
    Podcast Summary

    • From generosity to inspirationFocus on making money and giving back, aligning wealth with values, and not letting criticism hinder charitable actions.

      Generosity and success go hand in hand. Tim Sykes, a penny stock trader turned philanthropist, wrote a million-dollar check to a charity, Pencils of Promise, after being inspired by his visit to one of the schools they built. Despite criticism for his public display of wealth, Tim's actions show that focusing on making money isn't enough; giving back is essential for true fulfillment. Tim's story serves as an inspiration for building a business and wealth according to one's values, not societal pressures, and not letting haters deter from making a difference.

    • Tim Sykes' Charitable EffortsSuccessful trader Tim Sykes donates close to $2 million to charities, encourages listeners to give time, expertise, and money, and supports Pencils of Promise through DVD sales.

      Tim Sykes, a successful penny stock trader and founder of Timothy Sykes Foundation, believes in giving back. He's given close to $2 million in the past year and a half to charities after careful research to ensure the money is used effectively. Sykes started the foundation to formalize his charitable efforts and make a bigger impact. He encourages listeners to give not just money, but also time and expertise to charities. Sykes' favorite charity is Pencils of Promise, which he supports through his best-selling DVD, "How to Make Millions," all of which goes to charity. He continues to make money in the stock market and coaching, but finds giving back to be more fulfilling.

    • Finding true fulfillment through giving and happinessTraveling and possessions bring temporary excitement, but true happiness comes from helping others and discovering personal joy. Focus on your own happiness and make a positive impact through charitable work.

      Traveling the world and accumulating material possessions may bring temporary excitement, but true fulfillment comes from giving back to others and discovering what truly makes us happy. The speaker, who has been to 106 countries, shares that the novelty of new places and expensive items wears off, and that experiencing the world's hardships and helping those in need opens our minds and makes us better people. He encourages everyone to focus on their own happiness and not be swayed by societal pressures, and to get more exposure for charities to make a positive impact. The speaker's personal experience of combining charity work with stock trading while traveling has brought him immense joy and fulfillment. Ultimately, it's important to be selfish in the sense of prioritizing what brings us happiness and fulfillment, rather than being consumed by material possessions or the opinions of others.

    • Finding joy in the little things and focusing on personal growthBy asking ourselves what brings us joy and learning new skills, we can gradually escape the rat race and focus on personal growth and passions.

      The little things in life, like pencils, can bring immense joy and make a significant impact on people. It's essential to remember this when considering our own happiness and life's purpose. Many people are unhappy because they're stuck in jobs they dislike, unable to pursue what they love due to financial responsibilities. However, with the help of education and technology, there's an opportunity to break this cycle and focus on personal growth and passions. The speaker, for instance, has built a successful blogging business and aims to impact 100 million people by teaching them how to make a living doing what they love. By asking ourselves what we can do to be happy and finding ways to learn and grow outside of our working hours, we can gradually escape the rat race and focus on what truly matters to us.

    • Investing in less desirable companies for financial freedomLearning the market and identifying opportunities can lead to financial freedom through investing, but it's important to focus on self-sufficiency and personal growth for true happiness.

      Making money through investing, even in less desirable companies, can lead to financial freedom. This strategy, which involves learning the intricacies of the market and identifying opportunities, has helped some students, like Steven Ducks and Mark Crook, reach six-figure earnings. However, it's important to remember that success doesn't come overnight and that wealth doesn't guarantee happiness. In fact, many wealthy individuals are not happy. Instead, focusing on self-sufficiency and personal growth can contribute to true happiness. Penny stocks, which are small, speculative companies, are often looked down upon due to their volatility and the high number of degenerate gamblers trading them. They should not be considered long-term investments, as the majority of stocks drop every year. Instead, it's crucial to understand the financial health of a company before investing.

    • Transparency, Discipline, and Learning from MistakesWinning on the internet requires following rules, cutting losses, being transparent, and committing to long-term learning. Mistakes are opportunities for growth, not setbacks.

