
    506 Lilly Singh: Becoming Your Own Superhero Bawse

    enJuly 05, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Lilly Singh's Inspiring Journey to YouTube SuccessLilly Singh, aka Superwoman, shares her experiences with depression, importance of excellence, being the least knowledgeable person, and sharing wealth. YouTube is a great platform for actors and content creators.

      That Lilly Singh, also known as Superwoman, is an incredibly successful and inspiring individual who has overcome challenges, including severe depression, to achieve greatness on YouTube. She emphasizes the importance of being obsessed with excellence, being okay with being the least knowledgeable person on your team, and sharing your wealth with others. Lilly also shares that YouTube is an excellent platform for actors and content creators. Despite sharing openly about her life on her YouTube channel, she revealed new insights during this interview, making it one of the best she's ever done. As a reminder, if you want a chance to be the fan and review of the week, leave a review on your preferred podcast platform. Don't forget to tag @lewishouse and @superwoman on social media and share your thoughts while listening.

    • Recognizing and Appreciating Different Forms of StrengthAcknowledge accomplishments, learn from past experiences, and embrace personal growth, including both mental and physical strength.

      Strength comes in various forms, and it's essential to acknowledge and appreciate both mental and physical strength. The speaker shares her experience of being physically strong, which she discovered through her stubbornness and independence. She also emphasizes the importance of acknowledging accomplishments and learning from past experiences. The speaker, who is an author and influencer, discusses her journey of self-discovery and how she learned that life isn't always linear. She encourages recognizing achievements and embracing various aspects of personal growth. The greatest lesson she's learned is the importance of breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing the non-linear journey of life.

    • Importance of self-growth beyond educationEducation doesn't cover self-love, mental health, and personal growth. It's essential to prioritize intentional effort towards inner peace and self-reflection.

      While education is important, it doesn't teach us everything we need to know about ourselves and our personal growth. The speaker shares how they felt unprepared for dealing with depression during their university years, as they hadn't learned about the importance of mental health, self-love, or working on their values and beliefs. They also felt stifled by societal expectations to choose a career path and abandon their creative pursuits. The speaker emphasizes that these aspects of life require intentional effort and self-reflection, which isn't taught in schools or by parents, especially if they haven't had those opportunities themselves. It's crucial to acknowledge and work on our inner peace, self-love, and personal growth to lead fulfilling lives.

    • The power of open communication and vulnerabilityBeing vulnerable and open with loved ones can lead to deeper connections and stronger relationships.

      Open communication and vulnerability can lead to stronger relationships, especially with family members. The speaker shared how they went through a dark period in their life and felt disconnected from their parents due to a lack of openness and communication. However, when they finally opened up and shared their deepest fears and pain, their relationship transformed into a profound bond. This experience taught the speaker the importance of being vulnerable and understanding others through their experiences. It's essential to remember that everyone goes through challenges, and open communication can help build a deeper level of trust, acceptance, and connection.

    • Lessons from parentsParents shape us with their experiences and values, inspiring us to persevere and succeed through their own adversity and achievements.

      The most influential people in our lives often come from our closest relationships, such as parents. For the speaker, they draw inspiration and lessons from both their mother and father. Their mother, who faced more adversity, taught them to be outspoken and persevere, while their father, a successful businessman, taught them valuable business skills. The speaker's high level of work ethic and hustle, which can be both a strength and a challenge, is a trait they inherited from their mother. Despite the time and energy they put into everything they do, they remain driven to make each task the best it can be.

    • Finding Inspiration and Filling the VoidStrive for productivity and self-improvement, be inspired by others but focus on unique voice, recognize self-worth and credit in achievements, and unleash creativity to make a living.

      We should strive for productivity and being the best version of ourselves, filling the void left by those who inspire us. The speaker shares her obsession with productivity and being inspired, watching TV shows not for relaxation but to get inspired. She wants to fill the void left by Lilly Singh, rather than being compared to others based on superficial qualities. The speaker also mentions the influence of Pharrell Williams, who encouraged her to focus on her unique voice instead of trying to fill someone else's shoes. The speaker's dedication to herself and her past self is a reminder of the importance of self-motivation and self-inspiration. The speaker also mentions the influence of Matthew McConaughey's Oscar speech, where he spoke about chasing the person we want to be in the future. The speaker encourages recognizing the importance of self-credit and self-appreciation in our achievements. The speaker's experience of trying to be creative in university but feeling pressured to be perfect and rarely achieving that, eventually led her to unleash her creativity again and bring it to the world to make a living.

    • Relying too heavily on others for success can lead to frustration and disappointmentUnderstanding everyone's unique priorities and strengths, and embracing collaboration, leads to greater success and enjoyment.

      Relying too heavily on others for success can lead to frustration and disappointment. The speaker's experience with her dance team illustrates this point. She had grand visions of building a dance empire, but her team members had different priorities. This realization came late in her university career when she discovered YouTube and began creating content on her own. She fell in love with the freedom and control she had over her own work, leading to a successful career as a content creator. However, even as her brand grew, she recognized the importance of bringing in talented collaborators to help lighten her workload and improve her content. It's essential to understand that everyone has unique priorities and strengths, and trying to force others to align with our own can lead to unnecessary stress and dissatisfaction. Instead, embracing collaboration and recognizing the value of others' contributions can lead to greater success and enjoyment in our endeavors.

    • Personal work ethic and hustle lead to successMaintaining a strong work ethic and consistent effort, tailored to individual goals, can lead to significant accomplishments.

      Hustle and productivity are key drivers in achieving desired results in life. The speaker shares his personal experience of always having a strong work ethic, even from a young age, which has led him to generate significant accomplishments. He emphasizes that everyone has different goals, and the level of hustle required to reach them may vary. However, for those striving for high levels of success, an obsessive focus and consistent effort are necessary. The speaker acknowledges that this lifestyle can be perceived as unhealthy by some, but ultimately, it's a personal choice based on individual goals. The universe may respect the law of attraction, but a good hustle is even more powerful in shaping one's destiny.

    • Investing in others leads to greater successSuccessful people prioritize relationships and adding value to those around them, leading to a more fulfilling life and greater results.

      Successful people, like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, understand the power of collaboration and investing in others. Johnson's obsession with his craft has led him to exceptional results, but he strives to maintain a balanced life and prioritize relationships and adding value to those around him. This approach to power, focusing on helping others accomplish their goals, leads to greater success and a more fulfilling life. Additionally, the speaker shares her own struggle with delegating and trusting others to contribute to her success. She learned from Johnson's example that everyone brings unique expertise to the table and deserves a fair share of the rewards. By embracing this mindset and focusing on the team, individuals can achieve greater results and overcome internal battles around control and financial distribution.

    • Leveraging Expertise for Personal and Professional GrowthFocusing on strengths and delegating tasks to experts leads to efficient use of time and resources. Embrace teamwork, trust others' expertise, and maintain authenticity for deeper audience connections.

      Recognizing and delegating tasks to experts can help individuals and businesses elevate to new heights. The speaker, who has built a successful brand and career, shares how she was initially resistant to letting go of certain responsibilities, such as contract negotiations and content creation. However, she came to understand that focusing on her strengths and allowing others to excel in theirs leads to more efficient use of time and resources. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledges the importance of letting go of the need for validation through metrics like views or sales. Instead, she encourages creating content with authenticity and purpose, rather than solely for the numbers. This mindset shift has allowed her to maintain her unique voice and connect with her audience on a deeper level. In essence, embracing the power of teamwork and trusting others' expertise can lead to personal and professional growth. Additionally, focusing on the core values and mission of one's work can provide a more fulfilling and meaningful experience.

    • From fan to friend with Dwayne 'The Rock' JohnsonSuccess isn't just about stats, it's about making meaningful connections and inspiring others, even if the impact isn't immediate.

      Success in content creation or any field isn't solely measured by statistics like views or analytics. Instead, it's about making meaningful connections and inspiring others, even if the impact isn't immediate. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up obsessed with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and how he eventually became her mentor and friend. This unexpected relationship taught her that people, even celebrities, can be kind and successful at the same time. The speaker values this lesson deeply and believes that being nice is an essential ingredient for success. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire and make a difference in people's lives, even if it takes time.

    • Defying Expectations and Following PassionsEmbrace uncertainty and pursue your passions to achieve great success, even if it goes against tradition.

      Following your passions and making your own path, even if it goes against tradition, can lead to great success. The Rock, as shared in the conversation, has defied expectations and excelled in various fields such as football, wrestling, acting, and producing. This inspires the speaker to pursue her dreams of becoming a big star and using her talents to help people. However, she also acknowledges the fear of stepping out of her comfort zone and the potential toll it may take on her. Ultimately, the message is to embrace the uncertainty and keep pushing forward towards one's goals.

    • Navigating the complexities of fameMaintaining authentic relationships and staying grounded are crucial in managing fame's challenges, while productivity and problem-solving skills help navigate its complexities.

      Fame comes with its challenges, and maintaining a connection with reality and the ability to have meaningful conversations with anyone, regardless of their familiarity with you, is crucial. The fear of becoming irrelevant while still being relevant in certain circles can be overwhelming. Productivity and problem-solving are essential tools to navigate these complexities, but even with these skills, there are still moments of frustration and a desire for a pause in the chaos. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between embracing fame and staying grounded in authentic relationships.

    • Prioritizing kindness and compassion in the workplaceThis individual emphasizes the importance of treating colleagues well, even in challenging situations, and acknowledges the importance of personal growth and evolving in one's career.

      Being kind and compassionate, even in high-pressure environments, is a priority for this individual. They believe that treating others well is important, even when it may be easier to let rude behavior slide. They shared an example of a disagreement with a colleague over minor details, and how they took the initiative to address the issue and apologize for their own behavior. They also emphasized the importance of acknowledging personal growth and change, and being open to learning and evolving. Lastly, they reflected on the complex relationship they have with their identity as a woman of color in their career, acknowledging that it is a part of who they are, but not always the focus of their experiences or achievements.

    • Finding success in the digital space despite discriminationWomen, especially women of color, can overcome discrimination by striving for success and visibility in their industries, inspiring others to learn and grow in the digital space.

      The digital space, such as YouTube, offers more opportunities for women without the influence of casting directors or gatekeepers, allowing them to express their views freely and build successful careers. However, sexism and other forms of discrimination still exist, particularly in the form of negative comments and unequal perception of strong viewpoints. To truly challenge these issues, women, especially women of color, can aim to become the most successful and visible figures in their respective industries. During the early stages of her YouTube career, Christine found motivation in the challenge of learning new aspects of the platform and the excitement of making her own rules. Her determination to educate others about the digital space ultimately led to her parents and others gaining a better understanding of it.

    • Valuing unique paths and experiencesRecognize different perspectives, embrace courage and love, and value the journeys of others

      Understanding and valuing the unique paths and experiences of others is crucial for growth and connection. Lily shared her journey of pursuing creativity despite initial misunderstanding from her family. She emphasized the importance of recognizing that there is seldom a clear right or wrong, but rather different perspectives. Furthermore, she highlighted the significance of courage and love versus fear and hate in addressing issues. Lastly, she acknowledged the uncertainty of life and encouraged embracing the unknown with the best intentions. Through her story, Lily inspires us to value the journeys of those around us and to approach life with an open heart and mind.

    • Stay true to oneself and bring others alongEmbrace creativity, play, and adventure to excel, stay true to oneself, and bring others along in life.

      Lilly Singh, also known as Superwoman, emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and excelling in areas of value, without holding others back. She defines greatness as moving forward while bringing others along. Lilly encourages her audience to follow her, read her book "How to be a Boss," and share their learning experiences. She also emphasizes the importance of creativity, play, and adventure in living a fulfilling life. To connect with Lilly, follow her on YouTube (youtube.com/lilysing) and social media (@superwoman). Remember, as Pablo Picasso said, every child is an artist. The challenge is staying an artist as we grow up. So, create, design, explore, and adventure to bring your unique gifts to the world. Don't forget to leave a review of this episode on iTunes for a chance to be featured as a review of the week.

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    She oversees a vast portfolio including Seven Bucks Productions, ZOA, Teremana Tequila, the Project Rock line at Under Armour, Acorns, Atom Tickets, and Salt & Straw. Dany shares her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in multiple industries. She discusses her early aspirations, pivotal moments that shaped her career, and her unique approach to success. Dany opens up about personal challenges, including her early divorce from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and how this experience ultimately strengthened their relationship and fueled their growth as business partners today.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The significance of aligning your actions with your ultimate purpose.
    • How to create and protect your unique path to success.
    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    #616 - 800k Q&A - Diary Of A CEO, Alex Hormozi & Body Positivity

    #616 - 800k Q&A - Diary Of A CEO, Alex Hormozi & Body Positivity
    I hit 800k Subscribers on YouTube!! To celebrate, I asked for questions from YouTube, Twitter, Locals and Instagram, so here's another 90 minutes of me trying to answer as many as possible. As always there's some great questions in here about my experience on Steven Bartlett's Diary Of A Ceo, whether I think Alex Hormozi is the new Naval Ravikant and why there's no male body positivity movement. Expect to learn whether I understand females more or less after all the things I've read, my reflections after dealing with depression throughout my 20's, what my attachment style is, how to keep your ego small, if it's harder to find a good partner than in our parents' generation, if I'm grateful for growing up working class, why I'm in love with Crocs and much more... Sponsors: Get 10% discount on Marek Health’s comprehensive blood panels at https://marekhealth.com/modernwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Get 20% discount & free shipping on your Lawnmower 4.0 at https://manscaped.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from Athletic Greens at https://athleticgreens.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Zachary and Miguel from AISHIP.CO created the ChrisBot for me. They can develop all kinds of AI solutions, check them out here - https://aiship.co/  Extra Stuff: Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Tom Bilyeu : ON Breaking Negative Thought Patterns & Stop Being Lazy About Your Growth

    Tom Bilyeu : ON Breaking Negative Thought Patterns & Stop Being Lazy About Your Growth

    What happens when getting rich is your only goal? Jay Shetty and Impact Theory founder Tom Bilyeu sit down to talk about how loving what you do is the key to being able to keep going when things get tough in your business.

    Although Tom started out just wanting to make money, over time he’s learned having an impact and making a difference is what he and wife Lisa really want. Tune into Bilyeu’s story and learn how he transitioned from money maker to impact generator.

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    rock bottom

    rock bottom
    You may have noticed, Emma took a break from YouTube. For a while she was feeling uninspired and lacking creativity, and in this episode gets very introspective as to why she was feeling that way, and how it was casting some really dark clouds over her. Discussions on ways to become inspired again, finding your self-worth, and why hitting rock bottom isn’t the end. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Sara Bareilles: Anxiety, Anger, and Art

    Sara Bareilles: Anxiety, Anger, and Art
    Taming Anxiety Series - Episode 1: Today is a big day here on the podcast, both because we have a fantastic new episode, and because this episode is actually kicking off a series we have been wanting to produce for a long time, called “Taming Anxiety.”   Anxiety is a massive issue in our society. Even before the pandemic, it was on the rise. Now, the situation is even worse. Chances are it has afflicted you or someone you love at some point, on some level: maybe you’ve received an actual diagnosis, like generalized anxiety disorder, or maybe you’re prone to symptoms closer to panic, or perhaps you’re just susceptible to a bit too much garden-variety worrying. Maybe your kids are increasingly anxious. Or maybe, like me, you’ve got a few different items on the menu–some low-level professional freakouts here, some panic attacks in elevators (or on live TV) over there…   Anyway, the bad news is that anxiety is unlikely to disappear overnight. But the good news is that you can change your relationship to it. Hence this two week series we’re launching today. We’ve got two episodes with scientists and one episode with a meditation expert on deck to help you learn to tame your anxiety. And we’ve even got a free meditation challenge over in the Ten Percent Happier app to help you bring these lessons into your practice.   But before we get to that, let me introduce today’s guest. We’re kicking things off with a personal story. Sara Bareilles is a fearsome polymath: a singer, songwriter, composer, actor… the list goes on. She earned Tony and Grammy Award nominations for the Broadway musical Waitress, she’s got a new album out called Amidst the Chaos: Live from the Hollywood Bowl, and she stars in the new Tina Fey-produced series Girls5eva, which is streaming right now on Peacock.    Behind all this artistic and professional success is a meditator who is deliberately open and public about her struggles with anxiety and depression. In this conversation, she talks about: her history of anxiety and depression; the relationship between suffering and art, and whether meditation might defang someone’s creativity; how she works with anger; her relationship to social media; and we get an intimate glimpse into the back-stories behind some of her hit songs.   This is the first episode in our new “Taming Anxiety” series, and there will be an accompanying meditation challenge over in the Ten Percent Happier app. It’s also called “Taming Anxiety,” and it launches next week, on Monday, June 21st. The idea here is that you will be able to use the challenge to integrate everything you’ve learned in the podcast series into your neurons.    Join the Taming Anxiety Challenge by downloading the Ten Percent Happier app: https://10percenthappier.app.link/install. You should be prompted to join the Challenge after registering your account. If you've already downloaded the app, just open it up or visit this link to join: https://10percenthappier.app.link/TamingAnxietyChallenge.    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/sara-bareilles-355 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.