be significant, but it's important to focus on substantive issues like Biden's student loan debt forgiveness plan, which affects 40 million Americans and could impact young voter support.

      The cost of being labeled as an outsider or a controversial figure in the mainstream media can have significant consequences, as seen in the recent targeting of a conservative YouTube show. This situation, while not as detrimental due to their reliance on premium subs and audience support, could have posed a serious problem. However, it's essential to shift focus back to substantive issues, such as the Biden administration's potential student loan debt forgiveness plan. With around 40 million Americans owing over $1.6 trillion in federal student debt, this issue affects a massive portion of the population. Young voters, who have been increasingly disengaged and dissatisfied with the Biden administration, are pushing for action. Despite promising to address student loan debt during his campaign, Biden's approval rating among young voters has plummeted. To win back their support, the administration may consider student loan forgiveness as a solution, but addressing the concerns of those who have already paid off their loans or didn't attend college will also be crucial.

    • Student loan debt burden for young votersStudent loan debt hinders young voters' ability to reach financial milestones, and forgiveness could provide relief while systemic reforms are pursued.

      While there are already subsidies in place for parents who can save for their children's education, the issue of student loan debt disproportionately affects young voters, particularly those from marginalized communities. This debt burden can constrain their futures and limit their ability to achieve financial milestones like buying a home or starting a family. The politics of student loan forgiveness are complex, with some arguing that it is a valid solution to provide relief to millions, while others caution against the potential for moral hazard and the need for systemic reforms in higher education financing. Ultimately, while student loan forgiveness may not be a complete solution, it could provide significant relief for many and should be considered as part of a larger effort to address the root causes of escalating education costs.

    • Student loan debt relief: Significant relief for some, ongoing debateStudent loan debt relief could provide relief for many, especially those in low-income brackets, but eligibility and extent remain debated. Root causes of high debt, like education costs and dropout rates, must be addressed.

      While student loan debt relief may not be a perfect solution, it could provide significant relief for many individuals, particularly those in the bottom income brackets. The debate around the extent and eligibility of debt relief is ongoing, but it's important to consider the impact of debt in relation to income and overall wealth. The largest benefits of debt relief may not go to those with the greatest need, and addressing the root causes of high student debt, such as the cost of education and the burden on those who drop out without a degree, remains crucial. The comparison to the financial crisis and the bailout of Wall Street highlights the need for both immediate relief and long-term reform.

    • Student Debt Crisis: Income-Based Forgiveness vs. Systemic SolutionsThe student debt crisis requires action, with opinions split between income-based forgiveness and systemic solutions like free college. Wealth and asset ownership should also be considered.

      While there is widespread agreement that the current student debt crisis requires action, opinions differ on the best approach to address it. Some argue for targeted debt forgiveness based on income, while others advocate for more systemic solutions like free public college and debt elimination. The discussion also highlighted the importance of considering the overall wealth and asset ownership of individuals when discussing student debt, as opposed to just income. Ultimately, the debate centers around the fairness and sustainability of various proposals, with some viewing it as a matter of social justice and others as potential class warfare. Regardless of the specific solution, there is broad agreement that the current system is unsustainable and needs reform to ensure future generations are not burdened with insurmountable debt.

    • Amazon Union Victory and the Need for Government InterventionThe Biden administration can follow through on its promise to support unions by denying federal contracts to companies violating labor laws, such as Amazon. Independent news outlets play a crucial role in bringing attention to labor issues.

      The issue of income inequality and the struggles of those who have been disadvantaged by the education system and labor laws are complex problems requiring attention. The Amazon Labor Union's victory against Amazon, which is now facing allegations of union busting, presents an opportunity for the Biden administration to follow through on its promise to support unions by denying federal contracts to companies that violate labor laws. Bernie Sanders has urged Biden to do just that, specifically calling out Amazon for its illegal anti-union activities. The importance of independent news outlets, like Leverett Hughes, in bringing attention to such stories cannot be overstated. The JEDI contract, a long-contested $10 billion cloud computing contract, serves as a reminder of the need for government intervention to help workers secure fair contracts. The pressure is on Biden and the Democratic party to take action and support workers in their pursuit of fair wages, benefits, and working conditions.