      Success on the internet, especially in trading or education, comes from transparency, discipline, and learning from mistakes. The speaker, who has a track record of winning 74% of the time in stock trading, emphasizes the importance of following rules, cutting losses quickly, and being real with your audience. He shares his losses publicly and encourages others to do the same, as this builds trust and authenticity. The speaker also warns against scams and hot stock picks, and instead encourages thorough research and a long-term commitment to learning. He sees mistakes as opportunities for growth and shares them openly with his followers, rather than dwelling on them. Overall, the key to success is to be transparent, disciplined, and committed to learning from mistakes.

    • Being authentic and transparent builds trustStay committed, persistent, and focused on continuous improvement, even in the face of mistakes and setbacks. Trust and loyalty are built through authenticity and transparency.

      It's important to be authentic and transparent in sharing mistakes and lessons learned, even in business or personal pursuits, as it builds loyalty and trust. Perfection is not required, and setbacks and mistakes are a natural part of the journey to success. It's essential to stay committed and persistent, and not give up too easily. Success takes time and hard work, and it's important to focus on continuous improvement rather than comparing oneself to others or seeking instant gratification. Embrace the ups and downs, and remember that everyone's path to success is unique.

    • Consistent effort and clear goal lead to successSuccess requires dedication, a clear goal, and consistent effort. Using motivating visuals can help increase performance.

      Success requires consistent effort and a clear, motivating goal. The speaker, who runs a 10-week program to help people optimize their lives, emphasized that the amount of results one gets depends on the time and effort put in. He drew an analogy between having a gym membership and actually using it to get in shape. Similarly, having a big, inspiring goal can significantly increase daily performance. The speaker shared his experience of using motivating visuals, such as pictures of wealth, to attract more viewers to his video lessons. Ultimately, success is not a matter of laziness or average effort; it requires a strong work ethic and a deep belief in one's ability to achieve it. The speaker emphasized that anyone can be successful, regardless of intelligence or background, with the right mindset and dedication.

    • From hater to millionaire studentAuthenticity, dedication, and offering value are key to turning haters into loyal students. Keep doing what you believe in and believe in the power to make an impact.

      Focusing on pleasing and educating your dedicated students, rather than trying to win over the masses, is a key to success. The speaker shares his experience of turning his biggest hater into his first millionaire student. He emphasizes that having the right mindset and dedication are crucial for achieving success, and that it's okay if not everyone likes you at first. He also encourages being authentic and offering value, even if it inspires negative comments or criticism. The speaker's approach to business and education is to keep doing what he believes in, regardless of public opinion, and to believe that there's always a chance to make an impact on someone's life. He also highlights the importance of offering free resources, such as his YouTube channel, to build trust and credibility.

    • Aggressive teaching approach necessary for stock trading successEffective stock trading teachers adopt a no-nonsense approach, emphasize quick loss cutting, and focus on significant financial gains for true financial freedom

      Effective teaching in the realm of stock trading requires a no-nonsense, aggressive approach, even if it means making some students dislike the teacher. The speaker, who has had success in creating millionaire students, believes that being a "drill sergeant" and arming students with the right tools is necessary to succeed in the stock market, which is often portrayed as rosy but is actually a battlefield. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of cutting losses quickly and focusing on significant financial gains to achieve true financial freedom. Despite the potential for unpopularity, the speaker remains committed to transparency and sharing success stories, both of millionaires and those who have lost everything. Ultimately, the speaker's qualifications come from having made millions in the stock market before starting to teach.

    • Leveraging Twitter for Educational Business During Bear MarketsDuring bear markets, focus on providing valuable content and building a community on Twitter to attract leads for educational products. Due diligence is crucial, both in the stock market and in charitable giving.

