
    #514: Remembering D-Day 75 Years Later

    enJune 05, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Marking the 75th anniversary, D-Day involved 12,000 planes, 7,000 vessels, and 24,000 paratroopers.D-Day, a significant event in WWII history, required immense resources and planning, with only a few Medals of Honor and Victoria Crosses awarded.

      This operation, which marked the 75th anniversary this year, was a massive undertaking involving over 12,000 planes, 7,000 vessels, and 24,000 paratroopers. The invasion required meticulous planning and execution, with predawn missions paving the way for the larger invasion in the morning. The stories of individual men, such as Frank Lilliman, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., and Lord Lovett, add depth to the enormity of the event. Despite the high number of heroic acts performed by ordinary men placed in extraordinary circumstances, only four Medals of Honor and one Victoria Cross were awarded on D-Day. With less than 5% of the World War II generation alive today, it's crucial to celebrate their heroism and remember the importance of this day in history. As Alex Kershaw, the author of "The First Wave," emphasized, the time is running out to hear their stories firsthand.

    • The D-Day invasion: A turning point in World War IIThe D-Day invasion marked the beginning of the end of Nazi rule in Western Europe, restoring peace, democracy, and human rights.

      The D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944, was a crucial turning point in World War II. Americans had been planning to invade Europe since 1942, with the goal of liberating Western Europe from Nazi rule. Before D-Day, there had been four amphibious invasions in Europe, including Sicily and Salerno, which had tested the Allies' abilities and cost them heavily. The invasion was significant because it marked the beginning of the end of Nazi rule in Western Europe and the restoration of peace, democracy, and human rights. However, there was no certainty that the invasion would succeed, and both senior planners and generals were anxious about the outcome. Montgomery, the British senior officer in charge of ground forces, made key adjustments to the plan, but even he and Churchill and Eisenhower were not 100% confident. Despite the uncertainty, the invasion was a major push towards winning the war, as the Allies had agreed to finish off the Nazi regime before dealing with Imperial Japan.

    • Maintaining Surprise in D-Day InvasionThe D-Day invasion's success hinged on surprise against the Germans, with a deception campaign and uncertain weather conditions adding to the gamble, ultimately securing a foothold in Europe and changing the war's tide.

      The success of the D-Day invasion in 1944 hinged on maintaining the element of surprise against the Germans. The Allied forces, led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, engaged in a deception campaign to keep the Germans guessing about the invasion's location and timing. Eisenhower himself was uncertain about whether to proceed with the invasion due to unfavorable weather conditions and the potential for high casualties. The decision to invade on June 6, 1944, was a gamble that ultimately paid off, but it was far from a certainty. The scale of the operation was massive, with over 700,000 items used in the invasion, and managing and orchestrating it was a daunting task. Despite the risks, Eisenhower took the plunge and the Allied forces were able to secure a foothold in Europe, changing the tide of the war.

    • D-Day: A Risky Opportunity for LiberationThe D-Day invasion was a critical moment to free Europe from Nazi control, but its failure could have prolonged the war. Frank Lilliman and his American Pathfinder unit's role in setting up guiding lights and radars was crucial, and despite chaos, the operation ultimately succeeded, with inexperienced troops adding to the risks.

      The D-Day invasion was a significant opportunity to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control but also came with great risks. The failure of the invasion could have prolonged the war and kept Nazi Europe intact. Frank Lilliman and his American Pathfinder unit played a crucial role in the invasion by setting up guiding lights and radars for the main force of troops. Despite the chaos and disorganization, the operation ultimately succeeded, with Lilliman and his team improvising solutions when necessary. It's important to remember that the majority of the American and Canadian troops involved in the invasion were inexperienced in combat, adding to the risks and challenges faced during the operation.

    • British and American soldiers' first taste of combat on D-DayBritish officer Major John Howard led the first successful operation at Pegasus Bridge and Orne River. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., an American soldier, defied age and health issues to join the first wave at Utah Beach, demonstrating courage and commitment.

      D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history, tested the mettle of ordinary Americans and British soldiers who had never experienced combat before. Major John Howard, a British Army officer, led the Oxen Bucks, an elite unit, to seize critical bridges at Pegasus Bridge and the Orne River, marking the first successful operation of D-Day. Simultaneously, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of the rugged American president, defied his age and health issues to join the first wave of the U.S. Army 8th Infantry Regiment at Utah Beach. Both father and son saw action on this historic day, demonstrating their courage and commitment to the war effort. Despite their lack of combat experience, these soldiers played crucial roles in the success of D-Day.

    • Early chaos for airborne divisions during D-DayDespite initial disorganization, small groups of soldiers formed and grew larger, leading to organization within 48 hours. Utah Beach saw minimal casualties, while Omaha Beach was marked by carnage and confusion with high casualties.

      The D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, was marked by chaos and confusion, particularly for the airborne divisions. General Jim Gavin, Assistant Division Commander for the 82nd Airborne, described the early morning hours as disorganized, with few men to form combat units and flooded fields posing a danger to soldiers with heavy packs. Maxwell Taylor, Division Commander for the 101st Airborne, had a single private under his command during the initial 45 minutes. Despite the initial chaos, small groups of soldiers eventually formed and grew larger, leading to organization and structure within 48 hours. The amphibious assault also faced vastly different outcomes. Utah Beach saw a successful operation with minimal casualties, while Omaha Beach was marked by carnage and confusion, with over 900 Americans killed and 2,500 casualties. The first twenty minutes of the film "Saving Private Ryan" provide a vivid depiction of the deadly sector of Omaha Beach during the landing.

