
    #438 The Surprising Truth About Alcohol with Andy Ramage

    enMarch 27, 2024
    What impacts our connections in life according to the text?
    How can one identify a problematic relationship with alcohol?
    What is the 'ambivalence seesaw' technique?
    Who is Andy Ramage and what does he advocate?
    What are the potential benefits of being alcohol-free?

    Podcast Summary

    • Authenticity in Alcohol ConsumptionFear or need to make excuses when considering abstaining from alcohol may indicate a problematic relationship

      People are most attracted to the authentic version of ourselves, and trying to be someone else or hide our true selves can hinder our connections in various aspects of life. In the realm of alcohol consumption, many people drink not because they enjoy it but due to social expectations or as a means to cope with internal discomfort. A simple test to identify this is the reaction to the suggestion of abstaining from alcohol for an extended period. If the thought causes fear or the need to make excuses, it may indicate a problematic relationship with alcohol. Andy Ramage, a leading alcohol-free performance coach, emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and offers frameworks and advice for those looking to explore their relationship with alcohol.

    • Experience the Power of a 90-Day Break from AlcoholTaking a 90-day break from alcohol can lead to weight loss, improved mental clarity, better sleep, and even the disappearance of anxiety and depression for some individuals. Understanding alcohol's impact on stress management and recognizing its addictive nature are crucial for making long-term changes.

      Alcohol, which is often seen as a necessary part of life for many celebrations and stressful days, can have significant negative impacts on our lives that we may not realize until we take a break from it. A 90-day break can lead to weight loss, improved mental clarity, better sleep, and even the disappearance of anxiety and depression for some people. However, understanding the role alcohol plays in managing stress is crucial for making long-term changes. Alcohol disrupts sleep and mental health, leading to underperformance in various aspects of life. By removing alcohol for an extended period, individuals can experience a significant improvement in their overall performance and well-being, which can be likened to gaining a superpower back. Alcohol's addictive nature makes it a powerful force that can impact individuals for decades if not addressed. Therefore, recognizing the importance of a longer-term break from alcohol and understanding its role in our lives can lead to transformative experiences.

    • The alcohol-free movement has seen significant growth in the last 5 yearsThe alcohol-free industry has grown by 500% and Ireland is leading the way in redefining social activities without alcohol

      The alcohol-free movement has seen significant growth and cultural shift in the last five years. This transformation was not apparent a decade ago when the middle lane between alcohol addiction and abstinence was not recognized. The alcohol-free drinks industry has grown by 500% since then, and alcohol-free alternatives are now widely available. Ireland, stereotypically known for heavy drinking, is now at the forefront of this movement. The Irish are starting to view pubs as community hubs rather than just places for alcohol. The availability of alcohol-free options allows people to participate in social activities without the negative consequences of alcohol consumption. This cultural shift is driven by a growing realization that alcohol is not necessary to fit in or enjoy social situations. People are redefining their relationship with alcohol and embracing alcohol-free options.

    • Shift towards alcohol-free livingImproved time, energy, clarity, mental and physical health, and better relationships from quitting alcohol

      We're witnessing a significant shift towards alcohol-free living, particularly in the Western world. This trend is being driven by increased demand and availability of alcohol-free drinks, as well as a cultural awakening regarding the negative effects of alcohol on mental and physical health. Many people are realizing that alcohol, despite its prevalence in social situations, may not be serving them as well as they thought. The benefits of going alcohol-free include improved time, energy, clarity, mental and physical health, and better relationships. This shift not only affects the individual but also their family, friends, and colleagues. For instance, quitting alcohol can lead to better sleep, increased energy, and improved mood, allowing individuals to be more present and engaged in their personal and professional lives. This change can have a profound impact, as evidenced by the testimonials from those who have quit and seen improvements in their relationships and overall well-being.

    • The power of changing beliefsOur past experiences and beliefs, even those related to alcohol consumption, can prevent us from reaching our full potential. Changing beliefs and habits can lead to significant improvements in all areas of life.

      Our past experiences and beliefs, even those related to seemingly trivial things like alcohol consumption, can significantly impact our current lives and prevent us from reaching our full potential. Andy's story illustrates this idea perfectly. He was a professional footballer who, after an injury, fell into a lifestyle of unhealthiness and overindulgence, including regular drinking. Despite feeling unfulfilled and seeking optimal performance, he couldn't quite put his finger on what was holding him back. It wasn't until he read a book and discovered the power of changing beliefs that he began to question his relationship with alcohol. However, giving up alcohol proved to be a challenging process, as it was deeply ingrained in his identity and social circles. Ultimately, Andy's decision to take a break from alcohol led to significant improvements in all areas of his life, demonstrating that sometimes, the key to unlocking our full potential lies in re-examining our beliefs and habits.

    • Personal journey to quit alcoholBreaking deeply ingrained habits like alcohol consumption takes time, awareness, and courage. Understanding inner thoughts and social pressures can help in making a change.

      Changing a deeply ingrained habit like alcohol consumption takes time and awareness. The speaker shared his personal journey of trying to quit alcohol for good, which involved multiple attempts over a few years. He went from being unaware of the negative impacts of alcohol on his life (pre-contemplation) to becoming aware and contemplating a change. However, the actual change took about two years. The speaker also mentioned how fear of change and social pressure can make it difficult to make such a behavioral change. He shared an experience of being tempted when a friend started drinking again after being alcohol-free for a year. It took him hours to come to a decision, highlighting the inner turmoil that comes with trying to break free from deeply ingrained habits. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of awareness, understanding the inner workings of one's mind, and the courage it takes to make significant lifestyle changes.

