
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Personal Stories and Real Talk in Real EstateThe hosts offer free real estate content, focusing on community building and personal growth, while a guest shares his journey of moving from the UK to the US during COVID-19.

      The hosts of this real estate podcast, Andy Priscilla, offer their content for free, but ask for listeners to share the show in return. They provide value through various show formats, including full-length episodes with guests, Q&A sessions, CTI discussions, and real talk segments. The hosts believe in creating a community where individuals better themselves and the world, rather than filling heads with advertisements. A guest on the show, Dean Stott, shares his personal story of taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation to move his family from the UK to the US, despite the challenges and legal hurdles. The hosts express their excitement about having Dean on the show and look forward to discussing his experiences and insights.

    • Prove others wrong and achieve your goalsDespite facing challenges and setbacks, staying determined and resilient can lead to success

      No matter what others may say, you have the power to prove them wrong and achieve your goals. The speaker, who joined the UK military against his father's wishes, faced many challenges but persevered to become a member of the Special Boat Service. Despite starting as the "grey man" on the course, he stood out for his love of the water and experience as a senior diving instructor. Throughout his career, he faced numerous challenges, including rescue missions during the height of the War on Terror, but ultimately suffered a parachute accident that ended his military career. Despite this setback, his determination and resilience serve as an inspiration to others.

    • From Military to Security Industry: Finding a New PurposeA military injury or identity crisis can lead to uncertainty in civilian life, but the security industry offers diverse opportunities for learning and growth.

      The transition from a military career to civilian life can be challenging, especially when faced with injury or identity crisis. The speaker, a former Special Forces member, shared his experience of being injured and subsequently discharged from the military, leaving him feeling lost and uncertain about his future role in society. He found solace in the security industry, but was concerned about the reliability of large security companies and their overcharging for inadequate crisis management plans. In response, he started his own business, selling customized evacuation plans to the oil and gas sector, which led him to work on sensitive jobs as a civilian that were even more demanding than those he had faced in the military. The diversity of the security industry, from executive protection to consulting and mentoring, provided him with ample opportunities to learn and grow. Despite the challenges, the speaker's resilience and entrepreneurial spirit enabled him to turn his situation around and thrive in his new career.

    • Understanding local context is key to successBuild trust with locals through communication and collaboration, prioritize self-care, and maintain open communication to avoid miscommunications and burnout.

      Success in the security industry, or any challenging field, requires a deep understanding of the local context, politics, and people. This means building trust and respect through communication and collaboration with locals, rather than relying on force or Hollywood-style tactics. Additionally, it's essential to prioritize self-care and maintain open communication with loved ones to avoid burnout and miscommunications. The speaker's experience of evacuating the Canadian Embassy and later working in the security industry illustrates the importance of these principles.

    • Cycling the longest journey and raising awareness for mental healthSetting ambitious goals, learning from past experiences, and adapting strategies can lead to remarkable achievements and positive change.

      Setting ambitious goals and learning from past experiences can lead to remarkable achievements. The speaker, inspired by a desire to change his routine and make a difference, decided to attempt the world record for the longest cycling journey from southern Argentina to northern Alaska. With the support of his wife, they set up a mental health campaign and raised over half a million pounds. The speaker learned valuable lessons from previous record holders and adapted their strategy to start from Argentina instead of Alaska, which proved to be a successful decision. Despite initially aiming for 110 days, the speaker completed the journey in just 99 days, smashing the record by 17 days. The importance of learning from past experiences, evolving, and adapting strategies to overcome challenges was a crucial factor in his success.

    • The Importance of a Strong Support TeamA strong support team is essential for success, even if they're not in the spotlight. Unexpected challenges can arise, but a supportive network helps navigate through them.

      A successful endeavor, whether it's a long-distance bike ride or a special forces mission, relies heavily on the support team behind the scenes. The team members who aren't in the spotlight are just as crucial to the success of the project. The speaker's experience in South America involved dealing with unexpected challenges, such as vehicles getting stuck in shipping containers, team members with hidden agendas, and unexpected role changes. Despite these obstacles, having a strong support team, including his wife Alana, helped him navigate through the situations and keep the project on track. The importance of a strong support network cannot be overstated, and it's essential to recognize and appreciate their contributions.

    • Lessons from a record-breaking cycling attemptFlexibility and resilience are crucial when facing unexpected challenges during goal pursuit.

