
    409. The Side Effects of Social Distancing

    en-usMarch 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Covid-19 on the U.S.: A Wartime Footing and Economic UncertaintyCovid-19 has upended daily life and requires government aid to provide industry bailout, rent relief, tax relief, and emergency aid for laid-off workers. Insights from economists suggest the future may be shaped by these extraordinary changes.

      The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the U.S. to assume a wartime footing, with social distancing measures being implemented to minimize its spread. This has resulted in the biggest disruption of daily life that many of us have ever known. It is expected to get substantially worse before it gets better, with many industries being upended and the economic impact being massive. Government aid will likely be required to provide industry bailouts, rent and tax relief, and emergency aid for laid-off workers. Consequences may include a baby boom and unintended effects, and the situation has created economic uncertainty. Insights from economists indicate the future may be crafted by the extraordinary changes we are all living through.

    • The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy and WorkersThe pandemic has caused a recession affecting both demand and supply, with industries beyond those directly impacted feeling the effects. Hourly and non-salaried workers face higher exposure risk and historically suffer the most in recessions, yet there is no clear response in addressing this issue.

      The Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on the economy, resulting in a recession due to the negative shock on demand and supply coupled with the uncertainty of left-tail risk. Network effects have also impacted industries beyond those directly affected, such as periphery industries associated with the N.B.A. The pandemic has created a clear divide between those on salary and those that are hourly or non-salaried workers with higher exposure risk. Unfortunately, during recessions, lower-skilled and lower-paid workers often suffer the most. Historically, there has been no clear and effective response from either government or private firms to address this problem.

    • Economic Uncertainty and COVID-19: Smarter Solutions Needed for Policy ImpactThe COVID-19 crisis has exposed the limitations of monetary and fiscal policy. Policymakers and economists must find smarter solutions to mitigate the impact of unpredicted events and safeguard people's livelihoods, particularly those at the hourly wage level.

      The current economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has had a damaging impact on monetary and fiscal policy. The Fed and European Central Bank intervention did not have a consequential effect due to the magnitude of the fear. Interest rates were already low before the crisis, and the governments did not have enough ammunition to fight this war. Longer paid leave from work could be a bipartisan solution for full-time employees but may not address the need for hourly workers. Layoffs are inevitable, and safety nets for those people would be important. The policymakers and economists need to think of smarter solutions to smooth out disruptions and uncertainty caused by sudden events to reduce the impacts and prevent catastrophic situations.

    • The Costly Mistake of Tax Cuts and the Importance of Managing Government DebtTo avoid deficits during times of recession, instead of tax cuts, government debt should be managed and surplus generated. Trying to time the market poses risks for retail investors.

      Massive tax cuts over the last few years were a mistake, and instead the government debt should have been pushed down to allow for proper spending during a recession. The fiscal position is worrying as there should have been generating a surplus, but instead, there's a big deficit. As the current pandemic affects commerce, it will take a toll, and the recovery rate may be slower than anticipated. It is advised not to try timing the market, as it's difficult to do. The markets can't be outthought, and it's better to leave it be. Retail investors are at risk when swimming with the sharks that eat them for lunch.

    • The Importance of Long-Term Investment Strategy amid Stock Market Volatility and the Implications of Remote WorkIn times of stock-market uncertainty, focus on long-term investments. Remote work can benefit both companies and employees, with increased productivity and job satisfaction being two of the benefits.

      In times of stock-market volatility, it is important to have a long-term investment strategy and not be swayed by short-term fluctuations. The effects of COVID-19 on the biggest companies in the world are uncertain, and stocks are likely to continue experiencing volatility for the near term. However, while working from home may not be suitable for everyone, studies have shown that employees who work remotely are 13 percent more productive, have lower quit rates, and tend to work their full shift. This has important implications for companies considering a shift to remote work, and for employees who may prefer the flexibility and quiet of working from home.

    • The Impact of Full-Time Remote Work on Mental Health and ProductivityAlthough remote work can be convenient, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who need social interaction and stimulation for optimal performance. Companies should gather data to assess productivity loss and offer flexible work options to promote better performance and employee happiness.

      Working from home full-time may not be suitable for everyone, especially for those who need social interaction and stimulation to perform well. The Covid experiment of remote work is extreme and may lead to isolation and loneliness, which can have mental and physical health implications. While some routine jobs may be performed well at home, long-term remote work could be damaging to productivity and innovation. Companies should gather data to assess productivity loss, if any, from remote work and allow flexible work options, backed by data, for their employees, which could ultimately lead to better performance and happier employees.

    • The Importance of Effective Leadership During a CrisisGood management is vital to sustain a business during a crisis. Remote meetings can facilitate communication and connection with employees, reducing loneliness. Effective leadership can mitigate negative impacts and promote long-term growth. Prompt action is necessary to avoid longer-term consequences.