    • Discovering untapped potential through alcohol abstinenceConsider quitting alcohol for better sleep, mood, skin, and performance. Try small changes like improving sleep quality for overall health and wellbeing.

      Even if you believe you're thriving with your current alcohol consumption, there might be untapped potential for greater health, energy, and productivity in your life. The speaker's personal experience of quitting alcohol led him to notice significant improvements in various aspects of his life, including better sleep, mood, skin, and performance. He encourages those who drink moderately but believe they're okay to consider trying a break and experiencing the potential benefits for themselves. The speaker's ultimate goal is to help people discover their best selves by overcoming the average relationship with alcohol. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of sleep and suggests trying out products like low-light bulbs and infrared sauna blankets from Bond Charge to improve sleep quality. These small changes can lead to significant improvements in overall health and wellbeing.

    • Accepting suboptimal health as 'new normal' hinders potentialAlcohol negatively impacts health and well-being, causing inconsistency in exercise, nutrition, sleep, and mental well-being. By removing alcohol, individuals can unlock improved health and vitality, overcoming social anxiety and habitual routines formed in youth.

      Many people, including the speaker, have accepted suboptimal health and well-being as their "new normal" without realizing their full potential. Alcohol is a major obstacle to reaching this potential, as it negatively impacts consistency in exercise, nutrition, sleep, and mental well-being. The speaker encourages people to remove alcohol and experience the "superpower" of improved health and vitality. Social anxiety and the fear of losing the ability to socialize without alcohol are common obstacles, but the speaker suggests that these feelings are often rooted in habitual routines formed in youth. By recognizing and challenging these routines, people can learn to socialize and connect with others without alcohol. The difference in health and vitality between being optimal and suboptimal can be life-changing.

    • Discovering social situations without alcoholSocial anxiety can be managed without alcohol. Embrace authentic self, connect deeper and build stronger relationships by showing up as true selves.

      Social situations can trigger feelings of anxiety and the urge to drink alcohol as a coping mechanism. However, with time and self-acceptance, these feelings can subside without the need for alcohol. The speaker shares his personal experience of attending an alcohol-free event and discovering that his social anxiety disappeared after 15 minutes. He also emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and embracing one's authentic self, rather than changing who we are to seek validation from others. The speaker believes that showing up as our true selves can be attractive and powerful, leading to deeper connections and stronger relationships. He also shares his opinion that a healthy relationship with alcohol requires ambivalence and the ability to resist its allure, or the choice to drink only on occasion while being in total control.

    • Understanding our relationship with alcoholConsider personal drinking habits and societal influences, aiming for healthy consumption or abstinence based on individual needs and preferences.

      Our relationship with alcohol in the Western world is often unhealthy, leading many to consume it to cope with stress rather than for social bonding, as seen in some blue zones. The speaker shares his personal experience of realizing he no longer wanted to drink after a few sips and how he's found happiness in his sober life. However, he acknowledges that there are communities where moderate alcohol consumption seems to enhance their lives, but notes that these places often have more relaxed, low-stress lifestyles. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding our relationship with alcohol and considering the cultural and societal factors that influence our drinking habits.

    • Understanding Our Relationship with AlcoholBe aware of the potential consequences of mindless alcohol consumption, question why we drink, and consider the benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol for optimal performance and well-being.

      Our relationship with alcohol has evolved significantly in today's society, and it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences, especially when it may not be enhancing social bonds or contributing to optimal performance in various areas of life. The constant availability and normalization of alcohol through advertising and societal expectations can lead to mindless consumption, potentially masking underlying issues. It's crucial to question why we drink and consider the potential benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption. The conversation around alcohol and its impact on individuals, particularly men, is essential, and more initiatives and resources are needed to support those seeking change. Ultimately, being aware of our relationship with alcohol and considering its impact on our lives can lead to making informed decisions and improving overall well-being.

    • Beliefs about alcohol shape experiences and choicesExamining beliefs about alcohol can reveal negative effects, social pressure makes quitting difficult, but addressing insecurities and building confidence leads to improved mental clarity, physical health, and overall well-being.

      Our beliefs shape our experiences and can influence our choices, including our relationship with alcohol. Many people hold beliefs that drinking is necessary for fun or socializing, but when we examine our beliefs closely, we may find that the negative effects of alcohol outweigh the positive. Social pressure to drink can make it difficult to quit, but by addressing our underlying insecurities and building confidence through the process of quitting, we can experience transformative improvements in our mental clarity, physical health, and overall well-being. Ultimately, removing alcohol can help us regain our power and confidence as our authentic selves.

    • Our past coping mechanisms may not serve us well in the presentReflect on past habits, question why we use them, and consider new approaches for growth and happiness

      Our past experiences and adaptations, including our relationship with alcohol, may no longer serve us well in the present. As children, we develop coping mechanisms to survive and fit in, but as adults, these patterns can hinder our growth and happiness. It's important to question why we continue to use these habits and consider if there's a different way to approach situations. Carl Jung's quote, "What was true in the morning is a lie by the evening," highlights the potential disconnect between our past and present. For those considering reducing their alcohol intake, taking a break and reflecting on why we use alcohol and if it's still necessary can lead to transformative changes. It's essential to prioritize our whole body health, including proper nutrition, to support our mental and physical wellbeing.

    • Visualizing the pros and cons of alcohol through the 'ambivalence seesaw' techniqueExploring the benefits and consequences of alcohol consumption can reveal if the downsides outweigh the upsides, aiding decision-making about drinking habits.

