
    42-4 阿尼克洛伊趴趴造~第四十二天@Byebye佛羅倫斯~Hello維琴查

    zh-HantMarch 04, 2024
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    這一天是我們在佛羅倫斯的最後一天了… 先去看了著名的景點之一--聖母百花大教堂 為什麼我們會覺得這座教堂表裡不一呢?? 接著到老橋走走,橋上有房子的景觀不是到處都有啊 最後一次的入境隨俗,跟當地人一樣到咖啡館喝義式濃縮咖啡~ 喝「義式」咖啡就能真正「意識」到濃、純、苦的「意思」 克洛伊還被Ciao~bella~了~~ 依依不捨告別佛羅倫斯,我們抵達維琴察這個可愛的小鎮 有多可愛呢? 旅客服務中心4點就下班! 如果我是居民,我也會覺得這裡的上班時間真可愛 公車司機也很可愛,需要有人站在他旁邊刷存在感喔~

    Recent Episodes from 出國趣

    E43-3 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 愛爾蘭政府承認公投失敗+經濟: 拜登簽署法案避免政府停擺+ 小撇步: 如何訓練口說和英文寫作速度-辯論!!!

    E43-3 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 愛爾蘭政府承認公投失敗+經濟: 拜登簽署法案避免政府停擺+ 小撇步: 如何訓練口說和英文寫作速度-辯論!!!
    1. Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s prime minister, acknowledged defeat in a two-part referendum about modernising the constitution. His government, with the support of other parties, had sought to expand the constitutional definition of families to include “durable relationships”. And it wanted to change a reference to a mother’s “duties in the home” to one about family-based care. The results will disappoint those who have welcomed the wave of liberalisation that has washed over the country in recent years, on matters including divorce and abortion. 愛爾蘭總理利奧·瓦拉德卡 (Leo Varadkar) 承認在關於憲法現代化的兩部分公投中失敗。他的政府在其他政黨的支持下,試圖擴大家庭的憲法定義,將「持久的關係」納入。它還希望將母親的「家庭職責」改為有關基於家庭的照護。結果將使那些歡迎近年來在離婚和墮胎等問題上席捲全國的自由化浪潮的人們感到失望。 2. Joe Biden signed a $460bn package of spending bills into law just in time to prevent a partial government shutdown. The six bills, which were passed by the Senate on Friday, fund various government departments, including housing and transport, until the end of September. The work is not yet done, though. The deadline for passing six more such bills, which include funding for defence, is March 22nd. 喬·拜登及時簽署了 4600 億美元的一套的支出法案,使其成為法律,以防止政府部分關閉。這六項法案於週五獲得參議院通過,為包括住房和交通在內的各個政府部門提供資金,直至 9 月底。不過,工作還沒完成。通過另外六項此類法案(其中包括國防資金)的截止日期是 3 月 22 日。 3.Preparations intensified for the first naval dispatch of aid to Gaza from Cyprus. A ship is expected to set sail this weekend to deliver desperately needed aid to the Palestinian enclave, opening a long-trailed humanitarian corridor. The vessel will drag a barge containing 200 tonnes of food provided by an American charity, although details about docking and distribution remain unclear. Meanwhile, America said it would take 60 days to build a pier designed to receive aid shipments off Gaza’s coast. America has been air-dropping food in the territory since March 2nd, a move that has been criticised as inefficient and dangerous. 塞浦路斯首次向加薩海軍派遣援助物資的準備工作正在加緊進行。預計一艘船將於本週末啟航,並向巴勒斯坦飛地運送急需的援助,開闢一條漫長的人道走廊。該船將拖著一艘載有美國慈善機構提供的 200 噸食品的駁船,不過有關停靠和分發的細節仍不清楚。同時,美國表示需要 60 天的時間建造一個碼頭,用於接收加薩沿岸的援助物資。自3月2日以來,美國一直在該領土空投食品,此舉被批評為低效且危險。 4 Asif Ali Zardari was voted president of Pakistan by the country’s parliamentarians. He was supported by the Pakistan Peoples Party and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, two parties that formed a coalition government after last month’s controversial general election. Mr Zardari’s term, which begins on Sunday, will be his second. His first, from 2008 to 2013, took place in the aftermath of the assassination of his wife, Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan’s first female prime minister. 阿西夫·阿里·扎爾達裡 (Asif Ali Zardari) 被巴基斯坦議員選舉為巴基斯坦總統。他得到了巴基斯坦人民黨和巴基斯坦穆斯林聯盟納瓦茲的支持,這兩個政黨在上個月有爭議的大選後組成了聯合政府。札爾達裡先生的任期將於週日開始,這將是他的第二個任期。他的第一次任期是 2008 年至 2013 年,當時他的妻子、巴基斯坦第一位女總理貝娜齊爾·布托 (Benazir Bhutto) 被暗殺。 5.Gangs in Haiti attacked several government buildings, including the presidential palace, in Port-au-Prince, the capital. The gangs are demanding the resignation of the unpopular prime minister, Ariel Henry, who has not returned to the country since travelling to Kenya last week. Guy Philippe, a former police chief who led a coup in 2004, made a claim for the presidency and told Mr Henry to step down. 海地的幫派襲擊了首都太子港的幾座政府建築,包括總統府。這些團夥要求不受歡迎的總理阿里爾·亨利辭職,他自上週訪問肯亞以來一直沒有返回該國。 2004 年領導政變的前警察局長蓋伊·菲利普 (Guy Philippe) 要求競選總統,並要求亨利下台。 6.Ukrainian drones struck Kursk and Rostov, two Russian regions that adjoin Ukraine’s eastern border, according to the local governors. The attacks typify Ukraine’s growing willingness to strike back in response to Russia’s myriad drone launches on its territory. In early January Russia said it intercepted 36 over Crimea. Ukraine’s government has said it hopes to make 10,000 long-range drones in 2024. 據當地州長稱,烏克蘭無人機襲擊了毗鄰烏克蘭東部邊境的兩個俄羅斯地區庫爾斯克和羅斯托夫。這些攻擊顯示烏克蘭越來越願意反擊俄羅斯在其領土上發射的無數無人機。 1 月初,俄羅斯表示在克里米亞上空攔截了 36 架。烏克蘭政府表示,希望在 2024 年生產 1 萬架遠程無人機。 小撇步: 如何訓練口說和英文寫作打草稿的速度—辯論!!!

