
    Podcast Summary

    • The holidays can bring out unique emotions and experiencesThe holiday season, while filled with love and joy, can also trigger anxiety and drama for some individuals due to personal experiences and family dynamics.

      The holiday season, despite its joy and beauty, can also bring about heightened emotions and traumatic experiences for many people. Mike shared a personal story about an eerie experience during a podcast recording session that left him scared and unsure. Lauren added that her own family dynamics during the holidays have led to conflicts and tension. They also discussed how the pressure to maintain harmony in large family gatherings can sometimes lead to boiling points. The holiday season, while filled with love and gratitude, can also be a source of anxiety and drama for some. It's important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and backgrounds, and the holidays can bring out a range of emotions.

    • Setting Boundaries at Family GatheringsEffectively communicating boundaries and respecting individuality are crucial during family gatherings to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Family gatherings, such as Thanksgiving, can bring about unexpected challenges. For instance, the speaker shared an experience with her sister-in-law who left a mess during her visits while on her period. The speaker expressed her discomfort and set a boundary by asking her sister-in-law not to sleep over if she's on her period. However, the delivery of the message was perceived as rude, leading to a heated argument. It's essential to communicate effectively and considerately when setting boundaries or addressing sensitive issues. Additionally, the speaker shared her experience of being asked about her relationship status during family gatherings, which she found repetitive and annoying. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of respecting boundaries, communicating effectively, and embracing individuality during family gatherings.

    • Impact of Actions on Shared SpacesConsider others' comfort and belongings, communicate effectively, and avoid unsanitary practices like free bleeding and not flushing tampons.

      It's important to consider the impact of our actions on others, especially in shared living spaces. The discussion revolved around the issue of free bleeding during menstruation and ruining bedding. While some people might find it natural and not a big deal, others consider it disrespectful and unsanitary. The speaker shared an experience of ruining a man's sheets during sex and taking responsibility for it. However, the same person's guest allegedly free bled in the bed and ruined the sheets twice, which was seen as disrespectful and rude. Another important takeaway was the reminder not to flush tampons, as it can cause problems for both septic and city water systems. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of communication, consideration, and respect for others' belongings and comfort.

    • Family conflicts and Thanksgiving dilemmaEffective communication and finding a compromise are crucial for maintaining family bonds during Thanksgiving, despite past conflicts and animosity.

      Family dynamics can be complicated, especially when past conflicts arise. In the discussed situation, a man feels torn between his desire to spend Thanksgiving with his wife and son and his parents' wish to bring the whole family together, including his estranged sister. The sister's history with the wife, stemming from an unpaid rent situation, has led to a deep-rooted animosity. The parents, wanting to help their struggling daughter, are taking her side and asking the couple to stay home. The husband feels that excluding his family is not fair, but also understands his sister's emotional state after a recent breakup. The situation highlights the importance of communication and finding a compromise that respects everyone's feelings while maintaining family bonds. It's essential to acknowledge past issues but not let them overshadow the present and the desire for harmony during family gatherings.

    • Holiday Pressure and Family DynamicsFocus on quality time and setting realistic expectations during the holiday season to reduce stress and anxiety. Communicate openly and respectfully with family members to find solutions that work for everyone.

      The pressure and expectations placed on holidays, such as Thanksgiving, can lead to complicated family dynamics and emotional responses. The OP's situation with his sister and parents illustrates this, as the sister wants him to attend Thanksgiving dinner without his wife, creating tension and conflict. The societal pressure to make holidays perfect can exacerbate these issues, leading to feelings of guilt, manipulation, and even power struggles. It's essential to remember that holidays are about coming together and spending time with loved ones, not about perfection or overspending. By focusing on quality time and setting realistic expectations, families can reduce the stress and anxiety that often accompanies the holiday season. Additionally, it's crucial to communicate openly and respectfully with family members to find solutions that work for everyone.