      Assessing your relationship with alcohol through the "ambivalence seesaw" technique can provide valuable insight. This method involves listing the perceived benefits and consequences of drinking alcohol, and then challenging the truth in those perceived benefits. By visualizing the potential upsides and downsides, individuals may discover that the consequences outweigh the benefits, leading them to consider making a change. This exercise can help bring hidden aspects of one's relationship with alcohol into the light, ultimately aiding in making informed decisions about alcohol consumption. To learn more about this technique and to explore the potential benefits of being alcohol-free, visit drinkagone.com/livemore.

    • Exploring the pros and cons of a habitIdentifying negatives and positives in a habit can lead to valuable awareness and insight, potentially inspiring a desire for change and improved wellbeing.

      The exercise of identifying negatives and positives in one's relationship with a habit, such as alcohol consumption, can provide valuable awareness and insight. This exercise, based on motivational interviewing, helps individuals step outside their current situation and consider potential changes. While some may choose to experiment with abstinence for a set period, such as 28 or 90 days, the ultimate goal is to create a compelling, inspiring experience that leads to a genuine desire to live without the habit. The longer the break, the more profound the benefits, which can include improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and increased confidence. It's essential to avoid using the break as an excuse to return to old habits, instead focusing on the positive changes and benefits gained during the period of sobriety.

    • Discovering the Upsides of Giving Up AlcoholGiving up alcohol can lead to improved sleep quality, heart rate variability, and joy in everyday experiences. Focus on the positive aspects for lasting change.

      Giving up alcohol can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life beyond just avoiding the negative consequences. These improvements can include better sleep quality, increased heart rate variability, and a recalibrated brain that finds joy in everyday experiences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the upsides rather than the downsides, as personal experience and self-awareness are key to making lasting changes. The goal is to build a compelling future by setting and pursuing personal goals and dreams during periods of abstinence. By focusing on the positive experiences and benefits, individuals can empower themselves to make informed decisions about their relationship with alcohol.

    • Focusing on the positives and celebrating wins in the journey to change relationship with alcoholSlip-ups are natural and valuable learning opportunities. Avoid guilt and shame, instead, view them as steps towards lasting change.

      Approaching the journey of changing your relationship with alcohol by focusing on the positive aspects and celebrating the wins, rather than dwelling on the negative statistics, leads to more effective and lasting change. Slip-ups are a natural part of the process, and learning from them is crucial. It's essential to avoid the cycle of guilt and shame and instead, view these experiences as valuable learning opportunities. The stages of change model suggests that it may take several attempts to make lasting change, but each attempt brings us closer to our goal. It's essential to be prepared for potential slip-ups and have a plan in place to bounce back stronger. Empowering individuals with this knowledge helps them to make lasting change rather than disappearing in shame and regret. My personal experiences over the past year have reinforced these lessons.

    • Social events don't have to involve alcohol for everyone to enjoyBeing responsible and prioritizing experiences over momentary pleasures is key to avoiding regret and potential health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

      Social events don't have to revolve around alcohol consumption for everyone to have a great time. During a weekend getaway, some participants chose not to drink, while others did. Despite the difference, there was no pressure or judgment among the group. However, the speaker expressed concern for two individuals who had consumed excessively the night before and were attempting to hike up a mountain in a heatwave. The potential dangers of their actions, including the risk of heart attacks, were a reminder of the impact of alcohol on physical health. Moreover, the speaker emphasized the importance of being responsible and prioritizing experiences over momentary pleasures. Missing out on significant experiences due to alcohol consumption can lead to feelings of regret, and it's essential to consider the long-term consequences of our actions.

    • Stepping out of comfort zones leads to profound experiencesLeaving familiar situations behind can lead to spiritual awakenings and deeper connections to nature. Benefits of abstaining from alcohol like increased energy and focus can outweigh perceived upsides. Consider long-term consequences of choices and seek out new experiences.

      Sometimes stepping out of our comfort zones and experiencing new things, even if it means leaving familiar situations behind, can lead to profound and joyful experiences. The speaker's decision to leave a social gathering and embark on a solo journey led him to a spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to nature. This experience made him realize that the potential benefits of abstaining from alcohol, such as increased energy and focus, can outweigh the perceived upsides of drinking. The speaker's story also highlights how alcohol can negatively impact experiences, particularly those involving physical activities like skiing. Overall, the speaker's journey serves as a reminder to consider the long-term consequences of our choices and to seek out new experiences that can enrich our lives.

    • Realizing when fun turns into self-destructive behaviorSocial pressure to drink can be strong, but it's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique and not everyone needs to conform to traditional drinking cultures. Encourage alternative social activities and support those struggling with alcohol.

      Social drinking can lead to unnecessary pain and disconnection, even if it seems like fun in the moment. Observing these situations from the outside can help us realize when the fun has turned into self-destructive behavior. Social pressure to drink can be a powerful force, but it's important to remember that everyone's experience of life is different, and not everyone feels the need to conform to traditional drinking cultures. To help those struggling with social pressure to drink, it's essential to acknowledge the issue and encourage alternative social activities that don't rely on alcohol. The conversation around quitting or reducing alcohol consumption is becoming more normalized, and it's important to support each other in making healthier choices.

    • Normalizing the choice to not drinkSocietal pressure to drink can feel isolating, but alcohol-free influencers and communities offer support. Everyone should be free to live their lives as they choose, and questioning someone's decision not to drink is disrespectful.

