
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Beyond Grappling: Jean Lebel and Bruce LeeJean Lebel, a martial arts pioneer, emphasized the importance of mastering various disciplines beyond grappling, inspiring Bruce Lee to revolutionize martial arts with Jeet Kune Do, although Lebel did not financially benefit from Lee's fame.

      The martial arts world 50 years ago was a time of great exploration and learning, with figures like Judo Jean Lebel leading the way in the education of martial artists. Lebel emphasized the importance of mastering various disciplines beyond grappling, such as boxing, wrestling, and motorcycle riding. One of Lebel's most notable students was Bruce Lee, who revolutionized martial arts by combining different styles and creating Jeet Kune Do. Despite their friendship, Lebel did not receive significant financial rewards from Lee's fame due to the business practices of the time. Regardless, Lebel recognized Lee's unique abilities and potential early on, and their collaboration resulted in innovative techniques that continue to influence martial arts today.

    • Learning from and giving back in martial artsMartial arts legend Gene LeBell stresses the importance of helping others and paying it forward. He shares his experiences of learning from mentors and now teaching new fighters. The evolution of techniques like leg locks and the role of promoters in driving innovation are also discussed.

      Gene LeBell, a martial arts legend, emphasizes the importance of giving back and helping others, especially those starting out in the martial arts world. He shares his experiences of learning from and being inspired by those who helped him early in his career, and now tries to pay it forward by teaching and mentoring new fighters. Another key point from the conversation is the evolution of martial arts, specifically the use of leg locks. While they were once considered unorthodox in Jiu Jitsu, they are now widely used and respected. The history of techniques like the Camura, which was originally a catch wrestling move, shows how names and approaches can change over time. Gene also expresses admiration for promoters like Dana White, who bring together fighters and help drive innovation in the sport. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of community, learning from others, and the ongoing evolution of martial arts.

    • Wrestling vs Jiu Jitsu: Different Approaches to Martial ArtsWrestling emphasizes physical strength and endurance, while Jiu Jitsu focuses on technique and movement. Examples of notable figures include Josh Burnett, a wrestler, and Carl Gotch, his trainer, known for their grueling conditioning regimes.

      Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu approach martial arts from different perspectives. Wrestlers are known for their physical strength and ability to push through challenges, while Jiu Jitsu practitioners focus on movement and technique. Josh Burnett, a wrestler, is an example of a fighter who has endured tough battles and continues to be a formidable opponent. His trainer, Carl Gotch, was also known for his grueling conditioning regime that helped produce top-level fighters. The figure of speech "crying uncle" originated from the old wrestling culture, where giving up was signified by crying out "uncle." The use of this expression and other aspects of the wrestling world may be unfamiliar to younger generations, who have grown up with technology and different cultural norms.

    • From Bruce Lee to Mixed Martial Arts: The Evolution of Martial ArtsTechnology's impact on martial arts: internet and computers transformed it from a niche interest to a mainstream phenomenon. Choking techniques are less harmful than striking, and retirements are essential to prevent injuries.

      The world has undergone significant changes since the past, and keeping up with these changes is crucial. The speaker, having witnessed the transformation from the era of Bruce Lee movies to the introduction of mixed martial arts, emphasizes the impact of technology, particularly the internet and computers, on our lives. He also highlights the evolution of martial arts, from being a niche interest to a mainstream phenomenon. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the difference between choking and striking in martial arts, emphasizing that the former is less harmful and has fewer long-term effects. Lastly, he encourages retirements in martial arts to avoid potential injuries and damage.

    • Transitioning from MMA to Acting: Randy Couture's Success StorySuccessfully transitioning from MMA to acting requires careful consideration of one's future and prioritizing health over continued competition. Competent referees are essential for fighter safety.

      The transition from a successful career in mixed martial arts (MMA) to acting or movies can be successful, as demonstrated by Randy Couture. However, it's essential for athletes to consider their future and retire when the time is right to avoid potential harm. Unfortunately, some fighters, like Bob Sapp, continue to fight past their prime and risk permanent injury. The importance of a competent referee cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in ensuring fighter safety and stopping fights before unnecessary blows land. Despite the challenges, it's essential to prioritize one's health and well-being over continued competition.

    • Icing head injuries can help prevent further damagePromptly icing head injuries may reduce brain swelling and prevent long-term damage or even death

      Brain injuries, even if not immediately apparent, can be serious and potentially life-threatening. The speaker shares his experience and opinion, based on his long involvement in boxing and wrestling, that putting ice on a head injury right away can help prevent further damage. He emphasizes that brain swelling can lead to long-term injuries or even death, and that it's crucial to address head injuries promptly. Despite some medical professionals disagreeing, the speaker insists that this simple action can make a significant difference. He also shares personal stories of injuries and fatalities he's witnessed in the world of sports and stunt work, emphasizing the importance of taking head injuries seriously.

    • Rodney Dangerfield's Lasting ImpactRodney Dangerfield's influence continues to be felt through a documentary and his fanbase, demonstrating the enduring power of art and the impact of the internet on media access.

      Rodney Dangerfield was not only a talented comedian and actor but also a beloved and nice person. He left a lasting impression on everyone he worked with or interacted with. The comedy landscape has changed with the rise of the internet, making it easier for unknown comedians to gain fame. Rodney Dangerfield's influence continues to be felt, as evidenced by the documentary on him produced by Roots of Fight. Despite being in his 80s, he still has a fanbase that appreciates his work. The ease of access to media on the internet has made it possible for people to discover and connect with artists like Dangerfield, even decades after their prime.

    • Gene LeBell's Trailblazing Martial Arts CareerGene LeBell defied discrimination and adversity to master multiple fighting styles, becoming a trailblazer in mixed martial arts before the term existed.

      Gene LeBell, a groundbreaking martial artist, overcame immense discrimination and adversity to master multiple fighting styles, including judo, boxing, and catch wrestling. He was a trailblazer before the terms cross-training and mixed martial arts existed. LeBell's determination and resilience were evident when he took on the Milo Savage Challenge in 1963, where he faced a highly-rated boxer despite being at a significant disadvantage due to the rules. His unwavering spirit and innovative approach to combat paved the way for future generations of martial artists.

    • Gene LeBell's groundbreaking fight against Milo SavageGrappling styles proved superior to boxing in a pivotal 60s fight, shaping LeBell's career and martial arts history. LeBell's perseverance in learning Judo in Japan, emphasis on practical application, and influence on future generations make his impact undeniable.

      Gene LeBell's groundbreaking fight against Milo Savage in the late 1960s marked a pivotal moment in martial arts history. LeBell, a judoka, proved that grappling styles could overcome boxing, long before the inception of mixed martial arts. This event significantly influenced LeBell's career and the perception of judo as a legitimate martial art. Despite facing anti-American sentiments while learning Judo in Japan, LeBell persevered and continued to adapt by learning from various coaches and gyms. He emphasized the importance of sparring and practical application over forms and techniques. LeBell's impact on martial arts history is undeniable, and his legacy continues to inspire future generations.

    • Maintaining Authenticity in MMAPrioritize the authenticity of MMA over artificial excitement, appreciate grappling skills and ground control, learn techniques like BJJ and wrestling, and admire the passion of MMA organizers.

      The authenticity and realism of mixed martial arts (MMA) should be prioritized over artificial excitement. The speaker argues against referees standing fighters up unnecessarily, as it goes against the reality of grappling and ground control. They admire the skills of grapplers like Ben Askren, who can control opponents on the ground and deliver strikes. The fans should learn more about techniques like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling control to appreciate the full spectrum of MMA. The speaker also expresses their admiration for Dana White and other MMA fans who run major organizations, as their passion for the sport drives its success.

    • Cyborg's Impact on Women's MMACyborg, a dominant force in women's MMA, faces controversy over performance-enhancing drugs, but continues to shape the sport's future.

      Cyborg is a formidable force in women's mixed martial arts, known for her strength, striking abilities, and dominance in the cage. She has a storied career with numerous victories and impressive performances, but there are concerns about her use of performance-enhancing drugs and their potential long-term effects. Despite these issues, she remains a significant figure in the sport and a potential future opponent for Ronda Rousey. The growth of women's MMA is creating new challenges and opportunities for fighters like Cyborg, who continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the sport. Ultimately, the debate around Cyborg's use of performance-enhancing drugs highlights the complexities and controversies that come with elite-level athletic competition.

    • Cyborg's Controversial Strength in MMACyborg's strength in MMA is debated due to past PED use, but her impressive displays continue to amaze, and seeking multiple medical opinions is important.