      The Covid-19 situation has highlighted the importance of effective management and leadership in sustaining a business during a crisis. A good manager can ensure that their firm is organized, adaptable to change, and inspires its employees to survive during challenging times. Regular check-ins with employees are essential to maintain a connection with them and prevent feelings of loneliness and depression. Although traditional meetings can be inefficient and intrusive, technology like Zoom can facilitate remote meetings and streamline communication. The costs associated with closing schools and businesses are inevitable, and delaying action will result in longer-term consequences. Effective leadership during a crisis can mitigate the negative impacts on a business and promote long-term growth.

    • The Long-Term Impact of Remote Work on Commuting, Property Prices, and Work Culture.Remote work brings benefits such as a better work-life balance but also highlights the importance of social interaction for mental health. The shift to remote learning has unknown effects on education. We need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of these changes moving forward.

      The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a large-scale experiment with remote work, which is likely to have long-term effects on commuting, property prices, and work culture. While many people hate commuting, the shift to remote work may be difficult for some to reverse, especially as it leads to greater work-life balance. The pandemic has also highlighted how addicted humans are to social interaction, which could have implications for mental health. The closure of schools and universities has led to a significant shift towards remote teaching and learning, with unknown effects on education. Going forward, serious consideration needs to be given to the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and education, and how to best adapt to a world with heightened awareness of public health concerns.

    • The Efficacy of Remote Teaching Compared to In-Person LearningEconomists are using the shift to online teaching as a natural experiment to compare the effectiveness of remote learning versus in-person. While some believe remote teaching can be efficient, others argue in-person teaching adds a valuable personal touch.

      As Covid-19 has forced a shift to online teaching, economists are considering it a natural experiment to measure the efficacy of remote teaching. To do this, they would compare grades and long-term outcomes of students who took a course in-person versus online. While some believe that remote teaching could lead to greater efficiency and more one-on-one time for professors and students, others are skeptical. Nicholas Bloom contends that the personal-trainer effect of in-person teaching adds value to the learning experience, and banning laptops and cell phones can vastly improve attention. However, economists still welcome progress and see the potential benefits of remote teaching if it can be done efficiently while still providing valuable one-on-one time with students.

    • The Importance of In-Person Interaction in Teaching Critical Thinking SkillsWhile online teaching can be effective for conveying facts and methods, developing critical thinking skills requires in-person interaction. Teachers must prioritize human connection in their teaching methods to impact students' ability to think critically.

      While teaching facts and methods can be done almost as well online, teaching critical thinking skills requires more hands-on interaction. The university model still exists because it aims to teach students how to think, not just what to think. Interacting with students in-person allows for better reactions to questions, confusion, and the ability to see when a student has a breakthrough. For those teaching, it is important to recognize that while technology can enhance learning, it cannot fully replace the value of human interaction in the learning process. Academics now have an opportunity to explore new methods of teaching, but the core principle of developing critical thinking skills must remain a priority.

    • The Unintended Consequences of Remote Learning During the COVID-19 PandemicRemote learning has benefits but can disrupt important socialization skills, including communication and argumentation. It is important for institutions to carefully consider the unintended consequences of remote learning during the pandemic.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many institutions, including schools, to implement remote teaching and learning. While there may be benefits, such as reducing travel and exploring new modes of economic production, there are concerns about the impact on socialization, particularly among American children who are taught and encouraged to argue and speak up from an early age. Environmental economist Marshall Burke has found a strong linkage between temperature increases and various types of violence around the world. The pandemic is generating huge amounts of experimentation in teaching, but there are also unintended consequences such as disruption of family routines, as seen with Burke's own children, and the possible loss of important social skills through remote learning.

    • The Complex Connection Between Temperature, Violence, and Covid-19There are multiple factors that contribute to the relationship between temperature and violence, and social distancing measures put in place during Covid-19 may reduce individual crime but potentially lead to broader-scale violence due to resource constraints. On a positive note, Covid-19 lockdown measures in China unintentionally led to a reduction in air pollution.

      The relationship between temperature and violence is multifaceted, with physiological and social engagement factors both playing a role. While measures put in place to reduce the spread of Covid-19, such as social distancing, may reduce individual crime, concerns remain about the potential for broader-scale violence due to resource constraints. Recent studies have shown that the lockdown measures put in place in China due to Covid-19 have unintentionally led to a reduction in air pollution, highlighting the economic impact of environmental policies.

    • The Impact of Air Pollution on HealthReduced air pollution has significant positive impacts on mortality rates, particularly for vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. Exposure to air pollution can also have long-lasting effects on health and financial well-being.

      Decades of research have shown that air pollution has severe negative impacts on health outcomes, making reductions in air pollution beneficial for the population. The temporary suspension of polluting vehicles and manufacturing plants in Beijing ahead of the 2008 Olympics resulted in a one-third improvement in air quality, which led to significant reductions in both child and infant mortality rates and old-age mortality rates. Exposure to air pollution in utero has also been shown to lead to poor health outcomes and reduced earnings later in life. Recent data shows that Covid-19 has led to a 20-percent improvement in air quality in China, with the greatest reductions concentrated in areas most affected by the virus.

