
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Risks and Rewards of TechnologyTechnology offers incredible opportunities for innovation, but also poses risks like privacy invasion and misuse. It's crucial to use technology responsibly while embracing its potential for collaboration and groundbreaking discoveries.

      Technology has advanced significantly in recent decades, making it possible for ordinary people to create extraordinary things. However, this progress comes with risks, such as privacy invasion and potential misuse of technology by governments or malicious actors. The speaker shares examples of how phones and viruses can be used to track and access personal information, raising concerns about surveillance and security. Despite these concerns, the speaker also emphasizes the importance of embracing technology and using it as a tool for innovation. The accessibility of digital tools has lowered the barrier to entry for various creative pursuits, and the potential for collaboration and communication among a large community of creators can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the risks and benefits of technology and use it responsibly while continuing to push the boundaries of what's possible.

    • The Potential of Solar EnergySolar power has vast untapped potential, but initial investment in production requires fossil fuels. Long-term benefits outweigh costs, and missed opportunities for renewable energy exist. Desert land should be utilized for solar farms, and advancements in electric vehicles offer potential replacement for internal combustion engines.

      Renewable energy, specifically solar power, has the potential to revolutionize our energy production and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Witnessing a solar farm in the desert, the speaker was struck by the vast expanse of untapped potential for solar energy. However, the production of solar panels and infrastructure requires a significant amount of fossil fuels initially. The speaker reflects on missed opportunities in the past, such as post-9/11, when the US could have made a major shift towards renewable energy as a matter of national security. Despite the initial investment, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs, and the speaker expresses frustration that more desert land isn't being utilized for solar farms. The conversation also touches on the advancements in electric vehicles and the potential for them to replace internal combustion engines. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of investing in renewable energy for both environmental and national security reasons.

    • Nuclear Energy: Risks and UncertaintiesNuclear energy's risks include potential accidents, nuclear waste disposal, and constant power requirements, making it an uncertain bet for our energy future. Better, sustainable solutions exist.

      The reliance on nuclear energy as a primary energy source comes with significant risks and long-term consequences, as evidenced by past nuclear disasters. The speaker expresses concerns about the potential for future accidents, the disposal of nuclear waste, and the requirement for constant power to maintain safety. These issues, combined with the relatively short history of nuclear energy use, make it a risky and uncertain bet for our energy future. The speaker also references the documentary "Who Killed The Electric Car?" to highlight the potential for better, more sustainable energy solutions.

    • Politics and Business: Prioritizing Profit Over Public HealthThe complex relationship between politics and business often puts financial gain above public health, as seen in the example of tobacco and cigarettes. Transparency and accountability are needed to address this issue.

      Politics and business have a complex relationship, often prioritizing financial gain over public health. The discussion highlighted the example of tobacco and cigarettes, which have caused harm to millions of people but continue to be a source of revenue for governments. The speaker also touched upon the historical evolution of politics and the increasing power and influence of politicians and corporations, making it difficult for alternative voices and parties to be heard. The conversation also touched upon the privatization of debates and the influence of lobbyists in shaping policies. Overall, the conversation underscored the need for greater transparency and accountability in politics and business.

    • The economic disruption caused by outsourcing in industries like automobile manufacturingOutsourcing jobs to countries with lower wages led to significant economic disruption, particularly in industries like automobile manufacturing, resulting in lost jobs and cultural shifts for workers

      The outsourcing of jobs, particularly in industries like automobile manufacturing, can lead to significant economic disruption. Ross Perot's warning in 1992 about moving factories south of the border and paying low wages without benefits or regulations resonated with many Americans who had built their lives around stable, well-paying manufacturing jobs. These jobs provided a middle-class lifestyle and opportunities for advancement, but as wages overseas dropped and companies sought to maximize profits, many jobs were lost and the industry was transformed. The cultural impact of this shift was profound, as people's sense of identity and livelihood were tied to their roles in these industries. While some may argue that the unionized auto industry had its own issues, the loss of these jobs marked the end of an era and left many workers struggling to find their place in the new economy.

