
    About this Episode

    We're diving deep into actionable strategies to support your hormones, fuel your fat-burning journey, and navigate the twists of menopause.

    This isn't just about weight loss; it's a Trim Healthy/Whole Food approach to living your best second half-life. 

    If you've been wondering where to start or what works and what doesn't, then tune in and keep your notebook handy!

    I'll be covering

    • how to shrink those fat cells around your waist
    • what movement and exercise works and what doesn't
    • how to get more sleep
    • why reducing your stress matters
    • and why all these things matter in midlife!



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    GRAB your free guide to Essential Amino Acids from Trim Healthy




    Recent Episodes from Mastering Menopause the Trim Healthy Way with Coach Kris

    #50 Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

    #50 Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

    Ready to unlock the magic of decision-making? 


    Join me in today’s Honeycast episode, "Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!" 


    Discover the secrets to making quality decisions, overcoming confusion, and persistently thriving on your health journey. 


    I’ll guide you through actionable strategies, share inspiring stories, and empower you to embrace your power at 40 and beyond. 


    Tune in and let the magic begin!


    NEW FREEBIE just for you! 

    "How to Shed Belly Fat After 40" - Download your copy HERE >> https://www.getyourtrimon.com/belly-fat



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/




    #49 Nourishing Wellness: Amy's Surprising Journey To A Healthier Life

    #49 Nourishing Wellness: Amy's Surprising Journey To A Healthier Life

    I'm so excited to share my visit with Coach Amy Gaskin on the HoneyCast today!

    Amy is one of the fabulous coaches with Trim Healthy and is a powerhouse of energy, wisdom and truth-telling.

    She shares with us her surprising journey to wellness and weight loss—a journey filled with hope in the midst of pain, trauma and confusion.

    Listen as Amy shares her passion for helping women take hold of their power and care for themselves.

    Coach Amy brings so many great thoughts and tips to the table as we discuss her coaching methods and programs.

    You can find Amy here:





    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    #48 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 2

    #48 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 2

    We're diving deep into actionable strategies to support your hormones, fuel your fat-burning journey, and navigate the twists of menopause.

    This isn't just about weight loss; it's a Trim Healthy/Whole Food approach to living your best second half-life. 

    If you've been wondering where to start or what works and what doesn't, then tune in and keep your notebook handy!

    I'll be covering

    • how to shrink those fat cells around your waist
    • what movement and exercise works and what doesn't
    • how to get more sleep
    • why reducing your stress matters
    • and why all these things matter in midlife!



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    GRAB your free guide to Essential Amino Acids from Trim Healthy




    #47 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 1

    #47 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 1

    Welcome to another episode of The Honey Cast! 🎙️ Join me as we dive deep into the world of midlife hormones, where we're not just surviving but thriving in the beautiful chaos of menopause. In this episode, I share my journey through the twists and turns of hormonal fluctuations.

    From the unexpected muffin top dilemma to the anxiety-inducing stress eating, I've been there, and I get it. But this isn't just a story of struggle; it's about resilience and empowerment. I open up about my ongoing battle with hormonal imbalances, the dental work detour that threw my body off course, and my relentless pursuit of balance.

    Hormones play a huge role in our bodies, influencing everything from metabolism to mood, and I'm here to break down the science and share practical tips to harmonize your hormonal chaos. I’ll explore the impact of declining estrogen, the crucial role of insulin, and the intricate dance with cortisol that can lead to unexpected weight gain.

    But it's not all about the struggle; it's about solutions, from the power of hormone replacement therapy to debunking myths and embracing the potential of building muscle in midlife. I spill the beans on my own fitness journey, the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the ongoing process of sculpting a body that feels like home.

    And because health is holistic, I’ll talk about daily habits that weave hormonal harmony into our lives. From deep-breathing rituals to the art of resetting, I share personal experiences and a checklist of habits that have become my daily allies.

    So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's unravel the hormone puzzle together.



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    #46 Balancing Act: Work, Life, and Menopause Survival Strategies

    #46 Balancing Act: Work, Life, and Menopause Survival Strategies

    Let's talk about the nuances of menopause, family crises, and the balancing act between work and life.

    Coach Kris is getting personal today and sharing practical strategies for resilience, valuable self-care insights, and actionable tips to harmonize hormones while fostering overall well-being.

    If you're struggling with health issues layered on top of family crises or work stress, then take a listen to learn ways to support and care for yourself without guilt or overwhelm.

    "In this season of menopause, I will say what I've learned is that we become less resilient, and I didn't really like hearing that news."



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain



    Desk Treadmill & Vibration Plate: Get Your Trim ON Amazon Store

    Infrared Sauna

    Detox Products: Get Your Trim ON Amazon Store

    Vibration Plate workouts

    How Tapping Calms Anxiety & Stress: https://youtu.be/TnbRcO43CD8?si=8KLLO-Ff1ZEOAFTq

    Take a Deep Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNXKjGFUlMs&t=1s

    Abide Meditaions: https://www.youtube.com/@AbideSleepMeditation



    #45 How To Navigate Disappointment In Your Health Journey Setbacks

    #45 How To Navigate Disappointment In Your Health Journey Setbacks

    Life often brings disappointments, and today, I'm sharing my personal experience, particularly in the context of my health journey and recent experience. 

    Disappointment is a common companion in our pursuits, whether it's achieving goals or navigating the challenges of a weight loss and health journey.

    Join me as I share the profound lessons from my recent setbacks and disappointments.

    We'll explore the power of shifting perspectives, identifying success amidst setbacks, and anchoring in commitment beyond immediate results. 



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    #44 Journey to Lasting Success: How to Break Free from Excuses

    #44 Journey to Lasting Success: How to Break Free from Excuses

    Starting a journey towards better health and a transformed lifestyle can be daunting, especially when faced with the challenge of breaking old habits and redefining success. 


    For many women in midlife, the pursuit of weight loss and overall well-being often involves numerous attempts, each met with varying degrees of success. 


    However, the key lies not in quick fixes but in embracing a sustainable, long-term approach. 


    One of my clients, Alice, joins me to talk about her weight loss journey after menopause, highlighting the power of the Feminine Freedom Program (FFP) and the mindset shifts that can lead to lasting change.



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    #43 From Perfectionism to Progress: Get Free from Weight Loss Pitfalls

    #43 From Perfectionism to Progress: Get Free from Weight Loss Pitfalls

    Welcome to the Honey Cast! 🍯

    In this episode, Coach Kris dives deep into the unexpected art of planning for failure on your weight loss journey.

    Discover how shifting your mindset, planning for pitfalls, and embracing self-compassion can be the game-changers you need.

    Get ready for a conversation that will reshape how you view setbacks and pave the way for lasting success.

    Tune in and transform your approach to health and wellness!



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain

    #42 Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

    #42 Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

    Welcome to Thriving Through Menopause!

    Join me as I peel back the curtain to my daily meal routine, revealing the secrets behind life over 50 for a Trim Healthy Mama.

    I share personal thoughts on how mindset shifts simplified my journey to a healthier lifestyle and a better midlife.

    From choosing carb sources to prepping proteins, learn how a simple planning session can make your upcoming week effortlessly healthy.

    Find inspiration from the meals I eat to add variety to your meals without adding complexity. 

    This episode is a celebration of joy, not a chore, in your journey to a healthier, happier, slimmer you.



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain


    #41 How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

    #41 How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

    Do you have a "manual of expectations" for how your midlife should be going? Have you noticed life is not cooperating very well with that manual? Yeah, me too.


    We don't need to ditch expectations altogether, but to set yourself up for success, setting realistic expectations is very important.


    Weight loss in midlife and beyond requires a new approach to see the results you are hoping for. Whether those results are less weight, fewer inches around your middle, more energy, or increased health and wellness, you must strap on some extra patience and set up your expectations more carefully than when you were younger.


    There is a good possibility that you have hurdles and life situations making it hard to take care of yourself. You might feel confused and discouraged about why your body gains weight over 40 even though you are actively trying to lose.


    Getting your expectations to align with your new reality is key to maintaining a positive commitment and engagement to meet your weight loss goals once you hit your 40s.


    Listen in to today's "honeycast" and I'll share how I've been learning to ditch false expectations and choose helpful realistic commitments instead.



    SHOW NOTES: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/blog

    JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GetYourTrimOn

    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thmcoachkris/


    Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: https://www.getyourtrimon.com/hormonal-weight-gain