      The physical strength and dominance of Cyborg in mixed martial arts is a topic of ongoing debate due to her past positive tests for performance-enhancing substances. Her impressive displays of strength, such as lifting opponents who outweigh her, have solidified her reputation as one of the most dangerous women in the sport. Despite the controversy surrounding her, her abilities in the ring continue to impress fans and leave opponents struggling to keep up. Additionally, the speaker shared personal experiences with nose and ear surgeries, emphasizing the importance of seeking multiple opinions before undergoing medical procedures.

    • The importance of taking care of one's body in physically demanding sportsInjuries from grappling and MMA can have long-term consequences. Prioritize health and seek prompt treatment to prevent further damage.

      Taking care of one's body is crucial, especially in physically demanding sports like grappling and MMA. The visible damage from grappling, such as cauliflower ears, serves as a reminder of the toll the sport takes on the body. However, the hidden dangers come from the impact and strikes, which can have long-term and potentially irreversible consequences. It's essential to address injuries and get them treated promptly to prevent further damage. The body is the only asset we have in life, and neglecting it can lead to significant problems. Additionally, advances in medical technology offer various solutions to help athletes recover and perform at their best. Regarding testosterone replacement therapy for younger athletes, it's a complex issue that requires careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits. Ultimately, prioritizing long-term health and well-being is crucial.

    • Performance-enhancing substances in sports: Ethical dilemmaThe use of performance-enhancing substances in sports raises ethical concerns due to their potential for unfair advantages and ease of manipulation, but individual determination and natural abilities can also lead to success.

      The use of performance-enhancing substances, such as testosterone, in sports raises ethical concerns. While some may argue it's an unfair advantage, others may justify it for medical reasons. However, the ease of manipulating testosterone levels through injections or creams makes it susceptible to abuse. The short-term effects of some methods can make it difficult to detect, allowing athletes to game the system. Ultimately, the decision on whether to allow such substances in sports should be consistent to ensure fairness and maintain the integrity of competition. Different athletes, driven by their unique quirks and determination, can excel in their respective sports without relying on performance-enhancing substances.

    • Athletes' Health Risks: Mariusz Pudzianowski, Jeep Swenson, and Anderson the GiantIntense training and high muscle mass can lead to health risks. Proper nutrition, training methods, and a holistic approach are crucial for peak performance and longevity.

      Intense training and high muscle mass can come with significant health risks, even for the strongest athletes. The example of Mariusz Pudzianowski, a former strongman champion who transitioned to MMA, highlights the importance of proper nutrition and training methods to sustain peak performance. However, his reliance on candy as a source of energy raises concerns about his overall health. The story of Jeep Swenson, another bodybuilder turned wrestler, serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of excessive use of performance-enhancing drugs. Anderson the Giant, a legendary professional wrestler, is another example of an athlete whose massive size and strength came at a cost to his health and longevity. These athletes' experiences underscore the importance of a holistic approach to training and conditioning, focusing not only on building strength and size but also on cardiovascular health and proper nutrition.

    • Rapid advancement in MMA can lead to injuries and setbacksMMA newcomers should focus on skill development and gradual progression to avoid injuries and setbacks in their career

      Entering the deep end too quickly without proper preparation can lead to unnecessary injuries and setbacks in a fighter's career. Using Brock Lesnar as an example, his rapid advancement into MMA resulted in him facing top opponents too soon, leading to a loss via leg lock in his second fight. The referee's late intervention in the fight and the physical demands of MMA took a toll on Lesnar, resulting in health issues and surgeries later in his career. A more gradual approach, with focus on skill development and acclimation to the new sport, could have led to a longer and more successful career for Lesnar.

    • A wrestler finds joy in an unlikely friendship with a catFormer wrestler Carl Garch's simple routine and companionship with a cat influenced martial arts history through his innovative submission techniques, reminding us of the importance of finding joy in the simple things and the profound impact one person can have.

      Carl Garch, a former wrestler, found companionship in an unexpected form - a neighborhood cat. Despite numerous invitations to be with wrestlers and teach in Japan, he preferred his simple routine and the company of his feline friend. Garch's teachings significantly influenced martial arts, with techniques that were ahead of his time and effective in various styles, including judo, jiu-jitsu, and catch wrestling. His innovative approaches to submissions, such as targeting the solar pectus, left a lasting impact on martial arts history. Garch's story is a reminder of the importance of finding joy in the simple things and the profound impact one person can have on a field, even when they may not seek the limelight.

    • The Impact of Greco-Roman Wrestling on Modern Martial ArtsGreco-Roman wrestling's influence on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA is evident through the importance of hard work, determination, and continuous learning. Techniques like the kabur or wrist lock have evolved and can enhance MMA finishing holds and strategies.