    • Holding onto grudges harms relationshipsRefusing to let go of past disagreements can negatively impact current relationships and hinder effective communication. Take responsibility for your actions and focus on building positive connections with loved ones.

      Holding onto grudges, especially for long periods of time, can negatively impact relationships. In the discussed situation, a woman refused to attend a family Thanksgiving dinner because of a past disagreement with her sister-in-law over a rental agreement. The woman felt that her sister-in-law had wronged her, but the speaker argued that the woman herself was at fault for not following through on her commitments. The woman's refusal to let go of the past was also affecting her relationship with her nephew, which the speaker found particularly disappointing. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and communicating clearly when faced with difficult situations. Additionally, the woman's refusal to attend the family dinner was causing unnecessary tension and conflict. Overall, the speaker encouraged letting go of past grievances and focusing on building and maintaining positive relationships with family members.

    • Sibling's past relationship causing family tensionAfter long-standing unhealthy attachment to an ex, families may need to draw a line to protect their peace and happiness.

      Families can face challenging situations when dealing with adult children who refuse to move on from past relationships. In this discussion, a sister had been causing tension at family events due to a long-standing breakup six years prior. The family, including the original poster (OP), had tried to accommodate her wishes to avoid conflict. However, after six years, some commenters suggested it was time for the family to draw a line and not let the sister's behavior disrupt their peace. They suggested various strategies, such as inviting her for dessert or having an intervention, to try and help her move on. Ultimately, the decision to exclude her from family events was seen as a reasonable response to her refusal to let go of the past. The family's priority was to protect their own peace and happiness, and not enable the sister's unhealthy attachment to an ex.

    • The Complexities of PronunciationOur pronunciation can be influenced by upbringing, environment, and experiences. It's important to appreciate unique backgrounds and accept different ways of speaking.

      Our pronunciation of words can be influenced by our upbringing, environment, and experiences. The speaker shared an example of how she grew up saying "beg" instead of "ask for a bag" in Minnesota, and when she moved to California, people didn't understand her. She also discussed how she associated the name "Ali" with "Alejandra" due to knowing her by that name for so long. The speaker also acknowledged the challenges of pronunciation for those learning English as a second language and how dependent pronunciation is on language. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding and accepting different ways of speaking and pronunciation. The speaker encouraged listeners to appreciate each other's unique backgrounds and experiences, rather than judging based on pronunciation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of language and communication.

    • Preserving the Distinction Between Thanksgiving and ChristmasThe speaker advocates for enjoying holiday decorations and traditions without rushing the transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas, emphasizing the importance of honoring personal sentiments and creating new memories with family.

      The speaker is passionate about preserving the distinction between Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially during this difficult holiday season following the loss of both her parents. She believes that people should be able to enjoy their holiday decorations for as long as they'd like and establish new traditions with their families. The speaker's mother-in-law's decision to put up a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving triggered strong emotions for her, as the holidays hold significant sentimental value and bring up complex feelings. Ultimately, the speaker wants to create meaningful traditions for her son and navigate the holidays in a way that honors her parents' memory.

    • Effective communication and understanding in relationshipsEmpathy and active listening are crucial in effective communication. Acknowledging feelings and respecting unique experiences can prevent misunderstandings and conflict in relationships.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. In the discussed situation, the husband failed to listen to his wife's concerns and instead, escalated the issue by involving his mother. The wife felt misunderstood and disrespected, leading to her not wanting to attend Thanksgiving or any future gatherings at her mother-in-law's house. The husband, on the other hand, believed his wife was being selfish and causing conflict unnecessarily. Both parties had valid points, but the lack of empathy and communication from the husband led to a negative outcome. The wife's past experiences and feelings were not acknowledged, and her request for minor input was dismissed. The husband's actions also caused his mother to change her plans, resulting in further complications. Effective communication involves active listening, acknowledging feelings, and empathy. It is essential to understand that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, and these should be respected and considered in relationships. In this case, had the husband taken the time to understand his wife's perspective and communicated her concerns to his mother, the situation could have had a different outcome.

