
    #4 - Elon Musk on How to Build the Future

    en-usMay 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on creating a significant differencePursue projects that make a difference, take calculated risks, and innovate to contribute meaningfully to society

      Being useful and making a difference, regardless of the specific field or path taken, is the key to making an impact. The speaker shares his experience of working on various projects throughout his career, from advanced energy storage for electric cars to starting an internet company, and eventually SpaceX. He emphasizes that one should focus on creating something that makes a significant difference, whether it affects a small or large number of people. The speaker also shares that taking calculated risks and pursuing innovation, even if it seems crazy to some, can lead to groundbreaking advancements. Ultimately, the goal should be to contribute meaningfully to society and make life better for others.

    • The importance of pushing forward despite fearProgress and innovation require dedication, effort, and the courage to face and overcome fear.

      Progress and innovation do not happen automatically, but require dedicated effort and the willingness to overcome fear. As history shows, civilizations have lost valuable knowledge and technologies if they are not actively preserved and built upon. Space exploration serves as a prime example, with the Saturn V taking us to the moon in 1969, while the space shuttle could only reach low Earth orbit. However, progress stalls without continued effort, and even great civilizations have forgotten how to build complex structures and read their own writing. Elon Musk, a pioneer in modern technology and entrepreneurship, shares his belief in the importance of pushing forward despite fear. He acknowledges that fear is a natural feeling, but emphasizes that it should not prevent us from pursuing important goals. Musk's own experiences with SpaceX and Tesla demonstrate this mindset, as he saw the odds of success as low but still worth pursuing. The current prospects for a Mars colony reflect this belief, with Musk expressing confidence in its potential success. Despite the challenges and risks, he remains certain that a self-sustaining colony on Mars is possible and could be a growing reality. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that progress and innovation require dedication, effort, and the courage to face and overcome fear.

    • Preventing AI from causing harmElon Musk advocates for democratizing AI technology to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and causing harm or instability.

      Elon Musk emphasizes the importance of democratizing AI technology to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. He believes this is crucial to ensure that advanced AI technology does not become a tool for causing harm or instability. Musk also predicts that humans will be able to send people to Mars within a decade, starting with robotic launches, but he personally won't be going due to internet latency concerns. Additionally, Musk mentioned the potential dangers of Mars' proximity to the sun and the challenges of communication due to light-minute delays. He also shared his concerns about the potential risks of AI, emphasizing the importance of making AI technology widely available to prevent it from being controlled by a small group or individual. Musk co-founded OpenAI to help spread AI technology and address the challenge of creating a high-bandwidth interface between humans and AI.

    • Collaboration between Limbic System and Cortex for Instincts and ThinkingElon Musk envisions a future where humans merge with AI, OpenAI is making strides towards minimizing AI risks, and Musk dedicates time to both SpaceX, Tesla, and OpenAI

      The collaboration between the limbic system and cortex in the human brain is crucial for our instincts and thinking to work together effectively. Elon Musk envisions a future where humans can merge with AI to become "AI human symbiotes," collectively controlling the technology and preventing potential harm. OpenAI, a nonprofit company founded with the mission to minimize existential risk from artificial intelligence, is making significant strides under Musk's leadership. He spends most of his time on engineering and design for SpaceX and Tesla, dedicating about half a day each week to OpenAI. Despite the demanding schedules, Musk remains dedicated to these innovative projects.

    • Elon Musk's Hands-On Engineering Approach at SpaceX and TeslaElon Musk dedicates substantial time to engineering and development at SpaceX and Tesla, working closely with teams to improve technology and production processes. His focus is on the Falcon 9 and Dragon at SpaceX, and the Model 3 and factory engineering at Tesla. Despite slow production speeds, Musk aims to increase them significantly.

      Elon Musk, despite being known for his business ventures with SpaceX and Tesla, spends a significant amount of his time focusing on the engineering and development aspects of these companies, particularly in improving the technology and production processes. At SpaceX, he works closely with the engineering team on the Falcon 9 and Dragon spacecraft, while at Tesla, he focuses on the Model 3 and the engineering of both the car and the factory. Musk emphasized that the factory, which builds the machines, is at least as challenging as the machines themselves. Currently, the production lines at Tesla operate at a very slow speed, but Musk aims to increase this speed significantly, with a goal of one meter per second, which is still slower than a fast walk. When not working, Musk enjoys playing video games, particularly Overwatch, and has expressed interest in trying Hearthstone. Musk also mentioned that he recently enjoyed playing Deus Ex and The Last of Us.

    • Appreciating Cinematic Storytelling in Video GamesCinematic storytelling is crucial in video games, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Classic and modern titles alike showcase its importance.

      Storytelling in video games, especially in modern ones, is often overlooked despite its importance. The speaker shared his appreciation for the cinematic storytelling in Uncharted, contrasting it with the perceived lackluster storytelling in recent games like Deus Ex. He also highlighted the significance of strong storytelling in older games, such as the original Deus Ex and even classic titles like the old Mario games. With the increasing focus on gameplay and graphics, storytelling can sometimes be neglected, but it remains a crucial aspect of the gaming experience. The speaker encouraged listeners to remember this as they engage with various games.

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    Intro and outro music adapted from "Arcade Montage" by Lee Rosevere


    Used under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)



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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.