    • The US Automotive Industry's Response to Challenges in the 70s and 80sFord and GM spun off their parts plants to improve competitiveness, leading to job losses and plant closures due to demand for lower prices and elimination of inefficiencies

      The automotive industry in the US, particularly in the 70s and 80s, faced significant challenges due to declining quality, inefficiencies, and high labor costs. Companies like Ford and GM responded by spinning off their parts plants into separate companies, leaving them to compete on the open market. However, these newly independent companies were still heavily reliant on their former parent companies as their main customers. When Ford and GM demanded lower prices, the parts manufacturers were forced to cut costs and eliminate inefficiencies, including the elimination of "break off" jobs, where employees would only work for a few hours before taking extended breaks. These corrections were necessary to address the rampant inefficiencies and high labor costs that had become endemic in the industry. Ultimately, these changes helped to improve the competitiveness of the US automotive industry, but it came at the cost of significant job losses and plant closures.

    • Unions exploiting workers like corporationsUnions can sometimes become corrupt, exploiting workers and hindering their stability, while corporations profit from the instability.

      The labor industry, specifically unions, can sometimes exploit workers as much as corporations do. The speaker shares his personal experience of working in a Toyota parts plant where temp workers were promised full-time jobs but were instead let go after 89 days, only to hire new temps. This practice kept the workforce in a constant state of instability. On the other hand, unions, meant to protect workers' rights and ensure fair wages, can become corrupt and bully those who don't conform to their ideologies. The speaker also mentions the Culinary Union's efforts to keep UFC out of New York due to non-union status and the potential financial gains. Ultimately, the loss of middle-class jobs and the polarization of political ideologies due to union control are significant issues. The speaker emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that prioritizes the opinions and well-being of the majority within organizations.

    • Understanding and Overcoming Us vs. Them MentalityRecognize we're all part of the same human race, focus on addressing problematic elements, avoid hypocrisy and inconsistency, and respect all religions and their followers.

      The mentality of us versus them can lead to negative consequences. It's essential to recognize that everyone is part of the same human race and to focus on addressing the problematic elements in society instead. The speaker also criticized the hypocrisy and inconsistency in labeling certain religious freedoms as racist while openly mocking others. It's crucial to approach these issues with understanding and respect for all religions and their followers. Additionally, the speaker admired Putin's leadership style but acknowledged the concerns raised by experts about his actions and potential impact on global politics.

    • The Importance of Historical KnowledgeYounger generations lack historical knowledge, prioritizing pop culture over facts, and this can lead to misunderstandings and future criticisms of current practices

      There is a concerning lack of historical knowledge among younger generations, particularly in the United States, and this lack of understanding can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the past. The speaker expresses frustration with the prioritization of pop culture knowledge over important historical facts, using the example of the Simpsons family being more widely known than the First Amendment rights. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the good aspects of history, even if there are negative aspects, and warns that current practices, such as privatized prisons and exploitation of labor in developing countries, may be criticized in the future for human rights violations. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a deeper understanding and appreciation of history to prevent repeating past mistakes and to foster a more informed society.

    • Moral dilemmas in capitalismExploring moral complexities of capitalism through personal experiences and recognizing the importance of staying informed.

      Life presents complex moral dilemmas, and there are often no easy answers. For instance, should we blame a man for taking a job that pays a dollar a day to avoid starvation? Or should we criticize the employer for exploiting him? The speaker acknowledges the gray areas in such situations and shares his personal experiences with capitalism, from being an auto worker with good benefits to observing differences between American and Mexican auto plants. He also reflects on the loss of iconic muscle cars due to regulations and the impact of social media on our access to information. Ultimately, he encourages us to remember historical challenges and the importance of staying informed while recognizing the complexities of the world around us.

    • Expansion of drone strikes under Obama led to more civilian casualties in PakistanDuring Obama's tenure, drone strikes in Pakistan increased in frequency and scope, resulting in more civilian casualties compared to the Bush era due to expanded target lists and geopolitical complexities.

      The use of drone strikes as a tactic in warfare, particularly in Pakistan during the Obama administration, resulted in a significant increase in civilian casualties compared to the Bush era. This is due in part to the expansion of the target list and the increased frequency of strikes. The speaker also noted that Pakistan has historically played a complex role in the region, creating and supporting groups like the Taliban to serve their own interests, which can lead to complications in the implementation of U.S. military strategy. Additionally, there is a longstanding tension between India and Pakistan, and Pakistan's actions may be influenced by a desire to prevent India from gaining influence in the region. Overall, the use of drone strikes in warfare raises complex ethical and strategic questions, and the speaker's discussion highlights the importance of considering the potential consequences of military action and the role of geopolitical dynamics in shaping military strategy.

    • The desire for control over substances and societal repressionThe drug war's never-ending due to hypocrisy, gun control's not about guns but control, and societal repression can lead to rebellion.