    • Satellite Data Shows Reduction in Air Pollution During Pandemic in ChinaDespite varying degrees of reduction in air pollution across China, the overall decline is predicted to save many lives, particularly among the vulnerable age groups. However, the pandemic's impact on traffic fatalities requires further research.

      Satellite data shows that Wuhan had a significant decline in economic activity, resulting in a reduction in air pollution. Meanwhile, cities in southern China experienced the largest overall decrease due to less reliance on home heating. However, Beijing saw no decrease due to cement factories' unwillingness to turn off blast furnaces, resulting in no improvement in air quality. The reduction in pollution is predicted to save 50,000 lives across China, with gains concentrated among the very young and old. This number is 15-20 times higher than the deaths directly attributed to Covid-19. While transportation is linked with air pollution and traffic fatalities, it remains to be studied whether there was a decrease in traffic deaths during the pandemic.

    • The Silver Lining of the Reduction of Air Pollution in ChinaThe reduction of air pollution during the pandemic led to a decrease in deaths in China, highlighting the negative effects of everyday actions. This information can inspire policymakers to take action against pollution and prevent future unnecessary deaths. We should learn from this crisis and apply our knowledge to improve our actions in the future.

      Despite the negative consequences of the global pandemic, the reduction of air pollution in China resulting in 45,000 fewer deaths highlights the negative effects of everyday actions. While it may feel awkward to discuss potential silver linings during such a difficult time, this data could inspire policymakers to take action against pollution and prevent future unnecessary deaths. However, in the midst of an epidemic, it is important to focus on the negative effects and not attempt to weigh the positives. Instead, we should learn from this crisis and apply our knowledge to improve our actions in the future without pandemics.

    • Will the COVID-19 pandemic permanently alter our behavior?The pandemic has the potential to cause long-term changes in how we work and socialize, but it remains to be seen if remote substitutes will stick even after the disease subsides.

      The COVID-19 pandemic may act as a critical juncture, causing changes in behavior that slow-moving technology or preferring shifts haven't. However, it remains uncertain whether people will stop congregating and relying on in-person work, or if remote substitutes will stick even after the disease subsides. The idea that critical junctures can redirect countries or economies has been brought up by economic historians. Still, it calls into question whether this epidemic will act as one considering the impact it's already had on the modern world. Only time will tell how the pandemic shapes future behavior and if forced remote work and learning become permanent fixtures of modern society.

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    Día 12: Héroes enjabonados | ¿Por qué tengo que lavarme las manos tantas veces?

    Día 12: Héroes enjabonados | ¿Por qué tengo que lavarme las manos tantas veces?
    ¿Qué te estás preguntando hoy?

    Karen:  ¿por qué tengo que lavarme las manos tantas veces, por qué es tan importante seguir las recomendaciones?

    Karen, me encanta saber que estás en uno de los países donde más nos escuchan. Así que además de enviarte un fuerte abrazo, saludo a todos los niños y papás de México que abren las puertas de su imaginación a mi mensaje. Resulta que este feo virus con corona solo puede enfermarnos cuando entra a nuestro cuerpo por los ojos, la nariz o la boca, y la manera más fácil de llegar a estas partes del cuerpo es a través de las manos. Nuestras manos son uno de los transportes que utiliza este villano para entrar al cuerpo y hacernos daño. Por eso, cuando recogemos sin querer a este virus en las manos, con solo lavárnoslas lo destruimos, porque el agua y el jabón, es uno de los mejores antídotos que hasta ahora existe. El jabón debilita los poderes de este y otros villanos invisibles, mezclado con el agua logran la combinación perfecta, para eliminar cualquier virus de las manos.

    Pero no basta con frotar y dejar correr el agua rápidamente. Los pasos que debes seguir son estos:

    1. Mójate las manos con agua limpia
    2. Aplica suficiente jabón para cubrir las manos mojadas
    3. Frotar por toda la superficie de las manos: encima, debajo, entre los dedos, debajo de las uñas, los pulgares… mejor dicho que no te quede  ni una sola parte sin restregar
    Y ojo a este dato: para que la magia surta efecto debemos hacer este paso por 20 segundos, (puedes cantar tu canción favorita o contar desde 20 hasta 1).
    4. Juágate las manos
    5. Sécate las manos con una toalla limpia o de papel.

    Como escuchaste Karen, es hora de hacer lo correcto, y seguir las indicaciones de lavarnos las manos frecuentemente, porque es una de las maneras más fáciles de eliminar a este villano.

    Chao a todos, si quieren contarme algo ya saben qué hacer.

    Recuerden que en https://creciendoconjake.com tenemos un botón (https://www.patreon.com/NinosVsVirusConCorona) en donde pueden “apoyarnos” para que nos sigamos escuchando.