      Even with a clear objective and meticulous planning, unexpected challenges can arise and force us to adapt and adjust our approach. The speaker in this conversation learned this lesson while attempting to break a cycling record, as he faced numerous obstacles such as extreme weather conditions, security concerns, and shifting timelines. Despite these challenges, he remained focused on his goal and found creative solutions to overcome each obstacle. His experience in the Special Forces also helped him stay adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances. Ultimately, he succeeded in breaking the record, but not in the way he originally planned. This experience highlights the importance of flexibility and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Plans don't survive first contactStay calm and flexible when plans change, focus on the objective, and be open to new possibilities

      Having a perfect plan is an illusion. Plans are essential, but they are not set in stone. The ability to adapt and pivot when things don't go as planned is crucial, especially in challenging situations or entrepreneurship. As the speaker mentioned, plans don't survive first contact, and unexpected obstacles are inevitable. Instead of getting upset or stuck when plans change, it's essential to focus on the objective and find alternative ways to achieve it. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying calm and having flexibility in the face of uncertainty. He also highlighted the importance of not relying too heavily on plans and instead being open to new possibilities. This mindset can help individuals navigate unexpected challenges and ultimately lead to success.

    • Breaking down large goals into manageable tasksFocusing on the present, taking action day by day, and maintaining a positive mindset can help achieve seemingly impossible goals by breaking them down into smaller tasks

      Breaking down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks is essential for success. The speaker, who completed a 14,000-mile bike ride from Alaska to Argentina, emphasized the importance of focusing on the present and taking action day by day. He advocated for a disciplined approach, avoiding distractions, and maintaining a positive mindset. By breaking down the challenge into hourly actions, the speaker was able to stay mentally focused and make consistent progress towards his goal. This approach can be applied to various aspects of life, including business and personal challenges. The speaker's success serves as an inspiration that with determination, discipline, and a focus on the present, seemingly impossible goals can be achieved.

    • Sharing Knowledge and ExperienceSharing knowledge and experience can inspire great success and make a positive impact. Help others, especially in your expertise area, and you'll feel good and make a difference.

      Sharing knowledge and experience with others can lead to great success and inspiration. The speaker, who broke a cycling record and raised over $1.3 million, shared his advice with the next record-breaker and felt good about it. He also emphasized the importance of education and helping people, especially in the security industry where he has expertise. The speaker's actions inspired others, including notable business figures, and he continued to make a difference by helping people get out of dangerous situations in countries like Afghanistan. Despite the attention he received, he remained humble and focused on his passion for security and helping others.

    • Focusing on the 'first mile' in crisis managementEffective crisis management requires extensive ground connections and understanding cultural dynamics beyond mainstream media portrayals, with a focus on transportation and logistics from the starting point to the safety zone.

      Effective crisis management goes beyond just having a plan in place during an emergency. It's crucial to focus on the "first mile" - the transportation and logistics from the starting point to the safety zone. During a crisis in Afghanistan, this speaker was able to successfully evacuate clients from other security companies, some of whom were even uninsured. This success was due in part to the speaker's extensive ground connections, including working with the Taliban intelligence. It's important to understand cultural dynamics and ground realities rather than relying solely on mainstream media portrayals. The speaker also emphasized the importance of nuance and understanding the specific circumstances of each situation, as well as the potential consequences of well-intentioned but misguided actions.

    • Crisis Management: Planning and Execution for Evacuation PlansEffective crisis management involves having multiple contingency plans, testing them, ensuring civilian safety, and avoiding overcharging for security services.

      Effective crisis management requires thorough planning and execution, especially when it comes to evacuation plans. The speaker shares examples from various global crises, highlighting the importance of having multiple contingency plans in place, testing those plans, and ensuring the safety of civilians. He also emphasizes the need to avoid overcharging for security services, which can make it difficult for organizations to afford necessary measures. The speaker's goal is to educate and collaborate with security organizations to improve their capabilities and ensure the safety of people in crisis situations.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Transitioning Out of the MilitaryValuing one's experiences, finding a new community, addressing mental health, and providing support are crucial for veterans during their post-military life.

      Transitioning out of a long-term commitment, whether it's the military or any other career, can be a challenging experience. It's easy to look at others and think that their paths seem more exciting or fulfilling, but it's essential to appreciate and value what we have. Many people experience an identity crisis when they leave a familiar environment and must find a new tribe or community to belong to. This vulnerable period can be particularly dangerous for veterans, who may feel lost and unsure of their place in society. According to the speaker, the numbers of veteran suicides in the UK and the US are similar, despite the size difference in their militaries. The speaker emphasized the importance of providing support during this initial phase to help veterans find stability and purpose in their post-military lives. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of addressing mental health issues and suicide awareness for veterans and the general population. The statistics suggest that veterans are 1.5 times more likely to commit suicide than non-veterans, highlighting the need for continued support and resources for this population.

    • Navigating identity changes during military transitionVeterans may struggle with mental health issues due to loss of military structure and identity. Embracing new identities and understanding life's evolutions is essential for maintaining mental well-being during transitions.

      The military community provides structure and identity for its members, and the lack of it after leaving the military can make veterans vulnerable to mental health issues during the transition period. Additionally, people often struggle with accepting the evolutions in life and the eventual end of chapters, which can lead to confusion and insecurity about their identity. This is particularly challenging for veterans as they may lack civilian skills and feel intimidated by the unfamiliar world outside the military. Understanding that life is a series of evolutions and embracing new identities is crucial for maintaining mental well-being during these transitional phases.

    • Transitioning from military to corporate lifeVeterans may struggle to ask for compensation and undervalue their skills. Understanding the corporate mindset and learning to value one's worth in monetary terms is crucial.

      The transition from military to corporate life can be intimidating for veterans due to the different priorities and values. In the military, the focus is on completing the mission, and resources are provided without question. In contrast, the corporate world revolves around money and valuing one's worth. Veterans may struggle with asking for compensation and undervalue their skills and experience. My interviewee shared his personal experience of feeling vulnerable when asking for money and how his wife's support helped him navigate this challenge. He also emphasized the importance of understanding the corporate mindset and learning to value one's worth in monetary terms. The military background instills a strong sense of service and helping others, but in the business world, it's essential to recognize that there is a price tag on every service provided. Companies charge significant fees for their expertise and resources, and veterans can leverage their unique skills and experiences to command similar value in the corporate sector.

    • Recognizing and Valuing Military Skills in Civilian LifeMilitary veterans possess valuable skills and should understand business concepts, continually learn, balance responsibilities, and leverage support networks to succeed in civilian life.

      It's important to recognize and value one's worth and skills, especially during the transition from military service to civilian life. The military community possesses valuable skills that can be exploited, and it's crucial to understand business concepts like NDAs and proposals. The drive to continually learn and evolve, while balancing personal and professional responsibilities, is key to achieving success and writing one's own legacy. The speaker's accomplishments in Special Forces, humanitarian work, and entrepreneurship are sources of pride, but he remains focused on the future and the next challenge. Support networks, such as family and mentors, play a significant role in enabling individuals to reach their goals.

    • Unsung heroes and the importance of teamworkRecognizing unsung heroes and their contributions, building a strong team, and practicing humility are essential for success.

      Behind every successful person or initiative, there are unsung heroes who make things happen. These individuals often work tirelessly in the background, allowing the public figure to shine. The importance of having a strong team and recognizing each other's strengths and weaknesses cannot be overstated. Humility and teamwork are essential components of any successful endeavor. The speaker emphasized this concept through his personal experiences and the upcoming podcast he's producing, which aims to shine a light on the unsung heroes behind well-known figures. The speaker also mentioned his plans to move away from California and start a new chapter in a place where he can enjoy the outdoors and continue building his team.

    • Exposing kids to nature and community service for mental healthConnecting children with nature and community service promotes mental health and personal growth.

      Connecting with nature and giving back to the community are important ways to ground children in reality and promote mental health. The speaker shared his experience of introducing underprivileged kids to nature and how it made an impact on them. He also emphasized the importance of communication and seeking help when struggling with mental health issues. Despite living in a seemingly perfect place like Orange County, it's essential to expose kids to the realities of the world and teach them the value of giving back. The speaker's personal experiences and advocacy for mental health highlight the importance of these practices for both personal growth and community development.

    • Improving mental health through activities and cold plungesEngaging in mental health activities and cold plunges can boost happiness hormones and improve overall wellbeing. Consider incorporating cold plunges into your morning routine for potential benefits.

      Engaging in activities that improve mental health, such as talking to someone and getting active, can have a significant positive impact. Additionally, cold plunges, a form of cold immersion therapy, have been scientifically proven to increase hormones that make you feel good and happy. The speaker personally vouches for its effectiveness and encourages those struggling with mental health to consider incorporating it into their morning routine. It may require an initial investment, but the potential benefits are worth it. Follow the speaker on Instagram and Facebook (@DeansDot) or visit his website (www.dienestot.com) for more information.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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    The Truth About TRIGGERnometry Part 3
    Konstantin and Francis sit down to reflect on 2022 and discuss their hopes and plans for TRIGGERnometry in 2023. Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals! https://triggernometry.locals.com/ OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: https://www.subscribestar.com/triggernometry https://www.patreon.com/triggerpod Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ | Channel ID: UCo_8zzSxKeL3arKWVuP8wdQ Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/sign-up/ Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    S2 E7: Jay Blades: Racism, dyslexia, homelessness and severe depression: The incredible story of a TV star

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    This episode is not suitable to those under 18 and contains offensive language and sensitive topic discussions including suicide, alcoholism and mental health issues. If you are affected by anything you hear in this episode and need support please see the suggested helpline and website links below. 

    Samaritans helpline: 116 123 


