
    41. How Does Physical Health Affect Mental Health? | Dr. Christopher M. Palmer, MD & Gary Brecka

    enMarch 05, 2024
    What does the brain energy theory propose about mental disorders?
    How is mental illness linked to metabolic dysfunctions?
    Why may conventional treatments be ineffective for mental health?
    What role do mitochondria play in mental health?
    How can diet impact overall mental health and treatment?

    • Mental illness linked to metabolic dysfunctions in the brainThe brain energy theory suggests mental illness, including depression, may be metabolic disorders, offering new avenues for treatment focusing on metabolic health for long-term improvement, while conventional treatments have had limited impact on the growing mental health crisis.

      Mental illness, including depression, is linked to metabolic dysfunctions in the brain. Dr. Christopher Palmer, an MD and pioneer in this field, suggests that many psychiatric conditions may be metabolic disorders, challenging the traditional diagnostic categories. This theory, known as the brain energy theory, offers new avenues for treatment that focus on metabolic health for long-term improvement, rather than just symptom management. Despite this, conventional treatments have been around for decades with limited impact on the growing mental health crisis. Prior to the pandemic, about 1 billion people worldwide suffered from mental or substance use disorders, and in Western countries like the US, about one in five people experience mental disorders annually, with half experiencing one at some point in their lives. The rise in mental illness may not be solely due to aging, stress, or environment, and the conventional therapies, which are becoming more popular, have yet to make a significant impact on this crisis.

    • Mental health crisis worsens in US despite high healthcare spendingDuring pandemic, nearly half of Americans suffered depression, anxiety, PTSD, or substance use symptoms. Traditional treatments fail for many, and mental health issues interconnected with physical health

      Despite the United States being the biggest spender on healthcare and having one of the highest rates of antidepressant use and depression, the mental health crisis is worsening. During the pandemic, nearly half of Americans reported suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD, or substance use symptoms, with one in four young adults considering suicide. While there are various treatments available, including antidepressants, psychotherapies, and nerve stimulation, they fail to work for a significant number of people. The mental health crisis is not limited to depression, as rates of anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and bipolar disorder have also been increasing exponentially. Furthermore, the rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and prediabetes may not be a coincidence. It's crucial to recognize the interconnectedness of these conditions and address their root causes to effectively address the mental health crisis.

    • Connection between physical and mental healthPeople with mental health disorders are more likely to develop physical health conditions and vice versa due to shared metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunctions. The ApoE4 gene, linked to Alzheimer's disease, impacts both cholesterol metabolism and mitochondrial function.

      There is a strong connection between physical health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. People with mental health disorders are more likely to develop physical health conditions, and those with physical health conditions are more likely to develop mental health disorders. This relationship goes both ways due to shared metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunctions. For instance, the ApoE4 gene, which increases the risk for Alzheimer's disease, plays a role in regulating cholesterol and fat metabolism and mitochondrial function. Furthermore, mental disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia, are proposed to be due to metabolic dysfunction impacting the brain, a concept known as the brain energy theory. This theory suggests that mental disorders are caused by disruptions in the brain's energy production and utilization. Overall, understanding the connection between physical health and mental health can lead to new insights into the causes and potential treatments for various disorders.

    • The Role of Mitochondria in Metabolism and Mental HealthMitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for converting food into energy and playing a crucial role in mental health.

      Metabolism, the process of converting food into energy, is a fundamental aspect of living organisms. While it involves complex chemical pathways and processes, the hub of metabolism can be traced back to mitochondria in our cells. Understanding the role of mitochondria in metabolism can provide insights into metabolic health and even help connect the dots between mental illness and its biological, psychological, and social factors. Additionally, hydrogen water, which can be produced on the go using a hydrogen water generator like the Echo Go Plus, offers numerous health benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved absorption of nutrients.

    • Mitochondrial dysfunction and mental disordersMental disorders could be caused by malfunctioning brain cells due to mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to neurotransmitter imbalances and brain malfunctions, but the exact causes and triggers of this dysfunction remain unclear.

