
    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Subversion of Western CivilizationIann Hersey Ali warns of the subversion of Western Civilization's foundational principles by internal and external forces, leading to a crisis in education, culture, and democratic processes.

      Iann Hersey Ali, a renowned activist and author, has launched a new media enterprise called Restoration. The goal is to restore the foundational principles of Western civilization, including the primacy of democratic institutions, freedom of speech, and civic discourse. She believes these institutions have been subverted, leading to a crisis in education, culture, and democratic processes. The subversion, according to Ali, comes from both internal and external forces, including identity politics and critical theory, as well as Islamists and external adversaries like the CCP and Putin. The unholy alliance between these groups has led to a threat to the very fabric of Western civilization. Ali finds herself in a surprising position, having to sound the alarm on these issues, but she is determined to restore sanity and bring back civic discourse.

    • Open discourse and seeking truthThe breakdown of open discourse and pursuit of truth can be traced back to Marxist ideologies and their evolution into metastasized forms of fragmented narratives, leading to dangerous tribalism and clinging to one's own version of the truth rather than seeking the greater truth together.

      The ability for individuals and societies to engage in open and respectful discourse, even when disagreeing on fundamental issues, is a defining characteristic of Western civilization. However, this is breaking down, leading to a dangerous tribalism where people cling to their own versions of the truth rather than seeking the greater truth together. This issue can be traced back to Marxist ideologies, which established a victim-victimizer narrative, and later evolved into a metastasized form of Marxism that fragmented the narrative into various power dynamics, including gender, race, and ethnicity. This metastasized Marxism, in turn, has contributed to the current breakdown of open discourse and the pursuit of truth. It's crucial that we recognize the importance of respectful dialogue and seek to restore this essential aspect of Western civilization.

    • Marxist ideologiesThe lack of a comprehensive denazification or demarcation process for Marxist ideologies has allowed them to continue influencing society and the fear of repeating historical mistakes

      The ideas of Marxism, rooted in the fundamental spiritual division between Cain and Abel, have not been fully reckoned with after the fall of the Soviet Union. The failure to do so has allowed Marxist ideologies to metastasize and manifest in new ways, particularly in the form of identity politics. The lack of a comprehensive denazification or demarcification process for Marxism, unlike what was done for National Socialism, has contributed to its continued influence and the fear of repeating historical mistakes. It is essential to critically examine and confront the deep-rooted ideological conflicts that continue to shape our society, lest we fall prey to destructive extremes.

    • Institutional transformationInstitutions facing corruption and ideological subversion can be transformed and redeemed through careful analysis and leadership change, as demonstrated by Germany and Japan.

      While many institutions may be facing corruption and ideological subversion, it's crucial not to declare them beyond repair and instead focus on finding leadership and making necessary changes. The open society pays a price for remaining open, but it's essential not to fall into the trap of thinking all institutions are lost. Examples like Germany and Japan demonstrate that transformation and redemption are possible through careful analysis and leadership change. The current climate is causing people to wake up and take notice, and the trajectory of restoration offers optimism for the future.

    • Political climate threat to Jewish communityThe political climate is positioning Jews as targets due to their success and overrepresentation, but focusing on personal responsibility and restoring the covenant can help address the issue with cooperation from all sides.

      The current political climate, particularly in the United States, poses a significant threat to the Jewish community due to the infiltration of radical elements into the Democratic Party and the adoption of a victim-victimizer narrative. This dynamic positions Jews as the first targets due to their overrepresentation in positions of success. The author argues that the Jewish community should avoid engaging in victim narratives and instead focus on personal responsibility and the restoration of their covenant. The current political climate, marked by outrageous displays of anti-Semitic sentiment from unexpected sources, is forcing a long-awaited audit and awakening among moderate Democrats and Jews. This audit is necessary for restoration and requires cooperation from all sides of the political spectrum to address the enemy that wants to rip things apart. The author sees an increasing number of people asking these questions and becoming aware of the issue, which is a positive sign for the future.

    • Spirituality in Restoring Western CivilizationSpirituality can provide individuals with personal fulfillment and help address feelings of depression, anxiety, and existential crises, contributing to the restoration of Western civilization.

      Restoration of Western civilization involves addressing the root causes of its foundations, which go beyond politics. This includes the restoration of the nuclear family, support for accessible energy, environmentalism, and the telling of a better story. On a personal level, individuals may find meaning and purpose not just in the material world, but also through spirituality, which can help address feelings of depression, anxiety, and existential crises. Some individuals, like Sam Harris, may find spiritual fulfillment through practices like meditation, even if they reject organized faith. The importance of spirituality in addressing personal struggles is anecdotal but widely shared among those who have undergone such transformations.

    • Christianity and SacrificeChristianity's principles of sacrifice and self-giving love have deeply influenced Western civilization and continue to shape our values and society

      The roots of Western civilization are deeply intertwined with Christianity, and the principles of sacrifice and community are central to both. The speaker, an evolutionary psychologist, argues that the process of true cortical maturation and the process of self-sacrifice are the same, and society itself is based on the principle of sacrifice. The Christian passion, with its themes of ultimate sacrifice and self-giving love, offers an ideal form of this principle. Despite his atheism, the speaker recognizes the importance of understanding Christianity's role in shaping our culture and values. The conversation with Richard Dawkins, a renowned atheist, demonstrated the value of engaging in respectful dialogue between differing viewpoints. The speaker sees Dawkins as a cultural Christian, recognizing the impact of Christianity on Western civilization, even if he does not hold its religious beliefs.

    • Appreciating unique aspects of each faithRecognizing and appreciating the unique aspects of each faith can lead to collaboration and understanding between different religions, rather than fundamentalist tyranny.

      While it's important to critique and challenge religious fundamentalism, it's equally important to recognize and appreciate the unique aspects of each faith that make them preferable to fundamentalist tyranny. Richard Dawkins, for instance, may identify as an atheist but has acknowledged his cultural connection to Christianity. Furthermore, there are various ways of appreciating reality beyond empirical science, and it's crucial not to judge historical figures or religious texts based on modern standards. The Abraham Accords, which brought Israel, the UAE, and other Arab countries closer together, can be seen as a foreign policy miracle, and there may be opportunities for dialogue and cooperation between Islam and Christianity. Ultimately, it's essential to separate the psychopathic elements within religions and focus on the commonalities and potential for understanding and collaboration between different faiths.

    • Perspective shift in Middle EastLeaders in Saudi Arabia and UAE need to focus on dehumasifying Muslim societies and promoting a more attractive alternative narrative, by acknowledging common ground and focusing on shared values and goals.

      The current geopolitical situation in the Middle East requires a shift in perspective and approach from the region's leaders, particularly those in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Instead of focusing on defining and controlling the interpretation of Islam, they need to focus on dehumasifying Muslim societies and promoting a more attractive and believable alternative narrative. This involves bringing people together, restoring humanity to those on the other side, and working towards peaceful and productive cooperation and competition. The best form of counter propaganda is a much better invitation, and the first step towards restoration is to acknowledge the common ground between moderates on both sides. By focusing on shared values and goals, rather than differences and conflicts, the region can move towards a more stable and prosperous future.

    • Collaboration, CommunicationCollaboration and open communication are essential for achieving common goals. Having straightforward partners in business is significant for success. Jordan's message resonated with the audience in Fairview, Alberta, emphasizing the value of working together.

      Key takeaway from our conversation with Jordan is the importance of collaboration and open communication in achieving common goals. Jordan emphasized the significance of having straightforward partners in business endeavors. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to discuss these topics in greater depth and looked forward to future conversations. Jordan's message resonated with the audience in Fairview, Alberta, and the film crew who traveled from Saskatoon to capture the conversation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of working together and the positive impact it can have on personal and professional growth.

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    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


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    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

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    - Links -


    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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    This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Max Lugavere:


    Pre-Order “Little Empty Boxes” (Film)  http://littleemptyboxes.com


    On X http://x.com/maxlugavere


    On Instagram http://instagram.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on YouTube (podcast) http://youtube.com/maxlugavere


    The Genius Life on Spotify (podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/5WkdjiVLo1kp3alPfFZItS?si=e0189092486a4653

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    This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    - Links -


    For Paul Kengor:


    On X https://twitter.com/DrPaulKengor


    The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Karl-Marx-Communisms-Infiltration/dp/1505114446


    The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Crusader-Ronald-Reagan-Fall-Communism/dp/0061189243

    God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (Book) https://www.amazon.com/God-Ronald-Reagan-Spiritual-Life/dp/006057142X 

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    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


    ALL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson



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    For John Spencer:

    On X https://twitter.com/SpencerGuard?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Website https://www.johnspenceronline.com/


    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


    Urban Warfare Project (Podcast) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950 

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    - Links -


    “The Third Awokening” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D459XT8N/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1IRUVF15JQLKQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hX4h5NrOyN1lCkRuKp4UM-I2wmwiOo7jUKUzhijCGUqplpOicK_sf92FtJ-RfvQCkLb-J3v7R1LQttqtXd5p5aWQAk85EIH09e3OkVAOcMs_NnMSC3RjN7eb80EPEy9BQ68ymHIEb7YchloiwzoiKXIrEl-vfbGxutr5w4AInTpEZKg8-dJcRmaR_aptULkpp81Ls-j0vvPn2q_MWHEQTjxAoJ5MPzlk5VvsAe_R7Wo.dZIyu_PWY2izuf3jBSYhx-wobgzxqiUuNJYOKjrbgmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Eric+kaufmann&qid=1715744487&sprefix=eric+kaufmann%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-3


    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


    Centre for Heterodox Social Science https://www.heterodoxcentre.com/


    Website www.sneps.net


    On Twitter https://twitter.com/epkaufm?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  

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    - Links -

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    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/roseannebarr 


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@roseannebarr 

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