
    505 Justin Baldoni: Redefining Masculinity and Overcoming Ego

    enJuly 03, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Being a Man of ValueJustin Baldoni, an actor, director, and social entrepreneur, emphasizes the importance of being a man of value over a man of success, using one's platform for good, and finding balance between our lower and higher nature.

      The importance of becoming a man of value over a man of success, as Albert Einstein once said. Our guest, Justin Baldoni, is an exemplary figure of this concept. He is an actor, director, and social entrepreneur who has used his platform to create positive change through projects like the Skid Row Carnival for the homeless community in Los Angeles. Justin encourages using one's audience for maximum good and finding balance between our lower and higher nature. The conversation also touched on the evolution of masculinity and owning self-worth. Overall, the interview highlights the power of making a difference in the world and aligning with values that go beyond personal success.

    • A powerful tool for creating connections and joy on Skid RowThe Carnival on Skid Row shows how small acts of kindness can create meaningful connections and bring about positive change, reminding us that everyone deserves to be seen and valued.

      The Carnival on Skid Row is more than just an event; it's a powerful tool for creating connections and bringing joy to those in need. The idea began when the speaker decided to celebrate his birthday on Skid Row, connecting with homeless individuals and providing them with basic necessities. Over time, the event grew, attracting more volunteers and attendees, and transforming into a day where the lines between those experiencing homelessness and those volunteering blurred. The Carnival on Skid Row serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to be seen and valued, and that even small acts of kindness can create meaningful connections and bring about positive change. The speaker's personal journey from feeling isolated on his birthday to creating a community event that brings people together is a testament to the power of service and the importance of human connection.

    • The Carnival on Skid Row: A Powerful Reminder of Young People's Ability to Make a DifferenceThe Carnival on Skid Row demonstrates the immense potential for young people to positively impact their communities by providing essential services and empowering those in need, inspiring others to do the same.

      The Carnival on Skid Row, which started as a way to bring volunteers together to serve the homeless community, has become a powerful reminder of the vast potential for young people to make a difference. The event, which attracts thousands of volunteers, offers essential services and empowers those experiencing homelessness. The organizers aim to expand the initiative with a winter version, bringing real snow and presents to kids in the area. Justin Baldoni's social media presence, with a large female following, is an inspiration, as he consistently uses his platform to provoke thought and encourage meaningful conversations on various topics. The potential for positive impact is immense, and it's essential for those with a large audience to use it responsibly and effectively.

    • Lewis Carroll's Authentic and Intentional Social Media PresenceAuthentic and intentional content can attract a diverse audience, even if it doesn't conform to typical expectations.

      Social media presence can grow organically when content is authentic and intentional, even if it doesn't conform to typical expectations. Lewis Carroll's Instagram following, primarily women, grew unintentionally due to the feminist nature of his show "Jane the Virgin" and his intentional focus on sharing personal moments with his family. Men, who typically follow "manly" figures, found value in his vulnerable and authentic content, leading to quiet expressions of appreciation. Despite initial reluctance, Carroll's unique approach to social media has allowed him to build a platform that gives back and connects with a diverse audience.

    • Seeking truth and being true to oneselfAuthenticity and honesty foster deeper, more resilient connections. Express feelings and emotions when appropriate, and model honesty for younger generations.

      Authenticity and honesty are essential foundations for building meaningful connections, whether in personal relationships or professional endeavors. The speaker shares his personal journey towards seeking truth and being true to himself, which led him to prioritize authentic conversations and vulnerability over conforming to stereotypes or focusing on superficial appearances. He emphasizes that honesty comes in varying degrees and encourages expressing feelings and emotions when appropriate, as we are only here for a short time. The speaker also reflects on the importance of modeling honesty for younger generations, as they naturally embody this quality before learning to repress it. Ultimately, the pursuit of truth and authenticity fosters deeper, more resilient connections and relationships.

    • Acknowledging emotions and authenticity for personal growth and connectionEmbrace emotions, communicate openly, and focus on truth to foster empathy, compassion, and personal growth. Avoid illusions of authenticity and control ego to balance lower and higher nature.

      Embracing vulnerability and authenticity is crucial for personal growth and building connections with others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and experiencing emotions, rather than suppressing them, and the need for open communication. Additionally, she criticizes the illusion of authenticity in media and social media, and calls for a focus on truth and sharing experiences to foster empathy and compassion. Lastly, she touches upon the challenge of balancing the lower and higher nature, specifically addressing the control of ego as a significant hurdle for personal growth.

    • The Pursuit of Success: Struggles, Fears, and BalanceFind balance between healthy and unhealthy ego, embrace spirituality, and be content with what you have to make a difference.

      Success is a relative and ever-changing concept, and the pursuit of it can bring both struggles and fears. Success is not only about personal achievements but also about relevancy and validation from others. The fear of losing relevance and the struggle to maintain it can lead to an unhealthy ego. It's essential to find a balance between a healthy ego and one that's managed, and spirituality, such as prayer and service, can help in this endeavor. Ultimately, success is about being content with where you are and what you have, and being grateful for the opportunities you have to make a difference, regardless of whether or not you're in the spotlight.