      Mental disorders may be caused by a lack of healthy mitochondria in the brain's cells. Mitochondria are responsible for metabolism, and their dysfunction could lead to neurotransmitter imbalances and brain malfunctions. Normal human suffering, such as grief or war, has obvious solutions and is not considered mental disorders. Mental disorders, on the other hand, involve brains that are not functioning properly and causing symptoms like depression, anxiety, and hallucinations without apparent triggers. Understanding why the brain cells malfunction requires exploring the root causes, and the current leading theory is a neurotransmitter imbalance. However, the causes and triggers of this imbalance remain unclear, and some researchers suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction might be involved.

    • Mitochondrial dysfunction linked to various health issuesImproving diet, sleep, reducing harmful substances, and managing stress can address mitochondrial dysfunction and improve brain function for many people, but require individualized approaches

      Mitochondrial dysfunction, which is the malfunctioning of cells, is a common theme in various health issues including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and mental illnesses. This issue can be addressed through simple solutions such as improving diet, getting better sleep, reducing harmful substances, and managing stress. However, it's important to note that these solutions are not one-size-fits-all and require individualized approaches to address specific food sensitivities and carbohydrate processing abilities. While these solutions may seem obvious, they can significantly improve the functioning of the brain for many people, including those with severe mental illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders. It's essential not to oversimplify the solutions, but rather to understand the details and tailor them to each person's unique needs.

    • Observing Improved Mental Health with Ketogenic DietThe ketogenic diet, originally used for epilepsy, has shown promise in managing and improving symptoms of various mental health conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

      A ketogenic diet, which is often perceived as a dangerous and unsustainable weight loss fad, has shown promising results in managing and even improving symptoms of various mental health conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. This was first observed in a morbidly obese patient with severe mental illness who experienced significant mood improvement and disappearance of auditory hallucinations after starting the diet. Since then, hundreds of patients have reported similar experiences, and there are ongoing controlled trials at prestigious universities to further investigate the potential benefits of the ketogenic diet for mental health conditions. The diet, which was originally developed to treat epilepsy, has been used in psychiatry for decades under the guise of different names, making this an exciting potential development in the field.

    • The ketogenic diet's potential in treating mental illnessesPeople with mental illnesses can follow the ketogenic diet when their lives depend on it, enhancing mitochondrial efficiency and potentially treating drug-resistant mental illnesses

      The ketogenic diet, which has been used for decades to treat various health conditions, holds promise in the treatment of serious mental illnesses. Contrary to common belief, people with mental illnesses have the determination and capacity to follow the diet when their lives depend on it. The science behind the diet's effectiveness lies in its ability to create a specific type of water called deuterium depleted water, which enhances mitochondrial efficiency. Despite the challenges in implementing the diet, the potential benefits make it a worthwhile consideration for those with drug-resistant mental illnesses.

    • Exploring the benefits of a ketogenic diet for mental health issuesA ketogenic diet may improve mental clarity and mood for individuals dealing with mild to moderate mental health issues, but it's crucial to work with a healthcare professional for serious conditions.

      A ketogenic diet could be a viable option for individuals dealing with mild to moderate mental health issues, such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, brain fog, and burnout. The potential benefits include improved mental clarity and mood, with minimal downsides like weight loss and avocado fatigue. However, for individuals with serious mental conditions like epilepsy, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or suicidal depression, it's crucial to work with a healthcare professional experienced in integrating metabolic and mental health therapies. The ketogenic diet can be a powerful treatment but comes with early risks and potential complications. Unfortunately, there's a shortage of healthcare professionals knowledgeable in this area, leaving many patients to navigate their treatment on their own. It's essential to prioritize seeking professional help to ensure a safe and effective approach to managing mental health conditions.

    • The Ketogenic Diet as a Potential Treatment for Mental IllnessesThe ketogenic diet, which limits carbs and increases healthy fats, is being researched as a potential treatment for mental illnesses, particularly those that are treatment-resistant. Resources like Metabolic Mind's clinician directory can help those seeking help.

      The ketogenic diet, an eating plan that limits carbohydrates and increases healthy fats, is gaining traction as a potential treatment for mental illnesses, particularly those that are treatment-resistant. This theory, which focuses on the role of metabolic and hormonal imbalances in mental health, is being researched in clinical trials and is being implemented in hospitals like McLean Hospital, the top-ranked psychiatric hospital in the nation. For those seeking help, resources like Metabolic Mind's clinician directory can be a starting point. The ultimate goal is to create scalable clinics that can reach a larger patient population and improve overall wellness through metabolic optimization. While more research is needed, the anecdotal evidence suggests that addressing hormonal and metabolic issues can lead to significant improvements in mental health.