      The profit in war and control over certain substances or items, such as drugs or firearms, can lead to conflicting laws and societal repression. The speaker argues that the drug war, for example, is never-ending due to the hypocritical attitude towards certain drugs and the societal desire for control. Similarly, gun control is not about guns but control, and the speaker believes in instant background checks but opposes the fees associated with them. The National Firearms Act, which requires payment and home inspections for certain firearms, is a prime example of this control and repression. The speaker's overall message is that societal repression can lead to rebellion and that the focus should be on individual freedoms and rights rather than government control.

    • Challenges in Preventing Wrongful Access to GunsDespite consensus on preventing gun access to wrong hands, limitations on medical records access and belief in self-protection hinder effective regulations. Focusing on tools rather than root causes may not be effective. Individual responsibility and self-defense are emphasized over government protection.

      While there is a consensus on the need to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands, there are significant challenges in implementing effective regulations due to limitations on access to medical records and the belief that individuals have the right to protect themselves and their families. The speaker also highlights the issue of mass shootings and the high number of shooters who are mentally unstable or on drugs. However, they argue that focusing on restricting tools rather than addressing the root causes of violent behavior may not be an effective solution. The speaker also emphasizes their belief in individual responsibility and the idea that the government should not be expected to provide protection. Instead, they advocate for the right to bear arms as a means of self-defense. The discussion also touches upon the inconsistencies in gun laws and the potential for unintended consequences of gun restrictions.

    • Gun Control and Dangerous IndividualsDespite background checks and waiting periods, some individuals who follow the law can still become dangerous, as illustrated by the case of Chris Dorner. Addressing the root causes of violent behavior and mental health/substance abuse may be more effective than stricter gun control.

      Effective gun control is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The speaker argues that it's impossible to control every gun in circulation, and even those who follow the law can still become dangerous. The case of Chris Dorner, a former police officer who went on a shooting rampage, illustrates this point. Dorner passed all the required background checks and waited months for the necessary permits to buy the weapons he used in his rampage. His past, which included being fired from the LAPD, did not raise any red flags. The speaker also believes that drugs and media attention contribute to violent behavior. Ultimately, the speaker seems to believe that focusing on preventing gun violence through stricter control may not be the most effective solution. Instead, addressing the root causes of violent behavior and addressing mental health and substance abuse may be more productive.

    • Misunderstanding Military Terminology and CapabilitiesThe media often misrepresents individuals labeled as 'trained' and their actions, while the real problem lies in human behavior and mental health, not just weapons or tyranny.

      The discussion revolved around the misunderstanding of military terminology and the capabilities of individuals who are labeled as "trained" in the media. The speaker shared stories of individuals who were portrayed as highly skilled and dangerous, but in reality, their actions were those of untrained individuals. The speaker also criticized the government's response to potential threats, suggesting that instead of ordering people to shelter in place, they should be encouraged to report any suspicious activity. The speaker emphasized that the real problem is human behavior and that weapons and equipment are not the root cause of violence. Instead, there is a mental health problem that is often disguised as a gun problem, and a security problem that is disguised as a tyranny problem. The speaker concluded by emphasizing the importance of understanding the complexities of situations and avoiding oversimplification.

    • Gun control: a mindset issueThe speaker advocates for individual responsibility and freedom, opposing gun control laws as an infringement on the right to self-defense, and believes criminals don't follow laws, making such regulations ineffective.

      The issue of gun control is not just about security or mental health, but also about individual responsibility and freedom. The speaker believes that guns are tools, and the problem lies in the misuse of these tools. He argues that it's a mindset issue, and if someone doesn't want to take responsibility for their safety, that's fine. However, he strongly opposes being forced to delegate that responsibility to the state. He believes that people should be allowed to protect themselves and that gun control laws, which he sees as constantly encroaching, infringe on that right. He also points out that criminals don't follow the law, so such laws would not prevent crime. The speaker's perspective is rooted in a belief in individual freedom and the right to self-defense.

    • Navigating Misinformation During CrisisDuring crises, misinformation and conspiracy theories can spread quickly. Stay informed and think critically to distinguish fact from fiction.

      During times of crisis or uncertainty, there is a significant amount of misinformation and conspiracy theories that circulate. This was evident during the Boston bombings, where false information was spread, leading to confusion and mistrust. People's desire to discover new information and believe fantastical ideas can sometimes cloud their judgment, making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. However, it's important to remember that while some conspiracies are real, many are not. The human psyche may have an inherent need to discover new things, but this can also make us vulnerable to being misled. Therefore, it's crucial to approach information objectively and be aware of the potential for misinformation and false flags. By staying informed and thinking critically, we can navigate the complex world of news and information.

    • The importance of the information itself, not the sourceFocus on delivering accurate and valuable information to the public, regardless of the source or personal challenges.

      The importance lies in the information itself, rather than the vehicle delivering it. The traditional news media, such as The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal, have been overshadowed by the internet and new media. While these institutions have a rich history, they are no longer the sole gatekeepers of news. The control and ego surrounding the distribution of information can be detrimental. Instead, focus on the significance of the information and the ability to access it, regardless of the source. Additionally, if one feels undervalued or underpaid, it's essential to remember that hardship and adversity are common experiences, and the ability to adapt and find solutions is crucial. The ultimate goal is to deliver accurate and valuable information to the public.

    • Rising from Humble Beginnings in AmericaIn America, anyone can overcome poverty and achieve success through hard work and determination, even in niche communities like pool.

      The United States offers unique opportunities for individuals to rise from humble beginnings to success through hard work and determination. The speaker, who grew up in Las Vegas, observed the stark contrast between wealth and poverty, but also recognized the potential for personal growth and success. This American ideal is particularly evident in niche communities like pool, where individuals can come together, bet on their skills, and build a following of fans. The speaker's website, The Action Report, reflects this passion for the gambling side of pool and the unique American tradition of putting money on the line to determine the best player. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the United States is a place where anyone, regardless of their background, can take control of their lives and achieve their goals.

    • Pool halls as social hubs for bachelors and traveling playersIn the early 1900s, pool halls were social hubs for bachelors and traveling players, where the best player was determined through high-stakes games, extending to the Philippines and producing world-class players like Shane Van Boening, who is renowned for his precision and ability to run racks of ten balls in a row.

      Pool halls in the early 1900s served as social hubs for bachelors and traveling players, where the concept of determining the best player was akin to the gunfighter or Japanese swordman mentality. Road players, or those who traveled from town to town, didn't hustle or con, but rather challenged anyone to a game for high stakes. Pool's popularity extended to the Philippines, where it became a major sport and produced world-class players like Shane Van Boening. Van Boening, a deaf American player, is renowned for his precision and ability to run racks of ten balls in a row, a challenging feat known as six and sevens. His assassin-like focus and unwavering accuracy make him a formidable opponent, and his performances in high-stakes races to hundreds showcase his remarkable skills. The tight tables used in these events added to the pressure and difficulty, requiring precise deliveries and a keen sense of ball control.

    • The Journey to Excellence in PoolDedication, focus, and sacrifice are necessary for achieving excellence in any field, but it often comes at the cost of other life aspects.

      Excellence, whether it's in pool or any other field, requires a deep commitment and focus that goes beyond the average person's understanding. The speaker's friend, Shane, is an excellent pool player, and his dedication to the game is evident in his daily practice and unwavering mental fortitude. The quote from The Color of Money, "If you're the best in the world at something, no matter what it is, anything, then you can be a king," resonates with the speaker, who is fascinated by people who excel at their craft. However, achieving excellence often means sacrificing other aspects of life and maintaining a relentless focus on improvement. Shane, being young and unencumbered by responsibilities, is able to fully commit to his craft and rise to the top of the pool world. The pursuit of excellence is a common thread between the speaker's passion for pool and their shared interest in Q, the art of making pool cues.

    • Mastering the Art of Crafting Custom Pool CuesCreating high-quality, handcrafted items like custom pool cues involves a deep understanding of materials, meticulous attention to detail, and a willingness to start over if mistakes are made.

      The process of creating high-quality, handcrafted items, such as custom pool cues, is a complex and intricate art form that requires a deep understanding of materials and meticulous attention to detail. John Shoma, a friend and master cue maker, exemplifies this dedication to craftsmanship. Working in a one-car garage, Shoma creates stunning, functional works of art that can sell for thousands of dollars. His cues, which feature intricate inlays and precise joinery, require a high level of skill and a willingness to start over if mistakes are made. The result is a product that is not only beautiful but also functional and durable. This dedication to craftsmanship is not unique to pool cues; it can be found in various industries, from knife making to car customization. The ability to transform raw materials into something of value is a testament to the human capacity for creativity and innovation.

    • A Generous Surprise from a Custom Pool Cue MakerCustom pool cues are highly valued for their craftsmanship and status symbolism, with brands like Balabushka, Zambote, and Shelman leading the market. The pool community, driven by passion and dedication, continues to thrive on unexpected acts of kindness and camaraderie.

      The world of custom pool cue makers is a fascinating and unique community, where craftsmanship and reverence for their creations run deep. Eric Crisp, a well-known and in-demand cue maker, exemplifies this by surprising a photographer named Joe with a custom cue worth $2,000, which Joe used to purchase a valuable camera lens he had sold earlier. This unexpected act of kindness showcases the generosity and camaraderie within this community. Custom pool cues, especially high-end ones, are highly sought after and expensive. Brands like Balabushka, Zambote, and Shelman are synonymous with excellence and command significant prices. These cues are not just tools for playing pool but are considered works of art and status symbols. The pool community, particularly the high-end collectors, is a niche and somewhat exclusive group. Despite its quirks and challenges, the pool world continues to thrive on the passion and dedication of its community members, including the cue makers who create these exceptional pieces.

    • A community of craftsmen creating valuable pool cuesThe world's best pool cues, made by skilled craftsmen, are highly sought-after and significant investments for dedicated enthusiasts, offering emotional connection and personal meaning beyond their cost.

      The world of high-end pool cues is a small, exclusive community of craftsmen producing valuable and highly sought-after items for a dedicated group of enthusiasts. The demand for these cues far outstrips the supply, making them a significant investment. Friends like John and Barry Zamboni, both known for their traditional design work, exemplify this unique community. While the cues may be expensive, their value lies not only in their craftsmanship but also in the emotional connection and significance they hold for their owners. Whether it's a watch, a car, or a pool cue, people are drawn to what makes them feel best, regardless of cost. These items become more than just possessions; they hold personal meaning and often serve as reminders of significant experiences.

    • Focus on things that bring genuine enjoymentInstead of buying things to impress, prioritize possessions that align with personal interests and bring authentic enjoyment.

      Material possessions, such as expensive watches or cars, should not be purchased to impress others or to fit in with societal norms. Instead, individuals should focus on buying things that bring them genuine enjoyment and appreciation for their unique interests. For instance, a person might have a passion for log houses or a specific car model, and they should prioritize fulfilling that desire rather than trying to keep up with others' material possessions. Additionally, understanding the history, performance, and mechanics behind these possessions can add to the overall enjoyment. Furthermore, it's essential to recognize that engineering advancements, such as automatic transmissions or all-wheel drive, can sometimes take away from the authentic experience of owning and operating a particular type of vehicle. Ultimately, the key is to focus on personal enjoyment and understanding rather than societal pressures.

    • The Unique Experience of Driving a Naturally Aspirated CarNaturally aspirated cars offer a unique driving experience with their distinct sound and connection between engine and driver. However, reliability and practicality are also crucial considerations in car ownership.

      While performance modifications like superchargers and turbos can enhance a car's power, naturally aspirated engines offer a unique driving experience, particularly in terms of sound. The speaker shares his personal experience with a custom-built car that faced numerous issues, including construction-related challenges and mechanical failures. Despite the car's beauty and initial allure, the speaker learned the importance of reliability and practicality in car ownership. He emphasizes the significance of the car's sound and the connection between the engine and the driver. The speaker's story underscores the importance of considering both performance and practicality when customizing a car.

    • The Speaker's Passion for High-Performance Cars and RacingAppreciate the engineering and craftsmanship in high-performance cars, whether it's a Porsche or a motorcycle, and respect others' preferences.

      The speaker is passionate about cars, specifically high-performance Porsches, and the engineering and craftsmanship involved in building them. He recalls watching a friend's car, a 528 Hemi GTS RS, which was a race-ready version of the Porsche 911 with a powerful engine and minimal weight. The speaker also expresses his admiration for the Isle of Man TT race, a long-running motorcycle race on a tiny island off the coast of England. Despite the differences in preferences for cars and motorcycles, the speaker emphasizes that everyone should appreciate what they like and not judge others for their choices. The speaker's love for engineering and racing is evident in his descriptions of the cars and races he admires.

    • An Extremely Dangerous Motorcycle Race on Public RoadsThe Isle of Man TT race is a deadly event with an average of one to two fatalities per year, where participants reach speeds of up to 170 miles per hour with no safety barriers or runoff areas.

      The Isle of Man TT race is an extremely dangerous motorcycle race held on public roads, with an average of one to two fatalities per year and over 200 deaths since its inception. Despite the risks, participants push themselves to their limits, reaching speeds of up to 170 miles per hour with no barriers or runoff areas. The documentary "Isle of Man TT" provides a glimpse into the raw, intense experience of the race. The danger is amplified by the fact that these crashes often result in fatalities or severe injuries. The race is not for the faint-hearted, and even those filming the event are affected by the traumatic nature of the race. The risks and realities of the race are vastly different from those of civilians, making it a unique and extreme challenge for participants.

    • Complexities of Equality in Combat Sports and Transgender IndividualsEquality and respect for individuals is important, but physical differences cannot be ignored in combat sports involving damage. Transgender individuals should be accepted and respected, but physical realities must be acknowledged in competitive sports.

      The discussion revolves around the complexities and fairness of different realities and capabilities in various contexts, specifically in relation to combat sports and transgender individuals. The speaker expresses fascination with the concept of drones versus drones, but raises concerns when it comes to drones versus humans or transgender individuals in combat sports. They believe in equality and respect for individuals, but acknowledge that physical differences cannot be ignored in competitive sports that involve physical damage. The speaker also shares their perspective on the limitations of genetic advantages and the importance of determination and dedication in achieving excellence. They challenge the notion that transgender individuals cannot compete at the highest level in their chosen field and emphasize the importance of accepting and respecting individual identities while acknowledging the realities of physical differences.

    • Embrace your journey despite setbacksIt's never too late to pursue goals, learn, and appreciate life's experiences, even if they're not perfect or as successful as others'.

      Life presents challenges and setbacks, but it's never too late to pursue your goals, even if others have already achieved them. The speaker acknowledges that he may not have reached the same level of success as some individuals, but he emphasizes that dedication and a willingness to learn are essential. He also reflects on the importance of experiencing various aspects of life, even if they may not be perfect, and the value of appreciating the history and culture behind certain passions, like classic cars. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the listener to find joy in their own journey and not compare themselves to others.

    • Appreciating the Unique and High-PerformanceThe speaker values unique, high-performance cars for their engineering, history, and the connection they provide, using them as a way to express masculinity and attract partners.

      The speaker enjoys owning and appreciating unique, high-performance cars, specifically muscle cars and European sports cars, despite the challenges they may present. He finds joy in the admiration they receive from others, but dislikes the attention from those who are not appreciative. The speaker values the engineering and history behind these cars, and believes that true appreciation lies in understanding the balance between function and aesthetics. He feels a connection to the gritty, unpolished nature of these cars and sees it as a contrast to the manicured and scarce modern world. The speaker also believes that owning and appreciating these cars is a way to assert masculinity and attract desirable partners.

    • Recommendations for Audible and GoToMeetingListeners can get a free audiobook and 33 days of Audible service, while GoToMeeting offers a free 30-day trial with the promo code JRE.

      The hosts highly recommend the use of Audible.com and GoToMeeting.com. The hosts have had positive experiences with both companies and believe in their services. Audible.com offers a free audiobook and 33 days of audible service for new users by going to audible.com/Joe. GoToMeeting.com provides a free 30-day trial with the promo code JRE when signing up at go.meeting.com. The hosts plan to use GoToMeeting.com for future online events. These recommendations come from their appreciation for the services and the convenience they provide in accessing content and conducting virtual meetings.

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    Sun is the ultimate source of energy. Humanity has looked for energy and fossil fuels under the ground for way too long, but now the time has come that we look up. We all have the sun, and the ability to generate electricity from it, which is also getting cheaper every day. If we all use solar power, today’s energy divide—the energy-poor and the energy-rich—among countries will come to an end.

    Now is the time to think big and develop ideas for large and small scale opportunities. Following today’s trend, soon solar power will bring us almost free electricity and transportation.

    In this episode, we discuss leapfrogging opportunities for all of us. The opportunities for DC power and electric vehicles that run on free solar power—this will eventually allow us to move far away places and islands without concerns of access to grid power. I also discuss how the price trends for solar power and batteries.

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    Spotlight: Politics of the Big Tech Hearing: Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google

    Spotlight: Politics of the Big Tech Hearing: Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google

    The big tech CEOs of Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google were attacked from all sides as they testified remotely before Congress last week, and while their companies are astonishing examples of creativity and innovation, what they revealed was a collective sense of political hubris. Steve Forbes on the politics of the big tech hearing, the self-destructive behavior of these CEOs and how they should start practicing the wise, commonsense approach to customer service.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

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