
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan's determination to create authentic contentDespite initial obstacles, Rogan's persistence and hard work led him to become the number one news show on the internet by staying true to himself

      The success of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast can be attributed to Rogan's determination to create content that aligns with his perspective, despite facing initial obstacles. Starting in his living room in 2002, Rogan's journey to becoming the number one news show on the internet was filled with persistence and hard work. From sending taped shows to satellite radio to working his way up in radio and television, Rogan refused to let go of his dream of hosting a talk show that truly represented his point of view. Even when faced with challenges, such as being asked to mimic someone else's voice, Rogan remained committed to staying true to himself. This dedication paid off, leading him to SiriusXM and eventually, the massive success of The Joe Rogan Experience.

    • From radio to online video, The Young Turks thriveThe Young Turks grew from a living room to a big studio, raising funds from their audience to expand their reach and content offerings.

      Cenk Uygur and his team at The Young Turks transitioned from radio to online video content, recognizing the growing potential of the latter. They offer free podcast and video podcast versions on iTunes, and for dedicated fans, a $10 membership on their website grants access to all shows. With over 3 million subscribers and 64 million views a month, they've built a successful network with 29 channels and around 50-60 people involved. Starting in a living room, they've since grown to a big studio in Culver City. They raised over $400,000 through Indiegogo to fund their new studio, demonstrating the strong connection and support from their audience.

    • The power of authentic voices in the digital ageIn the digital age, individuals have the power to reach massive audiences with their authentic opinions, filling a void left by traditional media's lack of genuine reporting and debate.

      The internet age has given individuals the power to freely express their opinions and reach massive audiences, often surpassing traditional media outlets. This was exemplified by Jank Yogurt's success, which came from providing an unfiltered, authentic perspective that resonated with people. The speaker's father's influence, with his focus on both the positive and negative, played a role in the speaker's humility and ego. However, the mainstream media's failure to engage in genuine reporting and debate has left a void, making authentic voices like Jank Yogurt's even more valuable. The ability to reach millions with an opinion, without interference, is a unique aspect of our current cultural climate.

    • Politicians and Media: The Disconnect of Scripted VoicesScripted voices in politics and media can make individuals disconnect from their representatives. Authentic communication is desired for more human connection.

      The use of scripted and affected voices in politics and media can create a disconnect between individuals and their representatives. The speaker shared an experience of encountering Gene Simmons, who dismissed his unique name, but later realized it became an advantage as it made him stand out from the crowd. In politics, the use of talking points and affected voices can make politicians sound robotic and disingenuous. The speaker mentioned the contrasting performances during a recent congressional debate, where the more polished candidates sounded out of touch compared to those who spoke authentically. The speaker also shared an observation from a political consultant, who explained that politicians are given talking points to keep them on message due to their potential lack of knowledge or intelligence. The speaker concluded by expressing a desire for more authentic and human communication in politics and media.

    • Politicians and media: Consider the far-off audiencePoliticians and media figures must remember that their words and actions are amplified by technology, reaching a global audience. Be mindful of this and communicate effectively to maintain a positive image.

      In both politics and media, it's essential to consider the perspective of those watching or listening from afar. A memorable example is Howard Dean's infamous scream during a debate, which sounded much louder and more maniacal through the microphone than it did in person. Politicians often make this mistake, focusing too much on the room rather than the wider audience. With the increasing transparency brought about by technology, this trend is only going to continue. Ultimately, the benefits of complete transparency outweigh the potential loss of privacy, as it helps prevent corrupt activities and holds individuals accountable for their true attitudes and actions.

    • Old media vs new media: A clash over transparencyOld media's resistance to transparency is leading to a loss of audience and relevance, while new media's data-driven approach holds them accountable.

      Transparency and authenticity are becoming increasingly important in today's world, particularly in the media industry. Old media, which has long relied on outdated and inaccurate ratings systems, is struggling to adapt to the real-time, data-driven world of new media. This resistance to change is leading to a clash between the two, with old media dismissing new media as insignificant. However, new media's ability to provide accurate data and hold old media accountable for their actions is a significant advantage. Furthermore, individuals and organizations who have profited from non-transparent practices, such as racist attitudes or exploitation of workers, are being called out and faced with consequences. This shift towards transparency is forcing these individuals and organizations to confront their actions and mentality, which many find difficult. Ultimately, the refusal to adapt and embrace transparency could lead to the downfall of old media, as they continue to lose audience and relevance.

    • Misrepresentation of Radio Host ListenersHistorically, radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity overstated their listener numbers. With the shift to more accurate measurement methods, it was discovered that their actual audiences were smaller than claimed, leading to format changes and struggles.

      The listening numbers of conservative radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity were significantly overestimated in the past. These hosts often claimed large audiences, but the numbers were likely inflated or even fabricated. With the shift to more accurate measurement methods like people meters, it was revealed that their actual listener numbers were much lower than claimed. This discrepancy led to format changes at some radio stations and struggles for these hosts. Meanwhile, newer media outlets, such as those that rely on internet traffic, can grow through word of mouth and don't face the same scrutiny over their audience numbers. The Bundy ranch incident served as a recent example of the potential risks of blindly supporting controversial figures.

    • Media's profit-driven paradigm leads to oversimplification and polarizationMedia personalities prioritize maintaining a certain image over open-mindedness and objectivity, leading to a lack of nuanced understanding and logical coherence in political discourse, perpetuating misunderstanding and polarization.

      The right-left paradigm in media, as exemplified by figures like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, often results in a lack of nuanced understanding and logical coherence in political discourse. These media personalities are paid to represent specific teams and cater to their audiences, leading to a profit-driven system that prioritizes maintaining a certain image over open-mindedness and objectivity. This complex issue was highlighted in the discussion about the Bundy Ranch standoff, where the nuances of the situation were oversimplified and distorted to fit preconceived narratives. The result is a media landscape that perpetuates misunderstanding and polarization rather than fostering productive dialogue.

    • Staying authentic to beliefs despite external pressuresAuthenticity to beliefs is crucial for success, even when it goes against establishment expectations in media organizations.

      Principles and ideologies should not be tied to political parties or teams. The speaker in this conversation, who identifies as progressive, emphasizes that they hold their political leaders accountable regardless of party affiliation. He shares an experience where he was asked to conform to the establishment's expectations at MSNBC but chose to stay true to himself and saw success in ratings. This story highlights the importance of staying authentic to one's beliefs and values, even in the face of external pressures. Additionally, the speaker's anecdote sheds light on the power dynamics within media organizations and the potential consequences of challenging the status quo.

    • Underestimating audience power in digital ageIgnoring audience loyalty and corporate narrative can lead to consequences in media industry, as seen with Keith Olbermann's MSNBC departure

      Underestimating the size and power of an audience, particularly in the digital age, can have significant consequences. This was evident in the case of a media personality who was let go from MSNBC after expressing opinions that went against the network's narrative. Despite being replaced by a more compliant host, the personality was able to leverage their online following to criticize the network and explain their side of the story. The incident highlighted the importance of having a loyal audience and the potential consequences of not adhering to the corporate line. Furthermore, the incident also shed light on the power dynamics in the media industry, where those who don't play ball risk becoming unemployable. The case of Keith Olbermann, a historic figure for his groundbreaking commentaries, serves as a reminder of the risks and rewards of speaking truth to power.

    • The internet offers a platform for free expression despite sports world restrictionsDespite being silenced in mainstream sports, individuals can find a voice online and receive valuable feedback through constructive criticism.

      The sports world may have limited the political voice of certain individuals, pushing them into a metaphorical "closet." Keith Olbermann, for instance, has been banned from discussing politics on mainstream sports platforms. The internet, however, offers a level playing field where anyone can express their opinions, even if it means facing criticism. This criticism, while sometimes harsh, can help individuals grow and improve. Rachel Maddow had warned Keith about the dangers of becoming too comfortable in the TV industry, where the ego can grow too large and become insulated from criticism. The comment section on platforms like YouTube can be a valuable source of feedback and constructive criticism, acting as an editor for content creators. Overall, embracing the internet and its unique culture of open dialogue can lead to personal and professional growth.

    • Transgender rights and combat sportsDespite biological differences, the speaker supports transgender individuals' rights to live authentically and pursue their passions outside of combat sports

      While there are distinct advantages in combat sports based on biology, the speaker is fully supportive of transgender individuals' rights to live authentically and pursue their chosen paths in all other aspects of life. The limitations of television formats compared to podcasts were also discussed, as the former often requires condensing complex topics into brief segments, while the latter allows for more in-depth exploration. The speaker expressed a nostalgic longing for the days of radio, where they could have longer, uninterrupted conversations.

    • Perception vs. Reality: The Power of AppearancesPeople's perceptions can be influenced by appearances, shaping interactions and perceptions of reality. The complexities of conservation efforts illustrate the challenge of balancing human needs with wildlife populations.

      Perception can be more powerful than reality. The speaker shared her experiences with makeup and how it was perceived differently on TV compared to her personal life. She also discussed the complex issue of African hunting and conservation, highlighting how the need for conservation can lead to contradictory actions. The speaker's experiences illustrate how people form opinions based on appearances and how these perceptions can shape interactions and perceptions of reality. Additionally, the discussion on African hunting and conservation highlights the complexity of balancing conservation efforts with the realities of wildlife populations and human needs.

    • Preserving Nature: Is it Beneficial and Ethical?Human efforts to preserve animals in artificial environments may not be truly beneficial or ethical as nature is in a constant state of change and humans are a natural part of it. Human behaviors, including technology and sexuality, are just as natural as any other species' traits.

      Humans have taken over the role of nature as stewards, but our efforts to preserve animals in artificial environments may not be truly beneficial. Nature is in a constant state of destruction and creation, and our attempts to freeze it in time may not be effective or ethical. Additionally, humans are a natural part of this cycle, and our behaviors, including technology and sexuality, are just as natural as any other species' traits. The complexity of human nature makes it difficult to define, but it is important to recognize that everything we create is an extension of our natural instincts.

    • Size of testicles and promiscuity of females linked in primatesPrimate species with larger testicles and more promiscuous females, like chimpanzees, contrast humans' monogamous relationships and smaller testicles. Our minds may have hidden desires, but societal norms and population growth led to monogamy and paternity lines.

      The size of testicles and the promiscuity of females in a species are linked. For instance, chimpanzees have larger testicles and more promiscuous females, while gorillas have smaller testicles and smaller penises due to their control over females and harems. Humans, who have monogamous relationships, are seen as having a "closet" mentality, as we may have hidden desires or fantasies that go against our monogamous actions. Our minds and fantasies are not monogamous by nature, even if our actions are. This is a natural part of being a primate, as explored in Chris Ryan's book "Sex at Dawn." The shift towards monogamy and the establishment of male paternity lines came with the growth of larger populations and agriculture.

    • The complexity of human natureWe're complex beings with both animalistic urges and advanced consciousness, driving our evolution through contradictory traits like polygamy and monogamy, competition and cooperation.

      Being human is a complex and contradictory experience. We possess both animalistic urges and advanced consciousness, creating a unique balance that fuels our evolution. Our nature is both polygamous and monogamous, competitive and cooperative. These contradictions drive our progress and motivate us to improve and grow. Our history and cultural advancements set us apart from other animals, allowing us to chart our past and understand our development. Embracing the complexity of human nature and learning to balance its opposing forces is essential for personal growth and societal progress.

    • The Value of Money is SubjectiveOur experiences and upbringing shape our perception of the value of money. Society's emphasis on earning may need to be redefined in a world of abundant information.

      The traditional concept of a comfortable retirement may not be a reality for everyone, and the value of money can be deeply impacted by personal experiences and upbringing. The speaker shares his own experiences of desiring small luxuries despite financial struggles and feeling fortunate to have grown up middle class. He also discusses the potential future dissolution of the boundary between human beings and information, which could impact the value and meaning of money. Ultimately, the speaker questions the societal emphasis on earning money and suggests that we may need to redefine wealth and reward in a world where information is abundant.

    • Technology merges money and information, erasing boundariesTechnology will make money accessible as information, requiring societal evolution for management and focusing on happiness rather than money

      The future of money and information could merge into one, eliminating the need for physical currency and leading to a new understanding of wealth and distribution. The speaker believes that technology will eventually erase boundaries between humans and information, making everything accessible to everyone. Money, as information, will be part of this database, and society will need to evolve to manage it. The ultimate goal is not money itself but the happiness it was meant to provide. The speaker's vision aligns with various philosophical beliefs, such as Taoism, Transcendentalism, and Sufism, which all emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings.

    • Our perception of separation and distinctiveness is not as accurate as we believeThe concept of money's role in society may evolve, questioning assumptions and considering long-term implications is crucial.

      Our perception of separation and distinctiveness between individuals and physical objects may not be as accurate as we believe, as everything is interconnected at a fundamental level. This concept, which can be traced back to ancient philosophies, could have significant implications for our understanding of concepts like money, individualism, and our place in the universe. The speaker also explores the idea that money, which functions as a tool for exchanging goods and services, may eventually evolve or be replaced by more complex systems. The discussion touches upon the historical context of money, its role in simplifying transactions, and the potential for future advancements. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning our assumptions and considering the long-term implications of the systems we rely on. As technology and society continue to evolve, our understanding of concepts like money and our place in the universe may change as well.

    • The complexity of our economic and political systemsDespite being crucial to our society, the Federal Reserve, political system, and corporations are not fully understood by those in power, leading to potential dangers and the need for reform.

      Our current economic and political systems are built on complex structures that are not fully understood by those in power, leading to potentially dangerous consequences. The Federal Reserve, for instance, is a mystery to many experts, and the same can be said for our political system, which is heavily influenced by money. Corporations, driven by the need for growth and profit, often prioritize their own interests over the public good, leading to risky behaviors and potential economic meltdowns. Our outdated representative democracy, which was designed when communication was more difficult, is no longer effective in representing the will of the people in today's digitally connected world. It's crucial that we reevaluate and reform these systems to ensure they serve the best interests of the American people.

    • The ripple effect of technology making private information less valuableAs technology advances, access to private information becomes more commonplace and less valuable, eventually making it potentially irrelevant.

      As technology advances, our online activities become increasingly public and accessible, not just to the government but to everyone. This constant ripple effect of progress towards transparency will eventually make private information less valuable and potentially irrelevant. The example given was the spread of technology, starting with the wealthy and privileged, and eventually reaching everyone. Similarly, the ability to access others' private information will become commonplace, and eventually, it may no longer hold any power. This is a significant shift in societal norms, especially considering that in some parts of the world, there are still significant populations that resist education and knowledge. Ultimately, knowledge and transparency will continue to advance, and those who resist will be left behind.

    • A future with neural interfaces could bring new levels of human connectionNeural interfaces could revolutionize communication by allowing instant access to thoughts, leading to deeper connections, but ethical considerations and potential limitations must be addressed.

      The future may hold the ability for instant access to each other's thoughts through a neural interface. This technology could lead to a new level of connection between people, but there may be an initial shock as individuals encounter the darker aspects of humanity. Over time, this technology could lead to a greater understanding of our shared experiences and thoughts. However, ethical and moral considerations, as well as potential limitations such as access and affordability, may arise. The development and implementation of this technology could drastically change the way we interact and understand each other, potentially leading to a new era of human connection. Additionally, advancements in areas like genetic engineering and rejuvenation could further alter the human experience. China, in particular, may lead the way in these technological advancements, raising questions about ethics and regulations.

    • Embracing Change: The Caterpillar Becoming a ButterflyFocus on positivity and opportunities for growth despite challenges, as we are on the brink of revolutionary advancements and becoming something new and better.

      The world is constantly changing, and we are on the brink of revolutionary advancements that may be hard to comprehend. The example given is the discovery of rejuvenating effects of young blood in older mice, which could lead to immortality. It's natural for us to resist change and believe things will always stay the same, but we are on the cusp of becoming something new and better. The younger generation, with access to vast amounts of information, is already smarter and more capable than previous generations. Although there are challenges and negativity in the world, it's essential to focus on the positivity and opportunities for growth. Long-term, the future is optimistic, and we should embrace the changes ahead and continue to innovate and improve. As one speaker put it, we are the caterpillar giving birth to the butterfly, and we just don't realize it yet.

    • Exploring the complexities of humanity as technology advancesAs technology evolves, we may face ethical dilemmas regarding artificial bodies, consciousness downloading, and sex robots, challenging our definition of humanity and raising questions about the implications of becoming a program or creating perfected robots.

      As technology advances, the concept of what it means to be human will become increasingly complex. We will face ethical dilemmas as we explore the possibilities of artificial bodies, downloading consciousness, and even creating sex robots. The idea of preserving a biological definition of humanity may not be feasible as we evolve into something different. This transformation may be both terrifying and promising, as we grapple with the implications of becoming a program inside an artificial body or creating perfected robots that can replicate human experiences. Ultimately, nature's uncontrollability and our inherent fear of change may hinder our progress, but the potential benefits could outweigh the challenges. As we continue to push the boundaries of science and technology, we must consider the ethical implications and be prepared for the unexpected consequences.

    • The risk of marginalizing those who can't keep up with technological advancementsAs technology advances, there's a risk of marginalizing or even confining those who can't adapt, echoing our history of dominance over other species.

      As technology advances and the potential for creating superhumans arises, there's a risk that those who can't keep up may be marginalized or even confined, much like how we treat less intelligent species today. This is a concern that arises from our history of dominance over other species and our vicious instincts that have developed over millions of years in a world filled with predators and prey. The future may view us the way we view ants or even dolphins, and we should be aware of this possibility and strive for a more inclusive and equitable future.

    • Joining forces to bring about changeHistory shows that when people unite, seemingly impossible feats can be achieved. The internet allows us to mobilize and form a powerful group, and together we can rebuild and strengthen democracy.

      Just as wolves form a pack to effectively hunt and protect their territory, we too can come together as a Wolfpack to address pressing issues like getting money out of politics and reclaiming democracy. This may seem impossible, but history shows that every generation of Americans has achieved seemingly impossible feats, such as gaining the right to vote. The internet provides us with the means to access information and express influence like never before, allowing us to mobilize and form a powerful group that refuses to stop until we achieve our goal. The 1% may have significant wealth and influence, but when 300 million people recognize the truth and unite, they can bring about change. Even at the state level, representatives who are directly connected to their constituents and have their best interests at heart still exist. Our mission is to rebuild and strengthen this form of democracy, and it's within our reach.

    • Fundamental shift in US politics due to Supreme Court decisionsSupreme Court decisions ended democracy's correlation between citizens and govts, leading to an open auction for politicians, causing loss of accountability and representation, widely criticized, but justices argue no corruption

      The Supreme Court decisions in Buckley v. Valleo (1976) and Citizens United (2010), which allowed corporations and individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money in politics, fundamentally changed the political landscape in the US. These decisions effectively ended the era of democracy where the positions of citizens and their governments were correlated, and instead created an open auction for politicians. This shift, according to the speaker, has led to a loss of accountability and representation in government, and has been widely criticized by the public. Despite this, the justices involved in these decisions maintain that it does not lead to corruption.

    • Business influence on politics through Supreme Court appointmentThe interconnectedness of money, power, and politics perpetuates a system where those with resources shape society's institutions, as seen in the appointment of Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court and the continued influence of corporate donations in politics.

      The interconnectedness of money, power, and politics has led to a self-perpetuating system where those with resources shape society's institutions. This was exemplified in the 1970s when a businessman named Lewis Powell's memo advocating for corporate influence led to his appointment to the Supreme Court, shaping key decisions that solidified corporate power. This dynamic continues today, with figures like Barack Obama, who despite presenting himself as a change agent, ultimately upheld the status quo by accepting corporate donations. The system rewards those who perpetuate it, and those with a conscience may be replaced. The collision of this entrenched power structure with the democratizing influence of the internet is a significant development in modern politics.

    • Media's Power to Shape PerceptionMedia, especially major networks, can manipulate public perception through selective reporting and government funding, impacting political decisions and public health.

      The media, including major networks like CNN, have the power to shape public perception through selective reporting and manipulation. This was evident in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where the US government falsely reported an attack on American ships, leading to a war. Today, networks like RT and Al Jazeera, which are funded by foreign governments, are often criticized for biased reporting. However, CNN, despite its reputation as a reputable news organization, has also been criticized for lacking investigative journalism and prioritizing government narratives over truth. The influence of money in politics and media extends to issues like cigarettes, where politicians refuse to take action despite the health risks, due to financial ties to tobacco companies. Overall, it's crucial to be aware of the potential biases and motivations behind the news we consume.

    • The internet's transformative power: from control to expressionThe internet, initially designed for control, has become a tool for individual expression and information dissemination, making equal access crucial for societal change.

      The internet, initially invented by the Pentagon as a tool for information control, has evolved into a powerful force for information dissemination and individual expression, which governments and corporations find difficult to regulate. The conversation explores the complex relationship between darkness and light, as the inventors of a tool meant for control became victims of its transformative power. The internet's impact on society is compared to a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle, and the struggle for net neutrality is highlighted as a crucial battle for maintaining equal access to this powerful medium. The conversation emphasizes the importance of individuals using the internet to access and share information, as a means of countering influence networks and contributing to historical change.

    • The Internet Threatens Traditional Media, Particularly TelevisionThe internet's ability to provide unfiltered information and on-demand access makes it a formidable competitor to traditional media, putting pressure on television to adapt or face obsolescence.

      The internet poses a significant threat to traditional media, particularly television, due to its ability to provide a direct and unfiltered platform for information and entertainment. The attempt to eliminate net neutrality and control the distribution of information is a concerning precedent that could limit transparency and endanger the power of those in control. The internet's potential to replace traditional media, with on-demand access and a larger audience, is making it increasingly difficult for television to compete. Furthermore, the internet offers greater accessibility, as content can be consumed instantly on various devices, while television's antiquated model limits access. As the internet continues to grow and evolve, it's clear that it will be a formidable competitor to traditional media, leaving television to adapt or face obsolescence.

    • Democratization of Content CreationIndividuals have the power to produce competitive content, even with limited resources. False flags may exist, but authentic voices also thrive in the digital age.

      The power of content creation and serving the audience lies in the hands of individuals, not large corporations or media organizations. The speaker emphasizes that anyone with a camera and an internet connection can produce content that can compete with established media. The speaker also shares a theory about Alex Jones, suggesting that he might be a false flag operation designed to discredit conspiracy theories. However, the speaker also acknowledges that Alex Jones believes in what he's saying and is right a significant amount of the time. Overall, the discussion highlights the democratization of content creation and the importance of serving the audience.

    • Politics and Conspiracy Theories: Separating Fact from FictionIt's crucial to distinguish between factual conspiracies and baseless theories, and consider motivations behind them, whether rooted in power dynamics or paranoia.

      There are both real and imagined conspiracies at play in politics and society. The discussion touched upon a Turkish official suggesting a false flag operation to invade Syria before elections, which was covered up by shutting down social media. While some conspiracy theories, like those involving the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, were dismissed as baseless, others, like the existence of secretive gatherings among powerful figures, were acknowledged as having some truth to them. The speaker emphasized that it's essential to separate fact from fiction and understand the motivations behind these conspiracies, whether they stem from genuine power dynamics or mere paranoia.

    • Questioning the rules and narratives of our livesCritically examine the rules and narratives shaping our lives, question sources of information, prioritize personal growth, and engage in thought-provoking conversations.

      We should question the rules and narratives that shape our lives and consider setting them in our favor. This was a recurring theme during a recent three-hour conversation that touched on politics, philosophy, and various aspects of life, including food and sex. The discussion also highlighted the importance of questioning sources of information and rumors, as well as the significance of personal growth and self-reflection. Additionally, the conversation mentioned several resources for further exploration, including Infulwars.com, TYTNetwork.com, and Squarespace.com, which offers a discount with the code word "Joe." The conversation also acknowledged the support of sponsors Audible.com and Onnit.com, which offer free audio books and supplements, respectively, with specific code words. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of critical thinking, self-awareness, and questioning the status quo, as well as the value of engaging in thought-provoking conversations and expanding our knowledge and perspectives.

    Recent Episodes from The Joe Rogan Experience

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    #2172 - Sebastian Junger

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    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard

    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard
    Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.  www.ericweinstein.org www.geometricunity.org Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com www.tcotlc.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2170 - Max Lugavere

    #2170 - Max Lugavere
    Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, author, and host of The Genius Life podcast. His debut film Little Empty Boxes is out now. http://littleemptyboxes.com www.maxlugavere.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
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    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

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    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    How Trevor Wallace Makes Millions From Comedy

    How Trevor Wallace Makes Millions From Comedy

    In this podcast episode, Trevor Wallace sits down with the host to discuss the business behind some of the most viral sketches on the internet, as well as where he finds his inspiration and how he is able to do practically anything he wants. They also delve into Trevor's journey from YouTube to live performances and the success he has found in the world of comedy.

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    Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ...

    For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: Graham@Night.co


    MY NEW COFFEE IS NOW FOR SALE: http://www.bankrollcoffee.com/

    The Equipment used: https://tinyurl.com/y78py5g2

    Audio Equipment Used In Podcast:

    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    Thank you Arjun Krishna and ChatGPT for the timestamps:

    (00:00) - Intro: Introducing Trevor Wallace, a Comedian and YouTuber

    (00:04:55) - Trevor's Early Days in Stand-Up Comedy and the Impact of Vine

    (00:08:28) - The Challenges of Making a Living as a Stand-Up Comedian

    (00:12:32) - Creating and Monetizing Online Content

    (00:18:11) - Trevor's First Big Paycheck from Facebook

    (00:21:04) - Quitting a Day Job to Pursue Comedy Full-Time

    (00:25:01) - The Importance of Building a Catalog of Work

    (00:30:34) - Trevor's Approach to Social Media and Personal Branding

    (00:34:42) - Trevor's Experience with Demonetization and Dealing with Negative Comments

    (00:38:56) - The Role of Authenticity in Comedy and Personal Branding

    (00:47:20) - Advice for Aspiring Comedians and Creators

    The YouTube Creator Academy:  

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.