    43-2 Just be the Light 成為那盞光~ 久違的小Dora跟我們說小王子的故事了! 被蛇咬到的小王子, 接下來會怎麼樣呢?

    43-2 Just be the Light 成為那盞光~ 久違的小Dora跟我們說小王子的故事了! 被蛇咬到的小王子, 接下來會怎麼樣呢?
    C26 Part 3 His look was very serious, like some one lost far away. "I have your sheep. And I have the sheep's box. And I have the muzzle . . ." And he gave me a sad smile. I waited a long time. I could see that he was reviving little by little. "Dear little man," I said to him, "you are afraid . . ." He was afraid, there was no doubt about that. But he laughed lightly. "I shall be much more afraid this evening . . ." Once again I felt myself frozen by the sense of something irreparable. And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more. For me, it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert. "Little man," I said, "I want to hear you laugh again." But he said to me: "Tonight, it will be a year . . . My star, then, can be found right above the place where I came to the Earth, a year ago . . ." "Little man," I said, "tell me that it is only a bad dream--this affair of the snake, and the meeting-place, and the star . . ." But he did not answer my plea. He said to me, instead: "The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen . . ." "Yes, I know . . ." "It is just as it is with the flower. If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers . . ." "Yes, I know . . ." "It is just as it is with the water. Because of the pulley, and the rope, what you gave me to drink was like music. You remember--how good it was." "Yes, I know . . ." "And at night you will look up at the stars. Where I live everything is so small that I cannot show you where my star is to be found. It is better, like that. My star will just be one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens . . . they will all be your friends. And, besides, I am going to make you a present . . ." He laughed again. "Ah, little prince, dear little prince! I love to hear that laughter!" "That is my present. Just that. It will be as it was when we drank the water . . ." Vocabulary laugh (v) 笑 Dora laughs with Chloe in the class. the earth (n) 地球 We should protect the earth. Present (n) = gift 禮物 Dora gets lots of gifts on her birthday.

    E43-1 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 美國對拜登的民意調查+美國的墮胎藥市場+ 小撇步: 如何申請英國研究所?

    E43-1 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 美國對拜登的民意調查+美國的墮胎藥市場+ 小撇步: 如何申請英國研究所?
    政治: 戰爭局勢還有美國對拜登的民意調查 經濟: 美國的墮胎藥市場有了轉機 小撇步: Ariel 分享如何挑戰自己申請英國研究所, 以雅思7.5分錄取英國7間研究所! 1. America’s air force dropped almost 40,000 meals in Gaza, where the UN estimates that over 500,000 people are on the brink of famine. On Thursday violence erupted when thousands of hungry civilians surrounded an aid convoy. Gaza’s health ministry said more than 112 people died. Local authorities say Israeli soldiers shot them dead. Israel says they fired warning shots and most died in a stampede. The UN later said that many people treated at a nearby hospital had gunshot wounds. 美國空軍在加薩地區投放了近40,000份糧食,聯合國估計該地區有超過50萬人處於饑荒的邊緣。上週四,當數千名飢餓的平民包圍一輛救援車隊時,暴力爆發。加薩地區的衛生部表示,有超過112人死亡。當地當局聲稱是以色列士兵擊斃了他們。以色列表示他們發出了警告射擊,大多數人是在踩踏事件中死亡。聯合國後來表示,許多在附近醫院接受治療的人有槍傷。 2. General Oleksandr Syrsky, the commander in chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, suggested that he would consider replacing some commanders on the eastern front, where fighting with Russia appears to have intensified. General Syrsky made the comments in a post on Telegram, a messaging app. On February 17th Ukrainian forces withdrew from the town of Avdiivka, the first movement on the front in months. Two nearby villages fell to Russia this week. 烏克蘭武裝部隊總司令奧列克桑德爾·斯爾斯基將軍表示,他正在考慮在東線部署一些指揮官的更換,該地區與俄羅斯的戰鬥似乎正在加劇。斯爾斯基將軍是在一篇發佈在電報(Telegram)消息應用程序上的文章中提出這些評論的。2月17日,烏克蘭軍隊從阿夫迪夫卡鎮撤出,這是數月來前線上的首次行動。附近的兩個村莊在本周被俄羅斯攻佔。 3. A cargo ship carrying 37,000 tonnes of fertiliser sank in the Red Sea after it was attacked by Houthi rebels in Yemen last month. Yemen’s government, which reported the sinking, called it an “environmental catastrophe”. The Houthis’ strikes on ships are in retaliation for Israel’s war in Gaza. American and British air strikes have failed to deter the rebels. 上個月,在葉門胡塞叛軍的襲擊下,一艘載有37,000噸肥料的貨船在紅海沉沒。葉門政府報告了這次沉船事件,將其稱為一場「環境災難」。胡塞叛軍對船隻的襲擊是對以色列在加薩地區的戰爭的報復。美國和英國的空襲未能嚇阻這些叛軍。 4. The proportion of Americans who think Joe Biden is doing a poor job rose to 47%, the highest of his presidency, according to a new poll. The survey, by Siena College and the New York Times, also found that Democrats are split over whether Mr Biden should be the party’s nominee for the election in November. According to our poll tracker the race between Mr Biden and Donald Trump is too close to call. 根據一項新的民意調查,認為喬·拜登表現不佳的美國人比例升至47%,達到他的總統任期中的最高水平。這項由希耶納學院和《紐約時報》進行的調查還發現,民主黨內部對於拜登是否應該成為該黨11月選舉的提名人存在分歧。根據我們的民意追蹤器,拜登和唐納德·川普之間的競爭難以預測。 5. Walgreens and CVS, two major pharmacy chains, announced they would start selling mifepristone, an abortion drug, in some states this month, including New York and Pennsylvania. It marks the first time the medication will be accessible at retail pharmacies in America. The Supreme Court will hear a case this month that could prevent patients from receiving mifepristone by post or obtaining a prescription remotely. 兩家主要的藥品連鎖店沃爾格林和CVS宣布,它們將在本月開始在一些州出售米非司酮,一種墮胎藥,包括紐約和賓夕法尼亞。這標誌著這種藥物首次在美國的零售藥店中可以獲得。最高法院本月將審理一案,該案可能阻止患者通過郵寄方式或遠程獲得處方來使用米非司酮。 6. California shut down a 160km stretch of Interstate-80, a motorway, after a blizzard made the road too dangerous to use. The storm hit the region on Thursday and is expected to continue to cause havok through Sunday. As much as 3m of snow is predicted in the area around Lake Tahoe, which** straddles** the California-Nevada border. Some 24,000 houses and businesses are without power. 由於暴風雪使得交通變得極為危險,加利福尼亞州關閉了一條長達160公里的I-80州際高速公路。這場風暴在星期四襲擊了該地區,預計將持續造成混亂直至星期日。預測在橫跨加利福尼亞和內華達邊界的塔霍湖周圍地區可能積雪高達3米。目前,有2.4萬戶居民和企業停電。 小撇步: Ariel 分享如何挑戰自己申請英國研究所, 以雅思7.5分錄取英國7間研究所! 1) 去補習班練習口說和寫作 2) 一次就考上雅思門檻7分 3) 用系所排名找學校 4) 有個重點! 很多學校有early decision : 先丟先贏! 5) 錄取候用自己social media保持專業寫作能力
    zh-HantMarch 04, 2024