    • Overcoming the ego in service and spiritualityTo serve and practice spirituality, overcome the ego by balancing self-interest and serving others, staying authentic and grounded, and finding trusted friends for accountability.

      Practicing service and spirituality requires building the muscle to overcome the ego. The ego, while necessary for our existence and journey, can lead us into dark places if not used for a higher purpose. Service, whether small or large, can inspire others and make a bigger impact when shared. However, it's essential to stay authentic and grounded, remembering that the idea or inspiration comes from something greater than ourselves. The challenge lies in finding the balance between self-serving and serving others, and having trusted friends to keep us accountable. Even in service, the ego can be a test, so it's crucial to stay true and honest.

    • Stay true to purpose and not let ego take overCreating with authenticity and focus on purpose leads to meaningful and impactful results.

      Having a personal connection and being authentic in your endeavors can make all the difference. The speaker, who created a carnival and a documentary series, emphasized the importance of staying true to the purpose of the projects and not letting ego take over. The carnival, for instance, needed a spokesperson, but if it became about the speaker, it would die. Similarly, the documentary series, "My Last Days," was not about people dying, but about people living and making the most of their time. The speaker learned valuable lessons from the people he interviewed, who were making conscious choices to live fully despite their impending deaths. By focusing on service and purpose, the speaker was able to create something meaningful and impactful.

    • Facing mortality brings transformation and authenticityFacing mortality inspires us to cherish life, live fully, and connect with loved ones, eliminating inauthenticity and focusing on leaving a meaningful legacy.

      Facing mortality can bring profound transformation and authenticity. Morrie Schwartz, the subject of Morley Safer's documentary series "My Last Days," imparts the importance of expressing love and being present in life. Safer shares how interviewees, aware of their impending deaths, eliminate inauthenticity and focus on leaving a meaningful legacy. Safer's experience has taught him to cherish life, live fully, and connect with loved ones, rather than dwelling on insignificant matters. Additionally, Safer reflects on his own upbringing and how becoming a husband and father has influenced his perspective on masculinity and the importance of being present for loved ones. To watch Morley Safer's "My Last Days" series, visit CWTV.com for seasons three and four, and SoulPancake.com for season one.

    • Choosing love daily in relationshipsMen need to consciously choose love daily in relationships, balancing priorities and checking ego for true happiness.

      Being a man involves making conscious choices every day in love and relationships, even when it's not easy. My father taught me this lesson through his unwavering love for my mother, despite her quirks and challenges. Marriage and having a child require men to balance multiple priorities and check their ego, but the harder choice is to show up every day and choose love. The perception of perfection in relationships is a myth, and true happiness comes from actively choosing it. My father's love for our family was the definition of masculinity that I needed, and it challenged my preconceived notions of what it means to be a man.

    • Finding Contentment and GratitudeFocus on being content and grateful for what we have, detach from material possessions, prioritize relationships, practice prayer, and find balance between work and personal life to cultivate abundance.

      Abundance comes from being content and grateful for what we have, rather than focusing on what we lack. The speaker emphasizes the importance of detachment from material possessions and being present in our relationships, especially with family and friends. She also highlights the importance of prayer and finding balance between work and personal life. Despite striving for improvement, it's essential to remember that our worth is not defined by our success or possessions. The speaker shares her personal struggles and how she copes with them by focusing on love and finding time for what truly matters.

    • Redefining Manhood: Compassion, Empathy, and VulnerabilityMen should aim for balance and embody both masculine and feminine traits for a healthier, happier, and more equal world. Being vulnerable and open is possible and desirable, not a weakness.

      Redefining manhood and embracing traditionally feminine qualities like compassion, empathy, and vulnerability are essential for creating a healthier, happier, and more equal world. According to our conversation, this shift is necessary as we move away from destructive masculinity based on force and power. The speaker believes that men should aim for moderation and balance, embodying both masculine and feminine traits. His personal mission is to show that being vulnerable, open, and supportive while maintaining a strong and manly appearance is not only possible but desirable. His commitment to this message stems from his faith and the belief that it's the foundation for positive change.

    • Men's role in achieving gender equalityWomen and men need to work together towards balance, with men embracing feminine qualities and women recognizing masculine strengths. God created us equal, and it's essential for men to recognize and embrace this equality.

      Achieving gender equality requires the involvement and support of men. The speaker believes that women, particularly those who have been mothers, would prioritize eliminating hunger and ensuring balance between masculine and feminine qualities if they were ruling the world. However, she acknowledges that women are not without egos or masculine qualities, and that both genders need to work together towards balance. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of men being vulnerable and open to feminine qualities, and the need for positive role models of masculinity. She argues that God created men and women equal, and that it's essential for men to recognize and embrace this equality. The speaker's goal is to make these conversations more mainstream and to encourage men to be vulnerable and open to change, recognizing that they too can learn and grow from their mistakes.

    • Learning from imperfect role modelsImperfect role models can teach valuable lessons for personal growth. Men often struggle to communicate openly, but creating a supportive environment can lead to greater understanding and accountability. No one is perfect, and learning from each other's mistakes is essential for growth.

      Having imperfect role models who openly share their mistakes and vulnerabilities can provide valuable wisdom and lessons for personal growth. Men often struggle to communicate openly due to fear of judgment or rejection, but creating a supportive environment for sharing experiences can lead to greater understanding and accountability. It's important to remember that no one is perfect and that learning from each other's mistakes is an essential part of being a man. By fostering open communication and creating safe spaces for men to share their experiences, we can help break down the barriers that prevent men from connecting and growing together.

    • Living for the betterment of mankind and embracing loveEmbrace life's truths: live selflessly, love deeply, and live in the present to make a positive impact on the world.

      Our lives are not just our own, but a shared experience with the world. We have a unique gift to contribute to the betterment of mankind and should not spend our entire lives living for ourselves. Another important truth is to become friends with dying and live purposefully, truthfully, and in the present. Lastly, do not be afraid to love, as love is the foundation of life itself. These truths, derived from the lessons of growing up, creating content, being a father, and more, can inspire us to live intentionally and make a positive impact on the world. Connect with Justin Baldoni, a purposeful content creator, on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook (@JustinBaldoni) to learn more and engage in meaningful conversations.

    • Be a Human of Value and Spread LoveStrive to be a person of value by spreading love and positivity in our lives, not just successful.

      Love is a powerful force that should be actively present in our lives. It's not just about romantic love, but also about friendship and kindness towards strangers. Love is a way of being and can make a significant difference in the world if we remember to practice it every day. Justin Baldoni, an inspiring figure, embodies this concept and sets an example for greatness through his actions, words, and compassionate heart. Greatness, according to Baldoni, comes from being a person of value, not just a successful one. So, let's strive to be humans of value and spread love and positivity in our lives. Share this message with your friends and help us spread the word. #BeAHumanOfValue #SpreadLove #Greatness. Check out the full video and resources at LewisHouse.com/505.

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    Caught in our thoughts we feel that we know what's going on, and respond accordingly. Instead of paying precious attention to what's right in front of us, our attention is caught and trapped by our endless obsessions. What a pity. Our trapped attention hasn't a chance, can't breathe, live or even see the beautiful sun that is just waiting for peek out behind the clouds and warm the entire sky. If we don't see it, how can we receive the light and warmth? When asked what Zen practice truly is, a great teacher said, "Attention." The student answered, "That's all?" The Zen Master replied, "Attention, Attention, Attention." Reclaim your attention, really look and you will see the answer for yourself.



    Usually whatever happens we want to change it, fix it, do something about it. We want to control our experience, take charge and even dominate it. When we react in this manner, we are always looking for what's wrong. Our day becomes a battle between one problem and another. Rather than just "allowing" the day to appear as it does, for experiences to come and go, everything becomes a power struggle. We are desperate to make everything as "we like it" and to push away what we consider unpleasant.  This approach to life, makes us tense, angry and often feeling like a failure. There is a radically simple and yet wonderful way to release this on going stress. Engage in the great act of "allowing".. Allow each person to be who they are, allow each moment to do what it does. Become a beholder and allow life to live.  As we do this, things open up, come and go naturally. They reveal who they are and what they truly want of us. And in the process harmony and well rule the day.  



    So often we go searching wildly  for something we think we lack. Suddenly, we want it badly, and we'll do everything we can to find it, look everywhere. Hours can go by as we engage in the search,  even days.  Perhaps we are reading a book and an idea hits us. We feel we must know more, find another book with more information about it.  Swept away in the search it is easy to forget where we are right now, and what is here, right under our eyes. Even though we may be holding the book in our hand, we never think of turning the page. The very next page, and the ones that follow may contain all that we are hungering for.  The other day this happened to me. Hours passed as I searched everywhere and put the book I had down beside me.  Hours later I returned to the book, picked up where I'd left off and to my amazement, found all I needed, and more,  right there.  How often this happens in our life. So important to stay right where we are and see what we find when we just turn the page.



    Many of us become so disappointed in ourselves, thinking of all the times we've messed up. Of course, we hide it, pretend it's not happening, and judge ourselves and others harshly.  We focus on all we've done wrong in our lives, rather than what the outcome of our errors could be. . However, from the Zen point of view, everything is needed. All times of confusion, error, sorrow and other  unwanted experiences are the mud of our life. But without the mud, a flower cannot bloom. All trees, flowers, bushes, have deep roots in the mud, which nourish them.  In the same way, the hard times in our lives and our mistakes can fertilize the wonderful growth and compassion we are capable. When we see how the mud and lotus flower are interconnected, a new horizon opens wide. No need to hate or blame ourselves or others. Just see what we can learn from the mud under our feet, how it can support real growth, love and wisdom.