      During a bear market, being prepared and educated is crucial for individuals and their students. With 18 years of trading experience, Timothy Sykes saw an opportunity in teaching and building a community on Twitter, where they share their trades openly, making it an excellent platform for selling educational products to those seeking to better their lives. Twitter may not be the most popular social media platform, but it's effective for reaching an educated audience looking for valuable information. By focusing on providing useful content and fostering a community, Twitter has become a significant source of leads for Sykes' business. Additionally, his strategy is ideal for small accounts, making six figures per year possible for average people. Sykes made a million-dollar donation to Pencil Promise, an organization he trusts after conducting research in the charity world, emphasizing the importance of doing due diligence, just as in the stock market.

    • Philanthropist's belief in education and focus on Pencils of PromisePhilanthropist donated over a million dollars to Pencils of Promise due to its efficiency, scalability, and long-term impact on children's lives.

      The speaker is a philanthropist who strongly believes in the power of education and has made significant donations to various charities, with a focus on building schools and educational programs. Among these charities, Pencils of Promise stands out due to its organizational efficiency, scalability, and commitment to long-term impact. The speaker's largest donation to Pencils of Promise, worth over a million dollars, reflects his confidence in the organization's ability to make a substantial difference in the lives of children around the world. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of infrastructure and optimization in achieving scalability and success.

    • Exploring the potential of the internet for charities and personal growthEncourage giving and goal-setting through #TimothySykes and #LewisHouse, invest in skills for financial freedom, and remember each day is an opportunity for progress.

      The future of the internet holds immense potential for optimizing various sectors including businesses, education, and charities through big data. However, it's essential to focus on the positive aspects and use it effectively, rather than getting lost in negativity or using it for entertainment when bored. For charities, funding is crucial, and those who have the means are encouraged to donate. For those without the means, investing in knowledge and skills to make money is a viable option. Money is necessary for freedom and to make an impact in the world. By declaring how much you aim to give this year and in 10 years on Twitter using the tag #TimothySykes and #LewisHouse, we can encourage collective giving and goal-setting. Remember, every day for the next 10 years represents an opportunity to work towards your goal, whether it's giving or achieving personal growth.

    • Think long-term for personal growthAdopt a long-term perspective, set ambitious goals, and stay committed for significant personal growth and achievement over time.

      Having a long-term perspective and setting ambitious goals for yourself can lead to significant personal growth and achievement over time. The speaker shares his own experience of turning his life around within a decade, despite starting from scratch with no resources or connections. He encourages listeners to think beyond the short term and consider what they can accomplish in the next 10, 20, or even 30 years. By focusing on the future and staying committed to their goals, individuals can create something meaningful and transformative in their lives.

    • Embrace the imperfections of lifeFocus on personal happiness, accept reality, learn from mistakes, be honest, acknowledge harsh truths, approach life with an open mind, be kind, optimize existence, and constantly improve for 10 years.

      Life is unpredictable and imperfect, and it's essential to focus on personal happiness, accept reality, and learn from mistakes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being honest with oneself and others, acknowledging that life can be harsh, and there's no such thing as perfection. They also suggest approaching life with an open mind, being kind but also understanding that sometimes tough truths need to be shared. Lastly, they encourage optimizing one's existence and constantly improving, with a long-term perspective of 3,600 days (10 years) to help achieve personal goals.

    • Emphasizing hard work, dedication, and quality content for successLearn from successful traders like Timothy Sykes, focusing on hard work, dedication, and providing value to build trust and change the future of the internet, while utilizing automation tools like StocksToTrade.com for efficient trading.

      Timothy Sykes, a successful entrepreneur and stock trader, emphasizes the importance of hard work, dedication, and providing quality content to achieve true success, not just financial wealth. He also discussed his software, StocksToTrade.com, which automates stock trading signals based on his strategy and those of other millionaire traders. Sykes encourages individuals to cut through the "BS" on the internet and focus on providing value to build trust and change the future of the internet. In 10 years, he aspires to have the biggest daytime talk show in the world, focusing on inspiration, information, and education to optimize all aspects of life.

    • Utilize your unique talents to make a differenceEveryone can contribute to making a difference by utilizing their unique talents, not just through personal donations.

      Everyone has the power to make a difference, not just through personal donations, but also by influencing others to give and utilize their unique talents. Timothy Sykes, for instance, may not have donated the most himself, but his influence has brought in millions for charities. Greatness, according to Sykes, is about utilizing one's talents and optimizing them to make an impact in the world, whether it's through teaching, inspiring, or entertaining. It's important to acknowledge and appreciate each other's gifts, regardless of societal acceptance or potential monetary value. So, consider how you can contribute and give back using your unique talents, no matter the size of your personal donations.

    • Making a difference through giving backSuccess is not just about accumulating wealth, it's about using it to make a positive impact on others and the world.

      Making money is not just about accumulating wealth for oneself, but also about learning how to give back and make a positive impact on others. Tim Sykes, a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, is an excellent example of this mindset. He not only generates income but also uses it to help individuals and make a significant impact through his donations. It's essential to remember that financial success is not the end goal but a means to make a difference in the world. So, if you're inspired by Tim's story, consider learning about giving back and finding ways to make a positive impact in your community. Don't forget to check out our interview with Tim on YouTube and share your thoughts with us on social media. Let's all strive to go out there and do something great.

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    Today, we dive deep into the secrets of peak performance and productivity with three of the world’s leading experts - Dr. Michael Gervais, James Clear, and Robin Sharma. They uncover the psychological and practical steps to achieve high performance, form powerful habits, and integrate personal philosophies into daily life. Dr. Gervais shares the importance of being present and conquering anxiety and fatigue, while James Clear breaks down the stages of habit formation and the role of identity in sustaining those habits. Robin Sharma offers heartfelt insights on finding joy in personal growth and the beauty of living authentically and spiritually aligned. Now, let’s dive in!

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    • the value of regular reflection and review to stay focused on what truly matters.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    BIG NEWS! Dr Joe is speaking LIVE at Summit of Greatness 2024! Buy your tickets TODAY at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Hey everyone, it’s Lewis! I'm thrilled to have the inspiring Dr Joe Dispenza in the house once again. Dr Joe is one of our biggest guests of all time, with over 55 million views on our videos together over the last five years. He's a long-time fan favorite here at The School of Greatness, and I'm excited to share that he will be a keynote speaker at The Summit of Greatness 2024 in Los Angeles this September. Make sure to get your tickets to see Dr Joe live!

    Today, Dr Joe shares insights on the mind-body connection and personal transformation, diving into the illusion of separation created by our senses in the 3D world. He recounts overcoming a severe spinal injury through the power of his mind, illustrating how to collapse time and space to manifest outcomes. We discuss how to shift from the 3D world to the 5D realm, characterized by interconnectedness, energy, and frequency. Dr Joe emphasizes the importance of brain and heart coherence in accessing the quantum field for true healing. He shares personal stories and scientific evidence, and demonstrates the possibility of reprogramming our minds and bodies, sharing new research findings that validate these transformative practices. Now, let’s dive in!

    Be sure to check out Dr Joe’s new film, Source

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    • How to transition from the 3D world of separation to the 5D realm of interconnectedness.
    • The role of consciousness in overcoming physical and emotional challenges.
    • Practical steps to achieve brain and heart coherence to construct your new reality full of abundance.
    • Daily techniques to shorten the distance between thoughts and desired outcomes.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy his book for yourself and a friend! Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory's Power to Hold on to What Matters

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The impact of emotions on what we remember and how to use this to your advantage.
    • Practical tips for transforming negative memories into empowering ones.
    • The importance of context and perspective in recalling memories.
    • Strategies for using curiosity and imagination to improve memory and learning.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1632

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Ultimate Guide to Holistic Health: 3 KEYS to Controlling the Mind & RESETTING Your Nervous System

    Ultimate Guide to Holistic Health: 3 KEYS to Controlling the Mind & RESETTING Your Nervous System

    Guests featured today: Andrew Huberman, Dr. Mark Hyman & Rich Roll. How much does the body control the mind, and the mind control the body? Today, we have 3 SOG favorites giving their own take on the mind-body connection and how they approach holistic health in their own lives. Andrew Huberman dives into the profound connection between the brain and body, revealing how our nervous system shapes our mental states. Dr. Mark Hyman shares his transformative journey of healing trauma to find true happiness and love. And Rich Roll inspires with his incredible story of overcoming addiction and embracing a life of continuous growth. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you transform your life – now, let’s dive in!

    In this episode you will learn

    • The brain and body are deeply interconnected, influencing each other continuously.
    • Emotions and states of mind involve both brain activity and bodily responses.
    • Depression and anxiety can be mitigated by understanding and leveraging the brain-body connection.
    • Breath control is a powerful tool for managing stress and altering mental states.
    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1631

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full length episodes featured today:

    Andrew Huberman – https://link.chtbl.com/1073-guest

    Dr. Mark Hyman – https://link.chtbl.com/1560-pod

    Rich Roll – https://link.chtbl.com/1061-guest

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    Check out The Goldie Hawn Foundation | MindUP

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    • The importance of self-love and how to project it onto your children.
    • Strategies Goldie used to stay present and connected with her kids despite a hectic schedule.
    • Goldie Hawn's MindUP foundation and its impact on children's emotional regulation and resilience.
    • The significance of finding joy in simple things and building happiness from within.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1630

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy her book for yourself and a friend! THE SOURCE - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

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    • The importance of gratitude in shifting your brain's chemistry from stress to trust.
    • The impact of smell on emotional memory and cognitive function.
    • Techniques for olfactory enrichment to improve memory and cognition.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1629

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of living with purpose and serving others to enhance confidence.
    • Techniques to overcome imposter syndrome and insecurities.
    • The impact of childhood experiences on adult self-perception.
    • The role of faith and intention in maintaining confidence and humility.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1628

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

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    “I’m a Bad*ss” How Dany Garcia Became A Business Trailblazer & Built a Multi-Billion Dollar Empire

    Welcome back to The School of Greatness! Today, we have the pleasure of hosting the incredibly inspiring and multifaceted Dany Garcia. Dany is the Founder, CEO, and Chairwoman of The Garcia Companies, a portfolio of brands at the intersection of sports, entertainment, and lifestyle.

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    In this episode you will learn

    • The significance of aligning your actions with your ultimate purpose.
    • How to create and protect your unique path to success.
    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    How the Wealthiest Families Teach Their Kids About Money! Do This to Unlock Abundance!

    Are you ready to transform your business from local to global? Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best!

    In today’s episode, we have the incredibly insightful Scott Donnell joining us. Scott has spent over a decade studying more than a hundred multi-generational high net worth families, uncovering the secrets to building and maintaining wealth that lasts. In our conversation, he shares powerful lessons on why focusing on heritage over inheritance is crucial, how to instill the right financial values in our children, and the impact of money on our mental health and relationships. Get ready to learn practical strategies that will transform the way you and your family approach money.

    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

    In this episode you will learn

    • The difference between heritage and inheritance and why heritage is more important.
    • Strategies to teach children about value creation and financial responsibility.
    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1626

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    HACK Your BRAIN to Take Immediate Action: 90% of HIGH ACHIEVERS Practice THESE HABITS Daily

    HACK Your BRAIN to Take Immediate Action: 90% of HIGH ACHIEVERS Practice THESE HABITS Daily

    Want more from Tony and Dean? Of course you do! Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi!

    Today, we have a powerhouse episode featuring the legendary Tony Robbins and the brilliant Dean Graziosi. We're diving deep into the secrets of success, from mastering your morning routine to transforming your mindset and creating unstoppable momentum in your life. Get ready to uncover the habits and strategies that have propelled these two icons to greatness.

    As you listen, I want you to think about this: What is one small change you can make in your daily routine that could have a profound impact on your productivity and overall happiness? Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your full potential.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of a disciplined morning routine on productivity and mindset.
    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

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    Connect with Matthew and Luigi

    Connect with Your Tax Coach



    Life-Changing Money is a podcast all about money. We share stories of how money has impacted and radically changed the lives of others, and how it can do the same for you. 

    Your host, Barbara Schreihans (pronounced ShREE-hands) is the founder and CEO of Your Tax Coach, and the Creator of the Write Off Your Life Course. She is a kickass tax strategist, business coach, and all-around master when it comes to wealth and finances. Barbara aids business owners and high net-worth individuals in saving tens of millions of dollars in taxes while also growing their profits.

    When she’s not leading her team, coaching clients, or dreaming up new goals for her company, you can find her drinking coffee, hanging out with her family, and traveling the world.

    Grab a cup of coffee and become inspired as we hear from those who have overcome and are overcoming their self-limiting beliefs and money mindsets!

    Do you have a burning question that you'd love to hear answered on a future show?


    Please email it to: podcast@yourtaxcoach.biz

    Wealth Health Radio Joe Murphy discusses important considerations for building a modern, holistic, and personalized retirement plan.

    Wealth Health Radio  Joe Murphy discusses important considerations for building a modern, holistic, and personalized retirement plan.

    On today's show, Joe Murphy discusses important considerations for building a modern, holistic, and personalized retirement plan. The conversation covers topics such as determining enough for retirement, inventorying accounts and taxation, moving 401k to personalized IRA, understanding Social Security, utilizing health savings accounts (HSAs), choosing health insurance, using annuities for retirement income, reviewing budget and spending plan, considering Roth conversions, spending money from various accounts, maintaining asset allocation, paying off mortgage and estate planning, upgrading car or home maintenance, changing 529 beneficiaries, managing RMDs and taxable income, and analyzing Bitcoin and Jamie Dimon's comments. Call or text 800-930-5905. Visit MWMFinancial.Tax to learn more. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Getting to Retirement on Your Terms

    Getting to Retirement on Your Terms

    On this week’s show we discuss getting to retirement on your terms. We have tips that will help you as you close in on retirement. Be on the lookout for these costly mistakes as you plan for retirement. We will talk about how to avoid big errors in your planning.

    If you have any questions about your retirement situation

    call Simon & Simon 800-728-2225.

    Retire, Safety, Taxes, Roth, IRA, Planning,

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Joe Murphy discusses the taxation of various sources of income in retirement.

    Joe Murphy discusses the taxation of various sources of income in retirement.

    In this episode, Joe Murphy discusses the taxation of various sources of income in retirement. He debunks the misconception that there are no taxes in retirement and highlights the importance of tax planning. Joe explains how Social Security benefits, pensions, interest-bearing accounts, dividends, and retirement accounts are taxed. He also emphasizes the tax benefits of life insurance proceeds and provides insights into the taxation of annuities and home sales. Additionally, Joe encourages listeners to create a bucket list and shares the significance of incorporating personal growth goals into retirement planning. Call or text 800-930-5905. Visit MWMFinancial.Tax to learn more.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Retiring Ready with Richelle Richelle Melde outlines some of those strategies and offers tips to help you stay on track for retirement.

    Retiring Ready with Richelle Richelle Melde outlines some of those strategies and offers tips to help you stay on track for retirement.

    Finance experts say there are a handful of retirement distribution strategies that can be used to stretch money further for a long retirement, and these can be combined and changed over time. Richelle Melde outlines some of those strategies and offers tips to help you stay on track for retirement. That and more on today with Richelle Melde. Call (877) 807-1977 or visit RAM Wealth Strategies to learn more.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.