    42-4 阿尼克洛伊趴趴造~第四十二天@Byebye佛羅倫斯~Hello維琴查

    42-4 阿尼克洛伊趴趴造~第四十二天@Byebye佛羅倫斯~Hello維琴查
    這一天是我們在佛羅倫斯的最後一天了… 先去看了著名的景點之一--聖母百花大教堂 為什麼我們會覺得這座教堂表裡不一呢?? 接著到老橋走走,橋上有房子的景觀不是到處都有啊 最後一次的入境隨俗,跟當地人一樣到咖啡館喝義式濃縮咖啡~ 喝「義式」咖啡就能真正「意識」到濃、純、苦的「意思」 克洛伊還被Ciao~bella~了~~ 依依不捨告別佛羅倫斯,我們抵達維琴察這個可愛的小鎮 有多可愛呢? 旅客服務中心4點就下班! 如果我是居民,我也會覺得這裡的上班時間真可愛 公車司機也很可愛,需要有人站在他旁邊刷存在感喔~

    42-3 克洛伊的經濟學人Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 普亭對手的離奇死亡後續; 經濟: 巴菲特的投資走向; 小撇步: 如何自己申請澳洲學校呢??

    42-3 克洛伊的經濟學人Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 普亭對手的離奇死亡後續; 經濟: 巴菲特的投資走向; 小撇步: 如何自己申請澳洲學校呢??
    政治篇 普亭的對手Navalny離奇死亡後的後續 經濟篇 巴菲特說美國境外 目前沒有適合的投資 小撇步 想要去澳洲念書的高中生, 該怎麼開始呢? 政治篇 1. The body of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who died in prison last week, was returned to his mother. Kira Yarmysh, Mr Navalny’s press secretary, said his funeral is yet to be arranged. “We don’t know whether the authorities will interfere with carrying it out,” she said. On Thursday, Mr Navalny’s mother said that Russian authorities wanted to bury him in secret. 俄羅斯反對派領袖阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼上週在監獄中逝世,其遺體已歸還給其母親。納瓦爾尼的新聞秘書基拉·亞爾米什表示,他的葬禮尚未安排。“我們不知道當局是否會干擾進行葬禮,”她說。上週四,納瓦爾尼的母親表示俄羅斯當局希望秘密埋葬他。 2. Western leaders travelled to Kyiv to show solidarity with Ukraine on the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, was accompanied by the prime ministers of Italy, Canada and Belgium. She pledged that Europe would support Ukraine“financially, economically, militarily, morally. Until the country is finally free.” 西方領袖前往基輔,以示在俄羅斯全面入侵滿兩週年之際對烏克蘭的團結支持。歐洲委員會主席烏蘇拉·馮·德·萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)與義大利、加拿大和比利時的總理一同出席。她承諾歐洲將在各方面支持烏克蘭,“在這個國家最終自由之前,包括財政、經濟、軍事和道義支持。” 經濟篇 3. Warren Buffett, the boss of Berkshire Hathaway, warned of the end of “eye-popping performance” for his firm. Writing to Berkshire’s shareholders, the investor said that few deals remain which can replicate the success of previous takeovers. Outside America, he sees “essentially no candidates” for investment. Because of a dearth of attractive deals, Berkshire’s cash pile hit a record high of $167.6bn last quarter. 波克夏·海瑟威(Berkshire Hathaway)老闆沃倫·巴菲特發出警告,稱他的公司即將結束“令人瞠目結舌的業績”。在給波克夏·海瑟威股東的信中,這位投資者表示,很少有交易能夠複製先前收購的成功。在美國以外,他認為“基本上沒有候選人”可供投資。由於吸引人的交易稀缺,波克夏·海瑟威的現金儲備在上個季度達到了創紀錄的1676億美元。 4. Mario Draghi, a former head of the European Central Bank, urged the European Union “to invest an enormous amount in a relatively short time” to tackle an increasingly hostile world. At a meeting of the bloc’s finance ministers, Mr Draghi—whom the EU has asked to come up with ideas to revitalise the bloc’s economy—called for governments to spend more on defence while preserving green investment and public services. 歐洲央行前行長馬裡奧·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)敦促歐洲聯盟“在相對短的時間內大量投資”,以應對日益敵對的世界。在歐盟財政部長會議上,德拉吉先生(歐盟已要求他提出振興該區經濟的想法)呼籲各國政府在保持綠色投資和公共服務的同時,加大國防開支。 5. Officials in New York announced that Flaco, a Eurasian eagle-owl, died after striking a building. Flaco, who was due to turn 14 next month, flew freely in the city after a vandal destroyed parts of his enclosure in Central Park Zoo. He survived for over a year, living off rats and capturing the attention of locals and tourists alike. 紐約官方宣佈,一隻名為Flaco的歐亞雕鴞在撞擊建築物後不幸去世。Flaco原本將在下個月滿14歲,由於有人破壞了牠在中央公園動物園的圈養區的部分,牠曾在城市中自由飛翔。牠靠捕食老鼠生存了一年多,引起當地居民和遊客的關注 小撇步 想要去澳洲念書的高中生, 該怎麼開始呢? 1. 收集資料: Niche, 遠景安 (音檔口誤稱 景安) 2. 搞清楚學制和自己的目前GPA 3. 找出大學清單- 前百大-> 前150名-> 前200名 : 十間大學 4. 準備好雅思和累積自己的”履歷表”

    42-2 元宵節特別猜謎活動~ 針對菲律賓這個國家, 我們來個無獎徵答吧!! LOL

    42-2 元宵節特別猜謎活動~ 針對菲律賓這個國家, 我們來個無獎徵答吧!! LOL
    元宵節特別節目!! Chloe 針對菲律賓的旅遊小撇步-歷史,文化,美食,民族和語言來考考大家! 1. 菲律賓這名字怎麼來的? 2. 菲律賓是個小國~人口數不到5千萬人 True or False ? 3. 以下哪個國家沒有占領或攻擊過菲律賓? 4. 菲律賓的宗教是哪一個? 5. 哪個食物不是菲律賓當地菜餚? a) Kare Kare b) Crispy Pata c) Turon d) Lasagne 6. 菲律賓的民族性為何? 7. 光是在馬尼拉首都, 有幾種方言? 8. 菲律賓的小朋友上小學的時間? a) 跟台灣一樣 早上七八點到下午四點 b) 跟美國一樣普遍落在早上8點至下午3點 c) 義大利,一個典型的學校日從早上8點左右開始,下午1點半左右結束 d) 分成上午下午班 9. 菲律賓的暑假期間是? 10. 菲律賓最主要的出口主要出口產品包括半導體和電子產品、運輸設備、服裝、化學品、銅、鎳、呂宋蕉麻、椰子油和水果還有服務? 11. 他們最有名的貪汙總統是誰? a) Macros 老馬可仕 b) 杜特蒂 c) 小馬可仕Bong Bong
    zh-HantFebruary 22, 2024

    42-1 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 重大戰爭的近況; 經濟: 歐美欲減低對中國經濟的依賴; 小撇步: 分享菲律賓馬尼拉怎麼玩?