    • Biden administration's Amazon cloud contract controversy and financial industry regulationsThe Biden administration's decision to award a $10 billion cloud contract to Amazon amidst labor disputes and the financial industry's need for stronger regulations highlight the importance of enforcing laws and regulations to protect workers and prevent financial instability.

      The Biden administration's decision to award a $10 billion cloud computing contract to Amazon, despite ongoing labor disputes, has sparked controversy and calls for action. Critics argue that the administration has the power to enforce labor laws and prevent union busting, but instead chose to award the contract to Amazon. Meanwhile, the Archigos Capital case highlights the need for stronger regulations in the financial industry, as the indictment of its founder and CFO on securities fraud and racketeering charges reveals significant regulatory loopholes that allowed the firm to manipulate the market and nearly collapse the US financial system. Both situations underscore the importance of enforcing laws and regulations to protect workers and prevent financial instability.

    • The Importance of Transparency and Regulation in Financial MarketsThe lack of transparency and regulation in certain financial sectors can lead to manipulation and significant financial losses. Archegos Capital Management's use of complex financial instruments and high leverage to inflate stock prices is an example. Transparency and regulation are crucial to prevent manipulation and protect investors.

      The lack of transparency and regulation in certain financial sectors can lead to manipulation and significant financial losses for investors. The case of Archegos Capital Management, a hedge fund turned family office, illustrates this point. Archegos used complex financial instruments and high leverage to artificially inflate the prices of certain stocks, which went unnoticed by banks and regulators. When one of these stocks declined, the entire scheme collapsed, leading to a $100 billion loss. The lack of transparency and regulation in family offices, unlike hedge funds, allowed Archegos to operate with minimal oversight. This incident highlights the importance of transparency and regulation in financial markets to prevent manipulation and protect investors. Additionally, the case of Madison Cawthorn, a member of Congress, serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of hypocrisy and the importance of consistency in public life. Cawthorn's involvement in an insider trading scheme, despite his public image as a Christian fundamentalist, underscores the need for accountability and honesty in politics.

    • North Carolina Representative Madison Cawthorn under Investigation for Potential Insider Trading of CryptocurrencyRep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) is under investigation for potential insider trading of the cryptocurrency Let's Go Brandon (LGB) after promoting it before a significant value increase. Multiple watchdog groups have called for an investigation from the DOJ and SEC.

      North Carolina US Representative Madison Cawthorn has found himself in hot water once again, this time for potential insider trading involving a cryptocurrency. This incident comes after being stopped twice in the past 14 months with a loaded gun at airport security checkpoints. The Washington Examiner reported that Cawthorn may have violated federal insider trading laws by promoting a cryptocurrency, Let's Go Brandon (LGB), before its value significantly increased due to a deal with NASCAR driver Brandon Brown. The timing of Cawthorn's promotion and the subsequent value increase has raised suspicions, leading multiple watchdog groups to call for an investigation from the DOJ and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Cawthorn's fellow North Carolinian senator, Thom Tillis, has already called for a thorough and bipartisan inquiry into the matter by the House Ethics Committee. This is not the first time Cawthorn has been under scrutiny, as he was also previously cited for traffic violations and driving with a revoked license. The combination of these incidents has raised concerns about Cawthorn's judgment and fitness to serve as a representative.

    • The Role of Billionaires in Society: Debate and Public PerceptionDespite mixed opinions, billionaires face criticism for wealth accumulation and lack of fairness towards employees, while some argue they create jobs and dynamic companies. Polls suggest negative public perception, but individual billionaires like Elon Musk enjoy popularity.

      The wealth accumulation by billionaires has been a subject of intense debate, with some arguing it enriches the country, while others believe it's time for them to pay more taxes and provide better working conditions for their employees. The discussion touched upon Congressman's forgetfulness, Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, and the left's stance on billionaires. While some argue billionaires create jobs and dynamic companies, others believe they should pay their fair share and provide better working conditions. A poll suggests that most Americans, including Fox News viewers, don't view billionaires positively. However, there seems to be a disconnect between the public's perception of billionaires as a whole and their feelings towards specific billionaires like Elon Musk, who enjoys popularity among both Democrats and Republicans. Ultimately, the debate revolves around the role of government in regulating the behavior of billionaires and ensuring fairness for the working class.

    • Billionaires as Champions for the People? Flawed PerspectiveDespite some billionaires' stated principles, their wealth often comes from unregulated markets or inheritance, and their influence can limit free speech and democratic accountability. A genuine left-right coalition pushing for structural reform is a more promising solution.

      The notion of billionaires, particularly those in the tech industry, being champions for the people is a flawed perspective. Many of these billionaires, particularly those in the finance industry, have accumulated their wealth through inheritance or unregulated markets, rather than delivering value to the American people. Their influence in politics and industries like social media can limit free speech and democratic accountability. While some may have stated principles, they are still human and prone to disappoint. Instead of relying on billionaire benevolence, a genuine left-right coalition pushing for structural reform could offer a more promising solution. However, many who cheer for tech billionaires are not truly committed to populist beliefs or democratic voice of the people, but rather accept the existing oligarchic structure as long as the elites are on their side. Ultimately, relying on the good graces of billionaires is not a sustainable solution for addressing societal issues.

    • Twitter's New Owner and a Controversial Censorship DecisionElon Musk's purchase of Twitter sparks controversy over past censorship decisions and allegations of racism and sexism towards a former policy executive, highlighting the interconnectedness of the tech industry, press, and social media platforms.

      The new owner of Twitter's response to the flagrant censorship of a single political candidate sparked controversy, with some in the tech press accusing him and the critic of being racist and sexist. The criticism centered around Vijaya Gade, a former Twitter policy executive, who was involved in one of the most controversial censorship decisions in the company's history. Elon Musk and the critic highlighted Gade's role in the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story and her significant compensation. The press reacted strongly, labeling any criticism of Gade as racist and sexist. However, critics argue that Gade's position of power and high compensation make her fair game for criticism. The incident highlights the fusion of the tech industry, press, and social media platforms, with criticism of one leading to backlash against the critic. Despite reservations, the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk and his commitment to free speech is seen as a net positive for now. The incident serves as a reminder of the power dynamics at play and the potential consequences of speaking out against those in positions of power.

    • First Quarter U.S. Economic Contraction: Omicron, Inflation, and Supply Chain IssuesThe U.S. economy contracted in Q1 2022 due to Omicron, higher gas prices, inflation, and inventory reductions. Exports are also decreasing, leading to a growing trade deficit. The supply chain crisis and inflation continue to pose challenges, with some easing but potential for ongoing issues.

      The U.S. economy experienced a surprising contraction in the first quarter of 2022, with a GDP growth rate of -1.4%. This is the first contraction since the early stages of the pandemic. The causes include the impact of Omicron at the beginning of the year, the war in Ukraine leading to higher gas prices, inflation reducing consumer spending, and inventory reductions. Exports are also contracting, contributing to a growing trade deficit due to increased demand for goods that the U.S. does not produce. The economy's instability is highlighted by the bullwhip effect, which can lead to supply chain issues and inventory gluts or shortages. The situation is complex, with various factors pointing in different directions. The supply chain crisis and inflation continue to be significant concerns, with some signs of easing but also potential for ongoing issues.

    • Global supply chain instability: Bullwhip effect, geopolitical tensions, climate issues, and Federal Reserve's monetary policyThe bullwhip effect, geopolitical tensions, climate issues, and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy are causing instability in the global supply chain. Businesses must prioritize resiliency over profit margins to mitigate risks and adapt to changing conditions.

      The global supply chain is facing instability due to various factors, including the bullwhip effect, geopolitical tensions, climate issues, and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. The bullwhip effect, which causes fluctuations between surpluses and shortages, exposes the fragility of commerce and logistics systems. The Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation by increasing interest rates may not directly address the root causes of supply chain disruptions. Instead, they target demand, potentially worsening the situation. Additionally, climate issues, geopolitical tensions, and other uncertainties have become more frequent and impactful, increasing the risks to global supply chains. The speakers emphasized the need for a reevaluation of the current system and for businesses to focus on resiliency rather than profit margins. The speakers also highlighted their appreciation for their audience's support, which enables them to continue their work and provide valuable content.

    • Community support and mental healthExpress gratitude for community support, prioritize mental health with affordable online therapy, disconnect from smartphones, and find deals for affordable vacations

      Community support plays a crucial role in maintaining peace of mind and resilience, especially in the face of challenges. The speakers expressed their gratitude towards their audience for providing them with this support, which helps them navigate through difficult situations, such as losing mainstream respectability and facing criticism. Additionally, mental health is an essential aspect of everyone's well-being, and having access to affordable and convenient online therapy services like BetterHelp can make a significant difference. Moreover, the speakers highlighted the importance of disconnecting from our smartphones and focusing on real-life connections. US Cellular encourages people to put their phones down for five minutes to explore new experiences and rebuild their relationship with technology. Lastly, taking advantage of deals and discounts, such as buying adult theme park tickets at child prices from Undercover Tourist, can help make vacations more affordable and enjoyable for everyone.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website. 

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    Now on Youtube as well! https://youtu.be/HdiQXVDGC_0

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    The Alt-Right believes politics is downstream from culture. They operate in this meta-political sphere where changing American politics must start with changing culture, discourse, and language. The internet allowed the Alt-Right’s ideology to proliferate through memes, in online communities, and finally into mainstream culture. After the 2016 election collapsed the timing between culture and politics, the internet continues to serve as a platform to disseminate their cultural values. Conversely, de-platforming prominent Alt-Right voices like Gavin McInnes and Alex Jones has reduced their ability to gain new adherents.

    Gateway to Extremism

    The Proud Boys, McInnes’s group, is a gateway to right-wing extremism. They often claim plausible deniability by saying anti-Semitic or transphobic memes are jokes and using seemingly harmless initiation rituals to lure young white men into their orbit. They attempt to “red-pill” their followers and decry modernity, liberalism, egalitarianism, and feminism. They would like America to re-embrace a “traditional” natural order in which white men are at the top of the pyramid, one of the central ideas of white supremacy.  According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, groups like The Proud Boys are often the first step toward white nationalism.

    Countering the Alt-Right

    We must support democratic uses of social media to create a fair online environment. Pressuring companies like Facebook and YouTube to call out and remove hate; exposing the farce of nostalgia for a dominant white culture; and pushing back against tribalistic tendencies, especially among teenagers online, is critical. The Alt-Right is focused heavily on gender norms, so supporting transgender and LGBTQ+ rights is an actionable way to promote and support an inclusive society. Further, we should infuse our public discourse with a positive and racially pluralistic message.

    Find out more:

    Alexandra Minna Stern is Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Collegiate of History, American Culture and Women’s and Gender Studies and Associate Dean for the Humanities at the University of Michigan. She also directs the Sterilization and Social Justice Lab housed in the Department of American Culture.

    Her research has focused on the history of eugenics, genetics, society, and justice in the United States and Latin America. Through these topics, she explored the dynamics of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability, social difference, and reproductive politics.

    Her book, Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right is Warping the American Imagination, applies the lenses of historical analysis, feminist studies, and critical race studies to deconstructing the core ideas of the alt-right and white nationalism.

    You can learn more at her website: http://www.minnastern.com/.