
    455. The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor

    enJune 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Marx's early writingsMarx's early poetic and dramatic works reveal his deep-seated frustration and longing for an end to suffering, laying the foundation for his radical political ideology, and suggest a complex worldview despite his self-proclaimed atheism

      Karl Marx's early poetic and dramatic works, which have been often overlooked, provide valuable insights into his motivations and the underlying themes of his later economic theories. These works, filled with fantasies about the devil and Faustian bargains, reveal Marx's deep-seated frustration with existence and his longing for a cessation of suffering, which laid the foundation for his radical political ideology. Despite Marx's self-proclaimed atheism, his fascination with the devil and anti-natalist themes in works like Faust suggest a more complex and disturbing worldview. This exploration of Marx's early writings sheds light on the origins of his influential ideas and serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of unchecked ideological extremes.

    • Marx's Influence from FaustMarx identified with Mephistopheles' destructive spirit and integrated it into his communist ideology, advocating for the ruthless criticism and abolition of everything that exists.

      Marx's favorite quote, "Everything that exists deserves to perish," from Goethe's Faust, deeply influenced his worldview. This quote reflects Mephistopheles' philosophy of opposing the structure of being due to suffering and not meeting his standards. Marx identified with this destructive spirit and integrated it into his writing, particularly his call for the ruthless criticism and abolition of everything that exists in his communist ideology. Marx's personal life was also marked by disorder and economic disarray, further emphasizing his radical rejection of the traditional order. This early philosophical stance and personal lifestyle continued to shape Marx's ideas throughout his most influential works in the 1840s.

    • Marx's personal lifeMarx's complex personal life included financial reliance on Engels due to scandals and his focus on philosophy and poetry over empirical research, while his revolutionary writings influenced the working class

      Karl Marx, despite being an influential figure in communist theory and an avowed atheist, had a complex personal life filled with scandal and reliance on others for financial support. His relationship with Jenny Marx, which included her pregnancy from an affair with another man that Marx refused to acknowledge, led to Engels becoming a significant financial supporter of the Marx family. Marx's focus on philosophy and poetry rather than empirical research for his theories, as well as his refusal to bathe and live in disordered households, further highlight the contrast between his public image and his private life. Despite his atheistic beliefs, Marx's writings, particularly the Communist Manifesto, contained revolutionary language and calls for action, making them influential rallying cries for the working class.

    • Marx's complex relationship with the underworldMarx's writings reveal a fascination with the devil and Faustian notions, challenging the common perception of him as a purely rational, atheistic thinker. His childhood religious upbringing and later rejection of religion add complexity to this issue.

      Despite Marx's professed atheism, his fascination with the devil and Faustian notions suggests a more complex relationship with the underworld. This is evident in his writings, where he summons up the powers of darkness using the holy robe of Christ from his birthplace, Trier, a deeply religious city. Marx's conversion to Christianity as a child, and his father's conversion to Lutheranism, further complicate the issue. Some argue that Marx's rejection of religion came later in life, influenced by his college education and the social pressures of the day. However, many Marx biographers have ignored this aspect of his life, likely due to their political leanings. The discovery and publication of Marx's demonic poetry in the late 19th and 20th centuries shed light on this intriguing aspect of his beliefs, challenging the common perception of Marx as a purely rational, atheistic thinker.

    • Marx's professor and atheismMarx's college professor, Dr. Bruno Bauer, significantly influenced Marx's atheistic beliefs despite Bauer's intense anti-Semitism. Their provocative actions, such as mocking religious celebrations, further solidified Marx's rejection of religion.

      The influence of Marx's college professor, Dr. Bruno Bauer, played a significant role in shaping his atheistic beliefs. Despite Bauer's intense anti-Semitism, Marx became close to him and they even started a journal together called "Anals of Atheism." However, their journal never took off due to lack of financial support. Marx and Bauer engaged in provocative actions, such as riding donkeys into a nearby village on Palm Sunday to mock the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. Marx's intellectual arrogance and critical nature, which bordered on possession and mockery, were reminiscent of Lucifer's desire to overthrow everything and place himself at the top. Marx's atheism and anti-Semitic statements emerged in his writings, including his play "Ulanem," which featured a chilling portrayal of Lucifer. Throughout his life, Marx's family and associates described him as an angry and difficult person, with some even using demonic language to describe him. Marx's writings, including his famous Communist Manifesto, were marked by a belief that everything deserves to perish. His family members referred to him as "my dear devil" and "my wicked knave," and others described him as a goblin or a monster. Marx's association with Bauer and his anti-religious writings likely contributed to his atheistic beliefs, but it remains unclear exactly how and why this shift occurred.

    • Marx's inner turmoilMarx's letters and accounts from those close to him reveal his deep inner turmoil and a destructive ideology that led to over 100 million deaths in the 20th century, with some arguing his militant atheism aligns with a satanic ideology.