      Greco-Roman wrestling, an ancient sport, has significantly influenced modern martial arts, particularly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA. The discussion highlighted the importance of hard work and determination in wrestling, with champions distinguishing themselves from runner-ups through sheer effort and willpower. The conversation also touched upon the evolution of wrestling techniques, with a focus on the kabur or wrist lock, and the potential for growth in MMA through the incorporation of various finishing holds and techniques. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of wrestling in character building and the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in martial arts.

    • Understanding the Unique Rules and Objectives of Combat SportsMuay Thai's focus on elbows, trips, and grappling distinguishes it from other combat sports. Olympic boxing's scoring system emphasizes landed hits over knockdowns or damage.

      While different combat sports like Muay Thai, K1, Glory, and Olympic boxing have their unique rules and styles, the importance of various techniques and elements can vary greatly. For instance, Muay Thai's emphasis on elbow strikes, trips, and grappling sets it apart from the more common kickboxing rules in K1 and Glory. Moreover, the Olympic boxing's scoring system, which focuses on the number of hits landed rather than knockdowns or damage inflicted, can lead to debates about its fairness and effectiveness. Some believe that incorporating MMA into the Olympics could bring more attention and excitement to the event, as it includes a wider range of techniques and allows for ground fighting. Ultimately, the appreciation for different combat sports comes down to personal preference and understanding of their unique rules and objectives.

    • MMA Fighter Earnings: Mayweather vs. GSPFighter earnings in MMA can greatly differ due to marketability, fan base, and pay-per-view appeal. Mayweather earns more due to his massive following and polarizing reputation.

      The earnings of MMA fighters, particularly those who draw high pay-per-view numbers, can vary greatly. Floyd Mayweather Jr. sets the bar high with his record-breaking pay-per-view sales and sponsorship deals, reportedly earning between 2.2 to 2.4 million per fight. In contrast, fighters like George St. Pierre make significantly less, with reported earnings between 4 to 5 million per fight. The difference lies in their marketability and fan base. Mayweather has mastered the art of self-promotion and has built a reputation as a polarizing figure, attracting a massive audience. Rhonda Rousey, too, has made a name for herself by embracing her role as a dominant and formidable competitor. The UFC world is different, and while champions make good money, they don't reach the same earnings heights as those with massive followings and pay-per-view appeal.

    • Train your brain with Lumosity.com and enjoy comedyVisit Lumosity.com/Joe to start brain training, save on supplements with code 'Rogan' at Onit.com, and attend a live comedy show in San Jose on December 11th

      Lumosity.com is a website where you can train your brain, often referred to as a "gym for your brain." To get started, visit Lumosity.com/Joe and click the "start training" button. Meanwhile, if you're interested in Onit.com, there's currently a big sale that ends tonight at midnight Pacific time. Use the code word "Rogan" to save 10% off any supplements. Moving on, we have a live show coming up in San Jose on December 11th at the San Jose Improv. Brody Stevens, who has a show on Comedy Central, will be performing. Make sure to check it out! Remember, taking care of your brain and enjoying comedy are both important.

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    Carl was a goalkeeper, so we go on to discuss the unique pressures of goalkeeping, and how this impacted his enjoyment of the game.  We also talk about his career now and the psychology around recovery and rehabilitation.  Enjoy tuning in!

    Key Takeaways include:

    • It’s an individual thing, the mindset of a goalkeeper will depend on how they perceive pressure.
    • You can train immensely hard and do really well, yet one mistake can stick with you, it can be a mental battle.
    • Goalkeeping can be a lonely position, you've got another 10 players around you looking and counting on you.
    • Goalkeeping coaches have a big responsibility in the way that they support their players.
    • As a physiotherapist, you need to consider how you manage the person as well as the injury to get the best from them, always coming back to what does the injury need.
    • Soft skills are important to reassure people when their injured, helping them focus on what they can do
    • Often people are looking for quick fixes which can be a challenge.

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    Helpful Podcast Episodes

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    Podcast Ep065 Amy Izycky - Encouraging Mentally Healthy Cultures in Sport

    Podcast EP077: Danny Thomas - Before, During and After Professional Football

    Other Useful Resources 

    Goalkeeping Psychology Resources 

    Blog - Goalkeeping at Your Best Under Pressure

    Blog - How to Respond to Goalkeeping Mistakes 

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    0:15 Transformation challenge winner

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