    • The brutal reality of Omaha BeachDespite underestimating German defenses, the Allies faced heavy resistance at Omaha Beach. British forces under Fraser, however, found success with determination and morale-boosting tactics.

      The D-Day invasion at Omaha Beach was much more brutal and unexpected than the Allied forces had anticipated. Out of one National Guard unit of 180 men who landed in the first wave, 102 were believed to have been killed, and many more were wounded. The German defenses had not been destroyed as they had been led to believe, and the men were met with heavy machine gun fire and strong points. Omar Bradley, who was overseeing the operation from sea, considered withdrawing troops due to the heavy casualties. Contrastingly, British commander Simon Fraser and his Kiefer commando unit, including piper Bill Millin, had successful raids prior to the invasion and landed at Sword Beach with confidence. Fraser, an Oxford graduate and Scottish Highland chief, led his troops with ruthless determination, even having Millin play the pipes to boost morale during the landing. Despite being badly wounded a week later, Millin survived the war and recalled the importance of the pipes during the invasion. Overall, the D-Day invasion at Omaha Beach was a bloody and unexpected battle, while the British forces under Fraser brought a sense of determination and success.

    • Bold actions of British pipers during D-DayScottish piper Lovat Million bravely tested waters, linked up forces, and shocked Germans with Allied unity and scale

      The bravery and eccentricity of British soldiers, specifically the pipers, were on full display during the D-Day invasion. Lovat Million, a Scottish piper, bravely tested the water before wading ashore while not wearing underwear, despite the extreme cold. After successfully linking up with British forces at Pegasus Bridge, Million's arrival was a crucial moment for the British, as it united the airborne and seaborn forces. The German response to the invasion was one of shock and disbelief, as they were unprepared for the size and scale of the Allied armada. Overall, the bravery and unity of the Allied forces played a significant role in the success of the D-Day invasion.

    • The Germans were caught off guard by the D-Day invasionThe D-Day invasion of Normandy took the Germans by surprise, with many soldiers unprepared and high-ranking officials underestimating its significance, but the Germans put up a fierce resistance, making for a prolonged and bloody battle

      The D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, came as a shock to many on both sides. The German soldiers on the ground were largely unprepared and unsuspecting, with many not fully committed to the fight. At the same time, Hitler and other high-ranking German officials underestimated the significance of the invasion and believed it to be a diversionary tactic. Despite the Allies' complete air supremacy, the Germans were able to regroup and put up a fierce resistance, resulting in a prolonged and bloody battle that lasted 77 days. The German army's tenacity and effective tactics made for a tough fight, even against the superior resources of the Allies.

    • The Battle for Normandy continued after D-Day with intense fighting and high casualtiesThe D-Day invasion was not an instant success, with the Allies facing strong German resistance and suffering over 120,000 casualties in the following two months.

      The success of the D-Day invasion was not assured after the initial landing on June 6, 1944. Although the Allies had landed over 170,000 troops, they faced strong German resistance and were unable to take key objectives such as the city of Caen. The battle for Normandy continued for over two months, resulting in over 100,000 Allied casualties and 20,000 American deaths. The fighting was intense, with the Germans launching numerous counter-attacks. The Battle of Normandy officially ended with the liberation of Paris on August 25, 1944. However, the Allies still had to defeat Nazi Germany, which led to battles such as the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. Despite the heroic actions of many soldiers, only four American soldiers received the Medal of Honor on D-Day, highlighting the extreme danger and difficulty of the fighting during this period.

    • Unrecognized Heroes of Omaha BeachDespite exceptional valor and leadership shown by many soldiers during the D-Day invasion, only a small number received the highest military decoration due to bureaucratic reasons and lack of documentation. Hundreds of unsung heroes deserve recognition for their courage and sacrifice.

      During the D-Day invasion at Omaha Beach, many soldiers displayed exceptional valor and leadership, yet only a small number received the highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor. Many recommendations were downgraded by distant committees, likely due to fears of over-saturation. One example is Jimmy Monteith, who was fatally wounded but received a Distinguished Service Cross despite Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower's intervention. Hundreds of soldiers should have received the Medal of Honor, as they put their lives in danger, showed great courage, and saved others. The lack of eyewitnesses and documentation due to the chaos and carnage on the beach made it difficult for these acts to be recognized and reported. The underrepresentation of awards for British soldiers was also notable. The book aims to shed light on these overlooked heroes and their stories, leaving readers with a deep appreciation for the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers on Omaha Beach.

    • Ordinary People, Extraordinary Heroism on D-DayDespite the challenges and high stakes, ordinary people can achieve remarkable feats when the mission is right

      Despite the immense challenges and high stakes, these individuals rose to the occasion and performed extraordinary acts of heroism that ultimately contributed to the Allied victory. Kershaw emphasizes that when the mission is right and the stakes are high, ordinary people can achieve remarkable feats. To learn more about Kershaw's book and his work, visit Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, or his website, AlexKershaw.com. For more resources on this topic, check out our show notes at AOM.IS/D-Day. Remember, as Brett McKay always says, it's important not only to listen to podcasts but to put what you've learned into action. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider sharing it with a friend or leaving a review on iTunes or Stitcher. And for a free month of Stitcher Premium and access to ad-free Art of Manliness podcasts, use promo code MANLYNESS at stitcherpremium.com.

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