    • Misunderstandings and Traumas during the HolidaysRecognize everyone's unique perspectives and circumstances during the holidays to avoid misunderstandings and hurtful actions. Consider the potential consequences of our actions and strive to make everyone feel included.

      The holiday season can bring about disconnect and misunderstanding among family members, leading to everyone feeling like an "asshole." In the discussed situation, both the husband and wife acted in ways that were hurtful to each other, but it's essential to recognize that everyone involved is dealing with their own traumas and experiences. The wife's desire to keep the Christmas tree tradition separate from her ex-husband's family might seem selfish, but it's rooted in her need to control the experience she wants to share with her son for the first time. On the other hand, the husband's decision to involve his mother in the situation was disrespectful to his current wife. However, instead of labeling anyone as an "asshole," it's crucial to understand that everyone's actions stem from their unique perspectives and circumstances. Furthermore, the discussion brought up an interesting point about the impact of wealth and privilege on the holiday experience. Giving expensive gifts to children can make others feel left out, so it's essential to consider the potential consequences of our actions and strive to make everyone feel included during the holiday season.

    • Effective communication and empathy in resolving conflictsOpen communication, understanding, and empathy are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. Remember that everyone deals with various challenges and losses, and being sensitive to each other's feelings can help create a more harmonious environment.

      Effective communication and empathy are essential in resolving conflicts, especially during emotional times. The story shared in the discussion revolves around a woman who wanted to put up the Christmas tree earlier than her husband's preference. Instead of discussing the matter with his wife, he directly contacted his mother, which led to a passive-aggressive situation. This behavior not only disrespected his wife's feelings but also failed to acknowledge the unique challenges she faces as an orphan during the holiday season. Moreover, the woman's birthday falling on Christmas adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The realization that birth months and birthdays can significantly impact individuals' lives, as discussed in the context of the book "Outliers," highlights the importance of considering everyone's unique experiences and emotions. Therefore, the key takeaway is that open communication, understanding, and empathy are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. It's essential to remember that everyone deals with various challenges and losses, and being sensitive to each other's feelings can help create a more harmonious environment.

    • Childhood experiences shape us as adultsChildhood experiences, positive or negative, can significantly impact who we become as adults. Communicate openly and empathetically to maintain healthy relationships.

      Our experiences during childhood, including birthdays, can significantly shape who we become as adults. These experiences, whether positive or negative, can leave lasting impacts and even create traumas. The speaker shared an example of someone whose birthday is on Christmas, leading to complex feelings during the holiday season. Additionally, it's essential to communicate openly and empathetically with loved ones, especially during sensitive times. The speaker shared a personal experience where their ex-partner undermined their feelings, leading to hurt and frustration. It's crucial to remember that everyone has the right to express their emotions and that communication is key to maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Navigating Sensitive Family Situations During HolidaysExpress gratitude, find support, balance needs, and maintain open communication in sensitive family situations during holidays.

      Communication and understanding are key in navigating sensitive family situations during holidays. In the first scenario, the husband could have expressed gratitude for his wife's feelings and found a way to support her while respecting his mother's wishes. In the second scenario, the daughter's dilemma revolves around inviting her mother's home health aide to Thanksgiving. While she feels sympathetic, she's hesitant due to not knowing the aide well. The consensus seems to be that if the aide is important to the mother and has nowhere else to go, she should be welcomed with open arms. However, it's important to consider the potential awkwardness and whether the aide would prefer to spend the holiday with friends or family. Ultimately, the decision lies in balancing the needs of all parties involved and maintaining open communication.

    • Embrace love, inclusion, and acceptance during holidaysWelcome caregivers to holiday gatherings, consider their needs, and focus on the spirit of the holidays for a more joyful experience

      During the holiday season, it's essential to focus on love, inclusion, and acceptance rather than perfection and judgment. A caregiver who is an integral part of a family's life should be welcomed and invited to holiday gatherings, regardless of any discomfort or perceived inconvenience. It's important to consider the caregiver's perspective and potential desires, such as wanting to be with friends or feeling overwhelmed by the holiday environment. Rather than making assumptions about others' intentions, speak openly about one's own feelings and concerns. By focusing on the spirit of the holidays and being inclusive, we can create a more joyful and memorable experience for everyone involved.

    • Inviting someone with a complicated pastExtending invitations can promote healing and inclusion, but intentions must be clear and genuine. Past issues should not dictate present opportunities for reconciliation and connection.

      Extending invitations to people, especially those with complicated histories, can be a significant step towards healing and inclusion. The person extending the invitation should be clear about their intentions, making it casual and low-pressure. It's essential not to make the invite feel like a pity gesture but to genuinely welcome the person. In the given situation, inviting a son to a family gathering, despite a strained past, can be an opportunity for him to meet extended family members and create new memories. The past should not dictate the present, and it's never too soon to extend an invitation for reconciliation and connection. Ultimately, the person's response is their own, and respecting their decision is crucial.

    • Discovering a Long-Lost ChildBe honest, open, and persistent when trying to build a relationship with a long-lost child, despite societal pressures and challenges.

      When given the opportunity to form a bond or get closer to someone, especially if it involves discovering a long-lost child, it's essential to seize the moment. In the discussed situation, a man found out that he had a son whom he never knew about, and the emotional impact was immense. The man was heartbroken when his son showed hate towards him, as he felt he had been denied a relationship with him for his entire life. It's important to note that the grandparents may have hidden the truth due to societal pressures and shame, which is a common occurrence in certain communities when teen pregnancies occur outside of marriage. Ultimately, the man expressed his desire to be a part of his son's life and to make amends for the lost time. However, it's unclear how to navigate this situation and convince his son of his sincerity. The takeaway is that when faced with such a situation, it's crucial to be honest, open, and persistent in trying to build a relationship, despite the challenges.

    • Family pressures and reconciliationDespite societal pressures and family conflicts, love and communication can heal relationships. Invite loved ones to important events and let go of grudges for a positive family dynamic.

      Embarrassment and societal pressures can lead to difficult family situations, but love and communication can help heal relationships. The speaker shared a story about a daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock, leading to her parents' threats and potential shame. However, she also shared a positive story about her own relationship with her son, who was initially poisoned against her but eventually reconciled. The speaker emphasized the importance of inviting loved ones to important events and letting go of grudges, as life is too short for negativity. They also discussed the theme of family dynamics for a Thanksgiving episode. Overall, the episode touched on various family-related topics and emphasized the importance of love and communication in overcoming challenges.

    • Embrace the roughness of the holidays and find joyMake the most of the holidays by setting boundaries, finding joy, and connecting with others, even if it's through a podcast discussion

      The holidays can be challenging, but it's important to prioritize our own happiness and well-being. Whether we're surrounded by family or spending the day alone, we should remember to set boundaries and not take things too seriously. Additionally, the group discussed the idea of starting a holiday GoFundMe to support those in need during the season. The holidays may be "beautifully rough," but it's essential to make the most of them and find joy in the experience. Filler words like "like" and "um" can be a challenge to avoid, but we can strive to be more mindful of our language use. The group acknowledged that they've improved in this area during their conversation. Ultimately, the holidays are a time for connection, whether it's with loved ones or through shared experiences like podcast discussions. So let's embrace the roughness and find the beauty in the season. And if you're feeling lonely, remember that there's a community out there, like this podcast, that's here for you.

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    enJune 27, 2024

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's  assortment of stories has us wondering who is really in the wrong, because there's a lot of grey area in these ones. There's a story where someone's partner is threatening to breakup over walking in on them in the bathroom to someone who turned down her sister's request to be a maid of honor due to their childhood.. This one is a bumpy ride so hang on and share your takes when you can!

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    enJune 20, 2024

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! This week's episode has us reviewing red flags! Could a guy sleeping in another girls bed not be a red flag? Are the couple you're being a surrogate for entitled to contribute to the birth plan or is that a giant red flag? Are pranks ever funny or do they always give red flag? We're going to need your input on these ones.. especially, what's worse than a red flag?!

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

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    The Being Well Holiday Survival Guide

    The Being Well Holiday Survival Guide
    Ah the holidays, that blessed time of year when we come together with our highly functional family systems to engage in some good, old-fashioned fun.  If that sounded like a joke, this episode is for you.  Dr. Rick and Forrest explore how to survive the holidays with the dishes (mostly) intact. They talk about the pull of dysfunctional family systems, our tendency to return to the way things were “back then,” and balancing the desire to flip the Thanksgiving table with the desire to just make it through another year.  I thought this was one of the most interesting conversations we’ve had recently, and I hope you enjoy it. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 2:15: What makes the holidays tough? 5:45: The gap between who you are now and how your family system interacts with you 14:45: Parents yearning for the past, and craving gratitude 24:20: Finding agency amidst obligation 26:55: The weaponization of morality, and not needing to defend boundaries 32:45: Appreciating something about people amidst your struggles with them, and identifying the stakes 38:50: Getting through when it’s hard 43:30: The tension and ambiguity of wanting to speak up 47:00: Resourcing yourself ahead of time, and recognizing what’s in your best interest 51:50: Two kinds of grief and loss 1:01:40: Recap Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors: Start speaking a new language in just 3 weeks with Babbel! Get 55% off at Babbel.com/BEING. Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Factor delivers fresh, never-frozen, fully prepared meals right to your door. Head to factormeals.com/beingwell50 and use code beingwell50 to get 50% off.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Finally get that project off the ground with Squarespace! Head to squarespace.com/beingwell for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch use coupon code BEINGWELL to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Family Boundaries, Hard Diagnoses, & Couples Who Don't Fight

    Family Boundaries, Hard Diagnoses, & Couples Who Don't Fight
    The Dr. John Delony Show is a caller-driven show that offers real people a chance to be heard as they struggle with relationship issues and mental health challenges. John will give you practical advice on how to connect with people, how to take the next right step when you feel frozen, and how to cut through the depression and anxiety that can feel so overwhelming. You are not alone in this battle. You are worth being well—and it starts by focusing on what you can control. Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show. We want to talk to YOU!   Show Notes for this Episode   My fiancée has two mentally disabled brothers and he thinks we may be caring for one or both in the future. How do we navigate this? My mother-in-law took a credit card out in my wife’s name before we were married. I want to be paid back but her dad doesn’t know. Should we open this can of worms? Email: How do you feel when you hear couples say they never fight? Is that healthy? My 15-year-old is facing a schizophrenic diagnosis. She wants to tell teachers, friends and family. We are more hesitant. What do we do? Lyrics of the Day: "Ghost" - Indigo Girls   As heard on this episode: BetterHelp   tags: marriage, relationships, family, goals/life planning, boundaries, money   These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Clown Sex, Mum's Fanny & Karens on Facebook

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Clown Sex, Mum's Fanny & Karens on Facebook
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and more.

    On this week's Totally Extra: a Dad tearing his wife's nunn off, Karens on the Facebook group, a lady with a clown fetish, hanging dog poo on trees, your mum's vag on display to the whole family, a faked death and more gross 'would you rather's.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Helping a Father and Son Reconnect

    Helping a Father and Son Reconnect
    Stream Schedule: https://www.twitch.tv/healthygamer_gg on Twitch. Youtube: https://youtu.be/s5cjlHMkOUM for VoD Archive. Support us at https://ko-fi.com/healthygamer if you enjoy our content and would continue helping making it accessible to everyone! Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/healthygamergg/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices