
    5/12/22: Inflation Numbers, Ukraine Military Aid, Journalist Killed, Overdose Deaths, MSNBC Turmoil, Left Infighting, & More!

    enMay 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcasts and Alternative News Sources Offer Valuable InsightsInfluential women share stories and perspectives through podcasts while alternative news sources provide in-depth coverage on critical issues, helping listeners navigate complex topics and make informed decisions.

      Influential women from various backgrounds are sharing their stories and perspectives through podcasts like Rachel Zoe's "Climbing in Heels," Tamika D. Mallory and her son's "TMI," and Tiffany Cross's "Across Generations." These podcasts cover a range of topics from fashion and beauty to social and civil rights issues, politics, and intergenerational conversations. Meanwhile, news outlets are reporting on critical issues such as inflation, global conflicts, and public health crises, with some providing misleading narratives. Amidst these challenges, podcasts and alternative news sources offer valuable insights and discussions that help listeners navigate complex issues and make informed decisions. To support these initiatives and gain access to in-depth coverage, consider becoming a premium member of trusted news sources like Breaking Points.

    • Households Face Significant Hardships Amid Rising InflationRising inflation is causing hardships for households due to increased prices in essential categories like food, rent, and gas. The administration's response and supply chain issues have complicated the situation, leading to prolonged hardships with potential economic consequences.

      The current economic situation, as outlined in the latest inflation report, is causing significant hardships for households due to rising prices in essential categories such as food, rent, and gas. The administration's response has been criticized for not addressing these basic expenses adequately. The situation is further complicated by supply chain issues and increased demand, leading to price increases in various categories. The psychological impact of inflation, including a sense of powerlessness and uncertainty, adds to the challenge. The situation is expected to persist for an extended period, with potential economic ramifications including increased interest rates and potential recession. The historical context of high inflation and its impact on people's lives provides a reminder of the seriousness of the current situation.

    • Impact of Economic Instability on Future GenerationsThe current economic instability is expected to significantly impact future generations, with personal experiences of inflation and abandoned homes serving as reminders of the Great Recession. The psychological and financial consequences of crises are increasing, and young people are turning away from the Democratic party due to a sense of broken promises.

      The current economic instability, including inflation, is expected to have a profound impact on future generations, much like the Great Recession did. This was emphasized through personal experiences of significant price increases and the legacy of abandoned homes, as well as the generational impact of the Great Depression on frugality. The speaker also noted the increasing frequency of crises and their potential psychological and financial consequences for individuals. Furthermore, the speaker discussed the declining support for the Democratic party among young people due to a sense of broken promises and the impact of inflation on their lives. The administration's response to inflation, as outlined in a recent address by President Biden, was also mentioned.

    • A debate on inflation: Administration vs. RepublicansThe interview discussed the administration's efforts to lower costs for Americans amidst inflation, while criticizing the Republicans' unpopular plan and lack of detail. The interviewee expressed concern over the impact of inflation on everyday life and the need for urgent action.

      The discussion between the interviewee and the host revolved around the issue of inflation and the differing approaches of the current administration and the Republican party to address it. The interviewee shared their personal experience of feeling the impact of inflation and emphasized the administration's efforts to lower costs for Americans, such as releasing oil from stockpiles. They criticized the Republican plan as unpopular and detrimental to social welfare programs. The host pointed out the lack of detail and confidence in the president's speech, and the limited impact of previous actions. They also highlighted the disconnect between politicians and the average American's understanding of the inflation issue. The conversation ended with a critique of the lack of urgency and action from the administration and the bafflement of the interviewee towards the apparent obliviousness of some politicians to the severity of the inflation problem.

    • Politicians vs Americans on InflationAmericans are feeling the impact of inflation, regardless of politicians' explanations, and recognize the role of supply issues

      While some politicians may be oblivious to the rising costs of living due to their wealth, many Americans are feeling the pinch of inflation in their daily lives. The pandemic and supply chain disruptions are widely agreed upon as causes, but there is less agreement on the role of corporations and government policies like the American Rescue Plan and the war in Ukraine. Despite the administration's attempts to blame external factors, most Americans recognize the supply problem and understand that inflation was on the rise before these events. Ultimately, Americans are not stupid and are aware that the cost of living is a significant issue, regardless of the administration's explanations.