      Social pressure to drink alcohol can create tension and make the experience of not drinking feel isolating. However, the rise of alcohol-free influencers and online communities can provide support and help normalize the choice to not drink. It's important to remember that everyone should be free to live their lives as they choose, and questioning someone's decision not to drink is not respectful or necessary. The societal norm of pressuring people to explain their relationship with alcohol is a bizarre and ingrained practice that needs to change. We shouldn't treat alcohol as the only drug where it's acceptable to probe others about their choices. Instead, we should celebrate and support individuals who choose not to drink, just as we would for those who start an exercise routine or quit smoking. The media and entertainment industries also have a role to play in reducing the normalization of alcohol consumption, particularly in children's programming.

    • Pressure to Drink in SocietySociety's normalization of alcohol consumption can negatively impact individuals, particularly children, leading to health and social consequences. Parents can lead by example and offer alcohol-free alternatives to help children navigate social situations without alcohol.

      The normalization of alcohol consumption in society, particularly in media and social events, can create pressure on individuals, even children, to partake in drinking. This can lead to negative consequences on health, energy, and time. The speaker believes that change is on the horizon, with a growing cultural awareness and movement towards reducing the prevalence of alcohol in our lives. For parents, the speaker suggests leading by example and providing children with alcohol-free alternatives. The speaker shares personal experiences of children successfully navigating social situations without alcohol and emphasizes the importance of allowing children to collide with life and make their own choices.

    • Delaying Alcohol Intake for Children Reduces RisksDelaying alcohol intake for children can lower their risk of alcohol-related issues in adulthood. Parents' responsible drinking habits or alcohol-free lifestyles positively influence their kids.

      Delaying the introduction of alcohol to children can significantly reduce the likelihood of them developing alcohol-related problems later in life. This is backed up by research, which shows that the younger children start drinking, the higher the risk of issues in adulthood. Parents play a crucial role in modeling healthy behaviors for their kids, including responsible drinking or choosing to live an alcohol-free lifestyle. This can positively impact the household's energy and overall well-being. The speaker shares a personal experience where giving up alcohol led to improved parenting and relationships. Although everyone's choices and circumstances are unique, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the potential benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle for both individuals and families.

    • Personal journey to inspiring changeInspire change by living authentically and demonstrating the benefits of positive choices, rather than forcing it upon others.

      Change is a personal journey that people must be ready to embark on when they are ready. The speaker shares an example of his partner, Tara, who made a significant change in her life by giving up drinking as part of a fitness plan. Tara's transformation inspired the speaker, but he acknowledges that people may not always be receptive to advice from their partners. Instead, the most effective way to inspire change is by living authentically and demonstrating the benefits of positive choices. The speaker emphasizes that change is not always about immediate action but can also be about raising awareness and inspiring others through personal example. He also shares his experience of making a documentary to raise awareness about the impact of alcohol and technology on our lives. The documentary, like the podcast, aims to inspire change by increasing people's awareness of potential issues and the benefits of making positive choices.

    • A conversation sparks a documentary about living alcohol-freeThrough a shared vision and inspiration, two individuals started a documentary to inspire a generation, transform relationships with alcohol, and highlight health benefits, savings, and support for living alcohol-free.

      A conversation between two individuals, sparked by shared experiences and inspiration, can lead to the creation of something meaningful and impactful. In this case, a documentary about the benefits of living alcohol-free. The conversation began when John, inspired by a TED Talk and podcast, reached out to the speaker, who had given up alcohol 10 years prior and experienced numerous health and financial benefits. They connected over their shared vision of creating a documentary highlighting the positive stories of those who have chosen to live alcohol-free. The documentary aims to inspire a generation, transform the world's relationship with alcohol, and shine a light on the health consequences, advertising practices, and government relationships with big alcohol. The potential savings from not drinking alcohol, both directly and indirectly, are significant. Alcohol-free alternatives, while more expensive, still offer substantial savings in the long run. The speakers personal experience with alcohol-free alternatives has been positive, providing a sense of grown-up social ease and enjoyment. The DRY app, an online community with a focus on the app, offers support and connection for those choosing to live alcohol-free.

    • Find support in the Sober Coach app community for your alcohol-free journeyJoin the Sober Coach app for free live content, challenges, merchandise, meetups, and a festival to shift the narrative around alcohol and inspire increased vitality, energy, and performance in your alcohol-free journey

      The Sober Coach app is a supportive community for individuals who want to change their relationship with alcohol. It offers free live content, challenges, merchandise, meetups, and a festival for those seeking inspiration and camaraderie in their alcohol-free journey. The app aims to shift the narrative around alcohol from the traditional fun and sexy image to the more aspirational and inspirational message that being alcohol-free can lead to increased vitality, energy, and performance. For those inspired to start their alcohol-free journey, the advice is to just start, join a community, and remember that it's a solo mission. The choice to change is a personal one, and the best gift one can give themselves and their loved ones is the courage to take a break from alcohol and shine.

    • Empower yourself to improve your healthExplore lifestyle changes through author's books, share valuable resources, and invest in ad-free listening for optimal well-being.

      You have the power to improve your health through lifestyle changes, and the author, who has written extensively on various health topics, encourages you to check out his books for guidance. The podcast episode you've listened to is just one of many resources he offers, and if you found it valuable, consider sharing it with others or leaving a review. For an ad-free listening experience, a small monthly fee is available on Apple and Android platforms. Remember, you are the architect of your own health, and making positive changes is always worth the effort. Your well-being is in your hands.

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    Robin is perhaps best known for his thriving 5AM Club community and in this episode, he shares insights on the power of intentional morning routines, including his ​​five-question morning maximiser, and the value of continuous learning. We delve into practical strategies for implementing these principles in various life situations, even for those of us who have busy schedules or family responsibilities.

    We also touch on the importance of nature, disconnecting from technology, and finding moments to savour in our daily lives. We explore the value of service, small acts of kindness, and how we can all live our lives to the fullest.

    Robin’s perspective on what it truly means to live a rich life is a powerful reminder for us all and his approach offers a much-needed alternative to the endless pursuit of material success, showing us how to create a life that's ‘wealthy’ in all the ways that matter most. I hope you enjoy listening.

    Thanks to our sponsors:





    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/471

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back  | Jessie Inchauspé

    CAUTION: The advice in this episode may not be suitable for anyone with an eating disorder. If you have an existing health condition or are taking medication, always consult your healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet.

    Today’s guest believes that how you feel right now is directly linked to your blood-sugar level. And if you want to feel better than you do right now, you don’t necessarily need to change what you eat – just how.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 358 of the podcast with French biochemist and author Jessie Inchauspé. 

    In this clip, she shares some of the ways that we could still enjoy the foods we love, without suffering blood sugar spikes.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/358

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    After suffering a traumatic brain injury as a child, this week’s returning podcast guest was labelled "the boy with the broken brain" by teachers and peers, shaping his beliefs about his own capabilities and potential.

    Fast-forward to today, and he’s transformed his challenges into strengths, becoming a world renowned brain coach who’s helped thousands of people around the world enhance their memory and improve their brain performance.

    I’m delighted to welcome Jim Kwik back for our second conversation. If you don’t know Jim, he’s spent the last three decades teaching his learning techniques to students from universities such as Harvard and CalTech. He’s also helped executives and employees from companies such as Google, Virgin, Nike and institutions like the United Nations to get the most out of work and life.


    Jim is also the author of the bestselling book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, And Unlock Your Exceptional Life and his first appearance on my podcast 12 months ago now, is one of the most downloaded episodes in this podcasts’ history.


    In today's conversation, we cover many different topics relating to our brain and its limitless potential, including:


    • the importance of continuous learning,
    • how small changes can lead to big improvements in brain function,
    • the impact of our self-talk,
    • the role of our environment in shaping our productivity,
    • the importance of managing our energy and emotional states,
    • the power of choice in personal growth, and we discuss many practical techniques for better time management and focus.


    One of the highlights of this episode is a real-time memory activity that Jim guides us all through, demonstrating the practical application of his techniques and showcasing how anyone can improve their memory and cognitive abilities if they have the right strategies.


    Jim is such a wonderful and caring human being and a quite brilliant communicator, who has lots of practical knowledge that he is super passionate about sharing. And, I think his own journey from struggle to success, serves as a powerful reminder that each of us has a brain with incredible, limitless potential.

    Sign up for Jim's FREE Brain Summit on 5-7th August here https://www.jimkwik.com/livemore.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:




    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/469

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    The summer months have a different flavour and feel to the other months of the year; there's something different about our energy, motivation and willpower. And, if we can harness those differences, we have a golden opportunity to make meaningful changes that can have a transformative impact on our health, happiness and relationships and teach us things about ourselves that we previously did not know.


    In this BONUS SOLO episode, I share five powerful ideas for you to consider introducing into your life over the summer months, including:


    • How to change up your morning routine
    • Why you should do your workouts in natural light
    • Why it’s the perfect time of year for a digital detox
    • How to embrace the slowness of the season
    • The importance of mini-challenges
    • How to nourish a different part of your brain


    This BONUS episode is a little different to my usual podcast episodes, but I very much hope you enjoy listening. And, if you want more short SOLO episodes like this one, do let me know.


    Of course, all of the ideas within the episode are just suggestions. So, take a listen, see what you think and, hopefully, one or two of them will make their way into your life this summer. Enjoy!

    Find out about my books:

    The 4 Pillar Plan

    The Stress Solution

    Feel Better in 5

    Feel Great Lose Weight

    Happy Mind Happy Life

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/466

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #467 BITESIZE | 3 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop | Dr Ramani Durvasula

    #467 BITESIZE | 3 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop | Dr Ramani Durvasula

    We often seem to be our own worst enemies and there are some common ways that many of us self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is a spectrum of feelings, beliefs, and behaviours, but they all set us up to fail.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 332 of the podcast with clinical psychologist, Dr Ramani Durvasula. In this clip, she explains why perfectionism, social comparison and not living in alignment with our values are common forms of self-sabotage, and she shares some practical solutions to help overcome them.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/332

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #466 Break Free from Burnout: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less with Cal Newport

    #466 Break Free from Burnout: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less with Cal Newport

    In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of productivity often leads to overwhelm. In fact, one report suggests that 88% of UK workers have experienced some degree of burnout over the past two years. But what if there’s a better way to work and live?

    This week, I’m delighted to welcome Cal Newport back to my Feel Better Live More podcast. Cal is a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and a founding member of the Center for Digital Ethics. He’s a New York Times bestselling author whose books have reached millions of readers in over forty languages. His latest book, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout, challenges our current notions of work and offers a revolutionary approach to productivity.

    In our conversation, Cal and I explore the concept of "slow productivity" and how it contrasts with our culture of constant busyness. We discuss why traditional productivity methods are falling short, particularly in the realm of 'knowledge work' - a term Cal uses to describe intellectually demanding professions - and how modern digital tools have exacerbated the problem of burnout.

    During the conversation, he shares the three core principles of slow productivity: doing fewer things, working at a natural pace, and obsessing over quality. We delve into practical strategies for implementing these principles in various work environments, even for those who feel they have little autonomy in their jobs.

    We also touch on the importance of solitude and reflection in living an intentional life. Cal emphasises how smartphones and social media have impacted our ability to be present and socialise, particularly for younger generations, and he offers insights on setting boundaries with technology and creating healthier norms around its use, too.

    Our conversation also extends to the value of lifestyle-centric planning versus goal-centric planning, challenging cultural norms around constant connectivity and redefining success beyond professional achievements. 

    This episode is packed with actionable advice that can help you reclaim your time, reduce stress, and find a more balanced approach to work and life.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

    Thanks to our sponsors:



    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/466

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Related Episodes

    Ep 10 - Breaking up without booze

    Ep 10 - Breaking up without booze
    *TRIGGER WARNING* This week we discuss a recent event in Leisa’s life - a bad break up - and how she has got through whilst staying sober. Life certainly has thrown some tests our way since quitting the booze but we want to talk about how keeping that clarity throughout the ups and downs has built resilience and given us the strength to confront and work through a crisis. We discuss some sensitive topics in this episode, especially around emotional abuse but please be warned that this may be triggering. But we hope this conversation helps to show how we can work through the hard parts of life without having to numb out. A few links to things that we discuss in this episode: If you are struggling with your mental health or feel unsafe in any way contact Lifeline 13 11 14 https://www.lifeline.org.au/ If you think you may be in an abusive relationship call 1800 RESPECT - https://www.1800respect.org.au/ A great meditation - https://insighttimer.com/manojdias/guided-meditations/metta-loving-kindness-meditation-3 ‘BE the bad bitch’ playlist courtesy of Leisa! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/01w4e4e9O3iN1suuJwdNw9?si=oGthkZaVTvebrtJBa6kJNg

    The Sober Black Girls Club: Embracing Sobriety, Authenticity, and Joy with Khadi A. Oluwatoyin

    The Sober Black Girls Club: Embracing Sobriety, Authenticity, and Joy with Khadi A. Oluwatoyin

    [Title]: The Sober Black Girls Club: Embracing Sobriety, Authenticity, and Joy with Khadi A. Oluwatoyin

    Khadi Oluwatoyin, a Nigerian-American, was born and raised in the heart of New York but is currently living in Tulsa Oklahoma, home of Black Wall Street and first settled by the Lochapoka Band of Creek Native American tribe. Khadi is an attorney, mental health and sobriety advocate, consultant, community builder, and social entrepreneur. Her work over the last few years has focused on increasing the wellness of Black girls, women, femmes, non-conforming folks, and queer folks of color.

    Khadi created Sober Black Girls Club in 2018 when she decided to get sober and noticed that many pro-sober platforms did not cater to girls and women who looked like her or shared similar cultural and societal experiences. At the time, SBGC was just a blog. Today, it is a coast-to-coast, 501(c)(3) collective that, in addition to the blog, runs a newsletter, mentorship program, four weekly support meetings, and more. Khadi and Sober Black Girls Club have been featured in several publications including the Red Table Talk, The Washington Post, The Huff Post, Teen Vogue, Mademoiselle, and Shondaland.


    [Episode Summary]: 

    In this episode, Beth Bowen interviews Khadi A. Oluwatoyin, the founder of the Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC), an empowering online community and support network for Black women navigating sobriety. Khadi shares her personal journey with addiction, shedding light on the cultural pressures of perfectionism ingrained in her Nigerian upbringing that masked her struggles. She explores the transformative power of vulnerability, authenticity, and self-acceptance in her path towards sobriety. Khadi also discusses the importance of creating spaces that prioritize joy, pleasure, and community, challenging the traditional narratives around recovery. Her work with SBGC aims to break free from societal norms and create a safe and inclusive space for Black women to embrace sobriety on their terms.


    [Episode Highlights]:

    • Khadi's personal journey with addiction and the cultural pressures of perfectionism in her Nigerian upbringing.

    • The transformative power of vulnerability, authenticity, and self-acceptance in Khadi's path towards sobriety.

    • The mission and vision of the Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC) and its role in empowering Black women in their sobriety journeys.

    • Challenging traditional narratives around recovery by prioritizing joy, pleasure, and community within the SBGC.

    • The importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for Black women to navigate sobriety and embrace their authentic selves.

    • Khadi's current work on the SBGC, including the development of a Tulsa-based sober bar and her focus on building community beyond the confines of traditional recovery spaces.



    • [00:00] Introduction to the episode and guest, Khadi A. Oluwatoyin.

    • [02:30] Khadi shares her personal journey with addiction and the cultural pressures she faced in her Nigerian upbringing.

    • [09:15] The transformative power of vulnerability, authenticity, and self-acceptance in Khadi's path towards sobriety.

    • [14:50] The mission and vision of the Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC) and its role in empowering Black women in their sobriety journeys.

    • [19:30] Challenging traditional narratives around recovery by prioritizing joy, pleasure, and community within the SBGC.

    • [24:10] Creating safe and inclusive spaces for Black women to navigate sobriety and embrace their authentic selves.

    • [29:40] Khadi's current work on the SBGC, including the development of a Tulsa-based sober bar and her focus on building community beyond traditional recovery spaces.

    • [33:15] Wrap-up and final thoughts.


    [Bio - Sober Black Girls Club]: 

    The Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC) is an empowering online community and support network created by Khadi A. Oluwatoyin. Dedicated to uplifting Black women on their sobriety journeys, SBGC challenges societal norms and traditional narratives around recovery. Through its inclusive and joyful approach, SBGC provides a safe space for Black women to embrace sobriety on their own terms, free from judgment. The community fosters connection, support, and celebration, emphasizing self-love, self-acceptance, and authentic living. SBGC is on a mission to redefine the narrative of sobriety and create a lasting impact by empowering Black women to live their best lives.


    [Guest Bio - Khadi A. Oluwatoyin]: 

    Khadi A. Oluwatoyin is the founder of the Sober Black Girls Club (SBGC) and a passionate advocate for sobriety, authenticity, and joy. Drawing from her personal experience with addiction and her Nigerian heritage, Khadi is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding sobriety in the Black community and creating inclusive spaces for Black women to thrive. With her unique perspective and commitment to empowering others, Khadi is on a mission to redefine the narrative of sobriety and inspire individuals to live their best lives. 

    Connect with Khadi on Twitter and Instagram at @soberblackgirlsclub.


    Connect with Khadi Oluwatoyin: 

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    From our sponsors:

    Plug into your favorite “quit lit” on the go: Give Audible a try and get your first month free at audibletrial.com/soberstories 

    Use code RZPSTORIES for 20% off your first Ritual Zero-Proof non-alcoholic spirits purchase. 

    Use code SOBERSTORIES for $50 off The Booze Breakup program.



    Keywords: Sobriety, Addiction, Alcohol-Free, Sober, Recovery, Representation, Sober Black Girls Club, Khadi A. Oluwatoyin, Beth Bowen Podcast, Substance Addiction, Sobriety Journey.

    Sober Stories is a transformative brand that aims to inspire and empower individuals on their journey to sobriety and beyond. Through their podcast and community, Sober Stories provides a space where people inspire others by sharing their personal narratives of overcoming addiction and embracing a sober lifestyle. By amplifying diverse voices and experiences, Sober Stories cultivates a supportive community that celebrates living alcohol-free as a source of strength and resilience. Their platform showcases powerful stories of recovery, offering hope, encouragement, and relatability to those who may be facing their own struggles with addiction. Sober Stories embraces the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change and healing, fostering a sense of connection and solidarity among individuals seeking a sober life. With a mission to challenge societal stigmas surrounding addiction and promote positive narratives around and alcohol-free life, Sober Stories is a beacon of inspiration and support for all those who are reclaiming their lives and rewriting their own stories of triumph.


    Beth Bowen, LMSW, is a dedicated and compassionate licensed social worker and sober coach with a strong focus on supporting individuals in their journey to sobriety and overall mental well-being. With a Master of Social Work degree and specialized training in addiction counseling, Beth brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. Her work revolves around trauma-informed care, crisis intervention, and substance misuse recovery. Beth is deeply committed to empowering individuals struggling with addiction, providing them with the necessary tools and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve lasting sobriety. She combines evidence-based therapeutic approaches with her own personal experience in recovery, offering a unique perspective and genuine empathy. Beth's expertise in the field of addiction and her dedication to ongoing professional development make her a valuable resource for those seeking support in their sobriety journey. Through her coaching services, she creates a safe and supportive environment, helping clients navigate the complexities of addiction, heal from past traumas, and build a foundation for a fulfilling and alcohol-free life.

    Note: The timestamps provided are approximate and may vary slightly in the final recording.

    Alcohol and the LGBTQIA+ Community, with Amy C. Willis

    Alcohol and the LGBTQIA+ Community, with Amy C. Willis

    Title: Alcohol + the LGBTQIA+ Community, with Amy C. Willis

    In this episode, Sober Stories host, Beth Bowen, interviews Amy C. Willis, a highly respected sober coach known for her unique and holistic approach to sobriety. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Amy provided insight into the interwoven complexities of queerness, substance use, and the recovery process.

    Amy's candid reflections on her personal struggle with alcohol addiction and her transformative journey to sobriety provide a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for change. Amy introduces us to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping," a potent therapeutic tool she employs to facilitate healing and emotional well-being in her clients. Beth and Amy also explore the crucial role of reconnecting with one's body as part of the recovery process, and how this connection can significantly influence one's journey to sobriety. Amy's personal evolution serves as an inspiring beacon for listeners, underscoring the message that change is not only possible but is within the reach of everyone struggling with addiction. This episode is a compelling combination of personal story, professional insights, and practical tools and strategies designed to empower those on their recovery journey. Amy and Beth explore the intertwined journey of sobriety, healing, and personal identity. They shed light on the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals in their recovery journey, underscoring the importance of inclusive and affirming spaces in the wellness industry.


    • An enriching discussion with Amy C. Willis, a seasoned sober coach from the LGBTQIA+ community, who sheds light on her personal and professional experiences.

    • Amy's intimate sharing of her personal struggle with alcohol addiction and her transformative path towards sobriety.

    • A comprehensive introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping" - a novel and effective therapeutic tool that Amy employs in her coaching.

    • Deep exploration of the pivotal role of body reconnection during the recovery journey, highlighting its profound impact on facilitating healing and promoting sobriety.

    • An intriguing dive into the concept of personal evolution within the context of sobriety and addiction recovery.

    • An empowering message of hope and the inherent capacity for change, even when faced with the challenges of substance use disorder.

    • The provision of practical tools, strategies, and resources for individuals navigating their recovery journey.

    • Amy and Beth delved into the specific challenges and experiences that members of the LGBTQIA+ community face in relation to substance use disorder, and the importance of acknowledging these unique aspects in the recovery process.

    • Amy, identifying as a queer woman herself, shared personal insights about her journey to sobriety and how her identity influenced this process.

    • They discussed the vital need for inclusive and affirming spaces in the recovery and wellness industry, particularly for LGBTQIA+ individuals seeking support and community.

    [About Amy C. Willis]

    Amy C. Willis is a seasoned sober coach and founder of Hol + Well, where she offers holistic coaching and healing services tailored to support individuals on their sobriety journey. With her professional background in operations and project management, Amy brings a structured approach to her coaching, guiding her clients with a clear strategy. As a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner and Reiki II Practitioner, Amy uniquely integrates these powerful healing modalities into her practice, fostering comprehensive recovery that addresses emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions.

    Her own journey through alcohol addiction and sobriety has informed her approach, allowing Amy to connect deeply with her clients and create a safe, empathetic space for exploration and healing. As a queer woman, she brings a unique sensitivity to the challenges that the LGBTQIA+ community can face during their recovery journey, ensuring that her coaching environment is always inclusive and affirming. Amy's work is characterized by a strong sense of hope and transformation, inspiring and empowering her clients to embrace change and reclaim their wellbeing.

    Connect with Amy C Willis:

    Support Sober Stories:


    From our sponsors:

    Plug into your favorite “quit lit” on the go: Give Audible a try and get your first month free at audibletrial.com/soberstories 

    Use code RZPSTORIES for 20% off your first Ritual Zero-Proof non-alcoholic spirits purchase. 

    Use code SOBERSTORIES for $50 off The Booze Breakup program.

    [Disclaimer:] The content provided in this episode is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional clinical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The discussions and personal experiences shared are based on individual perspectives and should not be interpreted as therapeutic guidance. If you are seeking mental health support, we strongly recommend consulting with a licensed therapist or healthcare professional who can provide personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Prioritize your well-being and seek professional help when necessary.

    [About Sober Stories:]

    Sober Stories is a transformative brand that aims to inspire and empower individuals on their journey to sobriety and beyond. Through their podcast and community, Sober Stories provides a space where people inspire others by sharing their personal narratives of overcoming addiction and embracing a sober lifestyle. By amplifying diverse voices and experiences, Sober Stories cultivates a supportive community that celebrates living alcohol-free as a source of strength and resilience. Their platform showcases powerful stories of recovery, offering hope, encouragement, and relatability to those who may be facing their own struggles with addiction. Sober Stories embraces the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change and healing, fostering a sense of connection and solidarity among individuals seeking a sober life. With a mission to challenge societal stigmas surrounding addiction and promote positive narratives around and alcohol-free life, Sober Stories is a beacon of inspiration and support for all those who are reclaiming their lives and rewriting their own stories of triumph.


    [About our host, Beth Bowen:]

    Beth Bowen, LMSW, is a dedicated and compassionate licensed social worker and sober coach with a strong focus on supporting individuals in their journey to sobriety and overall mental well-being. With a Master of Social Work degree and specialized training in addiction counseling, Beth brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. Her work revolves around trauma-informed care, crisis intervention, and substance misuse recovery. Beth is deeply committed to empowering individuals struggling with addiction, providing them with the necessary tools and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve lasting sobriety. She combines evidence-based therapeutic approaches with her own personal experience in recovery, offering a unique perspective and genuine empathy. Beth's expertise in the field of addiction and her dedication to ongoing professional development make her a valuable resource for those seeking support in their sobriety journey. Through her coaching services, she creates a safe and supportive environment, helping clients navigate the complexities of addiction, heal from past traumas, and build a foundation for a fulfilling and alcohol-free life.

    Keywords: Sobriety, Alcohol Addiction, EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapping, LGBTQIA+, Queer, Sober, Sober Coach

    Ep 14 - Exploring Identity

    Ep 14 - Exploring Identity
    This week we discuss the topic of identity. How do we define who we are and what we stand for in this world? Identity is something that both Leanne and Leisa have experienced a shift in post drinking career. When you take away alcohol you wave goodbye to your drunk persona and changes the way you interact with people in a social capacity. We'll discuss ways of working through a sober identity crisis and how you can learn to love the new you. Enjoy!

    The Hows & Whys of Feeling (Not Fixing!) Your Emotions with Jay Fields

    The Hows & Whys of Feeling (Not Fixing!) Your Emotions with Jay Fields

    Wendy talks with Jay Fields, an educator, coach, and author who has taught the principles of embodied social and emotional intelligence to individuals and organizations for twenty years.


    If you’ve ever wondered how to get better at sitting with your emotions, instead of drinking, eating, or scrolling to escape them, Jay’s got the practical three-step solution.


    Wendy and Jay discuss the importance of feeling your emotions instead of “fixing” them, and how learning to do this using Jay’s approach allows us to respond instead of react, which in turn leads to deeper, more meaningful connections and personal relationships.


    Topics include how people-pleasing arises from a common childhood blueprint (“never make anyone else feel uncomfortable”); how trying to “fix” an emotion instead feeling and accepting it can lead to overwhelm and burnout; the power of the words “of course” when it comes to regulating your nervous system and connecting with yourself; how felt sense increases empathy, compassion and intuition, and how “solving” emotions causes us to abandon ourselves.


    More about Jay at: https://jay-fields.com/yours-truly