    • Personalized approaches to mental and brain healthIndividualized solutions for mental and brain health consider factors like biomarkers, symptoms, and nutritional needs. Success stories include ketogenic diet and amino acid supplements, but other diets and methods may be more suitable for some.

      There is no one-size-fits-all solution for mental health and brain health issues. Dr. Palmer emphasized the importance of individualized approaches based on factors like biomarkers, symptoms, and nutritional needs. He mentioned his success with a ketogenic diet and the use of Perfect Amino by Body Health, a highly absorbable full-spectrum amino acid supplement. However, he also acknowledged that some people may need to gain weight rather than lose it, and different diets like whole30 or paleo might be more suitable for them. He encouraged listeners to consider a range of options, including genetic and inflammatory testing, mental health assessments, and common sense approaches like eating whole foods and ensuring adequate caloric and nutrient intake. Ultimately, the goal is to find a personalized solution that addresses the unique needs of each individual.

    • The impact of nutrition on mental healthNutrients for mental health require methylation to function optimally, which can be influenced by diet, gut health, and inflammation. Inflammation in the gut can affect brain function, potentially leading to mental health issues.

      The human body is an interconnected system, and what we consume affects not only our physical health but also our mental health. Nutrients like vitamin B12, folic acid, and thiamine, which are crucial for mental health, need to be methylated to function optimally. This process can be impacted by various factors, including diet, gut health, and inflammation. The brain communicates with all organs in the body, and inflammation in the gut can be communicated to the brain through various pathways, affecting brain function and potentially leading to conditions like depression, anxiety, or hallucinations. It's essential to adopt a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the whole body, rather than just treating symptoms from the neck up. While the causes of health issues can be complex, with factors including infections, toxins, and hormonal imbalances, healthcare professionals have protocols to help people improve their health through diet, exercise, and other interventions.

    • Holistic mental health care with multidisciplinary teamA multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists, psychotherapists, dieticians, health and wellness coaches, fitness trainers, biohacker experts, and mitochondrial experts, collaborate for effective and inclusive mental health care, focusing on nutrition, exercise, sleep, and addressing specific medical conditions.

      A holistic approach to mental health treatment is essential for effective and inclusive care. This approach involves a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists, psychotherapists, dieticians, health and wellness coaches, fitness trainers, biohacker experts, and mitochondrial experts, among others. Each team member brings unique expertise to address the complex interplay of physical and mental health. By respecting and collaborating with each other, this team can provide cost-effective, scalable care for individuals, focusing on the basics like nutrition, exercise, and sleep while also addressing specific medical conditions. Incorporating this whole-person approach into mainstream psychiatric evaluations and consultations within the next decade is a goal to improve mental health treatment outcomes.

    • Optimizing diet can improve health without extensive medical treatmentsCommon sense approaches like diet optimization can improve health, but some medications can cause metabolic harm and mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Use medications with caution and manage side effects closely.

      While some medical interventions are necessary for certain health conditions, common sense approaches, such as optimizing diet, can often improve overall health without the need for extensive medical treatments or interventions. However, it's important to note that some medications, particularly psychiatric medications, can cause metabolic harm and mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These medications, while necessary in some cases, should be used with caution and patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to manage any potential side effects. The long-term goal should be to minimize harm and promote healing. It's also important to remember that mental and physical health are interconnected, and addressing one can often improve the other.

    • Approaching mental illness through mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic toxinsA new perspective on mental illness focuses on treating root causes through mitochondrial health and addressing metabolic toxins, potentially disrupting the current mental health industry.

      Mental illness could be approached and treated differently, focusing on mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic toxins, similar to how chemotherapy is used. This perspective aims to help individuals heal and recover after treatment, and could potentially disrupt the current mental health industry. However, this disruption faces challenges due to the lack of profitability in prevention and the resistance from established industries. Despite these hurdles, there is hope for change as new evidence emerges and innovative companies develop solutions to improve mitochondrial health. Ultimately, the goal is to provide better lives and treatments for those suffering from chronic mental illness.

