
    #47 - Baidu's COO, Qi Lu Discusses AI with Daniel Gross

    en-usNovember 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Chi Lu's Reason for Joining Baidu: China's Advantage in AI due to DataChi Lu, a former Microsoft executive, joined Baidu due to China's abundant data and unique advantages in AI innovation.

      Chi Lu, the COO of Baidu, left his senior position at Microsoft due to personal reasons and a capable successor, and decided to join Baidu due to China's unique advantage in AI technological development and commercialization. According to Chi, China's environment offers a structural advantage for AI because data plays a crucial role in this technology wave. He likened data to the sensory systems humans use to learn from the world, and argued that without sufficient data, even great engineers cannot build advanced AI systems. China's large population and digital transformation create vast amounts of data, making it an ideal place for AI innovation. Additionally, Chi's long-term relationship with Baidu's founder and CEO, Robin Lee, contributed to his decision to join the company. Overall, Chi's perspective highlights the significance of data and China's unique advantages in the AI era.

    • China's Advantage in AI Due to DataChina's government invests in AI infrastructure, talent, and technologies, enabling companies like Baidu to succeed independently while welcoming government support. China's focus on autonomous driving positions it for mass adoption of self-driving cars within the next few years.

      In the AI era, data has become a primary means of production, giving China a structured advantage due to its easier acquisition and harnessing of data. The Chinese government's willingness and commitment to invest in infrastructure, talent, and technologies to lead in AI is evident through initiatives like the national deep learning labs and collaborations with private companies like Baidu. Companies in China, such as Baidu, operate independently with market success as their primary objective but welcome government support in mutually beneficial opportunities. China's government sees autonomous driving as an opportunity for the Chinese auto industry to leapfrog and is investing in related initiatives, making China a strong contender for mass adoption of self-driving cars within the next three to five years.

    • China's Autonomous Driving Progress and Cultural ChallengesChina is investing in new city infrastructure for autonomous vehicles, but faces cultural challenges in product design and user needs understanding, learned from Western tech companies' mistakes. Optimistic about China's progress in next 3-5 years.

      China is making significant strides towards deploying autonomous driving technology on a larger scale than other markets, thanks to their ongoing efforts in designing new city infrastructures with the intent of better supporting autonomous vehicles. This contrasts with the current engineering and product culture in China, which while strong in technology and algorithms, lacks in product design and understanding user needs. This is a lesson learned from Western tech companies like Microsoft and Google, which have struggled to build consumer products that emotionally connect with users. The speaker, who has managed large software engineering teams in both the US and China, draws a parallel between the learning process of riding a bicycle and the challenges faced by large organizations in adapting to new ways of doing things. Despite the obstacles, the speaker remains optimistic that China will overcome these cultural differences and successfully deploy autonomous driving technology in the next three to five years.

    • Deeply ingrained practices can hinder innovationCultural shifts towards product-centricity and user-focus can help overcome challenges, but cultural differences and empowering teams can also impact innovation.

      The success of a company in adapting to new technologies or markets can be hindered by deeply ingrained "muscle memory" or cultural practices. Microsoft's struggle with mobile technology is an example of this. Changing engineering cultures to be more product-centric and user-focused, as the speaker is doing with Baidu, can help overcome these challenges. However, cultural differences between companies in China and the United States can also impact innovation, with Chinese companies potentially being more structured and top-down, but also more reflective and emphasizing self-improvement for product people. The speaker's experience in China led them to question their previous beliefs about the superiority of product people in the US. While there are variations within each country, it's important for companies to empower teams and leaders to experiment and try new ideas to drive innovation.

    • Innovation-driven Chinese tech companies vs. US startups: Similarities and differences in team-based power and driving innovationChinese tech companies prioritize teamwork and innovation, but the US maintains a significant lead in AI research due to cultural differences and focus on personal gain in China.

      Despite the influence of Confucianism and hierarchical management styles in traditional Chinese companies, innovation-driven organizations in the tech industry, such as Baidu and Tencent, share similarities with Silicon Valley startups in their emphasis on team-based power and driving innovation through leaders and teams. However, when it comes to AI research, the gap between the US and China is still significant, with the top end of research likely to continue being dominated by US institutions for the next few years. The Chinese research community is closing the gap, but the overall environment and culture aren't quite there yet, with researchers often driven by personal fame and economic payback rather than pure imagination and desire for knowledge. It's believed that in the next five to ten years, top echelon research will begin to happen in Chinese institutions, and the hope is that groundbreaking research organizations will emerge, leading to advancements in areas like AGI. To nurture this, there may be an attempt to create a research lab with a different culture than traditional Chinese academia.

    • China's Investment in Research and Development for Future CapabilitiesChina is investing in top-tier research through corporate labs, national labs, and open-air organizations, aiming to attract global talent and become a net importer of top-tier researchers. Baidu sees blockchain as a foundation for future capabilities and is building infrastructure for data ownership and provenance.

      China is investing heavily in research and development, with a combination of corporate research labs, national labs, and new generation open-air research organizations expected to carry out top-tier research. This comes as China aims to become a net importer of top-tier talent and attract global researchers to work on problems targeted towards the China market, with opportunities for globalization. From Baidu's perspective, blockchain technology is seen as a fundamental foundation for future capabilities, and the company is building infrastructure to anticipate the future of data ownership and provenance. The technology industry is believed to be driven by the US and China in the coming years, with China making significant strides in having all the necessary ingredients for technological innovation.

    • Optimizing voice-activated interfaces and acoustic environments for global marketsChinese companies targeting the smart home market have an advantage due to similar homes in China, Japan, India, and Brazil, enabling easier expansion and global competitiveness. First-time engineering managers should focus on solid foundations, understanding product usage, immersing in the business, and fostering a learning culture.

      Companies targeting the Chinese market for smart home products have a better chance of global success due to the similarity of homes in China, Japan, India, and Brazil compared to North America. This similarity allows for optimization of voice-activated interfaces and acoustic environments, making it easier to expand globally. Additionally, Chinese companies have the opportunity to attract world-class researchers and engineers, increasing their global competitiveness. For first-time engineering managers, Chi Lu emphasizes the importance of solid engineering foundations, understanding the product and its usage patterns, immersing oneself in the business, and fostering a learning and iterative experimentation culture. By focusing on these areas, engineering teams can build great capabilities and anticipate future needs, ultimately contributing to the success of the company. When interviewing candidates, Chi Lu looks for individuals who have a deep understanding of future mainstream users' usage patterns and human needs. These individuals will be well-equipped to contribute to the development of innovative and user-friendly products.

    • Understanding human needs and predicting usage patterns is crucial for effective communication and future-focused leadership.Start in AI or software engineering for hands-on experience, stay curious, learn from mistakes, and improve constantly for productivity and growth.

      Understanding human needs and predicting usage patterns is a valuable skill in any profession, not just product management. This perspective comes from the belief that product sensitivity is essential for effective communication and future-focused leadership. The speaker, who was praised for productivity, recommended starting in the AI or software engineering field by getting hands-on experience through platforms like Hackaday, GitHub, and reading articles. Throughout their career, they had considered various paths, including philosophy and engineering, but practical constraints led them to their current focus. The simple mindset of constantly improving oneself, learning from mistakes, and staying curious were also emphasized as important for productivity and growth.

    • The Importance of a Deep Technical Foundation for Effective Tech LeadershipA deep understanding of algorithms and systems design is crucial for tech leadership, allowing informed decision making and managing bullsh*t in large organizations. Emphasize hands-on experience, ongoing learning, challenging team members, and allowing growth.

      Having a deep understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, especially algorithms and systems design, is crucial for effective leadership in tech companies. The speaker shares his personal story of falling in love with computer science despite initial misconceptions, and later becoming a leader who emphasizes hands-on experience and ongoing learning. He highlights the importance of challenging team members and engaging in debates to keep ideas sharp, while also recognizing the need to allow team members to grow and make decisions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying grounded in the technical details, and using that knowledge to make informed decisions and manage bullsh\*t in large organizations. Overall, the message is that a deep technical foundation, combined with effective leadership skills, is essential for success in the tech industry.

    • Effective tech leadership requires grounded understanding and open communicationLeaders should focus on mastering key areas, foster honesty, and encourage open conversations to drive innovation and efficient resource use.

      Effective leadership in technology involves grounded understanding of core technologies and honest communication within the organization. Leaders should focus on mastering a few key areas rather than trying to have full-stack knowledge for the entire organization. This approach fosters honesty, accountability, and efficient use of resources. It's essential for leaders to have a deep understanding of the technology underpinning their strategy and to encourage open, truthful conversations within their teams. This approach allows for effective decision-making, fosters innovation, and empowers team members to excel in their roles. Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment where each team member can contribute their unique perspective and learnings to drive the organization forward.

    • Balancing autonomy and alignment in organization designStriking a balance between autonomy and alignment fosters diverse thinking and experimentation while maintaining unity towards a common goal. Leaders should live by principles like integrity, learning, frugality, and work ethics to motivate teams and unleash their full potential.

      Effective organization design requires striking a balance between providing autonomy to leaders and maintaining alignment towards a common mission. This balance enables diverse thinking and experimentation while ensuring that efforts add up towards a unified goal. Motivation is a crucial factor in designing this structure, and understanding human motivation can be guided by models like Reed Hoffman's three types of leadership duties. Integrity, learning every day, frugality, work ethics, and acknowledging mistakes are essential principles for leaders to live by, fostering innovation and enabling teams to unleash their full potential.

    • Chee's Approach to Work and Life: Rules for Balance and Effective Team CollaborationBe open-minded, focus on the present, strive for progress, maintain a growth mindset, and embrace change for balance and effective team collaboration.

      Balance is crucial for personal and professional growth, and having clear fundamental beliefs guides effective team collaboration. When joining Microsoft, Chee shared his approach to work and life, which he considers as rules or beliefs. These include being open-minded, focusing on the present, striving for progress over perfection, maintaining a growth mindset, and embracing change. Balancing these aspects has helped Chee be an effective leader and team player. These beliefs serve as a foundation for his work and can be valuable for anyone looking to improve their own productivity and collaboration within a team.

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