    • Corporations hoarding profits fueling inflationOver half of recent price increases in nonfinancial corporations are going to profits, not wages, contributing to inflation crisis

      Corporations with monopoly power are significantly contributing to the current inflation crisis by raising prices excessively, while wages have not kept up. According to Stoller, 54% of recent price increases in the nonfinancial corporate sector are going to corporate profits, compared to only 8% to labor. This trend is not due to wage increases, but rather corporate price gouging. The Biden administration could focus more on addressing this issue, which is within their control, instead of solely blaming COVID supply chain disruptions and Putin's price hike. Additionally, the administration could take action to alleviate other economic crises, such as the baby formula shortage, by invoking the Defense Production Act and importing formula from other countries. Instead, they have done little to nothing in response.

    • Baby formula crisis and military aid raise concerns about free market failures and government spendingThe baby formula crisis and military aid to Ukraine underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in government spending, as both situations highlight potential failures of free market capitalism and the concentration of power in the hands of a single individual.

      The current crisis with baby formula availability in the United States highlights the failure of radical free market capitalism to deliver on its promises. Prices have increased despite jobs being shipped overseas, leaving many families in a difficult situation. Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine has led to a significant increase in military aid, giving the president the authority to send military equipment without congressional approval. This raises questions about the use of funds and the concentration of power in the hands of a single individual. The baby formula crisis and the military aid to Ukraine are two separate issues, but both serve as reminders of the need for transparency and accountability in government spending. The lack of affordability and availability of essential goods, such as baby formula, and the potential misuse of large sums of money in military aid are clear instances of issues that require immediate attention and action.

    • Congress Debate: Defense Spending vs Domestic NeedsCongress should prioritize more debate and consideration when making large-scale funding decisions, especially concerning defense spending vs domestic needs.

      During a debate in Congress regarding funding for Ukraine and domestic issues like baby formula, Marjorie Taylor Greene raised concerns about the prioritization of defense spending over domestic needs. Greene criticized the lack of dissent and debate in Congress, particularly from Democrats, and pointed out the significant amount of funds being allocated for defense contracts and potential offensive weapons without public debate. She also highlighted the contrast between the ease of passing defense funding and the difficulty of passing COVID-related funding for domestic needs. The discussion underscores the need for more debate and consideration of the strategic aims and consequences of large-scale funding decisions in Congress.

    • US Defense Industry Benefits from Ukraine-Russia ConflictThe $40 billion military aid package for Ukraine leads to defense industry growth, but comes at the cost of other priorities like Taiwan's weapons purchases and the US semiconductor crisis.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has significant downstream effects beyond the immediate military involvement. The defense industry in the US stands to benefit from the situation, as large sums of money are being allocated for military aid. This comes at the expense of other areas, such as Taiwan's attempts to purchase weapons and the ongoing semiconductor crisis in the US. The pressure on Ukraine to continue fighting, rather than negotiating peace, raises questions about the long-term consequences and the lack of public debate on the matter. Ultimately, the $40 billion aid package represents a larger policy of keeping the war with Russia going, and it's important for the public and their representatives to consider the implications of this ongoing conflict.

    • Israeli military kills Palestinian-American journalist despite her press credentialsThe unequal treatment of conflicts and causes by media and international community, based on the parties involved, was highlighted when Israeli military killed Palestinian-American journalist Shereen Abu Akhla, despite her press credentials. The international community and media must hold all parties accountable for targeting and killing journalists.

      The killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shereen Abu Akhla in the West Bank, while reporting on an Israeli raid, highlights the unequal treatment of conflicts and causes by the media and international community, depending on the parties involved. Abu Akhla, a prominent journalist known for her reporting on the Palestinian cause, was shot and killed despite being in a press jacket and helmet, and alerting the Israeli military of her presence. Multiple eyewitnesses and journalists on the scene reported that the shooting came from the Israeli military. Al Jazeera, the network Abu Akhla worked for, condemned the killing as a "blatant murder" and called for accountability. The Israeli military initially suggested that armed Palestinians were responsible, but later walked back their statement and admitted there was no evidence to support their claim. This incident is not an isolated one, as Israel has a history of targeting journalists and journalistic outlets. The international community and media must hold all parties accountable for the targeting and killing of journalists, regardless of the political context.

    • Israel targeting civilians, including journalists, during conflicts raises concernsThe alleged killing of American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh highlights the need for thorough investigations into civilian casualties during conflicts and impartial media coverage.

      There are serious concerns about Israel targeting civilians, including journalists, during conflicts, as evidenced by the UN report following the 2018 Great March of Return and recent events. The alleged killing of American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has raised questions due to inconsistencies in the IDF's initial statement and conflicting reports about the location and source of gunfire. The media coverage of this incident has been criticized for its neutral language, which some argue takes a biased stance. The killing of Abu Akleh, an American citizen and journalist, should be condemned and investigated thoroughly, regardless of her nationality or affiliation. The media's handling of this incident and the overall coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should strive for accuracy and impartiality.

    • Impunity for conflicts and atrocities at the UN, particularly towards IsraelDespite the selective focus on conflicts and atrocities at the UN, the lack of accountability for those involved perpetuates a cycle of impunity. Meanwhile, in the US, the opioid crisis worsens due to the ongoing war on drugs and prohibition, leading to record-breaking deaths from overdoses.

      The selectivity of conflicts and atrocities brought to the American public for outrage often comes with a lack of accountability for those involved, particularly in the case of Israel at the UN. This situation is sad and perpetuates a cycle of impunity. Meanwhile, in the US, the opioid crisis continues to worsen, with a record-breaking 108,000 Americans dying of drug overdoses in 2021. The pandemic has contributed to this increase, but it's not the sole cause. The ubiquity of fentanyl in counterfeit pills, which people mistakenly believe to be prescription drugs, is a major factor. This tragic situation is a result of both the ongoing war on drugs and the prevalence of prohibition, which leads people to seek out dangerous alternatives when they can no longer obtain prescription medications. The consequences are often fatal.

    • Portugal's decriminalization approach to drugsDecriminalizing drugs and requiring users to seek treatment can reduce addiction and overdose deaths.

      The current war on drugs and the associated policies are not effective in reducing addiction or overdose deaths. A potential solution could be adopting a model like Portugal's, where drugs are decriminalized but users are required to seek treatment. This approach, which focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment, has been successful in reducing addiction and overdose deaths in Portugal. Another harm reduction measure that could be implemented is making it easier for people to test their drugs to ensure they're not taking dangerous substances like Fentanyl. However, it's important to note that not all drug users may be interested in seeking help or avoiding dangerous substances, and more research and resources are needed to effectively address the complex issue of drug addiction.

    • The pandemic's impact on substance use and mental healthThe pandemic has led to a surge in substance use, particularly alcohol, due to loneliness and disconnection. Not enough attention is being paid to this issue, despite it being a leading cause of death.

      The pandemic has led to a significant increase in substance use, including alcohol, which has resulted in a catastrophic number of deaths. The speaker emphasized that alcohol use is often a coping mechanism for loneliness and disconnection, which have also risen during the pandemic. He argued that not enough attention is being paid to the issue of alcohol use and its consequences, despite it being a leading cause of death. The speaker also discussed the case of Simone Sanders, who worked for Bernie Sanders and then Joe Biden, and now has a show on MSNBC. Sanders was among staffers who left Kamala Harris's office due to a reportedly toxic work environment. The speaker provided data on Sanders' debut show on MSNBC. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of addressing substance use and its underlying causes, particularly in the context of the pandemic and its impact on mental health and social connections.

    • MSNBC's New Show with Symone Sanders Underperforms in ViewershipMSNBC's new show with Symone Sanders drew only 29,000 viewers in the key demographic, while Fox's competitor had 134,000 more viewers. The network's attempts at new shows have been lackluster, and the liberal audience has multiple options for news consumption, making it harder for MSNBC to monopolize their viewership.

      The debut of Symone Sanders' show on MSNBC drew only 29,000 viewers in the key demographic for advertisers, while Fox's competitor in the same time slot had 163,000 viewers. Sanders, who worked in the Biden administration before joining MSNBC, promised to tell it like it is but delivered a fluffy interview with Dr. Jill Biden. MSNBC is struggling to find its identity without Rachel Maddow, who has been absent due to various projects. The network's attempts at new shows have been lackluster, and the liberal audience has multiple options for news consumption, making it harder for MSNBC to monopolize their viewership like Fox does with the conservative base. The lack of interest in another hour of pro-Biden propaganda suggests that Jen Psaki's upcoming MSNBC show may also struggle to attract viewers.

    • Exposing the inaccuracies in '2,000 Mules'The movie '2,000 Mules' by Dinesh D'Souza contains numerous errors, lies, and conjecture, and lacks solid evidence to support its claim of a massive election rigging scheme.

      The movie "2,000 Mules" by Dinesh D'Souza, which claims to expose a massive election rigging scheme, is filled with errors, lies, and conjecture. The movie's theory that thousands of people were involved in vote rigging in key swing states is implausible and lacks solid evidence. The data used in the movie, gathered by the conservative nonprofit True The Vote, is not precise and has been debunked in several instances. The video footage presented as evidence is not sinister and does not prove any wrongdoing. Overall, the movie is a dishonest attempt to persuade true believers to part with their money, feeding into the perpetual MAGA grift. It's important to critically evaluate claims and not be swayed by sensationalized and misleading information.

    • Allegations of voter fraud in '2000 Mules' documentary lack clear evidenceThe '2000 Mules' documentary makes serious allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections, but fails to provide clear evidence to support these claims.

      The documentary "2000 Mules" makes numerous allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections, particularly focusing on the use of "mules" to harvest and drop off multiple ballots in drop boxes. However, the documentary fails to provide clear evidence for these claims and often presents innocent actions in a sinister light. For instance, dropping off multiple ballots for family members, wearing gloves, or taking pictures are all presented as proof of illegal activities, but alternative explanations exist. Moreover, the documentary does not show any instances of individuals making multiple ballot drops, despite alleging that thousands did so. Several investigations, including one by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, found no evidence of fraud in the reviewed instances. The shift in vote totals towards Joe Biden as the night progressed was also predicted and explained by honest actors, and was not evidence of fraud. The cell phone data presented in the documentary is strange, circumstantial, and based on outright lies, and should be disregarded. In summary, the documentary "2000 Mules" fails to provide clear evidence for its claims of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections.

    • Unfounded claims of voter fraud in '2000 Mules' documentaryThe '2000 Mules' documentary lacks evidence for its claims of widespread voter fraud and the filmmaker himself committed election violations. Media missed asking meaningful questions about Biden's inflation speech.

      The claims made in the "2000 Mules" documentary about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential election are unfounded. The film does not provide evidence of individuals making multiple ballot drops, as claimed. Instead, the only proven election violations came from the filmmaker himself. It's disappointing that those promoting the film are exploiting people's mistrust in American institutions for profit. In the same vein, during Joe Biden's speech on inflation, the media missed an opportunity to ask meaningful questions about his plans to address the issue. Instead, they asked why he wasn't asking Americans to consume less, which is a scarcity mindset and an elitist approach. It's the government's responsibility to take action on pressing issues, and instead, they've left people feeling abandoned.

    • Media's focus on superficial solutions overlooks root causes of inflationThe media's emphasis on reducing personal consumption and removing tariffs as solutions to inflation ignores the need for self-sufficiency and domestic production to address the issue. American vulnerability to crises and reliance on foreign imports require a more substantial response.

      The media's focus on superficial solutions, such as reducing personal consumption or removing tariffs, to address inflation overlooks the root causes of the issue. The lack of American industry and self-sufficiency, exacerbated by decades of inaction, has left the country vulnerable to crises and reliant on foreign imports. The media's pressure on Biden to cut tariffs would only benefit China and corporations at the expense of American businesses and consumers. A more substantial response, such as increasing domestic production and industry, is necessary to build resilience and effectively combat inflation. Additionally, the failure of the media to hold Biden accountable for more substantial actions and the public's focus on divisive issues, like abortion, perpetuates a politically languishing state and allows corruption and idiocy to rule.

    • Conflicts in Progressive Campaigns: The Case of Brandi BrooksThe ability of progressive organizations and campaigns to handle internal conflicts and maintain functionality is crucial for success. Personal relationships and accountability can be complex issues in this context.

      The ability of progressive organizations and campaigns to function effectively and navigate internal conflicts remains an open question. The discussion around the campaign of Brandi Brooks, a Democratic candidate, highlights this issue. Brooks, who had the support of local DSA branches, was accused of creating a hostile workplace by a unionized employee due to an inappropriate comment made during a personal conversation. Despite acknowledging her mistake and undergoing mediation, the employee felt the situation did not improve. The incident raises questions about accountability and the blurred lines between personal and professional relationships in campaigns. The outcome of this situation could impact the broader progressive movement's ability to build and maintain functional organizations and win power.

    • Individual Values vs. Collective Goals in PoliticsPolitical campaigns should prioritize collective goals over individual values for the betterment of the community, as individualistic mindset can hinder progress.

      There is a deep-rooted issue within the political left regarding the belief in the possibility of common projects and the prioritization of individual values over collective goals. The case of a campaign staffer's resignation and subsequent rumors of sexual misconduct serves as an example of this issue. The staffer, who felt strongly against workplace harassment, resigned from the campaign, leading to the withdrawal of endorsements from progressive groups. However, the focus on individual endorsements and values overlooks the larger goal of benefiting the community. This individualistic mindset, which is embedded in structures of capitalism and neoliberalism, can hinder the progress of political projects. The DSA's consistent stance that nobody has a right to their endorsement is a step towards recognizing the importance of collective goals over individual rights. It's crucial to remember that political campaigns are about improving the lives of large groups of people and not just about individual values or endorsements.

    • Rushing to judgment can harm individualsProper investigation is crucial before making definitive statements to ensure fairness and accuracy.

      The rush to judgment and public denouncement without proper investigation can lead to misunderstandings and harm to individuals, especially within political movements. This was highlighted in a discussion about the handling of allegations against political candidates. While living one's values is important, it should not come at the cost of due process and thorough investigation. The example of a political candidate, Aaron Coleman, was given, where an investigation was conducted after initial allegations, and the findings led to the public acknowledgement of his wrongdoings. The importance of investigating before making definitive statements was emphasized, as it allows for a fair and accurate understanding of the situation.

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    • As many others believe, Peter thinks Covid has actually been more damaging for society and a disaster for the economy than it has been a health issue. You can’t consume if you don’t produce and this has been one of the issues with government policies ‘patching up’ the economic shortfalls and delaying the inevitable. 
    • Peter Schiff earned the title of Dr Doom in 2005 when he was predicting a massive economic crisis. It turns out he was right, he was really Dr Reality and he now predicts another imminent crash.
    • If you recognise the state of the economy right now and understand what is going to happen in the near future you can position yourself to at least ride the storm and potentially even profit from what is going to happen. There are always some winners in economic crisis’s, fortunes can be made.
    • When money originated, it was created out of metal, it had real value. The devaluation of money started in the 1970’s, what we now use as money isn’t a real ‘commodity’. Eventually with the printing of money that is widespread in many western economies the trust in it will disappear and that’s when we will be in real trouble. It sounds extreme but It’s not unprecedented, many countries that have been wealthy in the past have devalued their currency.
    • Although Peter has ran under the Republican party previously he actually aligns himself as a Libertarian. He believes at the moment both the Republicans and Democrats are in difficult places and aren’t true to their core belief systems.
    • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies have had a lot of hype the past couple of years. Peter thinks they have had their day and will start to drop. He advises people to get out of bitcoin and other crytpos now.
    • People will take opportunities and liberties where they can. Peter doesn’t blame the likes of Elon Musk and other billionaires for not paying more tax, he blames the government and the policies that allow this.


     “More people have left the workforce to actually avoid covid than if they had actually come down with it”

    “You’ve got to look at reality and not what the government is telling you”

    “The world has been supporting the United States for decades”

    “Money needs to be a creature of the free market, it needs to be produced by the market not the government”

    “A lot of people are going to be wiped out on the way down in crypto and the leverage is really going to accelerate the collapse”

    “History has always shown that it’s better to have the private sector invest money and the government spend money”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Transcript for this week’s episode.


    Eric’s Twitter: @EricMLeeper

    Eric’s UVA profile

    Eric’s Mercatus profile


    David Beckworth’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

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    Related Links:


    *A Fiscal Accounting of COVID Inflation* by Eric Leeper and Joe Anderson


    *Fiscal Dominance—What It Is and How It Threatens Inflation Control* by Eric Leeper


    *Three World Wars: Fiscal-Monetary Consequences* by George Hall and Thomas Sargent


    *The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level With a Bubble* by Markus Brunnermeier, Sebastian Merkel, and Yuliy Sannikov


    *George Hall on the History of the U.S. National Debt and Government Financing* by Macro Musings

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    • The evidence is that tax is as old as civilisation itself. There has been examples of voluntary taxation, such as Ancient Greece. But in the modern world it is forced.
    • Privatisation of state services isn’t a solution as it is usually a monopoly so prices are high and value is low for consumers.
    • The first thing people spend money on after essentials is on self-improvement, on education. The free market provided the means for people to learn.
    • If you look at any event in history you will find a tax story behind it, including the right for women to vote; it meant they would then pay taxes.
    • Dominic believes that the lockdowns and restriction over covid were too much and caused more damage than they prevented. It’s ruined lives and businesses. However, it has also accelerated some more positive aspects of life, including remote working.
    • Dominic said that the world economic forum is awful. He doesn’t agree with the viewpoints that this group project.
    • Dominic believes we should replace as many taxes as possible and just have one flat, single tax based around land and transparency. 


    “It was intended for the rich but it impacted the poor the most”

    “Fix money, fix the world”

    “You’re seeing a new rise of a workforce that’s harder to tax”

    “I don’t believe in that Blairite world view”







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Dan Bongino Labor Day Special

    Dan Bongino Labor Day Special
    Appropriately for Labor Day, Dan goes off on the benefits of having a job. Next he has an epic rant about why you don't need to be paying for other people's student loans. Then, he gives a great lesson on how words are about power and control. Finally, an epic rant about how we are led by idiots. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices