
    488. Part 1 - Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Family Members Receiving More Money From China & Russia Will Retrieve Wreckage Of Crashed U.S. Drone

    enMarch 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Current Events and Personal Development on CTI PodcastCTI Podcast offers ad-free, real, and raw discussions on socio-economic and political issues with a focus on personal development and entrepreneurship.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a multifaceted podcast called CTI (Cruz the Internet) where they discuss current events, answer questions related to personal development and entrepreneurship, and have in-depth conversations with guests. The show is free, but they ask for viewers to share it if they find value in it. Priscilla shared that he has a fear of snakes, and they planned to discuss various topics including Hunter Biden, drones, hot air balloons, and BLM on the current episode. CTI aims to provide real and raw discussions on socio-economic and political issues while keeping the show pure and ad-free.

    • Understanding and accepting irrational fearsRecognize and accept personal fears, even if they seem irrational or trivial to others, for greater self-awareness and emotional well-being.

      Everyone has irrational fears or phobias, and it's important to acknowledge and understand them, even if they may seem trivial or unreasonable to others. The speaker shared his fear of snakes and how it was triggered by a close encounter with a tall friend in a public restroom. He also acknowledged that his fear of snakes is irrational since he has never been bitten by one, but he cannot help how he feels. The speaker encouraged vulnerability and acceptance of these fears, rather than shame or embarrassment. The conversation also touched on the significance of ancient civilizations and their symbols, such as the serpent representing evil or danger. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of self-awareness and acceptance of personal fears and quirks.

    • Preference for Dogs and Surprise Discussion on Exotic AnimalsThe speaker expressed his preference for dogs over snakes but also shared his love for non-venomous snakes. The conversation unexpectedly turned to exotic animals like tigers and speculation about a news story involving Haley Biden and Chinese cash.

      During a discussion about personal preferences between dogs and snakes, the speaker expressed his preference for dogs despite potential danger, while also sharing his love for non-venomous snakes. However, the conversation took an unexpected turn when they talked about owning exotic animals like tigers. The conversation then shifted to speculation about a news story involving Haley Biden and Chinese cash. The speaker emphasized the exclusivity of the New York Post article and the potential significance of the developing story. No clear conclusion or opinion was expressed about the Biden family or the alleged Chinese cash.

    • New records reveal potential business dealings between Biden family and Chinese energy companyNew bank records show Haley Biden, widow of Joe Biden's late brother and mother of his grandchildren, received $35,000 from a Biden Family Associate who received $3 million from a Chinese energy company, raising questions about potential business dealings between the Biden family and the Chinese Communist Party

      New bank records reveal Haley Biden, the widow of Joe Biden's late brother and mother of his grandchildren, received $35,000 from a Biden Family Associate, John Rob Walker, in 2017. This transfer came after Walker received $3 million from a Chinese state energy company, HK Limited, affiliated with CEFC China Energy, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The records raise questions about potential business dealings between the Biden family and the CCP, and there may be more relatives involved as not all recipients' names are listed. Haley Biden's involvement adds complexity to the situation, as she dated Hunter Biden after her husband's death and has children with him. The Democratic response to this information is that it's a partisan attack on the Biden administration and should be dismissed. However, the new information raises concerns about the Biden family's financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest.

    • Hunter Biden's foreign ties and financial transactionsThe Hunter Biden laptop controversy involved potential financial ties and allegiances to foreign interests, particularly China and Ukraine, which raised questions about Joe Biden's motives and decisions regarding foreign aid and border security.

      The Hunter Biden laptop controversy was not just about explicit content or criminal behavior, but also about potential financial ties and allegiances to foreign interests, particularly China and Ukraine. These connections raise questions about the motives and decisions of Joe Biden, especially regarding foreign aid and border security. The media and politicians heavily influenced by these same foreign interests have downplayed these issues, but the financial transactions and Biden's actions as President, such as sending billions to Ukraine and keeping the southern border open, suggest a lack of prioritization for American citizens. This pattern is evident in other areas, like the bank crisis, COVID response, and small business closures. Ultimately, these actions raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and compromises that do not serve the best interests of the United States.

    • Evidence of foreign influence on the presidencyThe president's actions and decisions, along with lack of public support, raise concerns about foreign influence and potential harm to the US. Critical examination of facts is crucial.

      The actions of Mr. X, as described, raise serious concerns about foreign influence on the presidency. The evidence points to Mr. X making decisions that don't seem to benefit his country, and accepting money from a country that stands to gain the most from the US becoming weak. Additionally, the lack of public support for this elderly political figure, as seen in his low turnout at rallies, further adds to the suspicion. The denial or bias of some people may hinder their ability to see the clear signs of what's happening. For instance, the J6 footage and the border issue can be explained more clearly with factual information. China is the primary manufacturer of fentanyl, as admitted by the DEA, and opening the border and not finishing the wall could potentially allow more of this dangerous drug to enter the US. It's important for people to critically examine the information in front of them and not ignore their own eyes and ears.

    • Suspicions of China supplying India with fentanyl, raising concerns over US aidChina suspected of supplying India with fentanyl, potentially entering US; US administration allegedly on China's payroll, silencing critics with tech, business, and government aid; US aid to Ukraine controversial, with US being sole significant contributor

      There are strong suspicions that China is intentionally supplying India with fentanyl, which is then entering the United States in large quantities. This is concerning because the US has been paying China significant amounts of aid, raising questions about potential ulterior motives. Furthermore, there are allegations that the Chinese government is intentionally dismantling the US through various means, including paying off media outlets and politicians to not cover or speak out against this issue. The situation in Ukraine is another example of US aid being used in a controversial way, with the US being the sole notable contributor while other European countries are not. The speaker argues that this administration, which he believes was installed, is on the payroll of China and is silencing patriotic citizens, censoring them with the help of big tech, big business, and government, which is a form of fascism. In essence, there are serious concerns that the US is being occupied by an administration that is acting against the best interests of the country and is on the payroll of a major adversary.

    • Speaker warns of imminent communist shift in US politicsThe speaker expresses concern about the potential transition to communism in the US, citing weak political figures and propaganda promoting dependency as signs of this shift. They also warn of the loss of American power and individual freedoms, and predict future election disruptions or eliminations.

      The speaker believes that a significant shift towards communism is imminent in the United States, and that this transition has been facilitated by the installation of political figures who appear weak or inept, such as Joe Biden. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential consequences of this transition, including the loss of American power and individual freedoms. They believe that the propaganda promoting dependency and complacency is part of a larger plan to control and eventually eliminate the population. The speaker predicts that future elections may be disrupted or eliminated altogether, leading to a more chaotic situation where the true intentions of those in power will be revealed.

    • Recognizing the Threat of Evil and Treasonous Individuals in GovernmentRecognize individuals in government who act without regard for morals or consequences as a deliberate threat to our values and freedom, and do not give them the benefit of the doubt.

      We are facing a significant challenge to our values and freedom as a nation, as people with moral standards are being confronted by those who do not share the same values. These individuals have infiltrated our government and are acting in a sociopathic manner, without regard for morals or consequences. They have crept in during the past 15 years while we were focused on other things, and their actions are not incompetence but a deliberate plan to destroy our country. It's crucial that we do not give them the benefit of the doubt and recognize them for who they truly are: evil and treasonous individuals.

    • US-Russia Drone Dispute: Harassment or Accident?The US and Russia are in a dispute over a drone crash in the Black Sea, with each side accusing the other of causing the incident. The incident has led to heated rhetoric and calls for military action, but some view it as an unfortunate misunderstanding.

      The US and Russia are in a dispute over the cause of a US drone crash in the Black Sea. The US alleges that Russia dumped fuel on the drone before damaging it, while Russia denies any involvement. Russia intends to recover the drone for study. Initially, Russia denied the crash, but video footage later emerged showing a Russian jet apparently harassing the drone before the collision. The incident has led to accusations and heated rhetoric, with some calling for military action, while others view it as an unfortunate incident. Ultimately, the incident highlights the tensions between the two countries and the potential for misunderstandings and escalation.

    • Speaker expresses concern over U.S. foreign policy and potential major warThe speaker warns of potential major war due to U.S. weakness under current leadership, urges unity among Americans, and issues a strong warning to adversaries while emphasizing the majority of Americans prefer peace

      The speaker expresses deep concern over the direction of U.S. foreign policy and the potential for a major war, warning that the country's weakness under its current leadership is being exploited by enemies. He urges unity among Americans and a shift away from divisive identity politics, emphasizing that the world sees us as one nation. The speaker also issues a strong warning to potential adversaries, stating that the vast majority of Americans are not in favor of unnecessary conflicts and that they will defend their country fiercely. He criticizes the current administration for misrepresenting America to the world and calls for strong, unapologetic leadership.

    • The consequences of weak leadershipBelief in leadership matters, and its absence can lead to dangerous situations. Strong leadership is essential for success and safety.

      Weak leadership can have serious consequences, putting everyone involved in danger. This was a recurring theme in the discussion, with the speakers expressing concern over the current state of leadership and its potential repercussions. They emphasized that belief in leadership is crucial, and the absence of it can lead to significant issues. The speakers also touched upon the possibility that this weakness might be intentional, further compounding the problem. Stay tuned for part two of the discussion, where we will dive deeper into this topic and explore some potential solutions. In the meantime, remember that strong leadership is essential for the success and safety of any organization or community.

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    Follow Djoudie on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/djoudieetoundiessomba and following him on Medium at: djoudie-etoundi.medium.com.


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    Twitter: @ChinaGSProject@stadenesque | @eric_olander | @J_B_C16

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    Twitter: @ChinaGSProject@stadenesque | @eric_olander | @christiangeraud

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