      Karl Marx's letters and the accounts of those close to him suggest that he was deeply troubled and driven by a demonic or Faustian spirit. This is evident in his favorite quote from Goethe's Faust and his inability to achieve true human happiness. His destructive ideology, which led to the deaths of over 100 million people in the 20th century, further supports this idea. Additionally, Marx and his followers were militantly anti-religious, seeking to ban and destroy religious institutions, which some argue is a satanic ideology. The separation between militant atheism and satanic ideology may not be conceptually possible, as both involve an aggressive rejection of the religious enterprise. It's important to note that this interpretation is not universally accepted and is a subject of ongoing debate among scholars.

    • Historical figure evaluationsBe cautious when evaluating historical figures and their ideas. Remember that personal lives and public works can be interconnected, but not all ideas or actions should be accepted without criticism. A nuanced approach is necessary to understand historical context and impact on society.

      The evaluation of historical figures and their ideas should be separated with caution. While it may be tempting to judge figures of the past based on modern moral standards and remove "detritus" from history, it's essential to remember that people's personal lives and public works can be interconnected. Some figures, like Marx, hold beliefs and advocate for ideas that reflect their personal lives. However, it's important to note that not all ideas or actions from the past should be accepted without criticism. Instead, a nuanced approach is necessary to understand the historical context and the impact of ideas on society. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that people and their works should not be reduced to their worst actions or beliefs. Instead, we should strive for a balanced perspective that acknowledges the complexity of historical figures and their contributions to human thought.

    • Communist destructive impulseCommunist ideology seeks to eliminate religion, private property, and other structures through destructive change, often resulting in appalling consequences, and views religion as an opiate to be dismissed

      Communist ideology, as exemplified in the Communist Manifesto, is rooted in a desire for destructive change and the elimination of existing structures, including religion and private property. This destructive impulse is not just a theoretical concept but is also reflected in the historical implementation of communist regimes, which have resulted in appalling consequences. The promise of a new utopia is used as a cover story, while the actual goal is the celebration of sadistic devastation. This mindset, which is fundamentally atheistic, views religion as an opiate and seeks to eliminate it, often through force. The fear of hell, a significant aspect of religious belief, is dismissed as a form of immaturity or dependence on a benevolent father figure. However, the cost of not adhering to the communist ideology is implied to be far greater than any potential comfort or security offered by religion. Instead, the communist ideal is rooted in a materialistic view of human nature, with the belief that the economic problem is the key to creating a utopian society.

    • Marxist victim-victimizer narrativeMarxist ideologies rely heavily on the victim-victimizer narrative, which drives people to see the world in terms of oppressors and oppressed, and provides a complete causal explanation and moral solution.

      Marxist ideologies, whether in their original economic form or their modern cultural forms, rely heavily on the victim-victimizer narrative. This narrative, which can be traced back to the biblical story of Cain and Abel, drives people to see the world in terms of oppressors and oppressed. Marxism, in its essence, is not primarily about economic inequality but about this victim-victimizer dynamic. While the economic story may not be as powerful in today's world, the victim-victimizer narrative remains alive and well in modern leftist ideologies. These ideologies have fragmented the oppressor-oppressed narrative into multiple dimensions, allowing people to categorize human beings in various ways and label some as victims and others as oppressors. This not only provides a complete causal explanation of the world but also solves the moral problem by requiring people to identify with the victim group. Universities and other institutions promote this "metastasized Marxism" by teaching people to view the world through this lens and to hate those in the supposed oppressor group.

    • Marxist ideology as a spiritual forceSome view Marxism as a deeply spiritual force, beyond rational explanation, with historical and religious interpretations seeing it as a satanic scourge orchestrated by the sons of darkness

      The Marxist ideology, as described in the communist manifesto, is seen by some as a specter or demonic force that goes beyond rational explanation. This perspective suggests that there is a deeper, spiritual dimension to the spread and endurance of Marxism, despite its impracticalities and the suffering it has caused. This belief is reflected in historical analyses and religious interpretations, viewing communism as a satanic scourge orchestrated by the sons of darkness. The power and pervasiveness of Marxist ideology can be difficult to identify, especially for those who are not actively looking for it.

    • Bible and literacyThe Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. showcases the profound connection between the Bible and literacy, highlighting Christianity and Protestantism's crucial role in shaping this relationship, and revealing the devastating effects of Marxism and communism on it.

      The Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. is an essential place to understand the deep connection between the Bible and literacy in the world. This relationship, often underappreciated, has been significantly shaped by Christianity and Protestantism. The Museum's collection provides valuable insights into this topic. During the next half hour on the Daily Wire, the discussion will delve deeper into the historical context and the development of the interests that led to this body of work, with a focus on the catastrophic impact of Marxism and communism.

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    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


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    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


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    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


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    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


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    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


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