    42-1 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~ 政治: 重大戰爭的近況; 經濟: 歐美欲減低對中國經濟的依賴; 小撇步: 分享菲律賓馬尼拉怎麼玩?
    政治篇: 以阿和烏俄戰爭 經濟篇: 中國對與歐美國家的愛恨情仇 小撇步: 去菲律賓要怎麼玩? 一切放空和粉紅泡泡- 度假勝地 看現實- 請到首都和二三線城市 1. A spokesperson for Alexei Navalny, Russia’s most prominentopposition leader, confirmed his death. Mr Navalny’s team accused Russian authorities of withholding his body from his family to “cover traces of murder”. More than 340 people were detained across Russia after they tried to pay tribute to Mr Navalny, according to a rights group. The G7’s foreign ministers observed a minute’s silence for Mr Navalny and demanded that Russia immediately clarify the causes of his death. On Friday Russia’s prison service said that the activist had died, having fallen ill after a walk. 亞歷克謝·納瓦爾尼的發言人確認了俄羅斯最著名的反對派領袖的死訊。納瓦爾尼先生的團隊指控俄羅斯當局扣留他的遺體,以「掩蓋謀殺的痕跡」。據一個權益組織稱,超過340人在俄羅斯各地被拘留,因為他們試圖向納瓦爾尼先生致敬。G7的外交部長們默哀一分鐘,要求俄羅斯立即澄清他的死因。在週五,俄羅斯的監獄服務表示,這位活動家在散步後感到不適,最終辭世。 2. The International Court of Justice rejected South Africa’s request for additional measures against Israel, which would have prevented it from entering Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city. The court noted that “recent developments” in the strip would worsen the existing “humanitarian nightmare” and called on Israel to abide by the existing provisional measures it ordered on January 26th. 國際法院拒絕了南非要求對以色列採取額外措施的請求,這些措施原本會阻止以色列進入加薩地帶最南端的城市拉法。法院指出,該地帶的「最新發展」將加劇現有的「人道主義噩夢」,並呼籲以色列遵守其於1月26日下令的現有臨時措施。 3. Thailand freed Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister, from detention at a police hospital. Mr Thaksin returned to Thailand in August after a long exile and was jailed on corruption charges. Many suspect he cut a deal for early release. Mr Thaksin’s Pheu Thai Party has allied itself with the military establishment. That helped block Move Forward, a liberal party which won May’s election, from forming a government. 泰國釋放了前總理塔信·奇那瓦特,讓他從警察醫院的拘留中獲得自由。奇那瓦特先生在長時間的流亡後於八月回到泰國,因貪污罪被判入獄。許多人懷疑他可能達成了提前釋放的交易。奇那瓦特先生的「Pheu Thai Party」已與軍方建立聯盟,這有助於阻止五月當選的自由黨「Move Forward」組成政府。 4. President Volodymyr Zelensky made a new** plea for arms after Ukraine pulled troops out of Avdiivka, an eastern frontline town. Mr Zelensky told leaders at the Munich Security Conference that an “artificial deficit of weapons” is allowing “Putin to adapt to the current intensity of the war”. On Saturday Russia’s leader said the capture **of Avdiivka was an “important victory”. 烏克蘭總統弗拉迪米爾·澤倫斯基在烏克蘭從東線前線城鎮Avdiivka撤回軍隊後再次懇求援助。澤倫斯基先生在慕尼黑安全會議上告訴各國領袖,「武器的人為短缺」讓「普亭能夠適應當前戰爭的強度」。在周六,俄羅斯領導人表示,佔領Avdiivka是一場「重要的勝利」。 5. Also speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, said that countries who attempted to “shut China out” of world trade would be making a “historical mistake”. America and Europe have said they will “de-risk” their trade ties with China—ie, reduce their economic reliance on the country. 同樣在慕尼黑安全會議上發言的中國外交部長王毅表示,試圖「將中國排除在世界貿易之外」的國家將犯下一個「歷史性的錯誤」。美國和歐洲已表示將「降低風險」,即減少對中國的經濟依賴。

    41-4 阿尼克洛伊趴趴造~第四十一天@聖十字聖殿&比薩斜塔

    41-4 阿尼克洛伊趴趴造~第四十一天@聖十字聖殿&比薩斜塔
    今天來到了眾多偉人長眠之地的聖十字聖殿 從小聽到大的伽利略、哥白尼、但丁,都葬在這個教堂當中 半夜會不會開物理學大會啊? 接著到了比薩這個小鎮,來看看著名的比薩斜塔 到底~比薩斜塔為什麼是斜的呢? 晚上我們自以為入境隨俗還特地到餐廳訂位吃飯 到底~吃了什麼讓我們永難忘懷的料理呢? 小撇步要來教大家,怎麼樣才不會被當成凱子騙錢 阿尼特地分享了自身慘痛經驗 精彩精彩,馬上來聽!

    41-3 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~情人節特輯: 聽看看同性戀企鵝Roy and Silo的故事!

    41-3 克洛伊的經濟學人 Chloe's Economist~情人節特輯: 聽看看同性戀企鵝Roy and Silo的故事!
    **Concept of Bisexual; Asexual; Heterosexual; Homosexual and Pansexual ** A tale of penguins and prejudice is a parable of modern America When two male penguins hatched an egg in Central Park, they set off an enduring controversy 企鵝與偏見的故事是現代美國的寓言 當中央公園的兩隻雄性企鵝孵化了一顆蛋時,掀起了一場持久的爭議。 Once upon a time in America there lived a pair of penguins called Roy and Silo. They were just like the other penguin couples in their zoo, except that they were both boys. Together they sat on an egg until a chick popped out. Later two men wrote a story about them—igniting a controversy which, almost two decades later, is still blazing. 很久以前,在美國有一對叫做羅伊和希洛的企鵝。它們和動物園裡的其他企鵝夫婦一樣,唯一的不同是它們都是男孩。它們共同孵化一顆蛋,直到一隻小鳥破殼而出。後來,兩名男士為它們編寫了一個故事,引發了一場爭議,幾乎兩十年後仍在持續燃燒。 This is the story of that story, and it has many morals. It is a tale of parenting and devotion, and a fable of progress and the backlash it can provoke. It is a feathery parable of America’s divisions, in this case over freedom of speech and gay rights. An ongoing saga of politics and prejudice, in the beginning it was, first and foremost, a story about penguins. 這是那個故事的故事,而且它蘊含著許多寓意。這是一個關於父母和奉獻的故事,也是一個關於進步及其可能引發的反彈的寓言。這是一個羽毛般的美國分裂寓言,在這種情況下涉及言論自由和同性戀權利。這是一個關於政治和偏見的持續傳奇,在一開始,它首先是一個關於企鵝的故事。 Thronged with children, the penguin exhibit at Central Park Zoo in New York is an unlikely battleground in America’s culture wars. It is easy to see why the creatures are a hit. They wobble around their barren terrain like drunks trying to walk straight for a patrolman. Some engage in what seem to be lively conversations, flapping their wings for emphasis. (Others spend a lot of time staring at rocks.) Diving into their pool they become as lithe and dexterous as they are clumsy on land, rocketing out after their dips in gravity-defying bursts. 紐約中央公園動物園企鵝展覽彙聚著成群結隊的孩子,成為美國文化戰爭中不太可能的戰場。很容易理解為什麼這些生物如此受歡迎。它們在貧瘠的領地上搖搖晃晃,就像醉漢試圖直行一樣。一些進行似乎是生動的對話,揮動翅膀以強調。 (其他一些則花費很多時間盯著岩石看。)潛入水池後,它們變得像陸地上那樣笨拙的靈活和熟練,以違背重力的方式沖出水面。 Of the various species in the cold, smelly enclosure, the feistiest are the chinstrap penguins, so called because of the black markings below their beaks. For a novice they are hard to tell apart; but, says Rob Gramzay, who oversaw their care for 17 years, zookeepers come to know the penguins individually while hand-feeding them fish twice a day. Some are sweet, says Mr Gramzay, others “really ornery”. Between Silo and Roy, “Silo was definitely the one with more attitude.” 在這個寒冷而有臭味的圍場中,各種物種中最好鬥的是下喙企鵝,因為它們的嘴下有黑色斑紋而得名。對於新手來說,它們很難辨別;但是,負責它們護理17年的羅布·格拉姆澤說,動物園管理員在每天兩次餵食時會逐漸瞭解每只企鵝。格拉姆澤先生說,有些企鵝很溫順,而另一些“真的很刁鑽”。在希洛和羅伊之間,“希洛絕對是那個性格更強硬的。” In 1998 Mr Gramzay noticed that these two males were spending most of their time together. They exhibited the same behaviours as male-female pairs, such as squawking at each other and showing off in courtship displays. When, a year later, Mr Gramzay saw Silo sitting on an egg-shaped rock in the nest the pair had built, he swapped in an egg made of plaster. In 2000 he gave them a real egg that two other chinstraps, Betty and Porkey, had discarded. His aim, he says, was purely to support the penguin colony, which had not raised many chicks. 1998年,格拉姆澤先生注意到這兩隻雄性企鵝大部分時間都在一起。它們表現出與雄雌配對相同的行為,例如相互嘎嘎叫和在求偶展示中炫耀。一年後,格拉姆澤先生看到希洛坐在它們建造的巢中一個形狀像鳥蛋的岩石上,他用石膏做的蛋替換了進去。2000年,他給它們一個兩隻其他下喙企鵝貝蒂和波爾基拋棄的真正的鳥蛋。他說,他的目的純粹是為了支援企鵝群體,因為它們沒有孵化出許多小企鵝。 Roy and Silo took turns incubating the egg for around 36 days. At the time Mr Gramzay was enjoying the tango music of Astor Piazzolla, an Argentine composer; when the egg hatched he called the new penguin Tango. She was “a very sturdy chick”, he recalls. He helped her learn to swim. 羅伊和希洛輪流孵化了大約36天的蛋。當時,格拉姆澤先生正在欣賞阿根廷作曲家阿斯托爾·皮亞左拉的探戈音樂;當蛋孵化出來時,他給新孵化的企鵝取名為探戈。他回憶說,她是“一個非常結實的小鳥”。他幫助她學會游泳。 That might have been that, had it not been for a double stroke of fate. In 2004 the New York Times ran an article about the penguins, headlined “Love That Dare Not Squeak Its Name”. And, in their kitchen in Greenwich Village, a particular human couple read it. 那本可能就這樣結束了,如果不是因為命運的雙重打擊。2004年,《紐約時報》發表了一篇關於企鵝的文章,標題是“不敢發出聲音的愛”。而在格林尼奇村的他們的廚房裡,一對特殊的人類夫婦讀到了這篇文章。 They were just the right pair to incubate the story. A psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who teaches at Columbia University, Justin Richardson had interests in sex education and gay and lesbian mental health. On a blind date almost a decade earlier he had met Peter Parnell, a playwright who worked on “The West Wing”. Lots of people, they knew, were squeamish about discussing homosexuality and gay parents with their children. Here was a tale of same-sex parenting from which everything that might cause discomfort—even the word “gay”—could be omitted. Two cute characters would overcome obstacles to reach their goal in a classic narrative arc. Unusually for the time, the children of same-sex couples would glimpse a version of their own experience. 他們正是適合醞釀這個故事的完美搭檔。賈斯汀·理查森是一位在哥倫比亞大學教授的精神科醫生和心理分析學家,對性教育和同性戀心理健康有濃厚興趣。差不多十年前的一次相親中,他遇到了彼得·帕內爾,一位在《西翼》工作的劇作家。他們知道,很多人對討論同性戀和同性戀父母與子女的話題感到尷尬。在這裡,是一個關於同性戀父母的故事,可以省略一切可能引起不適的元素,甚至包括“同性戀”這個詞。兩個可愛的角色將克服障礙,以經典的敘事弧線達到他們的目標。當時,同性戀夫婦的孩子們會在這個故事中窺見他們自己經歷的一種版本,這在當時是異常的。 They wrote fast. Mr Parnell quickly got out of his system a draft in which Roy and Silo loved Broadway musicals. Aided by a visit to the zoo, they stuck closely to the facts. “We got to hear them,” Dr Richardson says of the penguins, “and smell them.” An illustrator, Henry Cole, contributed dreamy yet realistic watercolours. Intended for four- to eight-year-olds, the book was published in 2005 as “And Tango Makes Three”. 他們寫得很快。帕內爾先生很快就完成了一份草稿,其中羅伊和希洛喜歡百老匯音樂劇。在參觀動物園的幫助下,他們緊密地圍繞事實展開。"我們有機會聽到它們,"理查森博士談到企鵝時說,"也能聞到它們的氣味。"插畫家亨利·科爾貢獻了夢幻而又逼真的水彩畫。這本書是為4到8歲的兒童出版的,於2005年以《探戈的誕生》為名出版。 It is a delight. “Every day”, it explains of Central Park Zoo, “families of all kinds go to visit the animals.” The animals have families too, mostly featuring male-female partnerships. Roy and Silo, however, were “a little bit different”. As in real life, Mr Gramzay gives them an egg, which they sit on until—“CRAAAACK!”—out comes Tango with “fuzzy white feathers and a funny black beak”. 這是一部令人愉悅的作品。它解釋說:“每天”,中央公園動物園都有“各種各樣的家庭來參觀動物。” 動物也有家庭,主要是由雄雌配對組成。然而,羅伊和希洛“有點不同”。就像在現實生活中一樣,格拉姆澤先生給了它們一個鳥蛋,它們孵化直到——“哢嚓!”——探戈出現,帶著“絨絨的白色羽毛和有趣的黑色喙”。 The story was well-received by reviewers and readers. “It’s a great feeling”, says Dr Richardson, “to hear a kid loves your book.” Then fate—or what you might call a penguin ex machina—intervened again. 這個故事得到了評論家和讀者的好評。“這感覺真好,”理查森博士說,“聽到一個孩子喜歡你的書。” 然後,命運——或者你可能稱之為企鵝的“神助攻”——再次介入。 Life imitates penguin The authors expected objections to their fable of same-sex union; the first illustrator they approached had declined on religious grounds. But they could not have anticipated the way penguins came to be enlisted as political warriors. “The March of the Penguins”, a documentary about emperor penguins in Antarctica, was released later in 2005. Some conservatives saw those birds as exemplars of parental devotion and stable relationships. In response, some on the left invoked the non-traditional family in “And Tango Makes Three”. 生活仿佛在模仿企鵝 作者們預料到他們描繪同性聯姻的寓言會引起異議;他們最初聯繫的插畫家因宗教原因拒絕了。但他們無法預料企鵝會被捲入政治戰爭的方式。“企鵝的行軍”,一部關於南極皇帝企鵝的紀錄片,於2005年晚些時候上映。一些保守派視這些鳥類為父母的奉獻和穩定關係的典範。作為回應,一些左翼人士在《探戈的誕生》中引用了非傳統的家庭。 When, in 2006, two parents in Missouri complained about the book at a public library, it was reshelved in non-fiction. Stephen Colbert defended it satirically on “The Colbert Report” (“It’s all just another part of the homosexual flightless waterfowl agenda”). After that, the herring was in the penguin pool. 在2006年,密蘇里州的兩名家長在公共圖書館抱怨這本書後,它被重新分類到非小說類書籍。斯蒂芬·科爾伯特在他的節目《科爾伯特報告》中諷刺地為此辯護(“這只是同性戀不能飛的水禽議程的又一個部分”)。之後,鯡魚就成了企鵝池中的事。 The American Library Association (ala) tracks “challenges” to books in public and school libraries—ie, bids to have them removed or access to them restricted. By its count “And Tango Makes Three” was the most targeted book in America in 2006-08, and again in 2010. Complainants alleged that it is “anti-family” and “promotes the homosexual agenda”. Penguin skirmishes erupted overseas: Singapore’s authorities resolved to pulp library copies of the book until, amid an outcry, it was moved to the adult shelves instead. 美國圖書館協會(ALA)跟蹤公共圖書館和學校圖書館中對書籍提出的“挑戰”——即要求將它們撤下或限制對它們的訪問。根據它的統計,《探戈的誕生》在2006-08年和2010年再次成為美國被針對最多的圖書。投訴者聲稱這本書是“反家庭”和“宣傳同性戀議程”的。企鵝戰鬥也在海外爆發:新加坡當局決定銷毀圖書館中的這本書,直到在強烈抗議聲中,它被移至成人書架。 The attacks betray several misconceptions, the most elementary involving science. Same-sex attachments among penguins are not a pernicious invention but a fact of nature. Mr Gramzay saw other such pairs in Central Park; they have been sighted in captivity in Berlin, London and Sydney. As for animals in general, says Paul Vasey of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, incidents of same-sex courtship and bonding have to some extent “been observed in many, many species”. (Hardly any animals, cautions Dr Vasey, are exclusively homosexual. And since many creatures have nasty habits like infanticide, basing moral arguments on their behaviour is inadvisable.) 這些攻擊揭示了一些誤解,其中最基本的涉及科學。企鵝中的同性依附並非一種有害的虛構,而是自然界的事實。格拉姆澤先生在中央公園看到了其他類似的配對;在柏林、倫敦和雪梨的囚禁中也發現了它們。至於一般的動物,加拿大勒斯布里奇大學的保羅·瓦西表示,同性戀求偶和結合的事件在某種程度上“在很多很多物種中都被觀察到”。(瓦西博士警告說,幾乎沒有動物是純粹的同性戀者。而且由於許多生物有像殺嬰等惡劣習性,基於它們的行為來制定道德論點是不明智的。) A second misconception concerns human sexuality. Whatever its mysteries, it is unlikely to be swayed by a picture book about penguins, a fear that seems to lurk behind many objections to “And Tango Makes Three”. As Dr Richardson puts it, wearing his psychiatrist’s hat: “There’s no reason to believe that reading a book about homosexual waterfowl makes a child more likely to be gay when they grow up.” Conversely, banning books with gay characters—or their avian avatars—won’t change the fact that “gay families exist”. 第二個誤解涉及人類的性取向。無論其神秘性如何,都不太可能被一本關於企鵝的圖畫書所左右,這似乎是許多反對《探戈的誕生》的異議背後潛在的擔憂。理查森博士戴上精神病醫生的帽子表示:“沒有理由相信,閱讀一本關於同性戀水禽的書會使一個孩子在長大後更有可能成為同性戀。” 相反,禁止具有同性戀人物或它們的鳥類化身的書籍並不會改變“同性家庭存在”的事實。 A final confusion is over children and reading. It is not a mechanistic process whereby a story propounds a message and a child absorbs it. To think it is, says Marah Gubar, an expert on children’s literature at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is to see young readers as defenceless blank slates, altogether inferior to grown-ups and worryingly impressionable. In reality they are, like adults, exposed to umpteen competing influences that they sift and process. As anyone who has read to a toddler knows, Dr Gubar notes, they already have tastes and ideas; they interpret books—which tend to have several possible meanings—in their own ways. The response to this one might be, “I wanna be a zookeeper!” In the encounter between child and book, “It takes two to tango.” 最後一個混淆涉及兒童和閱讀。這不是一個機械的過程,即一個故事提出一個資訊,而孩子吸收它。馬蘿·古巴是麻省理工學院兒童文學專家,她說認為是這樣的是把年輕讀者視為無防備的空白板,完全次於成年人且易受影響。實際上,他們和成年人一樣,暴露於無數競爭性的影響中,需要篩選和處理。正如任何給幼兒讀過書的人都知道的那樣,古巴博士指出,他們已經有了品味和想法;他們以自己的方式解釋書籍——通常有多種可能的含義。對這本書的回應可能是:“我想當動物園管理員!”在孩子和書的相遇中,“這需要兩個人共同跳探戈。 The real-life union of Roy and Silo did not, alas, end happily ever after. They “stayed together for a couple more years”, remembers Mr Gramzay. Then Silo had a fling with a female chinstrap named Spike, before forming a long-term partnership with another female, Scrappy. (News of his change of mate and taste was greeted by some as a triumph of heteronormativity.) For his part, Roy took up with a male named Blue. Tango found a female partner called Tazuni. Roy和Silo的真實聯合,可悲的是,並沒有像童話一樣幸福地結束。格拉姆澤先生回憶道,它們“在一起多了幾年”。然後,Silo和一隻名叫Spike的雌性帶魚有了一段短暫的風流韻事,然後與另一隻雌性Scrappy形成了長期的夥伴關係。(有關他改變伴侶和品味的消息被一些人視為異性戀常態的勝利。)至於Roy,他與一隻名叫Blue的雄性成了夥伴。Tango找到了一位名叫Tazuni的雌性伴侶。 There was a happier sequel for the authors. Like Roy and Silo, when they wrote “And Tango Makes Three” the couple felt, in the words of the story, that “Their nest was nice, but it was a little empty.” In that line, confides Dr Richardson, “We were talking about our own lives, too.” 對於作者來說,有一個更幸福的續集。像Roy和Silo一樣,當他們寫下《探戈的誕生》時,這對夫婦感覺到,用故事中的話來說,“他們的巢很好,但有點空虛。”理查森博士坦言:“在這一句中,我們也在談論我們自己的生活。”

    41-2 Just be the Light 成為那盞光~ 小Dora, Chloe和小王子跟大家一起過除夕囉!! 讓我們用美妙的歌聲一起迎接新年!

    41-2 Just be the Light 成為那盞光~ 小Dora, Chloe和小王子跟大家一起過除夕囉!! 讓我們用美妙的歌聲一起迎接新年!
    Chapter 26 Beside the well there was the ruin of an old stone wall. When I came back from my work, the next evening, I saw from some distance away my little prince sitting on top of a w "Then you don't remember. This is not the exact spot." all, with his feet dangling. And I heard him say: Another voice must have answered him, for he replied to it: "Yes, yes! It is the right day, but this is not the place." I continued my walk toward the wall. At no time did I see or hear anyone. The little prince, however, replied once again: "--Exactly. You will see where my track begins, in the sand. You have nothing to do but wait for me there. I shall be there tonight." I was only twenty meters from the wall, and I still saw nothing. After a silence the little prince spoke again: "You have good poison? You are sure that it will not make me suffer too long?" I stopped in my tracks, my heart torn asunder; but still I did not understand. "Now go away," said the little prince. "I want to get down from the wall." I dropped my eyes, then, to the foot of the wall--and I leaped into the air. There before me, facing the little prince, was one of those** yellow snakes** that take just thirty seconds to bring your life to an end. Even as I was digging into my pocket to get out my revolver I made a running step back. But, at the noise I made, the snake let himself flow easily across the sand like the dying spray of a fountain, and, in no apparent hurry, disappeared, with a light metallic sound, among the stones. I reached the wall just in time to catch my little man in my arms; his face was white as snow. "What does this mean?" I demanded. "Why are you talking with snakes?" I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore. I had moistened his temples, and had given him some water to drink. And now I did not dare ask him any more questions. He looked at me very gravely, and put his arms around my neck. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone's rifle . . . "I am glad that you have found what was the matter with your engine," he said. "Now you can go back home--" "How do you know about that?" I was just coming to tell him that my work had been successful, beyond anything that I had dared to hope. He made no answer to my question, but he added: "I, too, am going back home today . . ." Then, sadly-- "It is much farther . . . It is much more difficult . . ." I realized clearly that something extraordinary was happening. I was holding him close in my arms as if he were a little child; and yet it seemed to me that he was rushing headlong toward an abyss from which I could do nothing to restrain him . . . Vocabulary 1. poison (n) Snow White eats the apple with poison. 2. yellow snake Dora and Chloe see a big yellow snake. 3. metallic (adj) I hear some metallic sounds in the song.

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