
    4 Reasons Why Social Media Is Not "Ruining Your Kids" | #GaryVeeMashups

    enNovember 24, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media: A Change Agent and a Mirror to SocietyBe mindful of social media's impact on relationships and reality, encourage authentic human connections, and take responsibility for our actions.

      Social media can serve as both a change agent and a mirror to our society. While it offers numerous benefits, it also has negative impacts, particularly on human relationships and the way we perceive reality. Gary Vaynerchuk expresses concern about the impact of social media on the younger generation and the potential loss of authentic human connection. He also criticizes the trend of blaming external forces, such as social media, for societal issues, and instead, encourages self-reflection and taking responsibility for our actions. He argues that parents have a role to play in preparing the younger generation for the realities of life, rather than shielding them from confrontation. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to be mindful of the role social media plays in our lives and to strive for authentic human connections.

    • Raising resilient children in the digital ageParents need to have open conversations with their kids about accountability, consent, and the permanence of digital information to help them navigate the complexities of the digital age and build necessary skills for handling adversity

      While it's easy to blame external factors like technology and social media for societal issues, we need to take more responsibility for raising resilient children. The way we were raised and the way we raise our own kids is fundamentally different, and it's important to remember that our actions and words have a significant impact on our children's development. The idea that everything we do disappears is not new, but the ease of documenting and sharing information today can be more dangerous for young people. They need to understand the consequences of their actions, especially when it comes to sending explicit content. It's crucial for parents to have open and honest conversations with their children about accountability, consent, and the permanence of digital information. By taking a proactive approach to parenting and education, we can help our children navigate the complexities of the digital age and build the necessary skills to handle adversity.

    • Parents' fears of children's exposure to mature content through new technologies may be exaggeratedParents should have open conversations with their children about online risks and consequences, rather than reacting with fear and suspension.

      Parents' concerns about their children's exposure to mature content through new technologies are valid, but their fear may be exaggerated due to a lack of understanding and experience with these technologies. Older generations may be quick to demonize new technologies, but human behavior remains consistent. For instance, teenagers have always sought out mature content, whether it was through stolen magazines or more recently, the internet. However, it's important to acknowledge that certain actions, such as posting inappropriate content online or possessing replicas of weapons, can have serious consequences, such as suspension from school. But in the grand scheme of things, these incidents may not be as devastating as they seem. It's crucial for parents to have open and honest conversations with their children about the potential risks and consequences of their actions online, rather than simply reacting with fear and suspension. Furthermore, it's essential to remember that every generation faces unique challenges and that the experiences of the past do not necessarily define the present. Instead, we should focus on finding ways to help young people navigate these challenges in a healthy and responsible manner. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between protecting our children and allowing them the freedom to learn and grow.

    • Navigating Social Media Controversies with ChildrenCommunication, setting boundaries, empathy and understanding are essential for helping children navigate controversial social media content.

      The use of social media platforms like Snapchat for sharing controversial content is a complex issue that depends on the individual and their upbringing. While some may view certain actions as harmless or a normal part of growing up, others may see it as a cause for concern or even disciplinary action. The speaker argues that society's acceptance of certain behaviors has evolved over time, and that parents may be more concerned about the judgment of other parents than the potential consequences for their children. Ultimately, the speaker believes that open communication and setting clear boundaries are key to helping children navigate the complex world of social media. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding that everyone makes mistakes, especially during their formative years.

    • Parents' role in shaping children's self-perceptionParents should be mindful of their actions towards their children's body image and self-esteem, instead of blaming social media, and teach them healthy self-confidence.

      Parents need to be more mindful of their actions towards their children, especially when it comes to body image and self-esteem. Instead of blaming social media for their children's behavior, they should take accountability for their own role in shaping their kids' self-perception. Social media platforms are just tools that children use, and it's the parents' responsibility to teach them healthy self-esteem and body image. The speaker shared an example of how a mother's criticism of her daughter's weight might lead the daughter to seek validation online, which can result in harmful behaviors. The speaker also noted that many parents refuse to take accountability for their actions and instead blame social media or other external factors. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of parents being aware of their impact on their children's self-esteem and taking steps to promote positive body image and healthy self-confidence.

    • Preparing Teens for the Real WorldParents play a crucial role in developing their teen's resilience, but are often too focused on their own lives to provide adequate guidance. Social media can worsen feelings of inadequacy and isolation for teens. Balance is key for individuals in various life stages to meet their own needs while fulfilling their responsibilities towards their children.

      During the teenage years, when young adults leave the protective bubble of their parents and face adversity for the first time, many struggle due to a lack of resilience developed during their upbringing. Parents, who are increasingly younger and focused on their own lives, are unintentionally neglecting their role in preparing their children for the real world. This issue is further complicated by the influence of social media, which can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and isolation. It's crucial for parents to step up and provide guidance, even as they navigate their own personal and professional challenges. Additionally, individuals in various life stages, such as those going through a divorce or dealing with personal health issues, must find balance between their own needs and their responsibilities towards their children. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone's circumstances are unique, and we should avoid making assumptions or comparisons. Engaging in new experiences and continuing personal growth can help us become better parents and role models for our children.

    • Pressure to Conform and CompareParents and social media create pressure to conform and compare, leading to low self-confidence and unhealthy comparisons. Appreciate unique talents and focus on building self-confidence before engaging with social media.

      Children today face immense pressure from both parents and social media to compare themselves to others and conform to societal expectations. This pressure can lead to a lack of self-confidence and an unhealthy obsession with comparing oneself to others. Parents, in particular, need to understand that they are comparing their children to a tiny percentage of exceptional cases and that they should appreciate their child's unique talents and strengths. Social media influencers also need to be transparent about the work and talent involved in their professions to help dispel the misconception that success can be achieved easily. Ultimately, it's essential for individuals to focus on building self-confidence and embracing their authentic selves before engaging with social media and comparing themselves to others.

    • The Impact of Technology on Important Moments and Young ChildrenWhile technology can distract during important moments and raise concerns for young children's activity levels, it's also a part of our reality. Parents play a crucial role in ensuring well-being and preparing children for the future.

      Technology use, particularly during important moments in life, can be a source of distraction and disconnection. This was illustrated through a discussion about a couple on their wedding day, each engrossed in their phones. However, it's important to remember that context matters – they could have been communicating with loved ones who couldn't be present. In a separate conversation, the topic of tech consumption by young children came up. While there are concerns about their activity levels, it's also acknowledged that they're growing up in a world where technology is ubiquitous. The speaker believes that children will evolve to adapt to this new reality, becoming more informational and less reliant on traditional forms of learning. Ultimately, it's up to parents to ensure their children's well-being while preparing them for the future.

    • Limiting Access Enhances ValueRestrictions can make us appreciate experiences more fully, as we place greater emphasis on them due to their limited availability.

      Restrictions can lead to an increased value and appreciation for certain experiences. For instance, in the context of the discussion, the speaker mentioned how children might overvalue the one hour of daily screen time they're allowed due to the restriction. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal goals, hobbies, or even relationships. By limiting access to something, we may place a greater emphasis on it and savor the experience more fully. As a flexible and adaptable person, the speaker intends to adjust to the new reality and observe how their children respond to the screen time restriction.

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    #MyStrengthIsMyStory #CreateYourNow #Thrivers

    Quotes and statements within the interview:

    "I thrive on research."

    "It was ordinary things that their parents or Great Aunt Sally or teacher did to help instill them a sense of 'who I am' and those became extraordinary when they faced adversity."

    One mother said, "If I had it all over again, I would have raised him for resilience."

    "But our kids need more than GPA. They need a different set of knowledge and THRIVERS is trying to give them what else they need."

    "First of all, you always have some kind of a caring adult champion in your life who refuses to give up on them."

    "I love telling kids that success is a 4-letter word spelled g-a-i-n."

    "So you'll find dozens of pieces of science-backed research on really what makes successful peak performers but they're the same traits that also make resilient kids."

    "Confidence is a strong self-understanding of who you are."

    "The best way we now know to teach empathy is by role-playing it or in the heat of the moment." 

    "Outside people are enormously powerful to kids as well."

    "Repeat what matters most so much so your kids become it!"


    What has your story gifted you?

    • Hope

    "I am so optimistic about all of this even though I see doom and gloom stuff."

    "All we need to do is just put it under our parenting agenda."

    "If we get on board with like-minded other moms and dads, teachers, and grandparents, that's what this is all about."


    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Ready to see if coaching and mentorship are for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as to who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as to who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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