    • Disrupting products that harm mental health, creating opportunities for improvementDr. Palmer's mission is to disrupt harmful products and create opportunities for mental health improvement, turning disabled individuals into tax-paying citizens, reducing societal burden and contributing to economic growth.

      Disruption, although painful for some industries and businesses, paves the way for innovation, better opportunities, and economic growth. Dr. Chris Palmer, a psychiatrist, shares his vision of disrupting products that do not promote health and healing, and instead, focusing on creating products and opportunities that improve mental health and turn disabled individuals into tax-paying citizens. This not only has financial gains but also contributes to societal progress by reducing the burden of mental health issues on the economy. To learn more about Dr. Palmer's work, visit brainenergy.com and chrispalmermd.com. Dr. Palmer's ultimate goal is to help as many suffering individuals as possible and scale his impact by educating and influencing mental health professionals, healthcare clinicians, politicians, and insurance companies.

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    94. Fermented Foods: The Simple Habit That Could Change Your Health

    94. Fermented Foods: The Simple Habit That Could Change Your Health
    What if the secret to feeling your best starts with the food you’re not eating? In this video, Gary Brecka shares the incredible health benefits of fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles, exploring how they can transform your gut health, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. With the natural power of probiotics, these foods can boost your microbiome diversity and enhance nutrient absorption, making them a must-have for overall wellness. Watch now and discover how fermented vegetables can be the game-changer your diet has been missing. Don't forget to share your favorite fermented food in the comments below—what will you try first? 00:00 Intro 00:31 Benefits of Eating Fermented Vegetables  01:55 Steps to Ferment Vegetables at Home 03:11 Scientific Research on Fermented Vegetables 04:49 Adding Fermented Vegetables to Your Diet  Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    93. Alex Morton: How Belief Transforms Challenges into Success

    93. Alex Morton: How Belief Transforms Challenges into Success
    Ever wondered what separates those who achieve greatness from those who don’t? It’s often not talent or resources, but an unshakeable belief and relentless tenacity. In this episode, Alex Morton and Gary Brecka share how they turned their challenges into opportunities through sheer determination and a clear vision. Together, they reveal the power of resilience, the importance of a strong mindset, and how these qualities can turn your biggest challenges into your greatest triumphs. If you’re ready to transform your mindset and unlock your true potential, don’t just watch – take action! What will you do to strengthen your belief in your own journey? Also this month, we are giving away The Ultimate Human Swag Boxes to five lucky winners! All you have to do is subscribe to our channel, and we will send this amazing package right to your front door! Connect with Alex Morton: Order Alex Morton's book, “The Secret to Knowing It's Already Done!" here!: https://theultimatehuman.com/book-recs For more information on Alex Morton click here!: https://bit.ly/3ALHzu6 Follow Alex Morton on Instagram: https://bit.ly/47cBLpI Follow Alex Morton on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3AFafoo Join the AM Inner Circle here!: https://bit.ly/3z3FGbF 00:00 ​Intro of Show and Guest 03:29 ​Alex Morton’s Journey 10:50 ​Gary’s Difficult Experience on Mortgage and Payroll 16:27 ​The $150k Cheque from Alex 19:20 ​Alex Morton on Mindset, Goal-Setting, and Manifestation 31:19 ​Universal Law of Energy and Attraction 34:02 ​Reverse Engineering 36:07 ​Unconscious and Conscious Incompetence 38:09 ​Gary’s Morning Routine 40:23 ​Non-Negotiable Healthy Mindset Practices 50:40 ​Perfect Morning Practice 57:33 ​Mentorship 58:30 ​Significance, Success, and Self-Image 01:04:40 ​Connect with Alex Morton 01:07:26 ​Final Question: What does it mean to you to be an “Ultimate Human?” Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    92. Eat This, Not That: The Shocking Truth About Processed Foods

    92. Eat This, Not That: The Shocking Truth About Processed Foods
    Is your grocery cart sabotaging your health? Discover the shocking truth about processed foods and learn how a whole food diet can transform your wellbeing. In this episode, Gary Brecka reveals that a staggering 90% of grocery store items may be undermining your health goals. Learn why nutrient-dense foods are the key to boosting your energy levels, enhancing mental clarity, and supporting a robust immune system. Ready to make the switch? Then, hit that play button and learn practical tips on how you can embrace the whole food diet lifestyle. Remember, your plate has the power to change your life – are you ready to harness it? TIMESTAMPS:  00:00 ​Intro of Show 01:00 ​Highly-Processed Foods in Your Grocery Store 01:18 ​Whole Foods and Whole Food Diet Definition 03:23 ​Highly-Processed Diet vs. Whole Food Diet 04:39 ​Benefits of Eating Whole Foods 06:15 ​Science-Backed Research on the Benefits of Whole Food Diets 07:14 ​Tips for Transitioning to Whole Food Diet 08:00 ​Recap Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    91. Dr. Will B Explains How to Heal Your Gut and Prevent Disease

    91. Dr. Will B Explains How to Heal Your Gut and Prevent Disease
    Have you ever wondered if the key to your overall well-being lies in your gut? In this episode, Gary Brecka explores the fascinating world of the gut microbiome and its profound impact on your health. Discover how the trillions of microbes living in your gut not only aid in digestion, but also play a crucial role in your mental health, immune system, and overall vitality. They also shared the science behind microbiome, how diet and lifestyle choices can transform your gut health, and why conventional medicine alone isn’t always enough. As Dr. Will B stated, “The food choices that you make today will start to impact your microbiome by tomorrow.” How will you begin nurturing your gut today? Let us know in the comments below! Connect with Dr. Will B: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theguthealthmd?igsh=MWkyejllcWo5aWo3Mw== Website: https://theplantfedgut.com/  “Fiber Fueled” (Dr. Will B’s Book): https://theplantfedgut.com/book/  38TERA (Your Gut’s New Bestfriend): https://38tera.com/ TIMESTAMPS:  00:00 ​Intro of Show and Guest 02:31 ​Dr. Will B’s Transformative Journey  07:23 ​The New Science of Microbiome 11:31 ​Gut Microbiome’s Impact on Our Health 14:51 ​Feeding Your Microbiome 15:14 ​Inside the Intestine: Microbes’ Existence as an Ecosystem 17:10 ​Gut Microbiome’s Disturbance Potentially Causing Mental Disorders  19:08 ​Healthy Microbiome Diet and Lifestyle 22:21 ​Power of Fermented Foods 25:42 ​Cancer Therapies and Microbiome 31:36 ​Feeding Microbes with Fiber 33:14 ​Risks of Colon Cancer  39:26 ​Plant Sources of Fiber 44:55 ​Gut Microbiome Tests and Checking Yourself 59:20 ​Basic and Healthy Gut Nutrition 01:01:47 ​Probiotic Studies 01:05:03 ​Preventative Measures  01:06:43 ​Connect with Dr. Will 01:11:46 ​Final Question: What does it mean to you to be an “Ultimate Human?” Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 FOLLOW US: The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    90. The Ultimate Guide to Clean Water for Better Health

    90. The Ultimate Guide to Clean Water for Better Health
    Did you know that the quality of your drinking water can significantly impact your health? August is National Water Quality Month, and human biologist Gary Brecka discusses the shocking truth about your drinking water and its impact on your health. Remember: Your body shouldn't be a filter for contaminants. Every ounce of clean water matters! Also this month, we are giving away The Ultimate Human Swag Boxes to five lucky winners! All you have to do is subscribe to our channel, and we will send this amazing package right to your front door! Studies Discussed On Today’s Episode: NCBI | Importance of Water Quality: https://bit.ly/4dIAXe1 ResearchGate | Alkaline-Reduced Water: https://bit.ly/46NICFV PubMed | Hydrogen-Rich Water and Immunity: https://bit.ly/3M5uePB PubMed | Hydrogen-Rich Water and Platelet Count: https://bit.ly/3X1Kyas PubMed | Hydration and Health: https://bit.ly/3YL5gwl NCBI | Water and Health: https://bit.ly/3Amfw4j PubMed | Water Quality and Contaminants: https://bit.ly/4dFNcYS TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 01:02 ​Impact of Water Quality to Our Health and Environment 01:22 ​Fluoride as a Neurotoxin (Effect on IQ) 03:21 ​Different Types of Available Water 03:54 ​Best Water Filtration Systems 04:11 ​Echo Hydrogen Water Bottle Benefits 05:16 ​Chlorine Gas in Commercial Steam Rooms 06:23 Giveaway: The Ultimate Human Swag Boxes 07:18 Importance of Water Filtration Systems 09:08 ​Connection Between Hydration and Health 11:33 ​Recap Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    89. STOP Self-Sabotage Now! Case Kenny's Mind-Blowing Techniques

    89. STOP Self-Sabotage Now! Case Kenny's Mind-Blowing Techniques
    We all have that voice in our head. The one that doubts, criticizes, and sometimes... sabotages us. But what if I told you that voice could become your greatest ally? In this eye-opening episode, host Gary Brecka sits down with mindfulness expert Case Kenny to explore the power of self-awareness and personal growth. Learn how you can tap into your inner voice and turn it into your superpower! Connect with Case Kenny: Get Case Kenny’s newest book, “That’s Bold of You” here!: https://theultimatehuman.com/book-recs Listen to "‎New Mindset, Who Dis?" podcast weekly on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3X0HqeV For more information on Case Kenny visit: https://bit.ly/3AkSGd3 Follow Case Kenny on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46N0vo5 Follow Case Kenny on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Ap1IpH Follow Case Kenny on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3yHfmDZ Follow Case Kenny on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4dkJ14N Follow Case Kenny on X.com: https://bit.ly/3WIq3yg 0:00 ​Intro of Show and Guest 4:09 ​Case Kenny’s Journey from Being an Entrepreneur to a Mindfulness Influencer 12:59 ​Guided Journaling as a Mindful Practice 13:50 ​Gary Brecka’s Personal Mindful Exercises 15:27 ​Mindfulness Definition 17:23 ​“Visualize the Vocalizing” 23:30 ​“That’s Bold of You” (Book by Case Kenny) 24:26 ​Vulnerability and Judgments 26:21 ​The Power of Our Inner Voice 29:53 ​Mindfulness Exercise: Journaling 34:12​Practicing Gratitude 36:11 ​Examining Contrast and Opposites 37:38 ​The Truthful Purpose of Our Lives 45:15 ​Journal Types 47:04 ​Asking Hard Questions and Having Difficult Conversations 50:57 ​Perspectives on Social Media 57:25 ​Quotes from Case Kenny and the Meanings behind Them 1:04:15 ​Final Question: “What does it mean to you to be an Ultimate Human?” 1:05:40 ​Connect with Case Kenny Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Chris Palmer, MD is a medical doctor and psychiatric researcher working in the areas of addiction and sleep. He is also the author of 2022’s “Brain Energy,” in which he argues that mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain.



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    06. Depression | Ultimate Human Short

    06. Depression | Ultimate Human Short
    Get weekly tips on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines - go to https://www.theultimatehuman.com/ Get more resources + information from Gary here: https://linktr.ee/thegarybrecka The 1 test that will give you results for life - ⁠order your genetic test here⁠: http://10xhealthsystem.com/GENETICTESTGB Get the supplements that Gary recommends - Check Them Out Here: http://10xhealthsystem.com/SUPPLEMENTSGB Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program https://10xhealthsystem.com/GBaffiliate ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE https://echoh2o.com/?oid=19&affid=236 BODY HEALTH - USE CODE ULTIMATE10 for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER bodyhealth.com/ultimate In this short episode of The Ultimate Human, we’re going to discuss the intriguing relationship between depression and neurotransmitters. Discover how the brain creates emotional states through a specific combination of neurotransmitters, and how an imbalance in these crucial chemicals can affect our moods. Listen in as we unravel the complexities of depression, from its definition as an inadequate supply of serotonin to the limitations of SSRIs in effectively treating this mental health condition. We’ll also uncover how certain nutrient deficiencies and overall gut health can impair our body's ability to synthesize serotonin, leading to anxiety and depression. We discuss the importance of supplementing with methylated nutrients and how genetic testing can help identify these deficiencies.   Statistics from Johns Hopkins: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-disorder-statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2026%25%20of%20Americans,substance%20use%20and%20anxiety%20disorders. (0:00:00) - Depression and the Role of Neurotransmitters (0:07:51) - Genetic Testing and Nutritional Supplements The Ultimate Human podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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